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Fiction Series
- Bernhard
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No Time for Heroes [English] (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ingen plass for helter [Norwegian (Bokmal)] (unknown)
- Translation: Inga hjältar här [Swedish] (1972)
- Translation: Nije vreme za heroje [Serbian] (1980) [as by Sem Lundval]
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Uppdrag i universum (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Erobreren [Norwegian (Bokmal)] (unknown)
- Translation: Bernhard the Conqueror [English] (1973)
- Translation: Der Schrecken des Universums [German] (1975)
- Translation: Bernhards kosmische Reise [German] (1987)
- Serializations:
Translation: Bernard osvajač?Bernard osvajacs[Serbian] (1990) [as by Sem Lundval]
Bernard osvajac
- 3 Bernhards magiska sommar (1975)
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No Time for Heroes [English] (1971)
also appeared as:
Alice's World [English] (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Alices verden [Norwegian (Bokmal)] (unknown)
- Translation: Alice, Alice! [Swedish] (1974)
- Translation: Le monde d'Alice [French] (1980)
- Translation: Lumea Alisei [Romanian] (1985) [as by Sam Ludwall]
- Translation: Alices Welt [German] (1985)
King Kong Blues: En berättelse från år 2018?King Kong Blues: En beraettelse fran ar 2018(1974) also appeared as:
- Translation: 2018 A.D. or The King Kong Blues [English] (1975)
- Translation: King-Kong Blues [French] (1976)
- Translation: King Kong blues: een sf komedie [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: 2018 oder der King Kong Blues [German] (1984)
- Translation: King Kong Blues [Croatian] (2002)
- Serializations:
- Translation: King Kong Blues (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1978)
- Fängelsestaden (1978)
King Kong Blues: En berättelse från år 2018?King Kong Blues: En beraettelse fran ar 2018(1974)
- No Time for Heroes / Alice's World [English] (1971) [O/2N]
- Den fantastiska romanen
- 1 Klassisk utopi och rymdfärd från Lukianos till Edward Bellamy [English] (1972)
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Gotisk skräckromantik från Horace Walpole til H. P. Lovecraft?Gotisk skrackromantik fran Horace Walpole til H. P. Lovecraft(1973)
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Viktorianska framtidsdrömmar från Claës Lundin till H. G. Wells?Viktorianska framtidsdrommar fran Claes Lundin till H. G. Wells(1973)
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Science fiction i dag från Isaac Asimov till Robert Sheckley?Science fiction i dag fran Isaac Asimov till Robert Sheckley(1973)
- Det hände i morgon?Det hande i morgon
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Det hände i morgon?Det hande i morgon(1973)
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Det hände i morgon 2?Det hande i morgon 2(1974)
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Det hände i morgon 3?Det hande i morgon 3(1974)
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Det hände i morgon 4?Det hande i morgon 4(1975)
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Det hände i morgon 5?Det hande i morgon 5(1976)
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Det hände i morgon 6?Det hande i morgon 6(1977)
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Det hände i morgon 7?Det hande i morgon 7(1977)
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Det hände i morgon 8?Det hande i morgon 8(1978)
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Det hände i morgon 9?Det hande i morgon 9(1978)
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Det hände i morgon 10?Det hande i morgon 10(1979)
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Det hände i morgon 11?Det hande i morgon 11(1979)
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Det hände i morgon 12?Det hande i morgon 12(1980)
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Det hände i morgon 13?Det hande i morgon 13(1981)
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Det hände i morgon 14?Det hande i morgon 14(1981)
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Det hände i morgon 15?Det hande i morgon 15(1981)
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Det hände i morgon 16?Det hande i morgon 16(1982)
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Det hände i morgon 17?Det hande i morgon 17(1982)
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Det hände i morgon 18?Det hande i morgon 18(1983)
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The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction [English] (1986)
Brian W. Aldiss
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction (1986) [as by Brian Aldiss and Sam J. Lundwall]
- Translation: Antologia Internazionale di Fantascienza [Italian] (1987)
Translation: Der große Heyne World SF Omnibus?Der grosse Heyne World SF Omnibus[German] (1991)
Bibliografi över science fiction och fantasy?Bibliografi oever science fiction och fantasy(1964)
Science Fiction: What It's All About [English] (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wat is science fiction? [Dutch] (1974)
Illustrerad bibliografi över science fiction & fantasy 1741-1973?Illustrerad bibliografi oever science fiction & fantasy 1741-1973(1974) also appeared as:
Variant: Bibliografi över science fiction & fantasy 1741-1973?Bibliografi oever science fiction & fantasy 1741-1973(1984)
- Science Fiction: An Illustrated History [English] (1978)
Den första julnatten?Den foersta julnatten(1960)
