Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Fiction Series
- Star Wars Universe
- From a Certain Point of View
- The Sith of Datawork (2017) [SF]
- Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi
The Legends of Luke Skywalker (2017)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Legenden von Luke Skywalker [German] (2017)
The Legends of Luke Skywalker (2017)
also appeared as:
- From a Certain Point of View
- The Dandelion Dynasty
- 1
The Grace of Kings (2015)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La gracia de los reyes [Spanish] (2016)
- Translation: Die Schwerter von Dara [German] (2016)
Translation: La grâce des rois?La grace des rois[French] (2018)
- 2
The Wall of Storms (2016)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Götter von Dara [German] (2018)
- 3 The Veiled Throne (2021)
- 4 Speaking Bones (2022)
- Excerpt from The Grace of Kings (2015) [SF]
- 1
The Grace of Kings (2015)
also appeared as:
La ménagerie de papier?La menagerie de papier[French] (2015)
- Mono no Aware e altre storie [Italian] (2015)
紙の動物園?かみのどうぶつえん[Japanese] (2015) [only as by
Kami no Dōbutsuen
Kami no Doubutsuenケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu -
The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories (2016)
also appeared as:
Translation: Хартиената менажерия и други разкази?Hartienata menazheriya i drugi razkazi[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
- Translation: El zoo de papel y otros relatos [Spanish] (2017)
Translation: สวนสัตว์กระดาษและเรื่องสั้นอื่นๆ?Sūan sat kradāt læ rư̄angsan ʻư̄n ʻư̄n (The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories)[Thai] (2019)
Translation: ในระลอกกาลและเรื่องสั้นอื่นๆ?Nai ralō̜k kān læ rư̄angsan ʻư̄n ʻư̄n[Thai] (2019)
Translation: Паперовий звіринець та інші оповідання?Paporoviy zvirinets' ta inshi opovidannya[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
天球の音楽?Tenkyū no ongaku[Japanese] (2017) [only as by
Tenkyuu no ongakuケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu -
生まれ変わり?うまれかわり[Japanese] (2019) [only as by
Umare Mawariケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu - Jardins de poussière [French] (2019)
The Hidden Girl and Other Stories (2020)
also appeared as:
Translation: ดรุณีเร้นเงาและเรื่องสั้นอื่นๆ?Darunī rēn ngao læ rư̄angsan ʻư̄n ʻư̄n[Thai] (2021)
- Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction in Translation
- 1
Invisible Planets: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction in Translation (2016)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Invisible Planets (2016)
- Translation: Planetas invisibles: Antología de ciencia ficción china contemporánea [Spanish] (2017)
Translation: 折りたたみ北京 現代中国SFアンソロジー?おりたたみペキン げんだいちゅうごくSFアンソロジー[Japanese] (2018) [as by
Oritatami Pekin Gendai Chūgoku SF Ansorojī
Oritatami Pekin Gendai Chuugoku SF Ansorojiiケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu
- 2
Broken Stars: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction in Translation (2019)
also appeared as:
Translation: 月の光: 現代中国SFアンソロジー?Tsuki no Hikari: Gendai Chuugoku SF Ansorojii[Japanese] (2020) [as byケン リュウ?Ken Ryū]
Ken Ryuu -
Translation: Zerbrochene Sterne: Die besten Erzählungen der chinesischen Science-Fiction?Zerbrochene Sterne: Die besten Erzaehlungen der chinesischen Science-Fiction[German] (2020)
Translation: Сломанные звезды?Slomannye zvezdy[Russian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
- Translation: Estrellas rotas: II antología de ciencia ficción china contemporánea [Spanish] (2020)
- 1
Invisible Planets: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction in Translation (2016)
also appeared as:
- L'azzeccagarbugli e il Re delle Scimmie [Italian] (2015)
- L'homme qui mit fin à l'histoire: un documentaire [French] (2016)
- The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary (2017)
2018: Hors-série?2018: Hors-serie[French] (2018)
- The Cleaners (2020)
- The Passing of the Dragon (2023)
All the Flavors (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Toutes les saveurs [French] (2021)
None Owns the Air (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: L'aria non appartiene a nessuno [Italian] (2016)
