Note: There are other authors with the same name: K. H. Scheer (French), K. H. Scheer (in error)
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Fiction Series
- Centauri (K. H. Scheer)
- 1 Flucht in den Raum (1955)
- 2 Vorposten Jupitermond (1956)
- 3 Grenzen der Macht (1956)
- Der gelbe Block
- 1 Unternehmen Diskus (1955)
- 2
Der gelbe Block (1955)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Entscheidung auf dem Mond (1962)
- 3
Hölle auf Erden?Hoelle auf Erden(1955) also appeared as:
Variant: Großalarm im All?Grossalarm im All(1958)
- Die Radios
- 1
Verdammt für alle Zeiten?Verdammt fuer alle Zeiten(1956)
- 2 Und sie lernen es nie (1957)
- 1
- Gesko Speed
- 1
Über uns das Nichts?Ueber uns das Nichts(1957)
- 2 Die lange Reise (1957)
- 1
- Hyperspace
- 1 Die Fremden (1957)
- 2 Der unendliche Raum (1957)
- Joe Brand
- 11 Bakterien (1952)
- 14 Brand greift ein (1953) [non-genre]
- Lemuria / Rahera
- 1
Der rätselhafte Planet?Der raetselhafte Planet(1953)
- 2
Macht der Ahnen (1953)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Die Macht der Ahnen (1978)
- 3
Ruf der Erde (1953)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Der Ruf der Erde (1953)
- 1
- Perry Rhodan Universe
- Atlan
- 1 Atlan Zyklus 1: Im Auftrag der Menschheit
- 1
Das galaktische Syndikat (1969) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het Galactische Syndicaat [Dutch] (1978)
- 2
Griff nach der Macht (1969) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Greep naar de Macht [Dutch] (1978)
- Het Galactisch Syndicaat [Dutch] (1978) [C]
- 1
Das galaktische Syndikat (1969) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 2 Atlan Zyklus 2: Der Held von Arkon
- 4
Der Kristallprinz (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Crystal Prince [English] (1977)
Der Kristallprinz (2000)
Rainer Castor
Clark Darlton
Hans Kneifel
Harvey Patton
Ernst Vlcek
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Kristallprinz (2000) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Traque sur Gortavor [French] (2002) [as by Rainer Castor]
- Translation: Le prince de cristal [French] (2002) [as by Rainer Castor]
- 4
Der Kristallprinz (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Atlan-Zeitabenteuer
- 54.1
Die letzten Masken (1998)
H. G. Ewers
Hans Kneifel
only appeared as:
- Variant: Die letzten Masken (1998) [as by Hanns Kneifel]
- Variant: Die letzten Masken (1998) [as by uncredited]
- 54.1
Die letzten Masken (1998)
H. G. Ewers
Hans Kneifel
only appeared as:
- 1 Atlan Zyklus 1: Im Auftrag der Menschheit
- Perry Rhodan
- 1 PR Zyklus 1: Die Dritte Macht
- 0.9
Exposé für den I. Band der Reihe "Perry R(h)odan" (Erbe des Universums)?Expose fuer den I. Band der Reihe "Perry R(h)odan" (Erbe des Universums)(2021) [SF] only appeared as:
Variant: Exposé für den I. Band der Reihe "Perry R(h)odan" (Erbe des Universums)?Expose fuer den I. Band der Reihe "Perry R(h)odan" (Erbe des Universums)(2021) [as by K. Herbert Scheer]
Variant: Exposé für den I. Band der Reihe "Perry R(h)odan" (Erbe des Universums) (excerpt)?Expose fuer den I. Band der Reihe "Perry R(h)odan" (Erbe des Universums) (excerpt)(2021) [as by uncredited]
- 1
Unternehmen "Stardust" (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Unternehmen STARDUST (1966)
- Translation: Operatie stardust [Dutch] (1967)
- Translation: Enterprise Stardust [English] (1969)
Translation: スターダスト計画?Stardust keikaku[Japanese] (1971) [as byK・H・シェール?K. H. Sheru]
Translation: Fanget på Månen?Fanget pa Manen[Danish] (1973)
Fanget paa Maanen -
Translation: Kauhun hetkiä kuussa?Kauhun hetkiae kuussa[Finnish] (1975)
Kauhun hetkia kuussa
- 1.9
Exposé für den 2. Band der Reihe "Perry R(h)odan" (Erbe des Universums)?Expose fuer den 2. Band der Reihe "Perry R(h)odan" (Erbe des Universums)(2021) [SF] [only as by uncredited]
- 2.1
Unternehmen Stardust (1962)
Clark Darlton
only appeared as:
- Variant: Unternehmen Stardust (1962) [as by W. Ernsting and K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Opération "Astrée"?Operation "Astree"[French] (1966) [as by K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Opération "Astrée"?Operation "Astree"[French] (1980) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: Opération Astrée?Operation Astree[French] (1989) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 3
Die strahlende Kuppel (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: De stralende koepel [Dutch] (1967)
- Translation: The Radiant Dome [English] (1969)
Translation: ドームの危機?Dome no kiki[Japanese] (1971) [as byK・H・シェール?K. H. Sheru]
Translation: Slaget om Månen?Slaget om Manen[Danish] (1973)
Slaget om Maanen
- 3.9
Exposé für den 4. Band der 'Perry Rhodan'-Serie?Expose fuer den 4. Band der 'Perry Rhodan'-Serie(2000) [SF]
- 4.1
Götterdämmerung?Goetterdaemmerung(1962) with Clark Darlton only appeared as:
Variant: Götterdämmerung?Goetterdaemmerung(1962) [as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
- Translation: La Terre a peur [French] (1966) [as by K. H. Scheer]
- Translation: La Terre a peur [French] (1966) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 5.1 Die Dritte Macht (1978) with Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 6.1
Das Mutanten-Korps (1962)
Kurt Mahr
W. W. Shols
only appeared as:
- Variant: Das Mutanten-Korps (1962) [as by K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer and W. W. Shols]
- Translation: La milice des mutants [French] (1966) [as by K. H. Scheer]
- Translation: La milice des mutants [French] (1980) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 6.13 Perry Rhodan I [French] (2005) [O] with Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr and W. W. Shols [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 8.1
Die Venusbasis (1963)
Clark Darlton
Kurt Mahr
also appeared as:
Translation: Bases sur Vénus?Bases sur Venus[French] (1966) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: Bases sur Vénus?Bases sur Venus[French] (1974) [as by K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Bases sur Vénus?Bases sur Venus[French] (1980) [as by Clark Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Base sur Vénus?Base sur Venus[French] (1989) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 10
Raumschlacht im Wega-Sektor (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ruimteoorlog in de Wega-Sector [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: Space Battle in the Vega Sector [English] (1970)
Translation: 決戦!ヴェガ星域?Kessen! Vega Seiiki[Japanese] (1972) [as byK・H・シェール?K. H. Sheru]
- 11.1
Raumschlacht im Wega-Sektor (1963)
Kurt Mahr
only appeared as:
- Variant: Raumschlacht im Wega-Sektor (1963) [as by K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Les vainqueurs de Véga?Les vainqueurs de Vega[French] (1966) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: Les vainqueurs de Véga?Les vainqueurs de Vega[French] (1966) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K. H. Scheer]
- 11.11 Das Mutanten-Korps (1979) with Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr and W. W. Shols and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 13
Die Festung der sechs Monde (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Vesting van de Zes Manen [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: Fortress of the Six Moons [English] (1971)
Translation: 六つの月の要塞?Muttsu no tsuki no yōsai[Japanese] (1973) [as by
Muttsu no tsuki no yousai
Muttsu no tsuki no yosaiK・H・シェール?K. H. Sheru]
- 13.1
Festung der sechs Monde (1963)
Clark Darlton
only appeared as:
- Variant: Festung der sechs Monde (1963) [as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
- Translation: La forteresse des six lunes [French] (1967) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: La forteresse des six lunes [French] (1967)
- 15.1
Das galaktische Rätsel?Das galaktische Raetsel(1963) with Clark Darlton also appeared as:
Translation: La quête cosmique?La quete cosmique[French] (1967)
Translation: La quête cosmique?La quete cosmique[French] (1967) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 17.1
Operation Stein der Weisen (1963)
Kurt Mahr
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les glaces de Gol [French] (1967) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K. H. Scheer]
- Translation: Les glaces de Gol [French] (1967) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 19
Der Unsterbliche (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Immortal Unknown [English] (1972)
Translation: 宇宙の不死者?Uchū no fushisha[Japanese] (1973) [as by
Uchuu no fushisha
Uchu no fushishaK・H・シェール?K. H. Sheru]
- 19.1
Der Unsterbliche (1963)
Clark Darlton
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Unsterbliche (1963) [as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Le traître de Tuglan?Le traitre de Tuglan[French] (1967) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 19.11 Der Unsterbliche (1979) with Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 26.1
Der Overhead (1963)
Clark Darlton
Kurt Mahr
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Overhead (1963) [as by C. Darlton and K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Le maître des mutants?Le maitre des mutants[French] (1968) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: Le maître des mutants?Le maitre des mutants[French] (1968) [as by Clark Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
- 28
Der kosmische Lockvogel (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Cosmic Decoy [English] (1973)
Translation: 宇宙のおとり?Uchū no otori[Japanese] (1974) [as by
Uchuu no otori
Uchu no otoriK・H・シェール?K. H. Sheru]
- 29.1
Der kosmische Lockvogel (1963)
Kurt Mahr
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der kosmische Lockvogel (1963) [as by K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Le piège à pirates?Le piege a pirates[French] (1968) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 30.11 Der kosmische Lockvogel (1979) with Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 31.1
Der Kaiser von New York (1964)
Kurt Mahr
W. W. Shols
