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Fiction Series
- Riftwar Universe
Profit and the Grey Assassin (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Profijt en de grijze moordenaar [Dutch] (2000)
The Wood Boy (1998) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: A Fahordó [Hungarian] (1998)
- Translation: De houtjongen [Dutch] (1999)
- Translation: Der Holzjunge [German] (1999)
Translation: Le garçon du bois?Le garcon du bois[French] (1999)
The Messenger (2003) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: De boodschapper [Dutch] (2004)
- Translation: Le messager [French] (2005)
- Translation: Der Bote [German] (2006)
- The Wood Boy (2005) [SF] [graphic format]
- Midkemia: The Chronicles of Pug (2013) with Stephen Abrams
- 1 Riftwar Saga
- 1
Magician (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Milamber und die Valheru [German] (1984) [as by Raymond Feist]
- Translation: Pug und Tomas [German] (1984) [as by Raymond Feist]
Translation: Az érzőszívű mágus?Az erzoszivu magus[Hungarian] (1991)
Az eerzooesziivuue maagus - Translation: Il signore della magia [Italian] (1992)
- Variant: Magician: The Author's Preferred Edition (1992)
- Translation: Magiër [Dutch] (1997)
- Translation: Milamber : Le mage [French] (1999)
- Translation: Pug, l'apprenti [French] (1999)
Translation: Чиракът на магьосника / Майстор магьосник?Chirakat na magyosnika / Maystor magyosnik[Bulgarian] (2000) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: Milamber, le mage [French] (2001)
- Translation: Magicien [French] (2005)
- Translation: Pug, l'apprenti magicien [French] (2006)
- Translation: Milamber le Tout-Puissant [French] (2007)
- Translation: Milamber le mage [French] (2007)
- 1.1
Magician: Apprentice (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Aprendiz [Portuguese] (2010)
- Translation: Magicien - L'apprenti [French] (2013)
- Translation: Mago: Aprendiz [Portuguese] (2016)
- 1.2
Magician: Master (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mestre [Portuguese] (2015)
- Translation: Magicien: Le mage [French] (2015)
- Translation: Mago: Mestre [Portuguese] (2016)
- 2
Silverthorn (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Arutha und Jimmy [German] (1986) [as by Raymond Feist]
- Translation: Feuerkreuz und Silberdorn [German] (1986) [as by Raymond Feist]
- Translation: L'incantesimo di Silverthorn [Italian] (1993)
- Translation: Zilverdoorn [Dutch] (1997)
Translation: Сребротрън?Srebrotran[Bulgarian] (2000) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: Silverthorn [French] (2002)
- Translation: Mago: Espinho de Prata [Portuguese] (2016)
- 3
A Darkness at Sethanon (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Scontro a Sethanon [Italian] (1994)
- Translation: Dunkel über Sethanon [German] (1995) [as by Raymond Feist]
- Translation: Duisternis over Sethanon [Dutch] (1998)
Translation: Мрак над Сетанон?Mrak nad Setanon[Bulgarian] (2000) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
Translation: Ténèbres sur Sethanon?Tenebres sur Sethanon[French] (2002)
- Translation: Mago: As Trevas de Sethanon [Portuguese] (2016)
Synopsis: Our Story So Far ... (A Darkness at Sethanon) (1986) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: La nostra storia fino a questo momento... (Scontro a Sethanon) [Italian] (1994)
- Our Story so Far ... (synopsis)(Magician: Master) (1986) [SF]
Сребротрън / Мрак над Сетанон?Srebrotran / Mark nad Setanon[Bulgarian] (2000) [O/2,3] [only as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Magiër: Leerling [Dutch] (2007) [graphic format]
Riftwar Trilogy: Magician, Silverthorn, A Darkness at Sethanon (2012) [O/1,2,3]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Riftwar Saga Trilogy (2012) [O/1,2,3]
- Variant: The Riftwar Saga Series 3 Books Collection Set (2022) [O/1,2,3]
- 1
Magician (1982)
also appeared as:
- 2 Kelewan Empire
- 1
Daughter of the Empire (1987)
Janny Wurts
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Auserwählte [German] (1998) [as by Raymond Feist and Janny Wurts]
- Translation: Die Stunde der Wahrheit [German] (1998) [as by Raymond Feist and Janny Wurts]
- Translation: Dochter van het keizerrijk [Dutch] (1998)
- Translation: Fille de l'empire [French] (2000)
