Note: There are other authors with the same name: Isaac Asimov (in error)
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Fiction Series
- Asimov's Complete Stories
- The Complete Stories
- 1
The Complete Stories, Volume 1 (1990) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cuentos completos I [Spanish] (1992)
- 2
The Complete Stories, Volume 2 (1992) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cuentos completos II [Spanish] (1993)
- The Complete Stories (2008) [C]
- 1
The Complete Stories, Volume 1 (1990) [C]
also appeared as:
- The Complete Stories (UK)
The Complete Stories: Volume One (1994) [C]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Living Space: And Other Stories (2024)
- The Complete Stories: Volume Two (1995) [C]
- The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories (2024) [C]
The Complete Stories: Volume One (1994) [C]
also appeared as:
- The Complete Stories
- Azazel
One Night of Song (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Una Serata Di Canto [Italian] (1983)
- Translation: Un chant parfait [French] (1984)
Translation: Stimme für einen Abend?Stimme fuer einen Abend[German] (1984)
Translation: Labuđi pjev?Labudi pjev[Croatian] (1984)
- Translation: Microdemone A [Italian] (1984)
Translation: Une soirée de chant?Une soiree de chant[French] (1985)
- Translation: Il Canto Di Una Notte [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: Uma Noite de Canto [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Dans la nuit des chants [French] (1990)
- Translation: Noaptea muzicii [Romanian] (1996)
- Translation: Ein Liederabend [German] (2004)
To the Victor (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Auf den Gewinner [German] (1984)
- Translation: Al Vincitore [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: Ao Conquistador [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Que le meilleur gagne [French] (1990)
- Translation: Auf die Siegerin! [German] (2004)
The Dim Rumble (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Ein dumpfes Dröhnen?Ein dumpfes Droehnen[German] (1983)
- Translation: Un Rombo Soffocato [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: O Surdo Ribombar [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Un grondement sourd [French] (1990)
- Translation: Das dumpfe Grollen [German] (2004)
The Smile That Loses (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Das eingebüßte Lächeln?Das eingebuesste Laecheln[German] (1984)
- Translation: Copie conforme [French] (1984)
- Translation: Microdemone B [Italian] (1984)
Translation: Un sourire qui coûte cher?Un sourire qui coute cher[French] (1985)
- Translation: Osmijeh koji obara [Croatian] (1985)
- Translation: Il Sorriso Perdente [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: O Sorriso que Rouba [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Un sourire ravageur [French] (1990)
Translation: Surâsul păgubaș?Surasul pagubas[Romanian] (1996)
Translation: Das gebannte Lächeln?Das gebannte Laecheln[German] (2004)
Saving Humanity (1983) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il Salvataggio Rimandato [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: A Salvação da Humanidade [Portuguese] (1990)
Translation: L'homme qui voulut sauver l'humanité?L'homme qui voulut sauver l'humanite[French] (1990)
- Translation: Salvando a Humanidade [Portuguese] (1991)
- Translation: Die Menscheit wird gerettet [German] (1992)
- Translation: Retter der Menschheit [German] (2004)
A Matter of Principle (1984) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Una Questione Di Principio [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: Uma Questão de Princípio [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Question de principe [French] (1990)
- Translation: Uma Questão de Princípios [Portuguese] (1991)
- Translation: Eine Frage des Prinzips [German] (2004)
The Evil Drink Does (1984) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: I Danni Dell'alcool [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: O Mal que a Bebida Faz [Portuguese] (1990)
Translation: Les méfaits de la boisson?Les mefaits de la boisson[French] (1990)
- Translation: Os Males da Bebida [Portuguese] (1991)
Translation: Vom Übel des Alkohols?Vom Uebel des Alkohols[German] (2004)
Writing Time (1984) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tempo Per Scrivere [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: Tempo Para Escrever [Portuguese] (1990)
Translation: Le temps d'écrire?Le temps d'ecrire[French] (1990)
- Translation: Zeit zum Schreiben [German] (2004)
Dashing Through the Snow (1984) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sfrecciando Nella Neve [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: Irrompendo Pela Neve [Portuguese] (1990)
Translation: À fond la caisse dans la neige...?A fond la caisse dans la neige...[French] (1990)
- Translation: Deslizando na Neve [Portuguese] (1992)
Translation: Winter ist so schön?Winter ist so schoen[German] (2004)
Logic Is Logic (1985) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: La Logica è Logica [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: Lógica é lógica [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Lógica é Lógica [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: On est logique ou on ne l'est pas [French] (1990)
- Translation: Logik bleibt Logik [German] (2004)
He Travels the Fastest (1985) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Najveći putnik?Najveci putnik[Croatian] (1986)
- Translation: Chi Viaggia Più Svelto [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: Viaja Mais Depressa [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: L'homme qui s'en va tout seul [French] (1990)
- Translation: Der schnellste Reisende [German] (2004)
More Things in Heaven and Earth (1986) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Più Cose In Cielo E In Terra [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: Há Mais Coisas no Céu e na Terra [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Plus de choses sur terre et dans les cieux.... [French] (1990)
- Translation: Es gibt mehr Ding' im Himmel und auf Erden [German] (2004)
The Eye of the Beholder (1986) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'occhio Di Chi Guarda [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: O Olhar de Quem Vê [Portuguese] (1990)
Translation: L'œil du témoin?L'oeil du temoin[French] (1990)
- Translation: Das Auge des Betrachters [German] (1992)
- Translation: Ansichtssache [German] (2004)
The Mind's Construction (1986) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ciò Che Lo Spirito Va Costruendo [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: A Construção do Espírito [Portuguese] (1990)
Translation: Les dispositions de l'âme?Les dispositions de l'ame[French] (1990)
- Translation: Spiegel der Seele [German] (2004)
The Fights of Spring (1987) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le Lotte Di Primavera [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: As Lutas de Primavera [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Les grandes joutes de printemps [French] (1990)
Translation: Frühlingsgefühle?Fruehlingsgefuehle[German] (2004)
- Galatea (1987) [SF] also appeared as:
Flight of Fancy (1988) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un Volo Di Fantasia [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: Voo de Fantasia [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: L'essor de la foi [French] (1990)
Translation: Höhenflüge der Phantasie?Hoehenfluege der Phantasie[German] (2004)
Azazel (1988) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Azazel [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: Azazel, 1º volume [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Azazel, 2º volume [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Azazel [French] (1990)
- Translation: Azazel [German] (2004)
The Two-Centimeter Demon (1988) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Due Centimetri Di Demone [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: O Demónio de Dois Centímetros [Portuguese] (1990)
Translation: Le démon de deux centimètres?Le demon de deux centimetres[French] (1990)
Translation: Ein Dämon von zwei Zentimetern?Ein Daemon von zwei Zentimetern[German] (2004)
The Mad Scientist (1989) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le savant fou [French] (1996)
To Your Health (1989) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: À Sua Saúde [Portuguese] (1990)
Translation: À vos souhaits !?A vos souhaits ![French] (1996)
Wine Is a Mocker (1990) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Scherzi del vino [Italian] (1991)
- Translation: In vino patatras [French] (1996)
The Time Traveler (1990) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Viaggio nel tempo [Italian] (1991)
- Translation: Au mauvais vieux temps [French] (1996)
Baby, It's Cold Outside (1991) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il n'y a que le froid qui sauve [French] (1996)
It's a Job (1991) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: C'est un mé-tier?C'est un me-tier[French] (1996)
The Critic on the Hearth (1992) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'esprit critique [French] (1996)
March Against the Foe (1994) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le travail c'est s'amuser [French] (1996)
One Night of Song (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Black Widowers
- 1
Tales of the Black Widowers (1974) [C] [non-genre]
also appeared as:
- Translation: De zwarte weduwnaars [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: Die bösen Geschichten der schwarzen Witwer?Die boesen Geschichten der schwarzen Witwer[German] (1976)
- 2
More Tales of the Black Widowers (1976) [C]
also appeared as:
Translation: 黒後家蜘蛛の会2?くろごけぐものかい2[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Kurogokegumo no Kai 2アイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Opnieuw de zwarte weduwnaars [Dutch] (1988)
Translation: À table, gentlemen !?A table, gentlemen ![French] (2015)
- 3
Casebook of the Black Widowers (1980) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het dossier van de zwarte weduwnaars [Dutch] (1982)
Translation: Casse-tête au Club des Veufs Noirs?Casse-tete au Club des Veufs Noirs[French] (1995)
- 4 Banquets of the Black Widowers (1984) [C]
- 5 Puzzles of the Black Widowers (1990) [C]
- 6 The Return of the Black Widowers (2003) [C]
Go, Little Book! (1972) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Matchbook Collector (1972)
- Translation: De man die lucifersboekjes verzamelde [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Geh, Brieflein, geh! [German] (1976)
Ph As in Phony (1972) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Phony Ph.D. (1972)
- Translation: Nep doctor [Dutch] (1976)
Truth to Tell (1972) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Man Who Never Told a Lie (1972)
- Translation: Die Wahrheit sagen [German] (1976)
- Translation: Om de waarheid te zeggen [Dutch] (1976)
Yankee Doodle Went to Town (1972) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Yankee doodle [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Yankee Doodle kam zur Stadt [German] (1976)
The Acquisitive Chuckle (1972) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wie het laatst lacht [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Le sourire acquisiteur [French] (2007)
Early Sunday Morning (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Biological Clock (1973)
Translation: Sonntag am frühen Morgen?Sonntag am fruehen Morgen[German] (1976)
- Translation: Zondagochtend vroeg [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Dimanche matin, aux aurores [French] (2007)
Miss What? (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Warning to Miss Earth (1973)
Translation: Welche Miß??Welche Miss?[German] (1976)
Out of Sight (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Six Suspects (1973)
Translation: Außer Sicht?Ausser Sicht[German] (1976)
- Translation: Uit het oog [Dutch] (1976)
The Obvious Factor (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: De voor-de-hand-liggende factor [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Der evidente Faktor [German] (1976)
Translation: L'évidence même?L'evidence meme[French] (2007)
The Pointing Finger (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: De wijzende vinger [Dutch] (1976)
No Smoking (1974) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Confessions of an American Cigarette Smoker (1974)
Translation: 禁煙?きんえん[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Kinenアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] -
Translation: Défense de fumer?Defense de fumer[French] (2015)
The Curious Omission (1974) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: De curieuze weglating [Dutch] (1976)
The Iron Gem (1974) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: 鉄の宝玉?てつのほうぎょく[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Tetsu no Hōgyoku
Tetsu no Hougyokuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Het ijzeren kleinood [Dutch] (1988)
- Translation: Le joyau de fer [French] (2007)
The Lullaby of Broadway (1974) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Schlummerlied vom Broadway [German] (1976)
- Translation: Lullaby of Broadway [Dutch] (1976)
The Three Numbers (1974) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: All in the Way You Read It (1974)
Translation: 三つの数字?みつのすうじ[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Mitsu no Sūji
Mitsu no Suujiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: De drie getallen [Dutch] (1988)
- Translation: Les trois nombres [French] (2015)
When No Man Pursueth (1974) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: 追われてもいないのに?おわれてもいないのに[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Owarete mo Inai no Niアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Zonder dat iemand vervolgt [Dutch] (1988)
- Translation: Quand nul ne les poursuit [French] (2015)
Quicker Than the Eye (1974) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: 電光石火?でんこうせっか[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Denkō Sekka
Denkou Sekkaアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Sneller dan het oog [Dutch] (1988)
Translation: En un clin d'œil?En un clin d'oeil[French] (2015)
Nothing Like Murder (1974) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: 殺しの噂?ころしのうわさ[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Koroshi no Uwazaアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Moord? [Dutch] (1988)
- Translation: Un meurtre ? Rien de tel [French] (2015)
Friday the Thirteenth (1975) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Venerdi' 13 [Italian] (1978)
Translation: 十三日金曜日?じゅうさんにちきんようび[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Jūsan Nichi Kinyōbi
Juusan Nichi Kinyoubiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Vendredi treize [French] (1985)
- Translation: Vrijdag de dertiende [Dutch] (1988)
The One and Only East (1975) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: 東は東?ひがしはひがし[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Higashi ha Higashi
Higashi wa Higashiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Het enige echte oosten [Dutch] (1988)
Translation: La seule et unique à l'Est?La seule et unique a l'Est[French] (2015)
Earthset and Evening Star (1975) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Coucher de terre et étoile du soir?Coucher de terre et etoile du soir[French] (1976)
Translation: 地球が沈んで宵の明星が輝く?ちきゅうがしずんでよいのみょうじょうがかがやく[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Chikyū ga Shizunde Yoi no Myōjō ga Kagayaku
Chikyuu ga Shizunde Yoi no Myoujou ga Kagayakuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Aus Earthset and Evening Star (1976) [German] (1984)
- Translation: Aardsondergang en avondster [Dutch] (1988)
- Translation: Erduntergang und Abendstern [German] (1992)
Season's Greetings! (1976) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Season's Greetings (1976)
Translation: 時候の挨拶?じこうのあいさつ[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Jikō no Aisatsu
Jikou no Aisatsuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Prettige feestdagen [Dutch] (1988)
Translation: Meilleurs Vœux !?Meilleurs Voeux ![French] (2015)
The Family Man (1976) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Case of Income-Tax Fraud (1976)
- Translation: De huisvader [Dutch] (1982)
Translation: Un bon père de famille?Un bon pere de famille[French] (1995)
The Ultimate Crime (1976) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: 終局的犯罪?しゅうきょくてきはんざい[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Shūkyokuteki Hanzai
Shuukyokuteki Hanzaiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] -
Translation: Le crime suprême?Le crime supreme[French] (1980)
- Translation: Das ultimate Verbrechen [German] (1987)
- Translation: De grootste misdaad aller tijden [Dutch] (1988)
Translation: Le crime suprême?Le crime supreme[French] (2015)
The Unabridged (1976) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: 省略なし?しょうりゃくなし[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Shōryaku Nashi
Shouryaku Nashiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: De onverkorte uitgave [Dutch] (1988)
The Cross of Lorraine (1976) [SF] [non-genre]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het Lotharings kruis [Dutch] (1982)
- Translation: La croix de Lorraine [French] (1995)
The Sports Page (1977) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: De sportpagina [Dutch] (1982)
- Translation: La page des sports [French] (1995)
The Missing Item (1977) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het ontbrekende onderdeel [Dutch] (1979)
Translation: L'élément qui manque?L'element qui manque[French] (1980)
- Translation: Het ontbrekende deel [Dutch] (1982)
- Translation: Ce qui manquait [French] (1995)
The Next Day (1978) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: De volgende dag [Dutch] (1982)
- Translation: Le lendemain [French] (1995)
Irrelevance! (1979) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Matter of Irrelevance (1979)
- Translation: Irrelevant! [Dutch] (1982)
- Translation: Aucun rapport ! [French] (1995)
None So Blind (1979) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ziende blind [Dutch] (1982)
- Translation: Il n'est de pire aveugle [French] (1995)
To the Barest (1979) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Voor de armste [Dutch] (1982)
- Translation: Le legs [French] (1995)
The Backward Look (1979) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: De terugblik [Dutch] (1982)
Translation: À rebours?A rebours[French] (1995)
Middle Name (1980) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tweede voornaam [Dutch] (1982)
Translation: Deuxième prénom?Deuxieme prenom[French] (1995)
Second Best (1980) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Op één na beste [Dutch] (1982)
Translation: En deuxième position?En deuxieme position[French] (1995)
What Time Is It? (1980) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hoe laat is het? [Dutch] (1982)
- Translation: Quelle heure est-il ? [French] (1995)
- The Year of the Action (1980) [SF]
- Sixty Million Trillion Combinations (1980) [SF]
- The Man Who Pretended to Like Baseball (1980) [SF]
- The Woman in the Bar (1980) [SF]
- The Good Samaritan (1980) [SF]
- Can You Prove It? (1981) [SF]
- The Phoenician Bauble (1982) [SF]
- A Monday in April (1983) [SF]
Neither Brute Nor Human (1984) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Weder Tier noch Mensch [German] (1992)
- The Driver (1984) [SF]
- The Intrusion (1984) [SF]
- The Wrong House (1984) [SF]
- The Redhead (1984) [SF]
The Fourth Homonym (1985) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das vierte Homonym [German] (1992)
- Unique Is Where You Find It (1985) [SF]
- Triple Devil (1985) [SF]
- The Snatched Purse (1986) [SF]
- Sunset on the Water (1986) [SF]
- Where Is He? (1986) [SF]
- The Old Purse (1987) [SF]
The Quiet Place (1988) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ein Ort der Stille [German] (1992)
- The Envelope (1989) [SF]
Northwestward (1989) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Direction Nord-Ouest [French] (1996)
- The Alibi (1989) [SF]
- Lost in a Space Warp (1990) [SF]
- Police at the Door (1990) [SF]
- The Haunted Cabin (1990) [SF]
- Yes, but Why? (1990) [SF]
- The Four-Leaf Clover (1990) [SF]
- The Lucky Piece (1990) [SF]
- The Recipe (1990) [SF]
- The Guest's Guest (1991) [SF]
The Club of the Black Widowers (unpublished) [C]
only appeared as:
- Translation: Le club des veufs noirs [French] (2007)
- 1
Tales of the Black Widowers (1974) [C] [non-genre]
also appeared as:
- Bruna science fiction omnibus
- 3 Science-fiction omnibus [Dutch] (1981) [O] with Philip K. Dick and Clifford D. Simak
- Fantastic Voyage
- 1
Fantastic Voyage (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Reisdoel: menselijk brein [Dutch] (1967)
- Translation: Viagem Fantástica [Portuguese] (1967)
Translation: Viagem fantástica?Viagem fantastica[Portuguese] (1967)
Translation: ミクロ潜航作戦?Mikuro senkō sakusen[Japanese] (1967) [as by
Mikuro senko sakusenアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Le voyage fantastique [French] (1972)
- Translation: Viaggio allucinante [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: Die phantastische Reise [German] (1983)
- Translation: Fantasztikus utazás I [Hungarian] (1992)
Translation: Călătorie fantastică?Calatorie fantastica[Romanian] (1997)
- Translation: Viaje Alucinante [Spanish] (2004)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Viaggio allucinante (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1988)
- 2
Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Doktor Schapirows Gehirn [German] (1988)
Translation: Fantastično putovanje II: Odredište mozak?Fantasticno putovanje II: Odrediste mozak[Serbian] (1988) [as by Isak Asimov]
Fantastichno putovanje II: Odredishte mozak - Translation: Destinazione cervello [Italian] (1988)
- Translation: Destination cerveau [French] (1988)
- Translation: Fantasztikus utazás II: Végcél az agy [Hungarian] (1993)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Destinazione cervello (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1992)
- 1
Fantastic Voyage (1966)
also appeared as:
- Foundation Universe
Blind Alley (1945) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vicolo cieco [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Cul-de-sac [French] (1975)
- Translation: Doodlopende straat [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Sackgasse [German] (1984)
- Translation: Sackgasse [German] (1991)
- Translation: Callejón sin salida [Spanish] (1993)
Translation: 袋小路?ふくろこうじ[Japanese] (1995) [as by
Fukuro Kōji
Fukuro Koujiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] -
Translation: Fundătura?Fundatura[Romanian] (1998)
The Psychohistorians (1951) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les psychohistoriens [French] (1957)
- Translation: Los psicohistoriadores [Spanish] (1961)
- Translation: Los psicohistoriadores [Spanish] (1965)
- Translation: Die Psychohistoriker [German] (1966)
- Translation: Psykohistorikerna [Swedish] (1970)
- Translation: A pszichohistorikusok [Hungarian] (1971)
- Translation: De psychohistorici [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Los psicohistoriadores [Spanish] (1976)
Translation: Psihoistoričari?Psihoistoricari[Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
Psihoistorichari -
Translation: Psihoistoričari?Psihoistoricari[Serbian] (1986)
Psihoistorichari - Translation: Os psico-historiadores [Portuguese] (1998)
- Translation: Os psico-historiadores [Portuguese] (2020)
The Foundation Trilogy: Foundation, Foundation and Empire, Second Foundation; The Stars, Like Dust; The Naked Sun; I, Robot (1981) [O]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Isaac Asimov (1982) [O]
The Caves of Steel / The Currents of Space (unpublished) [O]
only appeared as:
Translation: 世界SF全集 第14巻?Sekai SF Zenshū dai 14-kan[Japanese] (1969) [O] [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Foundation
- 1
Foundation (1951) [C]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The 1,000 Year Plan (1955)
- Translation: Fondation [French] (1957)
- Translation: Fundação [Portuguese] (1961)
- Translation: ¡Fundación! [Spanish] (1961)
- Translation: Fundación [Spanish] (1965)
- Translation: Der Tausendjahresplan [German] (1966)
- Translation: Foundation [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Stiftelsen [Swedish] (1970)
Translation: Alapítvány?Alapitvany[Hungarian] (1971)
- Translation: Cronache della Galassia [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: De Foundation [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: Säätiö?Saeaetioe[Finnish] (1976)
Saatio - Translation: Fundación [Spanish] (1976)
- Translation: Zadužbina [Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Die Stiftung [German] (1983)
- Translation: Foundation [German] (1991)
Translation: Fundația?Fundatia[Romanian] (1993)
- Translation: Fondazione [Italian] (1993)
- Translation: Fundação [Portuguese] (1998)
- Translation: Fundação [Portuguese] (2009)
- Translation: Fondas [Lithuanian] (2016)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Cronache della Galassia (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1963)
- 2
Foundation and Empire (1952) [C]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Man Who Upset the Universe (1955)
- Translation: Fundación e imperio [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Fundação e império [Portuguese] (1964)
- Translation: Fondation et empire [French] (1965)
- Translation: Der galaktische General [German] (1966)
- Translation: Foundation en imperium [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Stiftelsen och imperiet [Swedish] (1971)
- Translation: Il crollo della Galassia Centrale [Italian] (1971)
Translation: Alapítvány és Birodalom?Alapitvany es Birodalom[Hungarian] (1972)
- Translation: De Foundation en het Imperium [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Fundación e imperio [Spanish] (1976)
Translation: Säätiö ja imperiumi?Saeaetioe ja imperiumi[Finnish] (1977)
Saatio ja imperiumi -
Translation: Zadužbina i Carstvo?Zaduzbina i Carstvo[Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Stiftung und Imperium [German] (1983)
Translation: Zadužbina i Carstvo?Zaduzbina i Carstvo[Serbian] (1986)
- Translation: Foundation und Imperium [German] (1991)
Translation: Fundația și Imperiul?Fundatia si Imperiul[Romanian] (1993)
- Variant: Foundation & Empire (1994)
- Translation: Fondazione e Impero [Italian] (1994)
- Translation: Foundation en Keizerrijk [Dutch] (2001)
- Translation: Fundação e Império [Portuguese] (2009)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Il crollo della Galassia Centrale (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1964)
- 3
Second Foundation (1953) [C]
also appeared as:
- Variant: 2nd Foundation: Galactic Empire (1958)
- Translation: Fundación Segunda [Spanish] (1962)
Translation: Segunda Fundação?Segunda Fundacao[Portuguese] (1964)
- Translation: Segunda Fundación [Spanish] (1965)
- Translation: Seconde fondation [French] (1965)
Translation: Alle Wege führen nach Trantor?Alle Wege fuehren nach Trantor[German] (1966)
- Translation: Tweede Foundation [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Den segrande stiftelsen [Swedish] (1971)
- Translation: L'altra faccia della spirale [Italian] (1971)
Translation: Második Alapítvány?Masodik Alapitvany[Hungarian] (1973)
- Translation: De tweede Foundation [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Segunda Fundación [Spanish] (1976)
Translation: Druga Zadužbina?Druga Zaduzbina[Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Toinen säätiö?Toinen saeaetioe[Finnish] (1977)
Toinen saatio - Translation: Die zweite Stiftung [German] (1983)
Translation: Druga Zadužbina?Druga Zaduzbina[Serbian] (1986)
- Translation: Zweite Foundation [German] (1991)
Translation: A Doua Fundație?A Doua Fundatie[Romanian] (1994)
- Translation: Seconda Fondazione [Italian] (1995)
- Translation: Segunda Fundação [Portuguese] (2009)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Andra stiftelsen (Part 1 of 7) [Swedish] (1959)
- Translation: Andra stiftelsen (Part 6 of 7) [Swedish] (1959)
- Translation: L'altra faccia della spirale (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1964)
- 4
Foundation's Edge (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De hoeksteen van de Foundation [Dutch] (1983)
Translation: Na rubu Zadužbine?Na rubu Zaduzhbine[Serbian] (1983) [as by Isak Asimov]
Na rubu Zaduzbine - Translation: Stiftelsen och tiden [Swedish] (1983)
Translation: Fondation foudroyée?Fondation foudroyee[French] (1983)
- Translation: Los límites de la Fundación [Spanish] (1983)
Translation: Säätiö veitsen terällä?Saeaetioe veitsen teraellae[Finnish] (1984)
Saatio veitsen teralla - Translation: Auf der Suche nach der Erde [German] (1984)
- Translation: Die Suche nach der Erde [German] (1984)
- Translation: L'orlo della Fondazione [Italian] (1985)
Translation: Az Alapítvány pereme?Az Alapitvany pereme[Hungarian] (1986)
- Translation: Az Alapítvány pereme 1. [Hungarian] (1986)
- Translation: Az Alapítvány pereme 2. [Hungarian] (1986)
- Translation: Hoeksteen van de Foundation [Dutch] (1990)
Translation: Marginea Fundației?Marginea Fundatiei[Romanian] (1994)
- Translation: No limiar da fundação [Portuguese] (2001)
Translation: Limites da Fundação?Limites da Fundacao[Portuguese] (2011)
- Serializations:
- Translation: L'orlo Della Fondazione (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1985)
- 5
Foundation and Earth (1986)
also appeared as:
Translation: Zadužbina i Zemlja?Zaduzbina i Zemlja[Serbian] (1986) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: De Foundation en Aarde [Dutch] (1987)
Translation: Die Rückkehr zur Erde?Die Rueckkehr zur Erde[German] (1987)
- Translation: Stiftelsen och jorden [Swedish] (1987)
- Translation: Terre et Fondation [French] (1987)
- Translation: Fondazione e Terra [Italian] (1987)
Translation: Alapítvány és Föld?Alapitvany es Fold[Hungarian] (1989)
Alapiitvaany ees Foeld - Translation: A fundação e a terra [Portuguese] (1990)
Translation: Säätiö ja Maa?Saeaetioe ja Maa[Finnish] (1991)
Saatio ja Maa - Translation: Fundação e Terra [Portuguese] (2002)
Translation: Fundação e Terra?Fundacao e Terra[Portuguese] (2013)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Fondazione e Terra (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1990)
- 6
Prelude to Foundation (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Prelude op de Foundation [Dutch] (1988)
- Translation: Preludijum za zadužbinu [Serbian] (1988) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Die Rettung des Imperiums [German] (1989)
Translation: Prélude à fondation?Prelude a fondation[French] (1989)
- Translation: Preludio alla Fondazione [Italian] (1989)
Translation: Az Alapítvány előtt?Az Alapitvany elott[Hungarian] (1991)
Az Alapiitvaany elooett -
Translation: Preludiul Fundației?Preludiul Fundatiei[Romanian] (1993)
Translation: Säätiön alkusoitto?Saeaetioen alkusoitto[Finnish] (1994)
Saation alkusoitto -
Translation: Prelúdio à fundação?Preludio a fundacao[Portuguese] (1998)
Translation: Prelúdio à Fundação?Preludio a Fundacao[Portuguese] (2013)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Preludio alla Fondazione (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1991)
- 7
Forward the Foundation (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Foundation: voorwaarts [Dutch] (1993)
Translation: Előjáték az Alapítványhoz?Elojatek az Alapitvanyhoz[Hungarian] (1993)
Eloejaateek az Alapiitvaanyhoz - Translation: Hacia la Fundación [Spanish] (1993)
Translation: U susret Zadužbini?U susret Zaduzbini[Serbian] (1993) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Fondazione anno zero [Italian] (1993)
- Translation: L'aube de fondation [French] (1994)
- Translation: Das Foundation-Projekt [German] (1995)
Translation: Fundația Renăscută?Fundatsia Renahscutah[Romanian] (1995)
Fundatia Renascuta -
Translation: Kohti Säätiötä?Kohti Saeaetioetae[Finnish] (1995)
Kohti Saatiota - Translation: Memória para um império futuro [Portuguese] (2002)
Translation: Origens da Fundação?Origens da Fundacao[Portuguese] (2014)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Fondazione anno zero (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1996)
- from Foundation (excerpt) (1951) [SF]
- Prologue (The Man Who Upset the Universe) (1955) [SF]
- Terminus, der letzte Planet [German] (1959)
- Der galaktische General [German] (1960)
- Der Mutant [German] (1960)
Alle Wege führen nach Trantor?Alle Wege fuehren nach Trantor[German] (1960)
The Foundation Trilogy (1963) [O/1-3]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fondation / Fondation et empire / Seconde fondation [French] (1965) [O]
- Variant: An Isaac Asimov Omnibus (1966) [O]
- Translation: Foundation trilogie [Dutch] (1970) [O/1-3]
- Translation: Millemondi 1971: Trilogia galattica di Isaac Asimov [Italian] (1971) [O]
- Translation: Die Psychohistoriker [German] (1983) [O/1-3]
- Translation: Die Foundation-Trilogie [German] (1991) [O/1-3]
- Translation: Foundation [German] (1997) [O/1-3]
- Translation: Foundation [Dutch] (2001) [O/1-3]
- Translation: Fondation [French] (2006) [O]
- Translation: Trilogia da Fundação [Portuguese] (2009) [O/1-3]
- Translation: Fondation 1 [French] (2015) [O/1-3]
- Variant: Foundation (2022) [O]
- Prologue (Foundation's Edge) (1982) [SF]
- Foundation's Edge (excerpt) (1982) [SF]
- Foundation's Edge (Chapters 1 & 2) (1982) [SF]
- Foundation Series (1986) [O/1-4]
- Forward the Foundation (excerpt) (1991) [SF]
- Forward the Foundation (1991) [SF]
- Cleon the Emperor (1992) [SF]
- Fondazione Anno Zero (excerpt) [Italian] (1993) [SF]
Fundația (excerpt)?Fundatia (excerpt)[Romanian] (1994) [SF]
Le déclin de Trantor?Le declin de Trantor[French] (2000) [O/1, 6, 7]
- Vers un nouvel empire [French] (2000) [O/2,3,4,5]
- Fondation 2 [French] (2015) [O/4-5]
Foundation's Edge / Foundation and Earth / Prelude to Foundation / Forward the Foundation (unpublished) [O/4-7]
only appeared as:
Translation: Fundação: declínio e ascensão?Fundacao: declinio e ascensao[Portuguese] (2014) [O/4-7]
- 1
Foundation (1951) [C]
also appeared as:
- Foundation (Original Stories)
- 1
Foundation (1942) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Encyclopedists (1942)
Translation: Les encyclopédistes?Les encyclopedistes[French] (1957)
- Translation: Los enciclopedistas [Spanish] (1961)
- Translation: Los enciclopedistas [Spanish] (1965)
Translation: Die Enzyklopädisten?Die Enzyklopaedisten[German] (1966)
- Translation: Encyklopedisterna [Swedish] (1970)
Translation: Az enciklopédisták?Az enciklopedistak[Hungarian] (1971)
- Translation: De encyclopedisten [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Los enciclopedistas [Spanish] (1976)
- Translation: Enciklopedisti [Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Basis [German] (1981)
- Translation: Fundacja [Polish] (1982)
- Translation: Die Stiftung [German] (1982)
Translation: Die Enzyklopädisten?Die Enzyklopaedisten[German] (1984)
- Translation: Enciklopedisti [Serbian] (1986)
- Translation: Os enciclopedistas [Portuguese] (1998)
- Translation: Os enciclopedistas [Portuguese] (2020)
- 2
Bridle and Saddle (1942) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Mayors (1942)
- Translation: Les maires [French] (1957)
- Translation: Los alcaldes [Spanish] (1961)
- Translation: Los alcaldes [Spanish] (1965)
Translation: Der Bürgermeister?Der Buergermeister[German] (1966)
Translation: Borgmästarna?Borgmaestarna[Swedish] (1970)
Translation: A polgármesterek?A polgarmesterek[Hungarian] (1971)
- Translation: De burgervaderen [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Los alcaldes [Spanish] (1976)
Translation: Gradonačelnici?Gradonacelnici[Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
Gradonachelnici -
Translation: Gradonačelnici?Gradonacelnici[Serbian] (1986)
Gradonachelnici - Translation: Os presidentes da câmara [Portuguese] (1998)
- Translation: Os prefeitos [Portuguese] (2020)
- 3
The Big and the Little (1944) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Merchant Princes (1944)
- Translation: Les princes marchands [French] (1957)
- Translation: Los príncipes comerciantes [Spanish] (1961)
- Translation: Los príncipes comerciantes [Spanish] (1965)
- Translation: Die Handelsherren [German] (1966)
- Translation: Handelsfurstarna [Swedish] (1970)
Translation: A kalmárfejedelmek?A kalmarfejedelmek[Hungarian] (1971)
- Translation: De koopvaartprinsen [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Los príncipes comerciantes [Spanish] (1976)
- Translation: Bogati trgovci [Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Bogati trgovci [Serbian] (1986)
- Translation: Os príncipes mercadores [Portuguese] (1998)
- Translation: Os príncipes mercadores [Portuguese] (2020)
- 4
The Wedge (1944) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Traders (1944)
- Translation: Les marchands [French] (1957)
- Translation: Los comerciantes [Spanish] (1961)
- Translation: Los comerciantes [Spanish] (1965)
Translation: Die Händler?Die Haendler[German] (1966)
Translation: Handelsmännen?Handelsmaennen[Swedish] (1970)
Translation: A kereskedők?A kereskedok[Hungarian] (1971)
A kereskedooek - Translation: De koopvaarders [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Los comerciantes [Spanish] (1976)
- Translation: Trgovci [Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Trgovci [Serbian] (1986)
- Translation: Os mercadores [Portuguese] (1998)
- Translation: Os comerciantes [Portuguese] (2020)
- 5
Dead Hand (1945) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The General (1945)
- Translation: El general [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: O general [Portuguese] (1964)
Translation: Le général?Le general[French] (1965)
- Translation: Der General [German] (1966)
Translation: A generális?A generalis[Hungarian] (1971)
- Translation: Generalen [Swedish] (1971)
- Translation: De generaal [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: El general [Spanish] (1976)
- Translation: General [Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: General [Serbian] (1986)
- 6
The Mule (1945) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: El mulo [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: O mula [Portuguese] (1964)
- Translation: Le mulet [French] (1965)
- Translation: Der Mutant [German] (1966)
- Translation: Mulan [Swedish] (1971)
Translation: Az öszvér?Az oeszver[Hungarian] (1972)
Az oeszveer - Translation: Het muildier [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: El mulo [Spanish] (1976)
- Translation: Mazgov [Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Mazgov [Serbian] (1986)
- Serializations:
- The Mule (Part 1 of 2) (1945)
- The Mule (Part 2 of 2) (1945)
- Translation: Mulan (Part 1 of 5) [Swedish] (1956)
- Translation: Mulan (Part 3 of 5) [Swedish] (1956)
- 6.9
Prologue (Second Foundation) (1953) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Prolog (Second Foundation) (1953)
Translation: Prólogo (Segunda Fundação)?Prologo (Segunda Fundacao)[Portuguese] (1964)
Translation: Prolog (Alle Wege führen nach Trantor)?Prolog (Alle Wege fuehren nach Trantor)[German] (1966)
- Translation: Proloog (Tweede Foundation / De tweede Foundation) [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Prolog (Den segrande stiftelsen) [Swedish] (1971)
Translation: Prolog (Druga Zadužbina)?Prolog (Druga Zaduzbina)[Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Prolog (Druga Zadužbina)?Prolog (Druga Zaduzbina)[Serbian] (1986)
- Translation: Prologo (Seconda Fondazione) [Italian] (1995)
Translation: Prólogo (Segunda Fundação)?Prologo (Segunda Fundacao)[Portuguese] (2009)
- 7
Now You See It ... (1948) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Search by the Mule (1948)
- Translation: El Mulo Inicia la Búsqueda [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Busca efectuada pelo mula [Portuguese] (1964)
- Translation: El Mulo Inicia la Búsqueda [Spanish] (1965)
- Translation: Bail Channis [French] (1965)
- Translation: Die Suche durch den Fuchs [German] (1966)
- Translation: Mulans efterforskningar [Swedish] (1971)
Translation: Az Öszvér keresi a Második Alapítványt?Az Oszver keresi a Masodik Alapitvanyt[Hungarian] (1973)
Az Oeszveer keresi a Maasodik Alapiitvaanyt - Translation: De speurtocht van het muildier [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: El Mulo inicia la búsqueda [Spanish] (1976)
- Translation: Traganje Mazgova [Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Traganje Mazgova [Serbian] (1986)
- Translation: La ricerca del Mulo [Italian] (1995)
