- Author: Luther Scheffy Author Record # 78209
- Language: English
- Used These Alternate Names: Scheffy
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Interior Art
- Cartoon: "You STOP that, George! It tickles!" (1953)
- Cartoon: "It still burns a little going down, but I think we're on the right track." (1953)
- Cartoon: "Your new permanent isn't holding very well, eh, Alice?" (1953)
- Cartoon: " Good news doctor! She doesn't see them anymore!" (1953)
- Cartoon: "Oh nonsense! It's intermission!" (1954)
- Cartoon: "Let's go up to my place!" (1954)
- Cartoon: "What do you say we tackle the attic this weekend?" (1954)
- Cartoon: "I wish you'd stop bringing your work home with you!" (1954)
- Cartoon: "You from out of town too?" (1954)
- Cartoon: no caption (1954)
- Cartoon: "I'm afraid it's going to be another one of those bad nights for us!" (1954)
- Cartoon: "This used to be my wife's room until she had to go away to that place I was telling you about." (1954)
- Cartoon: "What's the Matter? Ain't you ever seen a weather balloon before?" (1954)
- Cartoon: "Bemis! Have you seen my hair tonic?" (1954)
- Cartoon: "I want to report a flying saw, sir." (1954)
- Cartoon: "Resting, dear?" (1954)
- Cartoon: "Let me know when you come to a good stopping place. I want to tell you something ..." (1954)
- Cartoon: no caption (1954)
- Cartoon: "How's that for a tight turn?" (1954)
- Cartoon: "Tilt" (1954)
- Cartoon: "You're nothing but a great big hairy slob!" (1954)
- Cartoon: no caption (1954)
- Cartoon: "Junior, we don't point even toy guns at peop---" (1954)
- Cartoon: no caption (1954)
- Cartoon: "Hand me that great big wrench, Joe." (1954)
- Cartoon: "Wait till you see the guy he works for!" (1954)
- Cartoon: no caption (1954)
- Cartoon: "Certainly kept his promise to yell when he got to the top, didn't he?" (1954)
- Cartoon: "I've lost them! They must be in outer space!" (1955)
- Cartoon: "If he ever asks for a shave too, you can start looking for another barber" (1955)
- Cartoon: "My hiccoughs are all gone!" (1955)
- Cartoon: "There's more to it than just clothes, stupid!" (1955)
- Cartoon: no caption (1955)
- Cartoon: "Gad! I never heard that note before!" (1955)
- Cartoon: "If 'FXGRNS' means what I think it does we're in for a lively weekend!" (1955)
- Cartoon: "It's those breakfast serials(sic)---he's been saving boxtops!" (1955)
- Cartoon: no caption (1955)
- Cartoon: "And—ha! ha!—get a load of this ... 'Of one thing science is certain — this little planet cannot possibly support life'!" (1955)
- Cartoon: "Dammit, the Captain says we have to blast off as soon as the fog lifts!" (1955)
- Cartoon: "Dear Mr. Colt ..." (1955)
- Cartoon: "Let's take a nap!" (1955)
- Cartoon: no caption (1955)
- Cartoon: no caption (1955)
- Cartoon: "I guess this is as good a a spot as any!" (1955)
- Cartoon: Ladies, has dishwashing become a nightmare in your home? (1955)
- Cartoon: no caption (1955)
- Cartoon: Pardon me, but I live up on the hill and there's something I want to talk to you about! (1955)
- Cartoon" "We had a little trouble finding our way back!" (1955)
- Cartoon: "Now lets really open her up!" (1955)
- Cartoon: "Thanks!" (1955)
- Cartoon: "Refreshments!" (1955)
- Cartoon: "Seems harmless enough!" (1955)
- Cartoon: "Well, what are you waiting for? Get out the trinkets!" (1955)
- Cartoon: Oh stop looking at me as if I were some sort of monster! (1955)
- Cartoon: They only know one word of English - but it's the right one. (1955)
- Cartoon: "I hate to say this, but I'm beginning to like its looks!" (1955)
- Cartoon: "Okay, pay me the ten Fbrylkns!" (1955)
- Cartoon: "Well, I got her going! Where were you guys? (1955)
- Cartoon: "He's much better. He used to just sit and stare at the wall." (1955)
- Cartoon: "Darling!" (1956)
- Cartoon: "It's nice to see friendly faces again!" (1956)
- Cartoon: "Try to make that smile a little more natural!" (1956)
- Cartoon: no caption (1956) [only as by Scheffy]
- Cartoon: "I never realized before how insignificant you are!" (1956)
- Cartoon: "May I see you alone a minute, Joe?" (1956)
- Cartoon: "Back so soon, dear?" (1956)
- Cartoon: "I hate to think what would happen if these labels ever got mixed!" (1956)
- Cartoon: "I have a hunch we're in for a big time!" (1956)
- Cartoon: "I wish you'd invent something practical for a change!" (1956)
- Cartoon: no caption (1956)
- Cartoon: "And if you should miss the Question ... " (1957)
- Cartoon: "Down! I said DOWN!" (1957)
- Cartoon: no caption (1957) [only as by Scheffy]
- Cartoon: "Gosh! I didn't think it was as big a surprise as all that!" (1957)
- Cartoon: "Does this answer your question about the trip back?" (1957) [only as by Scheffy]
- Cartoon: "Last of the supplies are coming on board now, sir." (1957) [only as by Scheffy]
- Cartoon: "Remember, men, no violence — unless of course they make some hostile moves!" (1957) [only as by Scheffy]
- Cartoon: "Which tall dark one, lady?" (1957) [only as by Scheffy]
- Cartoon: "Looks like a black-breasted erithacus migratorius." (1957)
- Cartoon: Hey Herb, do you know anything about mushrooms?" (1957)
- Cartoon: "He doesn't care about the ship. He's just sore because it took so long to get here." (1957)
- Cartoon: "Oh, don't be so technical." (1957)
- Cartoon: no caption (1957)
- Cartoon: "I think we can cure those dizzy spells, but we'll have to remove your satellite." (1957)
- Cartoon: "Its pictures don't do it justice." (1957)
- Cartoon: "You go ahead and investigate. I'll guard the ship. (1957)
- Cartoon: no caption (1957)
- Cartoon: "Get him, Smedley! Let's see what kind of stuff you're made of!" (1958)
- Cartoon: "I have to go to the bathroom!" (1958) [only as by Scheffy]
- Cartoon: "I realize it's going to be a long trip---but this is ridiculous!" (1958) [only as by Scheffy]
- Cartoon: "You catching cold?" (1958) [only as by Scheffy]
- Cartoon: "Go find the designer---and shoot him!" (1958) [only as by Scheffy]
- Cartoon: "Someday we'll look back on all this and laugh." (1958) [only as by Scheffy]
- Cartoon: "We're coming to the part of your plan I don't like." (1958) [only as by Scheffy]
- Cartoon: no caption (1958)
- Cartoon: "Look, Captain! Proof that life on this planet will be absolutely impossible: tax forms!" (2017)
- Cartoon: "Does this answer your question about the trip back?" (unknown) [only as by Scheffy]