- Author: Catska Ench Author Record # 27860
- Language: English
- Webpages: enchgallery.com
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Cover Art
- Unicorn Mountain (2000) with Cory Ench
- Music of the Night (2001) with Cory Ench
- Dream Factories and Radio Pictures (2001) with Cory Ench
- Numbers Don't Lie (2001) with Cory Ench
- Memories of the Future (2001) with Cory Ench
- Madouc (2002) with Cory Ench
- New Celebrations: The Adventures of Anthony Villiers (2002) with Cory Ench
Lyonesse: Suldrun's Garden (2002)
Cory Ench
also appeared as:
- Variant: Suldrun's Garden (2010)
- The Green Pearl (2002) with Cory Ench
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, October-November 2002 (2002) with Cory Ench
- The World Beyond the Hill: Science Fiction and the Quest for Transcendence (2002) with Cory Ench
- I See You with Extrasensory Eyes (2003) with Cory Ench
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, January 2004 (2004) with Cory Ench
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, August 2004 (2004)
Cory Ench
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Tribes of Bela (2004)
- A Song for Lya (2005) with Cory Ench
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May 2005 (2005) with Cory Ench
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, October-November 2005 (2005) with Cory Ench
- Wild Things (2005) with Cory Ench
- In the House of the Worm (2005) with Cory Ench
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, August 2006 (2006) with Cory Ench
- I Hope the World Can Take It (2006) with Cory Ench
- Rite of Passage (2007) with Cory Ench
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, February 2007 (2007) with Cory Ench
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March 2007 (2007)
Cory Ench
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Commons (2007)
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, December 2007 (2007) with Cory Ench
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, September 2008 (2008)
Cory Ench
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 2008 (2015)
Chalice (2008)
Cory Ench
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Chalice (2009)
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, August-September 2009 (2009) with Cory Ench
- Tails of Wonder and Imagination (2010) with Cory Ench
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, November-December 2012 (2012) with Cory Ench
- Portraits of His Children (2013) with Cory Ench
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May-June 2014 (2014) with Cory Ench
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, September-October 2015 (2015) with Cory Ench
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March-April 2018 (2018) with Cory Ench
- The Wind in His Heart (2018) with Cory Ench
- The Wind in His Heart (2018) with Cory Ench
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May/June 2019 (2019) with Cory Ench
- The Golden Thread (2020) with Cory Ench
- The Silver Glove (2020) with Cory Ench
- The Vampire Tapestry (2020) with Cory Ench
- The Bronze King (2020) with Cory Ench
- Two Hearts (2007) with Cory Ench
- [Signature Page image] (2018) with Cory Ench
- The Wind in His Heart (illustrations, endpapers/title page/signature page, slipcase) (2019) with Cory Ench