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Fiction Series
- Argos Mythos
- 1 Archipelago (1979)
- 2
The Devil Is Dead (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il diavolo è morto [Italian] (1974)
- Great Day in the Morning (1975) [SF]
- From the Thunder Colt's Mouth (1975) [SF]
- Promontory Goats (1988) [SF]
How Many Miles to Babylon (1989) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: How Many Miles to Babylon? (1989)
- The Casey Machine (1990) [SF]
- Dotty (1990) [SF]
- Anamnesis (1992) [SF]
- More Than Melchisedech
- 1 Tales of Chicago (1992)
- 2 Tales of Midnight (1992)
- 3 Argo (1992)
- Episodes of the Argo (1990) [C]
- Coscuin Chronicles
- 1 The Flame Is Green (1971)
- 2 Half a Sky (1984)
- Institute for Impure Science
Through Other Eyes (1960) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mit anderen Augen [German] (1971)
- Translation: Met andere ogen [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Mit anderen Augen [German] (1974)
- Translation: Con Occhio Altrui [Italian] (1980)
Translation: 他人の目?たにんのめ[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Tanin no MeR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati]
What's the Name of That Town? (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hoe heette die stad ook weer? [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Wie heißt diese Stadt? [German] (1974)
- Translation: Come si chiamava quella città? [Italian] (1980)
Translation: その町の名は??そのまちのなは?[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Sono Machi no Na ha?
Sono Machi no Na wa?R・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] - Translation: Comment elle s'appelle, déjà, cette ville ? [French] (1984)
Thus We Frustrate Charlemagne (1967) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: So frustrieren wir Karl den Großen [German] (1971)
- Translation: Alzo bomen wij Karel de Grote dwars [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Comment refaire Charlemagne [French] (1972)
- Translation: La congiura contro Carlomagno [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Karl der Große, frustriert [German] (1974)
- Translation: Wir drehen am Rad der Geschichte [German] (1974)
Translation: われらかくシャルルマーニュを悩ませり?Ware-ra kaku sharurumānyu o nayamaseri[Japanese] (1979) [as by
Warera Kaku Sharurumānyu wo Nayamaseri
Warera Kaku Sharurumaanyu wo Nayamaseri
Warera Kaku Sharurumānyu o Nayamaseri
Warera Kaku Sharurumaanyu o NayamaseriR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] - Translation: I tako osujetismo Karla Velikog [Croatian] (2014)
Land of the Great Horses (1967) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Heimkehr der Heimatlosen [German] (1970)
- Translation: Het land van de grote paarden [Dutch] (1971)
- Translation: Het land van de grote paarden [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Das Land der großen Pferde [German] (1974)
- Translation: Land der großen Pferde [German] (1974)
- Translation: La terre des grands chevaux [French] (1975)
- Translation: Terra Dei Grandi Cavalli [Italian] (1980)
Translation: 巨馬の国?きょばのくに[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Kyoba no KuniR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] -
Translation: Ținutul cailor măreți?Tinutul cailor mareti[Romanian] (2013)
Arrive at Easterwine: The Autobiography of a Ktistec Machine (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Autobiographie d'une machine ktistèque [French] (1974)
Translation: Tous à Estrevin !?Tous a Estrevin ![French] (1981)
All But the Words (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tout, sauf les mots [French] (1973)
- Translation: Spreken Is zilver [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: Tout sauf les mots [French] (1984)
- Bubbles When They Burst (1971) [SF]
- Flaming Ducks and Giant Bread (1974) [SF]
- Smoe and the Implicit Clay (1976) [SF]
- Bird-Master (1983) [SF]
- All Hollow Though You Be (1985) [SF]
Through Other Eyes (1960) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Men Who Knew Everything
The All-At-Once Man (1970) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'homme-tout-à-la-fois [French] (1971)
- The Hellaceous Rocket of Harry O'Donovan (1973) [SF]
- The Two-Headed Lion of Cris Benedetti (1973) [SF]
The Ungodly Mice of Doctor Drakos (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: De goddeloze muizen van doktor Drakos [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: I Topi Sacrileghi Del Dottor Drakos [Italian] (1985)
The Wooly World of Barnaby Sheen (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: De weerbarstige wereld van Barnaby Sheen [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Un Mondo In Miniatura [Italian] (1985)
- Mud Violet (1973) [SF]
- Barnaby's Clock (1973) [SF]
Rivers of Damascus (1974) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: De rivieren van Damascus [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: I Fiumi Di Damasco [Italian] (1985)
And Read the Flesh Between the Lines (1974) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: En lees het vlees tussen de regels [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Et lire la chair entre les lignes [French] (1984)
- Translation: Il Brontolio Della Vecchia Stanza [Italian] (1985)
Animal Fair (1974) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Le congrès des créatures?Le congres des creatures[French] (1978)
Translation: Le congrès des animaux?Le congres des animaux[French] (1984)
Old Halloweens on the Guna Slopes (1975) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Oude halloweens op de Gunahellingen [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Halloween D'una Volta [Italian] (1985)
Brain Fever Season (1977) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hersenkoortsseizoen [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: La saison de la fièvre cérébrale [French] (1984)
- Translation: La Stagione Della Febbre Creativa [Italian] (1985)
St. Poleander's Eve (1979) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Am Vorabend des St. Poleander-Tages [German] (1981)
- The Funny Face Murders (1980) [SF]