Reborn (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Rinascita [Italian] (2016)
The Regular (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Cliente abituale [Italian] (2017)
- Translation: Le regard [French] (2017)
- Maddie (Ken Liu)
- 1
The Gods Will Not Be Chained (2014)
also appeared as:
Translation: 神々は鎖に繋がれてはいない?かみがみはくさりにつながれてはいない[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Kamigami wa Kusari ni Tsunagarete wa Inai
Kamigami ha Kusari ni Tsunagarete ha Inaiケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu
- 2
The Gods Will Not Be Slain (2014)
also appeared as:
Translation: 神々は殺されはしない?かみがみはころされはしない[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Kamigami wa Korosare wa Shinai
Kamigami ha Korosare ha Shinaiケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu
- 3
The Gods Have Not Died in Vain (2015)
also appeared as:
Translation: 神々は犬死にはしない?かみがみはいぬじにはしない[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Kamigami wa Inuji ni wa Shinai
Kamigami ha Inuji ni ha Shinaiケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu
- 1
The Gods Will Not Be Chained (2014)
also appeared as:
- Oz Universe
- Oz Reimagined
- The Veiled Shanghai (2013)
- Oz Reimagined
- Carthaginian Rose (2002) also appeared as:
- Gossamer (2003)
The Algorithms for Love (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Algoritmi pentru dragoste [Romanian] (2007)
- Translation: Gli algoritmi dell'amore [Italian] (2008)
- Variant: Algorithms for Love (2012)
- Translation: Los algoritmos del amo [Spanish] (2013)
- Translation: The algorithms for love [French] (2014)
- Translation: Les algorithmes de l'amour [French] (2015)
Translation: 愛のアルゴリズム?あいのアルゴリズム[Japanese] (2015) [as by
Ai no Arugorizumuケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu - Translation: Algoritmos para el amor [Spanish] (2015)
Translation: Thuật toán tình yêu?Thuat toan tinh yeu[Vietnamese] (2020)
State Change (2004)
also appeared as:
Translation: Промяна на състоянието?Promyana na sastoyanieto[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
- Translation: Cambio de estado [Spanish] (2017)
- Translation: เปลี่ยน-แปร [Thai] (2019)
Translation: Зміна стану?Zmina stanu[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
- Beneath the Language (2007)
Single-Bit Error (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'erreur d'un seul bit [French] (2015)
Translation: 1ビットのエラー?1 Bitto no Erā[Japanese] (2015) [as by
1 Bitto no Eraaケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu - Translation: Error de bit único [Spanish] (2015)
The Literomancer (2010)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le littéromancien [French] (2013)
- Translation: Letteromante [Italian] (2014)
Translation: 文字占い師?もじうらないし[Japanese] (2015) [as by
Mojiuranaishiケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu -
Translation: Литеромант?Literomant[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
- Translation: El literomante [Spanish] (2017)
- Translation: นักเวทอักษร [Thai] (2019)
Translation: Літеромант?Literomant[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
- Hark! Listen to the Animals (2011) with Lisa Tang Liu
Tying Knots (2011)
also appeared as:
Translation: 結縄?けつじょう[Japanese] (2015) [as by
Ketsujouケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu - Translation: Atar nudos [Spanish] (2015)
- Translation: Nouer des liens [French] (2019)
- Translation: Nœuds [French] (2019)
Saving Face (2011)
Shelly Li
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sauver la face [French] (2019)
Simulacrum (2011)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Simulacre [French] (2013)
- Translation: Simulacro [Italian] (2015)
Translation: シミュラクラ?Shimyurakura[Japanese] (2016) [as byケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu -
Translation: Симулакрум?Simulakrum[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
- Translation: Simulacro [Spanish] (2017)
Translation: Симулякр?Simulyakr[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
- To the Stars (2011) with Shelly Li
The Paper Menagerie (2011)
also appeared as:
Translation: Бумажный зверинец?Bumazhnyy zverinets[Russian] (2012) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
- Translation: El zoo de papel [Spanish] (2012)
