- Author: Gary Every Author Record # 43021
- Birthdate: 28 September 1960
- Language: English
- Webpages: garyevery.com, sites.google.com
- Author Tags: prose poem (2), mythpunk (2), shamanism (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Magazine Editor Series Chapbooks Short Fiction
- The Ghosts of Rhyolite (1997)
Monsoon and Metamorphosis (1998)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Monsoon & Metamorphosis (2002)
- The Woodpecker's Roar (1998)
- Cheshoni Storm at the House of Jose Juan (1998)
- Treemobile (1998)
- Banjo Burch and the Mocking Mice (1998)
- The Dawson Toe (1998)
- The Laxdaela Saga (1998)
- The Harp Ballad (1998)
- The Lady in Blue and the Battle of Caborca (1999)
- Stonehenge Solstice (1999)
- The Salmon Saint (1999)
- The Black Stone (1999)
- ZooDay (2000)
- Marquette and the Manitou (2000)
- Inca Butterflies (2001)
- Penance (2002)
- Ventana Cave (2003)
- The Stonecutter (2004)
- Calafia, Queen of the Amazons (2006)
- The Teopopo Bandits (2006)
- Ebuda, The Weeping Isle (2007)
- Salish Woman (2007)
- Da Vinci's Son and the Dragon's Heart (2007)
- El Morzillo (2009)
- Pooka Ride (2009)
- Raven Murder (2009)
- The Rainbow Roller Coaster Double Scream Launch (2010)
- A Brief History of Violets (2010)
- Harlot (2011)
- Hopi Deer (2011)
- Isle of Demons (2011)
- Ben Franklin and the Sky Sailors (2012)
- Rattlesnake Cave (2012)
- Cornplanter O'Bail (2013)
- Mussolini's Catfish (2014)
- Daisy Knight (2014)
- Searching for King Arthur's Grave (2014)
- Mars Curiosity (2015)
- Moon Worms (2015)
- Lewis and Clark Meet Bigfoot or Sasquatchagewea (2016)
- Sedonauts and Feathers (2016)
- The Beekeeper and the Daughters of Dionysius (2018)
- Happy Birthday (2022)
- Royal Salish Deer Hunt (2022)
- Thunderstorm at the House of Jose Juan (2022)
- White Sands Footprints (2024)
- Tadpole's Time Travel (2024)
- Baron Werewolf (2024)
- The Baron with a Thousand Cats (2024)
- Instant Icons (1995)
- Bedtime (1996)
- Love Story (1997)
- Pretty Paula (1997)
- Archaeoastronomy Étude (1997)
- Comets (1998)
- The Terror Bird Poem (1998)
- Audiology (1998)
- Zeppelin Madness (1998)
- Babylonian Gardens (2000)
- Star Frogs (2000)
- The Weather God (2000)
- The Xerces Butterfly (2000)
- Zarafe (2000)
- Ghost Dance #4 Avalanche (2000)
- Mamlambo (2001)
- Raindrop (2001)
- Frontiers (2001)
- Voyages of Discovery (2001)
- The Howl of the Grasshopper Mouse (2001)
- Meteors (2001)
- Moon Man (2001)
- Space Age Lodge (2001)
- Moon Horses (2002)
- The Hummingbird and the Sun (2002)
- The French Meteorite (2002)
- Chaco (2002)
- Capulin (2002)
- La Llorona (2002)
- Drunken Astronomers (2003)
- Childbirth Warriors (2003)
- Azurite Mine (2004)
- Colorado River Delta Blues (2004)
- Amethyst (2004)
- Huera the Witch (2004)
- Inuit Sky (2005)
- Monogamous Kings (2005)
- Mars Shadow (2005)
- Blissful Penguin Songs (2005)
- Papago War Song (2005)
- Creek Moon (2005)
- Vampire Killings (2005)
- Butterfly Laughter (2006)
- Cranes (2006)
- Da Vinci's Feathers (2006)
- Holy Fire (2006)
- Mayo Fiddler (2006)
- Red Tank Draw (2006)
- Sakhmet the Destroyer (2006)
