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Fiction Series
- Bernie Rhodenbarr
- 13 The Burglar Who Met Fredric Brown (2022)
- The Burglar Who Dropped in on Elvis (1990) [SF]
- The Burglar Takes a Cat (1994) [SF]
- A Burglar's-Eye View of Greed (2010) [SF]
- Fidel Castro Assassinated (1961) [only as by Lee Duncan]
- At Home in the Dark (2019)
- Collectibles (2021)
- I'll Love You to Death! (1958)
Make a Prison (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La prison [French] (1961)
- Translation: Construir una prisión [Spanish] (1973)
- Translation: Gör ett fängelse [Swedish] (1975)
Translation: Zatvor iz kojeg se ne može pobjeći?Zatvor iz kojeg se ne moze pobjeci[Croatian] (1977)
- Translation: Savršeni zatvor [Serbian] (1985) [as by Lorens Blok]
If This Be Madness (1963)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Folie douce [French] (1982)
- The Books Always Balance (1963)
- With a Smile for the Ending (1966)
- Sometimes They Bite (1976)
- Nothing Short of Highway Robbery (1977)
- Hot Eyes, Cold Eyes (1978)
- Life After Life (1978)
- That Kind of Day (1980)
- The Dettweiler Solution (1984)
The Boy Who Disappeared Clouds (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le petit graçon qui escamotait les nuages [French] (1985)
- No Slings, No Arrows (1986)
- How Would You Like It? (1993)
- The Tulsa Experience (1993)
- Three in the Side Pocket (1998)
- In for a Penny (1999)
- Sweet Little Hands (2001)
- Keller's Adjustment (2005)
Catch and Release (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pegar e soltar [Portuguese] (2019)
- Collecting Ackermans (2021)
- Introduction (Don't Look Behind You) (1982)
- La cas des sandwiches dansants [French] (1988)
- Introduction (Great Tales of Madness and the Macabre) (1990)
- Keeping Your Fiction Shipshape (1992)
- Where's Your Story? (1992)
- Foreword (Ten Tales) (1994)
- Introduction (Midnight Louie's Pet Detectives) (1998)
- Introduction (The Crazy Years) (2004)
- Introduction (Out There in the Darkness) (2007)
- The Curse of Amontillado (2009)
- Joe R. Lansdale (2016)
- Joyce Carol Oates (2016)
- Kris Nelscott (2016)
- Nicholas Christopher (2016) with Nicholas Christopher [only as by uncredited]
- Robert Olen Butler (2016) [only as by uncredited]
- Stephen King (2016) [only as by uncredited]
- Warren Moore (2016)
- Prologue (Subterranean Press: Bibliography 1995 - 2015) (2017)
- Introduction (The Fabulous Clipjoint) (2021)
- The Elephant in the Living Room (2021)
- Still Out on the Cutting Edge: An Interview with the Mystery Man: Lawrence Block (1995) by Adam Meyer
- A Conversation Between Lawrence Block & Robert Silverberg (2011) by uncredited (co-interviewed with Robert Silverberg)
Non-Genre Titles
In Sunlight or in Shadow: Stories Inspired by the Paintings of Edward Hopper (2016)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nighthawks: Stories nach Gemälden von Edward Hopper [German] (2017)
- Alive in Shape and Color: 17 Paintings by Great Artists and the Stories They Inspired (2017)
- Kitty Tolliver
- Clean Slate (2010)
- When This Man Dies (1964)
I Know How to Pick 'Em (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Eu sei escolhê-las [Portuguese] (2017)
Translation: Știu cum să le-agăț?Stiu cum sa le-agat[Romanian] (2017)