Translation: La quête du Mulet?La quete du Mulet[French] (2010)
- 8
... And Now You Don't (1949) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: Search by the Foundation (1949)
- Translation: La Búsqueda de la Fundación [Spanish] (1962)
Translation: Busca efectuada pela Fundação?Busca efectuada pela Fundacao[Portuguese] (1964)
- Translation: En Busca de la Fundación [Spanish] (1965)
- Translation: Arcadia Darell [French] (1965)
- Translation: Die Suche durch die Fundation [German] (1966)
- Translation: Stiftelsens efterforskningar [Swedish] (1971)
Translation: Az Alapítvány keresi a Második Alapítványt?Az Alapitvany keresi a Masodik Alapitvanyt[Hungarian] (1973)
- Translation: De speurtocht van de Foundation [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: La búsqueda de la Fundación (La Fundación inicia su búsqueda) [Spanish] (1976)
- Translation: Traganje Zadužbine [Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Traganje Zadužbine?Traganje Zaduzbine[Serbian] (1986)
- Translation: La ricerca da parte della Fondazione [Italian] (1995)
Translation: La quête de Fondation?La quete de Fondation[French] (2010)
- Serializations:
- ... And Now You Don't (Part 1 of 3) (1949)
- ... And Now You Don't (Part 2 of 3) (1949)
- ... And Now You Don't (Part 3 of 3) (1950)
- 1
Foundation (1942) [SF]
also appeared as:
- The Positronic Robot Stories
Strange Playfellow (1940) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Robbie (1950)
- Translation: Ich, der Robot (1) [German] (1952)
- Translation: Robbie [German] (1952)
- Translation: Robbie [Swedish] (1954)
- Translation: Robbie [Spanish] (1956)
Translation: ロビー?Robī[Japanese] (1963) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: Robbie [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Robbie [Dutch] (1966)
- Translation: Robbie [Hungarian] (1966)
- Translation: Robbie [Romanian] (1967)
- Translation: Robbie [French] (1967)
- Translation: Robbie [Portuguese] (1970)
- Translation: Robi [Serbian] (1976) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Ein seltsamer Spielgefährte?Ein seltsamer Spielgefaehrte[German] (1980)
- Translation: Robbie [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Robbie [Portuguese] (1985)
- Translation: Robi [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Robbie [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Robbie [Portuguese] (1996)
- Translation: Robbie [Italian] (2003)
- Translation: Robbie [Portuguese] (2004)
- Translation: Robbie [Portuguese] (2014)
- Excerpt from I, Robot (1950) [SF]
I, Robot (1950) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ich, der Robot [German] (1952)
- Translation: Jag, robot [Swedish] (1954)
- Translation: Yo, robot [Spanish] (1956)
- Translation: Io, robot [Italian] (1963)
Translation: われはロボット?Ware ha Robotto[Japanese] (1963) [as by
Ware wa Robottoアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Ik, robot [Dutch] (1966)
- Translation: Eu, robotul [Romanian] (1967)
- Translation: Les robots [French] (1972)
- Translation: Ja, robot [Serbian] (1976) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Én, a robot?En, a robot[Hungarian] (1991)
- Translation: Io, robot [Italian] (2003)
- Translation: Eu, robô [Portuguese] (2004)
- Translation: I, Robot [German] (2004)
- Translation: I, robot [French] (2004)
- Translation: Ich, der Roboter [German] (2014)
- Translation: Eu, robô [Portuguese] (2014)
Introduction (I, Robot) (1950) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Einführung (Ich, der Robot / I, Robot / Ich, der Roboter)?Einfuehrung (Ich, der Robot / I, Robot / Ich, der Roboter)[German] (1952)
- Translation: Ich, der Robot (0) [German] (1952)
- Translation: Introducción (Yo, robot) [Spanish] (1956)
Translation: 序章 (われはロボット)?Joshō (Ware wa Robotto)[Japanese] (1963) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: Introduzione (Io, robot) [Italian] (1963)
Translation: Bevezetés (Én, a robot)?Bevezetes (En, a robot)[Hungarian] (1966)
- Translation: Inleiding (Ik, robot) [Dutch] (1966)
- Translation: Introducere (Eu, robotul) [Romanian] (1967)
- Translation: Introduction (Les robots) [French] (1967)
- Translation: Uvod (Ja, robot) [Serbian] (1976) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Introdução (Eu, robô) [Portuguese] (2014)
- The Rest of the Robots (1964) [O]
Eight Stories from The Rest of the Robots (1966) [C]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Rest of the Robots (1968)
- Translation: Il secondo libro dei robot [Italian] (1968)
- Translation: De komst van de robots [Dutch] (1969)
Translation: Un défilé de robots?Un defile de robots[French] (1974)
- Translation: Los robots [Spanish] (1980)
Translation: Povestiri cu roboți?Povestiri cu roboti[Romanian] (1995)
- Translation: Il secondo libro dei robot [Italian] (2004)
—That Thou Art Mindful of Him!?-That Thou Art Mindful of Him!(1974) [SF] also appeared as:
- Variant: That Thou Art Mindful of Him! (1974)
Translation: 最後のロボット?Saigo no Robotto[Japanese] (1975) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Translation: ...att du tänker på henne!?...att du taenker pa henne![Swedish] (1975)
- Variant: That Thou Art Mindful of Him (1976)
- Translation: ... che tu debba preoccuparti di Lui! [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: Che tu te ne prenda cura [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: Weest hem indachtig [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: ¿Qué es el hombre? [Spanish] (1978)
Translation: Pour que tu t'y intéresses?Pour que tu t'y interesses[French] (1978)
Translation: ... daß du seiner eingedenk bist?... dass du seiner eingedenk bist[German] (1978)
Translation: Daß du seiner eingedenk bist?Dass du seiner eingedenk bist[German] (1978)
- Translation: Die Menschen und wir [German] (1982)
- Variant: ... That Thou Art Mindful of Him (1984)
- Translation: Qué es el Hombre [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Da vodiš brigu o njemu [Serbian] (1987) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Che tu ne prenda cura [Italian] (1989)
Translation: "...Te ga se opominješ"?"...Te ga se opominjes"[Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
"...Te ga se opominjesh" -
Translation: ... hogy engedelmességgel tartozol Neki?... hogy engedelmesseggel tartozol Neki[Hungarian] (1993)
... hogy engedelmesseeggel tartozol Neki - Translation: ¿Qué es el hombre? [Spanish] (1993)
- Translation: Dass du seiner eingedenk bist [German] (2014)
- I, Robot (1979) [SF] with David Fickling
The Complete Robot (1982) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le livre des robots [French] (1967)
- Translation: Alle Roboter-Geschichten [German] (1982)
- Translation: De totale robot [Dutch] (1984)
- Translation: Los robots [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Robotit [Finnish] (1985)
- Translation: Sabrani roboti [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Robottörténetek?Robottortenetek[Hungarian] (1993)
- The Robot Collection (1983) [O/1C,2N]
Cal (1990) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cal [Dutch] (1995)
Robot Visions (1990) [C]
also appeared as:
Translation: Visões de robot?Visoes de robot[Portuguese] (1992)
Translation: Visões de robô?Visoes de robo[Portuguese] (1996)
The Positronic Man (1992)
Robert Silverberg
also appeared as:
- Translation: Positronisch brein [Dutch] (1992)
Translation: Pozitronski čovek?Pozitronski covek[Serbian] (1993) [as by Isak Asimov and Robert Silverberg]
Pozitronski chovek - Translation: Tout sauf un homme [French] (1993)
- Translation: Omul pozitronic [Romanian] (1996)
- Translation: Der positronische Mann [German] (1998)
Translation: Pozytronowy człowiek?Pozytronowy czlowiek[Polish] (1998)
- Translation: Bicentennial man [Dutch] (2000)
- Translation: L'homme bicentenaire [French] (2000)
- I Robot: Short Stories (1993) [C] with Rowena Akinyemi
I, Robot: The Illustrated Screenplay (1994) [SF]
Harlan Ellison
also appeared as:
- Translation: I, Robot [French] (1997)
- Serializations:
- I, Robot: The Movie (Part 1 of 3) (1987) [as by Harlan Ellison]
- I, Robot: The Movie (Part 2 of 3) (1987) [as by Harlan Ellison]
- I, Robot: The Movie (Part 3 of 3) (1987) [as by Harlan Ellison]
- I, Robot (2008) [C] with Tricia Reilly
- Elijah Baley / R. Daneel Olivaw
- 1
The Caves of Steel (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: As cavernas de aço [Portuguese] (1956)
Translation: Der Mann von drüben?Der Mann von drueben[German] (1956)
- Translation: Les cavernes d'acier [French] (1956)
Translation: Čelične spilje?Celicne spilje[Croatian] (1957)
Translation: 鋼鉄都市?Kōtetsu Toshi[Japanese] (1959) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: De stalen holen [Dutch] (1967)
Translation: Stålgrottorna?Stalgrottorna[Swedish] (1973)
Translation: Teräsluolat?Teraesluolat[Finnish] (1974)
Terasluolat - Translation: Caça aos Robôs [Portuguese] (1976)
- Translation: Abissi d'acciaio [Italian] (1976)
Translation: Pod čeličnim nebom?Pod celicnim nebom[Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
Pod chelichnim nebom - Translation: El resto de los robots [Spanish] (1981)
- Translation: Abissi d'acciaio [Italian] (1986)
Translation: Die Stahlhöhlen?Die Stahlhoehlen[German] (1988)
Translation: Čelične pećine?Celicne pecine[Serbian] (1990) [as by Isak Asimov]
Chelichne pechine -
Translation: Caverne de oțel?Caverne de otel[Romanian] (1992)
Translation: Acélbarlangok?Acelbarlangok[Hungarian] (1993)
- Translation: Bóvedas de acero [Spanish] (2003)
- Translation: As cavernas de aço [Portuguese] (2013)
Translation: Σπηλιές από ατσάλι?Spilies apo atsali[Greek] (2017) [as byΙσαάκ Ασίμωφ?Isaac Asimov]
- Serializations:
- The Caves of Steel (Part 1 of 3) (1953)
- The Caves of Steel (Part 2 of 3) (1953)
- The Caves of Steel (Part 3 of 3) (1953)
- Translation: Les villes d'acier (Part 1 of 3) [French] (1954)
- Translation: Les villes d'acier (Part 2 of 3) [French] (1954)
- Translation: Les villes d'acier (Part 3 of 3) [French] (1954)
- Translation: Abissi di acciaio (Part 1 of 9) [Italian] (1954)
- Translation: Abissi di acciaio (Part 2 of 9) [Italian] (1954)
- Translation: Abissi di acciaio (Part 3 of 9) [Italian] (1954)
- Translation: Abissi di acciaio (Part 4 of 9) [Italian] (1954)
- Translation: Abissi di acciaio (Part 5 of 9) [Italian] (1954)
- Translation: Abissi di acciaio (Part 6 of 9) [Italian] (1954)
- Translation: Abissi di acciaio (Part 7 of 9) [Italian] (1954)
- Translation: Abissi di acciaio (Part 8 of 9) [Italian] (1954)
- Translation: Abissi di acciaio (Part 9 of 9) [Italian] (1954)
- Translation: Stålgrottorna (Part 1 of 7) [Swedish] (1957)
- Translation: Stålgrottorna (Part 3 of 7) [Swedish] (1957)
- Translation: Stålgrottorna (Part 6 of 7) [Swedish] (1958)
- Translation: Stålgrottorna (Part 7 of 7) [Swedish] (1958)
- Translation: La metropoli sotterranea (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Abissi D'acciaio (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1971)
Translation: Cavernele de oțel (part 1 of 3)?Cavernele de otel (part 1 of 3)[Romanian] (1988)
Translation: Cavernele de oțel (part 2 of 3)?Cavernele de otel (part 2 of 3)[Romanian] (1989)
Translation: Cavernele de oțel (part 3 of 3)?Cavernele de otel (part 3 of 3)[Romanian] (1989)
- 2
The Naked Sun (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mord I Universet [Danish] (1958)
- Translation: Golo sunce [Croatian] (1959)
- Translation: Die nackte Sonne [German] (1960)
- Translation: El Sol Desnudo [Spanish] (1960)
- Translation: Face aux feux du soleil [French] (1961)
- Translation: Ameaça dos robots [Portuguese] (1962)
- Translation: Mord unter fremder Sonne [German] (1962)
- Translation: De blote zon [Dutch] (1968)
- Translation: Alaston aurinko [Finnish] (1975)
- Translation: Soarele gol [Romanian] (1975)
- Translation: Il sole nudo [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Golo Sunce [Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Il sole nudo [Italian] (1978)
- Translation: Otra vez los robots [Spanish] (1981)
- Translation: Il sole nudo [Italian] (1986)
- Translation: Die nackte Sonne [German] (1988)
- Translation: A mezítelen nap [Hungarian] (1990)
- Translation: O sol desvelado [Portuguese] (2014)
- Serializations:
- The Naked Sun (Part 1 of 3) (1956)
- The Naked Sun (Part 2 of 3) (1956)
- The Naked Sun (Part 3 of 3) (1956)
- Translation: Il sole nudo (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1957)
- Translation: Face aux feux du soleil (Complete Novel) [French] (1961)
- 3
The Robots of Dawn (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les robots de l'aube 1 [French] (1984)
- Translation: Les robots de l'aube 2 [French] (1984)
- Translation: De robots van de dageraad [Dutch] (1984)
- Translation: Död robot [Swedish] (1985)
- Translation: Roboti zore [Serbian] (1985) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Aurora oder der Aufbruch zu den Sternen [German] (1985)
- Translation: I robot dell'alba [Italian] (1986)
- Translation: Aamunkoiton robotit [Finnish] (1987)
- Translation: Les robots de l'aube [French] (1988)
Translation: A Hajnal bolygó robotjai?A Hajnal bolygo robotjai[Hungarian] (1992)
Translation: Roboti úsvitu?Roboti usvitu[Czech] (1993)
- Translation: Roboti zore [Serbian] (1993) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Roboții de pe Aurora?Robotii de pe Aurora[Romanian] (1996)
- Translation: Der Aufbruch zu den Sternen [German] (1997)
- Translation: Los robots del amanecer [Spanish] (2000)
Translation: Os robôs da alvorada?Os robos da alvorada[Portuguese] (2015)
- Serializations:
- Translation: I Robot Dell'alba (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1985)
- 4
Robots and Empire (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das galaktische Imperium [German] (1985)
Translation: Os robôs e o império?Os robos e o imperio[Portuguese] (1985)
- Translation: Robots en imperium [Dutch] (1985)
- Translation: Les robots et l'empire 1 [French] (1986)
- Translation: Les robots et l'empire 2 [French] (1986)
- Translation: I robot e l'Impero [Italian] (1986)
- Translation: Den okända lagen [Swedish] (1988)
- Translation: Robotit ja Imperiumi [Finnish] (1989)
- Translation: Roboti i Carstvo [Serbian] (1990) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Roboti a Impérium?Roboti a Imperium[Czech] (1993)
- Translation: Robotok és Birodalom [Hungarian] (1993)
Translation: Roboții și Imperiul?Robotii si Imperiul[Romanian] (1997)
- Translation: Les robots et l'empire [French] (2003)
- Translation: Os Robôs E O Império [Portuguese] (2022)
- Serializations:
- Translation: I robot e L'impero (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1987)
Mother Earth (1949) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mutter Erde [German] (1964)
- Translation: Madre Tierra [Spanish] (1965)
- Translation: Madre Terra [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Madre Terra [Italian] (1973)
Translation: La mère des mondes?La mere des mondes[French] (1975)
- Translation: Moeder Aarde [Dutch] (1977)
Translation: 母なる地球?Haha Naru Chikyū[Japanese] (1983) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Translation: Pământul-mamă?Pamantul-mama[Romanian] (1998)
- Caves of Steel (excerpt) (1970) [SF]
The Robot Novels (1971) [O/1,2]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les cavernes d'acier / Face aux feux du soleil [French] (1970) [O/1-2]
- Translation: De robot moorden [Dutch] (1985) [O/1-2]
Mirror Image (1972) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Spiegelbild [German] (1975)
- Translation: Immagine speculare [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Effet miroir [French] (1976)
- Translation: Immagine speculare [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Imagen en un espejo [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Spiegelbeeld [Dutch] (1984)
- Translation: Slika u ogledalu [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Imagem exacta [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Reflejo simétrico [Spanish] (1993)
Translation: Tükörkép?Tukorkep[Hungarian] (1993)
Tuekoerkeep - Translation: Imagem no Es-pelho [Portuguese] (1996)
- The Robots of Dawn (Excerpt) (1983) [SF]
The Robot Trilogy (1986) [O/1-3]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Robot Novels (1988) [O/1-3]
- Variant: Robots & Murder (1999) [O/1-3]
- De robotromans [Dutch] (1993) [O/1-4]
The Caves of Steel (extract) (unpublished) [SF]
only appeared as:
Translation: Der Mann von drüben (Auszug)?Der Mann von drueben (Auszug)[German] (1985)
- The Caves of Steel abridgements
- The Caves of Steel (1978) with Rosemary Border
- 1
The Caves of Steel (1954)
also appeared as:
- Mike Donovan
Reason (1941) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ich, der Robot (3) [German] (1952)
- Translation: Vernunft [German] (1952)
- Translation: Förnuft [Swedish] (1954)
- Translation: Razón [Spanish] (1956)
- Translation: Logik [German] (1962)
Translation: われ思う、ゆえに...?Ware Omō, Yue ni...[Japanese] (1962) [as by
Ware Omou, Yue ni...アイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Secondo ragione [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Logica [Dutch] (1966)
- Translation: Logika [Hungarian] (1966)
Translation: Raționament?Rationament[Romanian] (1967)
- Translation: Raison [French] (1967)
- Translation: Razão [Portuguese] (1970)
- Translation: Logika [Serbian] (1976) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Logika [Croatian] (1976)
- Translation: Razón [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Razum [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Raciocínio [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Razão [Portuguese] (1996)
- Translation: Essere razionale [Italian] (2003)
- Translation: Razão [Portuguese] (2004)
- Translation: Razão [Portuguese] (2014)
- Excerpt from "Runaround" (1942) [SF]
Runaround (1942) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Herumtreiber [German] (1952)
- Translation: Ich, der Robot (2) [German] (1952)
- Translation: Runaround [German] (1952)
- Translation: Karusell [Swedish] (1954)
- Translation: Sentido giratorio [Spanish] (1956)
Translation: 堂々めぐり?Dōdōmeguri[Japanese] (1963) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: Girotondo [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Dronken robot [Dutch] (1966)
Translation: Körbe-körbe?Korbe-korbe[Hungarian] (1966)
Koerbe-koerbe - Translation: Fuga în cerc [Romanian] (1967)
Translation: Cycle fermé?Cycle ferme[French] (1967)
- Translation: Brincadeira de Pegar [Portuguese] (1970)
Translation: Kolo — naokolo?Kolo - naokolo[Serbian] (1976) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Círculo vicioso [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Círculo vicioso [Portuguese] (1985)
- Translation: Kolo-naokolo [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: O círculo vicioso?O circulo vicioso[Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Impasse [Portuguese] (1996)
- Translation: Circolo vizioso [Italian] (2003)
- Translation: Brincando de pique [Portuguese] (2004)
- Translation: Andando em círculos [Portuguese] (2014)
Catch That Rabbit (1944) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Erst den Hasen fangen [German] (1952)
- Translation: Erst den Hasen fangen! [German] (1952)
- Translation: Ich, der Robot (4) [German] (1952)
- Translation: Att fånga kaninen [Swedish] (1954)
- Translation: Atrapa esa liebre [Spanish] (1956)
- Translation: Atrápame esta liebre [Spanish] (1956)
Translation: 野うさぎを追つて?No Usagi o Otte[Japanese] (1963) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: Il robot multiplo [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Fogd meg a nyulat! [Hungarian] (1966)
- Translation: Vingers [Dutch] (1966)
Translation: Întâi să prindem iepurele?Intai sa prindem iepurele[Romanian] (1967)
- Translation: Attrapez-moi ce lapin [French] (1967)
- Translation: Pegar o Coelho [Portuguese] (1970)
- Translation: Uhvati prvo zeca! [Serbian] (1976) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Fang den Hasen [German] (1982)
- Translation: Atrapa esa liebre [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Uhvati tog zeca [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Iniziativa personale [Italian] (2003)
- Translation: Pegue aquele coelho [Portuguese] (2004)
- Translation: É preciso pegar o coelho [Portuguese] (2014)
First Law (1956) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première loi?Premiere loi[French] (1967)
- Translation: Cuore di mamma [Italian] (1968)
- Translation: Eerste wet [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: Primera Ley [Spanish] (1980)
- Translation: Das Erste Gesetz [German] (1982)
- Translation: Primera ley [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Prima lege [Romanian] (1990)
- Translation: Prvi zakon [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Az első törvény?Az elso torveny[Hungarian] (1993)
Az elsooe toerveeny - Translation: Prima lege [Romanian] (1995)
- Translation: La Prima Legge [Italian] (2004)
- Catch That Rabbit (1993) [SF] with Rowena Akinyemi
- Reason (1993) [SF] with Rowena Akinyemi
- Runaround (1993) [SF] with Rowena Akinyemi
- Catch That Rabbit (2008) [SF] with Tricia Reilly
- Reason (2008) [SF] with Tricia Reilly
Reason (1941) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Susan Calvin
- Excerpt from "Liar!" (1941) [SF]
Liar! (1941) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Ein Lügner?Ein Luegner[German] (1952)
- Translation: Ich, der Robot (5) [German] (1952)
Translation: Lügner!?Luegner![German] (1952)
- Translation: En lögnare [Swedish] (1954)
- Translation: ¡Embustero! [Spanish] (1956)
Translation: うそつき?Usotsuki[Japanese] (1961) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: Bugiardo! [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Leugenaar [Dutch] (1966)
- Translation: Te hazug! [Hungarian] (1966)
- Translation: Mincinosul [Romanian] (1967)
- Translation: Menteur [French] (1967)
- Translation: Mentiroso! [Portuguese] (1970)
- Translation: Lažove! [Serbian] (1976) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Lažljivac [Croatian] (1978)
Translation: Lügner!?Luegner![German] (1981)
- Translation: Leugenaar! [Dutch] (1984)
- Translation: ¡Embustero! [Spanish] (1984)
Translation: Lažove!?Lazove![Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
Lazhove! - Translation: Mentiroso! [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Mentiroso! [Portuguese] (1996)
- Variant: Out of the Unknown (1996)
- Translation: Bugiardo! [Italian] (2003)
- Translation: Mentiroso! [Portuguese] (2004)
- Translation: Mentiroso! [Portuguese] (2014)
Escape! (1945) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Paradoxical Escape (1945)
- Translation: Flucht [German] (1952)
- Translation: Ich, der Robot (7) [German] (1952)
- Translation: Flykt [Swedish] (1954)
- Translation: Evasión [Spanish] (1956)
- Translation: ¡La fuga! [Spanish] (1956)
Translation: 逃避?Tōhi[Japanese] (1963) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: Evasione [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: A csillagokba! [Hungarian] (1966)
- Translation: Grappenmaker! [Dutch] (1966)
- Translation: Evadare [Romanian] (1967)
Translation: Évasion !?Evasion ![French] (1967)
- Translation: Fuga! [Portuguese] (1970)
- Translation: Bekstvo od stvarnosti [Serbian] (1976) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: ¡Fuga! [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Bekstvo! [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Meccanismo di fuga [Italian] (2003)
- Translation: Fuga! [Portuguese] (2004)
- Translation: Evasão! [Portuguese] (2014)
Evidence (1946) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Beweismaterial [German] (1952)
- Translation: Ich, der Robot (8) [German] (1952)
- Translation: Bevis [Swedish] (1954)
- Translation: La evidencia [Spanish] (1956)
- Translation: La prueba [Spanish] (1956)
Translation: 証拠?Shōko[Japanese] (1961) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: La prova [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Bewijs [Dutch] (1966)
Translation: Bizonyíték?Bizonyitek[Hungarian] (1966)
- Translation: Ein schlagender Beweis [German] (1967)
Translation: Evidența?Evidentsa[Romanian] (1967)
Evidenta -
Translation: Évidence?Evidence[French] (1967)
- Translation: L'evidenza [Italian] (1967)
- Translation: Prova [Portuguese] (1970)
- Translation: Dokaz [Serbian] (1976) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: La preuve [French] (1980)
- Translation: Schlagender Beweis [German] (1982)
- Translation: Dokaz [Croatian] (1983)
- Translation: Evidencia [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Prova [Portuguese] (1985)
- Translation: Dokaz [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: A prova [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Pruebas circunstanciales [Spanish] (1993)
- Translation: Prova [Portuguese] (1996)
- Translation: La prova [Italian] (2003)
- Translation: Evidência [Portuguese] (2004)
- Translation: La preuve [French] (2012)
- Translation: Evidência [Portuguese] (2014)
Little Lost Robot (1947) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ich, der Robot (6) [German] (1952)
- Translation: Kleiner verlorener Robot [German] (1952)
- Translation: Förlorad robot [Swedish] (1954)
- Translation: El robot perdido [Spanish] (1956)
- Translation: Pequeño robot perdido [Spanish] (1956)
Translation: Robot på avvägar?Robot pa avvaegar[Swedish] (1960)
Translation: 迷子のロボット?Maigo no Robotto[Japanese] (1963) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: Il piccolo robot perduto [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Robot vermist [Dutch] (1964)
- Translation: Robot vermist [Dutch] (1964)
Translation: Az eltűnt robot?Az eltunt robot[Hungarian] (1966)
Az eltuuent robot - Translation: S-a pierdut un robot [Romanian] (1967)
- Translation: Le petit robot perdu [French] (1967)
- Translation: Pobre Robô Perdido [Portuguese] (1970)
- Translation: Mali izgubljeni robot [Serbian] (1976) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Izgubljeni robot [Croatian] (1978)
- Translation: Kleiner verlorener Robot [German] (1982)
- Translation: El robot perdido [Spanish] (1984)
Translation: Robotul dispărut?Robotul disparut[Romanian] (1984)
- Translation: Kleiner verirrter Roboter [German] (1985)
Translation: El pequeño robot perdido?El pequeno robot perdido[Spanish] (1988)
- Translation: Kleiner verlorener Roboter [German] (1988)
- Translation: Mali, izgubljeni robot [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Desapareceu um robot [Portuguese] (1992)
Translation: O pequeno robô desaparecido?O pequeno robo desaparecido[Portuguese] (1996)
- Translation: Il robot scomparso [Italian] (2003)
- Translation: O pequeno robô perdido [Portuguese] (2004)
- Translation: Um robozinho sumido [Portuguese] (2014)
The Evitable Conflict (1950) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der unvermeidbare Konflikt [German] (1952)
- Translation: Der unvermeidliche Konflikt [German] (1952)
- Translation: Der vermeidliche Konflikt [German] (1952)
- Translation: Ich, der Robot (9) [German] (1952)
- Translation: Konflikten som kunde undvikas [Swedish] (1954)
- Translation: Conflicto inevitable [Spanish] (1956)
- Translation: Un conflicto evitable [Spanish] (1956)
Translation: 災厄のとき?Saiyaku no Toki[Japanese] (1962) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: Il conflitto evitabile [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: De machines [Dutch] (1966)
- Translation: Conflictul evitabil [Romanian] (1967)
Translation: Conflit évitable?Conflit evitable[French] (1967)
- Translation: O Conflito Evitável [Portuguese] (1970)
Translation: Sukob koji se može izbeći?Sukob koji se mozhe izbeci[Serbian] (1976) [as by Isak Asimov]
Sukob koji se moze izbeci - Translation: Vermeidbarer Konflikt [German] (1982)
- Translation: El conflicto evitable [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: O conflito evitável [Portuguese] (1985)
Translation: Az elkerülhető konfliktus?Az elkerulheto konfliktus[Hungarian] (1991)
Az elkeruelhetooe konfliktus -
Translation: Sukob koji se može izbeći?Sukob koji se moze izbeci[Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
Sukob koji se mozhe izbechi - Translation: O conflito evitável [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: O Conflito Evitável [Portuguese] (1996)
- Translation: Conflitto evitabile [Italian] (2003)
- Translation: O conflito evitável [Portuguese] (2004)
- Translation: O conflito inevitável [Portuguese] (2005)
- Translation: O conflito evitável [Portuguese] (2014)
Satisfaction Guaranteed (1951) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Consolazione garantita [Italian] (1959)
- Translation: Satisfacción garantizada [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Geliebter Roboter [German] (1966)
- Translation: Satisfaction garantie [French] (1967)
- Translation: Soddisfazione garantita [Italian] (1968)
- Translation: Succes verzekerd [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: Satisfaction garantie [French] (1976)
- Translation: Satisfacción garantizada [Spanish] (1980)
- Translation: Geliebter Robot [German] (1982)
- Translation: Satisfacción garantizada [Spanish] (1984)
Translation: Zajamčeno zadovoljstvo?Zajamceno zadovoljstvo[Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
Zajamcheno zadovoljstvo -
Translation: Tökéletes kiszolgálás?Tokeletes kiszolgalas[Hungarian] (1991)
Toekeeletes kiszolgaalaas - Translation: Satisfacción garatizada [Spanish] (1992)
Translation: Satisfacție garantată?Satisfactie garantata[Romanian] (1995)
Translation: Satisfacție garantată?Satisfactie garantata[Romanian] (1999)
- Translation: Soddisfazione garantita [Italian] (2004)
Risk (1955) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Risque [French] (1967)
- Translation: La vita di un uomo [Italian] (1968)
- Translation: Risico [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: Riesgo [Spanish] (1980)
- Translation: Risiko [German] (1981)
- Translation: Risiko [German] (1982)
- Translation: Riesgo [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Rizik [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: A kockázat?A kockazat[Hungarian] (1991)
- Translation: Risc [Romanian] (1995)
- Translation: Rischio [Italian] (2004)
Galley Slave (1957) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le correcteur [French] (1959)
- Translation: Il correttore di bozze [Italian] (1959)
- Translation: Il correttore di bozze [Italian] (1965)
- Translation: Lo schiavo [Italian] (1968)
- Translation: Der perfekte Roboter [German] (1969)
- Translation: Galeislaaf [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: Galeote [Spanish] (1980)
- Translation: Galeerensklave [German] (1982)
- Translation: Il correttore di bozze [Italian] (1982)
- Translation: Esclavo en galeras [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Der Sklave [German] (1984)
- Translation: Korekturski rob [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: O revisor de rovas [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Galeote [Spanish] (1993)
- Translation: Rabszolga [Hungarian] (1993)
- Translation: Corectorul [Romanian] (1995)
- Translation: Escravo das Provas [Portuguese] (1996)
- Translation: Il correttore di bozze [Italian] (2004)
Lenny (1958) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lenny [Italian] (1964)
- Translation: Lenny [French] (1967)
- Translation: Lenny [Italian] (1968)
- Translation: Lenny [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: Lenny [Spanish] (1980)
- Translation: Lenny [German] (1982)
- Translation: Lenny [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Leni [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Lenny [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Lenny [Hungarian] (1992)
- Translation: Lenny [Spanish] (1993)
- Translation: Lenny [Romanian] (1995)
- Translation: Lenny [Portuguese] (1996)
- Translation: Lenny [Italian] (2004)
Feminine Intuition (1969) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Jane 5 [German] (1970)
Translation: Intuition féminine?Intuition feminine[French] (1970)
- Translation: Intuito femminile [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Kvinnlig intuition [Swedish] (1974)
- Translation: Kvinnlig intuition [Swedish] (1977)
- Translation: Intuito femminile [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: Intuición femenina [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Vrouwelijke intuïtie [Dutch] (1978)
Translation: Intuition féminine?Intuition feminine[French] (1978)
- Translation: Weibliche Intuition [German] (1978)
Translation: Ženska intuicija?Zenska intuicija[Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
Zhenska intuicija - Translation: Intuição feminina [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Intuición femenina [Spanish] (1993)
Translation: Női ösztön?Noi oszton[Hungarian] (1993)
Nooei oesztoen - Translation: Intuição Feminina [Portuguese] (1996)
Robot Dreams (1986) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Een robot droomt [Dutch] (1987)
Translation: Roboterträume?Robotertraeume[German] (1987)
Translation: Sueños de robot?Suenos de robot[Spanish] (1988)
Translation: Roboterträume?Robotertraeume[German] (1988)
- Translation: Robotski snovi [Croatian] (1988)
Translation: Le robot qui rêvait?Le robot qui revait[French] (1988)
- Translation: Sonhos de Robô [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Sonhos de Robô [Portuguese] (2005)
- Translation: Visuri de robot [Romanian] (2007)
- Evidence (1993) [SF] with Rowena Akinyemi
- Liar! (1993) [SF] with Rowena Akinyemi
- Little Lost Robot (1993) [SF] with Rowena Akinyemi
- Doctor Susan Calvin - Robot-psychologist (2008) [SF] with Tricia Reilly
- Evidence (2008) [SF] with Tricia Reilly
- Liar! (2008) [SF] with Tricia Reilly
- Little Lost Robot (2008) [SF] with Tricia Reilly
Strange Playfellow (1940) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Trantorian Empire
- 1
Pebble in the Sky (1950)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tussen twee voetstappen [Dutch] (1952)
- Translation: Cailloux dans le ciel [French] (1953)
- Translation: Futuro do Mundo [Portuguese] (1956)
- Translation: Un guijarro en el cielo [Spanish] (1958)
- Translation: Radioaktiv ... ! [German] (1960)
- Translation: Paria dei cieli [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Cailloux dans le ciel [French] (1974)
Translation: O piatră pe cer?O piatra pe cer[Romanian] (1981)
- Translation: 827 Era Galáctica [Portuguese] (1983)
Translation: Uğursuz Gezegen Galactica?Ugursuz Gezegen Galactica[Turkish] (1983)
- Translation: Paria dei cieli [Italian] (1985)
Translation: Kamičak na nebu?Kamicak na nebu[Serbian] (1987) [as by Isak Asimov]
Kamichak na nebu - Translation: Šljunak na nebu [Serbian] (1987)
- Translation: Paria dei cieli [Italian] (1988)
Translation: Kavics az égben?Kavics az egben[Hungarian] (1992)
- Translation: Ein Sandkorn am Himmel [German] (1997)
Translation: 蒼穹一粟?Cāng Qióng Yí Sù[Chinese] (2006) [as by 艾西莫夫]
Translation: 银河帝国15:苍穹一粟?Yín Hé Dì Guó 15:Cāng Qióng Yí Sù[Chinese] (2014)
- Translation: Pedra no céu [Portuguese] (2016)
- Serializations:
- Pebble in the Sky (Complete Novel) (1950)
- Translation: Pària dei cieli (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1953)
- 2
The Stars, Like Dust (1951)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Rebellious Stars (1954)
- Translation: Världar i krig [Swedish] (1954)
- Translation: Rebelión en la Galaxia [Spanish] (1956)
- Variant: The Stars Like Dust (1958)
- Translation: Sterne wie Staub [German] (1960)
Translation: 暗黒星雲のかなたに?Ankoku Seiun no Kanata ni[Japanese] (1964) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: Stelle come polvere [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Tyrann [French] (1973)
- Translation: Il tiranno dei mondi [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Een oceaan van sterren [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Asi Gezegen Tyrran [Turkish] (1983)
- Translation: Zvezde, prah nebeski [Serbian] (1987) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: A csillagok, akár a por?A csillagok, akar a por[Hungarian] (1992)
- Translation: Pulbere de stele [Romanian] (1994)
- Translation: Sterne wie Staub [German] (1997)
Translation: Gwiazdy jak pył?Gwiazdy jak pyl[Polish] (2003)
Translation: Toz Gibi Yıldızlar?Toz Gibi Yildizlar[Turkish] (2018)
- Translation: Poeira de estrelas [Portuguese] (2022)
- Serializations:
- Tyrann (Part 1 of 3) (1951)
- Tyrann (Part 2 of 3) (1951)
- Tyrann (Part 3 of 3) (1951)
- Translation: Il tiranno dei mondi (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1953)
- 3
The Currents of Space (1952)
also appeared as:
- Translation: As correntes do espaço [Portuguese] (1955)
- Translation: Las corrientes del espacio [Spanish] (1955)
Translation: 遊星フロリナの悲劇?Yusei Furorina no Higeki[Japanese] (1955) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: Correnti dello spazio [Italian] (1955)
- Translation: Der fiebernde Planet [German] (1960)
Translation: 宇宙気流?Uchū Kiryū[Japanese] (1962) [as by
Uchuu Kiryuu
うちゅうきりゅうアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Spionage in de ruimte [Dutch] (1965)
- Translation: Les courants de l'espace [French] (1967)
- Translation: Le correnti dello spazio [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Avaruuden merivirrat [Finnish] (1978)
- Translation: Svemirske stuje [Serbian] (1987) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Az űr áramlatai?Az ur aramlatai[Hungarian] (1992)
Az uuer aaramlatai -
Translation: Curenții spațiului?Curentii spatiului[Romanian] (1994)
Translation: Ströme im All?Stroeme im All[German] (1997)
Translation: Uzay Akımları?Uzay Akimlari[Turkish] (2019)
- Translation: As correntes do espaço [Portuguese] (2022)
- Serializations:
- The Currents of Space (Part 1 of 3) (1952)
- The Currents of Space (Part 2 of 3) (1952)
- The Currents of Space (Part 3 of 3) (1952)
- Translation: Le correnti dello spazio (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1967)
Triangle (1961) [O/3N]
also appeared as:
- Variant: An Isaac Asimov Second Omnibus (1969) [O]
- Translation: Trilogija o carstvu [Serbian] (1987) [O] [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Die Größe des Imperiums?Die Groesse des Imperiums[German] (1997) [O]
- Variant: The Empire Novels (2002) [O/3N]
- Translation: Trilogia Império Galáctico [Portuguese] (2022) [O]
- 1
Pebble in the Sky (1950)
also appeared as:
Blind Alley (1945) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Larry Mysteries
- 1 The Key Word and Other Mysteries (1977) [C] [non-genre]
- 2 The Disappearing Man and Other Mysteries (1985) [C] [non-genre]
- A Case of Need (1975) [SF] [non-genre]
- Sarah Tops (1975) [SF] [non-genre]
- Santa Claus Gets a Coin (1975) [SF] [non-genre]
- The Key Word (1977) [SF] [non-genre]
The Thirteenth Day of Christmas (1977) [SF] [non-genre]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Thirteenth Day of Christmas (1976) [German] (1984)
- The Disappearing Man (1978) [SF] [non-genre]
- Lucky Seven (1982) [SF] [non-genre]
- The Christmas Solution (1983) [SF] [non-genre]
- The Man in the Park (1985) [SF] [non-genre]
- The Twins (1985) [SF] [non-genre]
- Zip Code (1986) [SF]
- Lecherous Limericks
- 1 Lecherous Limericks (1975) [C]
- 2 More Lecherous Limericks (1976) [C]
- 3 Still More Lecherous Limericks (1977) [C]
- Lucky Starr
- 1
David Starr: Space Ranger (1952)
also appeared as:
- Variant: David Starr: Space Ranger (1952) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: O veneno de Marte [Portuguese] (1954) [as by Paul French]
Translation: Sur la planète rouge?Sur la planete rouge[French] (1954) [as by Paul French]
Translation: David Starr – rymdjägare?David Starr - rymdjaegare[Swedish] (1957) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: Gift vom Mars [German] (1963) [as by Paul French]
- Variant: David Starr, Space Ranger (1971)
- Variant: Space Ranger (1972)
- Translation: Gift vom Mars [German] (1974)
- Translation: Een man alleen [Dutch] (1977)
Translation: Jim Spark le chasseur d'étoiles?Jim Spark le chasseur d'etoiles[French] (1977)
- Translation: Lucky Starr [German] (1981)
- Translation: Lucky Starr, il vagabondo dello spazio [Italian] (1988)
- Translation: Les poisons de Mars [French] (1991)
Translation: Az Űrvadász?Az urvadasz[Hungarian] (1992)
Az Uervadaasz - Variant: David Starr, Space Ranger (1993) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: Lucky Starr, der Weltraumranger [German] (1995)
Translation: Rătăcitor în spațiu?Ratacitor in spatiu[Romanian] (1998)
Translation: Lucky Starr – Weltraumranger?Lucky Starr - Weltraumranger[German] (1998)
Variant: David Starr—Space Ranger?David Starr-Space Ranger(2001)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Veleno per la Terra (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1962) [as by Paul French]
- 2