And All the Skies Are Full of Fish (1980) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Et tous les cieux sont remplis de poissons [French] (1984)
- Through Elegant Eyes: Stories of Austro and the Men Who Knew Everything (1983) [C]
- What Big Tears the Dinosaur's (1983) [SF]
- Two for Four Ninety-Five (1984) [SF]
- Slippery (1985) [SF]
- Gray Ghost: A Reminiscence (1987) [SF]
The All-At-Once Man (1970) [SF]
also appeared as:
- The Collected Short Fiction (R. A. Lafferty)
- 1 The Man Who Made Models (2013) [C]
- 2 The Man with the Aura (2015) [C]
- 3 The Man Underneath (2016) [C]
- 4 The Man with the Speckled Eyes (2017) [C]
- 5 The Man Who Walked Through Cracks (2019) [C]
- 6 The Man Who Never Was (2021) [C]
- 7 Mad Man (2023) [C]
Past Master (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Maestro del passato [Italian] (1972) [as by Raphaël A. Lafferty]
- Translation: Le maître du passé [French] (1973)
- Translation: Astrobe, der goldene Planet [German] (1981)
Translation: Veliki meštar?Veliki mestar[Croatian] (2018)
Space Chantey (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De avonturen van kapitein Roodstorm [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Chants de l'espace [French] (1974)
- Translation: Salomas del espacio [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Die Odyssee des Captain Roadstrum [German] (1980)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Cantata spaziale (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1976)
The Reefs of Earth (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Bruggehoofd op Aarde [Dutch] (1971)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Le scogliere della terra (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1976)
Fourth Mansions (1969)
also appeared as:
Translation: Les quatrièmes demeures?Les quatriemes demeures[French] (1973) [as by Raphaël A. Lafferty]
Translation: Les quatrièmes demeures [French] (2010)
[as by Raphaël Aloysius Lafferty?Raphael Aloysius Lafferty]
Not to Mention Camels (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Om over kamelen maar te zwijgen [Dutch] (1978)
- The Three Armageddons of Enniscorthy Sweeney (1977)
- Where Have You Been, Sandaliotis? (1977)
- Aurelia (1982)
Annals of Klepsis (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Annales de Klepsis [French] (1985)
- Serializations:
- Translation: L'equazione Del Giorno Del Giudizio (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1984)
- Serpent's Egg (1987)
- East of Laughter (1988)
Sindbad: The 13th Voyage (1989)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
Translation: Il 13º viaggio di Sindbad (Complete Novel)?Il tredicesimo viaggio de Sindbad (Complete Novel)[Italian] (1991)
Nine Hundred Grandmothers (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Negenhonderd grootmoeders [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: 900 Grossmütter Band 1 [German] (1974)
- Translation: 900 Grossmütter Band 2 [German] (1974)
- Translation: Associazione genitori e insegnanti [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: Come Si Chiamava Quella Citta'? [Italian] (1980)
Translation: 九百人のお祖母さん?きゅうひゃくにんのおばあさん[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Kyūhyakkunin no Obaasan
Kyuuhyakkunin no ObaasanR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] - Translation: So frustrieren wir Karl den Grossen [German] (1993)
Strange Doings (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Niet pluis [Dutch] (1975)
Does Anyone Else Have Something Further to Add? (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Heeft iemand hier nog iets aan toe te voegen? [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Lieux secrets et vilains messieurs [French] (1978)
- Funnyfingers & Cabrito (1976)
Golden Gate and Other Stories (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dieci Storie Dell'altro Mondo [Italian] (1985)
- Four Stories (1983)
- Heart of Stone, Dear and Other Stories (1983)
- Laughing Kelly and Other Verses (1983)
- Snake in His Bosom and Other Stories (1983)
- The Man Who Made Models and Other Stories (1984)
Ringing Changes (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dagen van gras, dagen van stro [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: La Banda Di Barnaby Sheen [Italian] (1985)
- Le livre d'or de la science-fiction: R. A. Lafferty [French] (1984)
- Slippery and Other Stories (1985)
- Strange Skies (1988)
- The Back Door of History (1988)
- The Early Lafferty (1988)
- The Elliptical Grave (1989)
- The Early Lafferty II (1990)
- Mischief Malicious (And Murder Most Strange) (1991)
- Lafferty in Orbit (1991)
- Iron Tears (1992)
The R.A. Lafferty Fantastic MEGAPACK® (2016)
also appeared as:
- Variant: R. A. Lafferty Super Pack (2020)
- The Best of R. A. Lafferty (2019)
- Space Chantey / Pity About Earth (1968) [O/2N] with Ernest Hill
- Apocalypses (1977) [O]
- Three Great Novels: Space Chantey / Fourth Mansions / Past Master (2018) [O/3N]
- Horns on Their Heads (1976)
- My Heart Leaps Up, Chapters 1 & 2 (1986)
- My Heart Leaps Up, Chapters 3 & 4 (1987)
- My Heart Leaps Up, Chapters 5 & 6 (1987)
- My Heart Leaps Up, Chapters 7 & 8 (1988)
- Promontory Goats (1988)
- How Many Miles to Babylon (1989)
- The Elliptical Grave (1989)
- My Heart Leaps Up, Chapters 9 & 10 (1990)
- Dotty (1990)
- Grasshoppers & Wild Honey, Chapters 1 & 2 (1992)
- Anamnesis (1992)
- Sodom and Gomorrah, Texas (2007)
- The Six Fingers of Time (2010)
- Aloys (2016)
- All the People (2016)
- Dream World (2016)
- The Weirdest World (2016)
- McGonigal's Worm (2016)
- The Polite People of Pudibundia (2016)
- In the Garden (2019)
- Seven-Day Terror (2020)
- Adam Had Three Brothers (2020)
- Day of the Glacier (2020)
- Other Side of the Moon (2020)
- Saturday You Die (2020)
- The Ugly Sea (2020)
- The Wagons (2020)
- Through Other Eyes (2020)
- It's Down the Slippery Cellar Stairs (1984)
- True Believers (1989)
- Cranky Old Man from Tulsa (1990)
- Bengal Tigers
The Transcendent Tigers (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De bovennatuurlijke tijgers [Dutch] (1975)
- Enfant Terrible (1971)
The Transcendent Tigers (1964)
also appeared as:
- Habitable Worlds
Snuffles (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Snoffols [Italian] (1962)
- Translation: Snuffel [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Schnoffel [German] (1974)
- Translation: Schnoffel [German] (1974) [as by Robert A. Lafferty]
- Translation: Snuffles [Italian] (1980)
Translation: スナッフルズ?Sunaffuruzu[Japanese] (1981) [as byR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati]
- Translation: Snif-Snif [French] (1983)
- The Polite People of Pudibundia (1961)
Name of the Snake (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De naam van de slang [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Der Name der Schlange [German] (1974)
- Translation: Le nom du serpent [French] (1976)
- Translation: Il Nome Del Serpente [Italian] (1980)
Translation: 蛇の名?へびのな[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Hebi no NaR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati]
Guesting Time (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La visita [Italian] (1965)
- Translation: De bezoeking [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Besuchszeit [German] (1974)
- Translation: Besuch [German] (1974)
- Translation: Piu' Siamo Meglio Stiamo [Italian] (1980)
Translation: 千客万来?せんかくばんらい[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Senkaku BanraiR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] - Translation: Wir kommen wieder [German] (1983)
- Translation: Le temps des invités [French] (1984)
- Translation: Besökstid [Swedish] (1985)
Nine Hundred Grandmothers (1966)
also appeared as:
Translation: Neuf cents grand-mères?Neuf cents grand-meres[French] (1969)
- Translation: Negenhonderd grootmoeders [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Am Anfang war die Grossmutter [German] (1973)
- Translation: Neunhundert Großmütter [German] (1974)
- Translation: Novecento Nonne [Italian] (1980)
Translation: 九百人のお祖母さん?きゅうひゃくにんのおばあさん[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Kyūhyakkunin no Obaasan
Kyuuhyakkunin no ObaasanR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] -
Translation: Neuf cents grand-mères?Neuf cents grand-meres[French] (1984)
- Translation: 900 baka [Croatian] (1984)
- Variant: Nine-Hundred Grandmothers (2019)
The Ultimate Creature (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het opperste wezen [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: La créature idéale [French] (1978)
- Hands of the Man (1970)
World Abounding (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Monde d'abondance [French] (1974)
- Translation: Welige wereld [Dutch] (1975)
Once on Aranea (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Incident op Aranea [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: Il était une fois sur Aranéa [French] (1984)
Quiz Ship Loose (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das entflohene Forschungsschiff [German] (1981)
Thieving Bear Planet (1982)
also appeared as:
Translation: La planète Ours Voleur?La planete Ours Voleur[French] (1985)
- Pleasures and Palaces (1983)
- Camiroi
Primary Education of the Camiroi (1966)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Primary Education of the Camiroi (1968)
- Translation: Het lager onderwijs bij de Camiroi [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Die Elementarerziehung der Camiroi [German] (1974)
- Translation: Associazione Genitori e Insegnanti [Italian] (1980)
Translation: カミロイ人の初等教育?カミロイじんのしょとうきょういく[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Kamiroijin no Shotō Kyōiku
Kamiroijin no Shotou KyouikuR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati]
Polity and Custom of the Camiroi (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Regierungsform und Brauchtum der Camiroi [German] (1971)
- Translation: Staatsbestel en gebruiken van de Camiroi [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Rechtswesen, Sitten und Gebräuche der Camiroi [German] (1974)
- Translation: Leggi E Usanze Dei Camiroi [Italian] (1980)
Translation: カミロイ人の行政組織と慣習?カミロイじんのぎょうせいそしきとかんしゅう[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Kamiroijin no Gyōsei Soshiki to Kanshū
Kamiroijin no Gyousei Soshiki to KanshuuR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] - Translation: Sitten und Gebräuche der Camiroi [German] (1989)
Primary Education of the Camiroi (1966)
also appeared as:
- Paravata
- 1
Frog on the Mountain (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kikker op de berg [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Frosch auf dem Berg [German] (1974)
- Translation: Duello Sulla Montagna [Italian] (1980)
Translation: 山上の蛙?やまうえのかえる[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Yamaue no Kaeru
Sanjō no Kaeru
Sanjou no KaeruR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati]
- 2
In Outraged Stone (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: In hogelijk verontwaardigde steen [Dutch] (1979)
- 1
Frog on the Mountain (1970)
also appeared as:
Snuffles (1960)
also appeared as:
- Ithkar
- Flaming-Arrow (1985)
- The Wagons (1959)
Adam Had Three Brothers (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Adão tinha três irmãos [Portuguese] (1971)
- Translation: Adam had drie broers [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Adam avait trois frères [French] (1978)
Translation: Adam hatte drei Brüder?Adam hatte drei Brueder[German] (1980)
- Saturday You Die (1960)
- Day of the Glacier (1960)
- Other Side of the Moon (1960)
- Long Teeth (1960)
- Beautiful Dreamer (1960)
The Six Fingers of Time (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die sechs Finger der Zeit [German] (1971)
- Variant: Six Fingers of Time (1971)
- Translation: De zes vingers van de tijd [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Die sechs Finger der Zeit [German] (1974)
- Translation: Le Sei Dita Del Tempo [Italian] (1980)
Translation: 時の六本指?ときのろっぽんゆび[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Toki no Roppon YubiR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] - Translation: Les six doigts du temps [French] (1984)
- McGonigal's Worm (1960)
