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Алые паруса?Alye parusa(1922) only appeared as:
- Translation: Crimson Sails [English] (1978) [as by Alexander Grin]
- Translation: Crimson Sails [English] (2013) [as by Alexander Grin]
Золотая цепь?Zolotaya tsep'(1923) only appeared as:
- Translation: Die goldene Kette [German] (1985) [as by Alexander Grin]
- Translation: The Golden Chain [English] (2012) [as by Alexander Grin]
Блистающий мир?Blistayushchiy mir(1924) only appeared as:
- Translation: Die funkelnde Welt [German] (1988) [as by Alexander Grin]
- Translation: The Glittering World [English] (2013) [as by Alexander Grin]
Бегущая по волнам?Begushtaya po volnam(1928) only appeared as:
- Translation: Wogengleiter [German] (1949) [as by Alexander Grin]
- Translation: Running on Waves [English] (2010) [as by Alexander Grin]
- Crimson Sails [English] (1978) [only as by Alexander Grin]
- The Seeker of Adventure: Stories [English] (1978) [only as by Alexander Grin]
- Der Rattenfänger: Phantastische Erzählungen [German] (1986) [only as by Alexander Grin]
- Selected Short Stories [English] (1987) [only as by Alexander Grin]
- Terra Phantasticum [English] (2016) [only as by Alexander Grin]
- Fandango & Other Stories [English] (2020) [only as by Alexander Grin]
- Der Rattenfänger / Aufstand der Ratten / Tod durch Ratten / Zwei schwarze Männer graben ein Haus für dich [German] (2004) [O] with Hans Joachim Alpers and Stephen Gilbert and Harald Howart [only as by Hans Joachim Alpers and Stephen Gilbert and Alexander Grin and Harald Howart]
Taking Flight Duo [English] (2013) [O]
Александр Беляев?Alexander Beliaev[only as by Alexander Belyaev and Alexander Grin]
Alexander Belyaev
- Magical Mischief [English] (2018) [only as by Alexander Grin]
- Upon a Cloudy Shore [English] (2018) [only as by Alexander Grin]
- Suan Plateau Tragedy [English] (2018) [only as by Alexander Grin]
Карантин?Karantin(1908) only appeared as:
- Translation: Quarantine [English] (2020) [as by Alexander Grin]
Убийца?Ubiytsa(1908) only appeared as:
Translation: Distrugătorul?Distrugatorul[Romanian] (1987) [as by Alexandr Grin]
"Она"?"Ona"(1909) only appeared as:
- Translation: "She" [English] (2020) [as by Alexander Grin]
Дуэль?Duel'(1910) only appeared as:
Translation: 決闘?けっとう[Japanese] (1977) [as by
Kettōアレキサンドル・グリーン?Arekisandoru Gurīn]
Arekisandoru Guriin
Колония Ланфиер?Koloniya Lanfier(1910) only appeared as:
- Translation: Lanphier Colony [English] (2020) [as by Alexander Grin]
лунный свет?lunnyy svet(1911) only appeared as:
- Translation: Moonlight [English] (2012) [as by Alexander Grin]
Дьявол Оранжевых Вод?D'yavol Oranzhevykh Vod(1913) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Devil of the Orange Waters [English] (2020) [as by Alexander Grin]
Трагедия плоскогорья Суан?Tragedija ploskogor'ja Suan(1913) only appeared as:
- Translation: Suan Plateau Tragedy [English] (2018) [as by Alexander Grin]
Огонь и вода?Ogon' i voda(1916) only appeared as:
- Translation: Feuer und Wasser [German] (1986) [as by Alexander Grin]
Отравленный остров?Otravlennyy ostrov(1916) only appeared as:
- Translation: Die vergiftete Insel [German] (1986) [as by Alexander Grin]
- Translation: The Poisoned Island [English] (2020) [as by Alexander Grin]
Таинственная пластинка?Tainstvennaya plastinka(1916) only appeared as:
