- Author: Paula Johanson Author Record # 943
- Legal Name: Johanson, Paula Marie
- Birthplace: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
- Birthdate: 1961
- Language: English
- Author Tags: book reviews (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Tower in the Crooked Wood (2008)
- No Parent Is an Island (1995)
- Okal Rel Universe
- Okal Rel Universe Anthologies
- 6 Opus 6 (2013) with Lynda Williams
- Okal Rel Universe Anthologies
- Tesseracts: Canadian Science Fiction
- 7 Tesseracts 7 (1998) with Jean-Louis Trudel
- If You Go Out in the Woods (1989)
- On the Oyster (1992)
- Small Rain (1994)
- Health in Us (1997)
- Smoke and Bubbles Rising (2020)
- Reviews (Under the Ozone Hole, February 1993) (1993) with David Gordon-MacDonald and John Wilcox Herbert and Andrew C. Murdoch
- Reviews (Under the Ozone Hole, March 1994) (1994) with Brian D. Clarke and John Wilcox Herbert and Karl Johanson and Willie Rimshot and Dale L. Sproule [only as by Brian D. Clarke and John Wilcox Herbert and Karl Johanson and Paula Johanson and Willie Rimshot and Dale Sproule]
- Reviews (Under the Ozone Hole, June 1995) (1995) with Joseph Casey and John Wilcox Herbert and Karl Johanson
- Sex Dance (1995)
- Reviews (Under the Ozone Hole, March 1996) (1996) with Adam John Kaye Charlesworth and David Gordon-MacDonald and John Wilcox Herbert and E. B. Klassen and Sally McBride
- When Smart-Asses Get on the Net (1996) with Saul Birkett and Heather K. Cleeb and Jim Cowling and Robert Gunderson and John Wilcox Herbert and Monica Herbert and Karl Johanson and Michael D. Lemur and Bob White
- Afterword (Tesseracts7) (1998)
- Book Reviews (Neo-opsis #1) (2003)
- Far-Seer (1993) by Robert J. Sawyer
- Emperor and Clown (1994) by Dave Duncan
- Faery Lands Forlorn (1994) by Dave Duncan
- Glory Season (1994) by David Brin
- Magic Casement (1994) by Dave Duncan
- Perilous Seas (1994) by Dave Duncan
- The Ugly Little Boy (1994) by Isaac Asimov and Robert Silverberg
- The Witching Hour (1994) by Anne Rice
- Virtual Girl (1994) by Amy Thomson
- Fools Errant (1995) by Matt Hughes (I)
- Foreigner (1995) by Robert J. Sawyer
- Near Death (1995) by Nancy Kilpatrick
- Stranger at the Wedding (1995) by Barbara Hambly
- The Oxford Book of Fantasy Stories (1995) by Tom Shippey
- Cuthbert and the Merpeople (1996) by Kathy Mezei
- Of Two Minds (1996) by Carol Matas and Perry Nodelman
- Sophie's Spyglass (1996) by Michael G. Coney
- The Demon in the Freezer (2003) by Richard Preston
- The Nitpicker's Guide for X-Philes (2003) by Phil Farrand
- MIndworlds (2004) by Phyllis Gotlieb
- The Salmon of Doubt (2004) by Douglas Adams
- Ice Tomb (2005) by Deborah Jackson
- An Interview with Sally McBride (1995) with Sally McBride