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Kaiser von New York (1964) [as by K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer and W. W. Shols]
- Translation: L'empereur de New York [French] (1968) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 33.1
Eiswelt in Flammen (1964)
Clark Darlton
also appeared as:
Translation: L'étoile en exil?L'etoile en exil[French] (1969) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 35.1
Der galaktische Schachzug (1964)
Kurt Brand
Kurt Mahr
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der galaktische Schachzug (1964) [as by K. Brand and K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
- Translation: Mutants en mission [French] (1969) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K. H. Scheer]
- 37.1
Die Seuche des Vergessens (1964)
Clark Darlton
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'offensive d'oubli [French] (1969) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 39
Die Welt der drei Planeten (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Realm of the Tri-Planets [English] (1973)
Translation: 三惑星系?San wakusei kei[Japanese] (1975) [as byK・H・シェール?K. H. Sheru]
- 39.1
Vorstoß nach Arkon?Vorstoss nach Arkon(1964) with Kurt Mahr only appeared as:
Variant: Vorstoß nach Arkon?Vorstoss nach Arkon(1964) [as by K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
Translation: À l'assaut d'Arkonis?A l'assaut d'Arkonis[French] (1970) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 39.11
Vorstoß nach Arkon?Vorstoss nach Arkon(1980) with Kurt Brand and Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 41.1
Der Partner des Giganten (1964)
Clark Darlton
also appeared as:
- Translation: La menace des Moofs [French] (1970) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: La menace des Moffs [French] (1992) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 43.1
Raumschiff Titan funkt SOS (1965)
Kurt Brand
Kurt Mahr
only appeared as:
- Variant: Raumschiff Titan funkt SOS (1965) [as by K. Brand and K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
Translation: La planète piégée?La planete piegee[French] (1970) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 44
Der Mensch und das Monster (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Man and Monster [English] (1973)
Translation: 人間とモンスター?Ningen to monsuta[Japanese] (1975) [as byK・H・シェール?K. H. Sheru]
- 45.1
Der Mensch und das Monster (1965)
Clark Darlton
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Mensch und das Monster (1965) [as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Les méduses de Moofar?Les meduses de Moofar[French] (1971) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 46.1 Der Robotregent (1980) with Kurt Brand and Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 47.1
Gom antwortet nicht (1965)
Kurt Brand
Kurt Mahr
only appeared as:
- Variant: Gom antwortet nicht (1965) [as by K. Brand and K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
- Translation: Les grottes de Gom [French] (1971) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 49.1
Rotes Auge Beteigeuze (1965)
Clark Darlton
also appeared as:
Translation: La bataille de Bételgeuse?La bataille de Betelgeuse[French] (1972) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- 0.9
- 2 PR Zyklus 2: Atlan und Arkon
- 50
Der Einsame der Zeit (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Time's Lonely One [English] (1974)
Translation: アトラン?Atoran[Japanese] (1976) [as byK・H・シェール?K. H. Sheru]
- 50.01 Die Handlung des 50. Perry Rhodan-Bandes (1962) [SF]
- 54
Der Zweikampf (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Again Atlan! [English] (1974)
- 54.1
Der Einsame der Zeit (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'amiral d'Arkonis [French] (1973) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 56.1 Die Toten leben (1965) with Kurt Brand and Clark Darlton
- 56.111 Atlan (1980) with Kurt Brand and Clark Darlton and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 59.1 Attacke aus dem Unsichtbaren (1965) with Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr [only as by C. Darlton and K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
- 60
Festung Atlantis (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Atlantis?Premiere partie : Atlantis[French] (1974) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Fortress Atlantis [English] (1974)
- 63.1 Der Robotspion (1965) with Clark Darlton
- 65.11 Festung Atlantis (1981) with Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 69.1 Hetzjagd durch die Dimensionen (1966) with Kurt Mahr [only as by K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
- 70
Die letzten Tage von Atlantis (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Last Days of Atlantis [English] (1975)
- Translation: Première partie : L'agonie d'Atlantis [French] (1975) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 70.1 Festung Atlantis (1965)
- 71.1 Zwischenspiel auf Siliko V (1966) with Kurt Brand [only as by K. Brand and K. H. Scheer]
- 75
Das rote Universum (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Crimson Universe [English] (1975)
Translation: Première partie : Le message mystérieux?Premiere partie : Le message mysterieux[French] (1975) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 75.1 Das rote Universum (1966) with William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer and W. Voltz]
- 77.1 Unter den Sternen von Druufon (1966) with Clark Darlton
- 77.11 Das rote Universum (1981) with Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 79.1
Die Atomhölle von Gray Beast?Die Atomhoelle von Gray Beast(1966) with Kurt Brand and Kurt Mahr [only as by K. Brand and K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
- 84.1
Rekruten für Arkon?Rekruten fuer Arkon(1966) with Kurt Brand and Clark Darlton [only as by K. Brand and C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
- 86
Der Schlüssel zur Macht?Der Schluessel zur Macht(1963) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Power Key [English] (1975)
Translation: Deuxième partie : Atlan d'Arkonis?Deuxieme partie : Atlan d'Arkonis[French] (1976) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 86.1
Der Schlüssel zur Macht?Der Schluessel zur Macht(1966) with Clark Darlton [only as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
- 88
Der Fall Kolumbus (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Columbus Affair [English] (1975)
Translation: Deuxième partie (La déroute des Droufs)?Deuxieme partie (La deroute des Droufs)[French] (1976) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 90.1 Der Fall Kolumbus (1966) with Kurt Brand [only as by K. Brand and K. H. Scheer]
- 91.1 Der Fall Kolumbus (1982) with Kurt Brand and Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 92.1 Geheimmission Moluk (1966) with Clark Darlton and William Voltz [only as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer and W. Shols]
- 96
Der Anti (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Mystery of the Anti [English] (1976)
Translation: Première partie : Les voleurs de vie?Premiere partie : Les voleurs de vie[French] (1977) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 99.1 Der Anti (1966) with William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer and W. Shols]
- 99.11 Der Anti (1982) with Kurt Brand and Clark Darlton and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 50
Der Einsame der Zeit (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 3 PR Zyklus 3: Die Posbis
- 100
Der Zielstern (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Target Star [English] (1976)
Translation: Première partie : De soleil en soleil?Premiere partie : De soleil en soleil[French] (1978) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 103.1 Der Zielstern (1967) with Kurt Brand [only as by K. H. Scheer and W. Shols]
- 107
Das blaue System (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Blue System [English] (1976)
Translation: Première partie : L'enlèvement de l'empereur?Premiere partie : L'enlevement de l'empereur[French] (1978) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 107.1 Das blaue System (1967) with Clark Darlton [only as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
- 107.11 Der Zielstern (1982) with Kurt Brand and Clark Darlton and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 109.1 Blockadering um Lepso (1967) with Kurt Brand and Kurt Mahr [only as by K. Brand and K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
- 111.1 Auf den Spuren der Antis (1967) with Clark Darlton and William Voltz [only as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer and W. Shols]
- 114.1 Rufer aus der Ewigkeit (1967) with Kurt Brand
- 116
Duell unter der Doppelsonne (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Duel Under the Double Suns [English] (1977)
Translation: [— Il commence à faire chaud, Votre Noblesse !]?[- Il commence a faire chaud, Votre Noblesse !][French] (1980) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K. H. Scheer]
Translation: Première partie : Duel sous le soleil double?Premiere partie : Duel sous le soleil double[French] (1998) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 116.1 Duell unter der Doppelsonne (1967) with William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer and W. Voltz]
- 116.11 Rhodans Sohn (1983) with Kurt Brand and Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 119.1 Saat des Verderbens (1967) with Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer and W. Voltz]
- 120
Der Planet Mechanica (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Planet Mechanica [English] (1977)
- 121.1 Der Planet Mechanica (1967) with Clark Darlton [only as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer]
- 123.1 Saboteure in A-1 (1967) with Kurt Brand and Kurt Mahr [only as by K. Brand and K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
- 125
Retter des Imperiums (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Savior of the Empire [English] (1977)
Translation: Deuxième partie : Le sauveur de l'empire?Deuxieme partie : Le sauveur de l'empire[French] (1981) [as by C. Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 125.1 Retter des Imperiums (1967) with William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer and W. Voltz]