Try to Remember (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Versuch dich zu erinnern [German] (1982)
The Ugly Sea (1961)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O Mar é Feio [Portuguese] (1971)
- Translation: De lelijke zee [Dutch] (1975)
In the Garden (1961)
also appeared as:
- Translation: In de hof [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Dans le jardin [French] (1978)
All the People (1961)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'umanità intera [Italian] (1962)
- Translation: Alle mensen [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Alle Menschen [German] (1974)
- Translation: Quante Persone Conosci? [Italian] (1980)
Translation: 一切衆生?いっさいしゅじょう[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Issai Shujō
Issai ShujouR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] - Translation: Svi ljudi svijeta [Croatian] (1986)
The Weirdest World (1961)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un mondo selvaggio [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Monde ingrat ! [French] (1969)
- Translation: De vreemdste wereld [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Un monde singulier [French] (1978)
- Aloys (1961) also appeared as:
Rainbird (1961)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rainbird [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Rainbird [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: Uccello della pioggia [Italian] (1993)
- Translation: Rainbird [Portuguese] (2017)
Seven-Day Terror (1962)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Siedem dni strachu [Polish] (1970)
- Translation: De schrik van de zeven dagen [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Sieben Tage Terror [German] (1974)
- Translation: Terrore Di Sette Giorni [Italian] (1980)
Translation: 七日間の恐怖?なのかかんのはざま[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Nanokakan no HazamaR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] - Translation: La terreur de sept jours [French] (1984)
- Translation: Sette giorni di terrore [Italian] (1994)
Translation: Неделя ужасов?Nedelya uzhasov[Russian] (1998) [as byРафаэль Лафферти?Rafel' Lafferti]
Dream (1962)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dreamworld (1962)
- Translation: Sogno sul mondo [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Cauchemar... Cauchemar... [French] (1968)
- Translation: Droom [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: Drömvärlden [Swedish] (1984)
- Variant: Dream World (2016)
Sodom and Gomorrah, Texas (1962)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sodoma e Gomorra, Texas [Italian] (1964)
- Translation: Sodom en Gomorra, Texas [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: Sodome et Gomorrhe, Texas [French] (1975)
- Translation: Ein zweites Sodom und Gomorrah [German] (1982)
Mad Man (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'enragé [French] (1974)
- Translation: De idioot [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Fou furieux [French] (1978)
Pig in a Pokey (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Varken in een kot [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Porc piégé [French] (1978)
The Man with the Speckled Eyes (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Mann, der Haycock hieß [German] (1965)
- Translation: Pffuit ! [French] (1966)
- Translation: De man met de vonken in zijn ogen [Dutch] (1975)
Translation: Čovjek s pjegavim očima?Covjek s pjegavim ocima[Croatian] (1977)
Chovjek s pjegavim ochima
The Pani Planet (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La planète des Pani [French] (1984)
Slow Tuesday Night (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La lenta notte di martedì [Italian] (1965)
- Translation: Un soir comme un autre [French] (1968)
- Translation: Een saaie dinsdagnacht [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Langsame Dienstag-Nacht [German] (1974)
- Translation: Een Slome Dinsdagnacht [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: La Lunga Notte Di Martedì [Italian] (1980)
Translation: スロー・チューズデー・ナイト?Surō Chūzudē Naito[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Suroo Chuuzudee NaitoR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] - Translation: En seg tisdagsnatt [Swedish] (1984)
- Translation: Un Mardi soir bien calme [French] (1984)
Translation: Lînceda noapte de marți?Linceda noapte de marti[Romanian] (1989) [as by Robert A. Lafferty]
Lanceda noapte de marti - Translation: Langsame Dienstagnacht [German] (1990)
Translation: Медленная ночь со вторника на среду?Medlennaya noch' so vtornika na sridu[Russian] (1992) [as byРафаель Лафферти?Rafael' Lafferti]
In Our Block (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nel Nostro Isolato [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: In onze straat [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: In unserer Straße [German] (1974)
- Translation: Wir machen alles [German] (1976)
Translation: われらの街で?われらのまちで[Japanese] (1979) [as by
Warera no Machi deR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] -
Translation: うちの町内?うちのちょうない[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Uchi no Chōnai
Uchi no ChounaiR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] - Translation: I vårat kvarter [Swedish] (1983)
Hog-Belly Honey (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het hollebolle schatje [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Ventre de cochon [French] (1973)
- Translation: Schweinebauch Liebling [German] (1974)
- Translation: Macchina Mangiatutto [Italian] (1980)
Translation: ブタっ腹のかあちゃん?ブタっぱらのかあちゃん[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Butappara no KaachanR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati]
Golden Trabant (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gouden trabant [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: La sentinelle d'or [French] (1978)
Among the Hairy Earthmen (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mitleid? Mit Menschen? [German] (1971)
- Translation: Een school kinderen [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Onder de Behaarde Aardmensen [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: Chez les Terriens velus [French] (1983)
