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Fiction Series
- Athalie
- 1 Quick Action (1914)
- 2 Athalie (1915)
- Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Robert W. Chambers
- 1 The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Robert W. Chambers: Volume 1 (2010) [C]
- 2 The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Robert W. Chambers: Volume 2 (2010) [C]
- 3 The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Robert W. Chambers: Volume 3 (2010) [C]
- 4 The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Robert W. Chambers: Volume 4 (2010) [C]
- Dick Darrel
- 1
The Purple Emperor (1897) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Purpurkaiser [German] (2002)
Translation: 紫の帝王?Murasaki no teiō[Japanese] (2013) [as by
Murasaki no teioロバート・W・チェンバース?Robāto W. Chenbāsu]
Robato W. Chenbasu
- 2
Pompe Funèbre (1897) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pompe Funèbre - Totenfeier [German] (2002)
Translation: 葬儀?Sōgi[Japanese] (2013) [as by
Sogiロバート・W・チェンバース?Robāto W. Chenbāsu]
Robato W. Chenbasu
- 3
The Messenger (1897) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Bote des Todes [German] (1974)
- Translation: Le trente-neuvième crâne [French] (1979)
- Translation: De boodschapper [Dutch] (1988)
- Translation: El mensajero [Spanish] (2000)
- Translation: Der Bote [German] (2002)
Translation: 使者?Shisha[Japanese] (2013) [as byロバート・W・チェンバース?Robāto W. Chenbāsu]
Robato W. Chenbasu
使者?Shisha[Japanese] (2013) [C] [only as byロバート・W・チェンバース?Robāto W. Chenbāsu]
Robato W. Chenbasu
- 1
The Purple Emperor (1897) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Lost Species
A Matter of Interest (1897) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- A Matter of Interest (Part 1 of 2) (1897)
- A Matter of Interest (Part 2 of 2) (1897)
The Harbour Master (1899) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Harbor-Master (1906)
- Variant: In Search of the Unknown (1971)
- Translation: Le chef de port [French] (1971)
- Translation: Em busca do desconhecido [Portuguese] (1972)
- Translation: Der Mann aus der Tiefe [German] (1975)
- Variant: The Harbour-Master (2009)
- In Quest of the Dingue (1904) [SF]
- Is the Ux Extinct? (1904) [SF]
- In Search of the Unknown (1904)
The Third Eye (1915) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Det tredje ögat [Swedish] (1979)
- Translation: El tercer ojo [Spanish] (2017)
- The Eggs of the Silver Moon (1915) [SF]
- Un Peu d'Amour (1915) [SF]
- The Ladies of the Lake (1915) [SF]
- The Immortal (1915) [SF]
- One Over (1915) [SF]
- Police!!! (1915) [C]
- In Search of the Unknown / Police!!! (2017) [O]
A Matter of Interest (1897) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Out of the Dark
- 1 Origins (1998) [C]
- 2 Diversions (1999) [C]
- Out of the Dark (2018) [C]
- The Collected Weird Fiction of Robert W. Chambers
- 1 The King in Yellow / The Mystery of Choice (2015) [O]
- 3 The Tracer of Lost Persons / The Tree of Heaven (2017) [O]
- The King in Yellow
- King in Yellow (Chambers)
In the Court of the Dragon (1895) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Court of the Dragon (1895)
- Translation: Aan het Drakenhof [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Dans la cour du dragon [French] (1976) [as by Robert William Chambers]
- Translation: Im Hof des Drachens [German] (1982)
- Translation: En la corte del dragón (En el patio del dragón) [Spanish] (2000)
- Translation: Am Hofe des Drachen [German] (2002)
- Translation: La cour du dragon [French] (2007)
- Translation: No Pátio do Dragão [Portuguese] (2014)
Translation: ドラゴン小路にて?Doragon kouji nite[Japanese] (2021) [as byロバート・W・チェンバース?Robāto W. Chenbāsu]
Robato W. Chenbasu
The Mask (1895) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le masque [French] (1973)
- Translation: Het Masker [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Le masque [French] (1976) [as by Robert William Chambers]
