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Fiction Series
- Laurent Michaelmas
- A Scraping at the Bones (1975) [SF]
Michaelmas (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Michaelmas (1978) [as by Algis J. Budrys]
- Translation: Progetto Terra [Italian] (1978)
- Translation: Michaelmas [French] (1979)
- Translation: Michaelmas [German] (1980)
- Serializations:
- Michaelmas (Part 1 of 2) (1976)
- Michaelmas (Part 2 of 2) (1976)
- Translation: Michaelmas (Part 1 of 2) [French] (1977)
- Translation: Michaelmas (Part 2 of 2) [French] (1977)
- The Nuptial Flight of Warbirds (1978) [SF]
- Michael Wireman
- Hot Potato (1957) [SF]
Falling Torch (1958) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: La liberté tombe du ciel?La liberte tombe du ciel[French] (1963)
- The Man Who Did Not Fit (1959) [SF]
The Falling Torch (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Exil auf Centaurus [German] (1965)
- Translation: A última arma [Portuguese] (1974)
- Translation: S.O.S. Terre [French] (1976)
- Variant: Falling Torch (1991)
- Serializations:
- Translation: La torcia cadente (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1964)
False Night (1954)
also appeared as:
Translation: 第3次大戦後のアメリカ大陸?Daisanji taisengono Amerika tairiku[Japanese] (1968) [as byアルジス・バドリス?Arujisu Badorisu]
Man of Earth (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Man of Earth (1958) [as by A. J. Budrys]
- Translation: Auf Pluto gestrandet [German] (1959)
- Translation: Pianeta difficile [Italian] (1980) [as by Algys Budris]
- Serializations:
- The Man from Earth (Complete Novel) (1956)
- Translation: Pianeta difficile (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1962)
Who? (1958)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zwischen zwei Welten [German] (1958)
- Translation: Quién? [Spanish] (1961)
- Translation: ¿Quién? [Spanish] (1964)
- Translation: Metalen man uit Rusland [Dutch] (1970)
- Translation: Qui ? [French] (1975)
- Translation: Zwischen zwei Welten [German] (1983)
- Translation: Incognita uomo [Italian] (1988)
- Translation: ¿Quién? [Spanish] (1990)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Incognita uomo (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1966)
Rogue Moon (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Projekt Luna [German] (1965)
- Translation: Lune fourbe [French] (1975)
- Translation: Il satellite proibito [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: El laberinto de la Luna [Spanish] (1991)
Some Will Not Die (1961)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Testimoni dell'uomo [Italian] (1975)
Translation: Le prophète perdu?Le prophete perdu[French] (1976)
Translation: Einige werden überleben?Einige werden ueberleben[German] (1981)
The Iron Thorn (1967)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Amsirs and the Iron Thorn (1967)
- Translation: Terugkeer in de toekomst [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: Das verlorene Raumschiff [German] (1972)
- Serializations:
- The Iron Thorn (Part 1 of 4) (1967)
- The Iron Thorn (Part 2 of 4) (1967)
- The Iron Thorn (Part 3 of 4) (1967)
- The Iron Thorn (Part 4 of 4) (1967)
Translation: L'épine de fer (Part 1 of 3)?L'epine de fer (Part 1 of 3)[French] (1969)
Translation: L'épine de fer (Part 2 of 3)?L'epine de fer (Part 2 of 3)[French] (1970)
Translation: L'épine de fer (Part 3 of 3)?L'epine de fer (Part 3 of 3)[French] (1970)
Hard Landing (1993)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Impatto mortale [Italian] (1993)
- Translation: Harte Landung [German] (1998)
- Serializations:
- Hard Landing (Complete Novel) (1992)
The Unexpected Dimension (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ungeahnte Dimensionen [German] (1983)
Budrys' Inferno (1963)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Furious Future (1964)
- Translation: Die sanfte Invasion [German] (1965)
- Helden-GmbH und andere Stories [German] (1970)
- Blood and Burning (1978)
- Artigli Sul Domani [Italian] (1987)
- Entertainment (1997)
- The Algis Budrys Omnibus Volume One: Some Will Not Die with Selected Short Fiction (2003)
- The Iron Thorn / Michaelmas / Hard Landing (2014) [O]
- Under Venusian Flags / Blood on My Jets (2018) [O] with Nelson S. Bond
- Writers of the Future
- 1 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future (1985)
- 2 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume II (1986)
- 3 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume III (1987)
- 4 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume IV (1988)
- 5 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume V (1989)
- 6 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume VI (1990)
- 7 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume VII (1991)
- 8 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume VIII (1992) with Dave Wolverton
- 15 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XV (1999)
- 16 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XVI (2000)
- 17 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume XVII (2001)
- 18 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XVIII (2002)
- 19 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XIX (2003)
- 20 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XX (2004)
- 21 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XXI (2005)
- 22 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XXII (2006)
- 23 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XXIII (2007)
- 24 L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XXIV (2008)
- L. Ron Hubbard Presents the Best of Writers of the Future (2000)
- Os Ciganos da Estrela [Portuguese] (1989) with William Lindsay Gresham and Theodore Sturgeon
- Space Dogfights (1992) with Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh [only as by Algis Budrys and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh]
- Cerberus (1989)
- The Stoker and the Stars (2007) [only as by John A. Sentry]
- Citadel (2008)
- The Barbarians (2010) [also as by John A. Sentry]
- Riya's Foundling (2010)
- Desire No More (2012)
- The Rag and Bone Men (2016)
- Wall of Crystal, Eye of Night (2016)
- Die, Shadow! (2020)
- Between the Dark and the Daylight (2020) [also as by David C. Hodgkins]
- Never Meet Again (2020)
- Star Descending (2020)
- The Burning World (2020)
- The Edge of the Sea (2020)
- Firegod (2022) [only as by William Scarff]
- Blood on My Jets (2022)
- Infiltration (2023)
- Non-Literary Influences on Science Fiction (1983)
Benchmarks: Galaxy Bookshelf (1985)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Benchmarks (2011)
- Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy (1990)
- Outposts: Literatures of Milieux (1996)
- Benchmarks Continued: The F&SF "Books" Columns, Volume 1, 1975-1982 (2012)
- Benchmarks Concluded: The F&SF "Books" Columns, Volume 3, 1987-1993 (2013)
- Benchmarks Revisited: The F&SF "Books" Columns, Volume 2, 1983-1986 (2013)
- Beyond the Outposts: Essays on SF and Fantasy 1955-1996 (2020)
- A Budrys Miscellany: Occasional Writing 1954-2000 (2020)
- Gus
Nobody Bothers Gus (1955)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Nobody Bothers Gus (1955) [as by Paul Janvier]
- Translation: No molesten a Gus [Spanish] (1970)
Translation: On n'embête pas Gus?On n'embete pas Gus[French] (1974)
- Translation: Homo non descriptus [Italian] (1978)
Translation: Któż by niepokoił Gusa??Ktoz by niepokoil Gusa?[Polish] (1988)
- Translation: Niemand schert sich um Gus [German] (1992)
And Then She Found Him ... (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: And Then She Found Him (1957)
- Variant: And Then She Found Him ... (1957) [as by Paul Janvier]
- Translation: Les invisibles [French] (1959) [as by Paul Janvier]
- Translation: Geschenke für Viola [German] (1965)
Translation: Et elle l'a trouvé...?Et elle l'a trouve...[French] (1984)
- Lost Love (1957) [also as by Paul Janvier]
Nobody Bothers Gus (1955)
also appeared as:
- The High Purpose (1952)
Walk to the World (1952)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Walk to the World (1952) [as by A. J. Budrys]
- Translation: Andando para o mundo [Portuguese] (1971)
The Congruent People (1953)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Congruent People (1953) [as by A. J. Budrys]
- Translation: Die integrierten Menschen [German] (1977) [as by Algirdas Jonas Budrys]
Protective Mimicry (1953)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Frightened Tree (1953)
- Translation: Protezione mimetica [Italian] (1954)
Translation: Un phénomène de mimétisme?Un phenomene de mimetisme[French] (1956)
- Translation: Falschgeld von Deneb [German] (1965)
Translation: Caméléoneries?Cameleoneries[French] (1974)
Translation: Mimétisme défensif?Mimetisme defensif[French] (1976)
- Translation: Skyddande förklädnad [Swedish] (1983)
Translation: Пугливое дерево?Puglivoe derevo[Russian] (1992) [as byЭлджис Бадрис?Eldzhis Badris]
Algis Budrys
- Recessional (1953)
- Multifarious (1953)
Riya's Foundling (1953)
also appeared as:
Translation: Le protégé de Riya?Le protege de Riya[French] (1974)
- The Weeblies (1953)
- Blood on My Jets (1953)
- Firegod (1953) [only as by William Scarff]
Dream of Victory (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Anpassung [German] (1965)
- Translation: Sogno di vittoria [Italian] (1971)
- Little Joe (1953)
Stand Watch in the Sky (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'enfant-dieu [French] (1959)
- Underestimation (1953) with Jerome Bixby [only as by Alger Rome]
- Snail's Pace (1953)
The Real People (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der dritte Mai [German] (1967)
- A.I.D. (1954)
Desire No More (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pilote de fusée [French] (1960)
- Scream at Sea (1954)
To Civilize (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Lehrer [German] (1983)
- Translation: Civilizirati! [Croatian] (1985)
Ironclad (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Coeur de pierre [French] (1958)
- Translation: Mann in Eisen [German] (1958)
- Translation: Pugno di ferro [Italian] (1987)
- The Deckplate Blues (1954)
First to Serve (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der perfekte Soldat [German] (1983)
In Human Hands (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Comment l'esprit vient aux planètes [French] (1959)
- Translation: Em mãos humanas [Portuguese] (1989)
- Exotic Dawn (1954)
