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Fiction Series
- Алиса девочка с Земли / Alice the Girl from Earth?Alisa devochka s Zemli
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Девочка, с которой ничего не случится?Devochka, s kotoroj nichego ne sluchitsya(1965) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Life Is So Dull for Little Girls [English] (1968) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
- Translation: Het saaie leven van een klein meisje [Dutch] (1970) [as by Kirill Mulychev]
- Translation: The Girl Nothing Happens To [English] (1973) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Variant: Девочка, с которой ничего не случится?Devochka, s kotoroy nichego ne sluchitsya(1974) [as byКирилл Булычев?Kirill Bulychev]
Translation: Egy kislány, akivel soha semmi sem történik?Egy kislany, akivel soha semmi sem tortenik[Hungarian] (1975) [as by Kirill Bulicsov]
Egy kislaany, akivel soha semmi sem toerteenik - Translation: Alice [English] (1977) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Translation: Fetița cu care nu se va întâmpla nimic?Fetita cu care nu se va intampla nimic[Romanian] (1978) [as by Kirill Bulîciov]
- Translation: The Girl Who Triumphs Over Everything [English] (1983) [as by Kir Bulychev]
- Translation: The Little Girl Nothing Ever Happens To [English] (2001) [as by Kir Bulychev]
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Остров ржавого лейтенанта?Ostrov rzhavogo lejtenanta(1968) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: The Rusty Field-Marshal [English] (2001) [as by Kir Bulychev]
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Путешествие Алисы?Puteshestviye Alisy(1974) also appeared as:
Variant: Путешествие Алисы?Puteshestviye Alisy(1974) [as byКирилл Булычев?Kirill Bulychev]
- Translation: Alice's Travels [English] (2001) [as by Kir Bulychev]
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День рождения Алисы?Den' rozhdeniya Alisy(1974) [SF] only appeared as:
Variant: День рождения Алисы?Den' rozhdeniya Alisy(1974) [as byКирилл Булычев?Kirill Bulychev]
Translation: Ziua de naștere a Alisei?Ziua de nastere a Alisei[Romanian] (1978) [as by Kirill Bulîciov]
Translation: Mission sur la plančte morte?Mission sur la planete morte[French] (1986) [as by Cyrille Boulytchev]
- Translation: Alice's Birthday [English] (2001) [as by Kir Bulychev]
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Миллион приключений?Million priklyuchenij(1982)
Девочка с Земли?Devochka s Zemli(1974) [O/1,3,4] [only as byКирилл Булычев?Kirill Bulychev]
Fetița de pe Terra?Fetita de pe Terra[Romanian] (1978) [C] [only as by Kirill Bulîciov]
Девочка с Земли?Devochka s Zemli(1989) [O/3,6]
- Alice: The Girl from Earth [English] (2001) [O/1-4] [only as by Kir Bulychev]
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- Гусляр?Gusliar
Связи личного характера?Svyazi lichnogo kharaktera(1970) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: The Personal Touch [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Кладезь мудрости?Kladez' mudrosti(1970) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: A Mine of Information [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Вступление?Vstuplenie(1972) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Introduction (Gusliar Wonders) [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Как его узнать??Kak yego uznat'?(1972) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Who Can Say? [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Надо помочь?Nado pomoch'(1972) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Help Needed [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Разум в плену?Razum v plenu(1972) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Reason in Captivity [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Две капли на стакан вина?Dve kapli na stakan vina(1974) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Zwei Tropfen auf ein Glas Wein [German] (1982) [as by Kirill Bulytschow]