Translation: Дъщеря на Империята?Dashterya na Imperiyata[Bulgarian] (2012) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand FiystandДжани Вурц?Dzhani Vurts]
- Translation: A Filha do Império [Portuguese] (2016)
- 2
Servant of the Empire (1990)
Janny Wurts
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Sklave von Midkemia [German] (1998) [as by Raymond Feist and Janny Wurts]
- Translation: Zeit des Aufbruchs [German] (1998) [as by Raymond Feist and Janny Wurts]
- Translation: Dienaar van het keizerrijk [Dutch] (1999)
- Translation: Pair de l'empire [French] (2001)
Translation: Слуга на Империята?Sluga na Imperiyata[Bulgarian] (2012) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand FiystandДжани Вурц?Dzhani Vurts]
- Translation: A Serva do Império [Portuguese] (2016)
- 3
Mistress of the Empire (1992)
Janny Wurts
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die schwarzen Roben [German] (1998) [as by Raymond Feist and Janny Wurts]
- Translation: Tag der Entscheidung [German] (1998) [as by Raymond Feist and Janny Wurts]
- Translation: Vrouwe van het keizerrijk [Dutch] (2000)
Translation: Maîtresse de l'empire?Maitresse de l'empire[French] (2004)
Translation: Господарка на Империята?Gospodarka na Imperiyata[Bulgarian] (2012) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand FiystandДжани Вурц?Dzhani Vurts]
- Translation: A Senhora do Império [Portuguese] (2016)
- Pair de l'empire (excerpt) [French] (2013) [SF] with Janny Wurts
- The Empire Trilogy (2013) [O/1,2,3] with Janny Wurts
- 1
Daughter of the Empire (1987)
Janny Wurts
also appeared as:
- 3 Krondor's Sons
- 1
Prince of the Blood (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gefährten des Blutes [German] (1995) [as by Raymond Feist]
- Translation: Prins van den bloede [Dutch] (1998)
Translation: Принц на кръвта?Prints na kravta[Bulgarian] (2000) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: Prince de sang [French] (2003)
- 2
The King's Buccaneer (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Des Königs Freibeuter [German] (1995) [as by Raymond Feist]
- Translation: Boekanier des konings [Dutch] (1999)
Translation: Кралският корсар?Kralskiyat korsar[Bulgarian] (2000) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: Le boucanier du roi [French] (2003)
- The King's Buccaneer (excerpt) (1992) [SF]
The Complete Krondor's Sons Collection (2013) [O/1,2]
also appeared as:
Translation: Принц на кръвта / Кралският корсар?Prints na kravta / Kralskiyat korsar[Bulgarian] (2000) [O/1,2] [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: Le fils de Krondor [French] (2012) [O/1,2]
- 1
Prince of the Blood (1989)
also appeared as:
- 4 Serpentwar Saga
- 1
Shadow of a Dark Queen (1994)
also appeared as:
Translation: Die Smaragd-Königin?Die Smaragd-Koenigin[German] (1997)
- Translation: Die Blutroten Adler [German] (1997) [as by Raymond Feist]
- Translation: De schaduw van een duistere koningin [Dutch] (1999)
Translation: Кралицата на мрака?Kralitsata na mraka[Bulgarian] (2002) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: L'ombre d'une reine noire [French] (2004)
- 2
Rise of a Merchant Prince (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De macht van een koopmansprins [Dutch] (1999)
Translation: Възходът на търговеца принц?Vazhodat na targovetsa prints[Bulgarian] (2002) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: L'ascension d'un prince marchand [French] (2004)
- 3
Rage of a Demon King (1997)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De razernij van een demonenkoning [Dutch] (2000)
Translation: Гневът на демонския крал?Gnevat na demonskiya kral[Bulgarian] (2002) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: La rage d'un roi démon [French] (2005)
- 4
Shards of a Broken Crown (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De scherven van een verbrijzelde kroon [Dutch] (2000)
Translation: Парчета скършена корона?Parcheta skarshena korona[Bulgarian] (2002) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: Les fragments d'une couronne brisée [French] (2005)
- Rise of a Merchant Prince (excerpt) (1995) [SF]
- Rage of a Demon King (excerpt) (1996) [SF]
Гневът на демонския крал / Парчета скършена корона?Gnevat na demonskiya kral / Parcheta skarshena korona[Bulgarian] (2009) [O/3-4] [only as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