Lucky Starr and the Pirates of the Asteroids (1953)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Lucky Starr and the Pirates of the Asteroids (1953) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: La bataille des astres [French] (1954) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: Os corsários do espaço [Portuguese] (1956) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: Flug durch die Sonne [German] (1963) [as by Paul French]
- Variant: Pirates of the Asteroids (1972)
- Translation: Flug durch die Sonne [German] (1974)
- Translation: Piraten van de asteroïden [Dutch] (1978)
Translation: Lucky Starr im Asteroidengürtel?Lucky Starr im Asteroidenguertel[German] (1981)
- Translation: Lucky Starr e i pirati degli asteroidi [Italian] (1988)
- Translation: Az aszteroidák kalózai [Hungarian] (1992)
- Translation: Capcana [Romanian] (1998)
- 3
Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus (1954)
also appeared as:
Translation: Les océans de Vénus?Les oceans de Venus[French] (unknown)
- Variant: Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus (1954) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: Vénus contre la Terre [French] (1955) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: Os mares de Vénus [Portuguese] (1959) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: Im Ozean der Venus [German] (1963) [as by Paul French]
- Variant: The Oceans of Venus (1972)
- Translation: Im Ozean der Venus [German] (1974)
- Variant: Oceans of Venus (1980)
- Translation: Lucky Starr auf der Venus [German] (1981)
- Translation: Lucky Starr e gli oceani di Venere [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: A Vénusz óceánjai [Hungarian] (1992)
- Translation: Oceanul [Romanian] (1999)
- 4
Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of Mercury (1956)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of Mercury (1956) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: Lucky Starr y el Gran Sol de Mercurio [Spanish] (1957)
- Translation: Lucky Starr på Merkurius [Swedish] (1958) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: Im Licht der Merkur-Sonne [German] (1963) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: O Grande Sol de Mercúrio [Portuguese] (1972)
- Variant: The Big Sun of Mercury (1972)
- Translation: Im Licht der Merkur-Sonne [German] (1974)
Translation: Lucky Starr på Merkurius?Lucky Starr paa Merkurius[Swedish] (1976)
- Translation: De grote zon van Mercurius [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: Lucky Starr im Licht der Merkursonne [German] (1981)
- Translation: A Merkúr óriás Napja [Hungarian] (1992)
- Translation: Proiectul Lumina [Romanian] (1999)
- 5
Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter (1957) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: L'espion-robot de Jupiter-9 [French] (1958) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: O robot de Júpiter-9 [Portuguese] (1960) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: Auf den Monden des Jupiter [German] (1963) [as by Paul French]
- Variant: The Moons of Jupiter (1973)
- Translation: Auf den Monden des Jupiter [German] (1974)
- Translation: Lucky Starr auf den Jupitermonden [German] (1982)
- Translation: A Jupiter holdjai [Hungarian] (1992)
- Translation: Spionul [Romanian] (2001)
- 6
Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn (1958) [as by Paul French]
- Translation: Die Ringe des Saturn [German] (1963) [as by Paul French]
- Variant: The Rings of Saturn (1973)
- Translation: Die Ringe des Saturn [German] (1974)
- Translation: Lucky Starr und die Saturnringe [German] (1982)
Translation: A Szaturnusz gyűrűi?A Szaturnusz gyurui[Hungarian] (1992)
A Szaturnusz gyuueruuei - Translation: Inelele lui Saturn [Romanian] (2001)
- Excerpt from Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus (1954) [SF]
- Excerpt from Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter (1957) [SF]
A Second Isaac Asimov Double: The Big Sun of Mercury and The Oceans of Venus (1972) [O/3,4]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus & Lucky Star and the Big Sun of Mercury (1993) [O/3,4] [as by Paul French]
- Translation: Fantomele Soarelui [Romanian] (1999) [O]
An Isaac Asimov Double: Space Ranger and Pirates of the Asteroids (1972) [O/1,2]
also appeared as:
- Variant: David Starr, Space Ranger & Lucky Starr and the Pirates of the Asteroids (1993) [O/1,2] [as by Paul French]
Translation: Rătăcitor în spațiu?Ratacitor în spatiu[Romanian] (1998) [O]
The Third Isaac Asimov Double: The Rings of Saturn, The Moons of Jupiter (1973) [O/5,6]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter & Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn (1993) [O/5,6] [as by Paul French]
- Translation: Robotul de pe Jupiter [Romanian] (2001) [O]
- Pirates of the Asteroids (excerpt) (1974) [SF]
- The Adventures of Lucky Starr (1985) [O/1,2,3]
- The Further Adventures of Lucky Starr (1985) [O/4,5,6]
The Complete Adventures of Lucky Starr (2001) [O/1-6]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lucky Starr [German] (1998) [O/1-6]
- 1
David Starr: Space Ranger (1952)
also appeared as:
- Norby Chronicles
- 1
Norby, the Mixed-Up Robot (1983)
Janet Asimov
also appeared as:
- Translation: Norby, seonnut robotti [Finnish] (1990)
- 2 Norby's Other Secret (1984) with Janet Asimov
- 3 Norby and the Lost Princess (1985) with Janet Asimov
- 4 Norby and the Invaders (1985) with Janet Asimov
- 5 Norby and the Queen's Necklace (1986) with Janet Asimov
- 6 Norby Finds a Villain (1987) with Janet Asimov
- 7
Norby Down to Earth (1988)
Janet Asimov
also appeared as:
- Translation: Norby regresa a la Tierra [Spanish] (1990)
- Translation: Norby retorna a la Terra [Spanish] (1990)
- 8 Norby and Yobo's Great Adventure (1989) with Janet Asimov
- 9 Norby and the Oldest Dragon (1990) with Janet Asimov
- 10 Norby and the Court Jester (1991) with Janet Asimov
- The Norby Chronicles (1986) [O/1,2] with Janet Asimov
- Norby: Robot for Hire (1987) [O/3,4] with Janet Asimov
- Norby Through Time and Space (1988) [O/5,6] with Janet Asimov
- 1
Norby, the Mixed-Up Robot (1983)
Janet Asimov
also appeared as:
- Opus (Isaac Asimov)
- 1 Opus 100 (1969) [C]
- 2
Opus 200 (1979) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Opus 200 [German] (1984)
- 3 Opus 300 (1984) [C]
- Opus: A Selection from the First 200 Books (1980) [O/1-2]
- Prisma sf verhalen
- 3 Science fiction verhalen 3 [Dutch] (1964) [C]
- The Asimov Chronicles
- The Asimov Chronicles: Fifty Years of Isaac Asimov! (1989) [C]
- The Asimov Chronicles (Ace)
- 1 The Asimov Chronicles: Fifty Years of Isaac Asimov!: Volume One (1990) [C]
- 2 The Asimov Chronicles: Fifty Years of Isaac Asimov!: Volume Two (1990) [C]
- 3 The Asimov Chronicles: Fifty Years of Isaac Asimov!: Volume Three (1990) [C]
- 4 The Asimov Chronicles: Fifty Years of Isaac Asimov!: Volume Four (1991) [C]
- 5 The Asimov Chronicles: Fifty Years of Isaac Asimov!: Volume Five (1991) [C]
- 6 The Asimov Chronicles: Fifty Years of Isaac Asimov!: Volume Six (1991) [C]
- The Asimov Chronicles (Heyne)
- 1 Die Asimov-Chronik: Robot ist verloren [German] (1991) [C]
- 2 Die Asimov-Chronik: Die vierte Generation [German] (1991) [C]
- 3 Die Asimov-Chronik: Die Menschheit wird gerettet [German] (1992) [C]
- The Asimov Chronicles (UK)
- The Best of Isaac Asimov selections
The Best of Isaac Asimov (1973) [C]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Best of Isaac Asimov 1939-1952 (1975)
Translation: Wenn die Sterne verlöschen?Wenn die Sterne verloeschen[German] (1975)
- Translation: Il meglio di Asimov volume primo [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Il meglio di Asimov volume secondo [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Die Verschwender vom Mars [German] (1975)
- Variant: The Best of Isaac Asimov 1954-1972 (1977)
- Translation: Best of Asimov [German] (1983)
- The Best Mysteries of Isaac Asimov (1986) [C]
The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov (1986) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le migliori opere di fantascienza [Italian] (1987)
The Best of Isaac Asimov (1973) [C]
also appeared as:
- The Union Club Mysteries
No Refuge Could Save (1980) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: In der Falle [German] (1984)
Translation: 逃げ場なし?にげばなし[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Nigeba Nashiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
The Telephone Number (1980) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Telefonnummer [German] (1984)
Translation: 電話番号?でんわばんごう[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Denwa Bangō
Denwa Bangouアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
The Men Who Wouldn't Talk (1980) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Ring der Verschwiegenen [German] (1984)
Translation: 物言わぬ男たち?ものいわぬおとこたち[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Mono Iwanu Otoko-tachi
Mono Iwanu Otokotachiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
A Clear Shot (1980) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Im Visier [German] (1984)
Translation: 狙撃?そげき[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Sogekiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Irresistible to Women (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Unwiderstehliche [German] (1984)
Translation: 艶福家?えんぷくか[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Enpukakuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
He Wasn't There (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Schatten [German] (1984)
Translation: 架空の人物?かくうのじんぶつ[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Kakū no Jinbutsu
Kakuu no Jinbutsuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
The Thin Line (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Auf des Messers Schneide [German] (1984)
Translation: 一筋の糸?ひとすじのいと[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Hitosuji no Itoアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Mystery Tune (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wer kennt die Melodie? [German] (1984)
Translation: 殺しのメロディー?ころしのメロディー[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Koroshi no Merodī
Koroshi no Merodiiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Hide and Seek (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Versteckspiel [German] (1984)
Translation: 宝さがし?たからさがし[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Takara Sagashiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Gift (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: ギフト?Gifuto[Japanese] (1989) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Hot or Cold (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Heiß oder kalt?Heiss oder kalt[German] (1984)
Translation: 高温 低温?こうおん ていおん[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Kōon Teion
Kouon Teionアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
The Thirteenth Page (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Seite 13 [German] (1984)
Translation: 13ページ?13 Pēji[Japanese] (1989) [as by
13 Peeji
Juusan Pēji
Juusan Peejiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
1 to 999 (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Zahlenspiel [German] (1984)
Translation: 1から999まで?いちからきゅうひゃくきゅうじゅうきゅうまで[Japanese] (1989) [as by
1 kara 999 madeアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Twelve Years Old (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: 12歳?12さい[Japanese] (1989) [as by
12-saiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Testing, Testing! (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Feuerprobe [German] (1984)
Translation: 知能テスト?ちのうテスト[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Chinō Tesuto
Chinou Tesutoアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
The Appleby Story (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Appleby-Story [German] (1984)
Translation: アプルビーの漫談?アプルビーのまんだん[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Apurubī no Mandan
Apurubii no Mandanアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Dollars and Cents (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dollars und Cents [German] (1984)
Translation: ドルとセント?Doru to Sento[Japanese] (1989) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Friends and Allies (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Freunde und Verbündete?Freunde und Verbuendete[German] (1984)
Translation: 友好国 同盟国?ゆうこうこく どうめいこく[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Yūkōkoku Dōmeikoku
Yuukoukoku Doumeikokuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Which is Which? (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wer ist wer? [German] (1984)
Translation: どっちがどっち??Dotchi ga Dotchi?[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Docchi ga Docchi?アイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
The Sign (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Sternzeichen [German] (1984)
Translation: 十二宮?じゅうにきゅう[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Juunikyuuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Catching the Fox (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Fuchsjagd [German] (1984)
Translation: キツネ狩り?キツネがり[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Kitsune Gariアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Getting the Combination (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Safe-Kombination [German] (1984)
Translation: 組み合わせ錠?くみあわせじょう[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Kimiawasejouアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
The Library Book (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Buch aus der Bibliothek [German] (1984)
Translation: 図書館の本?としょかんのほん[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Toshokan no Honアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
The Three Goblets (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Drei Pokale [German] (1984)
Translation: 3つのゴブレット?みっつのゴブレット[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Mittsu no Goburetto
Mitsu no Goburettoアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Spell It! (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Bitte buchstabieren Sie! [German] (1984)
Translation: どう書きますか??どうかきますか?[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Dō Kakimasu ka?
Dou Kakimasu ka?アイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Two Women (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: 2人の女?ふたりのおんな[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Futari no Onnaアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Sending a Signal (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: 信号発信?しんごうはっしん[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Shingō Hasshin
Shingou Hasshinアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Half a Ghost (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das halbe Gespenst [German] (1984)
Translation: 半分幽霊?はんぶんゆうれい[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Hanbun Yūrei
Hanbun Yuureiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
The Union Club Mysteries (1983) [C] [non-genre]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Seite 13 und andere Geschichten aus dem Union Club [German] (1984)
There Was a Young Lady (1983) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Lady aus Dallas [German] (1984)
Translation: ダラスのアリス?Darasu no Arisu[Japanese] (1989) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Never Out of Sight (1983) [SF]
The Favorite Piece (1983) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Favourite Piece (1983)
Translation: 音痴だけれど?おんちだけれど[Japanese] (1989) [as by
Onchi Da Keredoアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- The Magic Umbrella (1983) [SF]
- The Speck (1983) [SF]
No Refuge Could Save (1980) [SF]
also appeared as:
The End of Eternity (1955)
also appeared as:
- Translation: El fin de la Eternidad [Spanish] (1956)
- Translation: Am Ende der Ewigkeit [German] (1958)
- Translation: Het einde van de eeuwigheid [Dutch] (1967)
Translation: La fin de l'éternité?La fin de l'eternite[French] (1967)
- Translation: Am Ende der Ewigkeit [German] (1967)
- Translation: Das Ende der Ewigkeit [German] (1967)
Translation: A halhatatlanság halála?A halhatatlansag halala[Hungarian] (1969)
- Translation: La fine dell'eternità [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: El fin de la eternidad [Spanish] (1977)
Translation: Kraj večnosti?Kraj vecnosti[Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
Kraj vechnosti - Translation: Fim da eternidade [Portuguese] (1981)
- Translation: La fine dell'eternità [Italian] (1982)
- Translation: Het einde van eeuwigheid [Dutch] (1983)
- Translation: Ikuisuuden loppu [Finnish] (1987)
- Translation: La fine dell'Eternità [Italian] (1987)
Translation: Kraj večnosti?Kraj vecnosti[Serbian] (1990) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Het einde van de eeuwigheid [Dutch] (1991)
Translation: Sfârșitul eternității?Sfarsitul eternitatii[Romanian] (1994)
Translation: Конец Вечности?Konets Vechnosti[Russian] (2003) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov - Translation: El fin de la eternidad [Spanish] (2004)
- Translation: O fim da eternidade [Portuguese] (2007)
- Serializations:
- Translation: La fine dell'eternità (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1956)
The Gods Themselves (1972)
also appeared as:
Translation: Die nächste Welt?Die naechste Welt[German] (1972)
Translation: Lunatico oder Die nächste Welt?Lunatico oder Die naechste Welt[German] (1972)
- Translation: Itse jumalat [Finnish] (1974)
- Translation: Los propios dioses [Spanish] (1974)
Translation: Les dieux eux-mêmes?Les dieux eux-memes[French] (1974)
Translation: Сами боги?Sami bogi[Russian] (1976) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov - Translation: Zelfs de goden [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Neanche gli dei [Italian] (1976)
Translation: Själva gudarna?Sjaelva gudarna[Swedish] (1978)
- Translation: O Planeta dos Deuses [Portuguese] (1980)
Translation: Самите богове?Samite bogove[Bulgarian] (1982) [as byАйзък Азимов?Ayzak Azimov]
- Translation: Zelfs de goden [Dutch] (1987)
- Translation: Az istenek is... [Hungarian] (1992)
Translation: Zeii înșiși?Zeii însisi[Romanian] (1993)
Zeii înshishi - Translation: Os Proprios Deuses [Portuguese] (2010)
- Serializations:
- The Gods Themselves (Part 1 of 3) (1972)
- The Gods Themselves (Part 2 of 3) (1972)
- The Gods Themselves (Part 3 of 3) (1972)
- Translation: Neanche gli Dei (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1972)
Grow Old Along with Me (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vieillissons ensemble [French] (1987)
- Translation: Invecchia con me [Italian] (1988)
Destination hjärnan: den tantastiska resan II?Destination hjaernan: den tantastiska resan II[Swedish] (1988)
Nemesis (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nemezis [Serbian] (1989) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Némesis?Nemesis[Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Nemesis [Italian] (1990)
- Translation: Nemesis [Dutch] (1990)
- Translation: Nemesis [German] (1990)
Translation: Némésis?Nemesis[French] (1991)
- Translation: Nemezis [Hungarian] (1991)
- Translation: Nemesis [Finnish] (1992)
- Translation: Nemesis [Czech] (1994)
- Translation: Nemesis [Romanian] (1997)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Nemesis (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1992)
Nightfall (1990)
Robert Silverberg
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ondergang [Dutch] (1990)
Translation: Spuštanje noći?Spustanje noci[Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov and Robert Silverberg]
Spushtanje nochi -
Translation: Le retour des ténèbres?Le retour des tenebres[French] (1991)
- Translation: Leszáll az éj [Hungarian] (1992)
Translation: Căderea nopții?Caderea noptii[Romanian] (1994)
Caderea noptsii -
Translation: Yö saapuu?Yoe saapuu[Finnish] (1994)
Yo saapuu - Translation: Einbruch der Nacht [German] (1997)
Child of Time (1991)
Robert Silverberg
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dete vremena [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov and Robert Silverberg]
- Translation: Proefkind [Dutch] (1991)
- Translation: L'enfant du temps [French] (1992)
- Variant: The Ugly Little Boy (1992)
Translation: Az idő gyermeke?Az ido gyermeke[Hungarian] (1995)
Az idooe gyermeke -
Translation: Băiețelul cel urât?Baietelul cel urat[Romanian] (1995)
- Translation: Kind der Zeit [German] (1997)
The Martian Way and Other Stories (1955)
also appeared as:
Translation: Wasser für den Mars?Wasser fuer den Mars[German] (1960)
- Translation: En lo Profundo [Spanish] (1962)
- Variant: The Martian Way and Other Science Fiction Stories (1965)
- Translation: Het fopaas [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Maledetti marziani [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: La voie martienne [French] (1978)
- Variant: The Martian Way ... and Other Stories (1985)
Earth Is Room Enough (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Con la Tierra nos basta [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Geliebter Roboter [German] (1966)
- Translation: La Terra è abbastanza grande [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Espace vital [French] (1976)
Nine Tomorrows (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Verhalen uit de toekomst [Dutch] (1960)
- Translation: Nueve Futuros [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Unendlichkeit x 5 [German] (1966)
- Translation: L'avenir commence demain [French] (1978)
- Translation: Nove Amanhãs: contos do futuro próximo, 1º volume [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Nove Amanhãs: contos do futuro próximo, 2º volume [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Nove Amanhãs [Portuguese] (1999)
- Dodici volte domani [Italian] (1964)
- Through a Glass, Clearly (1967)
Asimov's Mysteries (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: 10 SF-Kriminalgeschichten [German] (1969)
- Translation: De sprekende steen [Dutch] (1970)
Translation: アシモフのミステリ世界?アシモフのミステリせかい[Japanese] (1973) [as by
Ajimofu no Misuteri Sekaiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] -
Translation: Histoires mystérieuses: Tome 1?Histoires mysterieuses: Tome 1[French] (1974)
- Translation: La chiave, e altri misteri [Italian] (1975)
Translation: Histoires mystérieuses 2?Histoires mysterieuses 2[French] (1977)
- Translation: 10 Science Fiction-Kriminalgeschichten [German] (1980)
Nightfall and Other Stories (1969)
also appeared as:
Translation: Quand les ténèbres viendront?Quand les tenebres viendront[French] (1970)
- Translation: L'amour, vous connaissez ? [French] (1970)
- Translation: Broedt daar een mens? [Dutch] (1971)
- Variant: Nightfall One (1971)
- Translation: Antologia Personale [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Antologia Personale n. 2 [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Antologia Personale n. 3 [Italian] (1971)
- Variant: Nightfall Two (1971)
- Translation: Und Finsternis wird kommen... [German] (1973)
- Translation: Der Todeskanal [German] (1973)
- Translation: Vergangene Zukunft [German] (1973)
- Translation: Een mooie dag voor een wandeling [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Antologia Personale. Volume primo [Italian] (1978)
Translation: Jusqu'à la quatrième génération?Jusqu'a la quatrieme generation[French] (1980)
- Eu, Robô [Portuguese] (1970)
The Early Asimov (1972)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Early Asimov or, Eleven Years of Trying Volume 1 (1973)
- Translation: Asimov Story n. 1 [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Asimov Story n. 2 [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Asimov Story n. 3 [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Asimov Story n. 4 [Italian] (1973)
- Variant: The Early Asimov or, Eleven Years of Trying Volume 2 (1974)
- Variant: The Early Asimov or, Eleven Years of Trying Volume 3 (1974)
- Translation: Dangereuse Callisto [French] (1974)
- Variant: The Early Asimov: Book One (1974)
- Translation: Noël sur Ganymède [French] (1974)
- Variant: The Early Asimov: Book Two (1974)
- Translation: Chrono-minets [French] (1975)
Translation: La mère des mondes?La mere des mondes[French] (1975)
- Translation: De dreiging van Callisto: Vroege werken 1: 1939-1940 [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: De rode koningin: Vroege werken 3: 1941-1948 [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Het superneutron: Vroege werken 2: 1940-1941 [Dutch] (1977)
- Variant: The Early Asimov, Volume 2 (1977)
- Translation: Asimov Story [Italian] (1979)
- Variant: The Early Asimov, Book 1 (1986)
- Variant: The Early Asimov: Book 2 (1986)
- Translation: Szuperneutron [Hungarian] (1995)
- Translation: Perioada Campbell [Romanian] (1998)
- Have You Seen These? (1974)
Buy Jupiter and Other Stories (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Landsflykt i helvetet [Swedish] (1976)
Translation: Testi e note nº 1?Testi e note numero 1[Italian] (1976)
Translation: Testi e note nº 2?Testi e note numero 2[Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Cher Jupiter et autres nouvelles [French] (1977)
Translation: Flûte, flûte et flûtes !?Flute, flute et flutes ![French] (1977)
- Translation: Das Ende der Dinosaurier [German] (1977)
- Translation: Landung ohne Wiederkehr [German] (1977)
- Translation: Testi e Note [Italian] (1978)
- Translation: Het kosmisch biljart [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Întemeietorii [Romanian] (1998)
- Translation: Cher Jupiter [French] (2016)
- Il secondo libro dei robot [Italian] (1976)
- The Dream, Benjamin's Dream and Benjamin's Bicentennial Blast (1976)
The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories (1976)
also appeared as:
Translation: Främling i paradiset?Fraemling i paradiset[Swedish] (1977)
Translation: Antologia del Bicentenario nº 1?Antologia del Bicentenario numero 1[Italian] (1977)
Translation: Antologia del Bicentenario nº 2?Antologia del Bicentenario numero 2[Italian] (1977)
- Translation: El hombre del bicentenario [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Vreemdeling in het paradijs [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: L'homme bicentenaire [French] (1978)
Translation: Der Zweihundertjährige?Der Zweihundertjaehrige[German] (1978)
- Translation: Antologia del Bicentenario [Italian] (1989)
- Limericks, Too Gross (1978) with John Ciardi
Le livre d'or de la Science-Fiction: Isaac Asimov [French] (1980)
also appeared as:
Variant: Prélude à l'éternité?Prelude à l'eternite(1990)
- 3 by Asimov: Three Science Fiction Tales (1981)
- A Grossery of Limericks (1981) with John Ciardi
The Winds of Change and Other Stories (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Winds of Change ... and Other Stories (1984)
- Translation: Wenn der Wind sich dreht [German] (1984)
- Translation: Il vento è cambiato [Italian] (1984)
- Translation: Au prix du papyrus [French] (1985)
- Translation: Les vents du changement [French] (1985)
Translation: Vântul schimbării?Vantul schimbarii[Romanian] (1996)
- The Edge of Tomorrow (1985)
- Science Fiction by Asimov (1986)
Zadužbina?Zaduzbina[Serbian] (1986)
The Alternate Asimovs (1986)
also appeared as:
Translation: Asimov parallèle?Asimov parallele[French] (1987)
- Translation: Fantasimov [Italian] (1988)
Robot Dreams (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Een robot droomt [Dutch] (1987)
Translation: Sueños de robot?Suenos de robot[Spanish] (1988)
Translation: Roboterträume?Robotertraeume[German] (1988)
Translation: Le robot qui rêvait?Le robot qui revait[French] (1988)
ユニオン・クラブ綺談?ユニオン・クラブきだん[Japanese] (1989) [only as by
Yunion Kurabu Kidanアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Isaac Asimov's The Ultimate Robot (1993)
- A Félvér [Hungarian] (1994)
Gold: The Final Science Fiction Collection (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Goud [Dutch] (1995)
Magic: The Final Fantasy Collection (1996)
also appeared as:
Translation: Légende?Legende[French] (1996)
- La pierre parlante et autres nouvelles [French] (1996)
- Visele sunt sacre [Romanian] (1999)
Histoires mystérieuses?Histoires mysterieuses[French] (2003)
Mortelle est la nuit précédé de Chante-cloche?Mortelle est la nuit precede de Chante-cloche[French] (2004)
- Living Space: Science Fiction Triple Feature (2012)
- An Earth Gone Mad / The Rebellious Stars (1954) [O/2N] with Roger Dee
- No World of Their Own / The 1,000-Year Plan (1955) [O/2N] with Poul Anderson
- Supernova! [Dutch] (1974) [O] with J. G. Ballard and Robert A. Heinlein
- I mondi di Asimov [Italian] (1976) [O]
- Odabrana dela Isaka Asimova u šest knjiga [Serbian] (1977) [O] [only as by Isak Asimov]
- Prisoners of the Stars (1979) [O/2N+1C]
- The Far Ends of Time and Earth (1979) [O/2N,1C]
- The Seven Deadly Sins and Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction (1982) [O] with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
- Foundation / I, Robot (1984) [O]
- Other Worlds of Isaac Asimov (1987) [O]
- Ich, der Robot / Der Planet der Affen [German] (1988) [O] with Pierre Boulle
Die Stahlhöhlen / Als die Vergangenheit verlorenging?Die Stahlhoehlen / Als die Vergangenheit verlorenging[German] (1989) [O] with Robert Silverberg
Die Straße der Götter / Die nackte Sonne?Die Strasse der Goetter / Die nackte Sonne[German] (1990) [O] with Martin Caidin
- Der Tausendjahresplan / Pioniere des Kosmos [German] (1992) [O] with Gordon R. Dickson
- Wilde Talente / Lucky Starr, der Weltraumranger [German] (1995) [O] with Anne McCaffrey
Die Stahlhöhlen?Die Stahlhoehlen[German] (1997) [O]
- Limericks (2000) [O] with John Ciardi
- Foundation, Foundation and Empire, Second Foundation (Everyman's Library (Cloth)) (2010) [O]
I, Robot / Earth Is Room Enough / The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories (unpublished) [O]
only appeared as:
- Translation: Meine Freunde, die Roboter [German] (1982) [O]
The Seven Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction / Catastrophes! (unpublished) [O]
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
only appeared as:
- Translation: Faszination der Science Fiction [German] (1985) [O] [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin W. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
- Five Books by the Master of Science Fiction Isaac Asimov (unknown) [O]
- Isaac Asimov: Five Books by the Master of Science Fiction (unknown) [O]
- Isaac Asimov: Five Masterworks of Science Fiction (unknown) [O]
- The Astronomical Adventures of Space Ranger Starr, Agent of the Council of Space (unknown) [O/1-6]
- Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy
- 1 Wizards (1983) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 2 Witches (1984) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 3 Cosmic Knights (1985) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 4
Spells (1985)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Translation: Encantamentos - Os mundos mágicos da fantasia [Portuguese] (1991)
- 5 Giants (1985) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 6
Mythical Beasties (1986)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Variant: Mythic Beasts (1988)
- 7 Magical Wishes (1986) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 8 Devils (1987) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 9 Atlantis (1988) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 10 Ghosts (1988) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 11 Curses (1989) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 12
Faeries (1991)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il regno incantato [Italian] (1993)
- Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy: Witches & Wizards (1985) [O/1-2] with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction
- 1 Intergalactic Empires (1983) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 2
The Science Fictional Olympics (1984)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le Olimpiadi della Follia [Italian] (1985) [as by I. Asimov and M. H. Greenberg and C. G. Waugh]
- 3 Supermen (1984) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 4 Comets (1986) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 5 Tin Stars (1986) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 7 Space Shuttles (1987) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 8 Monsters (1988) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 9 Robots (1989) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 10 Invasions (1990) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Nebula Awards
- 8
Nebula Award Stories 8 (1973)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Nebula Award Stories Eight (1973)
- Translation: Das Treffen mit Medusa und andere »Nebula«-Preis-Stories [German] (1982)
- 8
Nebula Award Stories 8 (1973)
also appeared as:
- Science Fiction Shorts
- After the End (1981) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Thinking Machines (1981) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Wild Inventions (1981) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Travels Through Time (1981) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Mutants (1982) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Tomorrow's TV (1982) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Earth Invaded (1982) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Mad Scientists (1982) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles Waugh]
- Bug Awful (1984) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles Waugh]
- Children of the Future (1984) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles Waugh]
- The Immortals (1984) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles Waugh]
- Time Warps (1984) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles Waugh]
- Space Mail
- 1
Space Mail (1980)
Martin H. Greenberg
Joseph D. Olander
only appeared as:
- Variant: Space Mail (1980) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg and Joseph Olander]
- Translation: Sternenpost: 1. Zustellung [German] (1983) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg and Joseph Olander]
- Translation: Sternenpost: 2. Zustellung [German] (1983) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg and Joseph Olander]
- Translation: Sternenpost: 3. Zustellung [German] (1984) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg and Joseph Olander]
- 2 Space Mail, Volume II (1982) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
- 1
Space Mail (1980)
Martin H. Greenberg
Joseph D. Olander
only appeared as:
- The Great SF Stories
- 1
The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 1, 1939 (1979)
Martin H. Greenberg
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die besten Stories von 1939 [German] (1982)
- Variant: Great Science Fiction Stories of 1939 (2001) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg]
- Translation: Le grandi storie della SF vol. 1 [Italian] (2006)
- Translation: Le grandi storie della SF vol. 2 [Italian] (2007)
- 2
The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 2, 1940 (1979)
Martin H. Greenberg
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die besten Stories von 1940 [German] (1980)
- Variant: Great Science Fiction Stories of 1940 (2002)
- 3
The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 3, 1941 (1980)
Martin H. Greenberg
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die besten Stories von 1941 [German] (1981) [as by Isaac Asimov]
- 4
The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 4, 1942 (1980)
Martin H. Greenberg
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die besten Stories von 1942 [German] (1981)
- 5
The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 5, 1943 (1981)
Martin H. Greenberg
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die besten Stories von 1943 [German] (1982)
- 6
The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 6, 1944 (1981)
Martin H. Greenberg
also appeared as:
- Translation: Science Fiction aus den goldenen Jahren [German] (1989)
- 7 The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 7, 1945 (1982) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 8 The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 8, 1946 (1982) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 9 The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 9, 1947 (1983) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 10 The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 10, 1948 (1983) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 11 The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 11, 1949 (1984) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 12 The Great SF Stories 12 (1950) (1984) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 13 The Great SF Stories #13 (1951) (1985) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 14 The Great SF Stories #14 (1952) (1986) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 15
The Great SF Stories #15 (1953) (1986)
Martin H. Greenberg
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le grandi storie della fantascienza 15 [Italian] (1987)
Translation: Gyilkos idő?Gyilkos ido[Hungarian] (1988)
Gyilkos idooe
- 16
The Great SF Stories #16 (1954) (1987)
Martin H. Greenberg
also appeared as:
Translation: Szívélyes Fahrenheit 17 sci-fi remekmű?Szivelyes Fahrenheit 17 sci-fi remekmu[Hungarian] (1990)
- 17 The Great SF Stories #17 (1955) (1988) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 18 The Great SF Stories #18 (1956) (1988) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 19 The Great SF Stories #19 (1957) (1989) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 20 The Great SF Stories #20 (1958) (1990) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 21 The Great SF Stories #21 (1959) (1990) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 22
The Great SF Stories #22 (1960) (1991)
Martin H. Greenberg
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le grandi storie della fantascienza: 1960 [Italian] (1992)
- 23
The Great SF Stories #23 (1961) (1991)
Martin H. Greenberg
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le grandi storie della fantascienza: 1961 [Italian] (1993)
- 24
The Great SF Stories #24 (1962) (1992)
Martin H. Greenberg
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le grandi storie della fantascienza: 1962 [Italian] (1994)
- 25 The Great SF Stories #25 (1963) (1992) with Martin H. Greenberg
- Golden Years of SF
- 1 Isaac Asimov Presents The Golden Years of Science Fiction (1983) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 2 Isaac Asimov Presents The Golden Years of Science Fiction: 2nd Series (1983) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 3 Isaac Asimov Presents The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Third Series (1984) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 4 The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Fourth Series (1984) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 5 The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Fifth Series (1985) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 6 Isaac Asimov Presents the Golden Years of Science Fiction: Sixth Series (1988) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 1
The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 1, 1939 (1979)
Martin H. Greenberg
also appeared as:
- The Hugo Winners
- 1
The Hugo Winners (1962)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Hugo Winners, Volume 1 (1972)
- Translation: I premi Hugo: Volume 1º: 1955-1961 [Italian] (1974)
- Translation: Das Forschungsteam [German] (1982)
- Translation: I premi Hugo 1955-1962 [Italian] (1993)
- 2
The Hugo Winners, Volume Two (1971)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Hugo Winners Volume One 1962-1967 (1973)
- Variant: The Hugo Winners Volume Two 1968-1970 (1973)
- Translation: I premi Hugo 1962-1966 [Italian] (1994)
- Translation: I premi Hugo 1967-1968 [Italian] (1994)
- 2.5 I premi Hugo 1969-1971 [Italian] (1995)
- 3
The Hugo Winners, Volume Three (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: I premi Hugo 1972-1973 [Italian] (1996)
- 4 The Hugo Winners, Volume 4 (1985)
- 5 The Hugo Winners, Volume 5 (1986)
- The Hugo Winners, Volumes One and Two (1972) [O/1,2]
- Stories from the Hugo Winners, Volume 2 (1973)
More Stories from the Hugo Winners, Volume II (1973)
also appeared as:
- Variant: More Stories from the Hugo Winners, Volume 2 (1980)
The Hugo Winners, Volume Three, Part One: 1970-1972 (1979)
also appeared as:
Translation: Hugo Story 4: Oceněné povídky z let 1970-1972?Hugo Story 4: Ocenene povidky z let 1970-1972[Czech] (1997)
- The Hugo Winners, Volume Three, Part Three: 1974-1975 (1979)
- The Hugo Winners, Volume Three, Part Two: 1973 (1979)
- The Hugo Winners, Volume 3, Book 1 (1979)
- The Hugo Winners: Volume 3, Book 2 (1979)
- The Super Hugos (1992)
- 1
The Hugo Winners (1962)
also appeared as:
- The Mammoth Book of ...
