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Fiction Series
- Venus Equilateral
QRM - Interplanetary (1942) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: QRM [German] (1968)
- Translation: QRM-Interplanetary [German] (1981)
- Translation: QRM-Interplanetario [Italian] (1981)
Translation: Interplanetare Störungen?Interplanetare Stoerungen[German] (1982)
Calling the Empress (1943) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: An die Empreß of Kolain?An die Empress of Kolain[German] (1968)
- Translation: Raumschiff EMPRESS OF KOLAIN [German] (1982)
Recoil (1943) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Elektronenkanone [German] (1968)
Translation: Rückstoß?Rueckstoss[German] (1982)
Lost Art (1943) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Verlorenes Wissen [German] (1982)
Off the Beam (1944) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Irrfahrt [German] (1968)
- Translation: Die Irrfahrt [German] (1982)
The Long Way (1944) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Die Marsröhre?Die Marsroehre[German] (1968)
- Translation: Auf Umwegen [German] (1982)
Beam Pirate (1944) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Piratenstückchen?Piratenstueckchen[German] (1968)
- Translation: Der Strahlenpirat [German] (1982)
The Firing Line (1944) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Firing Line (1944)
Translation: Noch ein Piratenstück?Noch ein Piratenstueck[German] (1968)
- Translation: An vorderster Front [German] (1982)
Special Delivery (1945) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sonderpost [German] (1968)
Translation: Expreßsendung?Expresssendung[German] (1982)
Pandora's Millions (1945) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pandoras Millionen [German] (1968)
- Translation: Pandoras Millionen [German] (1982)
Identity (1945) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Murdochs Hort [German] (1982)
Mad Holiday (1947) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Flitterwochen [German] (1968)
Translation: Verrückte Feiertage?Verrueckte Feiertage[German] (1982)
Venus Equilateral (1947) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Relaisstation Venus [German] (1968)
Interlude (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The External Triangle (1973)
Translation: Das äußere Dreieck?Das aeussere Dreieck[German] (1982)
The Complete Venus Equilateral (1976) [C]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Venus Equilateral: Volume One (1975)
- Variant: Venus Equilateral: Volume Two (1975)
- Translation: Relaisstation Venus [German] (1982)
- Translation: Der Strahlenpirat [German] (1982)
- Translation: Das Ende der Weltraumstadt [German] (1982)
QRM - Interplanetary (1942) [SF]
also appeared as:
Pattern for Conquest (1949)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Pattern for Conquest (Part 1 of 3) (1946)
- Pattern for Conquest (Part 2 of 3) (1946)
- Pattern for Conquest (Part 3 of 3) (1946)
Nomad (1950)
also appeared as:
Translation: Der große Krieg?Der grosse Krieg[German] (1958)
- Serializations:
- Nomad (Part 1 of 3) (1944) [as by Wesley Long]
- Nomad (Part 2 of 3) (1945) [as by Wesley Long]
- Nomad (Part 3 of 3) (1945) [as by Wesley Long]
Hellflower (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La fleur diabolique [French] (1955)
- Translation: Gift aus dem Weltraum [German] (1959)
- Translation: Flor del infierno [Spanish] (1962)
Translation: 地球発狂計画?Chikyū hakkyō keikaku[Japanese] (1968) [as by
Chikyu hakkyo keikakuジョージ・O・スミス?Jōji O Sumisu] - Variant: The Hellflower (2022)
- Serializations:
- The Hellflower (Complete Novel) (1952)
- Translation: Più veloce della luce (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1958)
