- Author: Alice Werner Author Record # 319146
- Birthplace: Imperial Free City of Trieste, Austrian Littoral, Austria-Hungary
- Birthdate: 26 June 1859
- Deathdate: 9 June 1935
- Language: English
- Webpages: Wikipedia-EN
- Note: British (of German background) writer, poet & professor of Swahili & Bantu.
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Collections Short Fiction
An African 'Holle' Story (1933)
Bruno Gutmann
also appeared as:
- Variant: How a Girl Reached the Land of the Ghosts and Came Back (2019)
- Hlakanyana's Precocious Development and Mischievous Pranks (1933) with Rev. Canon Callaway
- Huveane Produces a Child (1933)
- Kachirambe of the Anyanja (1933) with R. S. Rattray
- Khodumodumo, or Kammapa, the Swallowing Monster (1933)
- Kwege and Bahati (1933) with M. Klamroth
Mbega, a Child of Ill Omen (1933)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Wakilindi Saga: Mbega, a Child of Ill Omen (2022)
- Out of the Mouths of Babes (1933) with J. Torrend
- Ryangombe and Binego (1933)
- The 'Haditha yar Liongo' (1933)
- The Animals and the Well (1933)
The Chameleon (1933)
Rev. Canon Callaway
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Chameleon (How Death Came into the World) (2019)
- The Children and the Zimwi (1933)
- The Devouring Pumpkin (1933)
- The Girl Who Married a Lion (1933) with Clement M. Doke
- The Hare Decides a Case (1933)
- The Hare Overcomes Both Rhino and Hippo (1933) with A. M. Dale and Edwin W. Smith
- The Hare's End (1933) with W. E. Taylor
- The Hare, the Hyena and the Pot of Beans (1933)
- The Hyena Bridegroom (1933)
- The Hyena Kills the Hare's Mother (1933)
- The Kinyamkela's Bananas (1933) with M. Klamroth
The Magic Flight (1933)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Magic Flight (abridged) (2019)
- The Man Who Would Shoot Iruwa (1933) with Bruno Gutmann
- The Name of the Tree (1933) with Clement M. Doke
- The Ogre Husband (1933)
- The Road to Heaven (1933) with Henri-A. Junod
The Roasted Guinea-fowl (1933)
C. G. Büttner?C. G. Buettneralso appeared as:
- Variant: The Hare, the Hyena and the Roasted Guinea Fowl (2019)
- The Shrew-mouse Helps the Man (1933) with Emmeline H. Dewar
- The Tale of Murile (1933) with J. Raum
- The Tale of Nyengebule (1933) with Rev. Canon Callaway
The Tortoise and the Monitor (1933)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Tortoise and the Monitor Lizard (2019)
- The Two Brothers (1933)
- The Varanus in the Tree (1933)
- The Were-wolf Husband (1933) with Bruno Gutmann
- Untombinde and the Squatting Monster (1933) with Rev. Canon Callaway