Translation: Menajeria de hârtie?Menajeria de hartie[Romanian] (2013)
Translation: 紙の動物園?かみのどうぶつえん[Japanese] (2013) [as by
Kami no Dōbutsuen
Kami no Doubutsuenケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu - Translation: La ménagerie de papier [French] (2013)
Translation: La ménagerie de papier?La menagerie de papier[French] (2015)
- Translation: Vidas de Papel [Portuguese] (2015)
Translation: Хартиената менажерия?Hartienata menazheriya[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
- Translation: El zoo de papel [Spanish] (2017)
- Translation: สวนสัตว์กระดาษ [Thai] (2019)
Translation: Паперовий звіринець?Paperoviy zvirinets'[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
- Variant: Paper Menagerie (2023)
- The Visit (2011) also appeared as:
- Ad Block (2011)
Altogether Elsewhere, Vast Herds of Reindeer (2011)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Del tutto altrove, vaste mandrie di renne [Italian] (2015)
Translation: どこかまったく別な場所でトナカイの大群が?どこかまったくべつなばしょでトナカイのたいぐんが[Japanese] (2015) [as by
Doko ka Mattaku Betsu na Basho de Tonakai no Taigun gaケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu - Translation: Ailleurs, très loin de là, de vastes troupeaux de rennes [French] (2019)
- The Caretaker (2011) also appeared as:
- The Box That Eats Memories (2011)
- Music of the Spheres (2011) also appeared as:
- Golden Years in the Paleozoic (2011)
Real Artists (2011)
also appeared as:
Translation: リアル・アーティスト?Riaru Ātisuto[Japanese] (2017) [as by
Riaru Aatisutoケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu
The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary (2011)
also appeared as:
- Translation: El hombre que puso fin a la historia: Documental [Spanish] (2013)
- Translation: L'homme qui mit fin à l'histoire: un documentaire [French] (2016)
Translation: Човекът, който сложи край на историята?Chovekat, koyto slozhi kray na istoriyata[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
Translation: Людина, яка поклала край Історії: документальна стрічка?Lyudina, yaka poklala kray Istorii: dokumental'na strichka[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
The Last Seed (2011)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La dernière semence [French] (2019)
- Life Plus Seventy (2011)
Staying Behind (2011)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Quedarse atrás [Spanish] (2012)
- Translation: Restare indietro [Italian] (2015)
- Translation: Ceux qui restent [French] (2019)
- Translation: Rester [French] (2019)
- Safe Empathy (2011)
- Necrocracy (2011)
- The Countable (2011) also appeared as:
- Cutting (2012)
Exotic Pets (2012)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Animaux exotiques [French] (2019)
Maxwell's Demon (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le démon de Maxwell [French] (2013)
- Translation: Il demone di Maxwell [Italian] (2013)
- The Five Elements of the Heart Mind (2012) also appeared as:
The People of Pele (2012)
also appeared as:
Translation: Le peuple de Pélé?Le peuple de Pele[French] (2015)
Translation: ペレの住民?ペレのじゅうみん[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Pere no Juumin
Pere no Jūminケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu
All the Flavors (2012)
also appeared as:
Translation: Всички вкусове?Vsichki vkusove[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
- Translation: Todos los sabores [Spanish] (2017)
Translation: На всі смаки. Повість про пригоди Ґуань Юя, китайського бога війни, в Америці?Na vis smaki. Povist' pro prigodi Guan' Yuya, kitays'kogo boga viyni, v Ameritsi[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
- Translation: Toutes les saveurs [French] (2021)
- To the Moon (2012) also appeared as:
Memories of My Mother (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Souvenirs de ma mère [French] (2018)
- Translation: Erinnerungen an meine Mutter [German] (2020)
- The Shadowcrafter (2012)
- Monkeys (2012)
Mono no Aware (2012)
also appeared as:
Translation: もののあはれ?Mono no Aware[Japanese] (2012) [as byケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu -
Translation: Моно-но аварэ?Mono-no avare[Russian] (2013) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
- Translation: Mono no aware [French] (2013)