- Translation: Bei den haarigen Erdenmenschen [German] (1984)
Translation: Među dlakavim Zemljanima?Medu dlakavim Zemljanima[Croatian] (1984)
Narrow Valley (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O pequeno vale [Portuguese] (1970)
- Translation: Het smalle dal [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: La vallée étroite [French] (1972)
- Translation: Das enge Tal [German] (1974)
- Translation: Das schmale Tal [German] (1980)
- Translation: La Valle Stretta [Italian] (1980)
Translation: せまい谷?せまいたに[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Semai TaniR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] -
Translation: Valea îngustă?Valea ingusta[Romanian] (1991)
- Translation: Valle stretta [Italian] (2001)
The Man Who Never Was (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'uomo che non aveva mai vissuto [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Der Mann, den es nie gab [German] (1974)
- Translation: Een man die er helemaal niet was [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: L'homme qui n'avait jamais existé?L'homme qui n'avait jamais existe[French] (1983)
The Hole on the Corner (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het gat op de hoek [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Das Loch an der Ecke [German] (1972)
- Translation: Das Loch an der Ecke [German] (1974)
- Translation: Help! Help! [Italian] (1980)
Translation: 町かどの穴?まちかどのあな[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Machikado no AnaR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] - Translation: Le trou dans le coin [French] (1983)
Translation: 町かどの穴?まちかどのあな[Japanese] (2001) [as by
Machikado no AnaR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati]
Ginny Wrapped in the Sun (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ginny onder de zon [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Ginny in Sonne gewickelt [German] (1974)
- Translation: Ginny [German] (1974)
- Translation: Ginny [Italian] (1980)
Translation: 日の当たるジニー?ひのあたるジニー[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Hi no Ataru Jinī
Hi no Ataru JiniiR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati]
Camels and Dromedaries, Clem (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Zweifachen [German] (1968)
- Translation: Chameaux et dromadaires, Clem [French] (1973)
- Translation: Kamelen en dromedarissen, Clem [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: Cammelli E Dromedari, Clem [Italian] (1978)
- Translation: Camelos e dromedários, Clem [Portuguese] (1984)
Maybe Jones and the City (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Midas Jones en de stad [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Qui-Sait Jones et la cité [French] (1978)
How They Gave It Back (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hoe ze het teruggaven [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Comment ils la rendirent [French] (1978)
McGruder's Marvels (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: I Prodigi di McGruder [Italian] (1985)
One at a Time (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Een tegelijk [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Jeden Tag einzeln [German] (1972)
- Translation: Immer nur einer [German] (1974)
- Translation: Immer nur ein Tag [German] (1974)
- Translation: Uno Alla Volta [Italian] (1980)
Translation: 一期一宴?いちごいちえん[Japanese] (1981) [as by
Ichigo IchienR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati]
This Grand Carcass (1968)
also appeared as:
- Variant: This Grand Carcass Yet (1968)
- Translation: Questa grandiosa carcassa [Italian] (1970)
- Translation: Dit grandioze karkas [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Von Hand zu Hand [German] (1975)
- Translation: Toch met dat grote karkas [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: La grande carcasse [French] (1978)
- Translation: Cette grandiose carcasse [French] (1985)
Cliffs That Laughed (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De lachende rotsklippen [Dutch] (1975)
Configuration of the North Shore (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Konfiguration an der Nordküste [German] (1973)
- Translation: Configuration du rivage du Nord [French] (1976)
- Translation: Configuration du rivage septentrional [French] (1984)
Entire and Perfect Chrysolite (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das absolut vollkommene Juwel [German] (1973)
- Translation: Volmaakt en afgerond juweel [Dutch] (1975)
Translation: Parfaite et entière chrysolite?Parfaite et entiere chrysolite[French] (1976) [as byRaphaël Aloysius Lafferty?Raphael Aloysius Lafferty]
Translation: Chrysolithe entière et parfaite?Chrysolithe entiere et parfaite[French] (1984)
Ride a Tin Can (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Voyage en conserve [French] (1973)
- Translation: Genozid [German] (1973)
- Translation: Trip in blik [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: Voyage dans une boîte de conserve [French] (1984)
Continued on Next Rock (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lees verder op de volgende rots [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Fortsetzung auf dem nächsten Stein [German] (1973)
- Translation: Wordt vervolgd op de volgende steen [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: Stein auf Stein [German] (1975)
Translation: Fortsetzung auf dem nächsten Stein?Fortsetzung auf dem naechsten Stein[German] (1982)
- Translation: La suite au prochain rocher [French] (1983)
- Translation: La suite au prochain rocher [French] (1984)
- Translation: Wordt vervolgd op de volgende steen [Dutch] (1986)
- Translation: Fortsetzung auf dem nächsten Felsen [German] (1988)
Old Foot Forgot (1970)
also appeared as:
Translation: Der vergessene Fuß?Der vergessene Fuss[German] (1973)
- Translation: Oude vergeten voet [Dutch] (1979)
Translation: Vieux pied oublié?Vieux pied oublie[French] (1983)
- Translation: Pseudopodo Dimenticato [Italian] (1985)
About a Secret Crocodile (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Histoire d'un crocodile secret [French] (1972)
