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Summary Bibliography: Don Wilcox

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Author Picture
  • Author: Don Wilcox Author Record # 872
  • Legal Name: Wilcox, Cleo Eldon
  • Birthplace: Lucas, Kansas, USA
  • Birthdate: 29 August 1905
  • Deathdate: 9 March 2000
  • Language: English
  • Webpages:, SFE
  • Used These Alternate Names: Buzz-Bolt Atomcracker, Alexander Blade, Cleo Eldon, Max Overton (I), Miles Shelton
  • Note: According to Clute and Nicholl's The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, the author's given name was Cleo Eldon Knox, and according to Tuck's Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Wilcox did post-graduate work in journalism and drama. According to his daughter, neither of these facts are correct. According to her: He was born 8-29-1905 in Lucas, KS. and passed away 3-09-2000, also in Lucas. Spent many years in Chicago when he did teach at Northwestern, and also years in N.Y. He had attended University of Kansas where he studied Sociology, (not journalism or drama.) He also authored young adult books (Joe Sunpool, Basketball Star,) did a series of Captain Video tv drama, and recently his Whispering Gorilla was reprinted (with its unauthorized sequel The Return of the Whispering Gorilla) by David A. Reed, published by Gryphon Books, 1999. Best known for his Ebbtide Jones series.
  • Author Tags: science fiction (4), 1944 retro hugo nominee candidate (2), generation ship (1)
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