- Translation: Mono no aware [Spanish] (2014)
- Translation: Mono no aware [French] (2015)
- Translation: Mono no aware [Italian] (2015)
- Translation: Mono no aware [Czech] (2015)
Translation: Моно но аваре?Mono no avare[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
Translation: Mono no aware [Ukrainian] (2020)
[as by Кен Лю?Ken Lyu]
- The Tome of Tourmaline (2012)
Ask Emily (2012)
also appeared as:
Translation: Emily vous répond?Emily vous repond[French] (2015)
- Celestial Bodies (2012)
Real Faces (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Veri volti [Italian] (2015)
- Translation: Vrais visages [French] (2019)
- The Silk Merchant (2012)
You'll Always Have the Burden with You (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le fardeau [French] (2017)
The Bookmaking Habits of Select Species (2012)
also appeared as:
Translation: Le livre chez diverses espèces?Le livre chez diverses especes[French] (2015)
Translation: 選抜宇宙種族の本づくり習性?せんばつうちゅうしゅぞくのもとづくりしゅうせい[Japanese] (2015) [as by
Senbatsu Uchū Shuzoku no Honzukuri Shūsei
Senbatsu Uchuu Shuzoku no Honzukuri Shuuseiケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu - Translation: Acerca de las costumbres de elaboración de libros en determinadas especies [Spanish] (2016)
Translation: Как някои разумни видове създават книги?Kak nyakoi razumni vidove sazdavat knigi[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
- Translation: Acerca de las costumbres de elaboración de libros en determinadas especies [Spanish] (2017)
- Translation: อุปนิสัยการทำหนังสือของสิ่งมีชีวิตบางชนิด [Thai] (2019)
Translation: Звички книготворення окремих видів?Zvichki knigotvorennya okremikh vidiv[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
Arc (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Trajectoire [French] (2015)
Translation: 円弧?アーク[Japanese] (2015) [as by
Aakuケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu
- The Message (2012)
- Summer Reading (2012)
- Drilling (2012)
- Pattern Recognition (2012)
- Always Here (2012)
Good Hunting (2012)
also appeared as:
Translation: 良い狩りを?よいかりを[Japanese] (2015) [as by
Yoi Kari wo
Yoi Kari oケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu -
Translation: Наслука?Nasluka[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
- Translation: Buena caza [Spanish] (2017)
- Translation: นักล่า [Thai] (2019)
- Translation: Bonne chasse [French] (2019)
Translation: Вдалого полювання?Vdalogo polyuvannya[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
Translation: Udanych łowów?Udanych lowow[Polish] (2022)
- The Postman (2012)
- The Tides (2012) also appeared as:
- The Messenger's Tale (2012)
- The Perfect Book (2012)
The Waves (2012)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Waves (2013)
- Translation: Les vagues [French] (2015)
Translation: 波?なみ[Japanese] (2015) [as by
Namiケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu -
Translation: Вълните?Valnite[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
- Translation: Las olas [Spanish] (2017)
- Translation: Le onde [Italian] (2019)
Translation: Хвилі?Khvili[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
The Perfect Match (2012)
also appeared as:
Translation: Faits pour être ensemble?Faits pour etre ensemble[French] (2015)
Translation: Идеалната комбинация?Idealnata kombinatsiya[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
- Translation: Como anillo al dedo [Spanish] (2017)
- Translation: อร์เฟกต์เป๊ะ [Thai] (2019)
Translation: Цілковитий збіг?Tsilkovitiy zbig[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
- Love Thy Neighbors (2012)
A Brief History of the Trans-Pacific Tunnel (2013)
also appeared as:
Translation: 太平洋横断海底トンネル小史?たいへいようおうだんかいていトンネルしょうし[Japanese] (2015) [as by
Taiheiyō Ōdan Kaitei Tonneru Shōshi
Taiheiyou Oudan Kaitei Tonneru Shoushiケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu - Translation: Une brève histoire du tunnel transpacifique [French] (2016)
Translation: Кратка история на транстихоокеанския тунел?Kratka istoriya na transtihookeanskiya tunel[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
- Translation: Breve historia del túnel transpacífico [Spanish] (2017)