- Translation: Over een geheime krokodil [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: A propos d'un crocodile secret [French] (1978)
- Translation: Histoire d'un crocodile secret [French] (1984)
Condillac's Statue, or Wrens in His Head (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La Statua Di Condillac [Italian] (1985)
- The Cliff Climbers (1970)
All Pieces of a River Shore (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Todas as Partes da Margem de um Rio [Portuguese] (1973)
- Translation: Alle stukken van een rivieroever [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Tous les morceaux de la rive du fleuve [French] (1984)
Translation: 大河の千の岸辺?たいがのせんのきしべ[Japanese] (1992) [as by
Taiga no Sen no KishibeR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati]
Been a Long, Long Time (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: We zijn al heel, heel lang bezig [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Eine Sekunde der Ewigkeit [German] (1982)
- Translation: Veoma, veoma dugo [Serbian] (1990) [as by R. A. Laferty]
Interurban Queen (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De interlokale koningin [Dutch] (1979)
Translation: La fée interurbaine?La fee interurbaine[French] (1983)
- Translation: Tutti In Tram [Italian] (1985)
Nor Limestone Islands (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Noch kalksteeneilanden [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Les îles de marbre [French] (1978)
Translation: Ni les îles de calcaire qui volent dans le ciel?Ni les iles de calcaire qui volent dans le ciel[French] (1984)
Translation: また、石灰岩の島々も?また、せっかいがんのしまじまも[Japanese] (1992) [as by
Mata, Sekkaigan no Shimajima moR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati]
- Sky (1971) also appeared as:
When All the Lands Pour Out Again (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le jour où toutes les terres rejailliront [French] (1984)
The Man Underneath (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'homme-dans-le-fond [French] (1972)
- Translation: De Man van Binnen [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: De man binnenin [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: L'homme au fond [French] (1978)
Encased in Ancient Rind (1971)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Incased in Ancient Rind (1972)
- Translation: Captifs de la gangue du temps [French] (1973)
- Translation: Gevangen in het trage schild [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: Prisonniers d'une pelure ancienne [French] (1984)
- "Enfants Terribles" (1971)
Boomer Flats (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Boomer flats [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Boomer-les-Plaines [French] (1978)
- Ishmael Into the Barrens (1971)
Groaning Hinges of the World (1971)
also appeared as:
Translation: Grinçantes charnières du monde?Grincantes charnieres du monde[French] (1975)
- Translation: De knarsende scharnieren van de wereld [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Les gonds grincants du monde [French] (1978)
- Translation: Die quietschenden Türangeln der Welt [German] (1981)
Translation: 世界の蝶番はうめく?せかいのちょうつがいはうめく[Japanese] (1992) [as by
Sekai no Chōtsugai ha Umeku
Sekai no Choutsugai ha Umeku
Sekai no Chōtsugai wa Umeku
Sekai no Choutsugai wa UmekuR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati]
A Special Condition in Summit City (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Parole Parole [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Een bijzondere toestand in Summit City [Dutch] (1974)
Translation: Situation inhabituelle à Summit City?Situation inhabituelle a Summit City[French] (1983)
Eurema's Dam (1972)
also appeared as:
Translation: 愚者の楽園?ぐしゃのらくえん[Japanese] (1974) [as by
Gusha no RakuenR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafati] - Translation: Eurema en d'r ouwe moer [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Mutter der Eingebung [German] (1982)
- Translation: La mère d'Euréma [French] (1984)
Translation: La mère d'Euréma?La mere d'Eurema[French] (1985)
- Translation: Sei Miliardi Di Imbecilli [Italian] (1985)
- Translation: La madre di Eurema [Italian] (1996)
- Translation: Fiul Euremei [Romanian] (2008)
Rang Dang Kaloof (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rangle dans Kaloof [French] (1984)
- Dorg (1972) also appeared as:
- And Walk Now Gently Through the Fire (1972)
- Rogue Raft (1973)
- Symposium (1973)
Parthen (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Parthen [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Parthen [French] (1985)
- Translation: Ragazze Di Primavera [Italian] (1985)
- Ghost in the Corn Crib (1973)
- Scorner's Seat (1973)
Seven Story Dream (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De droom van zeven verhalen [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Sept histoires de rêve [French] (1978)
The World As Will and Wallpaper (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De wereld als wil en behangselpapier [Dutch] (1977)
Translation: Le monde comme volonté et revêtement mural?Le monde comme volonte et revetement mural[French] (1984)
Days of Grass, Days of Straw (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dagen van gras, dagen van stro [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Giorni D'erba, Giorni Di Paglia [Italian] (1985)
By the Seashore (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sur la plage [French] (1976)
- Translation: Strandgut [German] (1979)
- Translation: Langs de Zeekust [Dutch] (1982)
- Translation: An der Küste [German] (1987)
And Name My Name (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: En noem mijn naam [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: En noem mijn naam [Dutch] (1979)
The Man with the Aura (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Tom O'Shanty's Aura (1974)
- The Most Forgettable Story in the World (1974)
- And Mad Undancing Bears (1974)
- Royal Licorice (1974)
- Endangered Species (1974)
- Mr. Hamadryad (1974)
- Or Little Ducks Each Day (1975)