- We Are Here (1954)
Despite All Valor (1954)
also appeared as:
Translation: Réhabilitation?Rehabilitation[French] (1959)
- Shadow on the Stars (1954)
The End of Summer (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het einde van de zomer [Dutch] (1973)
- Translation: Het einde van de zomer [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Der Sommer geht zu Ende [German] (1981)
- Translation: Ende des Sommers [German] (1983)
Translation: A nyár vége?A nyar vege[Hungarian] (1990)
- The Strange Room (1955)
The Two Sharp Edges (1955)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Erélia [French] (1960)
- Citadel (1955)
- Assassin (1955)
Cage of a Thousand Wings (1955)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mille ailes en cage [French] (1975)
- Thing (1955) [only as by Ivan Janvier]
- Just Around the Corner (1955) [only as by William Scarff]
- Thunderbolt (1955) [only as by John A. Sentry]
- Who? (1955)
- Last Stand (1955)
- Terror in the Stars (1955) [only as by John A. Sentry]
- The Shark (1955) [only as by Ivan Janvier]
- Watch Your Step (1955)
- The Strangers (1955)
In Clouds of Glory (1955)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Helden-GmbH [German] (1970)
- Pagan (1955)
- Aspirin Won't Help It (1955) [only as by John A. Sentry]
- The Undiscovered Country (1955)
The Executioner (1956)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Executioner (1956) [as by A. J. Budrys]
- Translation: Der Vollstrecker [German] (1983)
- Translation: Il Giudice [Italian] (1987)
Silent Brother (1956)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Silent Brother (1956) [as by Paul Janvier]
- Translation: Die sanfte Invasion [German] (1965)
Translation: 沈黙の兄弟?ちんもくのきょうだい[Japanese] (1969) [as by
Chinmoku Kyōdai
Chinmoku Kyoudaiアルジス・バドリス?Arujisu Badorisu] -
Translation: Le frère silencieux?Le frere silencieux[French] (1969)
- Why Should I Stop? (1956)
- Man in the Sky (1956)
The Man Who Always Knew (1956)
also appeared as:
Translation: Čovjek koji je uvijek znao?Covjek koji je uvijek znao[Croatian] (1988)
Chovjek koji je uvijek znao
- Psioid Charley (1956) [only as by John A. Sentry]
- The Strength of Ten (1956)
- With a Dime on Top of It (1956)
- The Mechanical Man (1956)
The Peasant Girl (1956)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Peasant Girl (1956) [as by Paul Janvier]
- Translation: Ein Mädchen vom Lande [German] (1965)
- Translation: La Ragazza Di Campagna [Italian] (1987)
- Middleman (1956) [only as by John A. Sentry]
Death March (1956)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Kandidat [German] (1970)
Lower Than Angels (1956)
also appeared as:
Translation: Der Dämon?Der Daemon[German] (1965)
Translation: Più in basso degli angeli?Piu in basso degli angeli[Italian] (1976)
- Calculated Decision (1956)
- Look on My Works (1956)
- Next of Kin (1956)
- The Shadow Before (1957) [only as by Paul Janvier]
The Attic Voice (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Nightsound (1957) [as by Algis J. Budrys]
The War Is Over (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: A guerra acabou [Portuguese] (1967)
- Translation: La guerra è finita [Italian] (1967)
- Translation: La guerre est finie [French] (1968)
Translation: Războiul s-a încheiat!?Razboiul s-a incheiat![Romanian] (1987)
Chain Reaction (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Chain Reaction (1957) [as by John A. Sentry]
- Translation: Die Befehle der Meister [German] (1970)
- Translation: Reazione A Catena [Italian] (1987)
- Yesterday's Man (1957)
The Burning World (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Brennende Welt [German] (1983)
- Translation: Le monde en feu [French] (1984)
Wonderbird (1957)
Harlan Ellison
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'oiseau-miracle [French] (1980)
- If These Be Gods (1957) [also as by Gordon Javlyn]
The Skirmisher (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Charakter nicht gefragt [German] (1965)
Forever Stenn (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Ridge Around the World (1957)
- Resurrection on Fifth Avenue (1957) [only as by Gordon Jaulyn]
- Mark X (1958) [only as by John A. Sentry]
The Barbarians (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Barbarians (1958) [as by John A. Sentry]
- Variant: The Barbarians (2016) [as by John Sentry]
The End of Winter (1958)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The End of Winter (1958) [as by William Scarff]
- Variant: Go and Behold Them (1960)
- Translation: La fin de l'hiver [French] (1965)
- Translation: Geht und schaut [German] (1983)
Never Meet Again (1958)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Auf Nimmerwiedersehen [German] (1983)
The Edge of the Sea (1958)
also appeared as:
Translation: L'épave d'un autre monde?L'epave d'un autre monde[French] (1961)
- Translation: Don Stevenson non molla [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: UFO per la coda [Italian] (1978)
There Ain't No Other Roads (1958)
only appeared as:
- Variant: There Ain't No Other Roads (1958) [as by Robert Marner]
Translation: D'une route à une autre?D'une route a une autre[French] (1960) [as by Robert Marner]
A World Named Mary (1958)
only appeared as:
- Variant: A World Named Mary (1958) [as by Robert Marner]
- Translation: Eine Welt namens Mary [German] (1971) [as by Robert Marner]
Contact Between Equals (1958)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Contact Between Equals (1958) [as by Albert Stroud]
- Translation: Das Ungeheuer [German] (1965)
- Translation: Contact tussen gelijken [Dutch] (1977)
- Between the Dark and the Daylight (1958) [also as by David C. Hodgkins]
- Infiltration (1958)
The Eye and the Lightning (1958)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le cercle de peur [French] (1959)
- The Talented Progenitor (1958)
- Man Alone (1959) [only as by William Scarff]
- The Man Who Tasted Ashes (1959)
- The Stoker and the Stars (1959) [also as by John A. Sentry]
The Distant Sound of Engines (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Hör du på? [Swedish] (1976)
- Translation: Il lontano rombo dei motori [Italian] (1978)
- Translation: Der ferne Klang von Motoren [German] (1983)
- The Last Legend (1959)
Star Descending (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'alternative [French] (1974)
- Translation: Abstieg [German] (1977)
- Straw (1959)
- The Sound of Breaking Glass (1959)
- The Girl in the Bottle (1959)
- Due Process (1960)
The Price (1960)
also appeared as:
Translation: Le prix à payer?Le prix a payer[French] (1967)
- Translation: Der Preis [German] (1972) [as by A. J. Budrys]
- Translation: Der Preis des Überlebens [German] (1972)
- For Every Action ... (1960)
Rogue Moon (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Bewährung [German] (1980)
- Serializations:
- Rogue Moon (Part 1 of 2) (1961)
- Rogue Moon (Part 2 of 2) (1961)
- Translation: Menace dans le ciel (Part 1 of 2) [French] (1963)
- Translation: Menace dans le ciel (Part 2 of 2) [French] (1963)
Wall of Crystal, Eye of Night (1961)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Muro di cristallo, occhio sulla notte [Italian] (1963)
Translation: Mur de cristal, œil de la nuit?Mur de cristal, oeil de la nuit[French] (1967)
- Translation: Il venditore di sogni [Italian] (1988)
- Translation: Muro di cristallo, occhio della notte [Italian] (1993)
- Translation: Muro de cristal, ojo de la noche [Spanish] (2002)
The Rag and Bone Men (1962)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Uomini di stracci e ossa [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Le Veld [French] (1966)
For Love (1962)
also appeared as:
- Variant: All for Love (1962)
- Translation: Per amore [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: Par amour [French] (1968)
- Translation: Per amore [Italian] (1987)
Die, Shadow! (1963)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Die, Shadow (1963)
- Translation: Meurs, car tu n'es qu'une Ombre [French] (1966)
"Balloon, Oh, Balloon!" (1965)
Ray Bradbury
also appeared as:
- Variant: "Balloon, Oh Balloon!" (1988) [as by Algirdas J. Budrys]
The Ultimate Brunette (1965)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Last Brunette (1965)
- The Master of the Hounds (1966)
Be Merry (1966)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Soyons gais ! [French] (1971)
Translation: Überleben um jeden Preis?Ueberleben um jeden Preis[German] (1977)
- Translation: Freut euch des Lebens [German] (1983)
- Translation: Coesistenza [Italian] (1987)
- Cerberus (1967)
Now Hear the Word of the Lord (1969)
also appeared as:
Translation: Maintenant, écoutez le Seigneur?Maintenant, ecoutez le Seigneur[French] (1970)
Players at Null-G (1975)
Theodore R. Cogswell
Theodore L. Thomas
only appeared as:
- Variant: Players at Null-G (1975) [as by Algis Budrys and Theodore R. Cogswell and Ted Thomas]
- Translation: Giochi Di Gravità [Italian] (1976)
- Translation: Les joueurs du Non-G [French] (1979) [as by Algis Budrys and Theodore R. Cogswell and Ted Thomas]
The Silent Eyes of Time (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die schweigenden Augen der Zeit [German] (1979)
- That Fearful Symmetry (1987)
- The Name of the Game (1988)
- What Befell Mairiam (1989)
- Living Alone in the Jungle (1991)
Grabow and Collicker and I (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Grabow, Collicker e Io [Italian] (1992)
- Translation: Grabow, Collicker und ich [German] (1994)
- Explosions! (1993) [only as by William Scarff]
- Machines (1993) [only as by David C. Hodgkins]
- Starlight (1993) [only as by Paul Janvier]
- Time and Space (1993) [only as by Robert Marner]
- Nightingale (1993) [only as by Jeffries Oldmann]
- At Times, an Island (1994) [only as by Robert Marner]
- The Woman Who Blew Up the World (1994) [only as by John A. Sentry]
- There Were Rats in the Souffle Again (1994)
- Jeever's Lost World (1994)
- Kinkajou Nine (1995) [only as by Robert Marner]
- Letter (Analog, May 1975) (1975)
- Books (1989)
- A Top 10 Science Fiction Novels
- Books (F&SF)
- Books: H. P. Lovecraft and Others (1975)
- Books (F&SF, November 1975) (1975)
- Books (F&SF, January 1976) (1976)
- Books (F&SF, February 1976) (1976)
- Books (F&SF, March 1976) (1976)
- Books (F&SF, May 1976) (1976)
- Books (F&SF, June 1976) (1976)
- Books (F&SF, August 1976) (1976)
- Books (F&SF, December 1975) (1976)
- Books (F&SF, January 1977) (1977)
- Books (F&SF, March 1977) (1977)