По примеру Бомбара?Po primeru Bombara(1975) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Nach der Methode Bombards [German] (1982) [as by Kirill Bulytschow]
Градусник чувств?Gradusnik chuvstv(1977) [SF] only appeared as:
Translation: Amorometar [Croatian] (1985)
[as by Kir Buličov?Kir Bulicov]
Kir Bulichov
Translation: Amorometar [Croatian] (1985)
[as by
О любви к бессловесным тварям?O lyubvi k besslovesnym tvaryam(1977) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Von der Liebe zur stummen Kreatur [German] (1982) [as by Kir Bulytschow]
Паровоз для царя?Parovoz dlya tsarya(1977) [SF] only appeared as:
Parovoz dlja carja-
Translation: Lokomotiva za cara [Croatian] (1977)
[as by Kir Buljičev?Kir Buljicev]
Translation: Eine Lokomotive für den Zaren [German] (1980)
[as by Kir Bulyčev?Kir Bulycev]
Kir Bulychev - Translation: Eine Dampflok für den Zaren [German] (1982) [as by Kir Bulytschow]
Translation: Lokomotiva za cara [Croatian] (1977)
[as by
Космический десант?Kosmicheskiy desant(1978) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Besuch aus dem Kosmos [German] (1982) [as by Kir Bulytschow]
Не гневи колдуна!?Ne gnevi kolduna!(1978) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Don't Make the Wizard Mad [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Translation: Ne te fâche pas, sorcier?Ne te fache pas, sorcier[French] (1984) [as by Kir Boulytchev]
- Translation: It Never Pays to Make a Sorcerer Mad! [English] (1989) [as by Kir Bulychev]
Ленечка-Леонардо?Lenechka-Leonardo(1980) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Wunderbaby [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Два сапога - пара?Dva sapoga - para(1982) [SF] only appeared as:
Translation: Čizme?Chizme[Croatian] (1983) [as by
CizmeKir Buličov?Kir Bulicov]
Kir Bulichov
- Gusliar Wonders [English] (1983) [C] [only as by Kirill Bulychev]
Районные соревнования по домино?Rayonnyye sorevnovaniya po domino(1987) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: The District Domino Championship [English] (1989) [as by Kir Bulychev]
Настой забвения?Nastoy zabveniya(1989) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Die Tinktur des Vergessens [German] (1996) [as by Kirill Bulytschow]
Новый Сусанин?Novyj Susanin(1994) [SF] only appeared as:
Translation: Nowy Susanin [Polish] (1996)
[as by Kir Bułyczow?Kir Bulyczow]
Translation: Nowy Susanin [Polish] (1996)
[as by
Школьные каникулы Корнелия Удалова?Shkol'nyje kanikuly Korneliya Udalova(1995) [SF] only appeared as:
Translation: Łupina czasu?Lupina czasu[Polish] (1997) [as byKir Bułyczow?Kir Bulyczow]
Возвышение Удалова?Vozvysheniye Udalova(1996) [SF] only appeared as:
Translation: Zagraniczny agent kosmiczny [Polish] (2001)
[as by Kir Bułyczow?Kir Bulyczow]
Translation: Zagraniczny agent kosmiczny [Polish] (2001)
[as by
Шпионский бумеранг?Shpionskij bumerang(2000) [SF] only appeared as:
Translation: Szpiegowski bumerang [Polish] (2000)
[as by Kir Bułyczow?Kir Bulyczow]
Translation: Szpiegowski bumerang [Polish] (2000)
[as by
- Доктор Павлыш / Doctor Pavlysh?Doktor Pavlysh / Doktor Pavlysh
Избушка?Izbushka(1970) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Die Schutzhütte [German] (1976) [as by Kirill Bulytschow]
Великий дух и беглецы?Velikiy dukh i begletsy(1972) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Le grand esprit et les fugitifs [French] (2011) [as by Kir Boulytchev]
Белое платье Золушки?Beloye plat'ye Zolushki(1980) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: La robe blanche de Cendrillon [French] (2011) [as by Kir Boulytchev]
Перевал?Pereval(1983) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Przełęcz?Przelecz[Polish] (1983) [as byKirył Bułyczow?Kiryl Bulyczow]