Translation: Коротка історія Транстихоокеанського тунелю?Korotka istoriya Transtikhookeans'kogo tunelyu[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
- The mMod (2013)
- How Do You Know If a Fish Is Happy? (2013)
- Linger (2013)
Build-a-Dolly (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dolly, la poupée jolie [French] (2019)
The Oracle (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'oracle [French] (2015)
The Shape of Thought (2013)
also appeared as:
Translation: La forme de la pensée?La forme de la pensee[French] (2015)
Effect and Cause (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rapport d'effet à cause [French] (2019)
- Sungrazers (2013)
The Plague (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Seuche [German] (2013)
- Translation: La peste [French] (2015)
Translation: 悪疫?あくえき[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Akuekiケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu
City of Chrysanthemum (2013)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The City of Chrysanthemum (2014)
- Prosopagnosia (2013)
- Echoes in the Dark (2013) also appeared as:
The Litigation Master and the Monkey King (2013)
also appeared as:
Translation: Maestrul litigiilor și regele maimuțelor?Maestrul litigiilor si regele maimutelor[Romanian] (2015)
- Translation: L'azzeccagarbugli e il Re delle Scimmie [Italian] (2015)
Translation: Майсторът на съдебните спорове и царят на маймуните?Maystorat na sadebnite sporove i tsaryat na maymunite[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
- Translation: El maestro de litigios y el rey mono [Spanish] (2017)
- Translation: ชายเจ้าปัญญากับพญาวานร [Thai] (2019)
Translation: Майстер тяжб і Король мавп?Mayster tyazhb i Korol' mavp[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
The Litigatrix (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La plaideuse [French] (2015)
Nova Verba, Mundus Novus (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nova verba, mundus novus [French] (2015)
The Call of the Pancake Factory (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La llamada de La Compañía de las Tortitas [Spanish] (2014)
The Journal (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le journal intime [French] (2015)
Ghost Days (2013)
also appeared as:
Translation: ゴースト・デイズ?Gōsuto Deizu[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Goosuto Deizuケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu - Translation: Jours fantômes [French] (2019)
The MSG Golem (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le golem au GMS [French] (2015)
Translation: 化学調味料ゴーレム?かがくちょうみりょうゴーレム[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Kagaku Choumiryou Gooremu
Kagaku Chōmiryō Gōremuケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu
- Here-and-Now (2013)
Before and After (2013)
also appeared as:
Translation: Avant et après?Avant et apres[French] (2015)
- The Clockwork Soldier (2014)
- Second Chance (2014)
Reborn (2014)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Reborn (2014)
- Translation: Renaissance [French] (2015)
- Translation: Rinascita [Italian] (2016)
Translation: 生まれ変わり?うまれかわり[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Umare Mawariケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu
None Owns the Air (2014)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'aria non appartiene a nessuno [Italian] (2016)
- Translation: Nul ne possède les cieux [French] (2019)
What Is Expected of a Wedding Host (2014)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ce qu'on attend d'un organisateur de mariage [French] (2019)
The Plantimal (2014)
Mike Resnick
also appeared as:
- Translation: Biljkotinja [Croatian] (2016)
- The Ten Suns (2014)
- Event Cloak (2014) also appeared as:
結草銜環 (Knotting Grass, Holding Ring)?Jiécǎo xián huán (Knotting Grass, Holding Ring)(2014)
Jiecao xian huan (Knotting Grass, Holding Ring) - What I Assume You Shall Assume (2014)
- In the Loop (2014)
- Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon (2014)
Homo Floresiensis (2014)
also appeared as:
Translation: ホモ・フローレシエンシス?Homo Furōreshienshisu[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Homo Furooreshienshisuケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu
Running Shoes (2014)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Chaussures de course [French] (2015)
- Translation: Laufschuhe [German] (2016)
Translation: ランニング・シューズ?Ranningu Shūzu[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Ranningu Shuuzuケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu
The Regular (2014)
also appeared as:
Translation: Редовен клиент?Redoven klient[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
- Translation: Cliente abituale [Italian] (2017)
- Translation: Regulada [Spanish] (2017)
- Translation: Le regard [French] (2017)
- Translation: สถานะปกติ [Thai] (2019)
Translation: Постійний клієнт?Postiyniy klient[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
- The Regular (excerpt) (2014)
- The Ussuri Bear (2014)
- Presence (2014)
The Long Haul: From the ANNALS OF TRANSPORTATION, The Pacific Monthly, May 2009 (2014)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Long courrier [French] (2015)
- Variant: The Long Haul, from The Annals of Transportation, The Pacific Monthly, May 2009 (2015)
- Translation: Long-courrier [French] (2019)
- Saboteur (2014)
The Dust Garden (2014)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le jardin de poussière [French] (2019)
- Cassandra (2015)
- Grace of Kings (excerpt) (2015)
- The Grace of Kings (excerpt) (2015)
- All the Flavors (excerpt) (2015)
- Crystal (2015)
- Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 (2015)
- Compatibility (2015)
- White Hempen Sleeves (2016)
- The Wall of Storms (excerpt) (2016)
An Advanced Readers' Picture Book of Comparative Cognition (2016)
also appeared as:
Translation: Илюстрована книга по сравнително познание за напреднали читатели?Ilyustrovana kniga po sravnitelno poznanie za naprednali chitateli[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
- Translation: Manual comparativo ilustrado de sistemas cognitivos para lectores avanzados [Spanish] (2017)
- Translation: Imagier de cognition comparative pour lecteur avancé [French] (2019)
Translation: Ілюстрована книга з порівняльного пізнання для просунутих читачів?Ilyustrovana kniga z porivnyal'nogo piznannya dlya prosunutikh chitachiv[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
- The Snow Train (2016)
Dispatches from the Cradle: The Hermit - Forty-Eight Hours in the Sea of Massachusetts (2016)
also appeared as:
Translation: 揺り籠からの特報:隠遁者──マサチューセッツ海での四十八時間?ゆりかごからのとくほう:いんとんしゃ──マサチューセッツかいでのよんじゅうはちじかん[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Yurikago kara no Tokuhou: Intonsha: Masachuusettsu-kai no Yonjuu Hachi Jikan
Yurikago kara no Tokuhō: Intonsha: Masachūsettsu-kai no Yonjū Hachi Jikanケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu - Translation: Messages du Berceau : L'ermite – Quarante-huit heures dans la mer du Massachusetts [French] (2019)
Seven Birthdays (2016)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sept anniversaires [French] (2018)
Translation: 七度の誕生日?しちどのたんじょうび[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Shichido no Tanjoubi
Shichido no Tanjōbiケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu
關於活書起源的一個簡略、 不精確但卻真實的紀錄?Guānyú huó shū qǐyuán de yīgè jiǎnlüè, bù jīngquè dàn què zhēnshí de jìlù[Chinese] (2016) also appeared as:
- Translation: A Brief and Inaccurate But True Account of the Origin of Living Books [English] (2016)
Translation: 生きている本の起源に関する、短くて不確かだが本当の話?いきているほんのきげんにかんする、みじくてふたしかだがほんとうのはなし[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Ikiteiru Hon no Kigen ni Kansuru, Mijikute Futashi ka Daga Hontou no Hanashi
Ikiteiru Hon no Kigen ni Kansuru, Mijikute Futashi ka Daga Hontō no Hanashiケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu
追跡?Tsuiseki[Japanese] (2017) [only as byケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu -
遊糸?Yūshi[Japanese] (2017) [only as by
Yuushiケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu - Ticket (2017)
- An Open Letter to the Sentient AI Who Has Announced Its Intention to Take Over the Earth (2017)
The Hidden Girl (2017)
also appeared as:
Translation: 隠娘?いんこ[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Injōケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu - Translation: La fille cachée [French] (2019)
Quality Time (2018)
also appeared as:
Translation: Moments privilégiés?Moments privilegies[French] (2019)
Cosmic Spring (2018)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Printemps cosmique [French] (2019)
Byzantine Empathy (2018)
also appeared as:
Translation: ビザンチン・エンパシー?Bizanchin Enpashī[Japanese] (2019) [as by
Bizanchin Enpashiiケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu - Translation: Empathie byzantine [French] (2019)
- Translation: Empatia bizantina [Italian] (2020)
- Translation: Empatia bizantina [Portuguese] (2023)
旅の途中で?Tabi no tochū de[Japanese] (2018) [only as by劉宇昆?Liu Yu-kun]
- The Explainer (2018)
- The Trustless (2018)
Thoughts and Prayers (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pensées et prières [French] (2020)
- Love's Mirror (2019)
- Shanghai in 48 Hours (2019)
- BookSavr (2019)
- Uma (2020)
- A Chase Beyond the Storms (2020)
- Grey Rabbit, Crimson Mare, Coal Leopard (2020)
- Idols (2020)
A Whisper of Blue (2020)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un Susurro Azul [Spanish] (2022)
- 50 Things Every AI Working with Humans Should Know (2020)
- The Cleaners (2020)
- Jaunt (2021)
- Timekeepers' Symphony (2022)
Collaboration? (2023)
Caroline M. Yoachim
also appeared as:
- Variant: Collaboration? [2] (2024)
- Variant: Collaboration? [3] (2024)
- Good Spells (2023)
- The Passing of the Dragon (2023)
- Good Stories (2023)
- The Mesozoic Tour Guide (2011)
- Sonnet 20: From Nikola Tesla's Clockwork Assistant to Thomas Edison's Automaton (2012)
- About the Story (Single – Bit Error) (2012)
- Gathered in Translation (2013)
- Translator's Postscript (The Three-Body Problem) (2014)
- An Introduction to Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction (in Translation) (2014)
Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction (2014)
also appeared as:
- Translation: China träumt: Zeitgenössische chinesische Science Fiction [German] (2015)
- Introduction (Explaining Cthulhu to Grandma and Other Stories) (2015)
Avant-propos (La ménagerie de papier)?Avant-propos (La menagerie de papier)[French] (2015)
- Another Word: It's Good to Be Lazy and Foolish (2015)
- Another Word: Let's Write a Story Together, MacBook (2016)
Preface (The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories) (2016)
also appeared as:
Translation: Предговор (Хартиената менажерия и други разкази)?Predgovor (Hartienata menazheriya i drugi razkazi)[Bulgarian] (2017) [as byКен Лиу?Ken Liu]
- Translation: Prefacio (El zoo de papel y otros relatos) [Spanish] (2017)
Translation: Передмова (Паперовий звіринець та інші оповідання)?Peredmova (Paperoviy zvirinets' ta inshi opovidannya)[Ukrainian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
- You Don't Have to Write Autobiography (2016)
- A Brief Note from the Translator (Death's End) (2016)
- Translator's Postscript (Death's End) (2016)
- Was eigentlich übersetzt gehört ...! [German] (2016)
- A Note on Pronunciation (The Wall of Storms) (2016)
- Glossary (The Wall of Storms) (2016)
- List of Major Characters (The Wall of Storms) (2016)
- Chen Qiufan (2016)
- Cheng Jingbo (2016)
Hao Jingfang (2016)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hao Jingfang [German] (2020)
Introduction: China Dreams (2016)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sueños de China [Spanish] (2017)
Translation: 序文: 中国の夢?じょぶん: ちゅうごくのゆめ[Japanese] (2018) [as by
Jobun: Chūgoku no Yume
Jobun: Chuugoku no Yumeケン・リュウ?Ken ryū]
Ken ryuu
- Liu Cixin (2016)
- Ma Boyong (2016)
- Tang Fei (2016)
- Xia Jia (2016)
- Another Word: The Joy of Helping (2016)
- Author's Note (The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary) (2017)
Anna Wu (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Anna Wu [German] (2020)
Baoshu (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Baoshu [German] (2020)
Chen Qiufan (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Qiufan Chen [German] (2020)
Cheng Jingbo (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cheng Jingbo [German] (2020)
Fei Dao (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fei Dao [German] (2020)
Gu Shi (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gu Shi [German] (2020)
Han Song (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Han Song [German] (2020)