- Books (F&SF, April 1977) (1977)
- Books (F&SF, June 1977) (1977)
- Books (F&SF, July 1977) (1977)
- Books (F&SF, September 1977) (1977)
- Books (F&SF, November 1977) (1977)
- Books (F&SF, December 1977) (1977)
- Books (F&SF, February 1978) (1978)
- Books (F&SF, March 1978) (1978)
- Books (F&SF, May 1978) (1978)
- Books (F&SF, July 1978) (1978)
- Books (F&SF, September 1978) (1978)
- Books (F&SF, October 1978) (1978)
- Books (F&SF, November 1978) (1978)
- Books (F&SF, March 1979) (1979)
- Books (F&SF, May 1979) (1979)
- Books (F&SF, September 1979) (1979)
- Books (F&SF, October 1979) (1979)
- Books (F&SF, December 1979) (1979)
- Books (F&SF, March 1980) (1980)
- Books (F&SF, May 1980) (1980)
- Books (F&SF, August 1980) (1980)
- Books (F&SF, September 1980) (1980)
- Books (F&SF, October 1980) (1980)
- Books (F&SF, January 1981) (1981)
- Books (F&SF, March 1981) (1981)
- Books (F&SF, June 1981) (1981)
- Books (F&SF, August 1981) (1981)
- Books (F&SF, October 1981) (1981)
- Books (F&SF, November 1981) (1981)
- Books (F&SF, April 1982) (1982)
- Books (F&SF, May 1982) (1982)
- Books (F&SF, July 1982) (1982)
- Books (F&SF, August 1982) (1982)
- Books (F&SF, September 1982) (1982)
- Books (F&SF, October 1982) (1982)
- Books (F&SF, November 1982) (1982)
- Books (F&SF, January 1983) (1983)
- Books (F&SF, February 1983) (1983)
- Books (F&SF, March 1983) (1983)
- Books (F&SF, April 1983) (1983)
- Books (F&SF, May 1983) (1983)
- Books (F&SF, June 1983) (1983)
- Books (F&SF, July 1983) (1983)
- Books (F&SF, August 1983) (1983)
- Books (F&SF, September 1983) (1983)
- Books (F&SF, October 1983) (1983)
- Books (F&SF, November 1983) (1983)
- Books (F&SF, January 1984) (1984)
- Books (F&SF, February 1984) (1984)
- Books (F&SF, March 1984) (1984)
- Books (F&SF, April 1984) (1984)
- Books (F&SF, May 1984) (1984)
- Books (F&SF, June 1984) (1984)
- Books (F&SF, July 1984) (1984)
- Books (F&SF, August 1984) (1984)
- Books (F&SF, September 1984) (1984)
- Books (F&SF, October 1984) (1984)
- Books (F&SF, November 1984) (1984)
- Books (F&SF, December 1984) (1984)
- Books (F&SF, January 1985) (1985)
- Books (F&SF, February 1985) (1985)
- Books (F&SF, March 1985) (1985)
- Books (F&SF, April 1985) (1985)
- Books (F&SF, May 1985) (1985)
- Books (F&SF, June 1985) (1985)
- Books (F&SF, July 1985) (1985)
- Books (F&SF, August 1985) (1985)
- Books (F&SF, September 1985) (1985)
- Books (F&SF, October 1985) (1985)
- Books (F&SF, November 1985) (1985)
- Books (F&SF, December 1985) (1985)
- Books (F&SF, January 1986) (1986)
- Books (F&SF, February 1986) (1986)
- Books (F&SF, March 1986) (1986)
- Books (F&SF, April 1986) (1986)
- Books (F&SF, May 1986) (1986)
- Books (F&SF, June 1986) (1986)
- Books (F&SF, July 1986) (1986)
- Books (F&SF, August 1986) (1986)
- Books (F&SF, September 1986) (1986)
- Books (F&SF, October 1986) (1986)
- Books (F&SF, November 1986) (1986)
- Books (F&SF, December 1986) (1986)
- Books (F&SF, January 1987) (1987)
- Books (F&SF, February 1987) (1987)
- Books (F&SF, March 1987) (1987)
- Books (F&SF, April 1987) (1987)
- Books (F&SF, May 1987) (1987)
- Books (F&SF, June 1987) (1987)
- Books (F&SF, July 1987) (1987)
- Books (F&SF, August 1987) (1987)
- Books (F&SF, October 1987) (1987)
- Books (F&SF, November 1987) (1987)
- Books (F&SF, January 1988) (1988)
- Books (F&SF, February 1988) (1988)
- Books (F&SF, March 1988) (1988)
- Some Thoughts on the Topic (1988)
- Books (F&SF, June 1988) (1988)
- Books (F&SF, July 1988) (1988)
- Books (F&SF, August 1988) (1988)
- Books: An Essay on Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988) (1988)
- Books (F&SF, October 1988) (1988)
- Books (F&SF, November 1988) (1988)
Books (F&SF, December 1988) (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Böcker (Jules Verne-magasinet: science fiction nytt, Juni 1989) [Swedish] (1989)
- Books (F&SF, January 1989) (1989)
- Books (F&SF, February 1989) (1989)
- Books (F&SF, March 1989) (1989)
- Books (F&SF, May 1989) (1989)
- Books (F&SF, June 1989) (1989)
- Books (F&SF, July 1989) (1989)
- Books (F&SF, August 1989) (1989)
- Books (F&SF, September 1989) (1989)
- Books (F&SF, November 1989) (1989)
- Books (F&SF, December 1989) (1989)
- Books (F&SF, January 1990) (1990)
- Books (F&SF, March 1990) (1990)
- Books (F&SF, April 1990) (1990)
- Books (F&SF, May 1990) (1990)
- Books (F&SF, June 1990) (1990)
- Books (F&SF, July 1990) (1990)
- Books (F&SF, August 1990) (1990)
- Books (F&SF, October 1990) (1990)
- Books (F&SF, November 1990) (1990)
- Books (F&SF, January 1991) (1991)
- Books (F&SF, February 1991) (1991)
- Books (F&SF, March 1991) (1991)
- Books (F&SF, April 1991) (1991)
- Books (F&SF, May 1991) (1991)
- Books (F&SF, June 1991) (1991)
- Books (F&SF, July 1991) (1991)
- Books (F&SF, August 1991) (1991)
- Books (F&SF, September 1991) (1991)
- Books (F&SF, October-November 1991) (1991)
- Books (F&SF, December 1991) (1991)
- Books (F&SF, January 1992) (1992)
- Books (F&SF, February 1992) (1992)
- Books (F&SF, March 1992) (1992)
- Books (F&SF, May 1992) (1992)
- Books (F&SF, June 1992) (1992)
- Books (F&SF, July 1992) (1992)
- Books (F&SF, August 1992) (1992)
- Books (F&SF, September 1992) (1992)
- Books (F&SF, December 1992) (1992)
- Books (F&SF, January 1993) (1993)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, January 1993) (1993)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, April 1993) (1993)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, July 1993) (1993)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, August 1993) (1993)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, October 1993) (1993)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, December 1993) (1993)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, February 1994) (1994)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, April 1994) (1994)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, June 1994) (1994)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, August 1994) (1994)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, October 1994) (1994)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, December 1994) (1994)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, February 1995) (1995)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, April 1995) (1995)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, June 1995) (1995)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, August 1995) (1995)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, October 1995) (1995)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, December 1995) (1995)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, February 1996) (1996)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, April 1996) (1996)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, June 1996) (1996)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, August 1996) (1996)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, November 1996) (1996)
- Editorial (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, February 1997) (1997)
- Galaxy Bookshelf
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, February 1965) (1965)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, April 1965) (1965) with Frederik Pohl
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, June 1965) (1965)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, August 1965) (1965)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, October 1965) (1965)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, December 1965) (1965)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, February 1966) (1966)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, April 1966) (1966)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, June 1966) (1966)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, August 1966) (1966)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, October 1966) (1966)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, December 1966) (1966)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, February 1967) (1967)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, April 1967) (1967)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, June 1967) (1967)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, August 1967) (1967)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, October 1967) (1967)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, December 1967) (1967)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, February 1968) (1968)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, April 1968) (1968)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, June 1968) (1968)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, July 1968) (1968)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, August 1968) (1968)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, September 1968) (1968)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, October 1968) (1968)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, November 1968) (1968)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, December 1968) (1968)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, January 1969) (1969)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, February 1969) (1969)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, March 1969) (1969)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, April 1969) (1969)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, May 1969) (1969)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, July 1969) (1969)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, August 1969) (1969)
- Galaxy Book Shelf (Galaxy, September 1969) (1969) [also as by A. J. Budrys]
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, October 1969) (1969)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, November 1969) (1969)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, December 1969) (1969)
- Galaxy Book Shelf (Galaxy, February 1970) (1970)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, March 1970) (1970)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, April 1970) (1970)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, May 1970) (1970)
- Galaxy Book Shelf (Galaxy, June 1970) (1970)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, July 1970) (1970)
- Galaxy Book Shelf (Galaxy, August-September 1970) (1970)