Highways in Hiding (1956)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Caminos Ocultos [Spanish] (1957)
- Variant: The Space Plague (1957)
Translation: 宇宙病地帯?Uchūbyō Chitai[Japanese] (1959) [as byジョージ・O・スミス?Jōji O. Sumisu]
- Translation: Weltraumpest [German] (1959)
- Variant: Space Plague (2011)
- Variant: Highways in Hiding (2015) [as by George Oliver Smith]
- Serializations:
- Highways in Hiding (Part 1 of 4) (1955)
- Highways in Hiding (Part 2 of 4) (1955)
- Highways in Hiding (Part 3 of 4) (1955)
- Highways in Hiding (Part 4 of 4) (1955)
Troubled Star (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Sonnen-Ingenieure [German] (1961)
Translation: 太陽移動計画?Taiyō idō keikaku[Japanese] (1967) [as byジョージ・O・スミス?Jōji O Sumisu]
- Serializations:
- Troubled Star (Complete Novel) (1953)
- Translation: Il semaforo delle stelle (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1959)
Fire in the Heavens (1958)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Brennende Himmel [German] (1959)
- Translation: El cielo incendiado [Spanish] (1961)
- Serializations:
- Fire in the Heavens (Complete Novel) (1949)
- Translation: Incendio solare (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1959)
- The Path of Unreason (1958)
Lost in Space (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Schiffbruch im All [German] (1960)
- Variant: Spacemen Lost (2022)
- Serializations:
- Spacemen Lost (Complete Novel) (1954)
- Translation: L'astronave dispersa (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1959)
The Fourth "R" (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Geheimnis der Wunderkinder [German] (1965)
- Variant: The Brain Machine (1968)
- Variant: The Fourth "R" (2008) [as by George Oliver Smith]
- The Worlds of George O. (1982)
- Nomad (2022) [only as by Wesley Long]
- Masters of Evolution / Fire in the Heavens (1959) [O/2N] with Damon Knight
- Earth's Last Fortress / Lost in Space (1960) [O/2N] with A. E. van Vogt
- In Caverns Below / Dynasty of the Lost (2015) [O] with Stanton A. Coblentz
Operation Interstellar (1950)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Opération interstellaire [French] (1955) [as by Georges O. Smith]
- Variant: Operation Interstellar (2017) [as by George Smith (II)]
- Stop, Look and Dig (2006)
- The Big Fix (2007)
- History Repeats (2007)
- Instinct (2007)
- Amateur in Chancery (2016)
- The Undetected (2016)
- The Troublemakers (2016)
- Lost Art (2022)
- Beam Pirate (2022)
- Calling the Empress (2022)
- Identity (2022)
- Pandora's Millions (2022)
- QRM - Interplanetary (2022)
- Recoil (2022)
- Special Delivery (2022)
- The Firing Line (2022)
- The Long Way (2022)
- Off the Beam (2022)
- Trouble Times Two (2022)
- Alien (2022)
- Blind Time (2022)
- Circle of Confusion (2022) [only as by Wesley Long]
- The Answer (2022)
- Fine Feathers (2022)
- The Fixer (2022) [only as by Wesley Long]
- The Impossible Pirate (2022)
- The Incredible Invasion (2022)
- Vocation (2022)
- Rat Race (2022)
- Trouble (2022)
- "Latent Image" (2022) [only as by Wesley Long]
- The Catspaw (2022)
- Meddler's Moon (2022)
- Redevelopment (2022) [only as by Wesley Long]
- The Undamned (2022)
- Problem in Solid (2022)
- In the Cards (2022)
- Quest to Centaurus (2022)
- Home Is the Spaceman (2022)
- The Kingdom of the Blind (2022)
- Spaceman's Luck (2022)
- One of Three (2022) [also as by Wesley Long]
- The Death Crystal (2022)
- Quarantine (2022)
- The Cosmic Jackpot (2023)
- Climate—Incorporated (2023) [only as by Wesley Long]
- The Trans-Galactic Twins (2023)
- Time for Survival (2023)
- Bombs Awry (2023)
- Booby Prize (2023)
- The Mobius Trail (2023)
- Two Worlds for One (2023)
- Atomic Bonanza (2023)
- Dark Recess (2023)
- The Black Alarm (2023)
- Dynasty of the Lost (2023)
- The World-Mover (2023)
- Plutonian Lens
