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Fiction Series
- Marty Burns
- 1
Celestial Dogs (1996)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Celestial Dogs (1997) [as by J. S. Russell]
- Translation: Les chiens célestes [French] (2000) [as by Jay S. Russell]
- 2 Burning Bright (1997) [also as by Jay S. Russell]
- 3 Greed & Stuff (2001)
- Sullivan's Travails (1998) [SF]
- The Man Who Shot the Man Who Shot The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence (1999) [SF]
- What Ever Happened to Baby June? (1999) [SF]
- Apocalypse Now, Voyager (2004) [SF]
- Hush ... Hush, Sweet Shushie (2013) [SF]
- 1
Celestial Dogs (1996)
also appeared as:
- Twilight Zone Universe
- Twilight Zone Doubles
- 1 The Pool Guy / Memphis (2004) [C]
- Twilight Zone Doubles
Blood (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Blood [French] (1999)
- Brown Harvest (2001)
- La fin de toutes choses [French] (2001)
- Waltzes and Whispers (1999)
- Apocalypse Now, Voyager (2004)
- Virtual
- Virtual Uncertainty (1991) [also as by J. S. Russell]
- Ghosts of Departed Quantities (1999)
City of Angels (1990)
also appeared as:
- Variant: City of Angels (1990) [as by J. S. Russell]
Translation: Miasto Aniołów?Miasto Aniolow[Polish] (1992) [as by J. S. Russell]
- Undiscovered Countries (1992) [also as by J. S. Russell]
- Limited Additions (1994)
- Lily's Whisper (1996)
- Sous Rature (1997)
- Waltz in Vienna (1997)
- Burning Bright (excerpt) (1997)
- Code Warriors (1999)
- Down (1999)
- Dracula's Eyes (1999)
- If Happy Little Bluebirds Fly ... (1999)
- Poets in New York (1999)
- Revenge of the Zombie Studpuppies (1999)
- First Love (2000)
- Hides (2002)
- Memphis (2004)
- The Pool Guy (2004)
- Ding-Dong-Bell (2005)
- Tweets of the Dead (2010)
- Statues of Limitations (2017)
- Crash and Burn Books (1997)
- De Cold, Cold Décolletage (1997)
- Read This (NYRSF, November 1997) (1997) [only as by J. S. Russell]
- Commentary: Dead and Buried (1999)
- Letter (Locus #460) (1999)