- 125.13 Mechanica (1983) with Kurt Brand and Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 129.1 Atombrand auf Mechanica (1967) with Clark Darlton and William Voltz [only as by C. Darlton and K. H. Scheer and W. Voltz]
- 132.1
Freiwillige für Frago?Freiwillige fuer Frago(1967) with Kurt Brand
- 134
Die Kanonen von Everblack (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Guns of Everblack [English] (1979)
Translation: Première partie (Les astres noirs)?Premiere partie (Les astres noirs)[French] (1982) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 134.1 Die Kanonen von Everblack (1967) with William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer and W. Voltz]
- 136.1
Wächter in der Einsamkeit?Waechter in der Einsamkeit(1968) with Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr [only as by C. Darlton and K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer]
- 138.1
Risiko unendlich groß?Risiko unendlich gross(1968) with Kurt Brand [only as by K. Brand and K. H. Scheer]
- 138.11 Die Posbis (1983) with Kurt Brand and Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 141.1 Station der Unsichtbaren (1968) with Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by K. Mahr and K. H. Scheer and W. Voltz]
- 143.1
Für Menschen verboten?Fuer Menschen verboten(1968) with Kurt Brand and William Voltz [only as by K. Brand and K. H. Scheer and W. Voltz]
- 144
Roboter lassen bitten ... (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Robot Invitation [English] (1979)
Translation: Deuxième partie (Le Monde-aux-Cent-Soleils)?Deuxieme partie (Le Monde-aux-Cent-Soleils)[French] (1983) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K. H. Scheer]
- 147.1 Roboter lassen bitten (1968) with William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer and W. Voltz]
- 149.1 Kampf um die Hundertsonnenwelt (1968) with Kurt Brand
- 149.11 Die Hundertsonnenwelt (1984) with Kurt Brand and Clark Darlton and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 100
Der Zielstern (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 4 PR Zyklus 4: Das Zweite Imperium
- 150
Die Spezialisten der USO (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie (Menaces sur les mutants)?Premiere partie (Menaces sur les mutants)[French] (1984) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 156
Lemy und der Krötenwolf?Lemy und der Kroetenwolf(1964) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie (Le mirage de la montagne chantante)?Deuxieme partie (Le mirage de la montagne chantante)[French] (1985) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 156.1 Die Spezialisten der USO (1968)
- 160.1 Hornschrecken (1984) with Kurt Brand and Clark Darlton and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 169
Die kleinen Männer von Siga?Die kleinen Maenner von Siga(1964) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie (Les sauveteurs Sigans)?Premiere partie (Les sauveteurs Sigans)[French] (1988) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 173
Unternehmen Nautilus (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie (Les sauveteurs Sigans)?Deuxieme partie (Les sauveteurs Sigans)[French] (1988) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 173.1 Les sauveteurs Sigans [French] (1988) [C] [only as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 177.1 Kampf gegen die Blues (1985) with Kurt Brand and Clark Darlton and Horst Hoffmann and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 179
Notlandung auf Beauly II (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie (L'offensive de crétinisation)?Première partie (L'offensive de cretinisation)[French] (1988) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 188
Die lebenden Toten (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : La planète des morts-vivants?Deuxieme partie : La planete des morts-vivants[French] (1989) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 189.11
Expedition der Mausbiber (2000)
Kurt Brand
Clark Darlton
Horst Hoffmann
Kurt Mahr
only appeared as:
- Variant: Expedition der Mausbiber (2000) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Soldaten für Kahalo?Soldaten fuer Kahalo(2000) [as by uncredited]
- 196
Planet der letzten Hoffnung (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : La planète du dernier espoir?Premiere partie : La planete du dernier espoir[French] (1990) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: Première partie : La planète du dernier espoir?Premiere partie : La planete du dernier espoir[French] (1990) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K. H. Scheer]
- 150
Die Spezialisten der USO (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 5 PR Zyklus 5: Die Meister der Insel
- 200
Die Straße nach Andromeda?Die Strasse nach Andromeda(1965) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : L'hexagone des géantes bleues?Premiere partie : L'hexagone des geantes bleues[French] (1990) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 207.1
Straße nach Andromeda?Strasse nach Andromeda(1985) with Clark Darlton and H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 211
Geheimwaffe Horror (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Réduction : facteur mille?Premiere partie : Reduction : facteur mille[French] (1991) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 214.1 Schrecken der Hohlwelt (1985) with Kurt Brand and Clark Darlton and H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr [only as by uncredited]
- 217
Gefahr aus der Vergangenheit (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Evasion de l'Horreur?Premiere partie : Evasion de l'Horreur[French] (1992) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 220.2 Die zweite Phase (1982) [SF]
- 222
Die Doppelgänger von Andromeda?Die Doppelgaenger von Andromeda(1965) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : Les sosies d'Andromède?Deuxieme partie : Les sosies d'Andromede[French] (1992) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 223.1 Die Maahks (1986) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 226
Die Parasprinter (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : L'arme secrète de l'Amiral?Deuxieme partie : L'arme secrete de l'Amiral[French] (1992) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 233
Geheimsatellit Troja (1966) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : Le cheval de Troie?Premiere partie : Le cheval de Troie[French] (1993) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 233.1 Die Para-Sprinter (1986) with Clark Darlton and H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 238
Der Geleitzug ins Ungewisse (1966) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : La planète glacée?Deuxieme partie : La planete glacee[French] (1993) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 240.1 Brennpunkt Andro-Beta (1986) with Clark Darlton and H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 245
Notrufe aus dem Nichts (1966) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Première partie : S. O. S. dans le néant?Premiere partie : S. O. S. dans le neant[French] (1994) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 247.1 Kontrollstation Modul (1987) with Clark Darlton and H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 250
Die 6. Epoche (1966) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : Le sixième cycle?Deuxieme partie : Le sixième cycle[French] (1994) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 259.1 Andromeda (1987) with Clark Darlton and H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann [only as by uncredited]
- 264
Die Invasion der Toten (1966) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : Retour vers le passé?Deuxieme partie : Retour vers le passe[French] (1996) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 267.1 Lemuria (1987) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 270
Ultimatum an Unbekannt (1966) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : La forteresse planétaire?Deuxieme partie : La forteresse planetaire[French] (1996) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 274.1 Der Zeitagent (1988) with Clark Darlton and H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 277 Befehle aus der 5. Dimension (1966) [SF]
- 286.1 Bezwinger der Zeit (1988) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 288 Das Sonneninferno (1967) [SF]
- 293.1 Pakt der Galaxien (1988) with Clark Darlton and H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 200
- 6 PR Zyklus 6: M 87
- 300
Alarm im Sektor Morgenrot (1967) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Première partie : Alerte en secteur Aurore [French] (1999) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 305.1 OLD MAN (1989) with Clark Darlton and H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 307
Die Macht der Gläsernen?Die Macht der Glaesernen(1967) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Deuxième partie : Les ennemis de cristal?Deuxieme partie : Les ennemis de cristal[French] (1999) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 313.1 Die Kristallagenten (1989) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 327 Die vier Unheimlichen (1967) [SF]
- 327.1 Die Zeitpolizei (1990) with Clark Darlton and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 350 Robot-Patrouille (1968) [SF]
- 350.1 Paladin (1991) with Clark Darlton and H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 367 Im Zentrum der Riesensonne (1968) [SF]
- 367.1 Die Konstrukteure des Zentrums (1992) with Clark Darlton and H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 399.75 Diplomatische Mission (1980) [SF] [also as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
- 399.8
Pardon, Sir! (1975) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: Pardon, Sir! (1975) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: Pardon, Sir! (1975) [as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
- 399.9
