- Author: Arthur Byron Cover Author Record # 480
- Legal Name: Cover, Arthur Byron
- Birthplace: Grundy, Virginia, USA
- Birthdate: 14 January 1950
- Language: English
- Webpages: IMDB, SFE, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names: Arthur Cover, Thomas Shadwell
- Author Tags: science fiction (2), time travel (2), gamebook (2), choose your own adventure (2), superhero (2), novelization (1), 21st century (1), cyborg (1), 18th century (1), French revolution (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Fiction Series
- Buffyverse
- 1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1 (2010) [O] with Alice Henderson and John Vornholt
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Young Adult)
- 4
Night of the Living Rerun (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Herhaling van het verleden [Dutch] (2001)
- 4
Night of the Living Rerun (1998)
also appeared as:
- 1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Flash Gordon
Flash Gordon (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Flash Gordon: Guy l'Éclair [French] (1981)
Flash Gordon (1980)
also appeared as:
- Foundation Universe
- The Positronic Robot Stories
- Isaac Asimov's Robot City
- 4
Prodigy (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Prodige [French] (1990)
- Translation: Wonderkind [Dutch] (1995)
- 4.1
Isaac Asimov's Robot City 2 (2000) [O/3,4]
William F. Wu
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cyborg [French] (1990) [O]
- Translation: Cyborg / Prodige [French] (1993) [O]
- 4
Prodigy (1988)
also appeared as:
- Isaac Asimov's Robot City
- The Positronic Robot Stories
- J. Michael Straczynski's Rising Stars
- 1 Born in Fire (2002)
- 2 Ten Years After (2002)
- Planetfall (Arthur Byron Cover)
- 1 Planetfall (1988)
- 2 Stationfall (1989)
- Robert Silverberg's Time Tours
- 4 The Dinosaur Trackers (1991) with John Gregory Betancourt and Tim Sullivan [only as by Thomas Shadwell]
- The Universe of God-Like Men
- 1 Autumn Angels (1975)
- 2 The Platypus of Doom and Other Nihilists (1976) [C]
- 3 An East Wind Coming (1979)
- The Aardvark of Despair (1976) [SF]
- The Armadillo of Destruction (1976) [SF]
- The Clam of Catastrophe (1976) [SF]
- The Platypus of Doom (1976) [SF]
- Time Machine
- 6
The Rings of Saturn (1985)
also appeared as:
Translation: Pierścienie Saturna?Pierscienie Saturna[Polish] (1990)
- 10 American Revolutionary (1985)
- 14
Blade of the Guillotine (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ostrze gilotyny [Polish] (1989)
- 6
The Rings of Saturn (1985)
also appeared as:
- The Sound of Winter (1976)
- The Red Star (2003)
- Best of the New Wave (unpublished) with Harlan Ellison and Martin H. Greenberg [only as by Arthur Byron Cover and Harlan Ellison and Martin Harry Greenberg]
- Wild Cards Universe
- Wild Cards
Jesus Was an Ace (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Jesus war ein As [German] (1998)
Translation: Jésus était un as?Jesus etait un as[French] (2018)
Jesus Was an Ace (1988)
also appeared as:
- Wild Cards
- Islands and Gold (1973)
- Gee, Isn't He the Cutest Little Thing? (1973)
- In Between Then and Now (1973)
- Pelican's Claws (1973)
- My World; Things Past (1974)
- A Gross Love Story (1974)
- Message of Joy (1974)
- Lifeguard (1975)
- Galactic Gumshoe (1977)
- The Day It Rained Lizards (1977)
- An East Wind Coming (excerpt) (1979)
- Mamma's Boy (1984)
- A Murder (1991)
- The Performance of a Lifetime (1997)
- Elvis at 50 (2015)
- Dreamweaver (2017)
- Various Kinds of Conceits (2019)
- Afterword (Galactic Gumshoe) (1977)
- The Arts: Books (Omni, June 1981) (1981)
- Letter (The Patchin Review Number Three) (1982)
- The Shock of the Mundane (1982)
- Of Misery, and Guild, and Spam (1983)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, Autumn 1990) (1990) [only as by Arthur Cover]
- Cathedrals in Inner Space (The New Wave) (1990)
- Letter (Science Fiction Eye #10) (1992)
- Letter (NYRSF, January 1993) (1993)
- A Severe Case of Aesthetic Correctness, or Simply a Respectable Middle-Aged Spread? (1994)
- Golden Age SF in Hollywood (1995)
- Letter (NYRSF, November 1995) (1995)
- Twenty-Eight Stories by Twenty-Eight People: "Full Spectrum 5", edited by Jennifer Hershey, Tom Dupree, and Janna Silverstein (1996)
- Before the Golden Age (1976) by Isaac Asimov
- Curious Fragments: Jack London's Tales of Fantasy (1976) by Jack London
- Those Gentle Voices (1976) by George Alec Effinger
- The Book of Robert E. Howard (1977) by Robert E. Howard
- The Iron Man (1977) by Robert E. Howard
- The Lost Valley of Iskander (1977) by Robert E. Howard
- The Second Book of Robert E. Howard (1977) by Robert E. Howard
- The Sowers of the Thunder (1977) by Robert E. Howard
- The Vultures of Whapeton (1977) by Robert E. Howard
- Tigers of the Sea (1977) by Robert E. Howard
- Lud-in-the-Mist (1978) by Hope Mirrlees
- Splatterpunks: Extreme Horror (1991) by Paul M. Sammon
- Ecce and Old Earth (1992) by Jack Vance
- A Bridge of Years (1992) by Robert Charles Wilson
- The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Fifth Annual Collection (1992) by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
- The Year's Best Science Fiction: Tenth Annual Collection (1994) by Gardner Dozois
- The King Is Dead: Tales of Elvis Postmortem (1995) by Paul M. Sammon
- Full Spectrum 5 (1996) by Janna Silverstein and Tom Dupree and Jennifer Hershey
- Bellwether (1997) by Connie Willis
Vertex Interviews Philip K. Dick (1974)
Philip K. Dick
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Acid Truth (1974)
- Translation: Interview mit Philip K. Dick [German] (1976) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Petite discussion avec Philip K. Dick [French] (2000)
- Translation: Entretien avec Philip K. Dick [French] (2015)
- Vertex Interviews Harlan Ellison (1974) with Harlan Ellison
- Vertex Interviews Norman Spinrad (1975) with Norman Spinrad [only as by Arthur Cover]