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Fiction Series
- Conan Universe
- Conan Pastiches
Conan the Defender (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Conan le défenseur [French] (1994)
Translation: Конан - защитника на трона?Konan - zashtitnika na trona[Bulgarian] (1996) [as byРобърт Джордан?Robart Dzhordan]
Conan the Invincible (1982)
also appeared as:
Translation: Конан непобедимия?Konan nepobedimiya[Bulgarian] (1995) [as byРобърт Джордан?Robart Dzhordan]
- Conan the Triumphant (1983)
- Conan the Unconquered (1983)
Conan the Magnificent (1984)
also appeared as:
Translation: Conan erövraren?Conan eroevraren[Swedish] (1988)
Translation: Конан великолепния?Konan velikolepniya[Bulgarian] (1996) [as byРобърт Джордан?Robart Dzhordan]
Conan the Destroyer (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Conan le destructeur [French] (1984)
Translation: Конан разрушителя?Konan razrushitelya[Bulgarian] (1995) [as byРобърт Джордан?Robart Dzhordan]
- The New Adventures of Conan (1984) [O]
- Conan the Victorious (1984)
The Conan Chronicles (1995) [O/3N]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Conan Chronicles 1 (2011) [O/3N]
- The Conan Chronicles 2 (1997) [O/3N]
- The Further Chronicles of Conan (1999) [O/3N]
Conan the Defender (1982)
also appeared as:
- Conan Pastiches
- Wheel of Time
- 1
The Eye of the World (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'occhio del mondo [Italian] (1992)
- Translation: Das Auge der Welt [German] (1993)
- Translation: Drohende Schatten [German] (1993)
- Translation: Het Oog van de Wereld [Dutch] (1994)
- Translation: La roue du temps [French] (1995)
Translation: L'il du monde?L'oeil du monde[French] (1995)
- Variant: The Eye of the World, Part Two: To the Blight (2002)
- Translation: Die Suche nach dem Auge der Welt [German] (2003)
- Translation: Ochiul lumii [Romanian] (2006)
- Translation: A világ szeme 1. [Hungarian] (2011)
- Translation: A világ szeme 2. [Hungarian] (2011)
Translation: L'il du monde?L'oeil du monde[French] (2012)
- Translation: O olho do mundo [Portuguese] (2013)
- Variant: To the Blight: The Eye of the World, Part II (2019)
- 2
The Great Hunt (1990)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Horn von Valere [German] (1993)
Translation: Die große Jagd?Die grosse Jagd[German] (1993)
- Translation: La grande caccia [Italian] (1993)
- Translation: De Grote Jacht [Dutch] (1995)
- Translation: Le cor de Valčre [French] (1996)
Translation: La banničre du dragon?La banniere du dragon[French] (1997)
- Translation: Die Jagd beginnt [German] (2004)
- Translation: A nagy hajtóvadászat 1. [Hungarian] (2011)
- Translation: A nagy hajtóvadászat 2. [Hungarian] (2011)
Translation: La grande quęte?La grande quete[French] (2012)
- Translation: A grande caçada [Portuguese] (2014)
Translation: În căutarea cornului?In cautarea cornului[Romanian] (2018)
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The Dragon Reborn (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der wiedergeborene Drache [German] (1994)
Translation: Die Straße des Speers?Die Strasse des Speers[German] (1994)
- Translation: Il drago rinato [Italian] (1995)
- Translation: De herrezen draak [Dutch] (1996)
Translation: Le dragon réincarné?Le dragon reincarne[French] (1998)
Translation: Le jeu des ténčbres?Le jeu des tenebres[French] (1999)
Translation: Die Rückkehr des Drachen?Die Rueckkehr des Drachen[German] (2005)
Translation: Dragonul renăscut?Dragonul renascut[Romanian] (2008)
- Translation: Le dragon réincarné [French] (2012)
Translation: Az újjászületett sárkány 1.?Az ujjaszuletett sarkany 1.[Hungarian] (2013)
Az uujjaaszueletett saarkaany 1. -
Translation: Az újjászületett sárkány 2.?Az ujjaszuletett sarkany 2.[Hungarian] (2013)
Az uujjaaszueletett saarkaany 2. - Translation: O dragăo renascido [Portuguese] (2014)
- 4
The Shadow Rising (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Schattensaat [German] (1994)