- The Mammoth Book of ... Science Fiction (by decade)
The Mammoth Book of Classic Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1930s (1988)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Variant: Great Tales of Classic Science Fiction (1990)
The Mammoth Book of Golden Age Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1940s (1989)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Variant: Great Tales of the Golden Age of Science Fiction (1991)
- Variant: Science Fiction: Classic Stories from the Golden Age of Science Fiction (1991)
- Variant: The Mammoth Book of Golden Age Science Fiction (1991)
- The Mammoth Book of Vintage Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1950s (1990) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
The Mammoth Book of New World Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1960s (1991)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Giant Book of New World SF: Short Novels of the 1960s (1997)
- The Mammoth Book of Fantastic Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1970s (1992) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- The Mammoth Book of Modern Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1980s (1993) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
The Mammoth Book of Classic Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1930s (1988)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- The Mammoth Book of ... Science Fiction (by decade)
- The New Hugo Winners
- 1 The New Hugo Winners (1989) with Martin H. Greenberg
- 2 The New Hugo Winners, Volume II (1992) with Martin H. Greenberg [only as by Isaac Asimov]
- Young...
Young Extraterrestrials (1984)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Variant: Asimov's Extraterrestrials (1986) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Greenberg (1941-2011) and Charles Waugh]
- Variant: Extraterrestrials (1988)
Young Mutants (1984)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
only appeared as:
- Variant: Young Mutants (1984) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Greenberg and Charles Waugh]
- Variant: Asimov's Mutants (1986)
- Variant: Mutants (1988)
Young Ghosts (1985)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
only appeared as:
- Variant: Young Ghosts (1985) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg and Charles Waugh]
- Variant: Asimov's Ghosts (1986) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Greenberg (1941-2011) and Charles Waugh]
- Young Immortals (1985) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
Young Monsters (1985)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Variant: Asimov's Monsters (1986)
- Variant: Asimov's Monsters (1988) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Greenberg (1941-2011) and Charles Waugh]
- Young Star Travelers (1986) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Young Witches & Warlocks (1987) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Asimov's Ghosts / Asimov's Monsters (1988) [O] with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Greenberg (1941-2011) and Charles Waugh]
Young Extraterrestrials (1984)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
Fifty Short Science Fiction Tales (1963)
Groff Conklin
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'altare a mezzanotte: 50 racconti di fantascienza [Italian] (1965)
- Tomorrow's Children (1966)
Where Do We Go from Here? (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Antologia scolastica [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Antologia scolastica n. 2 [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Antologia scolastica n. 3 [Italian] (1972)
- Variant: Where Do We Go from Here? Book 1 (1974)
- Variant: Where Do We Go from Here? Book 2 (1974)
- Translation: Para Onde Vamos? [Portuguese] (1979)
- Translation: Antologia scolastica [Italian] (1980)
- Before the Golden Age (1974)
100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories (1978)
Martin H. Greenberg
Joseph D. Olander
only appeared as:
- Variant: 100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories (1978) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Joseph D. Olander]
- Variant: 100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories (1978) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Greenberg and Joseph D. Olander]
- Translation: 44 microstorie di fantascienza [Italian] (1979)
- Translation: Microfantascienza: Altre 44 Storie [Italian] (1980)
- Dwergsterren [Dutch] (1979) with Martin H. Greenberg and Vincent van der Linden and Joseph D. Olander [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Vincent van der Linden and Joseph D. Olander]
- The Science Fictional Solar System (1979) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [also as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
The 13 Crimes of Science Fiction (1979)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
only appeared as:
- Variant: The 13 Crimes of Science Fiction (1979) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
- Translation: Utopia der Detektive [German] (1986)
The Future in Question (1980)
Martin H. Greenberg
Joseph D. Olander
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Future in Question (1980) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander]
- Translation: Mensagens do Futuro [Portuguese] (1984) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander]
Translation: O que será o futuro?O que sera o futuro[Portuguese] (1984) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander]
- Translation: Fragezeichen Zukunft [German] (1984) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander]
Microcosmic Tales (1980)
Martin H. Greenberg
Joseph D. Olander
only appeared as:
- Variant: Microcosmic Tales (1980) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Joseph D. Olander]
- Translation: Feuerwerk der Science Fiction: Hundert utopische Geschichten [German] (1984) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Joseph D. Olander]
- Translation: Feuerwerk der SF [German] (1984) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Joseph D. Olander]
The Seven Deadly Sins of Science Fiction (1980)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Seven Deadly Sins of Science Fiction (1982) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
- Translation: I 7 Peccati Mortali Della FS [Italian] (1982)
Translation: Die 7 Todsünden der Science Fiction?Die 7 Todsuenden der Science Fiction[German] (1984)
Catastrophes! (1981)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
only appeared as:
- Variant: Catastrophes! (1981) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
- Translation: Catastrofi! [Italian] (1984)
- Fantastic Creatures (1981) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Greenberg (1941-2011) and Charles Waugh]
Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Science Fiction of the 19th Century (1981)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
Translation: Science Fiction Erzählungen des 19.Jahrhunderts?Science Fiction Erzaehlungen des 19.Jahrhunderts[German] (1983)
- The Future I (1981) with Martin H. Greenberg and Joseph D. Olander [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Joseph D. Olander]
- Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury (1981) with Martin H. Greenberg and Joseph D. Olander [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander]
- The Seven Cardinal Virtues of Science Fiction (1981) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
Dragon Tales (1982)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
only appeared as:
- Variant: Dragon Tales (1982) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
- Translation: Drachenwelten [German] (1985) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Fantasy of the 19th Century (1982)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
Translation: Fantasy-Erzählungen des 19. Jahrhunderts?Fantasy-Erzaehlungen des 19. Jahrhunderts[German] (1983)
- Laughing Space (1982) with Janet Asimov [only as by Isaac Asimov and J. O. Jeppson]
- Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries (1982) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
- TV: 2000 (1982) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [also as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
Speculations (1982)
Alice Laurance
also appeared as:
- Translation: Spekulationen [German] (1986)
- Flying Saucers (1982) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
- Science Fiction A to Z (1982) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
The Last Man on Earth (1982)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Last Man on Earth (1982) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
- Translation: Der letzte Mensch auf Erden [German] (1984) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
Computer Crimes and Capers (1983)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die besten Computer-Krimis [German] (1987)
- Translation: Crimini E Misfatti Al Computer [Italian] (1996)
- The Science Fiction Weight-Loss Book (1983) with Martin H. Greenberg and George R. R. Martin
- Those Amazing Electronic Thinking Machines! (1983) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin S. Greenberg and Charles H. Waugh]
Caught in the Organ Draft: Biology in Science Fiction (1983)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Translation: Invariant [French] (1985)
Hallucination Orbit: Psychology in Science Fiction (1983)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Translation: Orbite hallucination [French] (1985)
- Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Horror and Supernatural of the 19th Century (1983) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
Starships (1983)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
only appeared as:
- Variant: Starships (1983) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
- Translation: Sternenschiffe (1) [German] (1987) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
- Translation: Sternenschiffe (2) [German] (1987) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
13 Horrors of Halloween (1983)
Martin H. Greenberg
Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh?Carol-Lynn Roessel Waughalso appeared as:
Translation: 13mal Halloween: Gruselstories aus Meisterhand [German] (1985)
[as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh?Carol-Lynn Roessel Waugh]
Translation: La notte di Halloween [Italian] (1996)
[as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh?Carol-Lynn Roessel Waugh]
Translation: 13mal Halloween: Gruselstories aus Meisterhand [German] (1985)
[as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and
- Creations: The Quest for Origins in Story and Science (1983) with Martin H. Greenberg and George Zebrowski
Coma e emagreça com ficção científica?Coma e emagreça com ficcao cientifica[Portuguese] (1984)
Election Day 2084: Science Fiction Stories About the Future of Politics (1984)
Martin H. Greenberg
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wahltag 2090 [German] (1989)
- Fantastic Reading: Stories and Activities for Grades 5-8 (1984) with Martin H. Greenberg and David Clark Yeager
Machines That Think: The Best Science Fiction Stories About Robots and Computers (1984)
Martin H. Greenberg
Patricia S. Warrick
also appeared as:
- Translation: Máquinas que pensam: obras-primas da ficção científica [Portuguese] (1985)
- Variant: War with the Robots: 28 of the Best Short Stories by the Greatest Names in 20th Century Science Fiction (1992)
Translation: Histórias de robôs volume 1?Historias de robos volume 1[Portuguese] (2005)
Translation: Histórias de robôs volume 2?Historias de robos volume 2[Portuguese] (2005) [as by Patricia S. Warrick]
Translation: Histórias de robôs volume 3?Historias de robos volume 3[Portuguese] (2005)
Sherlock Holmes Through Time and Space (1984)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
only appeared as:
- Variant: Sherlock Holmes Through Time and Space (1984) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
- Translation: Mit Sherlock Holmes durch Raum und Zeit (1) [German] (1987) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles Waugh]
- Translation: Mit Sherlock Holmes durch Raum und Zeit (2) [German] (1987) [as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles Waugh]
- 100 Great Fantasy Short Short Stories (1984) with Terry Carr and Martin H. Greenberg
- Isaac Asimov Presents the Best Science Fiction Firsts (1984) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
Murder on the Menu (1984)
Martin H. Greenberg
Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh?Carol-Lynn Roessel Waugh[only as by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg andCarol-Lynn Rössel Waugh?Carol-Lynn Roessel Waugh]
13 Short Fantasy Novels (1984)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Mammoth Book of Short Fantasy Novels (1986)
- Amazing Stories: 60 Years of the Best Science Fiction (1985) with Martin H. Greenberg
- Great Science Fiction: Stories by the World's Great Scientists (1985) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
13 Short Science Fiction Novels (1985)
Martin H. Greenberg
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Mammoth Book of Short Science Fiction Novels (1986)
- Science Fiction Masterpieces (1986)
- The Twelve Frights of Christmas (1986) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Isaac Asimov presenta La edad de oro de la ciencia ficción I [Spanish] (1987)
- Isaac Asimov presenta La edad de oro de la ciencia ficción II [Spanish] (1987)
- Beyond the Stars (1987)
- The Dark Void (1987)
- Encounters (1988) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Science Fiction and Fantasy Story-A-Month 1989 Calendar (1988) with Martin H. Greenberg
- Isaac Asimov Presents Tales of the Occult (1989) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- The Ugly Little Boy / The [Widget], the [Wadget], and Boff (1989) with Theodore Sturgeon
- Visions of Fantasy: Tales from the Masters (1989) with Martin H. Greenberg
- A nave das sombras [Portuguese] (1990)
- Cosmic Critiques: How & Why Ten Science Fiction Stories Work (1990) with Ansen Dibell and Martin H. Greenberg
- Friends, Robots, Countrymen (1990) with Martin H. Greenberg
- Magos [Portuguese] (1990) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Le grandi storie della fantascienza: 1963 [Italian] (1995) with Martin H. Greenberg
- I premi Hugo 1974-75 [Italian] (1996)
- The Best New Thing (1971) with Symeon Shimin
- The Heavenly Host (1975)
- Foundation: The Psychohistorians (1976)
- Good Taste (1976)
- Liar! (1977)
- Little Lost Robot (1977)
- I, Robot (1979) with David Fickling
Der Zweihundertjährige?Der Zweihundertjaehrige[German] (1985)
- Franchise (1985)
- It's Such a Beautiful Day (1985)
- Cal (1990)
I, Robot: The Illustrated Screenplay (1994)
Harlan Ellison
also appeared as:
- Translation: I, Robot: Le scénario [French] (1997)
- Youth (2010)
- Let's Get Together (2022)
- F&SF Essay Collections
- Fact and Fancy (1962)
View from a Height (1963)
also appeared as:
Translation: 空想自然科学入門?くうそうしぜんかがくにゅうもん[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Kūsō Shizen Kagaku Nyūmon
Kuusou Shizen Kagaku Nyuumonアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Adding a Dimension: Seventeen Essays on the History of Science (1964)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Adding a Dimension (1975)
Of Time and Space and Other Things (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Do tempo, do espaço ... e de outras coisas [Portuguese] (1972)
- Translation: Von Zeit und Raum [German] (1977)
Translation: 時間と宇宙について?じかんとうちゅうについて[Japanese] (1978) [as by
Jikan to Uchū ni Tsuite
Jikan to Uchuu ni Tsuiteアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
From Earth to Heaven: Seventeen Essays on Science (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Da Terra ao céu [Portuguese] (1972)
- Variant: From Earth to Heaven (1972)
Translation: 地球から宇宙へ?Chikyū kara uchū e[Japanese] (1978) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Science, Numbers, and I (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: A ciência, os números e eu [Portuguese] (1972)
- The Solar System and Back (1970)
- The Stars in Their Courses (1971)
The Left Hand of the Electron (1972)
also appeared as:
Translation: Drehmomente: Verblüffende Aspekte der modernen Forschung?Drehmomente: Verblueffende Aspekte der modernen Forschung[German] (1975)
- The Tragedy of the Moon (1973)
- Of Matters Great and Small (1975)
- The Planet That Wasn't (1976)
- Quasar, Quasar, Burning Bright (1978)
- The Road to Infinity (1979)
- The Sun Shines Bright (1981)
- Counting the Eons (1983)
X Stands for Unknown (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: 'X' Stands for Unknown (1986)
- The Subatomic Monster (1985)
Far As Human Eye Could See (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ameddig a szem ellát [Hungarian] (1997)
- The Relativity of Wrong (1988)
- Out of the Everywhere (1990)
- The Secret of the Universe (1991)
- Frontiers (LA Times Columns)
- 1 Frontiers: New Discoveries About Man and His Planet, Outer Space and the Universe (1990)
- 2 Frontiers II: More Recent Discoveries About Life, Earth, Space, and the Universe (1993) with Janet Asimov
- The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov
- Races and People (1955) with William C. Boyd
Only a Trillion (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Marvels of Science (1962)
- Translation: Solo un trilione [Italian] (1966)
- The World of Nitrogen (1958)
- Realm of Numbers (1959)
The Living River (1959)
also appeared as:
Translation: Träger des Lebens?Traeger des Lebens[German] (1963)
- Words of Science and the History Behind Them (1959)
- Realm of Measure (1960)
- The Double Planet (1960)
The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science (1960)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The New Intelligent Man's Guide to Science (1965)
- Variant: Asimov's Guide to Science (1972)
- Variant: Asimov's Guide to Science, Volume 1: The Physical Sciences (1979)
- Variant: Asimov's Guide to Science, Volume 2: The Biological Sciences (1980)
- Variant: Asimov's New Guide to Science (1984)
- The Wellsprings of Life (1960)
- Realm of Algebra (1961)
- Words from the Myths (1961)
- Life and Energy (1962)
The Genetic Code (1962)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O Código Genético [Portuguese] (unknown)
- The Human Body: Its Structure and Operation (1963)
- The Human Brain (1964)
- Planets for Man (1964) with Stephen H. Dole
- The Universe: From Flat Earth to Quasar (1966)
- The World of Carbon (1966)
Is Anyone There? (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: ¿Hay alguien ahí? [Spanish] (1979)
To the Ends of the Universe (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Até aos confins do universo [Portuguese] (1972)
- Environments Out There (1967)
- The Near East: 10,000 Years of History (1968)
- Stars (1968)
- The Shaping of England (1969)
- Twentieth Century Discovery (1969)
- Asimov's Guide to Shakespeare, Volume One (1970)
- Asimov's Guide to Shakespeare, Volume Two (1970)
- The Sensuous Dirty Old Man (1971) [only as by Dr. 'A']
Jupiter, the Largest Planet (1973)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Jupiter (1975)
Today and Tomorrow and ... (1973)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Today and Tomorrow (1976)
- Please Explain (1973)
- Asimov on Astronomy (1974)
- Earth: Our Crowded Spaceship (1974)
- Our Crowded Spaceship (1974)
- The Birth of the United States 1763-1816 (1974)
- Science Past - Science Future (1975)
- The Neutrino: Ghost Particle of the Atom (1975)
- Asimov on Physics (1976)
- Asimov on Numbers (1977)
- Mars, The Red Planet (1977)
The Collapsing Universe (1977)
also appeared as:
Translation: Kolapsirajuća vasiona?Kolapsirajuca vasiona[Serbian] (1985) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Towards Tomorrow (1977)
- Animals of the Bible (1978)
- Life and Time (1978)
- Isaac Asimov's Book of Facts (1979)
Extraterrestrial Civilizations (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Civilisations extra terrestres [French] (1979)
- Translation: Život u svemiru [Serbian] (1980) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Ausserirdische Zivilisationen [German] (1981)
Visions of the Universe (1981)
Kazuaki Iwasaki -
Asimov on Science Fiction (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: No Mundo da Ficção Científica [Portuguese] (1984)
- Translation: Guida alla fantascienza [Italian] (1984)
Translation: Isaac Asimov über Science Fiction?Isaac Asimov ueber Science Fiction[German] (1984)
- Change!: Seventy-One Glimpses of the Future (1981)
- Exploring the Earth and the Cosmos: The Growth and Future of Human Knowledge (1982)
- The Roving Mind (1983)
- The Measure of the Universe (1983)
- The Exploding Suns: The Secrets of the Supernovas (1985)
Robots: Machines in Man's Image (1985)
Karen A. Frenkel
also appeared as:
- Translation: Robotok Az emberformájú gépek [Hungarian] (1992)
Futuredays: A Nineteenth Century Vision of the Year 2000 (1986)
Jean-Marc Côté?Jean-Marc Cote[only as by Isaac Asimov and Jean Marc Cote]
- How to Enjoy Writing: A Book of Aid and Comfort (1987) with Janet Asimov
- Beginnings: The Story of Origins (1987)
- Asimov's Chronology of Science & Discovery (1989)
- Is There Life on Other Planets? (1989)
- Jupiter: The Spotted Giant (1989)
Science Fiction, Science Fact (1989)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Science Fiction Science Fact (1990)
- Asimov's Galaxy: Reflections on Science Fiction (1989)
- Asimov on Science: A 30 Year Retrospective (1989)
- Asimov's Chronology of the World (1991)
Isaac Asimov's Guide to Earth and Space (1991)
also appeared as:
Translation: Útikalauz Elmélkedések a Föld és az űr titkairól?Utikalauz Elmelkedesek a Fold es az ur titkairol[Hungarian] (1992)
Uutikalauz Elmeelkedeesek a Foeld ees az uuer titkairool
- Our Angry Earth (1991) with Frederik Pohl
- Asimov Laughs Again (1992)
- On the Past, Present & Future - 66 Essays (1992)
I. Asimov: A Memoir (1994)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Memorias [Spanish] (1994)
- Translation: Moi, Asimov [French] (1996)
- Science Fiction: Visions of Tomorrow? (1995)
- Yours, Isaac Asimov: A Lifetime of Letters (1995) with Stanley Asimov
- It's Been a Good Life (2002) with Janet Asimov [only as by Isaac Asimov and Janet Jeppson Asimov]
- Venus (2004)
- Legends, Folklore, and Outer Space (2004) with Richard Hantula
- Science Fiction: Vision of Tomorrow? (2004) with Richard Hantula
- Brandon, Shea & Moore
- 1
Marooned Off Vesta (1939)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Au large de Vesta [French] (1969)
Translation: 真空漂流?しんくうひょうりゅう[Japanese] (1969) [as by
Shinkū Hyōryū
Shinkuu Hyouryuuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Gefangene des Alls [German] (1969)
- Translation: Gestrand in de ruimte [Dutch] (1970)
Translation: Hajótörés a Vesta térségében?Hajotores a Vesta tersegeben[Hungarian] (1972)
Hajootoerees a Vesta teerseegeeben - Translation: Havarie vor Vesta [German] (1975)
- Translation: Naufragio [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Gestrand bij Vesta [Dutch] (1993)
- 2
Anniversary (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Anniversaire [French] (1969)
- Translation: Das Souvenir [German] (1969)
- Translation: Na twintig jaar [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Évforduló [Hungarian] (1972)
Translation: 記念日?きねんび[Japanese] (1973) [as by
Kinenbiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Anniversario [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Jahresfeier [German] (1975)
- Translation: Aniversario [Spanish] (1993)
- 1
Marooned Off Vesta (1939)
also appeared as:
- Half-Breed
- 1
Half-Breed (1940)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Tweenie (1940)
- Translation: L'hybride [French] (1971)
- Translation: O mestiço [Portuguese] (1972)
- Translation: Mezzosangue [Italian] (1973)
Translation: Gleichberechtigung nur für Gleiche?Gleichberechtigung nur fuer Gleiche[German] (1975)
- Translation: Halfbloed [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: A Félvér [Hungarian] (1994)
Translation: Metișii?Metisii[Romanian] (1998)
- 2
Half-Breeds on Venus (1940)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mezzosangue Su Venere [Italian] (1973)
Translation: Des sang-mêlé sur Vénus?Des sang-mele sur Venus[French] (1974)
- Translation: Halfbloeden op Venus [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Félvérek a Vénuszon [Hungarian] (1994)
Translation: Metișii de pe Venus?Metisii de pe Venus[Romanian] (1998)
- 1
Half-Breed (1940)
also appeared as:
- Homo Sol
- 1 Homo Sol (1940) also appeared as:
- 2
The Imaginary (1942)
also appeared as:
Translation: Die imaginäre Größe?Die imaginaere Groesse[German] (1969)
- Translation: Quantità immaginarie [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: L'immaginario [Italian] (1974)
Translation: Une donnée imaginaire?Une donnee imaginaire[French] (1974)
- Translation: Het denkbeeldige [Dutch] (1975)
- Translation: De imaginaire grootheid [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: A képzeletbeli [Hungarian] (1995)
- 3
The Hazing (1942)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le Matricole [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Brimade [French] (1974)
- Translation: De ontgroening [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: La novatada [Spanish] (1993)
- Translation: Az átverés [Hungarian] (1995)
Translation: Inițierea?Initierea[Romanian] (1998)
- Jovians
- 1
Not Final! (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Não é a última palavra [Portuguese] (1967)
- Translation: Das Jupiter-Problem [German] (1971)
- Translation: La Faccia Di Orloff [Italian] (1973)
Translation: Non définitif !?Non definitif ![French] (1975)
- Translation: Niet definitief [Dutch] (1977)
Translation: Nije konačno?Nije konacno[Croatian] (1978)
Nije konachno - Translation: ¡No tan definitivo! [Spanish] (1993)
- Translation: Kétségbevonhatatlan tény [Hungarian] (1994)
- Translation: Nimic nu este definitiv [Romanian] (1998)
- 2
Victory Unintentional (1942)
also appeared as:
- Translation: ZZ1-ZZ2-ZZ3 [Italian] (1953) [as by Isaac Azimov]
- Translation: Overwinning [Dutch] (1957)
- Translation: Victoire par inadvertance [French] (1967)
- Translation: Esseri superiori [Italian] (1968)
- Translation: Overwinning onopzettelijk [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: Victoria impremeditada [Spanish] (1980)
- Translation: Unbeabsichtigter Sieg [German] (1982)
- Translation: Victoria inintencionada [Spanish] (1984)
Translation: Нечаянная победа?Nechayannaya pobeda[Russian] (1991) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov -
Translation: Nehotična pobeda?Nehoticna pobeda[Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
Nehotichna pobeda - Translation: Akaratlan diadal [Hungarian] (1993)
Translation: Victorie involuntară?Victorie involuntara[Romanian] (1995)
- Translation: Vittoria involontaria [Italian] (2004)
- 1
Not Final! (1941)
also appeared as:
- Multivac
Franchise (1955)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Diritto di voto [Italian] (1962)
- Translation: Derecho político [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Wahltag im Jahre 2008 [German] (1966)
Translation: Droit électoral?Droit electoral[French] (1975)
- Translation: Diritto di voto [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Devoir civique [French] (1976)
- Translation: Oggi Si Vota [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Kiesrecht [Dutch] (1987)
- Translation: Privilegio [Spanish] (1988)
- Translation: Die Wahl [German] (1988)
- Translation: Le votant [French] (1988)
- Translation: Sufragio universal [Spanish] (1992)
The Last Question (1956)
also appeared as:
Translation: Wenn die Sterne verlöschen?Wenn die Sterne verloeschen[German] (1975)
- Translation: L'ultima domanda [Italian] (1975)
Translation: Az utolsó kérdés?Az utolso kerdes[Hungarian] (1978)
Az utolsoo keerdees - Translation: De laatste vraag [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: Posljednje pitanje [Croatian] (1978)
- Translation: L'ultime question [French] (1978)
- Translation: A pergunta final [Portuguese] (1984)
- Translation: Die letzte Frage [German] (1984)
- Translation: De laatste vraag [Dutch] (1986)
- Translation: La última pregunta [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: L'ultima domanda [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Die letzte Frage [German] (1988)
- Translation: La última pregunta [Spanish] (1988)
Translation: La dernière question?La derniere question[French] (1988)
Translation: A última pergunta?A ultima pergunta[Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: La última pregunta [Spanish] (1992)
Translation: Ultima întrebare?Ultima intrebare[Romanian] (1996)
Translation: A última pergunta?A ultima pergunta[Portuguese] (1999)
- Translation: L'ultima domanda [Italian] (2002)
Jokester (1956)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Chancero [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Il burlone [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: De grappenmaker [Dutch] (1964)
- Translation: Der Witzbold [German] (1966)
- Translation: Il topo che ride [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Une bien bonne [French] (1968)
- Translation: A tréfamester [Hungarian] (1970)
- Translation: Il barzellettiere [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Bufonul [Romanian] (1986)
- Translation: El chistoso [Spanish] (1988)
- Translation: Der Witzbold [German] (1988)
- Translation: Le plaisantin [French] (1988)
- Translation: El chistoso [Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: Bufonul [Romanian] (1999)
All the Troubles of the World (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: "All the Troubles of the World" (1958)
- Translation: Ik wil sterven [Dutch] (1960)
- Translation: Todo el Dolor del Mundo [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Attentat auf Multivac [German] (1966)
Translation: Toute la misère du monde?Toute la misere du monde[French] (1970)
- Translation: Tous les ennuis du monde [French] (1978)
- Translation: Tutti i guai del mondo [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Alle Sorgen dieser Welt [German] (1987)
- Translation: Todos os Problemas do Mundo [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Todos los males del mundo [Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: Tutti I Problemi Del Mondo [Italian] (1996)
- Translation: Todas as preocupações do mundo [Portuguese] (1999)
The Machine That Won the War (1961)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La machine qui gagna la guerre [French] (1962)
- Translation: Maskinen som vann kriget [Swedish] (1962)
- Translation: Die Maschine, die den Krieg gewann [German] (1963)
- Translation: La macchina che vinse la guerra [Italian] (1967)
- Translation: La macchina che vinse la guerra [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: La macchina che vinse la guerra [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Die Maschine, die den Krieg gewann [German] (1973)
- Translation: De machine die de oorlog won [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: La machine qui gagna la guerre [French] (1980)
- Translation: A gép amely megnyerte a háborút [Hungarian] (1985)
- Translation: La máquina que ganó la guerra [Spanish] (1988)
- Translation: Die Maschine, die den Krieg gewann [German] (1988)
- Translation: La máquina que ganó la guerra [Spanish] (1992)
Key Item (1968)
also appeared as:
Translation: Das Schlüsselwort?Das Schluesselwort[German] (1968)
- Translation: Parola-chiave [Italian] (1976)
Translation: Le détail clé?Le detail cle[French] (1977)
- Translation: Die Schwachstelle [German] (1977)
- Translation: Neophodan uvjet [Croatian] (1979)
- Translation: Het belangrijkste onderdeel [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Parola chiave [Italian] (1985)
- Translation: Factor clave [Spanish] (1993)
- Translation: Elementul-cheie [Romanian] (1998)
- Franchise (excerpt) (1970)
The Life and Times of Multivac (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Multivacs liv och leverne [Swedish] (1977)
- Translation: La vita e i tempi di Multivac [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: Ten tijde van Multivac [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: Vida y tiempos de Multivac [Spanish] (1978)
Translation: La vie et les œuvres de Multivac?La vie et les oeuvres de Multivac[French] (1978)
- Translation: Das Leben und Streben des Multivac [German] (1978)
- Translation: Vida y obra de Multivac [Spanish] (1993)
- Translation: Das Leben und Sterben des Multivac [German] (2014)
Point of View (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Eine Frage des Standpunkts [German] (1982)
- Translation: Gezichtspunt [Dutch] (1984)
- Translation: Punto de vista [Spanish] (1984)
Translation: Tačka gledanja?Tacka gledanja[Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
Tachka gledanja -
Translation: Nézőpont?Nezopont[Hungarian] (1992)
Nézooepont -
Translation: 物の見方?もののみかた[Japanese] (1995) [as by
Mono no Mikataアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- It Is Coming (1979) also appeared as:
Potential (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Besondere Begabung [German] (1983)
- Translation: Potential [German] (1984)
- The Last Question (excerpt) (2018)
Franchise (1955)
also appeared as:
- Probability Zero
Time Pussy (1942)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Time Pussy (1942) [as by George E. Dale]
- Translation: Gatto Temporale [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Chrono-minets [French] (1975)
- Translation: Tijdpoesje [Dutch] (1977)
Translation: Időcica?Idocica[Hungarian] (1995)
Idooecica -
Translation: Specie dispărută?Specie disparuta[Romanian] (1995)
Translation: Pisicuța temporală?Pisicuta temporala[Romanian] (1998)
Left to Right (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Links naar Rechts [Dutch] (1995)
- Left to Right, and Beyond (1987) with Harrison Roth
Time Pussy (1942)
also appeared as:
- Thiotimoline
- 1
The Endochronic Properties of Resublimated Thiotimoline (1948)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Proprieta' endocroniche della tiotimolina risublimata [Italian] (1973)
Translation: Les propriétés endochroniques de la thoatimoline resublimée?Les proprietes endochroniques de la thoatimoline resublimee[French] (1975)
- Translation: De endochronische eigenschappen van geresublimeerd thiotimoline [Dutch] (1977)
- 2 The Micropsychiatric Applications of Thiotimoline (1953)
- 3
Thiotimoline and the Space Age (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Thiotimoline und das Raumfahrtzeitalter [German] (1991)
- 4
Thiotimoline to the Stars (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La tiotimolina fra le stelle [Italian] (1976)
Translation: Thiotimoline vers les étoiles?Thiotimoline vers les etoiles[French] (1977)
- Translation: Der endochronische Effekt [German] (1977)
- Translation: Met Thiotimoline naar de sterren [Dutch] (1981)
Translation: Tiotimolina către stele?Tiotimolina catre stele[Romanian] (1998)
The Marvellous Properties of Thiotimoline (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le meravigliose proprietà della tiotimolina [Italian] (1966)
- 1
The Endochronic Properties of Resublimated Thiotimoline (1948)
also appeared as:
- Wendell Urth
The Singing Bell (1955)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les cloches chantantes [French] (1955)
Translation: 歌う鐘?うたうかね[Japanese] (1961) [as by
Utau Kaneアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Die singende Glocke [German] (1963)
- Translation: Mondglocken [German] (1963)
- Translation: Sångklockan [Swedish] (1964)
- Translation: Il Dott. Urth, investigatore [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Chante-cloche [French] (1969)
- Translation: Raspjevano zvono [Croatian] (1982)
- Translation: Las campanas cantarinas [Spanish] (1993)
- Translation: Clopotul muzical [Romanian] (1996)
The Talking Stone (1955)
also appeared as:
Translation: La bête de pierre?La bete de pierre[French] (1956)
Translation: もの言う石?ものいういし[Japanese] (1960) [as by
Mono Iu Ishi
Monoiu Ishiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: La pierre parlante [French] (1969)
- Translation: Der sprechende Stein [German] (1969)
- Translation: De sprekende steen [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: La piedra parlante [Spanish] (1993)
The Dying Night (1956)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La nuit mortelle [French] (1957)
- Translation: De stervende nacht [Dutch] (1960)
Translation: やがて明ける夜?Yagate akeru yoru[Japanese] (1960) [as byI.アシモフ?I. Ashimofu]
Translation: やがて明ける夜?やがてあけるよる[Japanese] (1960) [as by
Yagate Akeru Yoruアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: La Noche Moribunda [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: La notte morente [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Konvent der Weltraumforscher [German] (1966)
- Translation: Mortelle est la nuit [French] (1969)