- Tarahumara Chiles (2006)
- The Entryway (2006)
- The Vine God (2006)
- Time Flies (2006)
- Half Boat Beach (2006)
- Cyclops (2006)
- Badger Springs (2007)
- Kiowa Buffalo (2007)
- Letter to Mars (2007)
- Mayo Dead (2007)
- Vortex Sweet Tooth (2007)
- Hohokam Eclipse (2007)
- Tamarlane's Curse (2007)
- The Revenge of Princess Olga (2007)
- Soul Photos (2007)
- The Cave of Shanidar (2007)
- El Dorado (2007)
- Poyang (2007)
- Virgin Dragon Birth (2007)
- Hohokam Time Travel (2008)
- Navajo Spaceship (2008)
- Poetry II (2008)
- Pterodactyl (2008)
- Atlante's Castle (2008)
- Paquime (2008)
- Planet Broccoli (2008)
- Sourdough Space Aliens (2008)
- Lack of Time Travel (2008)
- Anasazi Angel (2009)
- Jaguar Drum (2009)
- Inca Shaman (2009)
- Initiation (2009)
- Salish Space Aliens (2009)
- White Sands Bride (2009)
- Airship (2010)
- The Dance of Demon Romance (2010)
- Moon Boat (2010)
- Burning Songs (2010)
- Moon Tickets (2010)
- Potzlam (2010)
- Red Mountain (2010)
- The Legend of Sequoia Sapling (2011)
- Navigating Venus (2011)
- Meteor Shower (2011)
- Ocean Shore (2011)
- Moon Monkeys (2011)
- Navajo Violin (2011)
- Dragon Breath Road (2011)
- Bowie Knife Babble (2011)
- Mussolini's Catfish (2011)
- Coyote Moon (2011)
- Two Moths Spinning in Her Eyes (2011)
- Astrology (2011)
- Syrinx (2012)
- Portrait of a Beautiful Young Woman on a Bookmark (2012)
- Elves and Dragonflies (2012)
- How I Would Like to Die (2012)
- Parallel Ravens (2012)
- 1492 (2012)
- Mermaid Wives (2012)
- Ogres (2013)
- The Ghost of Sarah Winchester (2013)
- A Battle in the Land of Stars (2014)
- Interview with a Robot (2014)
- Piano Waterfall (2014)
- Dog Dreams (2014)
- Chiron (2014)
- Goose Witches (2014)
- Speaking Cicada (2014)
- One Would Think (2015)
- Spider Woman Stories (2015)
- Invisible Crayons (2015)
- Literary Vampire (2015)
- The Last Space Shuttle (2015)
- A Brief History of Human Evolution (2015)
- Fabulous Pheasant Fessenjan (2015)
- Ivory-Billed Ghosts (2015)
- Nothing But Blue Skies (2016)
- History Teacher (2016)
- Winged Beings of the Necropolis (2016)
- Dinosaur Time Travel (2017)
- Mammoth Ghosts (2017)
- Thor at the Skateboard Park (2018)
- Barista Elf (2018)
- The Great Bear God (2018)
- Night Is the Day of the Moon (2018)
- Cretaceous Zoo (2018)
- The Ghost of Ozymandias (2019)
- The Cave of Glowing Skulls (2019)
- Amphibious Heavy Metal (2020)
- Cat Virus (2020)
- Fallen Angel (2020)
- Vulture Bone Flute (2020)
- Hauntless (2021)
- Anubis (2021)
- Salmon Ladder (2021)
- Dynasty (2022)
- Rainbow Bridge (2022)
- Freedoom (2022)
- The Geomancer (2022)
- Prometheus Awakens (2022)
- Columbus (2023)
- Three legged cat (2023)
- Hippo Goddess (2023)
- Bach Wrote Star Charts (2023)
- Hot Jupiter (2023)
- Tohono Creation (2023)
- Shonisaurus (2023)
- Elemental Shamanic Shuddering (2024)
- Thunder Bears (2024)
- Lycaon and the Werewolves (2024)
- Spider Dreams (2024)
- Trilobite Pendant (2024)
- A Throne of Stone and Honey (2024)
- Ventana Dreams (2009)
- Dinosaur Airport (2010)
- Editor's Introduction (Eye to the Telescope, April 2021) (2021)