- Circle of Confusion (1944) [only as by Wesley Long]
Latent Image (1944)
only appeared as:
- Variant: "Latent Image" (1944) [as by Wesley Long]
- Redevelopment (1944) [only as by Wesley Long]
- The Fixer (1945) [only as by Wesley Long]
- Probability Zero
- Der Fuehrer's Base (1943)
- Probability Zero! (Astounding, September 1943) (1943) [ES] with Ray Bradbury and David Charles and Charles Ben Davis and Clayton James MacBeth and Harold Wooster
- Scholar's Cluster
- Understanding (1967)
- Scholar's Cluster (1980)
Vocation (1945)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vocación [Spanish] (1968)
- Trouble Times Two (1945)
- Fine Feathers (1946)
- Trouble (1946)
- Blind Time (1946)
- Alien (1946)
The Impossible Pirate (1946)
also appeared as:
- Translation: El pirata imposible [Spanish] (1947)
- The Undamned (1947)
- The Answer (1947)
- Quest to Centaurus (1947)
- The Kingdom of the Blind (1947)
- In the Cards (1947)
- Rat Race (1947)
- Meddler's Moon (1947)
- Problem in Solid (1947)
- Quarantine (1947)
- One of Three (1948) [also as by Wesley Long]
- The Incredible Invasion (1948)
- A Dog's Life (1948)
- Journey (1948)
- The Trans-Galactic Twins (1948)
Climate—Incorporated?Climate-Incorporated(1948) [also as by Wesley Long]
- The Catspaw (1948)
- The Cosmic Jackpot (1948)
- The Mobius Trail (1948)
- Minus Danger! (1949)
Operation Interstellar (1950)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Operation Interstellar (1950) [as by George Smith (II)]
Translation: Opération interstellaire?Operation interstellaire[French] (1955) [as by Georges O. Smith]
- Dynasty of the Lost (1950)
- The Death Crystal (1950)
- Two Worlds for One (1950)
- The World-Mover (1950)
- Atomic Bonanza (1951)
- Dark Recess (1951)
- The Black Alarm (1951)
- The Planet Mender (1952)
- Bombs Awry (1952)
- Spaceman's Luck (1953)
Stop, Look and Dig (1953)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Stop Look and Dig (1953)
- Home Is the Spaceman (1953)
- Booby Prize (1953)
- Instinct (1959)
- History Repeats (1959)
- The Big Fix (1959)
The Undetected (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Giuoco d'azzardo [Italian] (1963)
- Translation: So überaus perfekt [German] (1965)
- Translation: L'homme-psi [French] (1968)
- Time for Survival (1960)
The Troublemakers (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: I ribelli [Italian] (1960)
Amateur in Chancery (1961)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il delitto perfetto [Italian] (1961)
- Translation: Question d'urgence [French] (1968)
Counter Foil (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Panne [German] (1970)
- Translation: Une erreur de compte [French] (1973)
- Fire, 2016! (1964)
- Speculation (1976)
- Meddler's Moon (radio script) (1982)
- Letter (Astounding, November 1943): Fellow Sufferer? (1943)
- The Vanishing Yankee (1944)
- Letter (Astounding, January 1945): Business Opportunities Dept. (1945)
- Letter (Astounding, February 1945): I Showed George Smithe Those Letters. He Claims— (1945)
- Letter (Astounding, February 1945): —and Then of Course, Wes Long Had to See Smith's Remarks! (1945) [only as by Wesley Long]
- Letter (Astounding, May 1945): The Nice Friends in the White Coats Will Explain It Better, We Hope. (1945)
- Letter (Astounding, June 1945): If a Sky Hook WIll ANchor Well in a Vacuum, It Might Help in Electron Tube Design. (1945) [only as by Wes Long]
- The Elusive Microvolt (1945)
- Hearing Aid (1946)
- Letter (Astounding, April 1946): At Last—the Complete Answer to the Atomic Bomb! It Doesn't Work Because It's Physically Meaningless—or Is It? (1946)
- Unapproachable (1946)
- Letter (Astounding, July 1946): Concerning That Intelligent Shell. (1946)
- The Story Behind the Story: Quest to Centaurus (1947)