- Translation: Der Gebirgspass [German] (1986) [as by Kirill Bulytschow]
Поселок?Poselok(1988) [C] also appeared as:
Translation: Überlebende?Ueberlebende[German] (1995) [as by Kirill Bulytschow]
- Translation: Those Who Survive [English] (2000) [as by Kir Bulychev]
Überm Berg (Russian)?Ueberm Berg (Russian)(1988) also appeared as:
Translation: Überm Berg?Ueberm Berg[German] (1995) [as by Kirill Bulytschow]
Белое платье Золушки?Beloye plat'ye Zolushki(unpublished) [C] only appeared as:
- Translation: La robe blanche de Cendrillon [French] (2011) [as by Kir Boulytchev]
Смерть этажом ниже?Smert jetazhom nizhe(1989) only appeared as:
- Translation: Der Tod im Stockwerk tiefer [German] (2020) [as by Kir Bulytschow]
Люди как люди?Lyudi kak lyudi(1975) also appeared as:
- Translation: Half a Life and Other Stories [English] (1977) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
- Translation: Mag ik Nina even? [Dutch] (1979) [as by Kiril Boelitsjev]
Translation: Kettészakított élet?Ketteszakitott elet[Hungarian] (1983) [as by Kir Bulicsov]
- Translation: Meia Vida [Portuguese] (1986) [as by Kir Bulychev]
Ein Takan für die Kinder der Erde?Ein Takan fuer die Kinder der Erde[German] (1981) [only as byKirill Bulyčov?Kirill Bulycov]
- Besuch aus dem Kosmos [German] (1982) [only as by Kir Bulytschow]
- Der einheitliche Wille des gesamten Sowjetvolkes [German] (2020) [only as by Kir Bulytschow]
- Alice [English] (1977) [only as by Kirill Bulychev]
- Mission sur la plančte morte [French] (1986) [only as by Cyrille Boulytchev]
Перевал?Pereval(unpublished) only appeared as:
- Translation: Der Gebirgspass [German] (1986) [as by Kirill Bulytschow]
- Верёвкин?Verevkin
Золушка на рынке?Zolushka na rynke(2000)
Так начинаются наводнения?Tak natchinayutsya navodneniya(1967) only appeared as:
- Translation: Hochwasser kommt [German] (1974) [as by Kirill Bulytschow]
Поделись со мной ...?Podelis' so mnoj ...(1970) only appeared as:
- Translation: Share It with Me [English] (1979) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Я вас первым обнаружил!?Ya vas pervym obnaruzhil!(1970) only appeared as:
Translation: Én fedeztelek föl benneteket elsőnek!?En fedeztelek fol benneteket elsonek![Hungarian] (1974) [as by Kirill Bulicsov]
Een fedeztelek foel benneteket elsooenek! - Translation: I Was the First to Find You [English] (1977) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
- Translation: Ik zag jullie het eerst [Dutch] (1979) [as by Kiril Boelitsjev]
- Translation: Fui o Primeiro a Encontrar-vos [Portuguese] (1986) [as by Kir Bulychev]
Выбор?Vybor(1971) only appeared as:
- Translation: A választás [Hungarian] (1974) [as by Kir Bulicsov]
Translation: A választás?A valasztas[Hungarian] (1974) [as by Kirill Bulicsov]
A vaalasztaas - Translation: The Choice [English] (1981) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Освящение храма Ананда?Osvyaschenie hrama Ananda(1972) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Dedication of Ananda's Temple [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Пустой дом?Pustoj dom(1972) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Empty House [English] (1984) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Такан для детей Земли?Takan dlya detej Zemli(1972) only appeared as:
- Translation: A Tacan for the Children of Earth [English] (1972) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Корона профессора Козарина?Korona professora Kazarina(1973) also appeared as:
Translation: Kozarin professzor koronája?Kozarin professzor koronaja[Hungarian] (1983) [as by Kir Bulicsov]
- Translation: Professor Kozarin's Crown [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Можно попросить Нину??Mozhno poprosit' Ninu?(1973) also appeared as:
- Translation: May I Please Speak to Nina? [English] (1977) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