- Galaxy Book Shelf (Galaxy, December 1970) (1970)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, January 1971) (1971)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, February 1971) (1971)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, March 1971) (1971)
- Galaxy Book Shelf (Galaxy, April 1971) (1971)
- Galaxy Book Shelf (Galaxy, May-June 1971) (1971)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, July-August 1971) (1971)
- Galaxy Bookshelf (Galaxy, September-October 1971) (1971)
- Galaxy Book Shelf (Galaxy, November-December 1971) (1971)
- Introduction (L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future)
- On This Book (L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume II) (1986)
- Introduction (L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume IV) (1988)
- Introduction (L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume V) (1989)
- Introduction (L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume VI) (1990)
- Introduction (L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume VII) (1991)
- Introduction (L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XV) (1999)
- Introduction (Writers of the Future Volume XVI) (2000)
- Introduction (L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XVII) (2001)
- Introduction (L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XIX) (2003)
- The Nature of Creativity (2004)
- Introduction (L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XXI) (2005)
- Introduction (Writers of the Future Volume XXII) (2006)
- Introduction (Writers of the Future Volume XXIII) (2007)
- Letters: Algis Budrys
- Letter (Thrilling Wonder Stories, April 1951) (1951)
- Letter (Planet Stories, May 1951) Double-Clutches With Ease ... (1951) [only as by A. J. Budrys]
- Letter (Thrilling Wonder Stories, August 1951) (1951) [only as by A. J. Budrys]
- Letter (Planet Stories, November 1952) (1952) [only as by A. J. Budrys]
- Letter (Planet Stories, Spring 1955): Pen and Easel (1955) [only as by A. J. Budrys]
- Letter (F&SF, July 1977) (1977) [only as by Mr. Budrys]
- Letter (Locus #202) (1977) [only as by A. J. Budrys]
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #23) (1977)
- Letter (Locus #222) (1979)
- A Letter to the Editor (1980)
- Letter (Foundation, October 1980) (1980)
- Letter (Foundation #22) (1981)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #40) (1981) [only as by A. J. Budrys]
- Letter (The Patchin Review, Number Two) (1981)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #43) (1982) [only as by A. J. Budrys]
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #56) (1985) [only as by A. J. Budrys]
- Letter (Fantasy Review, February 1986) (1986)
- Letter (Locus #307) (1986)
- Letter to Greg Pickersgill (1987)
- Letter (Science Fiction Chronicle #99) (1987)
- Letter (Locus #392) (1993)
Writing, Part Six (1993)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Writing: The Basics (1993)
- Letter (NYRSF, December 1994) (1994)
- Letter (Locus #444) (1998) [only as by A. J. Budrys]
- Locus Obituary
- Theodore R. Cogswell (1987)
- On Writing
- 1 On Writing (Locus #201) (1977)
- 2 On Writing (Locus #202) (1977)
- 3 On Writing (Locus #203) (1977)
- 4 On Writing (Locus #205) (1977)
- 5 On Writing (Locus #206) (1977)
- 6 On Writing (Locus #207) (1977)
- 7 On Writing (Locus #208) (1978)
- 8 On Writing (Locus #209) (1978)
- 9 On Writing (Locus #210) (1978)
- 10 On Writing, Part 10 (Locus #212) (1978)
- 11 On Writing (Locus #213) (1978)
- 12 On Writing (Locus #214) (1978)
- 13 On Writing (Locus #215) (1978)
- 14 On Writing (Locus #216) (1978)
- 15 On Writing (Locus #218) (1979)
- 16 On Writing (Locus #222) (1979)
- 17 On Writing (Locus #223) (1979)
- Read This
- The Reference Library
The Reference Library (Analog, July 1975) (1975)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Foundation and Asimov (1996)
The Reference Library (Analog, July 1975) (1975)
also appeared as:
- Viewpoint
- Clarifying Clarion (1984)
- Writing
- 1 Writing, Part One (1993)
- 2 Writing, Part Two (1993)
- 3 Writing, Part Three (1993)
- 4 Writing, Part Four (1993)
- 5 Writing, Part Five (1993)
- 7 Writing (Part 7 of 9) (1994)
- 8 Writing (Part 8 of 9) (1994)
- 9 Writing (Part 9 of 9) (1994)
- To Quote: Algis Budrys (1953)
- About Something Truly Wonderful (1961)
- Review of "The Way Up" by Joseph Whitehill (nongenre) (1961) [only as by A. J. Budrys]
- Two Novels of Science (1961) [also as by A. J. Budrys]
Introduction (Budrys' Inferno) (1963)
also appeared as:
- Variant: On Budrys' Inferno (2020)
- Introduction (The Furious Future) (1964)
- Notes on Storytelling (1964)
- Review of the nonfiction work "This New Ocean" (1968)
Most Scrutinised SF Writer (1969)
also appeared as:
- Variant: "Most Scrutinized SF Writer" (2020)
Foreword to "Twilight" (1970)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Foreword to "Twilight" (John W. Campbell) (2020)
Comment on Contact Between Equals (foreword) (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Contact tussen gelijken (voorwoord) [Dutch] (1977)
- Variant: Comment on "Contact Between Equals" (2020)
- [John W. Campbell Appreciation] (1971)
- Crononauti [Italian] (1975)
- Where We Are and Where We Came From (1976)
- James Blish in My Memory (1976)
- The SF Rediscovery Series (1976)
- Foreword (Rogue Moon) (1977)
- Introduction (Nova) (1977)
- Introduction (Synthajoy) (1977)
- The Politics of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (1977)
- Introduction (Rogue Moon) (1977)
Introduction (Walk to the World) (1977)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction: "Walk to the World" (2020)
- Review of the non-genre collection "The Simple Art of Murder" by Raymond Chandler (1977)
- On Being a Bit of a Legend (1978)
Introduction (The Persistence of Vision) (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Einführung (Voraussichten) [German] (1981)
- Translation: Prólogo (La persistencia de la visión) [Spanish] (1984)
- Introduction (Blood and Burning) (1978)
- Introduction (In the Hall of the Martian Kings) (1978)
Memoir (Galaxy Book Shelf) (1980)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Memoir – Galaxy Book Shelf (2020)
Memoir: Spilled Milk (1980)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Memoir – Spilled Milk (2020)
- Damon Knight: Two Sketches (1980)
- Robert SIlverberg: Two Sketches (1980)
- Paradise Charted (1980)
- The Empire Talks Back (1980)
- Books: The Secret Language of Science Fiction (1981)
- The Outlook from Limbo (1981)
- Tom Reamy: A Rare & Masterful Fantasist (1981)
- Afterword: Tom Reamy (New Voices 4) (1981)
- Scanners Writhe in Pain (1981)
Obstacles and Ironies in SF Criticism (1981)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Obstacles and Ironies in Science-Fiction Criticism (2020)
- The Arts: Books (Omni, October 1981) (1981)
- 1981 and Counting (1982)
Nonliterary Influences on Science Fiction (1982)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Non-Literary Influences on Science Fiction (1983)
- What Did 1980 Mean? (1982)
- Pulp! (1982)
- Commentary (on Asimov's Foundation Trilogy) (1982)
Introduction (Over My Shoulder) (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introducing Lloyd Arthur Eshbach (2020)
The Butchery of Algis Budrys (1983)
Anita Miller
Charles Platt
Gary K. Wolfe
also appeared as:
- Variant: Appendix: The Butchery of Algis Budrys (2020)
- Gene Wolfe (1983)
- George R. R. Martin, Dark Harbinger (1983)
- Can Speculative-Fiction Writers and Scholars Do Each Other Good? (1984)
- Bridges to Verity (1984)
Film Critique: The Revenge of the Empire (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Revenge of the Empire (2020)
- Literatures of Milieux (1984)
- untitled (The Faces of Science Fiction) (1984)
- Advice to a New Writer on the Choice of a First Word-Processor (1984)
- Forward (1985)
- About L. Ron Hubbard (1985)
- On Shaping Creativity (1985)
- 1984, Nineteen Eighty-Four, and Other SF Novels, Signs, and Portents (1985)
- 1984 or Against (1985)
- Introduction (Gateway) (1986)
- Introducing L. Ron Hubbard On Art (1986)
- L. Ron Hubbard Appreciation (1986)
Memoir (The Man Who Tasted Ashes) (1986)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Memoir – "The Man Who Tasted Ashes" (2020)
- What Was 1985 That We Were Mindful of It? (1986)
- R. Glenn Wright: An Appreciation (1987)
- A Growing Thing (1987)
- Foreword (Polyphemus) (1987)
- Review of the recording "Divine Intervention" by Julia Ecklar (1987)
- 1986, Reduced from 2000 (1988)
- What a Story Is (1988)
- Michael Shaara: An Appreciation (1988)
- New World in the Morning (1988)
- Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy (1989)
- Writing for the Future (1989)
- Introduction (Final Blackout) (1989)
- Taking Your Chances (1990)
- Why This Book Is (1990)
Stephen King (1990)
also appeared as:
- Variant: December 1990: Stephen King (2013)
- Author's Note (Falling Torch) (1991)
- Why We're Glad to Be Here (1991)
Introduction (PITFCS: Proceedings of the Institute for Twenty-First Century Studies) (1992)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introducing Theodore R. Cogswell and PITFCS (2020)
- Naming Characters and Why (1992)
- Tomorrow, Speculative Fiction (1994)
- Robert Shea: An Appreciation (1994)
- Or Thwim (1995)
- Beyond Rayguns and Godzilla (1996)
Introduction (Outposts: Literatures of Milieux) (1996)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction to Outposts (2020)
- Algis Budrys: A Man in Touch with Tomorrow (1997)
- Alex Schomburg: An Appreciation (1998)
- Paul Lehr: An Appreciation (1998)
- Introduction: The Spook-Box of Theobald Delafont De Brooks (1998)
- 50 Years of F&SF (1999)
- Fifteen Years of L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future (1999)
- Foreword (The Electric Gene Machine) (2000)
- L. Ron Hubbard's Writers and Illustrators of the Future (Writers of the Future Volume XVI) (2000)
- The Basic Basics of Writing (2000)
- Gordy Dickson (2001)
- Contest Information (L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XVII) (2001)
- The Year in the Contests (L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XVII ) (2001)
- The Year in Contests (L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XVIII) (2002)
- Contest Information (2003)
- The Year in the Contests (L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XIX) (2003)
- Epistolary Intercourse #4 (2004) with Anthony Boucher and Roger Ebert and Lewis Forbes and Harry Warner, Jr. [only as by Anthony Boucher and Ajay Budrys and Rog Ebert and Lewis Forbes and Harry Warner, Jr.]