- Translation: Der Sturm bricht los [German] (1995)
- Translation: Die Heimkehr [German] (1995)
- Translation: De Komst van de Schaduw [Dutch] (1996)
Translation: La montée des orages?La montee des orages[French] (2000)
- Translation: Tourmentes [French] (2000)
- Translation: L'ascesa dell'Ombra [Italian] (2004)
- Translation: Der Schatten erhebt sich [German] (2008)
- Translation: Umbra se întinde [Romanian] (2009)
- Translation: Un lever de ténčbres [French] (2012)
- Translation: Hódít az árnyék 1. [Hungarian] (2015)
- Translation: Hódít az árnyék 2. [Hungarian] (2015)
- Translation: A ascensăo da sombra [Portuguese] (2015)
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The Fires of Heaven (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zwielicht [German] (1995)
Translation: Der Drache schlägt zurück?Der Drache schlaegt zurück[German] (1996)
- Translation: Scheinangriff [German] (1996)
- Translation: Vuur uit de hemel [Dutch] (1997)
- Translation: Etincelles [French] (2001)
- Translation: Les feux du ciel [French] (2002)
- Translation: Die Feuer des Himmels [German] (2010)
- Translation: Focurile cerului [Romanian] (2011)
- Translation: Les feux du ciel [French] (2013)
Translation: Mennyei Tűz 1.?Mennyei Tuz 1.[Hungarian] (2015)
Mennyei Tuuez 1. -
Translation: Mennyei Tűz 2.?Mennyei Tuz 2.[Hungarian] (2015)
Mennyei Tuuez 2. - Translation: As chamas do paraíso [Portuguese] (2016)
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Lord of Chaos (1994)
also appeared as:
Translation: Die Fühler des Chaos?Die Fuehler des Chaos[German] (1996)
- Translation: Heer van Chaos [Dutch] (1997)
- Translation: Stadt des Verderbens [German] (1997)
- Translation: Die Amyrlin [German] (1997)
- Translation: Die Hexenschlacht [German] (1998)
- Translation: Le seigneur du chaos [French] (2003)
- Translation: L'illusion fatale [French] (2004)
- Translation: Herr des Chaos [German] (2011)
- Translation: Seniorul haosului [Romanian] (2013)
- Translation: Le seigneur du chaos [French] (2014)
- Translation: A káosz ura 1. [Hungarian] (2016)
- Translation: A káosz ura 2. [Hungarian] (2016)
- Translation: O senhor do caos [Portuguese] (2018)
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A Crown of Swords (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Dolchstoß [German] (1998)
- Translation: Een Kroon van Zwaarden [Dutch] (1998)
- Translation: Die zerbrochene Krone [German] (1998)
- Translation: Wolken über Ebou Dar [German] (1998)
- Translation: Die Schale der Winde [German] (1999)
- Translation: Les lances de feu [French] (2007)
- Translation: Die Krone der Schwerter [German] (2013)
- Translation: Une couronne d'épées [French] (2015)
- Translation: A kardok koronája 1. [Hungarian] (2016)
- Translation: A kardok koronája 2. [Hungarian] (2016)
Translation: Coroana de săbii?Coroana de sabii[Romanian] (2017)
Translation: Une couronne d'épées: Deuxičme partie?Une couronne d'epees: Deuxieme partie[French] (2020)
Translation: Une couronne d'épées: Premičre partie?Une couronne d'epees: Premiere partie[French] (2020)
- Translation: Uma coroa de espadas [Portuguese] (2021)
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The Path of Daggers (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het Pad der Dolken [Dutch] (1999)
- Translation: Kriegswirren [German] (1999)
- Translation: Der Pfad der Dolche [German] (1999)
Translation: Neue Bündnisse?Neue Buendnisse[German] (1999)
- Translation: Der Weg der Klingen [German] (2014)
Translation: A tőrök útja 1.?A torok utja 1.[Hungarian] (2016)
A tooeroek uutja 1. -
Translation: A tőrök útja 2.?A torok utja 2.[Hungarian] (2016)
A tooeroek uutja 2. - Translation: Le chemin des dagues [French] (2016)
- Translation: Calea pumnalelor [Romanian] (2019)
- Translation: O caminho das adagas [Portuguese] (2022)
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Winter's Heart (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Herz des Winters [German] (2001)