- Translation: Het einde van de nacht [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: La morte della notte [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Conclusione errata [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Die schwindende Nacht [German] (1975)
- Translation: La nuit et la mort [French] (1978)
Translation: Ночь, которая умирает?Noch', kotoraya umiraet[Russian] (1988) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov - Translation: A Morte da Noite [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: La noche moribunda [Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: A noite moribunda [Portuguese] (1999)
The Key (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'agente e il professore [Italian] (1967)
Translation: Verschlüsselte Botschaft?Verschluesselte Botschaft[German] (1967)
- Translation: La clef [French] (1969)
- Translation: De sleutel [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: A chave [Portuguese] (1971)
Translation: 鍵?かぎ[Japanese] (1973) [as by
Kagiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: La clave [Spanish] (1993)
The Singing Bell (1955)
also appeared as:
The Weapon Too Dreadful to Use (1939)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'arma troppo terribile per essere usata [Italian] (1973)
Translation: Une arme trop effroyable pour être utilisée?Une arme trop effroyable pour etre utilisee[French] (1974)
- Translation: Strahovito oružje [Croatian] (1976)
- Translation: Een wapen, te vreselijk om te gebruiken [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Az elrettentés fegyvere [Hungarian] (1994)
Translation: O armă prea teribilă?O arma prea teribila[Romanian] (1998)
Trends (1939)
also appeared as:
Translation: Pendolarità?Pendolarita[Italian] (1973)
Translation: On n'arrête pas le progrès?On n'arrete pas le progres[French] (1974)
- Translation: Trends [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Tendenzen [German] (1982)
- Translation: A korszellem hangja [Hungarian] (1994)
Translation: Tendințe?Tendinte[Romanian] (1998)
- Translation: Oscillazioni [Italian] (2007)
Translation: Tendências?Tendencias[Portuguese] (2009)
- Excerpt from "Strange Playfellow" (1940)
- Excerpt from "The Callistan Menace" (1940)
Ring Around the Sun (1940)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Anello intorno al Sole [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Dans l'orbite du Soleil [French] (1974)
- Translation: Ring om de zon [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Genvägar är senvägar [Swedish] (1983)
- Translation: Fagyhalál napközelben [Hungarian] (1994)
Translation: În jurul Soarelui?In jurul Soarelui[Romanian] (1998)
The Callistan Menace (1940)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La minaccia di Callisto [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Dangereuse Callisto [French] (1974)
- Translation: Gefahr auf Callisto [German] (1974)
- Translation: De dreiging van Callisto [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: A Callisto réme [Hungarian] (1994)
The Magnificent Possession (1940)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il magnifico possesso [Italian] (1973)
Translation: L'inestimable trésor?L'inestimable tresor[French] (1974)
- Translation: Het luisterrijke bezit [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: A mesés vagyon [Hungarian] (1994)
- Translation: Magnifica descoperire [Romanian] (1998)
- Half-Breeds on Venus (excerpt) (1940)
- Excerpt from "Superneutron" (1941)
History (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Storia [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Une page d'histoire [French] (1974)
- Translation: Geschiedenis [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: História [Hungarian] (1995)
The Secret Sense (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O Sentido Secreto [Portuguese] (1972)
- Translation: Le sens inconnu [French] (1973)
- Translation: Il Senso Segreto [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Le sens secret [French] (1974)
Translation: Simțul cel tăinuit?Simtul cel tainuit[Romanian] (1975)
- Translation: Het geheime zintuig [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: A titokzatos érzék [Hungarian] (1994)
Translation: Simțul tăinuit?Simtul tainuit[Romanian] (1998)
Heredity (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ereditarietà [Italian] (1973)
Translation: Hérédité?Heredite[French] (1974)
- Translation: Erfelijkheid [Dutch] (1977)
Translation: Átöröklés?Atorokles[Hungarian] (1995)
Aatoeroeklees - Translation: Ereditate [Romanian] (1998)
Nightfall (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Einbruch der Nacht [German] (1952)
- Translation: Natthimlen [Swedish] (1962)
- Translation: Wanneer de nacht valt [Dutch] (1964)
Translation: Crépuscule?Crepuscule[French] (1966)
- Translation: Und Finsternis wird kommen ... [German] (1966)
- Translation: Alkony [Hungarian] (1970)
Translation: Quand les ténèbres viendront?Quand les tenebres viendront[French] (1970)
- Translation: Notturno [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Und Finsternis wird kommen ... [German] (1973)
- Translation: Het vallen van de nacht [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Zonsondergang [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Einbruch der Nacht [German] (1978)
Translation: I pade noć?I pade noc[Croatian] (1978)
- Translation: Die Nacht wird kommen [German] (1981)
- Translation: Und Finsternis wird kommen [German] (1983)
Translation: Căderea nopții?Caderea noptii[Romanian] (1985)
Translation: И тьма пришла...?I t'ma prishla...[Russian] (1989) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov - Translation: O Cair da Noite [Portuguese] (1991)
- Translation: Anochecer [Spanish] (1992)
Translation: Mörkret faller?Moerkret faller[Swedish] (2008)
- Translation: Einbruch der Nacht [German] (2016)
Super-Neutron (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Superneutrone [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Super-neutron [French] (1975)
- Translation: Het superneutron [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Szuperneutron [Hungarian] (1995)
- Translation: Superneutronul [Romanian] (1998)
Christmas on Ganymede (1942)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Weihnachten auf Ganymed [German] (1967)
- Translation: Natale su Ganimede [Italian] (1973)
Translation: Noël sur Ganymède?Noel sur Ganymede[French] (1974)
- Translation: Kerstmis op Ganymedes [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Karácsony a Ganymedesen [Hungarian] (1995)
Translation: Crăciun pe Ganymede?Craciun pe Ganymede[Romanian] (1998)
Black Friar of the Flame (1942)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il guardiano della fiamma [Italian] (1973)
Translation: Le frère prêcheur, gardien de la flamme?Le frere precheur, gardien de la flamme[French] (1974)
- Translation: Zwarte broeder van de vlam [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: A Láng Szerzetese [Hungarian] (1994)
Robot AL-76 Goes Astray (1942)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Robot AL 76 Goes Astray (1942)
Translation: AL76号失踪す [Japanese] (1960)
[as by アイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: Le robot AL-76 perd la boussole [French] (1967)
- Translation: Il robot scomparso [Italian] (1968)
- Translation: Robot AL-76 verdwaalt [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: Robot Al-76 va a la deriva [Spanish] (1980)
- Translation: Robot AL-76 geht in die Irre [German] (1982)
- Translation: Robot AL-76 extraviado [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: AL-76 se izgubio [Croatian] (1984)
- Translation: Robot AL-76 se izgubio [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Az AL-76-os robot elkeveredik [Hungarian] (1993)
- Translation: Robotul AL-76 o ia razna [Romanian] (1995)
Translation: AL76号失踪す?AL76ごうしっそうす[Japanese] (2000) [as by
AL76-gō Shissōsu
AL76-gou Shissousuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: AL-76 [Italian] (2004)
- The Weapon (1942) [also as by H. B. Ogden]
Death Sentence (1943)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Condanna a morte [Italian] (1967)
- Translation: Condanna a morte [Italian] (1973)
Translation: Arrêt de mort?Arret de mort[French] (1975)
Translation: Arrêt de mort?Arret de mort[French] (1975)
- Translation: Doodvonnis [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Condamnare la moarte [Romanian] (1991)
- Translation: Todesurteil [German] (1991)
- Translation: Sentencia de muerte [Spanish] (1993)
- Excerpt from "The Dead Hand" (1945)
No Connection (1948)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tatsachen ohne Zusammenhang [German] (1967)
Translation: ノー・コネクション?Nō Konekushon[Japanese] (1973) [as by
Noo Konekushonアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Nessuna relazione [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Aucun rapport [French] (1975)
- Translation: Geen verband [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Keine Verbindung [German] (1991)
Translation: Nicio legătură?Nicio legatura[Romanian] (1998)
The Red Queen's Race (1949)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La corsa della regina rossa [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: La course de la reine rouge [French] (1975)
- Translation: De rode koningin [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Rennen, um an Ort und Stelle zu bleiben [German] (1991)
- Translation: La carrera de la Reina Roja [Spanish] (1993)
Translation: Cursa reginei roșii?Cursa reginei rosii[Romanian] (1998)
The Little Man on the Subway (1950)
Frederik Pohl
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Little Man on the Subway (1950) [as by Isaac Asimov and James MacCreigh]
- Translation: L'omino della metropolitana [Italian] (1973)
Translation: Le petit bonhomme du métro?Le petit bonhomme du metro[French] (1974) [as by Isaac Asimov and James MacCreigh]
- Translation: De kleine man in de ondergrondse [Dutch] (1977) [as by Isaac Asimov and James MacCreigh]
- Translation: A kis ember a földalattin [Hungarian] (1995)
Translation: Omulețul din metrou?Omuletul din metrou[Romanian] (1998) [as by Isaac Asimov]
Legal Rites (1950)
Frederik Pohl
also appeared as:
- Variant: Legal Rites (1950) [as by Isaac Asimov and James MacCreigh]
- Translation: Diritti legali [Italian] (1964)
- Translation: Fantasma Legale [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Bon sang ne saurait mentir [French] (1975) [as by Isaac Asimov]
- Translation: Wettige riten [Dutch] (1977) [as by Isaac Asimov and James MacCreigh]
- Translation: Riti legali [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: Fantasmi legali [Italian] (1978)
Translation: Törvényes rituálék?Torvenyes ritualek[Hungarian] (1995)
Toerveenyes rituaaleek - Translation: Drepturi nescrise [Romanian] (1998) [as by Isaac Asimov]
Darwinian Pool Room (1950)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'eterno interrogativo [Italian] (1953) [as by John Starmore]
- Translation: Biliardo darwiniano [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Le billard darwinien [French] (1977)
- Translation: Der Darwinsche Billardsaal [German] (1977)
- Translation: Darvinski biljar [Croatian] (1979)
- Translation: Het kosmisch biljart [Dutch] (1981)
Translation: Sala de biliard darwiniană?Sala de biliard darwiniana[Romanian] (1998)
Day of the Hunters (1950)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La fin des dinosaures [French] (1962)
- Translation: Il giorno dei cacciatori [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Le jour des chasseurs [French] (1977)
- Translation: Das Ende der Dinosaurier [German] (1977)
- Translation: De dag van de jagers [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: El día de los cazadores [Spanish] (1993)
Translation: Ziua vânătorilor?Ziua vainahtorilor[Romanian] (1998)
Ziua vanatorilor
Green Patches (1950)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Misbegotten Missionary (1950)
- Translation: Deux touffes de fourrure verte [French] (1953)
- Translation: Missione nell'iperspazio [Italian] (1953)
Translation: Mißverstandener Missionar?Missverstandener Missionar[German] (1957)
- Translation: De dood van een zendeling [Dutch] (1957)
- Translation: Taches vertes [French] (1970)
- Translation: Chiazze verdi [Italian] (1971)
Translation: Grüne Flecken?Gruene Flecken[German] (1973)
Translation: Zöld foltok?Zold foltok[Hungarian] (1975)
Zoeld foltok - Translation: Manchas verdes [Spanish] (1992)
Hostess (1951)
also appeared as:
Translation: Une hôtesse accueillante?Une hotesse accueillante[French] (1955)
Translation: Hôtesse?Hotesse[French] (1970)
- Translation: Gastvrouw [Dutch] (1971)
- Translation: Ospite [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Die Wirtin [German] (1973)
Translation: L'hôtesse?L'hotesse[French] (1974)
- Translation: Anfitriona [Spanish] (1988)
- Translation: Der stille Tod [German] (1988)
Translation: Les hôtes?Les hotes[French] (1988)
- Translation: Huésped [Spanish] (1992)
- Serializations:
- Translation: L'invitato di altri mondi (Part 1 of 4) [Italian] (1954)
- Translation: L'invitato di altri mondi (Part 2 of 4) [Italian] (1954)
- Translation: L'invitato di altri mondi (Part 3 of 4) [Italian] (1954)
- Translation: L'invitato di altri mondi (Part 4 of 4) [Italian] (1954)
Breeds There a Man ... ? (1951)
also appeared as:
- Variant: "Breeds There a Man ... ?" (1957)
- Translation: Cultura batterica [Italian] (1964)
Translation: Brutkästen??Brutkaesten?[German] (1966)
- Translation: "Y a-t-il un homme en incubation... ?" [French] (1970)
- Variant: 'Breeds There a Man ...?' (1971)
- Translation: Broedt daar een mens? [Dutch] (1971)
- Translation: Cultura Microbica [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Die Experimentatoren [German] (1973)
- Translation: Coltura microbica [Italian] (1978)
Variant: "Breeds There a Man—?"?"Breeds There a Man-?"(1985)
- Variant: Breeds There a Man? (1985)
- Translation: ¿Criar un hombre...? [Spanish] (1988)
- Translation: Die Experimentatoren [German] (1988)
- Translation: Gestation [French] (1988)
- Translation: Creced y multiplicaos [Spanish] (1992)
The C-Chute (1951)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La fossa [Italian] (1953)
- Variant: The C Chute (1954)
- Translation: Sept hommes dans l'espace [French] (1957)
- Translation: Die Geschichte eines Helden [German] (1958)
- Variant: C-Chute (1969)
- Translation: Vide-c [French] (1970)
- Translation: L-sluis [Dutch] (1971)
- Translation: Condotto "C" [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Der Todeskanal [German] (1973)
- Translation: Le mal du pays [French] (1973)
- Translation: Geschichte eines Helden [German] (1983)
- Translation: Conducto C [Spanish] (1992)
"In a Good Cause—"?"In a Good Cause-"(1951) also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Zweck heiligt die Mittel [German] (1956)
- Variant: Ideals Die Hard (1957)
- Translation: Voor een goede zaak [Dutch] (1964)
- Translation: In una buona causa [Italian] (1964)
- Translation: En une juste cause [French] (1970)
- Translation: Numa Boa Causa [Portuguese] (1970)
- Translation: Per una buona causa [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Die Geschichte eines Helden [German] (1973)
- Translation: Za dobru stvar [Croatian] (1977)
Variant: 'In a Good Cause ― '?'In a Good Cause - '(1991)
- Translation: "En una buena causa ..." [Spanish] (1992)
Shah Guido G. (1951)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Scià Guido G. [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Shah Guido G. [French] (1977)
- Translation: Schah Guido G. [German] (1977)
- Translation: Sjah Guido G. [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Ban C. Uls-Lab [Romanian] (1998)
The Fun They Had (1951)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ce qu'on s'amusait ! [French] (1956)
- Translation: Como se divertían [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Quanto si divertivano [Italian] (1965)
- Translation: Die Schule [German] (1966)
- Translation: Quanto si divertivano [Italian] (1968)
- Translation: Lo bien que se lo pasaban [Spanish] (1973)
- Translation: Quanto si divertivano [Italian] (1975)
Translation: Der Spaß, den sie hatten?Der Spass, den sie hatten[German] (1975)
- Translation: Chissà come si divertivano! [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Al' im je bilo lijepo [Croatian] (1980)
Translation: Spaß beim Lernen?Spass beim Lernen[German] (1982)
- Translation: Wat een Pret [Dutch] (1985)
- Translation: Kako im je bilo lepo [Serbian] (1986) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Cuánto se divertían [Spanish] (1992)
- Excerpt from "The Martian Way" (1952)
Youth (1952)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Keine Angst vor kleinen Tieren [German] (1960)
- Translation: Juventud [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Questi giovani [Italian] (1967)
Translation: Молодость?Molodost'[Russian] (1973) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov - Translation: Jeugd [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Ah ! Jeunesse... [French] (1978)
- Translation: Mladost [Croatian] (1981)
Translation: Молодість?Molodistʹ[Ukrainian] (1983) [as byАйзек Азімов?Ayzek Azimov]
- Translation: Juventude [Portuguese] (2023)
What If ... (1952)
also appeared as:
- Variant: What If (1952)
- Translation: Il signor E SE [Italian] (1964)
Variant: What If—?What If-(1969)
- Translation: Et si... [French] (1970)
- Translation: Wat als ... [Dutch] (1971)
- Translation: E se... [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Was, wenn... [German] (1973)
- Translation: Šta bi bilo kad bi... [Croatian] (1978)
Variant: What If ―?What If -(1991)
- Translation: Mundos posibles [Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: E se ... [Italian] (1998)
The Martian Way (1952)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gli anelli di Saturno [Italian] (1953)
- Translation: La voie martienne [French] (1956)
Translation: Wasser für den Mars?Wasser fuer den Mars[German] (1960)
- Translation: A la Marciana [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Maledetti Marziani [Italian] (1966)
Translation: 火星人の方法?かせいじんのほうほう[Japanese] (1970) [as by
Kaseijin no Hōhō
Kaseijin no Houhouアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Op z'n martiaans [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Il destino di Marte [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Die Verschwender vom Mars [German] (1975)
- Translation: Auf marsianische Art [German] (1979)
- Translation: El sistema marciano [Spanish] (1988)
- Translation: Al estilo marciano [Spanish] (1993)
- Translation: Alla Maniera Marziana [Italian] (2002)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Le acque di Saturno (Part 1 of 5) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Le acque di Saturno (Part 2 of 5) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Le acque di Saturno (Part 3 of 5) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Le acque di Saturno (Part 4 of 5) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Le acque di Saturno (Part 5 of 5) [Italian] (1958)
Translation: Calea marțiană (part 1 of 2)?Calea martiana (part 1 of 2)[Romanian] (1992)
Translation: Calea marțiană (part 2 of 2)?Calea martiana (part 2 of 2)[Romanian] (1992)
The Deep (1952)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le peuple des profondeurs [French] (1957)
- Translation: Die in der Tiefe [German] (1958)
- Translation: In der Tiefe [German] (1960)
- Translation: En lo Profundo [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: L'abisso [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: De diepte [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Profondità [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Die in der Tiefe [German] (1975)
- Translation: Les profondeurs [French] (1978)
- Translation: En las profundidades [Spanish] (1993)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Le grandi caverne (Part 1 of 4) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Le grandi caverne (Part 2 of 4) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Le grandi caverne (Part 3 of 4) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Le grandi caverne (Part 4 of 4) [Italian] (1958)
Button, Button (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La pergamena [Italian] (1976)
Translation: Flûte, flûte et flûtes !?Flute, flute et flutes ![French] (1977)
- Translation: Aus Alt mach Neu [German] (1977)
- Translation: Button, button [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Button, Button [Romanian] (1998)
Nobody Here But—?Nobody Here But-(1953) also appeared as:
- Variant: "Nobody Here But ..." (1953)
- Translation: Er is niemand hier, behalve ... [Dutch] (1964)
- Translation: Qui non c'è nessuno [Italian] (1964)
- Translation: Csak mi vagyunk itt... [Hungarian] (1965)
Variant: "Nobody Here But—"?"Nobody Here But-"(1969)
- Translation: "Personne ici, sauf... " [French] (1970)
- Translation: Junior [Italian] (1971)
Translation: Die verrückte Maschine?Die verrueckte Maschine[German] (1973)
- Translation: Junior [German] (1976)
- Translation: Personne ici sauf... [French] (1980)
Variant: 'Nobody Here But ― '?'Nobody Here But - '(1991)
- Translation: "Aquí no hay nadie excepto ..." [Spanish] (1992)
The Monkey's Fingers (1953)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Monkey's Finger (1953)
- Translation: Il dito della scimmia [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Le doigt du singe [French] (1977)
- Translation: Der Affe und die Schreibmaschine [German] (1977)
- Translation: De vinger van de aap [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Majmunov prst [Croatian] (1985)
- Translation: El dedo del mono [Spanish] (1993)
Translation: Degetul maimuței?Degetul maimutei[Romanian] (1998)
Degetul maimutsei
Sally (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sally [Italian] (1964)
- Translation: Sally [Italian] (1967)
- Translation: La révolte des voitures [French] (1968)
- Translation: Sally [Spanish] (1969)
- Translation: Sally [French] (1970)
- Translation: Sally [Dutch] (1971)
- Translation: Sally [French] (1971)
- Translation: Sally [Norwegian (Bokmal)] (1973)
- Translation: Sally [German] (1973)
- Translation: Sally [Croatian] (1977)
- Translation: Sally [German] (1982)
- Translation: Sally [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Sally [Spanish] (1988)
- Translation: Sally [German] (1988)
- Translation: Sally [French] (1988)
- Translation: Seli [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Sally [Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: Sally [Hungarian] (1993)
Flies (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les mouches [French] (1956)
- Translation: Vliegen [Dutch] (1957)
Translation: フライ?Furai[Japanese] (1957) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: Il re delle mosche [Italian] (1959)
- Translation: Mosche [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Die Fliegen [German] (1973)
- Translation: Les mouches [French] (1980)
- Translation: Muhe [Croatian] (1986)
- Translation: Moscas [Spanish] (1992)
Kid Stuff (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cosas de niños [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Roba da ragazzi [Italian] (1963)
Translation: Небывальщина?Nebyval'shchina[Russian] (1971) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov - Translation: Roba da bambini [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Des histoires pour gosses [French] (1976)
Translation: Tričarije za klince?Tricarije za klince[Croatian] (1985)
Tricharije za klince - Translation: Cosas de niños [Spanish] (1992)
Belief (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Roger o della gravità [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Der Professor, dem man nicht glaubte [German] (1967)
- Translation: Hit [Hungarian] (1976)
- Translation: Vjerovanje [Croatian] (1977)
- Translation: Croire [French] (1980)
- Translation: Blasphemie [German] (1984)
- Translation: Persuasione [Italian] (1984)
Translation: Crédible?Credible[French] (1985)
- Translation: Convingere [Romanian] (1996)
Everest (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Everest [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Everest [French] (1977)
- Translation: Mount Everest [German] (1977)
- Translation: Everest [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Everest [Romanian] (1998)
Sucker Bait (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Im Licht der Doppelsonne [German] (1960)
- Translation: N'omettez pas la particule [French] (1961)
- Translation: Engañabobos [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Trappola per merli [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Het fopaas [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: L'attrape-nigaud [French] (1978)
- Translation: Lokaas [Dutch] (1981)
Translation: Ловушка для простаков?Lovushka dlya prostakov[Russian] (1992) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov
- Serializations:
- Sucker Bait (Part 1 of 2) (1954)
- Sucker Bait (Part 2 of 2) (1954)
- Translation: Un universo troppo grande (Part 1 of 11) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Un universo troppo grande (Part 2 of 11) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Un universo troppo grande (Part 3 of 11) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Un universo troppo grande (Part 4 of 11) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Un universo troppo grande (Part 5 of 11) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Un universo troppo grande (Part 6 of 11) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Un universo troppo grande (Part 7 of 11) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Un universo troppo grande (Part 8 of 11) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Un universo troppo grande (Part 9 of 11) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Un universo troppo grande (Part 10 of 11) [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Un universo troppo grande (Part 11 of 11) [Italian] (1958)
The Pause (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Im Hinterhof [German] (1970)
- Translation: La pausa [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Le répit [French] (1976)
- Translation: La pause [French] (1977)
- Translation: Die Pause [German] (1977)
- Translation: De onderbreking [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Pauza [Romanian] (1998)
The Immortal Bard (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De onsterfelijke poëet [Dutch] (1961)
- Translation: El bardo inmortal [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Onorate l'altissimo poeta [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Le barde immortel [French] (1976)
- Translation: Besmrtni bard [Croatian] (1980)
Translation: Greșeala?Greseala[Romanian] (1990)
- Translation: El bardo inmortal [Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: Bardul nemuritor [Romanian] (1999)
Let's Not (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Meglio non farlo [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Il vaut mieux pas [French] (1977)
- Translation: Verzweiflung [German] (1977)
- Translation: Laten wij niet [Dutch] (1981)
Translation: Să nu?Sa nu[Romanian] (1998)
- The End of Eternity (excerpt) (1955)
It's Such a Beautiful Day (1955)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Een mooie dag om te wandelen [Dutch] (1957)
- Translation: ¡Es un día tan bonito! [Spanish] (1964)
- Translation: È una bellissima giornata [Italian] (1964)
Translation: Quelle belle journée !?Quelle belle journee ![French] (1970)
- Translation: Una così bella giornata [Italian] (1971)
Translation: So ein wunderschöner Tag?So ein wunderschoener Tag[German] (1973)
- Translation: Een mooie dag voor een wandeling [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: Gyönyörű idő van...?Gyonyoru ido van...[Hungarian] (1976)
Gyoenyoeruue idooe van... - Translation: Ein so herrlicher Tag [German] (1977)
- Translation: Un día tan hermoso [Spanish] (1992)
Translation: E' una giornata così bella ...?E' una giornata cosi bella ...[Italian] (2002)
- The Portable Star (1955)
The Last Trump (1955)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La trompeta final [Spanish] (1963)
Translation: Die Posaune des Jüngsten Gerichts?Die Posaune des Juengsten Gerichts[German] (1966)
- Translation: La tromba del giudizio [Italian] (1975)
Translation: La dernière trompette?La derniere trompette[French] (1976)
- Translation: L'ultima tromba [Italian] (1984)
- Translation: La trompeta del Juicio Final [Spanish] (1992)
Translation: Trâmbița de pe urmă?Trambita de pe urma[Romanian] (1999)
Dreamworld (1955)
also appeared as:
Translation: Dafür plage ich mich??Dafuer plage ich mich?[German] (1984)
- Translation: Traumwelt [German] (1984)
- Translation: Nel mondo dei sogni [Italian] (1987)
- Transmutatorn [Swedish] (1955)
Dreaming Is a Private Thing (1955)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Soñar es asunto privado [Spanish] (1956)
Translation: Les fournisseurs de rêves?Les fournisseurs de reves[French] (1956)
Translation: 夢を売ります?ゆめをうります[Japanese] (1960) [as by
Yume wo Urimasu
Yume o Urimasuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Att drömma är en privatsak [Swedish] (1961)
- Translation: El soñar es una cuestión privada [Spanish] (1963)
Translation: Die Träumer?Die Traeumer[German] (1966)
- Translation: Sognare è una faccenda privata [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Soñar es asunto privado [Spanish] (1992)
What's in a Name (1956)
also appeared as:
- Variant: What's in a Name? (1956)
- Translation: Le patronyme accusateur [French] (1969)
Translation: その名はバイルシュタイン?そのなはバイルシュタイン[Japanese] (1969) [as by
Sono Na ha Bairushutain
Sono Na wa Bairushutainアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Tod einer Blondine [German] (1969)
- Translation: Dood van een blondine [Dutch] (1970)
The Message (1956)
also appeared as:
- Translation: El mensaje [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Il messaggio [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Le message [French] (1976)
- Translation: Die Nachricht [German] (1984)
- Translation: El mensaje [Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: Mesajul [Romanian] (1999)
- Translation: Die Nachricht [German] (2016)
The Dead Past (1956)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il passato è morto [Italian] (1962)
- Translation: El pasado muerto [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Het dode verleden [Dutch] (1964)
- Translation: Das Chronoskop [German] (1966)
- Translation: Am Anfang der Vergangenheit [German] (1972)
- Translation: O passado extinto [Portuguese] (1974)
- Translation: Il passato è morto [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Das Chronoskop [German] (1975)
- Translation: Il cronoscopio [Italian] (1975)
Translation: Les cendres du passé?Les cendres du passe[French] (1976)
- Translation: El pasado muerto [Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: Trecutul mort [Romanian] (1999)
Hell Fire (1956)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Hell-Fire (1956)
- Translation: Fuego infernal [Spanish] (1963)
Translation: Höllenfeuer?Hoellenfeuer[German] (1966)
- Translation: Il fuoco infernale [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Le feu de l'enfer [French] (1976)
- Translation: Pakleni oganj [Croatian] (1977)
- Translation: Fuego infernal [Spanish] (1992)
Living Space (1956)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Espace vital [French] (1959)
- Translation: Espacio vital [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Spazio vitale [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Wonen in de ruimte [Dutch] (1964)
- Translation: Wonen waar nog ruimte is [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: Spazio vitale [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Espace vital [French] (1976)
- Translation: Espacio vital [Spanish] (1992)
Translation: Spațiu locuibil?Spatiu locuibil[Romanian] (1999)
Each an Explorer (1956)
also appeared as:
Translation: 媒介者?ばいかいしゃ[Japanese] (1969) [as by
Baikaishaアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Esplorazione vegetale [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Cada qual um explorador [Portuguese] (1977)
- Translation: Tous des explorateurs [French] (1977)
- Translation: Entdecker [German] (1977)
- Translation: Elk een ontdekker [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Exploradores [Spanish] (1993)
- Translation: Fiecare este un explorator [Romanian] (1998)
Someday (1956)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Algún día [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Il piccolo bardo [Italian] (1964)
Translation: Der Märchenerzähler?Der Maerchenerzaehler[German] (1966)
- Translation: Eines Tages [German] (1966)
- Translation: Un giorno... [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Un jour... [French] (1976)
- Translation: Algún día [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Op een dag [Dutch] (1984)
- Translation: Jednoga dana [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Um dia ... [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Algún día [Spanish] (1992)
Translation: Egy szép napon?Egy szep napon[Hungarian] (1993)
- Translation: Algum dia [Portuguese] (1996)
Pâté de Foie Gras (1956)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Pate de Foie Gras (1956)
- Variant: Paté de Foie Gras (1956)
- Translation: Paté de foie gras [Italian] (1966)
Translation: La cane aux œufs d'or?La cane aux oeufs d'or[French] (1969)
- Translation: Projekt Gans [German] (1969)
- Translation: Pâté de foie gras [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Patè de Foie Gras [Italian] (1972)
Translation: 金の卵を産むがちょう?かねのたまごをうむがちょう[Japanese] (1973) [as by
Kane no Tamago wo Umu Gachō
Kane no Tamago wo Umu Gachou
Kane no Tamago o Umu Gachō
Kane no Tamago o Umu Gachouアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Pâté de foie gras [Portuguese] (1979)
- Translation: Paté de hígado [Spanish] (1993)
Translation: La cane aux œufs d'or?La cane aux oeufs d'or[French] (2003)
The Watery Place (1956)
also appeared as:
- Translation: El paraje acuoso [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Een plaats met veel water [Dutch] (1964)
- Translation: Sternstunde in Twin Gulch [German] (1966)
- Translation: Avec de l'eau partout [French] (1976)
- Translation: Vodeno mjesto [Croatian] (1981)
- Translation: El luguar acuoso [Spanish] (1992)
Gimmicks Three (1956)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Brazen Locked Room (1956)
- Translation: Treta tridimensional [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Patto col diavolo [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: La chambre d'airain [French] (1966)
- Translation: La stanza chiusa [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Le pacte [French] (1976)
- Translation: Das verschlossene Zimmer [German] (1984)
- Translation: Treta tridimensional [Spanish] (1992)
Translation: Trei direcții?Trei directii[Romanian] (1999)
Strikebreaker (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Male Strikebreaker (1957)
- Translation: Il crumiro [Italian] (1967)
- Translation: Crumiro [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Streikbrecher [German] (1973)
Translation: A sztrájktörő?A sztrajktoro[Hungarian] (1975)
A sztraajktoerooe - Translation: Stakingbreker [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: Briseur de grève?Briseur de greve[French] (1980)
- Translation: Esquirol [Spanish] (1988)
- Translation: Der Streikbrecher [German] (1988)
Translation: Le briseur de grève?Le briseur de greve[French] (1988)
- Translation: Esquirol [Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: Crumiro [Italian] (2002)
The Dust of Death (1957)
also appeared as:
Translation: Poussière de mort?Poussiere de mort[French] (1959)
- Translation: Polvere di morte [Italian] (1967)
Translation: La poussière qui tue?La poussiere qui tue[French] (1969)
Translation: 死の塵?しのちり[Japanese] (1969) [as by
Shi no Chiriアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] -
Translation: In der Atmosphärenkammer?In der Atmosphaerenkammer[German] (1969)
- Translation: Poeder des doods [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: A gyilkos por [Hungarian] (1974)
Let's Get Together (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Se saremo uniti [Italian] (1964)
- Translation: Assemblons-nous [French] (1967)
- Translation: Uniamoci [Italian] (1968)
- Translation: Als we bij elkaar komen ... [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: Unámonos [Spanish] (1980)
Translation: Laßt uns zusammenkommen?Lasst uns zusammenkommen[German] (1982)
- Translation: Unámonos [Spanish] (1984)
Translation: Hajde da se udružimo?Hajde da se udruzimo[Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
Hajde da se udruzhimo -
Translation: Gyülekező?Gyulekezo[Hungarian] (1993)
Gyuelekezooe - Translation: Reunámonos [Spanish] (1993)
Translation: Să ne unim?Sa ne unim[Romanian] (1995)
- Translation: Se saremo uniti [Italian] (2004)
- A Woman's Heart (1957)
- Blank! (1957) also appeared as:
Does a Bee Care? (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Che cosa importa a un'ape? [Italian] (1976)