- Heart Grow Fonder (1975)
Three Shadows of the Wolf (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le Tre Ombre Del Lupo [Italian] (1975)
The Skinny People of Leptophlebo Street (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das magere Volk in der Leptophlebo Street [German] (1997)
For All Poor Folks at Picketwire (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Voor alle arme mensen vanuit Picketwire [Dutch] (1979)
- Fog in My Throat (1976)
- Horns on Their Heads (1976)
- Love Affair with Ten Thousand Springs (1976)
The Hand with One Hundred Fingers (1976)
also appeared as:
Translation: Die Hand mit den Hundert Fingern [German] (1979)
[as by Raphaël Aloysius Lafferty?Raphael Aloysius Lafferty]
Translation: Die Hand mit den Hundert Fingern [German] (1979)
[as by
Oh Tell Me Will It Freeze Tonight (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Oh Tell Me It Will Freeze Tonight (1979)
- Translation: Oh, dimmi, gelerà stanotte? [Italian] (1981)
- Cabrito (1976)
- Funnyfingers (1976)
- Assault on Fat Mountain (1976)
- Puddle on the Floor (1976)
- Berryhill (1976)
Thou Whited Wall (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Que votre mur soit blanchi [French] (1977)
- Oh, Those Trepidatious Eyes! (1977)
Fall of Pebble-Stones (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Caduta Di Ghiaia [Italian] (1985)
- Bequest of Wings (1978)
- Bright Coins in Never-Ending Stream (1978)
Selenium Ghosts of the Eighteen Seventies (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les fantômes de Sélénium des années soixante-dix [French] (1984)
- Translation: Espíritus de selenio de mil ochocientos setenta [Spanish] (1989)
- Splinters (1978)
Bright Flightways (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Helle Flugwege [German] (1981)
The Man Who Walked Through Cracks (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Mann, der durch Ritzen ging [German] (1981)
- Rainy Day in Halicarnassus (1979)
- Almost Perfect (1980)
Phoenic' (1980)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Phoenic (1980)
- The Rod and the Ring (1980)
- Lord Torpedo, Lord Gyroscope (1980)
The Forty-Seventh Island (1980)
also appeared as:
Translation: Četrdesetsedmo ostrvo?Chetrdesetsedmo ostrvo[Serbian] (1989) [as by R. A. Laferti]
Cetrdesetsedmo ostrvo
- The Only Tune That He Could Play (1980) also appeared as:
- Crocodile (1980)
- Bank and Shoal of Time (1981)
- New People (1981) also appeared as:
- In Deepest Glass (1981)
You Can't Go Back (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Es gibt kein Zurück [German] (1982)
- Translation: Je kunt niet meer terug [Dutch] (1985)
Translation: Pas de retour possible [French] (1987)
[as by Raphaël Aloysius Lafferty?Raphael Aloysius Lafferty]
Great Tom Fool or The Conundrum of the Calais Customhouse Coffers (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Große Tom Fool oder Das Geheimnis der Schatzkisten im Zollhaus von Calai [German] (1986)
Ifrit (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ifrit [French] (1983)
Square and Above Board (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Carré, loyal et fier [French] (1984)
- Translation: Das Schachbrett [German] (1984)
- Translation: Ben quadrato e senza scacco [Italian] (2015)
Calamities of the Last Pauper (1982)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Calamities of Last Pauper (1982)
Golden Gate (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Golden Gate [Italian] (1985)
- Translation: Zlatna vrata [Serbian] (1993) [as by R. A. Laferti]
- Make Sure the Eyes Are Big Enough (1982)
Marsilia V (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Marsilia V. [Italian] (1985)
One-Eyed Mocking-Bird (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Uccello-Canzonatore Con Un Occhio Solo [Italian] (1985)
This Boding Itch (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Troppo Tardi [Italian] (1985)
- Tongues of the Matagorda (1982)
- And You Did Not Wail (1983)
Company in the Wings (1983)
also appeared as:
Translation: Les gens dans les coulisses [French] (1986)
[as by Raphaël Aloysius Lafferty?Raphael Aloysius Lafferty]
Translation: Les gens dans les coulisses [French] (1986)
[as by
- Faith Sufficient (1983)
- Haruspex (1983)
- Heart of Stone, Dear (1983)
- In the Turpentine Trees (1983)
- Jack Bang's Eyes (1983)
- Posterior Analytics (1983)
- Snake in His Bosom (1983)
- The End of Outward (1983)
- The Last Astronomer (1983)
- Unique Adventure Gone (1983)
- Pine Castle (1983) also appeared as:
- I'll See It Done and Then I'll Die (1984)
- Of Laughter and the Love of Friends (1984)
- The Effigy Histories (1984)
The Ninety-Ninth Cubicle (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: 99th Cubicle (1984)
And Some in Velvet Gowns (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: En sommigen in fluwelen wambuizen [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Sei Piccoli Alieni [Italian] (1985)
Oh Whatta You Do When the Well Runs Dry? (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O wat te doen als de bron opdroogt? [Dutch] (1979)
The Doggone Highly Scientific Door (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die hondse, hoogst wetenschappelijke deur [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: La Dannata Porta Altamente Scientifica [Italian] (1985)
- The Man Who Made Models (1984)
- Ewe Lamb (1985)
- John Salt (1985)
Magazine Section (1985)
also appeared as:
Translation: Les pages magazine [French] (1986)
[as by Raphaël Aloysius Lafferty?Raphael Aloysius Lafferty]
Translation: Les pages magazine [French] (1986)
[as by
- Junkyard Thoughts (1986)
- Inventions Bright and New (1986)
- Along the San Pennatus Fault (1986)
Something Rich and Strange (1986)
also appeared as:
Translation: Sjekutići?Sjekutici[Croatian] (1987)
- Rain Mountain (1988)
Six Leagues from Lop (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sechs Meilen von Lop entfernt [German] (1982)
- Task Force Fifty-Eight and One Half (1988)
- The Story of Little Briar-Rose, a Scholarly Study (1988)
- Le Hot Sport (1988)
- The Elliptical Grave (1989)
- The Man Who Lost His Magic (1989)