- En ny dag (1962)
Den fyrdimensionella rumsmultiplikatorn (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der vierdimensionale Raummultiplikator [German] (1980)
Alltid Lady MacBeth (1975)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Lady MacBeth [Hungarian] (1977)
Nobody Here But Us Shadows [English] (1975)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Nobody Here But Us Shadows (1975) [as by Sam Lundwall]
- Translation: Ombres nous sommes [French] (1976)
Translation: Árnyak?Arnyak[Hungarian] (1977)
Aarnyak - Translation: Schatten [German] (1977) [as by Sam Lundwall]
- Translation: Nichts [German] (1979)
- Translation: Nema nikoga ovdje, osim nas sjena [Croatian] (1984)
- Godine 2018 [Serbian] (1977) [only as by Sam Lundval]
Take Me Down the River [English] (1979)
also appeared as:
Translation: La rivière au bord du monde?La riviere au bord du monde[French] (1979)
- Translation: Nimm mich mit zum Fluß hinunter [German] (1980)
- Translation: Povedi me niz rijeku [Croatian] (1986)
Time Everlasting [English] (1986)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Time Everlasting (1986) [as by Sam Lundwall]
- Translation: Immerwährende Zeit [German] (2009)
- A Moderately Dull Day in the Life of a Bored Demi-God [English] (1988) [only as by Sam Lundwall]
- Alisin svet [Serbian] (1989) [only as by Sem Lundval]
Blågula Byxan Blues?Blagula Byxan Blues(1974)
I Går, I Dag, I Morgon?I Gar, I Dag, I Morgon(1974)
- King Kong Blues I (1974)
- King Kong Blues II (1974)
- Romeo Caligulas Morgonpsalm (1974)
Vart Blåser Vinden I Natt??Vart Blaser Vinden I Natt?(1974)
- Locus Obituary
- Alvar Appeltofft Dead [English] (1976)
- Harry Martinson Dead [English] (1978)
- Roland Adlerberth [English] (1993)
- Svensk science fiction-krönika (1964)
- Letter (Locus #20) [English] (1969)
- Inledning (Stiftelsen) (1970)
- Inledning (Den segrande stiftelsen) (1971)
- Inledning (Stiftelsen och imperiet) (1971)
- Utopia [English] (1971) [only as by Sam Lundwall]
Inledning (Berättelsen om Manuel: En komedi)?Inledning (Beraettelsen om Manuel: En komedi)(1972)
- Letter to SFWA Bulletin, March 1972 [English] (1972)
Inledning (Det hände i morgon 1)?Inledning (Det haende i morgon 1)(1973)
- Inledning (Silverhingsten: En komedi) (1973)
- Inledning (Världar utan gräns) (1973)
- Writing Abroad: Sweden [English] (1973) [only as by Sam Lundwall]
- Inledning (1974)
- Inledning (Det hände i morgon 2) (1974)
Inledning (Möte med Rama)?Inledning (Moete med Rama)(1974)
- Noter (1974)
- Inledning (Sagan om trojkan / Snigeln på sluttningen) (1975)
- The Swedish Tax Crunch [English] (1976)
SF in Sweden [English] (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Science Fiction in Schweden [German] (1982)
- Campbell Memorial Award [English] (1977)
- Adventures in the Pulp Jungle [English] (1978)
- Galactic Patrol [English] (1978)
Inledning (Vrånghetens demon)?Inledning (Vranghetens demon)(1978)
- Monsters and Such [English] (1978)
- Nightmares [English] (1978)
- Origins [English] (1978)
- Robots and Mechanical Men [English] (1978)
- Science Fiction at the Crossroads [English] (1978)
- Tales from the Crypt [English] (1978)
- The Eternal Bliss Machine [English] (1978)
- The Human Angle [English] (1978)
- Second World SF Writers Conference [English] (1978)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #27) [English] (1978)
- Letter to The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, March 1976 [English] (1980)
- Letter (Locus #240) [English] (1980)
- King-Con [English] (1982)
- Inledning (Stiftelsen och tiden) (1983)
- Preface (2018 A. D. or the King Kong Blues) [English] (1984)
- Anhang (2018 oder der King Kong Blues) [German] (1984)
- Förord (Cthlhu 1) (1988)
Förord (Cthlhu 2)?Foerord (Cthlhu 2)(1988)
- An Appreciation [English] (1990)
- Isaac Asimov Appreciation [English] (1992)
- Letter (Locus #392) [English] (1993)
- John Brunner 1934 - 1995 [English] (1995)
- A Few Words About Bob Shaw [English] (1996)
- An Appreciation (Elsie Wollheim) [English] (1996)
- Letter (Ansible 138) [English] (1999)
- Letter (Locus #479) [English] (2000)
- Joan Harrison [English] (2002)
- Locus Celebrates Issue 500 [English] (2002) [only as by Sam Lundwall]
- Letter (Locus #500) [English] (2002)
- Letter (Ansible 232) [English] (2006)
- Letter (Ansible 240) [English] (2007)
- Letter (Ansible 291) [English] (2011)
- Letter (Ansible 298) [English] (2012)
- Letter (Ansible 338) [English] (2015)
- Letter (Ansible 434) [English] (2023)
Science Fiction in Sweden [English] (unknown)
only appeared as:
Translation: A science fiction Svédországban?A science fiction Svedorszagban[Hungarian] (1977)
A science fiction Sveedorszaagban
- Skandifandom (1964) by Ingvar Svensson
Cat Country [English] (1978)
Lao She?老舍
- Don't Bite the Sun [English] (1978) by Tanith Lee
- Le vingtième siècle [English] (1978) by Albert Robida
- Looking Backward, 2000-1887 [English] (1978) by Edward Bellamy
- Mushroom Men of Mars [English] (1978) by Lee Stanton
R. U. R. [English] (1978)
Karel Čapek?Karel Capek
Karel Chapek - Rendezvous with Rama [English] (1978) by Arthur C. Clarke
- The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia [English] (1978) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- The Huge Hunter; or, The Steam Man of the Prairies [English] (1978) by Edward S. Ellis
- The Lord of the Rings [English] (1978) by J. R. R. Tolkien
- Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius [English] (1978) by Jorge Luis Borges
- Utopia [English] (1978) by Thomas More
- Proboj oceanskog bedema [Croatian] (1986)
Darije Đokić?Darije Dokic
Darije Dokich