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Summary Bibliography: Elisabeth DeVos

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  • Author: Elisabeth DeVos Author Record # 3410
  • Birthplace: White Plains, New York, USA
  • Birthdate: 1966
  • Language: English
  • Webpages: SFE,
  • Note: Birth place from the bio in her novel The Seraphim Rising (1997); it is also mentioned on the front page of her archived site but only in 1997 and by 1998 the site was updated with a separate bio page which only mentions "New York" but does mention the year of birth which the original page did not. Novel has a blurb at the end that says "Watch for a new novel by Elisabeth DeVos coming from Roc in 1998"; it was never published. This 2007 newsletter,, which includes a photo of the author holding a copy of her novel, says "she is currently working on the second draft of a new novel."
  • Author Tags: science fiction (1), angels (1), ideology (1), drugs (1), religion (1)
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