- Letter (Astounding, July 1947): The Final Test of a Theory Is: (1947)
- Obey That Impulse! (1947)
- The Problems of Interplanetary Communications (1948)
- Author, Author: George O. Smith (1950)
- Fiends in Human Form (1950)
- Science: Fact and Fiction (Space Science Fiction, May 1952) (1952)
- Science: Fact and Fiction (Space Science Fiction, September 1952) (1952)
- Review of nonfiction _The Restless Universe_ (Max Born) (1952)
- Science: Fact and Fiction (Space Science Fiction, November 1952) (1952)
- Science: Fact and Fiction (Space Science Fiction, February 1953) (1953)
- Science: Fact and Fiction (Space Science Fiction, March 1953) (1953)
- Science: Fact and Fiction (Space Science Fiction, May 1953) (1953)
- Science: Fact and Fiction (Space Science Fiction, July 1953) (1953)
- Science: Fact and Fiction (Space Science Fiction, September 1953) (1953)
- Topologically Speaking (1954)
- Introducing the Author: George O. Smith (1955)
- A Problem in Communication (1961)
- The Luck of Magnitudes (1962)
- The Seven Stages of Authordom (1963)
- Letter (Analog, May 1967) (1967)
- Letter (Analog, May 1968) (1968)
- Letter (Analog, December 1970) (1970)
- Introduction (Interlude) (1973)
- On Our Museum: A Preview of the New Smithsonian (1977)
- Letter to The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Fall 1978 (1978)
- On Kepler, Newton, & Company (1979)
- In Memoriam: Margaret Winter Campbell (1980)
- Venus Equilateral (1947)
- Five Adventure Novels (1950) by H. Rider Haggard
- Seven Science Fiction Novels (1950) by H. G. Wells
- A Few Buttons Missing (1951) by Lowell S. Hawley and James T. Fisher, M.D.
- Slan (1951) by A. E. van Vogt
- Time and Again (1951) by Clifford D. Simak
- The Skylark of Space (1951) by Edward E. Smith and Lee Hawkins Garby
- Across the Space Frontier (1952) by Cornelius Ryan
- City (1952) by Clifford D. Simak
- Earthbound (1952) by Milton Lesser
- Find the Feathered Serpent (1952) by Evan Hunter
- Five Against Venus (1952) by Philip Latham
- Foundation and Empire (1952) by Isaac Asimov
- Gunner Cade (1952) by Cyril Judd
- Index to the Science-Fiction Magazines (1926-1950) (1952) by Donald B. Day
- Invaders of Earth (1952) by Groff Conklin
- Islands in the Sky (1952) by Arthur C. Clarke
- Jack of Eagles (1952) by James Blish
- Judgment Night (1952) by C. L. Moore
- Lands Beyond (1952) by Willy Ley and L. Sprague de Camp
- Marooned on Mars (1952) by Lester del Rey
- Mists of Dawn (1952) by Chad Oliver
- Physics and Medicine of the Upper Atmosphere (1952) by Otis Benson
- Prisoner in the Skull (1952) by Charles Dye
- Robots Have No Tails (1952) by Lewis Padgett
- Rocket Jockey (1952) by Philip St. John
- Sands of Mars (1952) by Arthur C. Clarke
- Son of the Stars (1952) by Raymond F. Jones
- Sons of the Ocean Deeps (1952) by Bryce Walton
- Takeoff (1952) by C. M. Kornbluth
- The Astounding Science Fiction Anthology (1952) by John W. Campbell, Jr.
- The Best Science-Fiction Stories: 1952 (1952) by Everett F. Bleiler and T. E. Dikty
- The Crystal Horde (1952) by John Taine
- The Currents of Space (1952) by Isaac Asimov
- The Heads of Cerberus (1952) by Francis Stevens
- The Legion of Time (1952) by Jack Williamson
- The Mixed Men (1952) by A. E. van Vogt
- The Rolling Stones (1952) by Robert A. Heinlein
The Sanger-Bredt Report: A Rocket Drive for Long Range Bombers (1952)
Eugen Sänger?Eugen Saengerand Irene Bredt
- The Starmen (1952) by Leigh Brackett
- The Weapon Makers (1952) by A. E. van Vogt
- Flying Saucers (1953) by Donald H. Menzel
- Hellflower (1953) by George O. Smith
- Science Fiction Adventures in Dimension (1953) by Groff Conklin
- Star Science Fiction Stories (1953) by Frederik Pohl
- Star Science Fiction Stories (1953) by Frederik Pohl
- The Golden Apples of the Sun and Other Stories (1953) by Ray Bradbury