Translation: Qu'est-ce que ça peut bien faire à une abeille ??Qu'est-ce que ca peut bien faire a une abeille ?[French] (1977)
- Translation: Die Larve [German] (1977)
- Translation: Bekommert een bij zich om de bloem? [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Kan het een bij iets schelen? [Dutch] (1987)
- Translation: ¿Le importa a una abeja? [Spanish] (1988)
Translation: Was kümmert es die Biene??Was kuemmert es die Biene?[German] (1988)
- Translation: Est-ce qu'une abeille se soucie... ? [French] (1988)
Translation: Ce-i pasă unei albine??Ce-i pasa unei albine?[Romanian] (1998)
Profession (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Beroepskeuze [Dutch] (1960)
- Translation: Profesión [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Struttura anomala [Italian] (1962)
- Translation: Die Olympiade der Techniker [German] (1966)
Translation: Der Schützling des Planeten?Der Schuetzling des Planeten[German] (1968)
- Translation: La professione [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Profession [French] (1978)
- Translation: Profissão [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Profesión [Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: Profissão [Portuguese] (1999)
A Loint of Paw (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ein Loch in der Zeit ... [German] (1964)
- Translation: Cache-cash [French] (1969)
- Translation: Een waas in de met [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Un colpo di mano [Italian] (1979)
- Translation: Rupa u zakonu [Croatian] (1984)
- Translation: Un articol de lege [Romanian] (1987)
- Translation: Veredicto [Spanish] (1993)
Ideas Die Hard (1957)
also appeared as:
Translation: Les idées ont la vie dure?Les idees ont la vie dure[French] (1957)
- Translation: Dure a morire [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Dure a morire [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Ideen sterben langsam [German] (1984)
- Translation: Le Idee Sono Dure A Morire [Italian] (1984)
Translation: Les idées ont la vie dure?Les idees ont la vie dure[French] (1985)
- Translation: Ideile mor greu [Romanian] (1996)
I'm in Marsport Without Hilda (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Oponthoud in Marshaven [Dutch] (1960)
- Translation: Estoy en Puertomarte Sin Hilda [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: A Marsport senza Hilda [Italian] (1962)
Translation: À Port Mars sans Hilda?A Port Mars sans Hilda[French] (1969)
- Translation: Ohne Hilda in Marsport [German] (1969)
- Translation: 'Ik ben in Marsport zonder Hilda' [Dutch] (1970)
Translation: ヒルダぬきでマーズポートに?Hiruda Nuki de Māzupōto ni[Japanese] (1973) [as by
Hiruda Nuki de Maazupooo niアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] -
Translation: Je suis à Port-Mars sans Hilda?Je suis a Port-Mars sans Hilda[French] (1978)
- Translation: Estou no Porto de Marte sem Hilda [Portuguese] (1990)
Translation: Я в Марсопорте без Хильды?Ya v Marsoporte bez Khil'dy[Russian] (1991) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov - Translation: Estoy en Puerto Marte sin Hilda [Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: Estou no porto de Marte sem a Hilda [Portuguese] (1999)
Insert Knob A in Hole B (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Suivez les instructions [French] (1960)
- Translation: Inserire la base A nell'incastro B [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Die Gebrauchsanweisung [German] (1973)
- Translation: Steek nok A in gat B [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: Introduisez la tête A dans le logement B?Introduisez la tete A dans le logement B[French] (1980)
- Translation: Insertar la pieza A en el espacio B [Spanish] (1992)
The Gentle Vultures (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Welwillende aasgieren [Dutch] (1960)
- Translation: Los Buitres Bondadosos [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Gli avvoltoi sensibili [Italian] (1964)
Translation: Die rücksichtsvollen Geier?Die ruecksichtsvollen Geier[German] (1966)
- Translation: Gentis abutres [Portuguese] (1971)
- Translation: Aimables vautours [French] (1974)
Translation: やさしいハゲタカ?Yasashii Hagetaka[Japanese] (1978) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: Les tendres vautours [French] (1978)
- Translation: Os Abutres Meigos [Portuguese] (1990)
Translation: Кисейные грифы?Kiseynye grify[Russian] (1992) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov - Translation: Los buitres bondadosos [Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: Os abutres escrupulosos [Portuguese] (1999)
Spell My Name with an S (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: S As in Zebatinsky (1958)
- Translation: Sebatinsky met een S [Dutch] (1960)
- Translation: Mi Nombre Se Escribe Con S [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: S, come Zebatinsky [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Der Fall Sebatinsky [German] (1966)
- Translation: Avec un S [French] (1978)
- Translation: Izgovarajte moje ime sa S [Croatian] (1985)
- Translation: Escriba mi nombre con una S [Spanish] (1988)
- Translation: Schreibt meinen Namen mit S [German] (1988)
Translation: Mon nom s'écrit avec un S?Mon nom s'ecrit avec un S[French] (1988)
- Translation: O Meu Nome Escreve-se com S [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Mi nombre se escribe con "S" [Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: Escreva o seu nome com um «S» [Portuguese] (1999)
Silly Asses (1958)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Razza di deficienti [Italian] (1976)
Translation: Pauvres imbéciles?Pauvres imbeciles[French] (1977)
- Translation: Dumme Esel [German] (1977)
- Translation: Glupani [Croatian] (1978)
- Translation: Stomme ezels [Dutch] (1981)
Translation: Ce-și face omul cu mîna lui?Ce-si face omul cu mana lui[Romanian] (1984)
Ce-si face omul cu mina lui -
Translation: Они не прилетят?Oni ne priletyat[Russian] (1985) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov -
Translation: Smintiții?Smintitii[Romanian] (1998)
The Feeling of Power (1958)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nove volte sette [Italian] (1959)
- Translation: Project hoofdrekenen [Dutch] (1960)
- Translation: La Sensación de Poder [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Sept fois neuf... [French] (1978)
Translation: Osjećaj moći?Osjecaj moci[Croatian] (1979)
- Translation: La sensación de poder [Spanish] (1988)
Translation: Das Gefühl der Macht?Das Gefuehl der Macht[German] (1988)
- Translation: La sensation du pouvoir [French] (1988)
- Translation: A Sensação de Poder [Portuguese] (1990)
Translation: Sensación de poder?Sensacion de poder[Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: O sentido do poder [Portuguese] (1999)
- Translation: Hatalomérzet [Hungarian] (2009)
Buy Jupiter! (1958)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pianeta comprasi [Italian] (1968)
- Translation: Der verkaufte Planet [German] (1971)
- Variant: Buy Jupiter (1976)
- Translation: Pianeta comprasi [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Cher Jupiter [French] (1977)
- Translation: Kaufen Sie Jupiter [German] (1977)
- Translation: Jupiter kopen [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Angeblich zahlt es sich aus [German] (1984)
Translation: La bună vedere, Jupiter!?La buna vedere, Jupiter![Romanian] (1998)
The Up-to-Date Sorcerer (1958)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Alice au pays des hormones [French] (1959)
- Translation: Un mago moderno [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Stregone moderno [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Der moderne Zauberer [German] (1973)
- Translation: De moderne tovenaar [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: Čarobnjak?Carobnjak[Croatian] (1977)
Charobnjak -
Translation: Le sorcier à la page?Le sorcier a la page[French] (1980)
- Translation: El brujo moderno [Spanish] (1992)
Lastborn (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Ugly Little Boy (1958)
- Translation: Den senfödde [Swedish] (1958)
- Translation: L'enfant recréé [French] (1958)
- Translation: L'ultimo nato [Italian] (1958)
- Translation: Het lelijke jongetje [Dutch] (1960)
Translation: Der häßliche kleine Junge?Der haessliche kleine Junge[German] (1966)
- Translation: Die Mutter des Neandertalers [German] (1966)
Translation: Ružni dječak?Ruzni djecak[Croatian] (1977)
Ruzhni djechak -
Translation: L'affreux petit garçon?L'affreux petit garcon[French] (1978)
- Translation: L'ultimo nato [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: El chiquillo feo [Spanish] (1988)
Translation: Der häßliche kleine Junge?Der haessliche kleine Junge[German] (1988)
Translation: Le petit garçon très laid?Le petit garcon tres laid[French] (1988)
- Translation: O Menino Feio [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: El niño feo [Spanish] (1992)
- Translation: O rapazito feio [Portuguese] (1999)
A Statue for Father (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Una statua per papà [Italian] (1976)
Translation: Une statue pour père?Une statue pour pere[French] (1977)
Translation: Ein Denkmal für Vater?Ein Denkmal fuer Vater[German] (1977)
- Translation: Een standbeeld voor vader [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Una estatua para papá [Spanish] (1993)
- Translation: O statuie pentru tata [Romanian] (1998)
Unto the Fourth Generation (1959)
also appeared as:
Translation: Jusqu'à la quatrième génération?Jusqu'a la quatrieme generation[French] (1960)
- Translation: Fino alla quarta generazione [Italian] (1964)
- Variant: Unto the Fourth Generation... (1964)
- Translation: Alle dieci del mattino [Italian] (1965)
- Translation: Bis in die vierte Generation [German] (1973)
- Translation: Die vierte Generation [German] (1973)
- Translation: Tot de vierde generatie [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: Jusqu'à la quatrième génération?Jusqu'a la quatrieme generation[French] (1980)
- Translation: Cuerta generación [Spanish] (1992)
Obituary (1959)
also appeared as:
Translation: Rubrique nécrologique?Rubrique necrologique[French] (1960)
Translation: 死亡記事?しぼうきじ[Japanese] (1960) [as by
Shiboukijiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Carnet noir [French] (1969)
Translation: Nachruf für Lancelot?Nachruf fuer Lancelot[German] (1969)
- Translation: Overlijdensbericht [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Necrologio [Italian] (1971)
Translation: Некролог?Nekrolog[Russian] (1973) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov - Translation: Necrológica [Spanish] (1993)
Rain, Rain, Go Away (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zucchero filato [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Pluie, pluie, va-t'en ! [French] (1977)
- Translation: Hilfe, es regnet [German] (1977)
- Translation: Regen, regen, ga weg [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Lluvia, lluvia, aléjate [Spanish] (1993)
Translation: Pleacă, pleacă, ploaie rea!?Pleaca, pleaca, ploaie rea![Romanian] (1998)
The Covenant (Part 2 of 5) (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La nebbia [2º Cap. L'intesa] [Italian] (1967)
What Is This Thing Called Love? (1961)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Playboy and the Slime God (1961)
- Translation: Playboy e il dio bavoso [Italian] (1964)
- Translation: I Terrestri fanno così [Italian] (1967)
- Translation: L'amour, vous connaissez ? [French] (1970)
- Translation: Was man so Liebe nennt [German] (1971)
- Translation: Playboy e il Dio limaccioso [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Was ist es, das man Liebe nennt? [German] (1973)
- Translation: Mit neveznek szerelemnek? [Hungarian] (1975)
- Translation: Liefde, wat is dat? [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Playboy e il Dio limaccioso ovvero: Cos'è questa cosa che chiamano amore? [Italian] (1978)
Translation: Liebe — was ist das??Liebe - was ist das?[German] (1982)
- Translation: Ljubav, šta je to? [Serbian] (1990) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Ce-i povestea asta numită dragoste?Ce-i povestea asta numita dragoste[Romanian] (1991)
- Translation: ¿Qué es esa cosa llamada amor? [Spanish] (1992)
Translation: Что это за штука - любовь??Chto eto za shtuka - lyubov'?[Russian] (1998) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov
- Utforskare [Swedish] (1961)
- Budskap från framtiden [Swedish] (1961)
My Son, the Physicist! (1962)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Signale vom Pluto [German] (1963)
- Translation: Min son, fysikern [Swedish] (1964)
- Variant: My Son, the Physicist (1969)
- Translation: Mio figlio, il fisico [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Mein Sohn, der Physiker [German] (1973)
- Translation: Fiam, a fizikus [Hungarian] (1975)
- Translation: Mijn zoon, de natuurkundige [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Mon fils, le physicien [French] (1980)
- Translation: Mi hijo el físico [Spanish] (1992)
Star Light (1962)
also appeared as:
Translation: La bonne étoile?La bonne etoile[French] (1969)
- Translation: Die Nova [German] (1969)
- Translation: Sterrenlicht [Dutch] (1970)
Translation: スター・ライト?Sutā Raito[Japanese] (1973) [as by
Sutaa Raitoアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Luz estelar [Spanish] (1993)
- Translation: Sternenlicht [German] (1993)
Author! Author! (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Des Meisters Meister [German] (1968)
- Translation: Diritti d'autore [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Auteur ! Auteur ! [French] (1975)
- Translation: Schrijver! schrijver! [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Autor! Autor! [Romanian] (1998)
Eyes Do More Than See (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Souvenir perdu [French] (1965)
- Translation: Occhi non soltanto per vedere [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Augen, die nicht nur sehen [German] (1973)
Translation: Øyne gjør mer enn å se?Oyne gjor mer enn a se[Norwegian (Bokmal)] (1975)
- Translation: Piu' Che Vedere [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Ogen kunnen meer dan zien [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: Oči niso samo za gledanje?Oci niso samo za gledanje[Slovenian] (1979)
Ochi niso samo za gledanje - Translation: Gli Occhi Non Vedono Soltanto [Italian] (1980)
Translation: Les yeux ne servent pas qu'à voir?Les yeux ne servent pas qu'a voir[French] (1980)
Translation: Oči nisu samo za gledanje?Oci nisu samo za gledanje[Serbian] (1986) [as by Isak Asimov]
Ochi nisu samo za gledanje - Translation: Los ojos hacen algo más que ver [Spanish] (1988)
- Translation: Augen, die nicht nur sehen [German] (1988)
Translation: Les yeux ne servent pas qu'à voir?Les yeux ne servent pas qu'a voir[French] (1988)
- Translation: Los ojos hacen algo más que ver [Spanish] (1992)
Founding Father (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: I fondatori [Italian] (1966)
Translation: Le père d'un monde?Le pere d'un monde[French] (1966)
- Translation: Das letzte Mittel [German] (1967)
- Translation: I fondatori [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Stamvader [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Le fondateur [French] (1977)
- Translation: Landung ohne Wiederkehr [German] (1977)
- Translation: Oprichter [Dutch] (1981)
Translation: Gründervater?Gruendervater[German] (1987)
- Translation: Întemeitorul [Romanian] (1992)
- Translation: Padre fundador [Spanish] (1993)
Translation: Întemeietorii?Intemeietorii[Romanian] (1998)
- The Man Who Made the 21st Century (1965)
The Billiard Ball (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La palla da biliardo [Italian] (1967)
- Translation: La boule de billard [French] (1969)
- Translation: Energie aus dem Nichts [German] (1969)
- Translation: De biljartbal [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Der Billardball [German] (1973)
Translation: 反重力ビリヤード?はんじゅうりょくビリヤード[Japanese] (1973) [as by
Hanjūryoku Biriyādo
Hanjuuryoku Biriyaadoアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Die Billardkugel [German] (1974)
- Translation: Das Nullfeld [German] (1975)
- Translation: La palla da biliardo [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Biljarska kugla [Croatian] (1979)
- Translation: Bila de biliard [Romanian] (1982)
- Translation: La bola de billar [Spanish] (1988)
- Translation: La boule de billard [French] (1988)
- Translation: La bola de billar [Spanish] (1993)
Segregationist (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il Segregazionista [Italian] (1969)
- Translation: Ein Herz aus Metall [German] (1969)
- Translation: Segregacionista [Portuguese] (1970)
Translation: Der Außenseiter?Der Aussenseiter[German] (1973)
- Translation: De racist [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Segregation [Swedish] (1977)
- Translation: We Zijn Niet Allen Gelijk [Dutch] (1979)
Translation: Ségrégationniste?Segregationniste[French] (1980)
- Translation: Segregacionist [Croatian] (1981)
- Translation: Segregacionista [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Segregacionist [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Segregacionista [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Segregacionista [Spanish] (1992)
Translation: A fajvédő?A fajvedo[Hungarian] (1993)
A fajveedooe - Translation: Segregacionista [Portuguese] (1996)
Exile to Hell (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Esilio sull'inferno [Italian] (1976)
Translation: Exil in der Hölle?Exil in der Hoelle[German] (1977)
- Translation: Exil en enfer [French] (1977)
Translation: Verbannungsort Hölle?Verbannungsort Hoelle[German] (1977)
- Translation: Verbannen naar de hel [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Esilio All'inferno [Italian] (1979)
- Translation: Verbannen naar de hel [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Exilio en el infierno [Spanish] (1993)
- Translation: Exil pe Iad [Romanian] (1998)
The Proper Study (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'unico modo [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Envoyez les couleurs ! [French] (1977)
- Translation: Das geeignete Studium [German] (1977)
- Translation: De juiste studie [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Studiul cuvenit [Romanian] (1998)
The Holmes-Ginsbook Device (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'apparecchio Holmes-Ginsbook [Italian] (1970)
- Translation: Die Holmes-Ginsbuch-Erfindung [German] (1984)
- Translation: Procedeul Holmes-Ginscart [Romanian] (1992)
- Profession (excerpt) (1970)
Waterclap (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le sas [French] (1972)
- Translation: Waterslag [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Projekt grosse Welt [German] (1975)
- Translation: Havets djup [Swedish] (1977)
- Translation: Vasto mondo [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: Tromba de agua [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Waterslag [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: Trombes d'eau [French] (1978)
- Translation: Der Wasserschlag [German] (1978)
- Translation: Wasserschlag [German] (1979)
- Translation: Il rombo dell'oceano [Italian] (1980)
2430 A.D. (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: 2430 d.C. [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: 2430 [French] (1977)
- Translation: 2430 n. Chr. [German] (1977)
- Translation: 2430 A.D. [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: 2430 A.D. [Romanian] (1998)
- The Best New Thing (1971)
- 'In a Good Cause' (1971)
'Nobody Here But –'?'Nobody Here But -'(1971)
What If –?What If -(1971)
from The Gods Themselves (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Aus The Gods Themselves [German] (1984)
The Greatest Asset (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il bene più grande [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Le meilleur atout [French] (1977)
Translation: Der größte Aktivposten?Der groesste Aktivposten[German] (1977)
- Translation: Het grootste goed [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: El mayor patrimonio [Spanish] (1993)
Translation: Bunul cel mai de preț?Bunul cel mai de pret[Romanian] (1998)
- The Gods Themselves (excerpt) (1972)
Take a Match (1972)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Take a Match (1972) [as by Isaak Asimov]
- Translation: Si prende un fiammifero... [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Prenez donc une allumette [French] (1977)
- Translation: Der rettende Gedanke [German] (1977)
- Translation: Pak een lucifer [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Coja una cerilla [Spanish] (1993)
Translation: Bățul de chibrit?Batul de chibrit[Romanian] (1998)
Light Verse (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Luciscultura [Italian] (1976)
Translation: Poésie légère?Poesie legere[French] (1977)
- Translation: Lichtpoesie [German] (1977)
- Translation: Lichtverse [German] (1977)
- Translation: Svjetlosni stih [Croatian] (1979)
Translation: 光の韻律?ひかりのいんりつ[Japanese] (1980) [as by
Hikari no Inritsuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Lichtvers [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: Parodia rimada [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Light Verse (1973) [German] (1984)
- Translation: Rima ligera [Spanish] (1988)
Translation: Artiste de lumière?Artiste de lumiere[French] (1988)
- Translation: Svetlosni stihovi [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Fényvers?Fenyvers[Hungarian] (1993)
- Translation: Versos luminosos [Spanish] (1993)
Translation: Poezie imaterială?Poezie imateriala[Romanian] (1998)
- Big Game (1974)
- The Machine That Won the War (1974)
The Dream (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Dream (1974) [German] (1984)
- Benjamin's Dream (1974)
- Party by Satellite (1974)
Stranger in Paradise (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Straniero in paradiso [Italian] (1976)
Translation: Främling i paradiset?Fraemling i paradiset[Swedish] (1977)
- Translation: Straniero in paradiso [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: Prive-Paradijs [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: Un extraño en el paraíso [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Vreemdeling in het paradijs [Dutch] (1978)
Translation: Étranger au paradis?Etranger au paradis[French] (1978)
- Translation: Fremdling im Paradies [German] (1978)
- Translation: Fremdling im Paradies [German] (1980)
- Translation: Straniero In Paradiso [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: Stranac u raju [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Idegen a Paradicsomban [Hungarian] (1993)
- Translation: Un extraño en el paraíso [Spanish] (1993)
- Benjamin's Bicentennial Blast (1974)
Half-Baked Publisher's Delight (1974)
Jeffrey S. Hudson
also appeared as:
- Translation: Titanenkampf [German] (1979)
- Translation: Spekje voor 't uitgeversbekje (halfgaar) [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Delizia a quattro mani [Italian] (1980)
- The Heavenly Host (1974)
About Nothing (1975)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Untitled (Science Fiction Review, August 1975) (1975)
- Translation: Niemendalletje [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Alles wegen Nichts [German] (1984)
- Translation: Pour rien [French] (1985)
- Translation: Despre nimic [Romanian] (1996)
- Heavenly Host (1975)
A Boy's Best Friend (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der beste Freund eines Jungen [German] (1982)
- Translation: El mejor amigo de un muchacho [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Zijn beste vriend [Dutch] (1984)
Translation: Лучший друг?Luchshiy drug[Russian] (1990) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov -
Translation: Dečakov najbolji prijatelj?Decakov najbolji prijatelj[Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
Dechakov najbolji prijatelj -
Translation: Egy fiú legjobb barátja?Egy fiu legjobb baratja[Hungarian] (1993)
The Little Things (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die kleinen Dinge [German] (1985)
- Halloween (1975) also appeared as:
from Murder at the ABA (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Aus Murder at the ABA (1976) [German] (1984)
Good Taste (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Eine Geschmacksfrage [German] (1978)
- Translation: Een kwestie van smaak [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Guter Geschmack [German] (1984)
- Translation: Eine Geschmacksfrage (1976) [German] (1984)
- Translation: Buon Gusto [Italian] (1984)
Translation: Bon goût?Bon gout[French] (1985)
- Translation: Bun gust [Romanian] (1996)
Marching In (1976)
also appeared as:
Translation: Väckelsesång?Vaeckelsesang[Swedish] (1977)
- Translation: Marcia di santi [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: Cuando los santos ... [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Het oude liedje [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: "Marching in" [French] (1978)
- Translation: Marching in [German] (1978)
- Translation: Marching In [Spanish] (1993)
Old-Fashioned (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gammaldags [Swedish] (1977)
- Translation: Sistema antiquato [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: Ouderwets [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: Un sistema anticuado [Spanish] (1978)
Translation: Démodé?Demode[French] (1978)
- Translation: Altmodisch [German] (1978)
- Translation: Anticuado [Spanish] (1993)
The Bicentennial Man (1976)
also appeared as:
Translation: Jubileumsmänniskan?Jubileumsmaenniskan[Swedish] (1977)
- Translation: L'uomo del bicentenario [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: El hombre bicentenario [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Tweehonderd jaar mens [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: L'homme bicentenaire [French] (1978)
Translation: 200周年を迎えた男?200しゅうねんをむえたおとこ[Japanese] (1978) [as by
200 Shūnen Mueta Otoko
200 Shuunen Mueta Otokoアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] -
Translation: Der Zweihundertjährige?Der Zweihundertjaehrige[German] (1978)
Translation: Čovjek dvjestogodišnjak?Covjek dvjestogodisnjak[Croatian] (1980)
Chovjek dvjestogodishnjak -
Translation: A két évszázados ember?A ket evszazados ember[Hungarian] (1983)
- Translation: Dvestogodišnjak [Serbian] (1983) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Der Zweihundertjährige (1970)?Der Zweihundertjaehrige (1970)[German] (1984)
- Translation: O homem bicentenário [Portuguese] (1985)
- Translation: Omul bicentenar [Romanian] (1986)
- Translation: Dvjestogodišnjak [Croatian] (1987)
Translation: Dvestogodišnjak?Dvestogodisnjak[Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
Dvestogodishnjak -
Translation: O homem bicentenário?O homem bicentenario[Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: El hombre bicentenario [Spanish] (1993)
Translation: O homem bicentenário?O homem bicentenario[Portuguese] (1996)
The Winnowing (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Agnarna och vetet [Swedish] (1977)
- Translation: Diradamento selettivo [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: De zuiveraars [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: La criba [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Le triage [French] (1978)
- Translation: Worfeln [German] (1978)
Translation: Прореживание?Prorezhivanie[Russian] (1990) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov
Birth of a Notion (1976)
also appeared as:
Translation: En idés födelse?En ides foedelse[Swedish] (1977)
- Translation: Nascita di una nozione [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: Geboorte van een idee [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: Nace una idea [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: La naissance d'une notion [French] (1978)
- Translation: Geburt eines Begriffs [German] (1978)
- The Next Frontier? (1976)
The Tercentenary Incident (1976)
also appeared as:
Translation: Trehundraårsjubileet?Trehundraarsjubileet[Swedish] (1977)
- Translation: Tricentenario [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: El incidente del tricentenario [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Jubileumincident [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: L'incident du tricentenaire [French] (1978)
- Translation: Der Zwischenfall bei der Dreihundertjahrfeier [German] (1978)
Translation: Incident na tristogodišnjicu?Incident na tristogodisnjicu[Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
Incident na tristogodishnjicu -
Translation: Botrány az ünnepségen?Botrany az unnepsegen[Hungarian] (1993)
- Translation: El incidente del tricentenario [Spanish] (1993)
Think! (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Denk! [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Immerhin ein Anfang [German] (1979)
- Translation: Denke! [German] (1982)
- Translation: Denken [Dutch] (1984)
- Translation: ¡Piensa! [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: Razmisli [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Pensa! [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Gondolkozz! [Hungarian] (1993)
- Translation: Pense! [Portuguese] (1996)
True Love (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le grand amour [French] (1978)
- Translation: Wahre Liebe [German] (1981)
- Translation: Wahre Liebe [German] (1982)
- Translation: Auténtico amor [Spanish] (1984)
- Translation: I can't give you anything but love, baby! [German] (1984)
- Translation: Ware liefde [Dutch] (1984)
- Translation: Amor verdadero [Spanish] (1988)
- Translation: Wahre Liebe [German] (1988)
- Translation: L'amour vrai [French] (1988)
- Translation: Prava ljubav [Serbian] (1991) [as by Isak Asimov]
- Translation: Igaz szerelem [Hungarian] (1993)
Sure Thing (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Eine sichere Sache [German] (1984)
- Translation: Certitude [French] (1985)
- Translation: La scommessa [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Absolut sigur [Romanian] (1996)
Fair Exchange? (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Thespis [German] (1980)
- Translation: Fairer Tausch? [German] (1984)
- Translation: Thespis [Italian] (1984)
Translation: Un marché de dupes?Un marche de dupes[French] (1985)
- Translation: Schimb cinstit? [Romanian] (1996)
Found! (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gevonden! [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: Entdeckt! [German] (1980)
- Translation: Entdeckt! [German] (1983)
- Translation: Gefunden! [German] (1984)
- Translation: Trovati [Italian] (1984)
Translation: Trouvés !?Trouves ![French] (1985)
- Translation: Trovati! [Italian] (1987)
Translation: Ne-au găsit!?Ne-au gasit![Romanian] (1996)
How It Happened (1979)
also appeared as:
Translation: Hört, wie es geschah?Hoert, wie es geschah[German] (1984)
- Translation: Al Principio [Italian] (1984)
- Translation: Au prix du papyrus [French] (1985)
Translation: Cum s-a întîmplat?Cum s-a intimplat[Romanian] (1994)
Cum s-a intamplat -
Translation: Cum s-a întâmplat?Cum s-a intamplat[Romanian] (1996)
- Strike! (1979)
Nothing for Nothing (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nichts ist umsonst [German] (1980)
Translation: Nichts für Nichts?Nichts fuer Nichts[German] (1984)
- Translation: Niente Per Niente [Italian] (1984)
- Translation: Rien pour rien [French] (1985)
- Translation: Nimic pentru nimic [Romanian] (1996)
The Last Answer (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die letzte Antwort [German] (1981)
- Translation: Dumm gefragt ... [German] (1984)
- Translation: Die Letzte Antwort [German] (1984)
- Translation: L'ultima Risposta [Italian] (1984)
Translation: La dernière réponse?La derniere reponse[French] (1985)
- Translation: Het laatste antwoord [Dutch] (1987)
- Translation: La última respuesta [Spanish] (1988)
Translation: La dernière réponse?La derniere reponse[French] (1988)
Translation: Cel din urmă răspuns?Cel din urma raspuns[Romanian] (1996)
For the Birds (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Krila su za ptice [Croatian] (1982)
Translation: Für die Vögel?Fuer die Voegel[German] (1984)
- Translation: Per Gli Uccelli [Italian] (1984)
- Translation: Pour les oiseaux [French] (1985)
Translation: Nur Vögel brauchen Flügel?Nur Voegel brauchen Fluegel[German] (1986)
Translation: Как рыбы в воде?Kak ryby v vode[Russian] (1990) [as byАйзек Азимов?Ayzek Azimov]
Aizek Azimov
Isaac Asimov -
Translation: Pentru păsări?Pentru pasari[Romanian] (1996)
- Getting Even (1980)
Death of a Foy (1980)
also appeared as:
Translation: あるフォイの死?Aru Foi no Shi[Japanese] (1981) [as byアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Translation: Das Ende eines Foy [German] (1984)
- Translation: Morte di un Foy [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Moartea unui Foy [Romanian] (1996)
A Perfect Fit (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Angemessen [German] (1984)
Translation: Un châtiment sur mesure?Un chatiment sur mesure[French] (1985)
Translation: O potrivire perfectă?O potrivire perfecta[Romanian] (1996)
Ignition Point! (1981)
also appeared as:
Translation: Initialzündung!?Initialzuendung![German] (1984)
- Translation: Punto Di Accensione [Italian] (1984)
- Translation: Point d'ignition ! [French] (1985)
- Translation: Punct de aprindere! [Romanian] (1996)
The Last Shuttle (1981)
also appeared as:
Translation: Die Letzte Raumfähre?Die Letzte Raumfaehre[German] (1984)
- Translation: L'ultima Navetta [Italian] (1984)
Translation: La dernière navette?La derniere navette[French] (1985)
Translation: Ultima navetă?Ultima naveta[Romanian] (1996)
Lest We Remember (1982)
also appeared as:
Translation: Vergißesnicht?Vergissesnicht[German] (1982)
- Translation: Minnas [Swedish] (1983)
Translation: Laßt uns erinnern?Lasst uns erinnern[German] (1984)
- Translation: Una Questione Di Memoria [Italian] (1984)
- Translation: De peur de se souvenir [French] (1985)
- Translation: Opdat wij niet vergeten [Dutch] (1987)
- Translation: Que no sepan que recuerdas [Spanish] (1988)
Translation: Vergiß, wenn du leben willst?Vergiss, wenn du leben willst[German] (1988)
- Translation: De peur de nous souvenir [French] (1988)
Translation: Memorie interzisă?Memorie interzisa[Romanian] (1996)
The Winds of Change (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wenn der Wind sich dreht [German] (1984)
- Translation: Il Vento è Cambiato [Italian] (1984)
- Translation: Les vents du changement [French] (1985)
Translation: Die Zeiten ändern sich?Die Zeiten aendern sich[German] (1986)
Translation: Vântul schimbării?Vantul schimbarii[Romanian] (1996)
- The Super Runner (1982)
To Tell at a Glance (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Auf einen Blick [German] (1984)
- Translation: Sabotatore terrestre [Italian] (1984)
Translation: D'un coup d'œil?D'un coup d'oeil[French] (1985)
- Translation: Dintr-o privire [Romanian] (1996)
- Nothing Might Happen (1983)
- The Ten-Second Election (1984)
Hallucination (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hallucinatie [Dutch] (1995)
- Translation: Halluzinationen [German] (1997)
- Pozitronski korektor [Croatian] (1985)
Belief (Published Version) (1986)
also appeared as:
Translation: Incrédules (Fin de la version publiée)?Incredules (Fin de la version publiee)[French] (1987)
- Translation: Roger o della gravità (versione pubblicata) [Italian] (1988)
Feghoot and the Courts (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Feghoot en het Hof [Dutch] (1995)
The End of Eternity (novella) (1986)
also appeared as:
Translation: La fin de l'éternité?La fin de l'eternite[French] (1987)
- Translation: La fine dell'eternità (prima versione) [Italian] (1988)
Belief (First Version) (1986)
also appeared as:
Translation: Incrédules (Première version)?Incredules (Premiere version)[French] (1987)
- Translation: Roger o della gravità (versione breve) [Italian] (1988)
- Burnside and the Courts (1986)
Sfîrșitul eternității (fragmente)?Sfirsitul eternitatii (fragmente)[Romanian] (1987)
Sfarsitul eternitatii (fragmente) -
The Fable of the Three Princes (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les trois princes (fable) [French] (1996)
- The Turning Point (1988)
The Smile of the Chipper (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Glimlach van de Chipper [Dutch] (1995)
I Love Little Pussy (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ich liebe Miezchen [German] (1992)
Christmas Without Rodney (1988)
also appeared as:
Translation: Božić bez Rodneya?Bozic bez Rodneya[Croatian] (1989)
Bozhic bez Rodneya - Translation: Natal sem Rodney [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Um natal sem Rodney [Portuguese] (1996)
Good-Bye to Earth (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Aarde vaarwel [Dutch] (1995)
The Instability (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Instabiliteit [Dutch] (1995)
- Star Empire (1989)
- Nemesis (excerpt) (1989)
Too Bad! (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Que pena! [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Que pena! [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Quel dommage ! [French] (2012)
Robot Visions (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Robovisioni [Italian] (1991)