Ein seltsamer Helfer (1986) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Ein seltsamer Helfer (1986) [as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
Translation: Deuxième partie : Assistance atypique?Deuxieme partie : Assistance atypique[French] (2004) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 300
Alarm im Sektor Morgenrot (1967) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 7 PR Zyklus 7: Die Cappins
- 400
Menschheit im Zwielicht (1969) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Premiére partie : Projet Laurin?Premiere partie : Projet Laurin[French] (2004) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 409.1 Menschheit am Abgrund (1993) with Clark Darlton and H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- 450 Aufbruch der MARCO POLO (1970) [SF]
- 460.1 Gruelfin (1995) with H. G. Ewers and Horst Hoffmann and Hans Kneifel [only as by uncredited]
- 400
Menschheit im Zwielicht (1969) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 8 PR Zyklus 8: Der Schwarm
- 500
Sie kamen aus dem Nichts (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zij kwamen uit het niets [Dutch] (1981)
- 509.1
Der Schwarm (1996)
Clark Darlton
Horst Hoffmann
Hans Kneifel
Ernst Vlcek
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Schwarm (1996) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Intelligence en perdition [French] (2006) [as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Les manipulateurs de l'Essaim [French] (2006) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 500
Sie kamen aus dem Nichts (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
- 16 PR Zyklus 16: Die Kosmische Hanse
- 1074 Lockruf aus M 3 (1982) [SF]
- 1077.1
Lockruf aus M3 (2014)
H. G. Ewers
Hubert Haensel
Horst Hoffmann
Kurt Mahr
Marianne Sydow
William Voltz
Detlev G. Winter
only appeared as:
- Variant: Lockruf aus M3 (2014) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Retour en enfer [French] (2017) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: L'arme des Porleyters [French] (2017) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 1083 Der Kometenmann (1982) [SF]
- 1084.1 Schaltstelle der Macht (2014) with H. G. Ewers and Peter Griese and Hubert Haensel and Horst Hoffmann and Kurt Mahr and Ernst Vlcek [only as by uncredited]
- 17 PR Zyklus 17: Die Endlose Armada
- 1101 Erkundung gegen Unbekannt (1982) [SF]
- 1107.1
Der Frostrubin (2015)
H. G. Ewers
Hubert Haensel
Kurt Mahr
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Der Frostrubin (2015) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Le Gel-Rubis [French] (2017) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Un homme pour l'Armada [French] (2018) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 1118 Der Admiral und der Silberne (1983) [SF]
- 1119.1
Sturz aus dem Frostrubin (2015)
H. G. Francis
Hubert Haensel
Hans Kneifel
Marianne Sydow
Ernst Vlcek
William Voltz
only appeared as:
- Variant: Sturz aus dem Frostrubin (2015) [as by uncredited]
Translation: De l'autre côté du Gel-Rubis?De l'autre cote du Gel-Rubis[French] (2018) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
Translation: La puissance des Argentés?La puissance des Argentés[French] (2018) [as by Clark Darlton (in error) and K.-H. Scheer]
- 19 PR Zyklus 19: Die Gänger des Netzes?PR Zyklus 19: Die Gaenger des Netzes
- 1319.9 DORIFER (2023) with Peter Griese and Kurt Mahr and Rainer Nagel and Ernst Vlcek [only as by uncredited]
- 1320 Tostan, der Spieler (1986) [SF]
- 1330 Flucht aus dem Vergessen (1987) [SF]
- 1340.1 Flucht aus dem Vergessen (2023) with Arndt Ellmer and Robert Feldhoff and H. G. Francis and Peter Griese and Kurt Mahr and Rainer Nagel and Ernst Vlcek [only as by uncredited]
- 1343
Der Königstiger?Der Koenigstiger(1987) [SF]
- 1343.9 Krieg der Esper (2023) with Clark Darlton and Arndt Ellmer and H. G. Ewers and Peter Griese and Rainer Nagel and Ernst Vlcek [only as by uncredited]
- 20 PR Zyklus 20: Tarkan
- 1353 CORDOBA ruft BASIS (1987) [SF]
- 1355.1 Strangeness-Schock (2024) with Arndt Ellmer and H. G. Ewers and Robert Feldhoff and Peter Griese and Rainer Nagel [only as by uncredited]
- 1369 Strangeness-Rhapsodie (1987) [SF]
- 1382 Das Siegeszeugnis (1988) [SF]
- 1392 Treffpunkt Y-Gate (1988) [SF]
- 21 PR Zyklus 21: Die Cantaro
- 1404 Diebe aus der Zukunft (1988) [SF]
- 1414 Der letzte Aufbruch (1988) [SF]
- 1423 Wer ist Advok? (1988) [SF]
- 1439 Agenten weinen nicht (1989) [SF]
- 1445
Gensklaven für Uulema?Gensklaven fuer Uulema(1989) [SF]
- 1456 Fremde in der Nacht (1989) [SF]
- 1465 Schach dem Klon (1989) [SF]
- 1473 Jagt den Terraner! (1989) [SF]
- 1488
Söhne der Hölle?Soehne der Hoelle(1990) [SF]
- 1498 Rhodans Tod (1990) [SF]
- 22 PR Zyklus 22: Die Linguiden
- 1507 Die Insel der Monster (1990) [SF]
- 1517 Der Imperator (1990) [SF]
- 1538 Der Thron von Arkon (1991) [SF]
- 1544
Roulette der Auserwählten?Roulette der Auserwaehlten(1991) [SF]
- 1 PR Zyklus 1: Die Dritte Macht
- Perry Rhodan in French
- Le combat des cent-soleils [French] (1984) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'effondrement d'un empire [French] (1988) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les transmuteurs de Tanos [French] (1996) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le seigneur de Sadlor [French] (1996) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le sarcophage stellaire [French] (1996) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La piste parapsychique [French] (1997) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La facture des faussaires [French] (1997) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Miras le maléfique?Miras le malefique[French] (1998) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le pacte de paix [French] (1998) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
L'escapade de l'Émir?L'escapade de l'Emir[French] (1998) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Illusions interstellaires [French] (1998) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La faillite de Faktor IV [French] (1998) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Assaut contre Danger-I [French] (2000) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Missions magellaniques [French] (2000) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Transgressions temporelles [French] (2000) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Dérive intergalactique?Derive intergalactique[French] (2001) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le sosie du stellarque [French] (2001) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
De Néréide à Neptune?De Nereide a Neptune[French] (2001) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Offensive sur Old Man [French] (2001) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Cités spatiales skovars?Cites spatiales skovars[French] (2001) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Holocauste halutien [French] (2001) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Le commandeur des oubliés?Le commandeur des oublies[French] (2001) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
L'enlèvement de l'élu?L'enlevement de l'elu[French] (2001) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les labyrinthes de M 87 [French] (2001) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La caste des chercheurs [French] (2001) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les insurgés du Krest IV?Les insurges du Krest IV[French] (2001) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Projet Paladin [French] (2002) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le repaire des symbiotes [French] (2002) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Uchronies akonides [French] (2002) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le karma de Khan [French] (2002) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les cercueils de cristal [French] (2002) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Le piège des Pelewons?Le piege des Pelewons[French] (2002) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les constructeurs du centre [French] (2002) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le gouffre entre les galaxies [French] (2002) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Traîtres en série?Traitres en serie[French] (2002) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le secret de la pyramide [French] (2003) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Sur les traces du passé?Sur les traces du passe[French] (2003) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Odyssée pour des nefs perdues?Odyssee pour des nefs perdues[French] (2003) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le poids des invisibles [French] (2003) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Pont entre les nuages [French] (2003) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La base des Baramos [French] (2003) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les spectres verts [French] (2003) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Des Bestians aux Ulebs [French] (2003) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Défi à l'antimatière?Defi a l'antimatiere[French] (2004) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'ombre de Corello [French] (2004) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Départ pour Gruelfin?Depart pour Gruelfin[French] (2005) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les conquérants de Takéra?Les conquerants de Takera[French] (2005) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le retour d'un banni [French] (2005) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le vassal galactique [French] (2005) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les Farrogs d'Erysgan [French] (2006) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Apocalypse pour Takéra?Apocalypse pour Takera[French] (2006) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'offensive des collecteurs [French] (2006) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'attaque des clans [French] (2006) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
