- Author: Pierce Askegren Author Record # 3381
- Legal Name: Askegren, John Pierce
- Birthplace: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
- Birthdate: 9 June 1955
- Deathdate: 29 November 2006
- Language: English
- Webpages: intoxicatedtypist.com, SFE, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names: Travis Tea
- Additional Biographical Data: Bio:Pierce Askegren
- Author Tags: superhero (3), moon (1), science fiction (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Fiction Series
- Buffyverse
- 1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Afterimage (2006)
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2 (2010) [O] with Diana G. Gallagher and Christopher Golden and Nancy Holder
- 2 Angel
- 6 P.M.: The House Where Death Stood Still (2002) [SF]
- 1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Inconstant Moon
- 1 Human Resource (2005)
- 2 Fall Girl (2005)
- 3 Exit Strategy (2006)
- Marvel metaverse
- Private Exhibition (1996) [SF]
- The Avengers and the Thunderbolts (1999)
- Doom's Day
- 2 Spider-Man and Iron Man: Sabotage (1997) with Danny Fingeroth
- 3 Spider-Man and Fantastic Four: Wreckage (1997) with Eric Fein
- Fantastic Four
- Countdown to Chaos (1998)
- Silver Surfer
- The Broken Land (1995) [SF]
- Spider-Man Universe
- Spider-Man
- Better Looting Through Modern Chemistry (1997) [SF] with John Garcia
- Spider-Man
- Traveller (RPG) Universe
- Gateway to the Stars (1998)
- Atlanta Nights (2005) with Michael Armstrong and Andrew Burt and Adam-Troy Castro and Judi B. Castro and Mary Catelli and Brenda W. Clough and Shira Daemon and Sheila Finch and Charles Coleman Finlay and Sean P. Fodera and Peter Heck and M. Turville Heitz and Deanna Hoak and Robin Hobb and Kenneth L. Houghton and Ted Kuzminski and Tina Kuzminski and James D. Macdonald and Terry McGarry and Paul Melko and Catherine Mintz and Derryl Murphy and Vera Nazarian and Teresa Nielsen Hayden and Kevin O'Donnell, Jr. and Alan Rodgers and Chuck Rothman and Sherwood Smith and Jena Snyder and Allen Steele and Victoria Strauss and Laura J. Underwood and Brook West and Danica West and Julia H. West and Rowan West [only as by Travis Tea]
- Horse Laugh (1979)
- Pitfall (1998)
- Foxy Boxer Gal Fights Giant Monster King! (2000)
- Where the Bodies Are Buried (2001)
- Try and Try Again (2007)