- Translation: La maschera [Italian] (1976) [as by Robert William Chambers]
- Translation: Die Maske [German] (1982)
- Translation: La máscara [Spanish] (2000)
- Translation: Die Maske [German] (2002)
- Translation: Le masque [French] (2007)
- Translation: A máscara [Portuguese] (2014)
Translation: 仮面?Kamen[Japanese] (2021) [as byロバート・W・チェンバース?Robāto W. Chenbāsu]
Robato W. Chenbasu
The Repairer of Reputations (1895) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Repairer of Reputations (1895) [as by R. W. Chambers]
- Translation: De Hersteller van Reputaties [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Le blanchisseur de réputations [French] (1976) [as by Robert William Chambers]
- Translation: Der Wiederhersteller des guten Rufes [German] (1982)
- Translation: Le réparateur de réputations [French] (2000)
- Translation: El reparador de reputaciones [Spanish] (2000)
- Translation: Der Wiederhersteller des guten Rufes [German] (2002)
- Translation: Le restaurateur de réputation [French] (2007)
- Translation: O reparador de reputações [Portuguese] (2014)
Translation: 名誉修繕人?Meiyo shūzen hito[Japanese] (2021) [as by
Meiyo shuzen hitoロバート・W・チェンバース?Robāto W. Chenbāsu]
Robato W. Chenbasu
- Serializations:
- The Repairer of Reputations (Part 1 of 3) (2022)
- The Repairer of Reputations (Part 2 of 3) (2022)
- The Repairer of Reputations (Part 3 of 3) (2022)
The Yellow Sign (1895) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das tödliche gelbe Zeichen [German] (1971)
- Translation: L'emblème jaune [French] (1973)
- Translation: Het Gele Teken [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: L'emblème jaune?L'embleme jaune[French] (1976) [as by Robert William Chambers]
- Translation: Das gelbe Zeichen [German] (1982)
- Translation: Il Segno Giallo [Italian] (1988) [as by Robert William Chambers]
- Translation: Le signe jaune [French] (2000)
- Translation: El signo amarillo [Spanish] (2000)
- Translation: Das Gelbe Zeichen [German] (2002)
Translation: Жълтият знак?Zhaltiyat znak[Bulgarian] (2004) [as byРобърт Чеймбърс?Robart Cheymbars]
- Translation: Le signe jaune [French] (2007)
- Translation: O Signo Amarelo [Galician] (2008)
- Translation: O Emblema Amarelo [Portuguese] (2014)
- Variant: The Yellow Sign (2016) [as by Robert Chambers (II)]
Translation: 黄の印?Ki no shirushi[Japanese] (2021) [as byロバート・W・チェンバース?Robāto W. Chenbāsu]
Robato W. Chenbasu
The King in Yellow (2017) [C]
also appeared as:
Translation: 黄衣の王?Kōi no ō[Japanese] (2021) [as by
Koi no oロバート・W・チェンバース?Robāto W. Chenbāsu]
Robato W. Chenbasu
- The King in Yellow (2024) [C]
In the Court of the Dragon (1895) [SF]
also appeared as:
- King in Yellow (Chambers)
- Westrel Keen
- Samaris (1906) [SF]
- The Tracer of Lost Persons (1906) [also as by R. W. Chambers]
- Some Ladies in Haste (1908)
- The Green Mouse (1910)
- The Gay Rebellion (1913)
- The Hidden Children (1914)
- Who Goes There! (1915)
The Dark Star (1917)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- The Dark Star (Part 2 of 10) (1916)
- The Dark Star (Part 3 of 10) (1916)
- The Dark Star (Part 4 of 10) (1916)
- The Dark Star (Part 5 of 10) (1917)
- The Dark Star (Part 6 of 10) (1917)
- The Laughing Girl (1918)
The Slayer of Souls (1920)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Slayer of Souls (2003)
- Translation: O Destruidor de Almas [Portuguese] (2021)
- Serializations:
- The Slayer of Souls (Complete Novel) (1951)
- The Little Red Foot (1921)
- The Talkers (1923)
The Way of Dionysia (1926)
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- The Way of Dionysia (Part 1 of 4) (1926)
- The Way of Dionysia (Part 2 of 4) (1926)
- The Way of Dionysia (Part 3 of 4) (1926)
- The Way of Dionysia (Part 4 of 4) (1926)
- The Rogue's Moon (1928)
- The Gold Chase (1935)
