- Author: Charles Henneberg Author Record # 849
- Legal Name: Henneberg zu Irmelshausen Wasungen, Charles
- Birthplace: Wittenberge, Brandenburg, Kingdom of Prussia, German Empire
- Birthdate: 2 November 1899
- Deathdate: 20 March 1959
- Language: French
- Webpages: National Library of France, SFE, Wikipedia-EN, Wikipedia-FR
- Used These Alternate Names:
Nathalie Charles-Henneberg, N. C. Henneberg, Nathalie-Charles Henneberg, N. Ch. Henneberg, Nathalie Ch. Henneberg, Шарль Хеннеберг?Sharl' Khenneberg,
Charles HennebergН. Ш. Хеннеберг?N. Sh. Khenneberg - Note: He was married to Nathalie Henneberg.
- Author Tags: science fiction (10), space opera (4), Les 100 principaux titres de la science-fiction (2), parallel universe (1), fantasy (1), elementals (1), Wandering Jew (1), Kabbala (1), chivalry (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
La naissance des dieux (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La nascita degli dei [Italian] (1975)
- Translation: La nascita degli dei [Italian] (1999) [as by Charles Henneberg and Nathalie Henneberg]
- Serializations:
- Translation: La nascita degli dei (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1955)
Le chant des astronautes (1958)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Le chant des astronautes (Part 1 of 2) (1958)
- Le chant des astronautes (Part 2 of 2) (1958)
La rosée du soleil?La rosee du soleil(1959) [also as by Nathalie Henneberg]
- Serializations:
- Translation: I vampiri di Bellatrix (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1960)
An premier, ère spatiale (1959)
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
An premier, ère spatiale (Part 1 of 3)?An premier, ere spatiale (Part 1 of 3)(1959)
An premier, ère spatiale (Part 2 of 3)?An premier, ere spatiale (Part 2 of 3)(1959)
An premier, ère spatiale (Part 3 of 3)?An premier, ere spatiale (Part 3 of 3)(1959)
- Translation: A. I - Era spaziale (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1960)
Les dieux verts (1961)
Nathalie Henneberg
also appeared as:
- Variant: Les dieux verts (1961) [as by N. Ch. Henneberg]
- Translation: The Green Gods [English] (1980)
Translation: Зеленые боги?Zelyonyye bogi[Russian] (2003) [as byН. Ш. Хеннеберг?N. Sh. Khenneberg]
- Translation: The Green Gods [English] (2010) [as by Nathalie Henneberg]
- Serializations:
- Translation: Le notti di smeraldo (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1965)
La forteresse perdue (1962)
Nathalie Henneberg
only appeared as:
- Variant: La forteresse perdue (1962) [as by N. Ch. Henneberg]
- Variant: La forteresse perdue (2018) [as by Nathalie Henneberg]
Le sang des astres (1963)
Nathalie Henneberg
only appeared as:
- Variant: Le sang des astres (1963) [as by N. Ch. Henneberg]
- Variant: Le sang des astres (1976) [as by Nathalie Ch. Henneberg]
- Translation: Il sangue degli astri [Italian] (1982)
Translation: Кровь звезд?Krov' Zvezd[Russian] (1993) [as byНатали Ш. Хеннеберг?Natali Sh. Henneberg]
Translation: Кровь звезд?Krov' Zvezd[Russian] (2003) [as byН. Ш. Хеннеберг?N. Sh. Khenneberg]
La plaie (1964)
Nathalie Henneberg
only appeared as:
- Variant: La plaie (1964) [as by N. C. Henneberg]
Translation: Язва?Yazva[Russian] (1991) [as byНатали Хеннеберг?Natali Henneberg]
