- Author: John J. Miller Author Record # 5204
- Legal Name: Miller, John Joseph
- Birthplace: New York State, USA
- Birthdate: 28 March 1954
- Deathdate: 5 January 2022
- Language: English
- Webpages: CSFDB, Locus, SFE, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names: Jack Arnett, John Miller (1954-2022), John Jos. Miller
- Author Tags: alternate history (3), time travel (2), science fiction (2), threaded novel (2), science fantasy (1), mutant (1), superhero (1), fantasy (1), contemporary fantasy (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Fiction Series
- Book of Justice
- 3 Death Force (1990) [only as by Jack Arnett]
- Buck Rogers Universe
- TSR's Buck Rogers
- 2 The Inner Planets Trilogy
- 1 First Power Play (1990) [only as by John Miller (1954-2022)]
- 2 The Inner Planets Trilogy
- TSR's Buck Rogers
- Ray Bradbury Presents
- 3 Dinosaur Samurai (1993) with Stephen Leigh
- 5 Dinosaur Empire (1995) with Stephen Leigh
- Twilight Zone Universe
- Wild Cards Universe
- Wild Cards
- 3
Jokers Wild (1987)
Edward Bryant
Leanne C. Harper
George R. R. Martin
Lewis Shiner
Walton Simons
Melinda M. Snodgrass
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wilde Joker [German] (1997)
- Translation: Der Astronom [German] (2017)
- Translation: Jokers Wild [French] (2017)
- 7 Dead Man's Hand (1990) with George R. R. Martin [also as by George R. R. Martin and John Jos. Miller]
- 11 Dealer's Choice (1992) with Edward Bryant and Stephen Leigh and George R. R. Martin and Walter Jon Williams
- 15
Black Trump (1995)
Stephen Leigh
George R. R. Martin
Victor Milán?Victor Milanand Sage Walker also appeared as:
- Variant: Showdown [forthcoming: Mar 18 2025] [as by George R. R. Martin]
- 17 Death Draws Five (2006) [also as by John Jos. Miller]
- 24 Mississippi Roll (2017) with Stephen Leigh and David D. Levine and Kevin Andrew Murphy and Cherie Priest and Carrie Vaughn [only as by Stephen Leigh and David D. Levine and John Jos. Miller and Kevin Andrew Murphy and Cherie Priest and Carrie Vaughn]
- 25 Low Chicago (2018) with Saladin Ahmed and Paul Cornell and Marko Kloos and Mary Anne Mohanraj and Kevin Andrew Murphy and Christopher Rowe and Melinda M. Snodgrass [only as by Saladin Ahmed and Paul Cornell and Marko Kloos and John Jos. Miller and Mary Anne Mohanraj and Kevin Andrew Murphy and Christopher Rowe and Melinda M. Snodgrass]
Comes a Hunter (1987) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kommt ein Jäger ... [German] (1996)
- Translation: La venue du chaseur [French] (2016)
Translation: Apare un vânător?Apare un vanator[Romanian] (2017)
Half Past Dead (1987) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Toter als tot [German] (1996)
- Translation: Le seuil de la mort [French] (2017)
Beasts of Burden (1988) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lasttiere [German] (1997)
Translation: Bętes de somme?Betes de somme[French] (2018)
Only the Dead Know Jokertown (1988) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nur Tote kennen Jokertown [German] (1998)
- Translation: Seuls les morts connaissent Jokertown [French] (2018)
Only the Dead Know Jokertown: Epilogue (1988) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nur Tote kennen Jokertown – Epilog [German] (1998)
- Translation: Seuls les morts connaissent Jokertown: Épilogue [French] (2018) [as by uncredited]
- Dead Heart Beating (1991) [SF]
- And Hope to Die (1991) [SF]
- Four Days in October (2002) [SF]
Mortality's Strong Hand (2008) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: Mortality's Strong Hand (2008) [as by John Jos. Miller]
- Translation: Des Todes starker Arm [German] (2015) [as by John Jos. Miller]
Wakes the Lion (2008) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: Wakes the Lion (2008) [as by John Jos. Miller]
- Translation: Den Leu zu wecken [German] (2014) [as by John Jos. Miller]
- Faith (2011) [SF] [only as by John Jos. Miller]
- The Midnight Angel (2016) [SF] [only as by John Jos. Miller]
Fatal Error (2021) [SF]
Victor Milán?Victor Milan[only as byVictor Milán?Victor Milanand John Jos. Miller]
- 3
Jokers Wild (1987)
Edward Bryant
Leanne C. Harper
George R. R. Martin
Lewis Shiner
Walton Simons
Melinda M. Snodgrass
also appeared as:
- Wild Cards
- Witchblade
- 2 A Terrible Beauty (2002)
- Witchblade Combo (2005) [O/1,2] with John DeChancie
- The Change / The Event
- 2 Emberverse
- Bernie, Lord of the Apes (2015) [only as by John Jos. Miller]
- 2 Emberverse
- Ouroboros (1987)
- Jokertown Shuffle (excerpt) (1991) [only as by uncredited]
- Worlds That Never Were: The Last Adventure of the Legion of Time (1996)
- Suicide Kings (1998)
- Lost Books (2002)
- Something Robotic This Way Comes (2004)
- The Day of the Gerbils (2011) [only as by John Jos. Miller]
- The Ghost of a Smile (2021) [only as by John Jos. Miller]
- Don't Look Back (2021) [only as by John Jos. Miller]
- Die Geschichte des Wild Cards-Projekts [German] (1996)
- Afterword (Worlds That Never Were) (1996)
- Afterword (Suicide Kings) (1998)
- Collecting Ice and Fire in the Age of Nook and Kindle (2012) [only as by John Jos. Miller]