Кралицата на мрака / Възходът на търговеца принц?Kralitsata na mraka / Vazhodat na targovetsa prints[Bulgarian] (2009) [O/1-2] [only as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- 1
Shadow of a Dark Queen (1994)
also appeared as:
- 5 The Riftwar Legacy
- 1
Krondor: The Betrayal (1998)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het verraad [Dutch] (2000)
Translation: Измяната?Izmyanata[Bulgarian] (2003) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: Krondor: La trahison [French] (2006)
- 2
Krondor: The Assassins (1999)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De moordenaars [Dutch] (2000)
Translation: Убийците?Ubiytsite[Bulgarian] (2003) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: Krondor: Les assassins [French] (2006)
- 3
Krondor: Tear of the Gods (2000)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Traan der goden [Dutch] (2001)
Translation: Сълзата на боговете?Salzata na bogovete[Bulgarian] (2003) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: Krondor: La larme des dieux [French] (2007)
- Krondor The Betrayal (excerpt) (1998) [SF]
- Krondor: The Betrayal (excerpt) (1998) [SF]
- Krondor: The Betrayal (excerpt) (1999) [SF]
- Krondor: Tear of the Gods (excerpt) (2000) [SF]
Krondor Riftwar Trilogy: Krondor the Betrayal, Krondor the Assassins, Krondor Tear of the Gods (2002) [O]
also appeared as:
Translation: Крондор: Измяната / Убийците / Сълзата на боговете?Krondor: Izmyanata / Ubiytsite / Salzata na bogovete[Bulgarian] (2003) [O/1-3] [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
Jimmy and the Crawler (2013) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Robbie en de Kruiper [Dutch] (2013)
- The Riftwar Legacy: The Complete 4-Book Collection (2013) [O/1-3]
- 1
Krondor: The Betrayal (1998)
also appeared as:
- 6 Legends of the Riftwar
- 1
Honoured Enemy (2001)
William R. Forstchen
also appeared as:
- Translation: De eervolle vijand [Dutch] (2001) [as by Raymond E. Feist and William Forstchen]
- Variant: Honored Enemy (2006)
Translation: Доблестен враг?Doblesten vrag[Bulgarian] (2006) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand FiystandУилям Форсчън?Uilyam Forschan]
- Translation: Un valeureux ennemi [French] (2014)
- 2
Murder in Lamut (2002)
Joel Rosenberg
also appeared as:
- Translation: De drie huurlingen [Dutch] (2002)
Translation: Убийство в Ламът?Ubiystvo v Lamat[Bulgarian] (2006) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand FiystandДжоел Розенберг?Dzhoel Rozenberg]
- Translation: Meurtres à La Mut [French] (2015)
- 3
Jimmy the Hand (2003)
S. M. Stirling
also appeared as:
- Translation: Robbie de Hand [Dutch] (2003)
- Variant: Jimmy the Hand (2003) [as by Raymond E. Feist and Steve Stirling]
Translation: Джими ръчицата?Dzhimi rachitsata[Bulgarian] (2006) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand FiystandСтив Стърлинг?Stiv Starling]
- Translation: Jimmy les mains vives [French] (2015)
- Jimmy the Hand (excerpt) (2003) [SF] with S. M. Stirling
- Murder in Lamut (excerpt) (2007) [SF] with Joel Rosenberg
The Complete Legends of the Riftwar Trilogy (2013) [O/1-3]
also appeared as:
Translation: Легенди за Войната на разлома?Legendi za Voynata na razloma[Bulgarian] (2006) [O/1-3] [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- 1
Honoured Enemy (2001)
William R. Forstchen
also appeared as:
- 7 Conclave of Shadows
- 1
Talon of the Silver Hawk (2002)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Klauw van de zilverhavik [Dutch] (2002)
- Translation: L'artiglio del falco d'argento [Italian] (2003)
- Translation: Der Silberfalke [German] (2003) [as by Raymond Feist]
Translation: Нокът на сребърния ястреб?Nokat na srebarniya yastreb[Bulgarian] (2008) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
Translation: Serre du faucon argenté?Serre du faucon argente[French] (2008)
- 2
King of Foxes (2003)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Koning der vossen [Dutch] (2004)
- Translation: Il re delle volpi [Italian] (2004)
Translation: Лисичи крал?Lisichi kral[Bulgarian] (2008) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: Le roi des renards [French] (2008)
- 3
Exile's Return (2004)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De terugkeer van de banneling [Dutch] (2004)