- Translation: Mag ik Nina even? [Dutch] (1979) [as by Kiril Boelitsjev]
Translation: Beszélhetnék Nyinával??Beszelhetnek Nyinaval?[Hungarian] (1983) [as by Kir Bulicsov]
- Translation: Por Favor, a Nina Está? [Portuguese] (1986) [as by Kir Bulychev]
- Translation: żPuedo hablar con Nina? [Spanish] (2003) [as by Kir Bulichov]
Половина жизни?Polovina zhizni(1973) also appeared as:
- Translation: Half a Life [English] (1977) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
- Translation: Halverwege haar leven [Dutch] (1979) [as by Kiril Boelitsjev]
Translation: Kettészakított élet?Ketteszakitott elet[Hungarian] (1983) [as by Kir Bulicsov]
- Translation: Meia Vida [Portuguese] (1986) [as by Kir Bulychev]
Снегурочка?Snegurochka(1973) also appeared as:
- Translation: Snowmaiden [English] (1977) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
- Translation: Sneeuwmeisje [Dutch] (1979) [as by Kiril Boelitsjev]
Translation: Hótündér?Hotuender[Hungarian] (1983) [as by Kir Bulicsov]
- Translation: Snow-Girl [English] (1984) [as by Kir Bulychev]
- Translation: Donzela de Neve [Portuguese] (1986) [as by Kir Bulychev]
Translation: Fata de Zăpadă?Fata de Zapada[Romanian] (1992) [as byKir Bulîciov?Kir Buliciov]
Kir Bulaciov
Диалог об Атлантиде?Dialog ob Atlandtide(1974) only appeared as:
- Translation: Der Dialog über Atlantis [German] (1980) [as by Kirill Bulytschow]
Первый слой памяти?Pervyj sloj pamyati(1974) also appeared as:
- Translation: The First Layer of Memory [English] (1977) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
- Translation: Het geheugen van de speleoloog [Dutch] (1979) [as by Kiril Boelitsjev]
Translation: Az emlékezet első rétege?Az emlekezet elso retege[Hungarian] (1983) [as by Kir Bulicsov]
Az emleekezet elsooe reetege - Translation: O Primeiro Enxerto de Memória [Portuguese] (1986) [as by Kir Bulychev]
Сказка о репе?Skazka o repe(1974) also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Märchen von der Rübe [German] (1982) [as by Kirill Bulytschow]
- Translation: Tale of the Turnip [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
- Vendégekre várva [Hungarian] (1974) [only as by Igor Mozsejko]
О некрасивом биоформе?O nekrasivom bioforme(1974) also appeared as:
- Translation: An Ugly Bioform [English] (1981) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
- Translation: A bioforma [Hungarian] (1983) [as by Kir Bulicsov]
Если бы не Михаил ...?Esli by ne Mikhail ...(1975) also appeared as:
- Translation: If It Hadn't Been for Mikhail [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
- Translation: Na nincs Mihail... [Hungarian] (1983) [as by Kir Bulicsov]
Красный олень — белый олень?Krasnyj olen' — belyj olen'(1975) also appeared as:
- Translation: Red Deer, White Deer [English] (1977) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
- Translation: Het witte hert [Dutch] (1979) [as by Kiril Boelitsjev]
Translation: Vörös szarvas - fehér szarvas?Voros szarvas - feher szarvas[Hungarian] (1983) [as by Kir Bulicsov]
Voeroes szarvas - feheer szarvas - Translation: Veado Vermelho; Veado Branco [Portuguese] (1986) [as by Kir Bulychev]
Протест?Protest(1975) also appeared as:
- Translation: Protest [English] (1977) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
- Translation: Protest [Dutch] (1979) [as by Kiril Boelitsjev]
Translation: Tiltakozás?Tiltakozas[Hungarian] (1983) [as by Kir Bulicsov]
- Translation: Protesto [Portuguese] (1986) [as by Kir Bulychev]
Терпение и труд?Terpenie i trud(1975) also appeared as:
Translation: Türelem?Tuerelem[Hungarian] (1983) [as by Kir Bulicsov]
Трудный ребенок?Trudny rebyonok(1975) also appeared as:
- Translation: A Difficult Child [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Translation: Nehéz gyerek?Nehez gyerek[Hungarian] (1983) [as by Kir Bulicsov]
