- Author: Brian Salmon Author Record # 27589
- Language: English
- Author Tags: science fiction (1)
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Hunter of Worlds (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lebensgeister GmbH [German] (1982)
Translation: Les démoniaques de Kallioh?Les demoniaques de Kallioh[French] (1984)
Les bêtes enracinées?Les betes enracinees[French] (1983)
La cité du Vent Damné?La cite du Vent Damne[French] (1985)
- The Chasm of Doom (1987)
- The Dungeons of Torgar (1987)
La folle ruée des Akantor?La folle ruee des Akantor[French] (1987)
- Le serpent de rubis [French] (1987)
- The Magnamund Companion (1988)
- The Masters of Darkness (1988)
- The Magnamund Companion (1988)
The Empire of Fear (1988)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Interzone, #27 January-February 1989 (1989)
- Translation: Das Reich der Angst [German] (1990)
- Dreamsnake (1989)
- Brothers of Earth (1989)
- Sunfall (1990)
- The Paladin (1990)
- The Gate of Ivory (1990)
- Science Fiction Stories (1991)
- The Promise (1991)
- De tempel van Han en andere verhalen van de meester [Dutch] (1991)
- The Keeper of the Isis Light (1991)
- The Isis Pedlar (1991)
- The Guardian of Isis (1992)
- Sandwriter (1992)