- Translation: L'esilio del tiranno [Italian] (2006)
Translation: Завръщането на изгнаника?Zavrashtaneto na izgnanika[Bulgarian] (2008) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: Le retour du banni [French] (2009)
- Conclave of Shadows (excerpt) (2004) [SF]
The Complete Conclave of Shadows Trilogy (2013) [O/1-3]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le conclave des ombres [French] (2018) [O]
- 1
Talon of the Silver Hawk (2002)
also appeared as:
- 8 Darkwar Saga
- 1
Flight of the Nighthawks (2005)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De vlucht van de nachtraven [Dutch] (2005)
Translation: Полетът на нощните ястреби?Poletat na noshtnite yastrebi[Bulgarian] (2009) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: Les faucons de la nuit [French] (2009)
- 2
Into a Dark Realm (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Reis door de nacht [Dutch] (2007)
Translation: В царството на Мрачния?V tsarstvoto na Mrachniya[Bulgarian] (2009) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: La dimension des ombres [French] (2010)
- 3
Wrath of a Mad God (2008)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De toorn van een waanzinnige god [Dutch] (2008)
Translation: Гневът на Лудия бог?Gnevat na Ludiya bog[Bulgarian] (2010) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Translation: La folie du dieu noir [French] (2010)
- Into a Dark Realm (excerpt) (2007) [SF]
- The Complete Darkwar Trilogy (2013) [O/1-3]
- 1
Flight of the Nighthawks (2005)
also appeared as:
- 9 Demonwar Saga
- 1
Rides a Dread Legion (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het legioen van de angst [Dutch] (2009)
Translation: La légion de la terreur?La legion de la terreur[French] (2011)
Translation: Връхлита страховит легион?Vrahlita strahovit legion[Bulgarian] (2013) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- 2
At the Gates of Darkness (2009)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Voor de poorten van het duister [Dutch] (2010)
- Translation: La porte de l'enfer [French] (2011)
Translation: Пред вратите на мрака?Pred vratite na mraka[Bulgarian] (2013) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- Rides a Dread Legion (excerpt) (2009) [SF]
- The Demonwar Saga (2013) [O/1-2]
- 1
Rides a Dread Legion (2009)
also appeared as:
- 10 Midkemian Trilogy [UK] / Chaoswar Saga [US]
- 1
A Kingdom Besieged (2011)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het bedreigde koninkrijk [Dutch] (2012)
- Translation: Un royaume assiégé [French] (2012)
Translation: Кралство под обсада?Kralstvo pod obsada[Bulgarian] (2014) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- 2
A Crown Imperilled (2012)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Een kroon in gevaar [Dutch] (2012)
- Variant: A Crown Imperiled (2012)
- Translation: Une couronne en péril [French] (2013)
Translation: Застрашена корона?Zastrashena korona[Bulgarian] (2014) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- 3
Magician's End (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het einde van de magiër [Dutch] (2013)
- Translation: La fin du magicien [French] (2013)
Translation: Краят на магьосника?Krayat na magyosnika[Bulgarian] (2014) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- The Chaoswar Saga (2014) [O/1-3]
- 1
A Kingdom Besieged (2011)
also appeared as:
- 11 The Firemane Saga
- 1
King of Ashes (2018)
also appeared as:
Translation: Крал на пепелища?Kral na pepelishta[Bulgarian] (2018) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- 2
Queen of Storms (2020)
also appeared as:
Translation: Кралица на бурите?Kralitsa na burite[Bulgarian] (2021) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- 3
Master of Furies (2022)
also appeared as:
Translation: Господар на стихии?Gospodar na stihii[Bulgarian] (2022) [as byРеймънд Фийст?Reymand Fiyst]
- 1
King of Ashes (2018)
also appeared as:
- 12 The Dragonwar Saga
- 1 A Darkness Returns (2024)
Profit and the Grey Assassin (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
Faerie Tale (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Een boosaardig sprookje [Dutch] (1989)
- Translation: Faërie [French] (1989)
- Translation: Der Märchenhügel [German] (1991)
Translation: Vilinska priča?Vilinska prica[Croatian] (1999)