- Translation: Wizje robota [Polish] (1991)
Translation: Visões de robô?Visoes de robo[Portuguese] (1992)
Translation: Visões de robot?Visoes de robot[Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: La vision d'un robot [French] (1993)
Translation: 未来探測?みらいたんそく[Japanese] (1995) [as by
Mirai Tansokuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] -
Translation: Visões de robô?Visoes de robo[Portuguese] (1996)
- Translation: Les visions du robot [French] (2012)
Fault-Intolerant (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fout-Intolerantie [Dutch] (1995)
- Nightfall (excerpt) (1990) with Robert Silverberg
In the Canyon (1990)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Latter-Day Martian Chronicles (1990)
- Translation: In het Ravijn [Dutch] (1995)
Kid Brother (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O Irmão Mais Moço [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: Kleine Broer [Dutch] (1995)
Soluția finală?Solutia finala[Romanian] (1991)
- Gold (1991) also appeared as:
Frustration (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Frustratie [Dutch] (1995)
Prince Delightful and the Flameless Dragon (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il principe delizioso [Italian] (1993)
- Translation: Le prince aimable et le dragon sans flamme [French] (1996)
- The Positronic Man (excerpt) (1992) with Robert Silverberg
- The Consort (1993)
Alexander the God (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Alexander de God [Dutch] (1995)
Battle-Hymn (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Strijdlied [Dutch] (1995)
The Nations in Space (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Naties in de Ruimte [Dutch] (1995)
Copilării?Copilarii[Romanian] (1999)
Distracție adevărată?Distractie adevarata[Romanian] (1999)
- Dreptul de a vota [Romanian] (1999)
- Focul Gheenei [Romanian] (1999)
Într-o bună zi?Intr-o buna zi[Romanian] (1999)
Tărâmul apelor?Taramul apelor[Romanian] (1999)
- Visele sunt sacre [Romanian] (1999)
- Encyclopedia galactica (extraits) [French] (2000)
- Robbie (2008) with Tricia Reilly
- But I, Too, Am a Robot (2018)
- Kivike taevas (Excerpt) [Estonian] (2019)
The Foundation of S. F. Success (1954)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Foundation of Science Fiction Success (1954)
- Translation: La base del éxito de la ficción científica [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Come avere successo nella fantascienza [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Las bases del éxito en ciencia ficción [Spanish] (1992)
- In Reply to Randall Garrett (1956)
- Parodies Tossed: How to Succeed at Science Fiction Without Really Trying (1956)
The Author's Ordeal (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: An Author's Ordeal (1957)
- Translation: La prueba por que pasa el autor [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Los sufrimientos del autor [Spanish] (1992)
- Tale of the Pioneer (1957)
The Thunder-Thieves (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: It's All How You Look at It (1958)
- Oh, That Lost Sense of Wonder! (1958)
I Just Make Them Up, See! (1958)
also appeared as:
- Translation: C'est si facile, voyez-vous ! [French] (1978)
- Translation: Be', le invento così [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Eu Apenas as Invento, Vê! [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: ¡Simplemente las invento! [Spanish] (1992)
Rejection Slips (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Notifications de rejet [French] (1978)
- Translation: Notas De Recusa [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Notas de rechazo [Spanish] (1992)
The Prime of Life (1966)
also appeared as:
Translation: Livets bästa år?Livets baesta ar[Swedish] (1977)
- Translation: In de kracht van mijn leven [Dutch] (1978)
- Translation: La primavera de la vida [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: La fleur de la jeunesse [French] (1978)
- Translation: Im besten Mannesalter [German] (1978)
Impatience (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ungeduld [German] (1984)
Well, Hardly Ever (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Selten [German] (1984)
Shutting the Barn Door (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Aus und vorbei [German] (1984)
You Mean (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fehlgriff [German] (1984)
- Belladonna (1977)
- Botulism (1977)
- Curare (1977)
- A Woman's Work (1977)
- About Time (1977)
- Afraid of the Dark (1977)
- All Talk (1977)
- Better Than Nothint (1977)
- Big Mouth (1977)
- Braggart (1977)
- Bravo! (1977)
- Calisthenics (1977)
- Celibacy (1977)
- Cheapskate (1977)
- Christmas Spirit (1977)
- Commencement (1977)
- Compensation (1977)
- Compliance (1977)
- Consequence (1977)
- Definition (1977)
- Demand (1977)
- Disadvantage (1977)
- Division of Labor (1977)
- Don't Be Too Sure (1977)
- Don't Miss! (1977)
- Don't Stop (1977)
- Down with Virtue! (1977)
- Drawing the Line (1977)
- Economics (1977)
- Education (1977)
- Effective (1977)
Emily Post (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die feine Art [German] (1984)
- Entertainment (1977)
- Ethnic (1977)
- Exchange Problems (1977)
- Foreplay (1977)
- Gotcha (1977)
- Grammar (1977)
- Hubris (1977)
- Idiot! (1977)
- Incredible (1977)
- Inept (1977)
- It's Not What You Think (1977)
- It's Only Their Duty (1977)
- July 4, 1976 (1977)
- Keep it Up (1977)
- Liberal Thinking (1977)
- Loan (1977)
- Melting (1977)
- More Than One Way (1977)
- Naughty-Cal (1977)
- Next to Godliness (1977)
- No Accounting For Tastes (1977)
- No Favorites (1977)
- No Hurry (1977)
- Nonchalance (1977)
- Not Worth the Trouble (1977)
- One More Notch (1977)
- One Way (1977)
- Only Reasonable (1977)
- Opportunist (1977)
- Ouch! (1977)
- Plural (1977)
- Poverty (1977)
- Practical (1977)
- Practical (1977)
Reasons Enough (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ein guter Grund [German] (1984)
- Reminiscences (1977)
- Repetition (1977)
- Russian One (1977)
- Russian Three (1977)
- Russian Two (1977)
- Safety First (1977)
- Screwples (1977)
- Season's Greetings (1977)
- Self-Defeating (1977)
- Shame! (1977)
- Shortchanged (1977)
- Silver Lining (1977)
- Specialized (1977)
- Strategy (1977)
- Stud (1977)
- That'll Teach Her (1977)
- The Ayes Have It (1977)
- The Better Alternative (1977)
- The Hard Way (1977)
- The Male Dream (1977)
- These College Girls (1977)
- To Each Her Own (1977)
- To Each His Own (1977)
- Too Late (1977)
- Ugly! (1977)
- Unfeeling (1977)
- Unreasonable (1977)
- Up-Up- (1977)
- Waste of Time (1977)
- Weakling (1977)
- Well, Give In! (1977)
- What an Improvement! (1977)
- What Were You Saying? (1977)
- Worthy of Her Hire (1977)
- You Did? (1977)
- You Never Lose It (1977)
- Science Fiction Convention (1977)
from Asimov's Sherlockian Limericks (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Aus Asimov's Sherlockian Limericks (1978) [German] (1984)
- Limericks: A Gross (1978)
- A New Gross of Limericks (1981)
- A Fuller Explanation of Original Sin (1982) with Janet Asimov [only as by Isaac Asimov and Janet O. Jeppson]
- The One Thing Lacking (1982)
- Chinul autorului [Romanian] (1999)
Fundației succesului S.F.?Fundatiei succesului S.F.[Romanian] (1999)
- Asimov's Editorials
- Editorial (Amazing Stories, May 1959) (1959)
- Editorial (Thrilling Science Fiction, June 1973) (1973)
Editorial (Asimov's, Spring 1977) (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine (1977)
- Translation: Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine [Portuguese] (1984)
- Translation: Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine [Italian] (1984)
Editorial (Asimov's, Summer 1977) (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Try to Write! (1977)
- Translation: Provate a scrivere [Italian] (1984)
- Editorial (Asimov's, Fall 1977) (1977)
Editorial (Asimov's, Winter 1977) (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Our Conventions (1977)
- Translation: Nossas Convenções [Portuguese] (1984)
- Translation: I nostri convegni [Italian] (1984)
Editorial (Asimov's, January-February 1978) (1978)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Brotherhood of Science Fiction (1978)
- Translation: La confraternita della fantascienza [Italian] (1984)
Extraordinary Voyages (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Viaggi straordinari [Italian] (1984)
Translation: Vorwort des Herausgebers: Außergewöhnliche Reisen?Vorwort des Herausgebers: Aussergewoehnliche Reisen[German] (1985)
- Translation: Des voyages extraordinaires [French] (1996)
The Name of Our Field (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il termine fantascienza [Italian] (1984)
- Translation: De Naam van Ons Genre [Dutch] (1995)
It's a Funny Thing (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'umorismo è difficile [Italian] (1984)
By No Means Vulgar (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Popolare, non volgare [Italian] (1984)
The Reluctant Critic (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il critico riluttante [Italian] (1984)
Translation: Le critique malgré lui?Le critique malgre lui[French] (1996)
The Hugo (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: I premi Hugo [Italian] (1984)
- Quite Personal (1979)
- Hints (1979) also appeared as:
The Articles of SF (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Articles of Science Fiction (1979)
- Translation: La saggistica nelle riviste [Italian] (1984)
Hollywood & I (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Hollywood and I (1979)
- Translation: Io e Hollywood [Italian] (1984)
Golden Age Ahead (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La futura Età dell'oro [Italian] (1984)
- Translation: De Gouden Tijd Ligt Voor Ons [Dutch] (1995)
- Poetry, Fun, & Games (1979)
Learning Device (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Letteratura istruttiva [Italian] (1984)
The Vocabulary of SF (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Vocabulary of Science Fiction (1979)
- Translation: O vocabulário da Ficção Científica [Portuguese] (1984)
- Translation: Il vocabolario della fantascienza [Italian] (1984)
The Scientist As Villain (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O cientista como vilão [Portuguese] (1984)
- Translation: Lo scienziato come "cattivo" [Italian] (1984)
The Dean of Science Fiction (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il decano della fantascienza [Italian] (1984)
Rejection Slips (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le lettere di rifiuto [Italian] (1984)
Anniversaries (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Anniversari [Italian] (1984)
- One More Time (1980)
- The Sun and Moon (1980)
- The Solar System (1980)
The Letter Column (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La pagina della posta [Italian] (1984)
- Welcome, Sibling! (1980)
Serials (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Series [Dutch] (1995)
- Double Dactyls Revisited (1980)
- Family Matters (1980)
The Mosaic and the Plate Glass (1980)
also appeared as:
Translation: Vitraliul și geamul?Vitraliul si geamul[Romanian] (1982)
- Translation: Vetrate e vetri [Italian] (1984)
- My Autobiography (1980)
- What Makes Isaac Run? (1980)
- The Masquerade (1981)
Book Reviews (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Boekbesprekingen [Dutch] (1995)
- Science Fiction Poetry (1981)
- Drawing the Line (1981)
Science Fiction Anthologies (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Science-Fictionbloemlezingen [Dutch] (1995)
What's a Galaxy? (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Galaxia I [Portuguese] (1992)
Our Own Galaxy (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Galaxia II [Portuguese] (1993)
The Influence of Science Fiction (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Utjecaj znanstvene fantastike [Croatian] (1987)
- Translation: De Invloed van Science-Fiction [Dutch] (1995)
- Taking a Stand (1981)
- Magazine Covers (1981)
- The New York Times Laughs Again (1981)
- Watch Out! (1981)
What Writers Go Through (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wat Schrijvers Doorstaan [Dutch] (1995)
- The Writer's Plight (1982)
- The Unforgivable Sin (1982)
- We're Doing Well (1982)
- Don't You Believe? (1982)
- Farewell to George (1982)
- But We're the Good Guys! (1982)
Revisions (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Correcties [Dutch] (1995)
- Missing the Boat (1982)
- Not an Expert (1982)
- Household Robots (1982)
Collecting (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Coleções [Portuguese] (1991)
Susan Calvin (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Susan Calvin [Portuguese] (1990)
- Violence and Incompetence (1982)
Women and Science Fiction (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vrouwen en Science-Fiction [Dutch] (1995)
- More Asimov? (1983)
The All-Human Galaxy (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het Geheel Menselijk Heelal [Dutch] (1995)
- Nostalgia (1983)
Best-Seller (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Bestseller (1983)
- Translation: Bestseller [Dutch] (1995)
- Unreasonable! (1983)
- Our Obsolete World (1983)
- Shrugging It Off (1983)
Nowhere! (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nergens! [Dutch] (1995)
- My Projects (1983)
- Schools and Science Fiction (1983)
- Autographs (1983)
- My Name (1983)
Pseudonyms (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pseudônimos [Portuguese] (1991)
- Translation: Pseudoniemen [Dutch] (1995)
Fantasy (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De la fantasy [French] (1996)
Satire (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sátira [Portuguese] (1992)
Time-Travel (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Time Travel (1989)
- Translation: Viagens no tempo [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Tijdreizen [Dutch] (1995)
- Controversy (1984)
Religion and Science Fiction (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Religie en Science-Fiction [Dutch] (1995)
- Bypass (1984)
- The Faces of Science Fiction (1984)
- Opinion (1984)
- Irony (1984) also appeared as:
- Faster Than Light (1984)
- Names (1984) also appeared as:
- Catastrophes (1984)
Sword and Sorcery (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Espadas e Bruxarias [Portuguese] (1992)
- Translation: De la Sword and Sorcery [French] (1996)
Slush (1985)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Slush! (1985)
Magic (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De la magie [French] (1996)
Dialog (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dialoog [Dutch] (1995)
- Moonshine (1985)
Symbolism (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Symboliek [Dutch] (1995)
- Superstupidity (1985)
Plagiarism (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Plagiaat [Dutch] (1995)
- Star Wars! (1985)
Fairy Tales (1985)
also appeared as:
Translation: Des contes de fées?Des contes de fees[French] (1996)
- Editors (1985)
- Civil War (1985)
- Irritations (1985)
- Old Hundreth (1986)
Outsiders, Insiders (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Buitenstaanders, Ingewijden [Dutch] (1995)
- Persona (1986)
Dear Judy-Lynn (1986)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Judy-Lynn del Rey Appreciation (1986)
Translation: Chère Judy-Lynn?Chere Judy-Lynn[French] (1996)
Originality (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Originaliteit [Dutch] (1995)
Translation: オリジナリティとは??Orijinarity to ha?[Japanese] (1995) [as by
Orijinarity to wa?アイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Wish-Fulfillment (1986)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Wish Fullfillment (1986)
Writing for Young People (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Voor Jonge Mensen Schrijven [Dutch] (1995)
- The Hollow Earth (1986)
- Integrity (1986)
- The Kiss of Death? (1986)
- Specialization (1986)
The Unicorn (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De la licorne [French] (1996)
Science Fiction Series (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Science-Fictionseries [Dutch] (1995)
- New Writers (1987)
- Intellectual Cliches (1987)
- Intimations of Mortality (1987)
- Truth and Fiction (1987)
- Spaceflight (1987)
- Forgetfulness (1987)
- Romance (1987)
- Unification (1987)
- Plausibility (1987)
Unknown (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Du magazine Unknown [French] (1996)
Survivors (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Overlevenden [Dutch] (1995)
- Memory (1987)
- Academe (1987)
- Suicide (1988)
- Judgment (1988)
- Glasnost (1988)
- Eccentricity (1988)
- Fantastic Voyage II (1988)
- Taxes (1988)
Psychohistory (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Psico-história [Portuguese] (1990)
- Translation: Psychohistorie [Dutch] (1995)
Translation: 心理歴史学?しんりれきしがく[Japanese] (1995) [as by
Shinrirekishigakuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu] - Translation: Psychohistoire [French] (2012)
Acrophobia (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Acrofobia [Portuguese] (1991)
Surprise (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Surpresas [Portuguese] (1992)
- Ownership? (1988)
- Frivolity (1988)
- Contemporaries (1988)
- Feminism (1988)
- Hollywood II (1989)
- Sage (1989)
- Words (1989)
The Good Old Days (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Os Bons Tempos de Outrora [Portuguese] (1990)
Translation: 古き良き時代?ふるきよきじだい[Japanese] (1995) [as by
Furuki Yoki Jidaiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Cosmopolitan (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cosmopolita [Portuguese] (1990)
Plotting (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Enredos [Portuguese] (1991)
- Translation: Het Maken van een Plot [Dutch] (1995)
- Translation: De l'intrigue [French] (2012)
Prediction (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Voorspellen [Dutch] (1995)
- Playboy? (1989)
- Wrong! (1989)
- Assassination (1989)
Half-Done (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pela metade [Portuguese] (1990)
- Distraction (1989)
Metaphor (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Metaforen [Dutch] (1995)
- Opinion II (1990)
- Attack! (1990)
- Ideas (1990) also appeared as:
- Posthumous (1990)
- Spokesman (1990)
- English (1990)
- Figurehead? (1990)
- Sharing Universes (1990)
- Grumbles of My Own (1990)
- Are Scientists Stupid? (1990)
Anniversary (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Anniversario [Italian] (1991)
- Translation: Aniversário [Portuguese] (1992)
- Imagination (1990)
- Short Cuts (1990)
- Simile (1991)
Gorbachev (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gorbaciov [Italian] (1991)
Suspense I (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Suspense I [Portuguese] (1992)
Suspense II (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Suspense II [Portuguese] (1992)
- Help? (1991)
- Untouchable (1991)
- Disagreements (1991)
- Writing for Nothing (1991)
- Nightfall (1991)
- Postcards (1991)
- The Dismal Science (1991)
- Straight Lines (1991)
- Aliens (1991)
- Religiosity (1992)
- Freedom (1992)
- The Queen's English (1992)
Foundation (1992)
also appeared as:
Translation: 銀河帝国興亡史?ぎんがていこくこうぼうし[Japanese] (1995) [as by
Ginga Teikoku Kōbōshi
Ginga Teikoku Kouboushiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Whining (1992)
- Speed (1992)
Coming Home (1992)
also appeared as:
Translation: 帰宅?きたく[Japanese] (1995) [as by
Kitakuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Sold! (1992)
- Editorial: In Memories Yet Green (2007) with Gardner Dozois and Shawna McCarthy and Kathleen Moloney and George H. Scithers and Sheila Williams [only as by Isaac Asimov and Gardner Dozois and Shawna McCarthy and Kathleen Moloney and George Scithers and Sheila Williams]
- Asimov's Essays: F&SF
- Dust of Ages (1958) also appeared as:
- Catching Up with Newton (1958)
No More Ice Ages? (1959)
also appeared as:
Translation: 氷河時代はもう来ない??ひょうがじだいはもうきたない?[Japanese] (1960) [as by
Hyōga Jidai ha Mō Kitanai?
Hyouga Jidai ha Mou Kitanai?
Hyōga Jidai wa Mō Kitanai?
Hyouga Jidai wa Mou Kitanai?アイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Love Those Zeroes (1959)
also appeared as:
Translation: 愛すべきゼロの列?あいすべきゼロのれつ[Japanese] (1960) [as by
Aisubeki Zero no Retsuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Nothing (1959)
- Life's Bottleneck (1959)
Of Capture and Escape (1959)
also appeared as:
Translation: 捕獲と脱出?ほかくとだっしゅつ[Japanese] (1960) [as by
Hokaku to Dasshutsuアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
The Planet of the Double Sun (1959)
also appeared as:
Translation: 二重太陽の惑星?にじゅうたいようのわくせい[Japanese] (1960) [as by
Nijū Taiyō no Wakusei
Nijuu Taiyou no Wakuseiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- Battle of the Eggheads (1959)
- The Ultimate Split of the Second (1959)
Varieties of the Infinite (1959)
also appeared as:
Translation: 無限・バラエティ [Japanese] (1960)
[as by アイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Translation: 無限・バラエティ [Japanese] (1960)
[as by
- The Height of Up (1959)
- C for Celeritas (1959)
- Thin Air (1959)
Those Crazy Ideas (1960)
also appeared as:
Translation: とほうもない思いつき?とほうもないおもいつき[Japanese] (1960) [as by
Tohō mo Nai Omoitsuki
Tohou mo Nai Omoitsukiアイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
- The Sight of Home (1960)
- The Flickering Yardstick (1960)
- About Time (1960)
- A Piece of Pi (1960)
- The Bug-Eyed Monster (1960)
- Beyond Pluto (1960)
- Catskills in the Sky (1960)
- Tools of the Trade (1960)
Stepping-Stones to the Stars (1960)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Steppingstones to the Stars (1960)
- The Element of Perfection (1960)
Now Hear This! (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1960) (1960)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Now Hear This (1960)
Here It Comes; There It Goes (1961)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Here It Comes; There It Goes! (1961)
- Order! Order! (1961)
- The Imaginary That Isn't (1961)
- My Built-In Doubter (1961)
- Heaven on Earth (1961)
- Four Steps to Salvation (1961)
- Recipe for a Planet (1961)
- The Evens Have It (1961)
- Not As We Know It (1961)
- That's About the Size of It (1961)
- Dethronement (1961)
- The Trojan Hearse (1961)
- The Modern Demonology (1962)
- Superficially Speaking (1962)
- That's Life! (1962)
- The Weighting Game (1962)
By Jove! (1962)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Su Giove, per Giove! [Italian] (1963)
The Egg and Wee (1962)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'uomo e l'atomo [Italian] (1963)
Hot Stuff (1962)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il culmine del calore [Italian] (1962)
- The Light Fantastic (1962)
- The Shape of Things (1962)
- Slow Burn (1962)
- Pre-Fixing it Up (1962)
- One, Ten, Buckle My Shoe (1962)
He's Not My Type! (1963)
also appeared as:
- Variant: He's Not My Type (1963)
- The Lost Generation (1963)
- You, Too, Can Speak Gaelic (1963)
- The Rigid Vacuum (1963)
- Just Mooning Around (1963)
The Light That Failed! (1963)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Light That Failed (1963)
- The Isaac Winners (1963)
T-Formation (1963)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die T-Ordnung [German] (1991)
- Who's Out There? (1963)
- Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (1963)
- Welcome, Stranger! (1963)
- Roll Call (1963)
- Round and Round and ... (1964)
- The Slowly Moving Finger (1964)
- Forget It! (1964)
- A Piece of the Action (1964)
- Ghost Lines in the Sky (1964)
- The Heavenly Zoo (1964)
- Nothing Counts (1964)
- The Days of Our Years (1964)
- The Haste-Makers (1964)
- First and Rearmost (1964)
- The Black of Night (1964)
- A Galaxy at a Time (1964)
- Begin at the Beginning (1965)
Harmony in Heaven (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Harmonia no céu [Portuguese] (1972)
Oh, East Is West and West Is East - (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Para leste e para oeste [Portuguese] (1972)
The Certainty of Uncertainty (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: A certeza da incerteza [Portuguese] (1972)
To Tell a Chemist (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Como se distingue um químico de um leigo [Portuguese] (1972)
Future? Tense! (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il futuro, come lo vedo io [Italian] (1965)
- Translation: Predizioni e anti-predizioni [Italian] (1975)
Translation: Viitorul? Atenție!?Viitorul? Atentie![Romanian] (2005)
Exclamation Point! (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ponto de exclamação! [Portuguese] (1972)
Behind the Teacher's Back (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nas costas do professor [Portuguese] (1972)
Death in the Laboratory (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Morte no laboratório [Portuguese] (1972)
The Land of Mu (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: A terra de Mu [Portuguese] (1972)
Squ-u-u-ush! (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Materia degenerata [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: A densidade mais densa [Portuguese] (1972)
Water, Water, Everywhere - (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Água e mais água por toda a parte [Portuguese] (1972)
The Proton-Reckoner (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O calculador de protões [Portuguese] (1972)
Up and Down the Earth (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Altos e baixos da Terra [Portuguese] (1972)
The Rocks of Damocles (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: As rochas de Dâmocles [Portuguese] (1972)
The Nobelmen of Science (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Prémios Nobel da ciência [Portuguese] (1972)
Time and Tide (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O tempo e as marés [Portuguese] (1972)
The Isles of Earth (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le isole della Terra (Part 1 of 2) [Italian] (1968)
- Translation: Le isole della Terra (Part 2 of 2) [Italian] (1969)
- Translation: As ilhas da Terra [Portuguese] (1972)
Balancing the Books (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Conferência dos livros [Portuguese] (1972)
BB or Not BB, That Is the Question (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: BB ou não BB, eis a questão [Portuguese] (1972)
I'm Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Procuro um trevo de quatro folhas [Portuguese] (1972)
Portrait of the Writer as a Boy (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Portrait de l'auteur enfant [French] (1967)
- Translation: Retrato do escritor em criança [Portuguese] (1972)
- Translation: Ritratto dell'autore da ragazzo [Italian] (1972)
Old Man River (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Old man river [Portuguese] (1972)
The Symbol-Minded Chemist (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O químico com inclinação para os símbolos [Portuguese] (1972)
Right Beneath Your Feet (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Logo Abaixo de Seus Pés [Portuguese] (1970)
- Translation: Mesmo por baixo dos nossos pés [Portuguese] (1972)
Impossible, That's All (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Simplesmente impossível [Portuguese] (1972)
Crowded! (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cheio de gente! [Portuguese] (1972)
A Matter of Scale (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Uma Questão de Escala [Portuguese] (1970)
- Translation: Uma questão de escala [Portuguese] (1972)
Times of Our Lives (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: As horas da vida [Portuguese] (1972)
Non-Time Travel (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Não é uma Viagem no Tempo [Portuguese] (1970)
- Translation: Viagem sem tempo [Portuguese] (1972)
Twelve Point Three Six Nine (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Doze vírgula três seis nove [Portuguese] (1972)
Kaleidoscope in the Sky (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Caleidoscópio no céu [Portuguese] (1972)
The Great Borning (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O grande nascimento [Portuguese] (1972)
Music to My Ears (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Música para os meus ouvidos [Portuguese] (1972)
Knock Plastic! (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Bate no plástico! [Portuguese] (1972)
- Variant: Knock Plastic (1989)
- Translation: Touchez du plastique ! [French] (1996)
The First Metal (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Primeiro Metal [Portuguese] (1970)
The Seventh Metal (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O Sétimo Metal [Portuguese] (1970)
- The Predicted Metal (1968)
- The Seventh Planet (1968)
- The Dance of the Sun (1968)
- Backward, Turn Backward - (1968)
Counting Chromosomes (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Contando cromossomos [Portuguese] (1970)
- Little Lost Satellite (1968)
- The Terrible Lizards (1968)
- The Dying Lizards (1968)
- Little Found Satellite (1968)
The Planetary Eccentric (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O excêntrico planetário [Portuguese] (1971)
- View from Amalthea (1968)
- The Dance of the Satellites (1969)
- Uncertain, Coy, and Hard to Please (1969)
- Just Right (1969)
- The Incredible Shrinking People (1969)
The Power of Progression (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Morte Per Progressione Geometrica [Italian] (1970)
- The Fateful Lightning (1969)
- Two at a Time (1969)
- On Throwing a Ball (1969)
- The Man Who Massed the Earth (1969)
- Worlds in Confusion (1969)
- The Sin of the Scientist (1969)
- The Luxon Wall (1969)
The Lunar Honor-Roll (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Albo d'onore Lunare [Italian] (1970)
- The Multiplying Elements (1970)
Bridging the Gaps (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Preenchendo as Lacunas [Portuguese] (1971)
The Nobel Prize That Wasn't (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O prêmio Nobel que não houve [Portuguese] (1971)
- Playing the Game (1970)
- The Distance of Far (1970)
- My Planet 'Tis of Thee - (1970)
The Stars in Their Courses (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: As estrelas em seus percursos [Portuguese] (1971)
- Translation: Astri E Disastri [Italian] (1972)
- The Lop-Sided Sun (1970)
Stop! (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Halt! [German] (1975)
- But How? (1970)
also appeared as:
- Variant: - - - But How? (1972)
- Translation: ... aber wie? [German] (1975)
The Thalassogens (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Os talassogênios [Portuguese] (1971)
- Translation: Die Thalassogene [German] (1975)
Hot Water (1971)
also appeared as:
Translation: Heißes Wasser?Heisses Wasser[German] (1975)
Cold Water (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Água fria [Portuguese] (1971)
- Translation: Kaltes Wasser [German] (1975)
Euclid's Fifth (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O quinto postulado de Euclides [Portuguese] (1971)
Translation: Euklids fünftes Postulat?Euklids fuenftes Postulat[German] (1975)
The Plane Truth (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'ottuso Universo [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Die Wahrheit des rechten Winkels [German] (1975)
Pompey and Circumstance (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pompeu e as circunstâncias [Portuguese] (1971)
- Translation: Storia E Superstizione [Italian] (1972)
Translation: Pompejus und die Umstände?Pompejus und die Umstaende[German] (1975)
The Eureka Phenomenon (1971)
also appeared as:
Translation: Das Heureka-Phänomen?Das Heureka-Phaenomen[German] (1975)
Bill and I (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: William E Io [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: William und ich [German] (1975)
- Translation: Willi und ich [German] (1992)
Prime Quality (1971)
also appeared as:
Translation: Die Qualität der Primzahlen?Die Qualitaet der Primzahlen[German] (1975)
Holes in the Head (1971)
also appeared as:
Translation: Löcher im Kopf?Loecher im Kopf[German] (1975)
Odds and Evens (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gerade und ungerade [German] (1975)
The Left Hand of the Electron (1971)
also appeared as:
Translation: Das linkshändige Elektron?Das linkshaendige Elektron[German] (1975)
Seeing Double (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Doppelbilder [German] (1975)
The 3-D Molecule (1972)
also appeared as:
Translation: Das dreidimensionale Molekül?Das dreidimensionale Molekuel[German] (1975)
Das dreidimensionale Molekul
The Asymmetry of Life (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Asymetrie des Lebens [German] (1975)
Lost in Non-Translation (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: I Cattivi Samaritani [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Lost in Non-Translation (1972) [German] (1984)
Translation: Perdu à la non-traduction?Perdu a la non-traduction[French] (1996)
- Moon Over Babylon (1972)
Academe and I (1972)
also appeared as:
Translation: Die Eierköpfe und ich?Die Eierkoepfe und ich[German] (1979)
The Week Excuse (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Giorni Mesi Stagioni [Italian] (1974)
- The Tragedy of the Moon (1972)
- Doctor, Doctor, Cut My Throat (1972)
The World, Ceres (1972)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The World Ceres (1972)
- The Unlikely Twins (1972)
- The One and Only (1972)
The Clock in the Sky (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'orologio Nel Cielo [Italian] (1973)
The Ancient and the Ultimate (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La Supercassetta [Italian] (1973)
- Translation: Lo antiguo y lo definitivo [Spanish] (1997)
- Through the Micro-Glass (1973)
- Down from the Amoeba (1973)
- The Cinderella Compound (1973)
By the Numbers (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Avec les chiffres [French] (1980)
- Translation: Nummernweise [German] (1982)
The Triumph of the Moon (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il Trionfo Della Luna [Italian] (1973)
- The Cruise and I (1973)
Constant As the Northern Star (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: I fenici, Giulio Cesare e la stella polare [Italian] (1973)
Signs of the Times (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il Cerchio Degli Animali [Italian] (1975)
- The Mispronounced Metal (1973)
The Figure of the Fastest (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Luminosi pignoli [Italian] (1974)
- The Figure of the Farthest (1973)
- The Eclipse and I (1974)
- Dance of the Luminaries (1974)
- The Uneternal Atoms (1974)
- A Particular Matter (1974)
- At Closest Range (1974)
- The Double-Ended Candle (1974)
As Easy As Two Plus Three (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tão Fácil Como Dois Mais Três [Portuguese] (unknown)
- Translation: Per Una Particella In Piu' [Italian] (1976)
- Updating the Asteroids (1974)
Look Long Upon a Monkey (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Guardare A Lungo Una Scimmia [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Regardons le singe en face [French] (1996)
Oh, Keen-Eyed Peerer into the Future! (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le Tre Leggi Della Futurica [Italian] (1977)
Skewered! (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Skewered! (1974) [German] (1984)
- Star in the East (1974)
Thinking About Thinking (1975)
also appeared as:
Translation: Réflexions sur la réflexion?Reflexions sur la reflexion[French] (1996)
The Rocketing Dutchmen (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Uffa Con Questi Ufo [Italian] (1975)
The Bridge of the Gods (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il Ponte Degli Dei [Italian] (1976)
- The Judo Argument (1975)
- The Planet That Wasn't (1975)
- The Olympian Snows (1975)
- Titanic Surprise (1975)
- The Wicked Witch is Dead (1975)
- The Wrong Turning (1975)
- The Third Liquid (1975)
Best Foot Backward (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Che Cosa Scegliete? [Italian] (1977)
Translation: Bästa foten bakåt!?Basta foten bakat![Swedish] (1978)
- The Smell of Electricity (1975)
Silent Victory (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vittoria Silenziosa [Italian] (1976)
- Change of Air (1976)
- The Nightfall Effect (1976)
- All Gall (1976)
- It's a Wonderful Town! (1976)
- Surprise! Surprise! (1976)
Making It! (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tecnostoria Usa (Part 1 of 3) [Italian] (1977)
Moving Ahead (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tecnostoria Usa (Part 2 of 3) [Italian] (1977)
To the Top (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tecnostoria Usa (Part 3 of 3) [Italian] (1977)
Quasar, Quasar, Burning Bright! (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Quasar 3c 279 [Italian] (1977)
- The Comet That Wasn't (1976)
- The Sea-Green Planet (1976)
- Discovery by Blink (1977)
Asimov's Corollary (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il corollario di Asimov [Italian] (1978)
- The Magic Isle (1977)
The Dark Companion (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La Compagna Nera [Italian] (1978)