- Epistolary Intercourse #5 (2004) with James Blish and Avram Davidson and Betty Kujawa and Richard Kyle and Bill Plott [only as by James Blish and Algis Budrys and Avram Davidson and Betty Kujawa and Richard Kyle and Billy Joe Plott]
- The Year in the Contests (Writers of the Future Volume XX) (2004)
- The Year in the Contests (Writers of the Future Volume XXI) (2005)
- The Year in the Contests (Writers of the Future Volume XXII) (2006)
- Pilgrim Award Acceptance (2007)
- The Year in the Contests (Writers of the Future Volume XXIII) (2007)
- Introduction: Eric John Stark (2008)
- The Year in the Contests (2008)
- Why There Are the Contests (2008)
- Selected Commentaries (2010)
- Asimov's Autobiography (2020)
- On Rogue Moon (2020)
- On Writing: The Locus Columns (2020)
- Pop Lit: Reviews (2020)
- Reviewing Heinlein (2020)
- Science Fiction in the Marketplace (2020) [also as by Algirdas Jonas Budrys]
- Short Takes 1979-1981 (2020)
- Stephen King in the 1980s (2020)
- The Ideas of Mary McCarthy (2020)
- Two Sketches: Damon Knight and Robert Silverberg (2020)
- Dimensions Reviews (2020)
- Dubious (2020)
- Mind Control Is [ ]Good [ ]Bad (Check One) (2020)
- SF Capsule Reviews 1978-1983 (2020)
- Tomorrow Speculative Fiction Editorials (2020)
- Who Killed Science Fiction? (2020)
- Paradise Charted (1980)
- Batman (2004) [only as by Ajay Budrys]
Stories (1956)
И. Ефремов?I. Yefremov[also as by Algis Budrys]
- The Search (1961) by C. P. Snow [only as by A. J. Budrys]
- The Great Time Machine Hoax (1965) by Keith Laumer
- The Reefs of Space (1965) by Jack Williamson and Frederik Pohl
- Three Science Fiction Novels (1965) by John Taine
- Time and Stars (1965) by Poul Anderson
- Trader to the Stars (1965) by Poul Anderson
- No Future in It (1965) by John Brunner
- The 9th Annual of the Year's Best S-F (1965) by Judith Merril
- The Planet Buyer (1965) by Cordwainer Smith
- Davy (1965) by Edgar Pangborn
- The Issue at Hand (1965) by William Atheling, Jr.
- The Rest of the Robots (1965) by Isaac Asimov
- The Worlds of Robert F. Young (1965) by Robert F. Young
- The Dark Side (1965) by Damon Knight
- The Eighth Galaxy Reader (1965) by Frederik Pohl
- The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch (1965) by Philip K. Dick
- Mortals and Monsters (1965) by Lester del Rey
- The Cook (1965) by Harry Kressing
- To Worlds Beyond (1965) by Robert Silverberg
- Flandry of Terra (1966) by Poul Anderson
- Galactic Diplomat (1966) by Keith Laumer
- Masters of the Maze (1966) by Avram Davidson
- Code Three (1966) by Rick Raphael
- Dune (1966) by Frank Herbert
- The Clone (1966) by Theodore L. Thomas and Kate Wilhelm
- The Squares of the City (1966) by John Brunner
- The Tenth Victim (1966) by Robert Sheckley
- Dian of the Lost Land (1966) by Edison Marshall
- Flowers for Algernon (1966) by Daniel Keyes
- The 10th Annual of the Year's Best S-F (1966) by Judith Merril
- The Watch Below (1966) by James White
- Wild and Outside (1966) by Allen Kim Lang
- Modern Masterpieces of Science Fiction (1966) by Sam Moskowitz
- Orbit 1 (1966) by Damon Knight
- Seekers of Tomorrow (1966) by Sam Moskowitz
- World's Best Science Fiction: 1966 (1966) by Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carr
- The Genocides (1966) by Thomas M. Disch
- The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (1966) by Robert A. Heinlein
- This Immortal (1966) by Roger Zelazny
- FROOMB! (1967) by John Lymington
- The Night of the Wolf (1967) by Fritz Leiber
- The Trouble Twisters (1967) by Poul Anderson
- Earthmen and Strangers (1967) by Robert Silverberg
- Great Science Fiction Stories About Mars (1967) by T. E. Dikty
- The Universes of E. E. Smith (1967) by Ron Ellik and Bill Evans
- World of Ptavvs (1967) by Larry Niven
- Earthblood (1967) by Keith Laumer and Rosel George Brown
- Ensign Flandry (1967) by Poul Anderson
- The Enemy of my Enemy (1967) by Avram Davidson
- The Scorpions (1967) by Robert Kelly
- Why Call Them Back from Heaven? (1967) by Clifford D. Simak
- Four for Tomorrow (1967) by Roger Zelazny
- Reality Forbidden (1967) by Philip E. High
- Three Stories (1967) by Sam Moskowitz
- World Without Stars (1967) by Poul Anderson
- The Big Time (1967) by Fritz Leiber
- The Einstein Intersection (1967) by Samuel R. Delany
- The Past Through Tomorrow (1967) by Robert A. Heinlein
- Worlds to Come (1967) by Damon Knight
- In Search of Wonder (1967) by Damon Knight
- Orbit 2 (1967) by Damon Knight
- The Best of Amazing (1967) by Joseph Ross
- The Playboy Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy (1967) by uncredited
- Is Anyone There? (1968) by Isaac Asimov
- King Kull (1968) by Robert E. Howard and Lin Carter
- Nebula Award Stories 2 (1968) by Brian W. Aldiss and Harry Harrison
- The Amsirs and the Iron Thorn (1968) by Algis Budrys
- Dangerous Visions (1968) by Harlan Ellison
- Lords of the Starship (1968) by Mark S. Geston
- Quicksand (1968) by John Brunner
- Science Fiction Inventions (1968) by Damon Knight
- SF: The Best of the Best (1968) by Judith Merril
- The Secret Visitors (1968) by James White
- Asimov's Mysteries (1968) by Isaac Asimov
- Heinlein in Dimension: A Critical Analysis (1968) by Alexei Panshin
- The Best Tales of Hoffmann (1968) by E. T. A. Hoffmann
- Cryptozoic (1968) by Brian Aldiss
- Flash Gordon (1968) by Alex Raymond
- The Day Before Forever and Thunderhead (1968) by Keith Laumer
- Past Master (1968) by R. A. Lafferty
- Path Into the Unknown (1968) by uncredited
- The Future as Nightmare: H. G. Wells and the Anti-Utopians (1968) by Mark R. Hillegas
- Analog 6 (1968) by John W. Campbell, Jr.
- Marooned in Orbit (1968) by Arthur W. Ballou
- The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: 17th Series (1968) by Edward L. Ferman
- Best SF: 1967 (1968) by Harry Harrison and Brian Aldiss
- The Best SF Stories from New Worlds (1968) by Michael Moorcock
- Neutron Star (1968) by Larry Niven
- Science Fiction by Gaslight (1968) by Sam Moskowitz
- The Masks of Time (1968) by Robert Silverberg
- Black Easter (1969) by James Blish
- Nova (1969) by Samuel R. Delany
- Once and Future Tales from the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (1969) by Edward L. Ferman
- Orbit 3 (1969) by Damon Knight
- The Two-Timers (1969) by Bob Shaw
- Isle of the Dead (1969) by Roger Zelazny
- Synthajoy (1969) by D. G. Compton
- The Downstairs Room (1969) by Kate Wilhelm
- A Gift from Earth (1969) by Larry Niven
- Pavane (1969) by Keith Roberts
- The Second If Reader of Science Fiction (1969) by Frederik Pohl
- The Touch (1969) by Daniel Keyes
- Nebula Awards Stories 3 (1969) by Roger Zelazny
- One Hundred Years of Science Fiction (1969) by Damon Knight
- Science Fiction for People Who Hate Science Fiction (1969) by Terry Carr
- Stand on Zanzibar (1969) by John Brunner
- H. P. Lovecraft, a Portrait (1969) by W. Paul Cook
- Rite of Passage (1969) by Alexei Panshin
- Small Changes (1969) by Hal Clement
- Who? (1969) by Algis Budrys
- Another Look at Atlantis and Fifteen Other Essays (1969) by Willy Ley
- Bug Jack Barron (1969) by Norman Spinrad
- Informed Sources: Day East Received (1969) by Willard Bain
- Oracle of the Thousand Hands (1969) by Barry Malzberg
- Screen (1969) by Barry Malzberg
- The Silkie (1969) by A. E. van Vogt
- All Our Yesterdays (1969) by Harry Warner, Jr. [only as by A. J. Budrys]
- Out of the Mouth of the Dragon (1969) by Mark S. Geston
- The Island Under the Earth (1969) by Avram Davidson
- Creatures of Light and Darkness (1969) by Roger Zelazny
- North Cape (1969) by Joe Poyer
- Opus 100 (1969) by Isaac Asimov
- The Silent Multitude (1969) by D. G. Compton
- Masque World (1970) by Alexei Panshin
- The Left Hand of Darkness (1970) by Ursula K. Le Guin
- The Palace of Eternity (1970) by Bob Shaw
- To Live Again (1970) by Robert Silverberg
- Adventures in Discovery (1970) by Tom Purdom
- The Double: Bill Symposium (1970) by Bill Bowers and Bill Mallardi
- The Index to Science Fiction Magazines: 1951-1965 (1970) by Norman Metcalf
- The Universal Baseball Association, Inc., J. Henry Waugh, Prop. (1970) by Robert Coover
- Up the Line (1970) by Robert Silverberg
- Alien Island (1970) by T. L. Sherred
Lord Tyger (1970)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
- The Steel Crocodile (1970) by D. G. Compton
- Jirel of Joiry (1970) by C. L. Moore
- The Ship Who Sang (1970) by Anne McCaffrey
- 14 Great Tales of ESP (1970) by Idella Purnell Stone
- Infinity 1 (1970) by Robert Hoskins
- The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume I (1970) by Robert Silverberg
- The Shattered Ring: Science Fiction and the Quest for Meaning (1970) by Lois Rose and Stephen Rose
- Pre-Empt (1971) by John Vorhies
- The Last Hurrah of the Golden Horde (1971) by Norman Spinrad
- Year of the Cloud (1971) by Kate Wilhelm and Theodore L. Thomas
- All Judgment Fled (1971) by James White
- Ringworld (1971) by Larry Niven
- Satan's World (1971) by Poul Anderson
- The Inner Wheel (1971) by Keith Roberts
- Jesus Christs (1971) by A. J. Langguth
- More Issues At Hand (1971) by William Atheling, Jr.