La colère de Sandal Tolk?La colere de Sandal Tolk[French] (2006) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'empire secret [French] (2006) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'invasion des vaisseaux-ruches [French] (2006) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Le mystère des conquérants jaunes?Le mystere des conquerants jaunes[French] (2006) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les amazones perdues [French] (2007) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
L'expédition du Gevari?L'expedition du Gevari[French] (2007) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
L'expérience des Cynos?L'experience des Cynos[French] (2007) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les usines des idoles [French] (2007) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les obélisques de Puntoron-Shin?Les obelisques de Puntoron-Shin[French] (2007) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Involution fictive [French] (2007) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
L'énigme des sept sages?L'enigme des sept sages[French] (2007) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Transplantation solaire [French] (2007) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les ruses des Karduuhls [French] (2007) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
À la recherche du Tabora?A la recherche du Tabora[French] (2007) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le retour de Nostradamus [French] (2007) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les voix du tourment [French] (2007) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Sus au supermutant [French] (2007) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Objectif synthoïdes?Objectif synthoides[French] (2008) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le concile des sept [French] (2008) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Le maelström des étoiles?Le maelstrom des etoiles[French] (2009) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les ennemis de Zeus [French] (2009) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
À la recherche de la Terre?A la recherche de la Terre[French] (2009) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Rencontre dans le chaos [French] (2009) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Sus aux Vieux-Mutants [French] (2009) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les rebelles d'Empire-Alpha [French] (2009) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les enfants du Sol [French] (2010) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'agonie d'une galaxie [French] (2010) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les dormeurs millénaires?Les dormeurs millenaires[French] (2010) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'alliance des galactes [French] (2010) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le retour des Koltoniens [French] (2010) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les routes du néant?Les routes du neant[French] (2010) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le plan de l'accomplissement [French] (2010) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La bataille des diplomates [French] (2011) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Adieu à la Voie Lactée?Adieu a la Voie Lactee[French] (2011) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'ordre cosmique [French] (2011) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les négociateurs de Pröhndome?Les negociateurs de Prohndome[French] (2011) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le cercle de contact [French] (2011) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Piège pour le Module?Piege pour le Module[French] (2011) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le marteau du passé [French] (2011) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Apparition des concepts [French] (2012) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le retour d'Ernst Ellert [French] (2012) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les maîtres de la gravitation?Les maitres de la gravitation[French] (2012) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Catastrophe gravitationnelle [French] (2012) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La rage des Halutiens [French] (2012) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
La vision de plénitude?La vision de plenitude[French] (2012) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
La quatrième incarnation?La quatrieme incarnation[French] (2012) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les mutants de Gaïa?Les mutants de Gaia[French] (2012) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Projet Basis [French] (2013) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La déesse endormie [French] (2013) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Le départ du Basis?Le depart du Basis[French] (2013) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
La septième clef?La septieme clef[French] (2015) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les dieux de Matazema [French] (2015) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Le gouffre de matière?Le gouffre de matiere[French] (2015) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Intrigues sur Martappon [French] (2015) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le faux Igsorian [French] (2015) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Séismes galactiques?Seismes galactiques[French] (2015) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- L'Immortel ne mourra pas [French] (2015) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
L'élu des Cosmocrates?L'elu des Cosmocrates[French] (2015) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le destin des orbitaux [French] (2015) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Les hordes de Garbesh [French] (2015) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- La croisade d'Amtranik [French] (2015) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le nouveau chevalier [French] (2016) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Recrues pour Krandhor [French] (2016) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Les agents programmés?Les agents programmes[French] (2016) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Le retour d'Atlan [French] (2016) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Tempête psionique?Tempete psionique[French] (2016) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
- Perry Rhodan shortfiction
- Psychogramm und Namen der 4 Hauptpersonen (2001) [SF] [only as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
- Atlan
- Venus (Scheer)
- 1
Stern der Rätsel?Stern der Raetsel(1953)
- 2 Brennpunkt Venus (1953)
- 1
- Wega / Die Telaner
- 1 Verweht im Weltenraum (1956)
- 2
Der Stern der Gewalt (1956)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Stern der Gewalt (1964)
- Weltraumstation
- 1
Das große Projekt?Das grosse Projekt(1953)
- 2 Weltraumstation I (1953)
- 3 Sprung ins All (1953)
- 4
Kampf um den Mond (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Aanval op de maan [Dutch] (1963)
- 1
- 1
Zur besonderen Verwendung (1957)
also appeared as:
Translation: Péril psychique?Peril Psychique[French] (1977) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: In Buitengewone Dienst [Dutch] (1978)
- 2
Kommandosache HC 9 (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Kommandosache HC-9 (1962)
- Translation: Commando HC-9 [French] (1977) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Geheim Commando H.C.9 [Dutch] (1978)
- 3
Ordnungszahl 120 (1957)
also appeared as:
Translation: L'élément 120?L'element 120[French] (1977) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Atoomgetal 120 [Dutch] (1979)
- 4
Unternehmen Pegasus (1957)
also appeared as:
Translation: L'affaire Pégasus?L'affaire Pegasus[French] (1977) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Onderneming Pegasus [Dutch] (1979)
- 5
CC-5 streng geheim (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: CC 5 streng geheim ... (1959)
- Translation: C.C. 5 Top secret [French] (1978) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: CC-5 Streng Geheim [Dutch] (1979)
- 6
Hölle unter Null Grad?Hoelle unter Null Grad(1958) also appeared as:
Translation: Les forçats de l'Antarctique?Les forcats de l'Antarctique[French] (1978) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Hel Onder Nul Graden [Dutch] (1979)
- 7
Großeinsatz Morgenröte?Grosseinsatz Morgenroete(1958) also appeared as:
- Translation: Opération Soleil Levant [French] (1978) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Operatie Morgenrood [Dutch] (1979)
- 8
Eliteeinheit Luna Port (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Eliteeinheit Luna-Port (1964)
- Translation: Les cerveaux morts [French] (1978) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- Translation: Elite-Eenheid Lunaport [Dutch] (1980)
- 9
Überfällig?Ueberfaellig(1958) also appeared as:
- Translation: Combats sous les cratères [French] (1978) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 10
Vollmachten unbegrenzt (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pouvoirs illimités [French] (1978) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 11
Zutritt verboten (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: N'approchez pas [French] (1978) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 12
Fähigkeiten unbekannt?Faehigkeiten unbekannt(1960) also appeared as:
- Translation: Facultés inconnues [French] (1979) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 13
Vorsicht Niemandsland (1961)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Vorsicht, Niemandsland! (1961)
- Variant: Vorsicht, Niemandsland (1961)
- Variant: Vorsicht Niemandsland! (1967)
- Translation: Le virus mystérieux [French] (1979) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 14
Diagnose negativ (1961)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les roues de feu [French] (1979) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 15