Twinkle, Twinkle, Microwaves (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Scivola, Stella, Scivola [Italian] (1977)
- The Final Collapse (1977)
- Of Ice and Men (1977)
- Oblique the Centric Globe (1977)
- The Opposite Poles (1977)
The Subtlest Difference (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La Mia Opinione Sull'aldila' [Italian] (1978)
- The Sons of Mars Revisited (1977)
- Dark and Bright (1977)
- The Real Finds Waiting (1978)
- The Lost Art (1978)
- Anyone for Tens? (1978)
- The Floating Crystal Palace (1978)
By Land and by Sea (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Per Mare E Per Terra [Italian] (1979)
We Were the First that Ever Burst - - - (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: E Il Ghiaccio Era Dovunque [Italian] (1978)
Second to the Skua (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Verso La Terra Dei Pinguini [Italian] (1979)
Rings and Things (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gli Anelli Di Urano [Italian] (1979)
- Countdown (1978)
- Toward Zero (1978)
Fifty Million Big Brothers (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cinquenta Milhões de Irmãos Mais Velhos [Portuguese] (unknown)
- Translation: Cinquanta Milioni Di Fratelli [Italian] (1979)
Where is Everybody? (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Onde Estão Todos [Portuguese] (unknown)
- Translation: Ma Dov'e' Tutta Questa Gente? [Italian] (1979)
- Proxima (1979)
The Road to Infinity (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: I Mini-Buchi Di Hawking [Italian] (1979)
Out, Damned Spot! (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Una Storia Di Macchie [Italian] (1979)
- A Long Day's Journey (1979)
The Inconstant Moon (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'incostante Luna [Italian] (1980)
Alas, All Human (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Umano, Troppo Umano [Italian] (1980)
- Below the Horizon (1979)
Clone, Clone of My Own (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O Clone Mio [Italian] (1980)
- How Little? (1979)
- Just Thirty Years (1979)
- The Sun Shines Bright (1979)
- The Useless Metal (1979)
- Neutrality! (1980)
The Finger of God (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La Mano Di Dio [Italian] (1980)
The Noblest Metal of Them All (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il Piu' Nobile Dei Metalli [Italian] (1980)
- Nice Guys Finish First (1980)
- More Crowded! (1980)
The Unsecret Weapon (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'arma Non Segreta [Italian] (1980)
- Siriusly Speaking (1980)
Milton! Thou Should'st Be Living at This Hour (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Paradiso Perduto [Italian] (1981)
- Variant: Milton! Thou Shouldst Be Living at This Hour (1983)
Getting Down to Basics (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sempre Più Giù [Italian] (1981)
The Word I Invented (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La Parola Che Ho Inventato [Italian] (1981)
- Translation: La parola che ho inventato [Italian] (2013)
Counting the Eons (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il Calcolo Degli Eoni [Italian] (1981)
Beyond Earth's Eons (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Oltre Gli Eoni Della Terra [Italian] (1981)
- The Threat of Creationism (1981)
All and Nothing (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tutto e Niente [Italian] (1981)
Nothing and All (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Niente E Tutto [Italian] (1981)
- Light As Air? (1981)
- Too Deep for Me (1981)
- Under Pressure (1981)
Yes! With a Bang! (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dove Cadde L'asteroide? [Italian] (1983)
The Runaway Star (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Stella Fuggitiva [Italian] (1984)
The Dance of the Stars (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La Danza Delle Stelle [Italian] (1984)
- And After Many a Summer Dies the Proton (1981)
- Let Me Count the Days (1981)
- The Crucial Asymmetry (1981)
- Let Einstein Be! (1981)
- The Long Ellipse (1982)
- The Circle of the Earth (1982)
- Whatzisname's Orbit (1982)
Change of Time and States (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'influsso Della Cometa [Italian] (1983)
- Variant: Change of Time and State (1984)
- Read Out Your Good Book in Verse (1982)
- Four Hundred Octaves (1982)
The Three Who Died Too Soon (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hertz, Crookes, Marconi & C. [Italian] (1983)
X Stands for Unknown (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dai raggi x ai raggi cosmici [Italian] (1983)
- Big Brother (1982)
- Bread and Stone (1982)
- A Difference of an "E" (1982)
- Silicon Life After All (1982)
- To Ungild Refined Gold (1983)
Ready and Waiting (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La Supernova Che Ci Aspetta [Italian] (1983)
The Armies of the Night (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gli Eserciti Della Notte [Italian] (1984)
Dead Center (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dead Centre (1986)
Out in the Boondocks (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: In Periferia [Italian] (1985)
The Properties of Chaos (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Caos=Gas [Italian] (1985)
- Green, Green, Green is the Color... (1983)
- What Truck? (1983)
- Where All the Sky Is Sunshine (1983)
Updating the Satellites (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Satelliti Aggiornati [Italian] (1985)
- More Thinking About Thinking (1983)
Arm of the Giant (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il Braccio Del Gigante [Italian] (1984)
The World of the Red Sun (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il Mondo Del Sole Rosso [Italian] (1985)
- The Subatomic Monster (1984)
Love Makes the World Go Round (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ma è L'amore Che Fa Girare Il Mondo? [Italian] (1985)
E Pluribus Unum (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: E pluribus unum [Italian] (1986)
- Up We Go (1984)
The Two Masses (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La Relatività Generale. Parte Prima [Italian] (1985)
The Victorious General (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La Relatività Generale. Parte Seconda [Italian] (1985)
- Coming Full Circle (1984)
The Different Years of Time (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: I Diversi Anni Del Tempo [Italian] (1985)
- Translation: I diversi anni dell'universo [Italian] (1985)
- The Different Years of the Universe (1984)
- Far As Human Eye Could See (1984)
- Made, Not Found (1984)
Far, Far Below (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'interno Della Terra [Italian] (1985)
- Salt and Battery (1985)
- Current Affairs (1985)
- Forcing the Lines (1985)
- Arise, Fair Sun! (1985)
- The Rule of Numerous Small (1985)
Poison in the Negative (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Veleni in negativo [Italian] (1986)
Tracing the Traces (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rintracciare le tracce [Italian] (1986)
The Goblin Element (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'elemento fantasma [Italian] (1986)
A Little Leaven (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un po' di lievito [Italian] (1987)
The Biochemical Knife Blade (1985)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Biochemical Knife-Blade (1985)
- Translation: La lama biochimica [Italian] (1987)
The Discovery of the Void (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La scoperta del vuoto [Italian] (1987)
Chemistry of the Void (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La chimica del vuoto [Italian] (1987)
Time Is Out of Joint (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il tempo si è spostato [Italian] (1987)
- Superstar (1986)
- The Moon and We (1986)
- The Minor Objects (1986)
- The Second Lightest (1986)
- Labels on the Molecules (1986)
- The Consequences of Pie (1986)
- The Enemy Within (1986)
- The Relativity of Wrong (1986)
The Unmentionable Planet (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il pianeta innominabile [Italian] (1988)
- The Dead-End Middle (1986)
- Opposite! (1987)
- Sail On! Sail On! (1987)
- The Incredible Shrinking Planet (1987)
- The Light-Bringer (1987)
- Beginning with Bone (1987)
- New Stars (1987)
- Brightening Stars (1987)
- Super-Exploding Stars (1987)
- A Sacred Poet (1987)
- The Very Error of the Moon (1987)
Asking the Right Question (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La relatività dell'errore [Italian] (1988)
- The Road to Humanity (1987)
- Standing Tall (1988)
- The Unrecognized Danger (1988)
- The Radiation That Wasn't (1988)
- Iron, Cold Iron (1988)
- From Pole to Pole (1988)
- Is Anyone Listening? (1988)
- The Longest River (1988)
- The Fire of Life (1988)
- The Slave of the Lamp (1988)
- The Horse Under the Hood (1988)
- Out of the Everywhere (1988)
- Into the Here (1988)
- The Unforgiving Minute (1989)
- The Cosmic Lens (1989)
The Secret of the Universe (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il segreto dell'universo [Italian] (1991)
- The Moon's Twin (1989)
The Changing Distance (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le distanze che cambiano [Italian] (1991)
A Change of Air (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cambiamo aria [Italian] (1991)
- The Importance of Pitch (1989)
Long Ago and Far Away (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lontano nel tempo e nello spazio [Italian] (1990)
The True Rulers (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: I veri dominatori [Italian] (1990)
- The Nearest Star (1989)
- Massing the Sun (1989)
- What Are Little Stars Made Of? (1989)
Hot, Cold, and Con Fusion (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Caldo, freddo e con... fusione [Italian] (1991)
- Business As Usual (1990)
- Smashing the Sky (1990)
- Worlds in Order (1990)
- Just Say "No"? (1990)
- The Salt Producers (1990)
- At the Edge (1990)
- The Greatest Conquest (1990)
- Target: Earth (1990)
- Out of the Typewriter, Endlessly Writing (1990)
- The Invention of the Devil (1990)
- Trapping the Rainbow (1990)
- The Illusion of Motion (1991)
- Down the Electron Stream (1991)
- All Four Stanzas (1991)
- Skimming the Nearest (1991)
- This Pitiless Storm (1991)
- Royal Gamma (1991)
- The Legacy of Wine (1991)
- The March of the Amino Acids (1991)
- Something for Nothing (1991)
- The Unchanging Amount (1991)
- Beyond Light (1991)
- Star Bright (1992)
- Of Human Folly (1992)
Science: Essay 400 — A Way of Thinking?Science: Essay 400 - A Way of Thinking(1994) with Janet Asimov also appeared as:
Variant: Essay 400 — "A Way of Thinking"?Essay 400 - "A Way of Thinking"(1994)
- Translation: Il 400esimo saggio: Un modo di pensare [Italian] (2014)
- Yours Isaac Asimov (1996)
- Asimov's Essays: Other's Work
In Re Sprague (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: In Re Sprague [Portuguese] (1977)
- Translation: Over Sprague de Camp [Dutch] (1977)
- Our Lonely Planet (1958)
Introduction (More Soviet Science Fiction) (1962)
also appeared as:
- Variant: More Science Fiction from the Soviet Union (1962)
- Translation: Altra fantascienza dal'Unione Sovietica [Italian] (1984)
Translation: "更多苏联科幻"系列图书序言?"Gèng duō sūlián kēhuàn"xìliè túshū xùyán[Chinese] (2023) [as by
"Geng duo sulian kehuan" xilie tushu xuyan艾萨克·阿西莫夫?Àisàkè āxīmòfū]
Aisake Aximofu
Introduction (Soviet Science Fiction) (1962)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Science Fiction from the Soviet Union (1962)
- Translation: Fantascienza dall'Unione Sovietica [Italian] (1984)
Foreword (The Unknown) (1963)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Inleiding (Het onbekende) [Dutch] (1973)
Introduction (Is There Life on Other Worlds?) (1963)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Einleitung (Gibt es Leben auf anderen Welten?) [German] (1964)
Introduction No. 1 (Fifty Short Science Fiction Tales) (1963)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introduzione n. 1 (L'altare a mezzanotte. 50 racconti di fantascienza) [Italian] (1965)
- Prefazione (Elephas Sapiens) [Italian] (1963)
About Robert Silverberg (1965)
also appeared as:
Translation: Etwas über Robert Silverberg?Etwas ueber Robert Silverberg[German] (1966)
- Translation: Quem é Robert Silverberg [Portuguese] (1967)
- Foreword (Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea / Around the Moon) (1965)
- An Introduction to this Edition (A Journey to the Centre of the Earth) (1966)
- Introduction (Tomorrow's Children) (1966)
Foreword 1-The Second Revolution (1967)
also appeared as:
Variant: 1967: Foreword 1 — The Second Revolution?1967: Foreword 1 - The Second Revolution(1967)
Translation: Avant-propos I: La deuxième révolution?Avant-propos I: La deuxieme revolution[French] (1975)
Translation: Cuvânt înainte 1 - A doua revoluție?Cuvant inainte 1 - A doua revolutie[Romanian] (2013)
- Variant: Foreword 1: "The Second Revolution" (2024)
Foreword 2-Harlan and I (1967)
also appeared as:
Variant: 1967: Foreword 2 — Harlan and I?1967: Foreword 2 - Harlan and I(1967)
- Translation: Avant-propos II: Harlan et moi [French] (1975)
Translation: Cuvânt înainte 2 - Harlan și eu?Cuvant inainte 2 - Harlan si eu[Romanian] (2013)
- Variant: Foreword 2: "Harlan and I" (2024)
- Introduction (The Time Machine / The War of the Worlds) (1968)
- The Contribution of H. G. Wells (1968)
- Introduction: The Fun in Future Fun (1970)
- Introduction (First Flights to the Moon) (1970)
Introduction (Where Do We Go from Here?) (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introduzione (Antologia scolastica) [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Introdução (Para Onde Vamos?) [Portuguese] (1979)
- Reaching for the Moon: An Introduction (1971)
- Anne McCaffrey (Weyr Search) (1971)
- Fritz Leiber (Gonna Roll the Bones) (1971)
- Gordon R. Dickson (Soldier, Ask Not) (1971)
- Harlan Ellison ("Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman) (1971)
- Harlan Ellison (I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream) (1971)
- Harlan Ellison (The Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World) (1971)
- Jack Vance (The Dragon Masters) (1971)
- Jack Vance (The Last Castle) (1971)
- Larry Niven (Neutron Star) (1971)
- Philip José Farmer (Riders of the Purple Wage) (1971)
- Poul Anderson (No Truce with Kings) (1971)
- Poul Anderson (The Sharing of Flesh) (1971)
- Robert Silverberg (Nightwings) (1971)
- Samuel R. Delany (Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones) (1971)
- Foreword: Four Themes for Four Futures (1971)
- Foreword (Ignition) (1972)
Foreword — Why Read Science Fiction??Foreword - Why Read Science Fiction?(1972)
- Appendix (Where Do We Go from Here?) (1973)
Introduction: So Why Aren't We Rich? (Nebula Award Stories 8) (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vorwort (Das Treffen mit Medusa und andere »Nebula«-Preis-Stories ) [German] (1982)
Introduction: The Father of Science Fiction (1973)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Father of Science Fiction (1973)
- Introduction: Jupiter the Giant (1973)
- Foreword (Adrift in Space and Other Stories) (1974)
- Foreword (Journey to Another Star and Other Stories) (1974)
- Foreword (Lerner SF Library) (1974)
- Foreword (The Graduated Robot and Other Stories) (1974)
- Foreword (The Jupiter Effect) (1974)
- Foreword (The Mind Angel and Other Stories) (1974)
- Foreword (The Missing World and Other Stories) (1974)
- Foreword (The Tunnel and Other Stories) (1974)
- Introduction (Before the Golden Age) (1974)
- Introduction (Before the Golden Age, Book 1) (1974)
- Why Me? (Introduction to Wandering Stars) (1974)
Introduction: The Second Nova (1974)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Second Nova (1974)
- Translation: Vorwort: Die zweite Nova [German] (1980)
- Translation: La seconda nova [Italian] (1984)
- Untitled (Introduction Before the Golden Age, Book 2) (1975)
- Foreword: The Bad News and the Good (1976)
- Foreword (Astronauts & Androids) (1977)
- Foreword (Black Holes & Bug-Eyed-Monsters) (1977)
- Introduction (Familiar Poems, Annotated) (1977)
- Notes (Familiar Poems, Annotated) (1977)
Robots and Androids (introduction) (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Robots en androïden (Introduction) [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Robots et androïdes (introduction) [French] (1979)
- The Mysterious Stranger: A Foreword (1977)
- Introduction (Frank Kelly Freas: The Art of Science Fiction) (1977)
Foreword II—John Ciardi and the Art of the Foreword?Foreword II-John Ciardi and the Art of the Foreword(1978)
- Introduction: Masters of Science Fiction (1978)
- Introduction (The Book of Ellison) (1978)
- Introduction (The Science Fictional Solar System) (1979)
- Introduction (The Annotated Gulliver's Travels) (1980)
Introduction: A Quick Dip (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Einleitung: Kurz eingetaucht [German] (1984)
Introduction (Space Mail) (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vorwort (Sternenpost) [German] (1983)
- Last Word (Omni, October 1980) (1980)
Foreword (Science Fiction Puzzles) (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vorwort (Denkspiele aus der Zukunft) [German] (1982)
- Introduction (After the End) (1981)
- Introduction (Fantastic Creatures) (1981)
- Introduction (Three More Novels of the Future) (1981)
Introduction: Snacks (1981)
also appeared as:
Translation: Einführung: Snacks?Einfuehrung: Snacks[German] (1985)
Introduction: The First Century of Science Fiction (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die ersten hundert Jahre der Science Fiction [German] (1983)
L. Sprague de Camp — Guest of Honor?L. Sprague de Camp - Guest of Honor(1981)
- Introduction (Visions of the Universe) (1981)
- Introduction: First Person (1981)
- Vorwort (Die besten Stories von 1941) [German] (1981)
- Vorwort (Die besten Stories von 1942) [German] (1981) with Martin H. Greenberg
Afterword (Catastrophes!) (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Postilla (Catastrofi!) [Italian] (1984)
Foreword (Catastrophes!) (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Premessa (Catastrofi!) [Italian] (1984)
- Introduction (Travels Through Time) (1981)
- Foreword (On Writing Science Fiction) (1981)
Foreword I—How John Ciardi Grew Engrossed?Foreword I-How John Ciardi Grew Engrossed(1981) also appeared as:
Variant: Foreword III—How John Ciardi Grew Engrossed?Foreword III-How John Ciardi Grew Engrossed(1981)
- Introduction: The Hebrew Source (1981)
- Foreword: The Way of Reason (1982)
Introduction (Dragon Tales) (1982)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dragons! (1982)
- Translation: Einleitung (Drachenwelten) [German] (1985)
- Introduction (Mutants) (1982)
Introduction (The Last Man on Earth) (1982)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Last Man on Earth (1982)
- Translation: Einleitung (Der letzte Mensch auf Erden) [German] (1984)
- Introduction: It Changed the World! (1982)
Introduction: When Fantasy Became Fantasy (1982)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Is Fantasy Forever? (1982)
- Variant: When Fantasy Became Fantasy (1982)
Translation: Einführung: Als die Phantastik zur Fantasy wurde?Einfuehrung: Als die Phantastik zur Fantasy wurde[German] (1983)
Translation: Du moment où le fantastique est devenu le fantastique?Du moment ou le fantastique est devenu le fantastique[French] (1996)
- Introduction (Space Mail, Volume II) (1982)
- Vorwort (Die besten Stories von 1943) [German] (1982) with Martin H. Greenberg
- Introduction (Laughing Space) (1982)
Foreword: The Scope of Science Fiction (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vorwort: Der Horizont der Science Fiction [German] (1986)
- Introduction (Tomorrow's TV) (1982)
- Introduction ("Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad") (1982)
- Introduction (Earth Invaded) (1982)
- Introduction (Mad Scientists) (1982)
- Introduction (Thinking Machines) (1982)
- Introduction (Wild Inventions) (1982)
- Einstein Happened (1983)
Foreword (Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions) (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Limitations (1994)
Introduction (Caught in the Organ Draft: Biology in Science Fiction) (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introduction (Invariant) [French] (1985)
- Introduction (Creations: The Quest for Origins in Story and Science) (1983)
- Introduction (The Golden Years of Science Fiction (Second Series)) (1983) with Martin H. Greenberg
- Introduction (Those Amazing Electronic Thinking Machines!) (1983)
Introduction: Crime Up to Date (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Nonhuman Brains (1983)
Translation: Einführung: Computerverbrechen?Einfuehrung: Computerverbrechen[German] (1987)
- Translation: Il Crimine Si Aggiorna [Italian] (1996)
Introduction: Fat! (The Science Fiction Weight-Loss Book) (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introdução: Gordura (Coma e emagreça com ficção científica) [Portuguese] (1984)
Introduction: The Lure of Horror (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Lure of Horror (1983)
Notes (Caught in the Organ Draft: Biology in Science Fiction) (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Notes (Invariant) [French] (1985)
Introduction (Hallucination Orbit: Psychology in Science Fiction) (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Psychology (1983)
- Translation: Introduction (Orbite hallucination) [French] (1985)
Notes (Hallucination Orbit: Psychology in Science Fiction) (1983)
Charles G. Waugh
also appeared as:
- Translation: Notes (Orbite hallucination) [French] (1985)
Introduction: The Forces of Evil (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Forces of Evil (1983)
Translation: Vorwort: Die Mächte des Bösen?Vorwort: Die Maechte des Boesen[German] (1985)
Vorwort: Die Machte des Bosen
Introduction: Wizards (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Wizards (1983)
Introduction: Empires (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Empires (1983)
Introduction (Election Day 2084: Science Fiction Stories About the Future of Politics) (1984)
also appeared as:
Translation: Einführung (Wahltag 2090)?Einfuehrung (Wahltag 2090)[German] (1989)
- Introduction (Young Extraterrestrials) (1984)
Introduction (Young Mutants) (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Human Mutations (1984)
Introduction: Witches (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Witches (1984)
- Introduction (Bug Awful) (1984)
Introduction: Robots, Computers, and Fear (1984)
also appeared as:
Translation: Introdução: os robôs, os computadores e o medo?Introducao: os robos, os computadores e o medo[Portuguese] (1985)
- Introduction (Children of the Future) (1984)
- Introduction (The Immortals) (1984)
- Introduction (Time Warps) (1984)
Introduction: Poison! (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Poison! (1984)
- Introduction: To Be the First (1984)
Introduction: Competition! (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Competition! (1984)
- Translation: Introduzione (Le Olimpiadi della Follia) [Italian] (1985)
- Introduction: Larger Than Life (1984)
Introduction: Super (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Super (1989)
- Introduzione: Le forze del male [Italian] (1984)
- untitled (The Faces of Science Fiction) (1984)
Giants in the Earth (1985)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction: Giants in the Earth (1985)
Translation: Des géants sur la Terre?Des geants sur la Terre[French] (1996)
In Days of Old (1985)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction: In Days of Old (1985)
- Translation: Du bon vieux temps [French] (1996)
Introduction: Novellas (1985)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction (The Mammoth Book of Short Science Fiction Novels) (1986)
Introduction: The S.F. Success (1985)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Success of Science Fiction (1988)
- Introduction (The Mysterious Cure) (1985)
Introduction (Great Science Fiction: Stories by the World's Great Scientists) (1985)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Scribbling Scientists (1985)
- Foreword (Fantasy Art Techniques) (1985)
- Afterword (The War of the Worlds) (1986)
Introduction: The New Beginning (1986)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The New Beginning (1979)
Introduction: Wishing Will Make It So (1986)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Wishing Will Make It So (1986)
- Introduction: Comets (1986)
- Introduction (The Mammoth Book of Short Fantasy Novels) (1986)
- Introduction (Tin Stars) (1986)
- Introduction (Tales from Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine) (1986)
- Afterword (The Mysterious Island) (1986)
- Introduction (Amazing Science Fiction Anthology: The War Years 1936-1945) (1987)
- Introduction (Suspicion) (1987)
- Remembrances (Dune) (1987)
Introduction: Neanderthal Man (1987)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Neanderthal Man (1987)
- Introduzione (Le grandi storie della fantascienza 15) [Italian] (1987)
- Science Fiction Mysteries (1987)
- Introduction: Shuttles (1987)
- Foreword (Michael Whelan's Works of Wonder) (1987)
- Introduction (Encounters) (1988)
- Introduction (Lest Darkness Fall) (1988)
Introduction: The Lost City (1988)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Lost City (1988)
Introduction: Valentine's Day (1988)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Valentine's Day (1988)
- Introduction and Acknowledgments (Asimov's Annotated Gilbert & Sullivan) (1988)
- Notes (Asimov's Annotated Gilbert & Sullivan) (1988)
- Introduction (Journey Into Space) (1988)
Introduction: Science Fiction Finds Its Voice (1988)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Science Fiction Finds Its Voice (1988)
Introduction: Monsters (1988)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Monsters (1988)
- Introduction: Ghosts (1988)
- Parallel Universes (Introduction: Fate's Trick) (1988)
- Introduction (Visions of Fantasy: Tales from the Masters) (1989)
- Introduction: Malevolence (1989)
- Preface (Tales from Planet Earth) (1989)
- Introduction (Phantoms) (1989)
- Introduction: Robots (1989)
- Introduction (The 1989 Annual World's Best SF) (1989)
Introduction: The Age of Campbell (1989)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction: "The Age of Campbell" (1991)
- Introduction (Friends, Robots, Countrymen) (1990)
- Introduction: Sailing the Void (1990)
- Foreword: Earth is Room Enough (1990)
Introduction (Invasions) (1990)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Invasion (1995)
Introduction (Red Genesis) (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Marte (Genesi marziana) [Italian] (1994)
- Introduction: So Where Is Everybody? (1991)
Introduction: The Lord's Apprentice (The Ultimate Frankenstein) (1991)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Lord's Apprentice (1992)
- Translation: De Leerling van de Heer [Dutch] (1993)
- Introduction (Isaac Asimov's Robots) (1991)
- Introduzione (Le grandi storie della fantascienza: 1960) [Italian] (1992)
- Introduzione (Le grandi storie della fantascienza: 1961) [Italian] (1993)
- Introduzione (Le grandi storie della fantascienza: 1962) [Italian] (1994)
- Introduzione (Le grandi storie della fantascienza: 1963) [Italian] (1995)
- Introduzione (Le grandi storie della SF vol. 1) [Italian] (2006)
- Introduzione (Le grandi storie della SF vol. 2) [Italian] (2007)
In Re Sprague (1953)
also appeared as:
- Asimov's Essays: Own Work
- Why I Selected- Robot AL 76 Goes Astray (1949)
Prologue (Foundation and Empire) (1952)
also appeared as:
- Translation: A decadência do império galáctico [Portuguese] (1964)
- Translation: Prolog (Der galaktische General) [German] (1966)
- Translation: Proloog (Foundation en imperium) [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Prolog (Stiftelsen och imperiet) [Swedish] (1971)
Translation: Prológus (Alapítvány és Birodalom)?Prologus (Alapitvany es Birodalom)[Hungarian] (1972)
- Translation: Proloog (De Foundation en het Imperium) [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Prolog (Zadužbina i Carstvo) [Serbian] (1977) [as by Isak Asimov]
Translation: Prolog (Zadužbina i Carstvo)?Prolog (Zaduzbina i Carstvo)[Serbian] (1986)
- Variant: Prologue (Foundation & Empire) (1994)
- Translation: Prólogo (Fundação e Império) [Portuguese] (2009)
Introduction (Only a Trillion) (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introduzione (Solo un trilione) [Italian] (1966)
- The Thunder-Thieves (afterword) (1959)
- Introduction (Fact and Fancy) (1962)
- Introduction (View from a Height) (1963)
- Untitled (The Worlds of Science Fiction) (1963)
Introduction (Eight Stories from The Rest of the Robots) (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Préface à la deuxième partie (Le livre des robots) [French] (1967)
- Translation: Introduzione (Il secondo libro dei robot) [Italian] (1968)
Translation: Préface de l'auteur (Un défilé de robots)?Preface de l'auteur (Un défile de robots)[French] (1974)
Translation: Introducere (Povestiri cu roboți)?Introducere (Povestiri cu roboti)[Romanian] (1995)
Introduction (First Law) (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cuore di mamma (Introduction) [Italian] (1976)
Introduction (Galley Slave) (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lo schiavo (Introduction) [Italian] (1976)
Introduction (Lenny) (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lenny (Introduction) [Italian] (1976)
Introduction (Let's Get Together) (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Uniamoci (Introduction) [Italian] (1976)
Introduction (Risk) (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La vita di un uomo (Introduction) [Italian] (1976)
Introduction (Satisfaction Guaranteed) (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Soddisfazione garantita (Introduction) [Italian] (1976)
Introduction (Victory Unintentional) (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Esseri superiori (Introduction) [Italian] (1976)
- Presentazione (Dodici volte domani) [Italian] (1964)
- Introduction (Adding a Dimension) (1964)
- Acknowledgments (The New Intelligent Man's Guide to Science) (1965)
- Introduction (Of Time and Space and Other Things) (1965)
- Preface (The New Intelligent Man's Guide to Science) (1965)
Introduction (Eight Stories from The Rest of the Robots) (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Over 'robots' en robots [Dutch] (1969)
- Introduction (From Earth to Heaven) (1966)
- Introduction (Is Anyone There?) (1967)
- Préface à la première partie (Le livre des robots) [French] (1967)
- Afterword (A Loint of Paw) (1968)
- Afterword (Star Light) (1968)
- Afterword (The Billiard Ball) (1968)
- Afterword (The Dying Night) (1968)
- Afterword (The Singing Bell) (1968)
- Afterword (The Talking Stone) (1968)
- Foreword (I'm in Marsport Without Hilda) (1968)
- Foreword (Marooned Off Vesta/Anniversary) (1968)
- Foreword (Obituary) (1968)
- Foreword (Pâté de Foie Gras) (1968)
- Foreword (The Billiard Ball) (1968)
- Foreword (The Dust of Death) (1968)
- Foreword (The Dying Night) (1968)
- Foreword (The Key) (1968)
- Foreword (What's In a Name?) (1968)
Introduction (Asimov's Mysteries) (1968)
also appeared as:
Translation: Introduction (Histoires mystérieuses)?Introduction (Histoires mysterieuses)[French] (1969)
Translation: 序文 (アシモフのミステリ世界)?じょぶん (アシモフのミステリせかい)[Japanese] (1973) [as by
Jobun (Ajimofu no Misuteri Sekai)アイザック・アシモフ?Aizakku Ashimofu]
Introduction to Founding Father (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Stamvader (voorwoord) [Dutch] (1977)
- Variant: Memoir (Founding Father) (1980)
- Introduction (Science, Numbers and I) (1968)
- Appendix: My Hundred Books (1969)
- Biographical Comments in "Nightfall and Other Stories" (1969)
Introduction ("In a Good Cause—")?Introduction ("In a Good Cause-")(1969)
Introduction ("Nobody Here But—")?Introduction ("Nobody Here But-")(1969)
- Introduction (C-Chute) (1969)
- Introduction (Eyes Do More Than See) (1969)
- Introduction (Flies) (1969)
- Introduction (Green Patches) (1969)
- Introduction (Hostess) (1969)
- Introduction (Insert Knob A in Hole B) (1969)
- Introduction (It's Such a Beautiful Day) (1969)
Introduction (My Son, the Physicist!) (1969)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction (My Son, the Physicist) (1969)
- Introduction (Nightfall) (1969)
- Introduction (Opus 100) (1969)
- Introduction (Sally) (1969)
- Introduction (Segregationist) (1969)
- Introduction (Strikebreaker) (1969)
- Introduction (The Machine That Won the War) (1969)
- Introduction (The Up-to-Date Sorcerer) (1969)
- Introduction (Unto the Fourth Generation) (1969)
Introduction (What If—)?Introduction (What If-)(1969)
- Introduction (What Is This Thing Called Love?) (1969)
- My Hundred Books (1969)
- Introduction (The Solar System and Back) (1970)
Introduction ('Breeds There a Man ...?') (1971)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction ("Breeds There a Man ... ?") (1984)
- Introduction (The Stars in Their Courses) (1971)
- Introduction ('In a Good Cause') (1971)
Introduction ('Nobody Here But –')?Introduction ('Nobody Here But -')(1971)
Introduction (What If –)?Introduction (What If -)(1971)
Introduction (David Starr, Space Ranger) (1971)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Author's Note (Space Ranger) (1972)
- Biographical Comments (The Early Asimov) (1972)
Introduction (The Left Hand of the Electron) (1972)
also appeared as:
Translation: Einführung (Drehmomente: Verblüffende Aspekte der modernen Forschung)?Einfuehrung (Drehmomente: Verblueffende Aspekte der modernen Forschung)[German] (1975)
Préface de l'auteur (Les robots)?Preface de l'auteur (Les robots)[French] (1972)
Foreword (Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of Mercury) (1972)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Foreword (The Big Sun of Mercury) (1972)
Foreword (Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus) (1972)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Foreword (The Oceans of Venus) (1974)
- Variant: Foreword (Oceans of Venus) (1980)
- Translation: Prefazione dell'autore (Lucky Starr e gli oceani di Venere) [Italian] (1989)
- Appendix - The Sixty Stories of the Campbell Years (1972)
Introduction (The Early Asimov Volume 1) (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introduction (Dangereuse Callisto) [French] (1974)
- Translation: Introductie (De dreiging van Callisto) [Dutch] (1977)
Introduction (The Early Asimov Volume 2) (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introductie (Het superneutron) [Dutch] (1977)
Introduction (The Early Asimov Volume 3) (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Introductie (De rode koningin) [Dutch] (1977)
Afterword (The Billiard Ball) [German] (1973)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Nachwort (Das Nullfeld) (1983)
Afterword (The Dying Night) (1973)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Nachwort (Die schwindende Nacht) [German] (1975)
Introduction (The Best of Isaac Asimov) (1973)
also appeared as:
Translation: Vorwort (Wenn die Sterne verlöschen)?Vorwort (Wenn die Sterne verloeschen)[German] (1975)
- Translation: Introduzione (Il meglio di Asimov) [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: Vorwort (Best of Asimov) [German] (1983)
- Introduction (Today and Tomorrow and...) (1973)
- Introduction (Please Explain) (1973)
- Introduzione (Asimov Story n. 1) [Italian] (1973)
- Introduction (The Tragedy of the Moon) (1973)
- Introduction (Asimov on Astronomy) (1974)
- Introduction (Asimov on Physics) (1974)
Introduction (Tales of the Black Widowers) (1974)
also appeared as:
Translation: Einleitung (Die bösen Geschichten der schwarzen Witwer)?Einleitung (Die boesen Geschichten der schwarzen Witwer)[German] (1976)
- Introduction (Have You Seen These?) (1974)
Afterword (That Thou Art Mindful of Him!) (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nachwort (Die Menschen und wir) [German] (1982)
- Introduction (Asimov on Chemistry) (1975)
- Introduction (Of Matters Great and Small) (1975)
- Chapter 16 Afterword (1975)
- Chapter 18 Afterword (1975)
- Chapter 2 Afterword (1975)
- Chapter 20 Afterword (1975)
- Chapter 27 Foreword (1975)
- Chapter 28 Foreword (1975)
- Chapter 29 Foreword (1975)
- Chapter 3 Foreword (1975)
- Chapter 33 Afterword (1975)
- Chapter 36 Foreword (1975)
- Chapter 39 Afterword (1975)
- Chapter 41 Foreword (1975)
- Introduction (Science Past - Science Future) (1975)
- Afterword (A Statue for Father) (1975)
- Afterword (Blank!) (1975)
- Afterword (Button, Button) (1975)
- Afterword (Buy Jupiter) (1975)
- Afterword (Darwinian Pool Room) (1975)
- Afterword (Day of the Hunters) (1975)
- Afterword (Does a Bee Care?) (1975)
- Afterword (Each an Explorer) (1975)
- Afterword (Everest) (1975)
- Afterword (Exile to Hell) (1975)
- Afterword (Founding Father) (1975)
- Afterword (Key Item) (1975)
- Afterword (Let's Not) (1975)
- Afterword (Light Verse) (1975)
- Afterword (Rain, Rain, Go Away) (1975)
- Afterword (Shah Guido G.) (1975)
- Afterword (Silly Asses) (1975)
- Afterword (Take a Match) (1975)
- Afterword (The Greatest Asset) (1975)