- Apocryphal Passage of the Last Night of Count Finnegan on Galveston Island (1990)
- Episodes of the Argo (1990)
- Holy Woman (1990)
- Maleficent Morning (1990)
- Buckets Full of Brains (1991)
- Hound Dog's Ear (1991)
- Grasshoppers & Wild Honey, Chapters 1 & 2 (1992)
- I Don't Care Who Keeps the Cows (1994)
- Happening in Chosky Bottoms (1995)
- Goldfish (1996)
- The Emperor's Shoestrings (1997)
- There'll Always Be Another Me (2003)
- The Hand of the Potter: An Idyll (2020)
- Anastasia Demetriades (1969)
- The Sonnet of Fourteen Bells (1969)
- No Stone Unthrown (1977)
- No Stone Unthrown and Son of No Stone Unthrown (1977)
- Archipelago (1980)
- From More Than Melchisedech: Verses from an Unpublished Novel (1980)
- A Stringless-Fiddle Notion (1983)
- All in the Boundless Ocean (1983)
- Ancient Sorceries (1983)
- From Alpha World of Kaptein's Star (1983)
- Internal Doctor Harvey Lee (1983)
- Laughing Kelly (1983)
- Little Willy Verses (1983)
- Medical Malpractice Medley (1983)
- Sylvester (1983)
- Tale of a Tail (1983)
- Strangers from Beyond the Sky (1984)
- The Stranger from Beyond the Sky (1984)
- Sonnet (1985)
- Unregimented Hours (1986)
- A Thing of Else Five Heads or Three (1987)
- At the Sign of the Golden Apple (1987)
- Dark Shine (1988)
- Envoi (1988)
- Fair Hills of Ocean, Oh! (1988)
- Iron Tongue of Midnight (1988)
- More Than Melchisedech (1988)
- More Than Melchisedech (The Gadarene Swine Song) (1988)
- Oh Bloody Planks of Tyburn Prison (1988)
- R.A.L. (1988)
- The Elliptical Grave (1988)
- Thou Melchisedech (1988)
- When All The World Was Young (1988)
- Works and Days (1988)
- One Frozen Moment (1990)
- When the Music Breaks (1991)
- Afterword (Land of the Great Horses) (1967)
- That Moon Plague (1969)
- That Moon Plaque (Men on the Moon) (1969)
Review of "Asterix et Cleopatre" by Goscinny, a French Book Published for School Use Only (1970)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Astérix et Cléopâtre (2020)
- Review: Somethings Dark and Dangerous (1971)
- Review: Tales of the Natural and the Supernatural (1972)
- Review: Again Dangerous Visions (1973)
- It's Down the Slippery Cellar Stairs (1974)
- Shape of the S.F. Story (1975)
- The Shape of the Science Fiction Story (A Scholarly Study) (1975)
- How To: It's Down the Slippery Cellar Stairs (1975)
- Review: Mysteries of Time and Space (1975)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #18) (1976)
- Great Awkward Gold (1979)
- More Worlds Than One? (1979)
- Something New Under the Black Suns (1979)
- The Day After the World Ended (1979)
- The Ten Thousand Masks of the World (1979)
- The World's Narration (1979)
- For a Little Bit of Gold (1980)
- Rare Earths and Pig-Weeds (1980)
Riddle-Writers of the Isthmus (1980)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Riddle Writers of the Isthmus (2020)
- The Gathering of the Tribes (1980)
- Through the Red Fire (1980)
- Memoir (About a Secret Crocodile) (1980)
- True Believers (Prose Statement) (1980)
- True Believers (Verse Statement) (1980)
- The Case of the Moth-Eaten Magician (1981)
- Tell It Funny, Og (1984)
Introduction (Ringing Changes) (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Voorwoord (Dagen van gras, dagen van stro) [Dutch] (1979)
- ... Continuum (1984)
- untitled (The Faces of Science Fiction) (1984)
- What Works for Me: A Retrospective, Part Two (1986) with James Blish and George Alec Effinger and Charles Sheffield and Roger Zelazny
- Memoir (Nine Hundred Grandmothers) (1986)
- Review: Sioux Trail (1989)
- Review: The Last Western (1989)
- Review: The White House Transcripts (1989)
- Tolkien as Christian (1989)
- Preface (Okla Hannali) (1991)
海外作家からのメッセージ?Kaigai Sakka Kara no Messēji[Japanese] (1998) with Stephen Baxter and David Brin and Orson Scott Card and Arthur C. Clarke and William Gibson and Daniel Keyes and Ursula K. Le Guin and Anne McCaffrey and Larry Niven and Mike Resnick and Robert J. Sawyer and Robert Sheckley andБорис Стругацкий?Boris Strugatskyand Jack Vance and John Varley [only as byスティーヴン・バクスター?Sutīvun Bakusutāandデイヴィッド・ブリン?Deividdo Burinandウィリアム・ギブスン?Wiriamu Gibusunandオースン・スコット・カード?Ōsun Sukotto Kādoand
Oosun Sukotto Kaadoダニエル・キイス?Danieru Kiisuandアーサー・C・クラーク?Āsā C. KurākuandR・A・ラファティ?R. A. Rafatiandアン・マキャフリイ?An Makyafuriiandラリー・ニーヴン?Rarī Nīvunand
Rarii Niivunマイク・レズニック?Maiku Rezunikkuandアーシュラ・K・ル・グイン?Āshura K. Ru Guinand
Aashura K. Ru Guinロバート・J・ソウヤー?Robāto J. Souyāand
Robaato J. Souyaaロバート・シェクリイ?Robāto Shekuriiandボリス・ストルガツキー?Borisu Sutorugatsukīand
Borisu Sutorugatsukiiジャック・ヴァンス?Jakku Vansuandジョン・ヴァーリイ?Jon Vārii] - R. A. Lafferty's Reply to Alan Dean Foster (2015)
- How I Wrote 'Continued on Next Rock': An Afterword (2019)
- Black Holes (1984) by Jerry Pournelle
- Cautionary Tales (1984) by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
- Heroic Fantasy (1984) by Gerald W. Page and Hank Reinhardt
- Science Fiction by the Rivals of H. G. Wells (1984) by Alan K. Russell
- Stardance (1984) by Spider Robinson and Jeanne Robinson
- The Fountains of Paradise (1984) by Arthur C. Clarke
- The Very Slow Time Machine (1984) by Ian Watson
- An Interview with R. A. Lafferty (1973) by Paul Walker
- An Interview with R. A. Lafferty (1976) by Robert Whitaker Sirignano
- A Window on R. A. Lafferty (1980) by Robert Frazier
- An Interview with R. A. Lafferty (1983) by Darrell Schweitzer
- Interview met R. A. Lafferty [Dutch] (1985) by Darrell Schweitzer
- Counting Grandmothers: R.A. Lafferty (1987) by Ron Wolfe
- Maybe They Needed Killing & The Importance of Happiness (1990) by Robert Whitaker Sirignano
- An Interview with R. A. Lafferty (1991) by Tom Jackson
Non-Genre Titles
Fiction Series
- In a Green Tree
My Heart Leaps Up (1986)
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- My Heart Leaps Up (Part 1 of 5) (1986)
- My Heart Leaps Up (Part 2 of 5) (1987)
- My Heart Leaps Up (Part 3 of 5) (1987)
- My Heart Leaps Up (Part 4 of 5) (1988)
- My Heart Leaps Up (Part 5 of 5) (1990)
My Heart Leaps Up (1986)
only appeared as:
The Fall of Rome (1971)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Alaric: The Day the World Ended (1993)
Okla Hannali (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Okla Hannali [Dutch] (1977)