Kodezeichen Großer Bär?Kodezeichen Grosser Baer(1962) also appeared as:
- Translation: Sous le signe de la Grande Ourse [French] (1979) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 16
Raumpatrouille Nebelwelt (1963)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le mutant d'Hiroshima [French] (1979) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 17
Offensive Minotaurus (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Offensive Minotaure [French] (1979) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 18
Gegenschlag Kopernikus (1965)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Gegenschlag "Kopernikus" (1965)
- Variant: Gegenschlagsprogramm "Kopernikus" (1965)
- Translation: Contre-offensive Copernicus [French] (1980) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 19
Nachschubbasis Godapol (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Centre d'intendance Godapol [French] (1980) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 21
Marsversorger ALPHA VI (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Intendance martienne Alpha VI [French] (1980) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 23
Intelligenz unerwünscht?Intelligenz unerwuenscht(1974) also appeared as:
- Translation: Le dieu endormi [French] (1980) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 24
Testobjekt Roter Adler (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le test de l'aigle rouge [French] (1980) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 25
Sonderplanung Mini-Mond (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Alerte à l'hypnose [French] (1981) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 27
Notrufsender Gorsskij (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: S.O.S. Sibérie [French] (1981) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 28
Erbspione vogelfrei (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La révolte des grands cerveaux [French] (1981) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 29
Marsrevolte problematisch (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'enjeu lunaire [French] (1981) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 32
Robotnarkose Newton (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Arbitrage martien [French] (1982) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 33
Privileg Venusgeist (1975)
also appeared as:
Translation: L'esprit de Vénus?L'esprit de Venus[French] (1984) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 34
Inkarnation ungesetzlich (1975)
also appeared as:
Translation: Incarnation illégale?Incarnation illegale[French] (1984) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 36
Spätkontrolle aufschlußreich?Spaetkontrolle aufschlussreich(1975) also appeared as:
Translation: Les visiteurs du passé?Les visiteurs du passe[French] (1985) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 37
Fehlschlag unzulässig?Fehlschlag unzulaessig(1975) also appeared as:
Translation: Nitrabyl la ténébreuse?Nitrabyl la tenebreuse[French] (1986) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 40
Bezugspunkt Atlantis (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Destination Atlantide [French] (1987) [as by K.-H. Scheer]
- 41
Generalprobe Zeitballett (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ballet temporel [French] (2007) [as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
- 42
Periode Totalausfall (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Extinction totale [French] (2011) [as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
- 43
Reizimpuls Todesschläfer?Reizimpuls Todesschlaefer(1976)
- 44
Größenordnung Götterwind?Groessenordnung Goetterwind(1976)
- 45 Komponente Calthur (1976)
- 46 Festungsklause Saghon (1976)
- 47 Regelschaltung Jungbrunnen (1976)
- 48 Symbiose Herbstgewitter (1977)
- 49
- 50
Hyperkode Wüstenfuchs?Hyperkode Wuestenfuchs(1980)
- Zur besonderen Verwendung (excerpt) (1957) [SF]
- 1
Zur besonderen Verwendung (1957)
also appeared as:
Piraten zwischen Mars und Erde (1952)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Piraten tussen Mars en Aarde [Dutch] (1961)
Stern A funkt Hilfe (1952)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Stern "A" funkt Hilfe (1960)
- Und die Sterne bersten (1954)
- Sie kamen von der Erde (1956)
- Antares II (1958) [also as by Alexej Turbojew]
Galaxis ohne Menschheit (1958)
also appeared as:
Translation: Галактика без человечества?Galaktika bez chelovechestva[Russian] (1994) [as byКарл-Херберт Шеер?Karl-Herbert Sheer]
- Octavian III (1958)
Vergessen (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Die Vergessenen (1960)
- Der Mann von Oros (1958)
Nichts außer uns?Nichts ausser uns(1959)
- Pronto 1318 (1959)
- Welt ohne Ende (1959) [also as by Alexej Turbojew]
- Amok (1960)
RAK 1212 überfällig?RAK 1212 ueberfaellig(1960) also appeared as:
Variant: RAK 1212 überfällig?RAK 1212 ueberfaellig(1960) [as by Alexej Turbojew]
Variant: RAK-1212 überfällig?RAK-1212 ueberfaellig(1961) [as by Alexej Turbojew]
Revolte der Toten (1960)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Roboter im Angriff (1961)
Die Großen in der Tiefe?Die Grossen in der Tiefe(1961)
- Expedition (1961)
- Die kosmische Fackel (1962)
Corps der Verzweifelten (1963)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Korps der Verzweifelten (1963)
- Der Verbannte von Asyth (1964)
Die Männer der Pyrrhus?Die Maenner der Pyrrhus(1965) also appeared as:
- Translation: De Mannen van Pyrrhus [Dutch] (1978)
Les léviathans de Léthara?Les leviathans de Lethara[French] (2002) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Patrouille spéciale Terre?Patrouille speciale Terre[French] (2011) with Clark Darlton [only as by Clark Darlton and K.-H. Scheer]
Галактика без человечества?Galaktika bez chelovechestva[Russian] (1994) [O] with Douglas Hill and Peter Randa and Louis Thirion and Stefan Wul [only as byДуглас Хилл?Duglas HillandПетер Ранда?Peter RandaandКарл-Херберт Шеер?Karl-Herbert SheerandЛуи Тирион?Lui TirionandСтефан Вюль?Stefan Vyul']
- Atlan Heftserie
- 1 Atlan (1. Aufl.)
Atlan (1. Aufl.) - 1969 (1969)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by K. H. Scheer]
Atlan (1. Aufl.) - 1970 (1970)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by K. H. Scheer]
Atlan (1. Aufl.) - 1971 (1971)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by K. H. Scheer]
Atlan (1. Aufl.) - 1971 (1971)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer]
Atlan (1. Aufl.) - 1972 (1972)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer]
Atlan (1. Aufl.) - 1973 (1973)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer]
Atlan (1. Aufl.) - 1969 (1969)
Kurt Bernhardt
- 2 Atlan (2. Aufl.)
Atlan (2. Aufl.) - 1978 (1978)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by K. H. Scheer]
Atlan (2. Aufl.) - 1979 (1979)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by K. H. Scheer]
Atlan (2. Aufl.) - 1979 (1979)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer]
Atlan (2. Aufl.) - 1980 (1980)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer]
Atlan (2. Aufl.) - 1978 (1978)
Kurt Bernhardt
- 1 Atlan (1. Aufl.)
- Perry Rhodan (Brazil)
Perry Rhodan (Brazil) - 2001 [Portuguese] (2001)
Rodrigo de Lélis?Rodrigo de Lelisand William Voltz [only as by unknown]
Perry Rhodan (Brazil) - 2001 [Portuguese] (2001)
- Perry Rhodan (Denmark)
- Perry Rhodan (Denmark) - 1973 [Danish] (1973) with Clark Darlton
- Perry Rhodan (Denmark) - 1974 [Danish] (1974) with Clark Darlton
- Perry Rhodan Heftserie
- 1 Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.)
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1961 (1961)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1962 (1962)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1963 (1963)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1963 (1963)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1964 (1964)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1965 (1965)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1966 (1966)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1967 (1967)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1968 (1968)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1969 (1969)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1970 (1970)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1971 (1971)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1971 (1971)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1971 (1971)
Kurt Bernhardt
Hans Kneifel
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1972 (1972)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1973 (1973)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1974 (1974)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz only appeared as:
- Variant: Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1974 (1974) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1974 (1974) [as by K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1975 (1975)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1976 (1976)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1976 (1976)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by Walter Ernsting and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1977 (1977)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1978 (1978)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1978 (1978)
Kurt Bernhardt
Joachim Bulla
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by Joachim Bulla and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1979 (1979)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1979 (1979)
Kurt Bernhardt
Joachim Bulla
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by Joachim Bulla and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1980 (1980)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1980 (1980)
Kurt Bernhardt
Joachim Bulla
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by Joachim Bulla and K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.) - 1961 (1961)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
- 2 Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.)