- Translation: Die Herrschaft der Seanchaner [German] (2001)
- Translation: Flucht der Sklaven [German] (2001)
- Translation: Hart van de Winter [Dutch] (2001)
- Translation: In den Klauen des Winters [German] (2013)
- Translation: A tél szíve 1. [Hungarian] (2016)
- Translation: A tél szíve 2. [Hungarian] (2016)
- Translation: Inima iernii [Romanian] (2020)
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Crossroads of Twilight (2003)
also appeared as:
Translation: Die weiße Burg?Die weisse Burg[German] (2003)
- Translation: Pfade ins Zwielicht [German] (2003)
- Translation: Viersprong van de Schemer [Dutch] (2004)
- Translation: Secrets [French] (2009)
- Translation: Zwielichtige Pfade [German] (2013)
- Translation: Az alkony keresztútján 1. [Hungarian] (2016)
- Translation: Az alkony keresztútján 2. [Hungarian] (2016)
Translation: Răscruce de drumuri în amurg?Rascruce de drumuri in amurg[Romanian] (2021)
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Knife of Dreams (2005)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mes van dromen [Dutch] (2006)
Translation: Die Klinge der Träume?Die Klinge der Traeume[German] (2006)
- Translation: Der Untergang der Shaido [German] (2007)
- Translation: Le prince des corbeaux [French] (2012)
- Translation: Die Traumklinge [German] (2013)
Translation: Álmok tőre 1.?Almok tore 1.[Hungarian] (2017)
Aalmok tooere 1. -
Translation: Álmok tőre 2.?Almok tore 2.[Hungarian] (2017)
Aalmok tooere 2. - Translation: Pumnalul viselor [Romanian] (2022)
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The Gathering Storm (2009)
Brandon Sanderson
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der aufziehende Sturm [German] (2010)
Translation: Буря се надига?Burya se nadiga[Bulgarian] (2010) [as byРобърт Джордан?Robart DzhordanandБрандън Сандърсън?Brandan Sandarsan]
- Translation: De naderende storm [Dutch] (2010)
- Translation: Die Macht des Lichts [German] (2010)
Translation: 飛竜雷天(上) 雷雲の到来?ひりゅうらいてん(じょう) らいうんのとうらい[Japanese] (2011) [as by
Hiryuu Raiten (Jou): Raiun no Tourai
Hiryū Raiten (Jō): Raiun no Tōraiロバート・ジョーダン?Robāto Jōdanand
Robaato Joodanブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] -
Translation: 飛竜雷天(下) 光の集結?ひりゅうらいてん(か) ひかりのしゅうけつ[Japanese] (2011) [as by
Hiryuu Raiten (Ka): Hikari no Shuuketsu
Hiryū Raiten (Ka): Hikari no Shūketsuロバート・ジョーダン?Robāto Jōdanand
Robaato Joodanブランドン・サンダースン?Burandon Sandāsun] -
Translation: Gyülekező fellegek 1.?Gyulekezo fellegek 1.[Hungarian] (2012)
Gyuelekezooe fellegek 1. -
Translation: Gyülekező fellegek 2.?Gyulekezo fellegek 2.[Hungarian] (2012) [as by Robert Jordan]
Gyuelekezooe fellegek 2. - Translation: Sturm der Finsternis [German] (2013)
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Towers of Midnight (2010)
Brandon Sanderson
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Traum des Wolfs [German] (2011)
- Translation: De torens van middernacht [Dutch] (2011)
Translation: Среднощни кули?Srednoshtni kuli[Bulgarian] (2011) [as byРобърт Джордан?Robart DzhordanandБрандън Сандърсън?Brandan Sandarsan]
Translation: Die Türme der Mitternacht?Die Tuerme der Mitternacht[German] (2011)
- Translation: Az Éjfél Tornyai I. [Hungarian] (2012)
- Translation: Az Éjfél Tornyai II. [Hungarian] (2012)
Translation: Mitternachtstürme?Mitternachtstuerme[German] (2013)
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A Memory of Light (2013)
Brandon Sanderson
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Schlacht der Schatten [German] (2013)
- Translation: Het licht van weleer [Dutch] (2013)
Translation: Спомен за светлина?Spomen za svetlina[Bulgarian] (2013) [as byРобърт Джордан?Robart DzhordanandБрандън Сандърсън?Brandan Sandarsan]
Translation: Das Gedächtnis des Lichts?Das Gedaechtnis des Lichts[German] (2013)
Translation: Das Vermächtnis des Lichts?Das Vermaechtnis des Lichts[German] (2013)
- Translation: A Fény emlékezete I. [Hungarian] (2014)