Vilinska pricha
- Serpent Queen (unpublished)
- Otherworks (2003) with Robin Hobb and George R. R. Martin [only as by Raymond E. Feist and Megan Lindholm and George R. R. Martin]
- The Wood Boy / The Burning Man (2005) with Tad Williams
- De houtjongen [Dutch] (2004)
Jimmy and the Crawler (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Robbie en de Kruiper [Dutch] (2013)
- De wereld van de magiër [Dutch] (2000)
- Technic History
- A Candle (2014)
- Thieves' World
- One to Go (2002)
- The Thing Beneath the Bridge (1987)
- The Nolacon Visitation (1988) with Patrick H. Adkins and Michael A. Banks and Pat Cadigan and Jayge Carr and Susan Casper and Jack L. Chalker and George Alec Effinger and David Gerrold and Janet Kagan and Michael P. Kube-McDowell and Mike Resnick and Ralph Roberts and Joel Rosenberg and Walter Jon Williams [only as by Patrick H. Adkins and Michael Banks and Pat Cadigan and Jayge Carr and Susan Casper and Jack L. Chalker and George Alec Effinger and Raymond E. Feist and David Gerrold and Janet Kagan and Michael P. Kube-McDowell and Mike Resnick and Ralph Roberts and Joel Rosenberg and Walter Jon Williams]
Geroldo's Incredible Trick (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Geroldo's ongelooflijke truc [Dutch] (2001)
- Krondor: The Betrayal (excerpt) (1998)
- Watchfire (2004) with Janny Wurts
Acknowledgments (Magician) (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ringraziamenti (Il signore della magia) [Italian] (1992)
- Acknowledgments (A Darkness at Sethanon) (1984)
- Acknowledgments (Silverthorn) (1985)
- Letter to The SFWA Forum # 96, July-August 1986 (1986)
- Acknowledgments (Daughter of the Empire) (1987) with Janny Wurts
- Faerie Tale (1988)
- A Short Anything (1990)
- Agents (1990)
Acknowledgment to the Revised Edition (Magician) (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ringraziamenti per la nuova edizione (Il signore della magia) [Italian] (1992)
- Foreword to the Revised Edition (Magician) (1991)
- Contract Article V: A Little More Money, Sub-Rights (1992)
- Contract Article VI: Options and Miscellany (1992)
- Contract Article VII: Agency Clause, Agents, and Other Writers (1992)
Introduction (Magician) (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Avant-propos (Milamber : Le mage) [French] (1999)
- Translation: Avant-propos (Pug, l'apprenti) [French] (1999)
- Acknowledgments (The King's Buccaneer) (1992)
- Foreword to the Revised Edition (1992)
- Introduction (Dreamquests: The Art of Don Maitz) (1993)
Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser (1996)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Einleitung (Die Herren von Quarmall) [German] (2005)
- Preface (David Copperfield's Beyond Imagination) (1996)
- Acknowledgments (Rage of a Demon King) (1996)
- Introduction (Lean Times in Lankhmar) (1999)
- De boeken [Dutch] (2000)
- De geografie van Midkemia [Dutch] (2000)
- Het ontstaan van Midkemia [Dutch] (2000)
- Inleiding (De wereld van de magiër) [Dutch] (2000)
- Volkeren en naties [Dutch] (2000)
Our Grandfather: Meditations on J. R. R. Tolkien (2001)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Unser aller Großvater: Reflexionen über J. R. R. Tolkien [German] (2002)
- Translation: Notre grand-père à tous: Méditations sur J. R. R. Tolkien [French] (2003)
- Afterword (Jimmy the Hand) (2003)
- Afterword (Prince of the Blood) (2004)
- Burning Questions (2013)
- Avant-Propos (Magicien - L'apprenti) [French] (2013)
- Afterword: A Candle (2014)
- Foreword to the Author's Preferred Edition (Magician) (2019)
- Acknowledgments (Prince of the Blood) (unknown)
- Acknowledgments (Shards of a Broken Crown) (unknown)
- Foreword to the Revised Edition (Magician: Apprentice) (unknown)
- Foreword to the Revised Edition (Magician: Master) (unknown)
- Raymond E. Feist: Having a Wonderful Time (1987) by uncredited
- Raymond E. Feist Interview (1999) by Darren Turpin
- Some Q & A with Raymond H. Feist (2000) by Charlene Brusso
- Bob Neilson Interviews Raymond E. Feist (2008) by Robert Neilson
- Interview with Raymond E. Feist (2013) by Dan Allan
- The Entertainer: An Interview with Raymond E. Feist (Part 1) (2018) by Chris Large
- The Entertainer: An Interview with Raymond E. Feist (Part 2) (2018) by Chris Large