- Author: Carmel Bird Author Record # 3179
- Birthplace: Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
- Birthdate: 30 August 1940
- Language: English
- Webpages: carmelbird.com, theage.com.au, Wikipedia-EN
- Author Tags: horror (1), juvenile horror (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- The White Garden (1995)
- Cape Grimm (2005)
- The Mouth (1996)
- Cave Amantem (1985)
- A Telephone Call for Genevieve Snow (1995)
- Conservatory (1995)
- One Last Picture of Ruby-Rose (A Letter to Kevin Arnett) (1995)
- The Mouth (1996)
- The Isolation of the Deciding Factor (2003)
- Hare (2013)
- Speed Bonnie Boat (2019)
- Resurrecting Martha (2022)
- Reading in Bed (1999)
- Writer Interview: Carmel Bird (1999) by uncredited