- The Andromeda Strain (1971) by Michael Crichton
- The Pulps (1971) by Tony Goodstone
- Best Science Fiction Stories of Clifford D. Simak (1971) by Clifford D. Simak
- Chronocules (1971) by D. G. Compton
- Science Against Man (1971) by Anthony Cheetham
The Ice People (1971)
René Barjavel?Rene Barjavel
- Tactics of Mistake (1971) by Gordon R. Dickson
- The Other Side of Time (1971) by Keith Laumer
- The Star Treasure (1971) by Keith Laumer
- And All the Stars a Stage (1971) by James Blish
- Lovecraft: A Biography (1975) by L. Sprague de Camp
- Dhalgren (1975) by Samuel R. Delany
- Women of Wonder (1975) by Pamela Sargent
- Does Anyone Else Have Something Further to Add? (1976) by R. A. Lafferty
- Early del Rey (1976) by Lester del Rey
- Homeward and Beyond (1976) by Poul Anderson
- The Best of Cordwainer Smith (1976) by Cordwainer Smith
- The Early Williamson (1976) by Jack Williamson
- Buy Jupiter and Other Stories (1976) by Isaac Asimov
- The Fantastic Art of Frank Frazetta (1976) by Frank Frazetta
- The Karma Machine (1976) by Michael Davidson
- The Nemesis of Evil (1976) by Lin Carter
- Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year: Fourth Annual Collection (1976) by Lester del Rey
- The 1975 Annual World's Best SF (1976) by Donald A. Wollheim
- Gate of Ivrel (1976) by C. J. Cherryh
- Stellar #2 (1976) by Judy-Lynn del Rey
- The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton (1976) by Larry Niven
- The Third Industrial Revolution (1976) by G. Harry Stine
- Fantastic Science-Fiction Art, 1926-1954 (1976) by Lester del Rey
- One Hundred Years of Science Fiction Illustration (1976) by Anthony Frewin
- Science Fiction Art (1976) by Brian Aldiss
- The Science Fiction Book (1976) by Franz Rottensteiner
- The Best of John W. Campbell (1976) by John W. Campbell, Jr.
- Hell's Cartographers: Some Personal Histories of Science Fiction Writers (1977) by Harry Harrison and Brian W. Aldiss
- The Early Pohl (1977) by Frederik Pohl
- Orbit 18 (1977) by Damon Knight
- The Space Beyond (1977) by John W. Campbell, Jr.
- A World Out of Time (1977) by Larry Niven
- Mindbridge (1977) by Joe Haldeman
- The Dragon and the George (1977) by Gordon R. Dickson
- Jules Verne, a Biography (1977) by Jean Jules-Verne
- Lone Star Universe (1977) by George W. Proctor and Steven Utley
- More Women of Wonder (1977) by Pamela Sargent
- The Book of Virgil Finlay (1977) by Gerry de la Ree
- Doorways in the Sand (1977) by Roger Zelazny
- The Starcrossed (1977) by Ben Bova
- The Sword of Shannara (1977) by Terry Brooks
- Under Pressure (1977) by Frank Herbert
- Michaelmas (1977) by Algis Budrys
- The Best of Edmond Hamilton (1977) by Edmond Hamilton
- Turning Points: Essays on the Art of Science Fiction (1977) by Damon Knight
- Cirque (1977) by Terry Carr
- Hunter of Worlds (1977) by C. J. Cherryh
- The Best of Leigh Brackett (1977) by Leigh Brackett
- The John McPhee Reader (1977) by John McPhee
- Edd Cartier: The Known and the Unknown (1978) by Edd Cartier
- Songs of Stars and Shadows (1978) by George R. R. Martin
- The Blue Hawk (1978) by Peter Dickinson
The Dark Design (1978)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
- The Passing of the Dragons (1978) by Keith Roberts
- We Who Are About To ... (1978) by Joanna Russ
- Gateway (1978) by Frederik Pohl
- The Futurians (1978) by Damon Knight
- Dying of the Light (1978) by George R. R. Martin
- Frank Kelly Freas: The Art of Science Fiction (1978) by Frank Kelly Freas
- The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: 22nd Series (1978) by Edward L. Ferman
- The Devil in a Forest (1978) by Gene Wolfe
- High Couch of Silistra (1978) by Janet E. Morris
- In the Ocean of Night (1978) by Gregory Benford
- Stellar #3 (1978) by Judy-Lynn del Rey
- Mastodonia (1978) by Clifford D. Simak
- Our Lady of Darkness (1978) by Fritz Leiber
- The Best of L. Sprague de Camp (1978) by L. Sprague de Camp
- The Genesis Machine (1978) by James P. Hogan
- Up the Walls of the World (1978) by James Tiptree, Jr.
- Ariel: The Book of Fantasy, Volume Three (1978) by Thomas Durwood
- Blind Voices (1978) by Tom Reamy
- Sorcerers: A Collection of Fantasy Art (1978) by Bruce Jones and Armand Eisen
- The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy Through 1968, Volume 2: Who's Who, M-Z (1978) by Donald H. Tuck
- The Persistence of Vision (1978) by John Varley
- And Having Writ ... (1978) by D. R. Bensen
Definitely Maybe (1978)
Аркадий Стругацкий?Arkady StrugatskyandБорис Стругацкий?Boris Strugatsky
- The Earth Book of Stormgate (1978) by Poul Anderson
- Blood and Burning (1979) by Algis Budrys
- Born to Exile (1979) by Phyllis Eisenstein
- The Best of Lester del Rey (1979) by Lester del Rey
- The Redward Edward Papers (1979) by Avram Davidson
- The Way the Future Was (1979) by Frederik Pohl
- Classic Science Fiction (1979) by Terry Carr
- Exiles to Glory (1979) by Jerry Pournelle
- Lifeboat Earth (1979) by Stanley Schmidt
- West of Honor (1979) by Jerry Pournelle
- Earth Magic (1979) by Cory Panshin and Alexei Panshin
- Infinite Dreams (1979) by Joe Haldeman
- Jem (1979) by Frederik Pohl
- Medusa's Children (1979) by Bob Shaw
- The Fountains of Paradise (1979) by Arthur C. Clarke
- Stardance (1979) by Jeanne Robinson and Spider Robinson
- The Pleasure Tube (1979) by Robert Onopa
Self-discovery (1979)
Владимир Савченко?Vladimir Savchenko
- The End of Summer: Science Fiction of the Fifties (1979) by Barry N. Malzberg
- The Secret Sea (1979) by Thomas F. Monteleone
- A Secret History of Time to Come (1980) by Robie Macauley
- Re: Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta (1980) by Doris Lessing
- Beyond the Blue Event Horizon (1980) by Frederik Pohl
- Empire of the East (1980) by Fred Saberhagen
- Lord Valentine's Castle (1980) by Robert Silverberg
- The Shadow of the Torturer (1980) by Gene Wolfe
- A Reader's Guide to Science Fiction (1980) by Baird Searles
- The Science Fiction Encyclopedia (1980) by Peter Nicholls
- Who Goes There: A Bibliographic Dictionary (1980) by James A. Rock
- In Joy Still Felt: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1954-1978 (1980) by Isaac Asimov
- In Memory Yet Green: The Autobiography of Isaac Asimov, 1920-1954 (1980) by Isaac Asimov
- A Storm of Wings (1980) by M. John Harrison
- The Number of the Beast (1980) by Robert A. Heinlein
- Wizard (1980) by John Varley
- Changeling (1981) by Roger Zelazny
- Golem 100 (1981) by Alfred Bester
- San Diego Lightfoot Sue and Other Stories (1981) by Tom Reamy
- Songs from the Stars (1981) by Norman Spinrad
- Survey of Science Fiction Literature (1981) by Frank N. Magill
- 100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories (1981) by Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg and Joseph D. Olander
- Microcosmic Tales (1981) by Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg and Joseph D. Olander
- The Complete Venus Equilateral (1981) by George O. Smith
- The Great Science Fiction Stories Volume 4, 1942 (1981) by Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg
- The Nitrogen Fix (1981) by Hal Clement
- Far From Home (1981) by Walter S. Tevis
- Shatterday (1981) by Harlan Ellison
- The Claw of the Conciliator (1981) by Gene Wolfe
- The Science Fictionary (1981) by Ed Naha
- Dream Makers: The Uncommon People Who Write Science Fiction (1981) by Charles Platt
- The Cool War (1981) by Frederik Pohl
- The Human Zero: The Science Fiction Stories of Erle Stanley Gardner (1981) by Erle Stanley Gardner
- The World and Thorinn (1981) by Damon Knight
- VALIS (1981) by Philip K. Dick
- Worlds (1981) by Joe Haldeman
- The Many-Colored Land (1981) by Julian May
- Down to a Sunless Sea (1981) by David Graham (I)
- God Emperor of Dune (1981) by Frank Herbert
- Voyagers (1981) by Ben Bova
- Wandor's Flight (1981) by Roland Green