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1966 (1966)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
H. G. Ewers
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1967 (1967)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
H. G. Ewers
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1968 (1968)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
H. G. Ewers
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1968 (1968)
Kurt Bernhardt
H. G. Ewers
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1969 (1969)
Kurt Bernhardt
H. G. Ewers
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1970 (1970)
Kurt Bernhardt
H. G. Ewers
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1971 (1971)
Kurt Bernhardt
H. G. Ewers
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1971 (1971)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1972 (1972)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1973 (1973)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1974 (1974)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1975 (1975)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1975 (1975)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1975 (1975)
Kurt Bernhardt
Hans Kneifel
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1976 (1976)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1977 (1977)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1978 (1978)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1979 (1979)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz only appeared as:
- Variant: Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1979 (1979) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1979 (1979) [as by K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1980 (1980)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1981 (1981)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1982 (1982)
Walter A. Fuchs
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1983 (1983)
Walter A. Fuchs
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz only appeared as:
- Variant: Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1983 (1983) [as by K. H. Scheer and William Voltz]
- Variant: Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1983 (1983) [as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1984 (1984)
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-ReymannandGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1984 (1984)
Horst Hoffmann
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-ReymannandGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (2. Aufl.) - 1966 (1966)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
H. G. Ewers
- 3 Perry Rhodan (3. Ausg.)
Perry Rhodan (3. Ausg.) - 1967 (1967)
Clark Darlton
H. G. Ewers
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Ausg.) - 1968 (1968)
Clark Darlton
H. G. Ewers
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Ausg.) - 1967 (1967)
Clark Darlton
H. G. Ewers
- 4 Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.)
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1973 (1973)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1974 (1974)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1974 (1974)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1975 (1975)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1976 (1976)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1977 (1977)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1978 (1978)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1979 (1979)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1980 (1980)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1980 (1980)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by K. H. Scheer and William Voltz (in error)]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1981 (1981)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1982 (1982)
Walter A. Fuchs
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1982 (1982)
Walter A. Fuchs
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1982 (1982)
Walter A. Fuchs
Hans Kneifel
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1983 (1983)
Walter A. Fuchs
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1984 (1984)
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-ReymannandGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1984 (1984)
Horst Hoffmann
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-ReymannandGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1985 (1985)
Horst Hoffmann
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-ReymannandGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1986 (1986)
Horst Hoffmann
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-ReymannandGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1986 (1986)
Horst Hoffmann
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1987 (1987)
Horst Hoffmann
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1988 (1988)
Florian F. Marzin
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1989 (1989)
Florian F. Marzin
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1990 (1990)
Florian F. Marzin
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1991 (1991)
Florian F. Marzin
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (3. Aufl.) - 1973 (1973)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
- 5 Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.)
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1977 (1977)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1978 (1978)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1979 (1979)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1979 (1979)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1980 (1980)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1980 (1980)
Kurt Bernhardt
Joachim Bulla
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatonly appeared as:
- Variant: Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1980 (1980) [as by Joachim Bulla and uncredited]
- Variant: Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1980 (1980) [as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1981 (1981)
Kurt Bernhardt
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1981 (1981)
Kurt Bernhardt
Joachim Bulla
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by Joachim Bulla and uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1982 (1982)
Walter A. Fuchs
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1982 (1982)
Joachim Bulla
Walter A. Fuchs
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1983 (1983)
Walter A. Fuchs
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1984 (1984)
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-ReymannandGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1984 (1984)
Horst Hoffmann
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-ReymannandGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1985 (1985)
Horst Hoffmann
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-ReymannandGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1986 (1986)
Horst Hoffmann
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-ReymannandGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1986 (1986)
Horst Hoffmann
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1987 (1987)
Horst Hoffmann
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1987 (1987)
Horst Hoffmann
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1987 (1987)
Horst Hoffmann
Hans Kneifel
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1988 (1988)
Florian F. Marzin
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1989 (1989)
Florian F. Marzin
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1990 (1990)
Florian F. Marzin
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1991 (1991)
Florian F. Marzin
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [also as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1992 (1992)
Florian F. Marzin
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1992 (1992) with Florian F. Marzin and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1993 (1993) with Klaus N. Frick and Florian F. Marzin and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (4. Aufl.) - 1977 (1977)
Kurt Bernhardt
Clark Darlton
- 6 Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.)
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1982 (1982)
Clark Darlton
Walter A. Fuchs
Kurt Mahr
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1983 (1983)
Clark Darlton
Walter A. Fuchs
Kurt Mahr
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1984 (1984)
Clark Darlton
Kurt Mahr
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-ReymannandGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1984 (1984)
Clark Darlton
Horst Hoffmann
Kurt Mahr
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-ReymannandGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1984 (1984)
Horst Hoffmann
Kurt Mahr
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-ReymannandGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1985 (1985)
Horst Hoffmann
Kurt Mahr
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-ReymannandGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1986 (1986)
Horst Hoffmann
Kurt Mahr
Werner Müller-Reymann?Werner Mueller-ReymannandGünter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1986 (1986)
Horst Hoffmann
Kurt Mahr
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1987 (1987)
Horst Hoffmann
Kurt Mahr
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1988 (1988)
Kurt Mahr
Florian F. Marzin
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1989 (1989)
Kurt Mahr
Florian F. Marzin
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1990 (1990)
Kurt Mahr
Florian F. Marzin
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1991 (1991)
Kurt Mahr
Florian F. Marzin
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1992 (1992)
Kurt Mahr
Florian F. Marzin
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokat[only as by uncredited]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1992 (1992)
Kurt Mahr
Florian F. Marzin
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1992 (1992) with Hans Kneifel and Kurt Mahr and Florian F. Marzin and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1992 (1992) with Kurt Mahr and Florian F. Marzin and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1993 (1993) with Klaus N. Frick and Kurt Mahr and Florian F. Marzin and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1994 (1994) with Klaus N. Frick and Florian F. Marzin and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1995 (1995) with Klaus N. Frick and Florian F. Marzin and William Voltz [only as by uncredited]
- Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1996 (1996) with Klaus N. Frick and William Voltz [only as by Klaus N. Frick]
- Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1997 (1997) with Klaus N. Frick and William Voltz [only as by Klaus N. Frick]
- Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1998 (1998) with Klaus N. Frick and William Voltz [only as by Klaus N. Frick]
Perry Rhodan (5. Aufl.) - 1982 (1982)
Clark Darlton
Walter A. Fuchs
Kurt Mahr
- 1 Perry Rhodan (1. Aufl.)