Translation: Язва?Yazva[Russian] (2003) [as byН. Ш. Хеннеберг?N. Sh. Khenneberg]
- D'or et de nuit (1977)
- Démons et chimères (1977) with Nathalie Henneberg
- Les anges de la colère (1978) with Nathalie Henneberg [only as by N. Ch. Henneberg]
Кровь Звезд / Мутанты?Krov' Zvezd / Mutanty[Russian] (1993) [O] with Nathalie Henneberg and Henry Kuttner [only as byНатали Ш. Хеннеберг?Natali Sh. HennebergandГенри Каттнер?Genri Kattner]
Henry Kuttner -
Язва?Yazva[Russian] (2003) [O] with Nathalie Henneberg [only as byН. Ш. Хеннеберг?N. Sh. Khenneberg]
- La sentinelle (1956)
Les non-humains (1958)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Los no humanos [Spanish] (1967)
- Pavane pour une plante (1958) [also as by Charles Henneberg and Nathalie Henneberg]
La fusée fantôme?La fusee fantome(1958)
- La planète pourpre (1959)
- Vert comme espérance (1959)
Pêcheurs de lune (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Moon Fishers [English] (1959)
- Translation: Mondfischer [German] (1976)
Translation: Лунные рыбаки?Lunnye rybaki[Russian] (1991) [as byШарль Хеннеберг?Sharl' Khenneberg]
Charles Henneberg
Démons et chimères?Demons et chimeres(1960) [also as by Charles Henneberg and Nathalie Henneberg]
- Galatée (1960) [also as by Charles Henneberg and Nathalie Henneberg]
La vallée d'Avallon?La vallee d'Avallon(1960) with Nathalie Henneberg [also as by Charles Henneberg]
Du fond des ténèbres?Du fond des tenebres(1960) with Nathalie Henneberg [also as by Nathalie Charles-Henneberg]
Monstre à voix de sirène (1961)
Nathalie Henneberg
only appeared as:
Variant: Monstre à voix de sirène?Monstre a voix de sirene(1961) [as by Nathalie Charles-Henneberg]
Variant: Monstre à voix de sirène?Monstre a voix de sirene(1978) [as by N. Ch. Henneberg]
L'épave?L'epave(1962) with Nathalie Henneberg [also as by Nathalie Charles-Henneberg]
Des ailes, dans la nuit... (1962)
Nathalie Henneberg
only appeared as:
- Variant: Des ailes, dans la nuit... (1962) [as by Nathalie Charles-Henneberg]
- Translation: Wings in the Night [English] (1977) [as by Nathalie Henneberg]
- Variant: Des ailes, dans la nuit... (2006) [as by Nathalie C. Henneberg]
- Trois devant la porte d'ivoire (1963) with Nathalie Henneberg [only as by Nathalie Charles-Henneberg]
Le rêve minéral?Le reve mineral(1964) with Nathalie Henneberg also appeared as:
- Variant: Le rêve minéral (1964) [as by Nathalie Ch. Henneberg]
- Translation: El sueño mineral [Spanish] (1971)
- Translation: O Sonho Mineral [Portuguese] (1976) [as by Nathalie Ch. Henneberg]
- D'or et de nuit (1977) with Nathalie Henneberg
- La mandragore noire (1977) with Nathalie Henneberg
La fusée fantôme?La fusee fantome(1977) with Nathalie Henneberg
- La jeune fille et les deux villes (1978) with Nathalie Henneberg [only as by N. Ch. Henneberg]
Le soleil de Thulé?Le soleil de Thule(1978) with Nathalie Henneberg only appeared as:
- Variant: Le soleil de Thulé (1965) [as by Nathalie C. Henneberg]
Variant: Le soleil de Thulé?Le soleil de Thule(1978) [as by N. Ch. Henneberg]
Les anges de la colère (1978)
Nathalie Henneberg
only appeared as:
Variant: Les anges de colère?Les anges de colere(1961) [as by Nathalie Charles-Henneberg]
Variant: Les anges de la colère?Les anges de la colere(1978) [as by N. Ch. Henneberg]
À armes courtoises?A armes courtoises(1955)