- Translation: L'enregistrement mystérieux [French] (1975) [as by Alexandre Grine]
Создание Аспера?Sozdanie Aspera(1917) only appeared as:
- Translation: Die Schöpfung Aspers [German] (1986) [as by Alexander Grin]
Сила непостижимого?Sila nepostizhimogo(1918) only appeared as:
- Translation: Puissance de l'inaccessible [French] (1975) [as by Alexandre Grine]
Translation: Die Kraft des Unfaßbaren?Die Kraft des Unfassbaren[German] (1981) [as by Alexander Grin]
Translation: Die Macht des Unfaßbaren?Die Macht des Unfassbaren[German] (1986) [as by Alexander Grin]
Волшебное безобразие?Volshebnoe bezobrazie(1919) only appeared as:
- Translation: Magical Mischief [English] (2018) [as by Alexander Grin]
Канат?Kanat(1922) only appeared as:
- Translation: Das Seil [German] (1984) [as by Alexander Grin]
Корабли в Лиссе?Korabli v Lisse(1922) only appeared as:
- Translation: Schiffe in Liss [German] (1986) [as by Alexander Grin]
Сердце Пустыни?Serdtse Pustyni(1923) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Heart of the Wilderness [English] (2020) [as by Alexander Grin]
Словоохотливый домовой?Slovookhotlivyy domovoy(1923) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Loquacious Goblin [English] (1961) [as by Alexander Grin]
- Translation: Ein geschwätziger Hausgeist [German] (1986) [as by Alexander Grin]
- Translation: Talkative Domovoi [English] (2019) [as by Aleksandr Grin]
Крысолов?Krysolov(1924) only appeared as:
Translation: Der Rattenfänger?Der Rattenfaenger[German] (1983) [as by Alexander Grin]
Translation: Der Rattenfänger?Der Rattenfaenger[German] (1984) [as by Alexander Grin]
- Translation: The Ratcatcher [English] (2019) [as by Aleksandr Grin]
- Translation: The Rat-Catcher [English] (2020) [as by Alexander Grin]
На облачном берегу?Na oblachnom beregu(1925) only appeared as:
- Translation: Upon a Cloudy Shore [English] (2018) [as by Alexander Grin]
Серый автомобиль?Seryj avtomobil'(1925) only appeared as:
- Translation: Das graue Automobil [German] (1986) [as by Alexander Grin]
- Translation: The Grey Motor Car [English] (2013) [as by Aleksandr Grin]
Четырнадцать футов?Chetyrnadtsat' futov(1925) only appeared as:
Translation: 十四フィート?じゅうよんフィート[Japanese] (1977) [as by
Juuyon Fiito
Jūyon Fītoアレクサンドル・グリーン?Arekusandoru Gurīn]
Arekusandoru Guriin
Шесть спичек?Shest' spichek(1925) only appeared as:
Translation: 六本のマッチ?ろっぽんのマッチ[Japanese] (1977) [as by
Roppon no Matchiアレクサンドル・グリーン?Arekusandoru Gurīn]
Arekusandoru Guriin
Змея?Zmeja(1926) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Snake [English] (1978) [as by Alexander Grin]
Фанданго?Fandango(1927) only appeared as:
- Translation: Fandango [German] (1986) [as by Alexander Grin]
- Translation: Fandango [English] (2020) [as by Alexander Grin]
Акварель?Akvarel'(1928) only appeared as:
- Translation: Das Aquarell [German] (1986) [as by Alexander Grin]
Гнев отца?Gnev otca(1928) only appeared as:
- Translation: His Father's Wrath [English] (1978) [as by Alexander Grin]
Вор в лесу?Vor v lesu(1929) only appeared as:
Translation: 森の中の泥棒?もりのなかのどろぼう[Japanese] (1977) [as by
Mori no Naka no Dorobou
Mori no Naka no Dorobōアレクサンドル・グリーン?Arekusandoru Gurīn]
Arekusandoru Guriin
Комендант порта?Komendant porta(1933) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Port Commandant [English] (1978) [as by Alexander Grin]