- Author: Shawn Edrei Author Record # 356364
- Language: English
- Webpages: english.tau.ac.il, Facebook
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Visits to Aisling Glen (2015)
- The Dreams Before The Awakening (Vol. 1): Short Stories by the Students of Tel-Aviv University (2014) with Elana Gomel
Science Fiction Beyond Borders (2016)
דניאלה גורביץ׳?Daniele Gurevich[only as by Shawn Edrei and Danielle Gurevitch]
- Side Step (2014)
- 1942: Finn (2015)
- 1970: Daisy (2015)
- 1999: Jeremy (2015)
- 2386: RL-77 (2015)
- Chain Gang (2015)
- Chrysalis (2015)
- Donnie (2015)
- Dramatis Personae (2015)
- Eights of Eight (2015)
- Epilogue (2015)
- For Queens and Country (2015)
- Incarnate (2015)
- Juno, Jeanne, Jane (2015)
- Lessons in Horseback Riding (2015)
- No Such Thing (2015)
- Perfect World (2015)
- Secret Origins (2015)
- The Last House (2015)
- The Meaning of Love (2015)
- Tilting at Giants (2015)