- Translation: A Fény emlékezete II. [Hungarian] (2014)
The Eye of the World (excerpt) (1990) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het Oog van de Wereld (excerpt) [Dutch] (2000)
- The Great Hunt (excerpt) (1992) [SF]
The Wheel of Time (Boxed Set #1) (1993) [O/1-3]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Wheel of Time: Books 1-3 (2021) [O/1-3]
- Variant: The Wheel of Time Box Set 1 (2021) [O/1-3]
- The First Part of Book One of The Wheel of Time (1994) [SF]
The Wheel of Time (1997) [O/4-6]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Wheel of Time Books 4-6 (2019) [O/4-6]
- Variant: The Wheel of Time Box Set 2 (2022) [O/4-6]
- The Wheel of Time (1997) [O/1-2]
- The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time (1997) [NF] with Teresa Patterson
New Spring (1998) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Új tavasz [Hungarian] (1998)
Translation: Der neue Frühling?Der neue Fruehling[German] (1999)
- Translation: Een vroege lente [Dutch] (1999)
- Translation: Renouveau [French] (1999)
- The Wheel of Time (2000) [O/1-8]
The Wheel of Time (Boxed Set #3) (2002) [O/7-9]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Wheel of Time: Boxed Set III (2020) [O/7-9]
- Variant: The Wheel of Time Box Set 3 (2022) [O/7-9]
Earlier: Ravens (2002) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Vorgeschichte: Raben [German] (2003)
- From the Two Rivers (2002)
New Spring: The Novel (2003)
also appeared as:
- Variant: New Spring (2003)
Translation: Der neue Frühling?Der neue Fruehling[German] (2004)
- Translation: Nuova primavera [Italian] (2005)
- Translation: Een nieuw begin [Dutch] (2005)
- Translation: Nouveau printemps [French] (2012)
Translation: Der Ruf des Frühlings?Der Ruf des Fruehlings[German] (2017)
- The Great Hunt, Part One: The Hunt Begins (2004)
- The Great Hunt, Part Two: New Threads in the Pattern (2004)
- Knife of Dreams (excerpt) (2005) [SF]
The Wheel of Time (2011) [O/10-12]
Brandon Sanderson
also appeared as:
- Variant: Wheel of Time: Boxed Set IV (2020) [O/10-12] [as by Robert Jordan]
- Variant: The Wheel of Time Box Set 4 (2022) [O/10-12]
- Proloog van Het licht van weleer: Bij gevallen gratie en vaandels [Dutch] (2013) [SF] with Brandon Sanderson
- River of Souls (2013) [SF] with Brandon Sanderson
- The Wheel of Time: Books 1-4 (2016) [O/1-4]
- A Fire Within the Ways (2019) [SF] with Brandon Sanderson
Wheel of Time Premium Boxed Set V (2020) [O/13,14,0]
Brandon Sanderson
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Wheel of Time Box Set 5 (2022) [O/0,13,14]
- The Complete Wheel of Time (2022) [O/0-14] with Brandon Sanderson
- Wheel of Time Universe
- The Wheel of Time Companion (2015) [NF] with Harriet McDougal and Alan Romanczuk and Maria Simons
- 1
The Eye of the World (1990)
also appeared as:
- Warrior of the Altaii (2019)
The First Part of Book One of The Wheel of Time (1994)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Part One of Book One of The Wheel of Time (1997)
- Het Oog van de Wereld (excerpt) [Dutch] (2000)
- Proloog van Het licht van weleer: Bij gevallen gratie en vaandels [Dutch] (2013) with Brandon Sanderson
- A Conan Chronology (1987)
- Letter (Locus #500) (2002)
- Glossary (Knife of Dreams) (2006)
- Mike (2006)
- Alan Stewart Interviews Robert Jordan (1993) by Alan Stewart
- Le mouveau maître de la fantasy: Robert Jordan [French] (1997)
Henri Lvenbruck?Henri Loevenbruckand Christophe Parisse
- Some Q&A with: Robert Jordan (1999) by Charlene Brusso
- Robert Jordan: The Name Behind the Wheel (2000) by uncredited
- Interview: Robert Jordan (2005) by uncredited
- Robert Jordan: The Wheel Turns (2006) by Robert Jordan
Non-Genre Titles
Fiction Series
- Fallon
- 1 The Fallon Blood (1980) [only as by Reagan O'Neal]
- 2 The Fallon Pride (1981) [only as by Reagan O'Neal]
- 3 The Fallon Legacy (1982) [only as by Reagan O'Neal]
- Cheyenne Raiders (1982) [also as by Jackson O'Reilly]