Журавль в руках?Zhuravl' v rukakh(1976) only appeared as:
- Translation: Die Tür im Sumpf [German] (1986) [as by Kir Bulytschow]
Мутант?Mutant(1977) only appeared as:
Translation: Mutantul [Romanian] (1991)
[as by Kir Bulîciov?Kir Buliciov]
Kir Bulaciov
Translation: Mutantul [Romanian] (1991)
[as by
Летнее утро?Letneye utro(1977) only appeared as:
- Translation: A Summer Morning [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Вячик, не двигай вещи!?Vyachik, ne dvigaj veshchi!(1979) only appeared as:
Translation: Viacik, lasă lucrurile-n pace!?Viacik, lasa lucrurile-n pace![Romanian] (1981) [as byKir Bulîciov?Kir Buliciov]
Kir Bulaciov - Translation: Vyachik, Don't Touch [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Чечако в пустыне?Chechako v pustyne(1981) only appeared as:
- Translation: Un Cheechako dans le désert [French] (2009) [as by Kir Boulytchev]
Чужая память?Chuzhaya pamyat'(1981) only appeared as:
- Translation: Another's Memory [English] (1985) [as by Kir Bulychev]
Цветы?Tsvety(1983) only appeared as:
- Translation: Flowers [English] (1983) [as by Kirill Bulychev]
Юбилей-200?Yubiley-200(1985) only appeared as:
- Translation: Jubilee-200 [English] (2015) [as by Kir Bulychev]
Соблазн?Soblazn(1986) only appeared as:
Translation: Iskušenje [Serbian] (1991)
[as by Kiril Buličov?Kiril Bulichov]
Kiril Bulicov
Translation: Iskušenje [Serbian] (1991)
[as by
Свободный тиран?Svobodnyj tiran(1988) only appeared as:
- Translation: Der freie Tyrann [German] (2020) [as by Kir Bulytschow]
Старенький Иванов?Starenkij Ivanov(1989) only appeared as:
- Translation: Der alte Iwanow [German] (2020) [as by Kir Bulytschow]
Единая воля советского народа?Edinaja volja sovetskogo naroda(1991) only appeared as:
- Translation: Der einheitliche Wille des gesamten Sowjetvolkes [German] (2020) [as by Kir Bulytschow]
Утешение?Utesheniye(1991) only appeared as:
Translation: Pocieszyciel [Polish] (1998)
[as by Kir Bułyczow?Kir Bulyczow]
Translation: Pocieszyciel [Polish] (1998)
[as by
Встреча тиранов под Ровно?Vstrecha tiranov pod Rovno(1997) only appeared as:
- Translation: Das Treffen der Tyrannen bei Rowno [German] (1997) [as by Kir Bulytschow]
Инопланетяне?Inoplanetyanie(1999) only appeared as:
Translation: Przybysze [Polish] (1999)
[as by Kir Bułyczow?Kir Bulyczow]
Translation: Przybysze [Polish] (1999)
[as by
- Stalins Trumpf (excerpt) [German] (1999) [only as by Kir Bulytschow]
- Sesenta ańos después [Spanish] (2016) [only as by Kir Bulychiov]
- Locus Obituary
- Vsevolod Aleksandrovich Revich [English] (1997) with John H. Costello [only as by Kir Bulychev and John Costello]
- Hundert Zeilen über SF: Warum sind wir so streitbar? [German] (1984) [only as by Kirill Bulytschow]
- Concerning the Question of the Sumatran Rhinoceros [English] (1986) [only as by Kir Bulychev]
От автора (Девочка с Земли)?Ot avtora (Devochka s Zemli)(1989)
- Soviet Sf in the Era of Glasnost [English] (1989) [only as by Kir Bulychev]
- SF in the Soviet Union: Letter from Moscow (Locus #344) [English] (1989) [only as by Kir Bulychev]
- SF in the Soviet Union: Letter from Moscow (Locus #357) [English] (1990) [only as by Kir Bulychev]
- SF in the Soviet Union: A Letter from Kir Bulychev (Locus #367) [English] (1991) [only as by Kir Bulychev]
- Letter from Moscow (Locus #379) [English] (1992) [only as by Kir Bulychev]
- Letter from Moscow (Locus #387) [English] (1993) [only as by Kir Bulychev]
- Letter from Moscow (Locus #395) [English] (1993) [only as by Kir Bulychev]
- SF in Russia: The Russian Mentality [English] (1996) [only as by Kir Bulychev]
- Letter from Kir Bulychev (Locus #464) [English] (1999) [only as by Kir Bulychev]
Как стать фантастом (записки семидесятника)?Kak stat's fantastom (zapiski semidesyatnika)(2000)
- Vorwort des Autors (Der Tod im Stockwerk tiefer) [German] (2020) [only as by Kir Bulytschow]