- Author: Ralph Roberts Author Record # 814
- Legal Name: Roberts, Ralph
- Birthplace: Asheville, North Carolina, USA
- Birthdate: 11 December 1945
- Deathdate: 24 June 2021
- Language: English
- Webpages: SFE
- Used These Alternate Names:
Ральф Робертс?Ral'f Roberts
- Additional Biographical Data: Bio:Ralph Roberts
- Author Tags: virtual reality (1), magic (1), crime (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- The Hundred-Acre Spaceship (2002)
- A Sailor's Delight (1980)
- Oh the Things Those Galaxies Say! (1980)
- Brother Computer, What Say Ye of Salvation? (1981)
Deadmen Have No Money (1981)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dead Men Have No Money (1981)
The Nine Billion Heavenly Puns (1981)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Nine Billion Puns of God (1981)
- Music of Note (1981)
- Fastest Sword in the West (1981)
- Personal Programs (1982) with Michael A. Banks
- Techniques Employed in Unwrapping a Billion Year-Old Lifeform (1982)
- The Flim-Flam Alien (1982)
- What If a Biocomp Took Your Job? (1983)
- You Can Direct Dial Most Anywhere (1983)
- The Other Cheek (1985) with Philip Hawkins [only as by Phil Hawkins and Ralph Roberts]
- Lord Rifkin's Risk (1986)
- The Nolacon Visitation (1988) with Patrick H. Adkins and Michael A. Banks and Pat Cadigan and Jayge Carr and Susan Casper and Jack L. Chalker and George Alec Effinger and Raymond E. Feist and David Gerrold and Janet Kagan and Michael P. Kube-McDowell and Mike Resnick and Joel Rosenberg and Walter Jon Williams [only as by Patrick H. Adkins and Michael Banks and Pat Cadigan and Jayge Carr and Susan Casper and Jack L. Chalker and George Alec Effinger and Raymond E. Feist and David Gerrold and Janet Kagan and Michael P. Kube-McDowell and Mike Resnick and Ralph Roberts and Joel Rosenberg and Walter Jon Williams]
- Three If by Norton (1989)
- How the South Preserved the Union (1992)
- The Colonel and the Alien (1992)
- New Lamps, Not Old (1992)
The Greatest Detective of All Time (1995)
also appeared as:
Translation: Величайший детектив всех времён?Velichayshiy detektiv vsekh vremen[Russian] (1999) [as byРальф Робертс?Ral'f Roberts]
- Translation: Le plus grand détective de tous les temps [French] (1999)
- Radical Chick (1995) with Jack Nimersheim
- Second Chance (2002)
- A Woman's Touch (2003)
- Life Happens (2005)
- Logistics (2006)
- Ghost in the Machine (2013)
- The Orphan Tractors (2014)
- Warpship Mechanic (2018)
- Lord Rifkin at Prometheus (1982)
- Tips on Breaking into the Pro Ranks (1980)
- A Nice Guy Then... And Still Is (2000)
- NASA, My Dream Job (2009)
- Introduction to "The Lotus and the Spear" (2012)
- The Hundred-Acre Spaceship (2002)
- Mike Resnick: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to His Work (unknown)
Non-Genre Titles
Short Fiction Series
- The War Chief
- Apache Lawman (2013)