- The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1965 (1982) by Edward L. Ferman and Martin H. Greenberg
- The Sword of the Lictor (1982) by Gene Wolfe
- Beauty (1982) by Robin McKinley
- Madwand (1982) by Roger Zelazny
- Sandkings (1982) by George R. R. Martin
- Soldier Boy (1982) by Michael Shaara
- The Lost and the Lurking (1982) by Manly Wade Wellman
- The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume III (1982) by Arthur C. Clarke and George W. Proctor
- Not This August (1982) by C. M. Kornbluth
- The Pride of Chanur (1982) by C. J. Cherryh
- The Sardonyx Net (1982) by Elizabeth A. Lynn
- Planets Three (1982) by Frederik Pohl
- Star Colony (1982) by Keith Laumer
- Strength of Stones (1982) by Greg Bear
- The Best of Randall Garrett (1982) by Randall Garrett
- The Thing (1982) by Alan Dean Foster
- Special Deliverance (1982) by Clifford D. Simak
- The Azriel Uprising (1982) by Allyn Thompson
- The Einstein Intersection (1982) by Samuel R. Delany
- The Golden Space (1982) by Pamela Sargent
- The Engines of the Night (1982) by Barry Malzberg
- Friday (1982) by Robert A. Heinlein
- Starburst (1982) by Frederik Pohl
- The Eureka Years (1982) by Annette McComas
- Bridges to Fantasy (1983) by George E. Slusser and Eric S. Rabkin and Robert Scholes
- Different Seasons (1983) by Stephen King
- Fevre Dream (1983) by George R. R. Martin
Roadside Picnic (1983)
Аркадий Стругацкий?Arkady StrugatskyandБорис Стругацкий?Boris Strugatsky
- The Deceivers (1983) by Alfred Bester
- The Last Man on Earth (1983) by Isaac Asimov and Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- 2010: Odyssey Two (1983) by Arthur C. Clarke
- Battlefield Earth (1983) by L. Ron Hubbard
- Foundation's Edge (1983) by Isaac Asimov
- Paperback Price Guide #2 (1983) by Kevin B. Hancer
- The Citadel of the Autarch (1983) by Gene Wolfe
- The Official Underground and Newave Comix Price Guide (1983) by Jay Kennedy
- Gormenghast (1983) by Mervyn Peake
- Misplaced Persons (1983) by Lee Harding
- Sideshow (1983) by Mike Resnick
- The Tomorrow File (1983) by Lawrence Sanders
- Titus Alone (1983) by Mervyn Peake
- Titus Groan (1983) by Mervyn Peake
- Floating Dragon (1983) by Peter Straub
- Pulling Through (1983) by Dean Ing
- Stalking the Nightmare (1983) by Harlan Ellison
- Against Infinity (1983) by Greg Benford
- Cinnabar (1983) by Edward Bryant
- The Floating Gods (1983) by M. John Harrison
- The Wind from a Burning Woman (1983) by Greg Bear
- Christine (1983) by Stephen King
- The First Book of Swords (1983) by Fred Saberhagen
- The House of the Lions (1983) by L. T. Stuart
- The Prometheus Man (1983) by Ray Faraday Nelson
- Lyonesse (1983) by Jack Vance
- Orion Shall Rise (1983) by Poul Anderson
- Twilight World (1983) by Poul Anderson
- Benefits (1983) by Zoe Fairbairns
- Millennium (1983) by John Varley
- Skyripper (1983) by David Drake
- Tea with the Black Dragon (1983) by R. A. MacAvoy
- The 57th Franz Kafka (1983) by Rudy Rucker
- The Shadow of the Ship (1983) by Robert Wilfred Franson
- Dream Makers, Volume II (1983) by Charles Platt
- Four Stories (1983) by R. A. Lafferty
- The Arbor House Treasury of Science Fiction Masterpieces (1983) by Robert Silverberg and Martin H. Greenberg
- The Sword of Winter (1983) by Marta Randall
- Demon (1984) by John Varley
- Exile on Vlahil (1984) by Ardath Mayhar
- Heechee Rendezvous (1984) by Frederik Pohl
- Job: A Comedy of Justice (1984) by Robert A. Heinlein
- Survey of Modern Fantasy Literature (1984) by Frank N. Magill
- The Herald (1984) by Michael Shaara
- The Integral Trees (1984) by Larry Niven
- Lest Darkness Fall (1984) by L. Sprague de Camp
- Nonliterary Influences on Science Fiction (1984) by Algis Budrys
- San Diego Lightfoot Sue and Other Stories (1984) by Tom Reamy
- Science Fiction: The Future (1984) by Dick Allen
- Tales by Moonlight (1984) by Jessica Amanda Salmonson
- The Castle of the Otter (1984) by Gene Wolfe
We (1984)
Евгений Замятин?Yevgeny Zamyatin
- Over My Shoulder: Reflections on a Science Fiction Era (1984) by Lloyd Arthur Eshbach
- Hoka! (1984) by Poul Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson
- Menace Under Marswood (1984) by Sterling E. Lanier
- The Armageddon Rag (1984) by George R. R. Martin
- The Fantasy Cookbook (1984) by Rita Hildebrandt and Tim Hildebrandt
- The Illustrated Book of Science Fiction Lists (1984) by Mike Ashley
- Worlds Apart (1984) by Joe Haldeman
- Cugel's Saga (1984) by Jack Vance
- The Anubis Gates (1984) by Tim Powers
- The Second Book of Swords (1984) by Fred Saberhagen
- The War for Eternity (1984) by Christopher Rowley
- The Zen Gun (1984) by Barrington J. Bayley
- The High Kings (1984) by Joy Chant
- The Man in the Tree (1984) by Damon Knight
- The Wild Shore (1984) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Another Part of the Fifties (1984) by Paul A. Carter
- Dark Valley Destiny: The Life of Robert E. Howard (1984) by L. Sprague de Camp and Catherine Crook de Camp and Jane Whittington Griffin
- Nebula Award Stories Seventeen (1984) by Joe Haldeman
- Green Eyes (1984) by Lucius Shepard
- The Practice Effect (1984) by David Brin
- Clay's Ark (1984) by Octavia E. Butler
- Men, Martians and Machines (1984) by Eric Frank Russell
- Nifft the Lean (1984) by Michael Shea
The Classic Philip José Farmer, 1952-1964 (1984)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
- The Joy Makers (1984) by James E. Gunn
- The Shores of Another Sea (1984) by Chad Oliver
- Sword and Sorceress (1984) by Marion Zimmer Bradley
- The Hobbit (1984) by J. R. R. Tolkien
- The Pig Plantagenet (1984) by Allen Andrews
- World's End (1984) by Joan D. Vinge
- The Creature Features Movie Guide: Or an A to Z Encyclopedia to the Cinema of the Fantastic, or Is There a Mad Doctor in the House? (1984) by John Stanley
- The Darkangel (1984) by Meredith Ann Pierce
- The Dune Encyclopedia (1984) by Willis E. McNelly
- The Stars Are the Styx (1984) by Theodore Sturgeon
- The Miracle (1985) by Irving Wallace
- The Passion of Molly T. (1985) by Lawrence Sanders
- The Skook (1985) by JP Miller
- Castle Crespin (1985) by Allen Andrews
- Castles (1985) by Alan Lee and David Day
- The Paradox Men (1985) by Charles L. Harness
- Emergence (1985) by David R. Palmer
Murder on the Thirty-First Floor (1985)
Per Wahlöö?Per Wahloeoe
- The Clarion Awards (1985) by Damon Knight
- The Talisman (1985) by Stephen King and Peter Straub
- The Years of the City (1985) by Frederik Pohl
- Age of Wonders: Exploring the World of Science Fiction (1985) by David G. Hartwell
- L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future (1985) by Algis Budrys
- Wonder's Child: My Life in Science Fiction (1985) by Jack Williamson
- Arslan (1985) by M. J. Engh
- Lifeburst (1985) by Jack Williamson
- The Faces of Science Fiction (1985) by Patti Perret
- The Other Time (1985) by Mack Reynolds and Dean Ing
- A Separate Star (1985) by Frank Kelly Freas
- Benchmarks: Galaxy Bookshelf (1985) by Algis Budrys
- Light Years and Dark (1985) by Michael Bishop
- Niven's Laws (1985) by Larry Niven
- Chanur's Venture (1985) by C. J. Cherryh
- Dinner at Deviant's Palace (1985) by Tim Powers
- Welcome, Chaos (1985) by Kate Wilhelm
- Footfall (1985) by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
- Neuromancer (1985) by William Gibson
- The Great Divide (1985) by Frank M. Robinson and John Levin
- Blood Music (1985) by Greg Bear
- Bridge of Birds (1985) by Barry Hughart
- Barnaby #1, Wanted a Fairy Godmother (1985) by Crockett Johnson
- The Dunwich Horror and Others (1985) by H. P. Lovecraft
- The Glamour (1985) by Christopher Priest
- The Sand Pebbles (1985) by Richard McKenna
- Free Live Free (1985) by Gene Wolfe
- Skeleton Crew (1985) by Stephen King
- The Book of Sorrows (1985) by Walter Wangerin, Jr.
