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Fiction Series
- Stefan Wul – l'Intégrale
- 1
L'intégrale - tome 1?L'integrale - tome 1(2013) [O]
- 2 L'intégrale: Tome 2 (2013) [O]
- 3 L'intégrale: Tome 3 (2014) [O]
- 4 L'intégrale: Tome 4 (2014) [O]
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- Univers des Draag
Oms en série?Oms en serie(1957) also appeared as:
- Translation: O mundo dos draags [Portuguese] (1961)
- Translation: Fantastic Planet [English] (2010) [as by Stephan Wul]
Translation: Fantastični planet?Fantasticni planet[Croatian] (2019)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Homo Domesticus (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1959)
Droit de réponse?Droit de reponse(1974) [SF]
Retour à "0"?Retour a "0"(1956) also appeared as:
- Translation: Regresso a zero [Portuguese] (1959)
- Translation: Inferno Mond [German] (1960)
- Translation: Retorno a cero [Spanish] (1962)
- Translation: Regresso a "0" [Portuguese] (1977)
La peur géante?La peur geante(1957) also appeared as:
- Translation: Degelo em 2157 [Portuguese] (1963)
Translation: Объятые страхом?Ob"yatyye strakhom[Russian] (1995) [as byСтефан Вул?Stefan Vul]
- Serializations:
- Translation: La grande paura (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1959)
Le temple du passé?Le temple du passe(1957) also appeared as:
- Translation: O templo do passado [Portuguese] (1964)
- Translation: The Temple of the Past [English] (1973)
Translation: Geçmiş tapınağı?Gecmis tapinagi[Turkish] (2006)
Gechmish tapinagi
Niourk (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pré-história do futuro [Portuguese] (1960)
- Translation: Niork [Spanish] (1981)
Translation: Ňork?Nork[Czech] (1991)
- Translation: Niurk [Turkish] (2006)
Rayons pour Sidar (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Missão em Sidar [Portuguese] (1963)
- Translation: Sidarin peilisäteet [Finnish] (1978)
L'orphelin de Perdide (1958)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O vagabundo das estrelas [Portuguese] (1960)
La mort vivante (1958)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O império dos mutantes [Portuguese] (1966)
Piège sur Zarkass?Piege sur Zarkass(1958) also appeared as:
- Translation: Armadilha em Zarkass [Portuguese] (1964)
Translation: Ловушка на Заркасе?Lovushka na Zarkase[Russian] (1994) [as byСтефан Вюль?Stefan Vyul']
- Terminus 1 (1958)
Odyssée sous contrôle?Odyssee sous controle(1959) also appeared as:
- Translation: Remedium [Polish] (1982)
Translation: Одиссея для двоих?Odisseya dlya dvoikh[Russian] (1990) [as byСтефан Вюль?Stefan Vyul']
Translation: Одиссея под контролем?Odisseya pod kontrolem[Russian] (1992) [as byСтефан Вул?Stefan Vul]
Translation: Возвращение Одиссея?Vozvrashcheniye Odisseya[Russian] (1996) [as byСтефан Вул?Stefan Vul]
- Noô (1997) also appeared as:
Œuvres?Ouvres(1970) [O]
OEuvres - Le temple du passé / Piège sur Zarkass / La mort vivante (1976) [O]
Дикий Волк / Одиссея под контролем / Адский рейд, или Операция «Чаша Грааля» / Молот валькаров?Dikiy Volk / Odisseya pod kontrolem / Adskiy reyd, ili Operatsiya «Chasha Graalya» / Molot val'karov[Russian] (1992) [O] with Gordon R. Dickson and Edmond Hamilton andГенри Престон?Genri Preston[only as byГордон Диксон?Gordon Diksonand
Gordon DicksonЭдмонд Гамильтон?Edmond Gamil'tonandГенри Престон?Genri PrestonandСтефан Вул?Stefan Vul] -
Галактика без человечества?Galaktika bez chelovechestva[Russian] (1994) [O] with Douglas Hill and Peter Randa and K. H. Scheer and Louis Thirion [only as byДуглас Хилл?Duglas HillandПетер Ранда?Peter RandaandКарл-Херберт Шеер?Karl-Herbert SheerandЛуи Тирион?Lui TirionandСтефан Вюль?Stefan Vyul']
Башня Занида?Bashnya Zanida[Russian] (1996) [O] with L. Sprague de Camp and Robert Silverberg [only as byЛ. Спрег де Камп?L. Spreg de KampandРоберт Силверберг?Robert SilverbergandСтефан Вул?Stefan Vul]
Œuvres complètes. 1?Ouvres completes. 1(1996) [O]
OEuvres completes. 1 -
Œuvres complètes. 2?Ouvres completes. 2(1997) [O]
OEuvres completes. 2
- Apocalypses (1996)
- Le bruit (1957)
Échec au plan 3?Echec au plan 3(1958)
Expertise (1958)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tasación [Spanish] (1967)
Il suffit d'un rien... (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Il suffit d'un rien (1996)
Jeux de vestales (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Spiele der Vestalinnen [German] (1976)
- Gwendoline (1961)
- L'archange (1982)
Le loup botté?Le loup botte(1996)
- Premier chapitre original de Piège sur Zarkass (excerpt from Piège sur Zarkass) (2014)
- Hommage à Julia Verlanger (1996)
- ...Et autres rimes de circonstance (1997)
- Feuilles éparses (1997)
- La Vercingétorigolade (1997)
- Voyages (2001)
- Poèmes de science-fiction (2014)
Préface (Le labyrinthe de chair)?Preface (Le labyrinthe de chair)(1995)
- Préface (Apocalypses) (1996)
Préface (Les oiseaux de cuir)?Preface (Les oiseaux de cuir)(1996)
- Rencontre avec Stefan Wul (1971)
François Truchaud?Francois Truchaud
- Rencontre avec Stefan Wul (1994) by Patrick Eris and Laurent Genefort
- Stefan Wul : À propos recousus (1997) by Laurent Genefort
- Stefan Wul : Souvenirs d'une vie et parcours d'une œuvre?Stefan Wul : Souvenirs d'une vie et parcours d'une oeuvre(2001) by Richard Comballot