Introduction (Broken Stars: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction in Translation) (2019)
also appeared as:
Translation: Einleitung (Zerbrochene Sterne: Die besten Erzählungen der chinesischen Science-Fiction)?Einleitung (Zerbrochene Sterne: Die besten Erzaehlungen der chinesischen Science-Fiction)[German] (2020)
Translation: Вступление (Сломанные звезды)?Vstuplenie (Slomannye zvezdy)[Russian] (2020) [as byКен Лю?Ken Lyu]
Liu Cixin (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cixin Liu [German] (2020)
Ma Boyong (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ma Boyong [German] (2020)
Regina Kanyu Wang (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Regina Kanyu Wang [German] (2020)
Tang Fei (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tang Fei [German] (2020)
Xia Jia (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Xia Jia [German] (2020)
Zhang Ran (2019)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zhang Ran [German] (2020)
- Translator's Note on Language(s) and Names (Waste Tide) (2019)
- Translator's Postscript (The Redemption of Time) (2019)
诗与远方 [Chinese] (2020)
[only as by 刘宇昆?Liú, Yǔkūn]
Liu, Yukun - Acknowledgments (The Hidden Girl and Other Stories) (2020)
- Preface (The Hidden Girl and Other Stories) (2020)
- Introduction (A Summer Beyond Your Reach) (2020)
- "Dann kam das Virus" [German] (2020)
- Translator's Postscript (The Redemption of Time) (2020)
- Introduction (Rendezvous with Rama) (2020)
The Age of Stories [German] (2022)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Das Zeitalter der Geschichten (2023)
- Locus Interview
- Ken Liu: Silkpunk (2015) with Ken Liu
- Spotlight On: Ken Liu, Author (2013) with Ken Liu
- Exploring the Frontier: A Conversation with Xia Jia (2015) with Xia Jia
- Interview: Hao Jingfang (2015) with Deborah Stanish
The Spurred Storyteller: A Conversation with Tang Fei (2015)
Tang Fei?糖匪
- Staying Sensitive in the Crowd: A Conversation with Chen Qiufan (2015) with Chen Qiufan
- Author Spotlight: Ken Liu (Lightspeed, February 2011) (2011) by Christie Yant
- Author Spotlight: Ken Liu (Lightspeed, January 2012) (2012) by Christie Yant
- Author Spotlight: Ken Liu (2012) by Andrew Liptak
- InterGalactic Interview with Ken Liu (2012) by Jamie Todd Rubin
- Author Spotlight: Ken Liu (2012) by Caleb Jordan Schulz
- Not Just Vast Armies Clashing on Dark Plains at Night: An Interview with Ken Liu (2013) by Luc Reid
- Spotlight On: Ken Liu, Author (2013) by Ken Liu
- Author Spotlight: Ken Liu (Lightspeed, June 2013) (2013) by Christie Yant
- Author Spotlight: Ken Liu (Lightspeed, August 2013) (2013) by Kevin McNeil
- Organic Synthesis: A Conversation with Ken Liu (2013) by Jeremy L. C. Jones
- The Writers Room: Ken Liu (2013) by Alisa Alering
- Author Spotlight: Ken Liu (Lightspeed, October 2013) (2013) by Christie Yant
- Author Spotlight: Ken Liu (Lightspeed, February 2014) (2014) by Kevin McNeil
- Interview with Author Ken Liu (2014) by Iulian Ionescu
- Aliette de Bodard - Ken Liu : Interviews croisées [French] (2014)
Pierre Gévart?Pierre Gevart(co-interviewed with Aliette de Bodard)
- Author Spotlight: Ken Liu (Lightspeed, August 2014) (2014) by Christie Yant
- A Few Words with Ken Liu (2015) by uncredited
- Author Spotlight: Ken Liu (Lightspeed, April 2015) (2015) by Christie Yant
- The Grace of Ken Liu: An Interview (2015) by Elías Combarro
- Ken Liu: Silkpunk (2015) by Ken Liu
- Interview: Ken Liu (2015) by The Geek's Guide to the Galaxy
- Ken Liu Interview (2016) by Salik Shah
- Ken Liu: "History is both the most human of sciences and the most scientific of stories" (2016) by Salik Shah
- Author Spotlight: Ken Liu (Lightspeed, March 2018) (2018) by Christie Yant
- Author Spotlight: Ken Liu (2018) by unknown
- Faith in Vision (2020) by Arley Sorg
- Ken Liu [German] (2020) by Christian Endres
- Interview: Ken Liu (Uncanny Magazine, November-December 2020) (2020) by Caroline M. Yoachim
- Interview: Ken Liu & Caroline M. Yoachim (2023) by Tina Connolly (co-interviewed with Caroline M. Yoachim)
- An Encounter in Space and Science Fiction – Interview with Liu Cixin, Ken Liu, and Kjell Lindgren (2023) by Regina Kanyu Wang (co-interviewed with Cixin Liu and Kjell Lindgren)