- Become the Hunted (1985) by Jefferson P. Swycaffer
- Birds of Prey (1985) by David Drake
- Meanwhile (1985) by Max Handley
- The Man Who Never Missed (1985) by Steve Perry
- A. Merritt: Reflections in the Moon Pool (1986) by Sam Moskowitz
- Lovecraft's Book (1986) by Richard A. Lupoff
- Yesterday's Faces: Glory Figures (1986) by Robert Sampson
- Yesterday's Faces: Strange Days (1986) by Robert Sampson
- The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (1986) by Robert A. Heinlein
- The Dream Years (1986) by Lisa Goldstein
- The Memory of Whiteness (1986) by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Philip K. Dick: In His Own Words (1986) by Gregg Rickman
- Philip K. Dick: The Last Testament (1986) by Gregg Rickman
- Schismatrix (1986) by Bruce Sterling
- The Postman (1986) by David Brin
- In Yana, The Touch of Undying (1986) by Michael Shea
- Vampire Junction (1986) by S. P. Somtow
- Adventures (1986) by Mike Resnick
- Angels of September (1986) by Andrew M. Greeley
- Science Fiction Films of the Seventies (1986) by Craig W. Anderson
- The Face That Must Die (1986) by Ramsey Campbell
- The Alternate Asimovs (1986) by Isaac Asimov
- The Early Asimov (1986) by Isaac Asimov
- The Great SF Stories 14 (1952) (1986) by Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg
- Nebula Awards 20 (1986) by George Zebrowski
- Saraband of Lost Time (1986) by Richard Grant
- The Cross-Time Engineer (1986) by Leo Frankowski
- Uncollected Stars (1986) by Piers Anthony and Barry Malzberg and Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
- Burning Chrome (1986) by William Gibson
- Count Zero (1986) by William Gibson
- L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume II (1986) by Algis Budrys
- The John W. Campbell Letters, Volume 1 (1986) by Perry A. Chapdelaine, Sr. and Tony Chapdelaine and George Hay
- Godbody (1986) by Theodore Sturgeon
- Santiago: A Myth of the Far Future (1986) by Mike Resnick
- Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Review Index, 1980-1984 (1986) by H. W. Hall
- Galaxy Magazine: The Dark and the Light Years (1986) by David L. Rosheim
- It (1986) by Stephen King
- The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume IV (1986) by Terry Carr
- Hardwired (1986) by Walter Jon Williams
- The Nimrod Hunt (1986) by Charles Sheffield
- Best Science Fiction of the Year 15 (1987) by Terry Carr
- Interzone: The 1st Anthology (1987) by John Clute and Colin Greenland and David Pringle
- Critical Terms for Science Fiction and Fantasy (1987) by Gary Wolfe
- Soldier of the Mist (1987) by Gene Wolfe
- Hitler Victorious (1987) by Gregory Benford and Martin H. Greenberg
- In Advance of the Landing: Folk Concepts of Outer Space (1987) by Douglas Curran
- Universe 16 (1987) by Terry Carr
- The Hercules Text (1987) by Jack McDevitt
- Vergil in Averno (1987) by Avram Davidson
- J. T. MacIntosh, Memoir and Bibliography (1987) by Ian Covell
- Science Fiction in Print: 1985 (1987) by Charles N. Brown and William G. Contento
- The Glass Hammer (1987) by K. W. Jeter
- Worlds of If: A Retrospective Anthology (1987) by Joseph D. Olander and Martin Harry Greenberg and Frederik Pohl
- Dad's Nuke (1987) by Marc Laidlaw
- Marlborough Street (1987) by Richard Bowker
- The Leeshore (1987) by Robert Reed
- Arslan (1987) by M. J. Engh
- Dome (1987) by Michael Reaves and Steve Perry
- Nightwing (1987) by Martin Cruz Smith
- L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume III (1987) by Algis Budrys
- The Damnation Game (1987) by Clive Barker
- Misery (1987) by Stephen King
- Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index: 1878-1985 (1987) by H. W. Hall
- Chernobyl (1987) by Frederik Pohl
- An Alien Light (1988) by Nancy Kress
- The Essential Ellison (1988) by Harlan Ellison
- On Stranger Tides (1988) by Tim Powers
- Swordspoint (1988) by Ellen Kushner
- Polyphemus (1988) by Michael Shea
- Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Horror: 1986 (1988) by Charles N. Brown and William G. Contento
- The Last Ship (1988) by William Brinkley
- L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume IV (1988) by Algis Budrys
- The Hormone Jungle (1988) by Robert Reed
- Journey to Fusang (1988) by William Sanders
- Marching Through Georgia (1988) by S. M. Stirling
- Druid's Blood (1988) by Esther M. Friesner
- Resurrection, Inc. (1988) by Kevin J. Anderson
Koko (1988)
Peter Straub
also appeared as:
- Translation: Koko [Swedish] (1989)
- Touch (1989) by Elmore Leonard
- Wyvern (1989) by A. A. Attanasio
- Shaggy B.E.M. Stories (1989) by Mike Resnick
- The Transitive Vampire (1989) by Karen Elizabeth Gordon
- The Well-Tempered Sentence (1989) by Karen Elizabeth Gordon
- Blood Sport (1989) by Robert F. Jones
- The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (1989) by James Gunn
- Wheel of the Winds (1989) by M. J. Engh
- Endangered Species (1989) by Gene Wolfe
- Fool on the Hill (1989) by Matt Ruff
- Twistor (1989) by John Cramer
- The Tides of God (1989) by Ted Reynolds
- Red Army (1989) by Ralph Peters
- The Red Eagles (1989) by David Downing
- Einstein Simplified (1989) by Sidney Harris
- The Best of the Nebulas (1989) by Ben Bova
- The Abyss (1989) by Orson Scott Card
- Zenith (1989) by David S. Garnett
- Chroma: The Art of Alex Schomburg (1989) by Jon Gustafson
- Falcon (1990) by Emma Bull
- Harlan Ellison's Watching (1990) by Harlan Ellison
- The High-Tech Knight (1990) by Leo Frankowski
- The Radiant Warrior (1990) by Leo Frankowski
- The World Beyond the Hill: Science Fiction and the Quest for Transcendence (1990) by Alexei Panshin and Cory Panshin
- Modern Fantasy (1990) by David Pringle
- Astounding Days: A Science Fictional Autobiography (1990) by Arthur C. Clarke
- The Flying Warlord (1990) by Leo Frankowski
- The Great and Secret Show (1990) by Clive Barker
- Destiny Express (1990) by Howard A. Rodman
- The City, Not Long After (1990) by Pat Murphy
- In Another Country (1990) by Robert Silverberg
- Vintage Season (1990) by C. L. Moore
- Weapon (1990) by Robert Mason
- Earth (1990) by David Brin
- Mona Lisa Overdrive (1990) by William Gibson
- Polar City Blues (1990) by Katharine Kerr
- Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Horror: 1984 (1990) by William Contento and Charles N. Brown
- Nightfall (1990) by Robert Silverberg and Isaac Asimov
- Tales from Planet Earth (1990) by Arthur C. Clarke
- Kent Montana and the Really Ugly Thing from Mars (1991) by Lionel Fenn
- Pockets of Resistance (1991) by Will Sundown
- The Hell-Bound Train (1991) by Will Sundown
- The Cipher (1991) by Kathe Koja
- Jurassic Park (1991) by Michael Crichton
- Lifeline (1991) by Kevin J. Anderson and Doug Beason
- Down the Bright Way (1991) by Robert Reed
- Fear (1991) by L. Ron Hubbard
- Rotten Rejections (1991) by Andre Bernard
- The C. S. Lewis Hoax (1991) by Kathryn Lindskoog
- Castleview (1991) by Gene Wolfe
- Nicoji (1991) by M. Shayne Bell
- Judson's Eden (1991) by Keith Laumer
- Monster (1991) by Dwight V. Swain
- The Exile Kiss (1991) by George Alec Effinger
- I Shudder at Your Touch (1991) by Michele Slung
- No Blood Spilled (1991) by Les Daniels
- The War in 2020 (1991) by Ralph Peters
- Serpent Catch (1991) by Dave Wolverton
- The Dark Beyond the Stars (1991) by Frank M. Robinson
- Red Genesis (1991) by S. C. Sykes
- Spirit Crossings (1991) by Claudia Peck
- Slow Freight (1991) by F. M. Busby
- The Fire Within (1991) by Graham Watkins
- Gravity's Angels (1991) by Michael Swanwick
- The Sum of All Fears (1991) by Tom Clancy
- L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume VII (1992) by Algis Budrys
- Needful Things (1992) by Stephen King
- The Face of the Waters (1992) by Robert Silverberg
- Me: A Novel of Self-Discovery (1992) by Thomas T. Thomas
- The Stress of Her Regard (1992) by Tim Powers
- The Wild Blue and the Gray (1992) by William Sanders
- Universe 2 (1992) by Robert Silverberg and Karen Haber
- Contemporary Authors, Autobiography Series, Volume 14 (1992) by uncredited
- Courting Disasters and Other Strange Affinities (1992) by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
- Storeys from the Old Hotel (1992) by Gene Wolfe
- The Science Fantasy Publishers: A Critical and Bibliographic History (1992) by Jack L. Chalker and Mark Owings
- Asimov Laughs Again (1992) by Isaac Asimov
- Outnumbering the Dead (1992) by Frederik Pohl
- Stopping at Slowyear (1992) by Frederik Pohl
- Glass Houses (1992) by Laura J. Mixon
- Jumper (1992) by Steven Gould
- Ole Doc Methuselah (1992) by L. Ron Hubbard
- In the Net of Dreams (1992) by Wm. Mark Simmons
- Last Call (1992) by Tim Powers
- When Dreams Collide (1992) by Wm. Mark Simmons
- Solo (1992) by Robert Mason
- Time and Again (1992) by Clifford D. Simak
- Gerald's Game (1992) by Stephen King
- The Time Patrol (1992) by Poul Anderson
- L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume VIII (1993) by Dave Wolverton and Algis Budrys
- Why Do Birds (1993) by Damon Knight
- Ahead of Time (2020) by Henry Kuttner
- The Syndic (2020) by C. M. Kornbluth
- Untouched by Human Hands (2020) by Robert Sheckley
- An Interview with Algis Budrys (1978) by Ed Gorman
- Algis Budrys (1980) by Charles Platt
- A Conversation with Algis Budrys (1981) by Darrell Schweitzer
- Interview: Algis Budrys (1984) by Mark Berry (I)
- Algis Budrys Talks About Science Fiction (1993) by Delores Goodrick Beggs
- I Write and I Write Good - and That's the Way of It (1995) by Sally-Ann Melia
- Algis Budrys: 60 Years of SF (1997) by uncredited
Non-Genre Titles
- Chipping Gears (2020)
- Pop Lit: Reviews (2020)