- Perry Rhodan in English
- 2 Perry Rhodan (UK)
- 1 Enterprise Stardust [English] (1974) with Clark Darlton [also as by Walter Ernsting and K. H. Scheer]
- 2 The Radiant Dome [English] (1974) with Clark Darlton [only as by Walter Ernsting and K. H. Scheer]
- 5 The Vega Sector [English] (1975) with Kurt Mahr
- 2 Perry Rhodan (UK)
- De stralende koepel [Dutch] (1967)
- Operatie stardust [Dutch] (1967)
Kauhun hetkiä kuussa?Kauhun hetkiae kuussa[Finnish] (1975)
Kauhun hetkia kuussa - Fortress of the Six Moons [English] (1975)
- The Immortal Unknown [English] (1976)
- De verrader [Dutch] (1976)
- The Cosmic Decoy [English] (1977)
- Realm of the Tri-Planets [English] (1978)
- Man and Monster [English] (1978)
- Perry Rhodan, #1: Unternehmen "Stardust" (2011)
- Das galaktische Syndikat (2012)
- Der Kristallprinz (2012)
- Griff nach der Macht (2012)
- Sie erkannten es nicht (1957)
- Wo seid ihr, meiner Kinder? (2006) [only as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
Der Hundesohn (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De verrader [Dutch] (1976)
- Der Verbannte von Asyth: Drehbuchauszug nach dem Originalscript zum gleichnamigem Roman (2007) [only as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
- Introductions, afterwords and notes for fiction from the Perry Rhodan universes
- Lieber Leser! (Perry Rhodan #1) (1961) with Clark Darlton
- Perry Rhodan nonfiction
- Perry Rhodan Werkstattbericht
Exposé für den 50. Band der Reihe Perry Rhodan-Serie?Expose fuer den 50. Band der Reihe Perry Rhodan-Serie(1962)
- Perry Rhodan Werkstattbericht
- Statements on jubilee issues of the Perry Rhodan franchise
Gruß und Dank allen Perry-Rhodan-Freunden?Gruss und Dank allen Perry-Rhodan-Freunden(1971) also appeared as:
- Variant: K. H. Scheer (1971) (1987)
[Ich versuche, einige Worte zu finden, die für das Phänomen von fünfhundert Rhodan-Bänden zutreffend sind.]?[Ich versuche, einige Worte zu finden, die fuer das Phaenomen von fuenfhundert Rhodan-Baenden zutreffend sind.](1971) [only as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
Atlan-Autoren über Atlan?Atlan-Autoren ueber Atlan(1973)
- K. H. Scheer (1987) (1987)
- Vorwort (Zur besonderen Verwendung) (1957)
Fantum contra Verläßlichkeit?Fantum contra Verlaesslichkeit(1960) [only as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
- Liebe Freude!: (Ein Leitartikel... einmal anders) (1960) [only as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
- Gedanken und Motive zur ZbV-Serie (1965)
Silencium — Motore — Actione?Silencium - Motore - Actione(1966) only appeared as:
Variant: Erlebnisbericht über die Verfilmung der Perry-Rhodan-Serie?Erlebnisbericht ueber die Verfilmung der Perry-Rhodan-Serie(1966)
Variant: Bericht über die Verfilmung der Perry-Rhodan-Serie (1. Fortsetzung)?Bericht ueber die Verfilmung der Perry-Rhodan-Serie (1. Fortsetzung)(1967)
Variant: Bericht über die Verfilmung der Perry-Rhodan-Serie (2. Fortsetzung)?Bericht ueber die Verfilmung der Perry-Rhodan-Serie (2. Fortsetzung)(1967)
Variant: Silencium — Motore — Actione?Silencium - Motore - Actione(2007) [as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
- [...beginnt der siebte Zyklus in der Geschichte der modernen Menschheit... (1967)
- [Am 31. 10. um 15.30 Uhr ...] (1969) [only as by Karl Herbert Scheer]
Kurz-Exposé der phantastischen Abenteuer-Serie (Personen) Perry Rhodan (1980)
Clark Darlton
only appeared as:
- Variant: Kurz-Exposé der phantastischen Abenteuer-Serie (Personen) (1980) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: Kurz-Exposé der phantastischen Abenteuer-Serie (Personen) Perry Rhodan (1980) [as by uncredited]
Preisgekrönte Sprüche aus Perry-Rhodan-Exposés?Preisgekroente Sprueche aus Perry-Rhodan-Exposes(1982) with William Voltz
- Perry Rhodans Technik (1986) [also as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
Die Serie "Perry Rhodan — Erbe des Universums" in zeitgerechter Weiterentwicklung?Die Serie "Perry Rhodan - Erbe des Universums" in zeitgerechter Weiterentwicklung(2000) with Clark Darlton [only as by Walter Ernsting and K. H. Scheer]
- Einleitung zum Exposé zu Band 6, Autor: Winfried Scholz (2000)
- Betrifft: Perry Rhodan-Serie 27. Juni 1961 (2001) [only as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
- Verlagsvertrag zwischen Herrn Karl-Herbert Scheer und dem Arthur Moewig Verlag (2001) with uncredited [only as by Karl-Herbert Scheer and uncredited]
Und das sagten sie damals (2001)
Peter Griese
Kurt Mahr
Günter M. Schelwokat?Guenter M. Schelwokatand Peter Terrid [only as by Peter Griese and Kurt Mahr and K. H. Scheer and G. M. Schelwokat and Peter Terrid]
- Silentium - Motore - Actione (excerpt) (2001)
- Silentium - Motore - Actione [2] (excerpt) (2001)
- Perry Rhodan-Diskussion mit K. H. Scheer (2006) with Michael Nagula and various
- Letter to Hans-Joachim Thunack, October 6, 1967 (2007) [only as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
- Jetzt schon Terraner sein (2008) [only as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
- Sogenannte Kritiker (2008) [only as by Karl-Herbert Scheer]
- Planet Horror (map) (1965)
- Bahnhofstrecke der Maahks (map) (1967) [only as by uncredited]
- Skizze/Daten von OLD MAN (2006)
- Unser Autoren-Iinterview (1961) by uncredited
- Interview mit KHS (1969) by uncredited
- Das informelle Geplauder (1978) by Michael Nagula (co-interviewed with H. Scheer)
- Ganz privat mit K. H. Scheer (1978) by Wolfgang J. Fuchs
- Frage an K. H. Scheer (1982) by William Voltz
- [Interview] (2006) by Hans-Joachim Thunack
Non-Genre Titles
Fiction Series
- Herr der Meere
- 1
Der Sklave des Königs?Der Sklave des Koenigs(1956) [also as by Pierre de Chalon]
- 2 Der Teufel von Tortuga (1956) [also as by Pierre de Chalon]
- 3 Das Totenkopfschiff (1956) [also as by Pierre de Chalon]
- 4
Gejagte Wölfe?Gejagte Woelfe(1956) [also as by Pierre de Chalon]
- 5
Der Kurier des Sonnenkönigs?Der Kurier des Sonnenkoenigs(1957) [also as by Pierre de Chalon]
- 6 Im Zeichen des Halbmonds (1957) [also as by Pierre de Chalon]
- 7
Seine Majestät befehlen?Seine Majestaet befehlen(1957) [also as by Pierre de Chalon]
- 8 Der Henker von Maracaibo (1958) [also as by Pierre de Chalon]
- 9 Der schwarze Hai (1958) [also as by Pierre de Chalon]
- 1
- Klaus Tannert
- 1 Kampf um GE-83 (1955) [only as by Klaus Tannert]
- 2
In den Fängen der Hydra?In den Faengen der Hydra(1955) [only as by Klaus Tannert]
- 3 Wer kauft den Tod? (1955) [only as by Klaus Tannert]
- 4
SOS-Südpol?SOS-Suedpol(1955) [only as by Klaus Tannert]
- 5
Schwarzer Erdteil — Weiße Frau?Schwarzer Erdteil - Weisse Frau(1955) [only as by Klaus Tannert]
- 6 Der sechste Kontinent (1956) [only as by Klaus Tannert]
- 7 Schatten am Horizont (1956) [only as by Klaus Tannert]
- 8
Die weiße Hölle?Die weisse Hoelle(1956) [only as by Klaus Tannert]
- 9 Brennpunkt Algier (1956) [only as by Klaus Tannert]
- 10 Verkappte Gewalt (1957) [only as by Klaus Tannert and Rolf Torak]
- 11 Alarm in Thule (1957) [only as by Klaus Tannert and Rolf Torak]
- 12 Am Ende des Weges (1957) [only as by Klaus Tannert and Rolf Torak]
- König der Meere?Koenig der Meere
- 1 Menschen in Ketten (1953) [also as by Diego el Santo]
- 2 Gallione des Teufels (1953) [also as by Diego el Santo]
- 3 Glocke des Todes (1953) [also as by Diego el Santo]
- 6
Die Fregatte des Königs?Die Fregatte des Koenigs(1953) [also as by Diego el Santo]
- Roger Kersten
- 1 Kaliber 38 und ich (1957) [only as by Roger Kersten]
- 2
Schießen Sie, Hogan?Schiessen Sie, Hogan(1958) [only as by Roger Kersten]
- 3 Rhapsodie in 9 Millimeter (1958) [only as by Roger Kersten]
- 4
Ausgezählt?Ausgezaehlt(1959) [only as by Roger Kersten]
- 5 3 x darfst du raten ... (1959) [only as by Roger Kersten]
- 6 Viel zu langsam, Kersten (1960) [only as by Roger Kersten]