- Author: Will Ludwigsen Author Record # 57951
- Birthplace: Wilmington, Delaware, USA
- Birthdate: 27 June 1973
- Language: English
- Webpages: SFE, Wikipedia-EN, will-ludwigsen.com
- Author Tags: humorous fantasy (1), Cthulhu Mythos (1), Arthur C. Clarke (1), literary fantasy (1), weird (1), alternate history (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- A Scout Is Brave (2024)
- Cthulhu Fhtagn, Baby! (and Other Cosmic Insolence) (2006)
- In Search of and Others (2013)
- Acres of Perhaps: Stories and Episodes (2018)
- Cthulhu Fhtagn, Baby! (2002)
- Representative Sample (2002)
- The Trespasser (2002)
Nessmass (2002)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Nessmas (2006)
- And Justice for Doll (2003)
- Raw Recruits (2004)
- Bingo (2004)
- Riders (2004) with Matthew Warner
- Anomie (2006)
- Billy (2006)
- Exit Laughing (2006)
- Portrait of the Horror Artist As a Young Man (2006)
- Solidity (2006)
- Soured (2006)
- Speaking Mouth Dog (2006)
- You're Welcome (2006)
- Faraji (2007)
- All Talk (2008)
- In Search Of (2008)
- A Good Psycho Is Hard to Find (2008)
- Remembrance Is Something Like a House (2009)
- The Speed of Dreams (2010)
- We Were Wonder Scouts (2011)
- Singularity Knocks (2012)
- Whit Carlson's Trespasser (2012)
- Endless Encore (2012)
- Nora's Thing (2012)
- Acknowledgments (2012)
- Leverage (2012)
- The Ghost Factory (2012)
- A Chamber to be Haunted (2013)
- Burying the Hatchets (2013)
- Mom in the Misted Lands (2013)
- Prudenter to Dream (2013)
- She Shells (2013)
- Unversicule (2013)
- Acres of Perhaps (2015)
- The Leaning Lincoln (2016)
- Night Fever (2017)
- The Zodiac Walks on the Moon (2017)
- Poe at Gettysburg (2018)
- Rubbernecker's Lament (2004)
- Grandpa, What Happens When We Die? (2006)
- My Old Man's Seance (2007)
- Letter (Talebones #26, Summer 2003) (2003)
- Arthur C. Clarke (2008)
- Foreword (In Search of and Others) (2013)
- Author Spotlight: Will Ludwigsen (2017)
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