The King in Yellow (1895)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il Re in Giallo [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: De Koning in 't Geel [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: Le roi de jaune vêtu?Le roi de jaune vetu[French] (1976) [as by Robert William Chambers]
- Translation: Der gelbe Tod [German] (1982)
- Variant: The King in Yellow (1989) [as by R. W. Chambers]
- Translation: Der König in Gelb [German] (2002)
- Translation: Le roi en jaune [French] (2007)
- Translation: O Rei de Amarelo [Portuguese] (2014)
- Variant: The King in Yellow (2022) [as by Robert William Chambers]
- The Maker of Moons (1896)
The Mystery of Choice (1897)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Mysterium der Vorlieben [German] (2002)
- Smith's Battery (1898)
- The Haunts of Men (1898)
- A Young Man in a Hurry, and Other Short Stories (1904)
- The Tree of Heaven (1907)
- The Better Man (1916)
- The Mask and Other Stories (1929)
The King in Yellow and Other Horror Stories (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: El rey de amarillo [Spanish] (2000)
- The Maker of Moons (1974)
- Fantasies of Science, Romance, and the Weird: Volume 1 (2009)
- Fantasies of Science, Romance, and the Weird: Volume 2 (2009)
- The Harbor-Master: Best Weird Stories of Robert W. Chambers (2021)
- Robert W. Chambers (2023)
- The Yellow Sign and Other Stories: The Complete Weird Tales of Robert W. Chambers (2000) [O]
- Der König in Gelb [German] (2002) [O]
- The Slayer of Souls / The Maker of Moons (2014) [O]
- The Maker of Moons (1954)
- The Messenger (2004)
- A Pleasant Evening (2004)
The Yellow Sign (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O Signo Amarelo [Galician] (2008)
- The Repairer of Reputations: An Excerpt from The King in Yellow (2012)
- The Mask: An Excerpt from The King in Yellow (2012)
- Cassilda's Song (2018)
- La demoiselle d'Ys [Italian] (2020)
- Green Mouse
- Sybilla (1908)
- Drusilla and Pa-Pah (1909)
- "New York City in the 1930s" from (excerpt from The Repairer or Reputations) (1895)
Rue Barrée (1895)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rue Barrée [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Rue barrée [French] (2007)
- Translation: Rua Barrée [Portuguese] (2014)
The Demoiselle d'Ys (1895)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Freule d'Ys [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Le croquis [French] (1976) [as by Robert William Chambers]
- Translation: Das Fräulein von Ys [German] (1982)
- Translation: La Demoiselle d'Y [Spanish] (2000)
- Translation: Die Jungfer d'Ys [German] (2002)
- Translation: La demoiselle d'Ys [French] (2007)
- Translation: A Demoiselle d'Ys [Portuguese] (2014)
- Translation: La demoiselle d'Ys [Italian] (2020)
- The Green Room (1895)
The Prophets' Paradise (1895)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het Paradijs der Profeten [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Das Paradies der Propheten [German] (1982)
- Translation: Das Paradies der Propheten [German] (2002)
- Translation: Le paradis du prophète [French] (2007)
- Translation: O paraíso do profeta [Portuguese] (2014)
- Translation: El paraíso del profeta [Spanish] (2017)
The Street of Our Lady of the Fields (1895)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Straat van Onze Lieve Vrouw der Velden [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: La rue Notre-Dame des Champs [French] (2007)
- Translation: A rua de Nossa Senhora dos Campos [Portuguese] (2014)
The Street of the First Shell (1895)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Straat Waar de Eerste Granaat Insloeg [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: La rue du premier obus [French] (2007)
- Translation: A rua da primeira bomba [Portuguese] (2014)
The Street of the Four Winds (1895)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Straat der Vier Winden [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Die Straße der vier Winde [German] (1982)
- Translation: Die Straße der Vier Winde [German] (2002)
- Translation: La rue des Quatre-Vents [French] (2007)
- Translation: A rua dos Quatro Ventos [Portuguese] (2014)
- Translation: La calle de los Cuatro Vientos [Spanish] (2017)
A Pleasant Evening (1896)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Una agradable velada [Spanish] (2000)
- In the Name of the Most High (1896)
- The Black Water (1896)
- The Boy's Sister (1896)
- The Crime (1896)
The Man at the Next Table (1896)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'homme à la table voisine [French] (1998)
- The Silent Land (1896)
The Maker of Moons (1896)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il creatore di lune [Italian] (1979) [as by Robert William Chambers]
- Translation: Der Erschaffer von Monden [German] (1993)
- Translation: El hacedor de lunas [Spanish] (2000)
The Pickets (1896)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Pickets (1898)
- The Fatal Messenger (1897)
The Key to Grief (1897)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La llave del dolor [Spanish] (2000)
- Translation: Der Weg des Kummers [German] (2002)
The White Shadow (1897)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Weiße Schatten [German] (2002)
- Variant: White Shadow (2009)
Passeur (1897)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Passeur - Fährmann [German] (2002)
- Ambassador Extraordinary (1898)
- An International Affair (1898)
- Another Good Man (1898)
- Collector of the Port (1898)
- Enter the Queen (1898)
- Smith's Battery (1898)
- The God of Battles (1898)
- The Little Misery (1898)
- The Whisper (1898)
- Yo Espero (1898)
The Spirit of the North (1899)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Splendid Apparition (1973)
- In Nauvoo (1899)
- The Path-Master (1901)
- A Pilgrim (1901)
- One Man in a Million (1901)
- The Shining Band (1901)
- The Bridal Pair (1902)
- Marlitt's Shoes (1903)
- A Young Man in a Hurry (1903)
- Pasque Florida (1903)
- The Sign of Venus (1903)
- In Search of the Great Auk (1904)
- In Search of the Mammoth (1904)
- The Fire-Warden (1904)
- The Market-Hunter (1904)
The Case of Mr. Helmer (1904)
also appeared as:
Translation: Das Mädchen in Schwarz?Das Maedchen in Schwarz[German] (2014)
- Out of the Depths (1904)
- The Tree of Heaven (1904)
- The Seal of Solomon (1906)
- The Tracer of Lost Persons (excerpt) (1906)
- The Tracer of Lost Persons and the Seal of Solomon Cypher (1906)
- Ex Curia (1907)
- The Carpet of Belshazzar (1907)
- The Ghost of Chance (1907)
- The Golden Pool (1907)
- The Swastika (1907)
- The Tree of Dreams (1907)
- A Lynx Peak Pastoral (1916)
- A Nursery Tale (1916)
- Carondelet (1916)
- Down and Out (1916)
- Hell's Ashes (1916)
- Lucille's Legs (1916)
- Number Seven (1916)
- Ole Hawg (1916)
- Owl's Head (1916)
- The Better Man (1916)
- The Fire-Bird (1916)
- The Germ of Madness (1916)
- The Progress of Janet (1916)
- The Real Thing (1916)
- Wildrick's Dump (1916)
- Death Trail (1920)
- Grey Magic (1920)
- The Death of Yarghouz Khan (1920)
- The Sacrifice (1987)
The Sphyx (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les sphyx [French] (1998) [as by Robert William Chambers]
- Serializations:
- The Sphyx (Part 1 of 2) (1904)
- The Sphyx (Part 2 of 2) (1904)
Cassilda's Song (1895)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cassildas Lied [German] (2014)
- Envoi (1897)
- Introduction (The Mystery of Choice) (1897)
- Foreword (Police!!!) (1915)
- Cassildas Lied [German] (1982)
- Cassilda's Song (2020) [only as by uncredited]
- Preface (Police!!!) (1915)
The King in Yellow (1895)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Publicity Poster (1895)
- Interior Art: The King in Yellow (cover) (1895)
- Variant: The King in Yellow / The Mystery of Choice (2015)
- Le roi en jaune [French] (2014)
- Cassilda's Song (2018)
Non-Genre Titles
- The Flaming Jewel / The Talkers (2022) [O]