Note: There are other series with the same name: The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick (4 volumes)
- Series: The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Series Record # 22461
- Series Tags: into-movie (3), science fiction (3), interplanetary travel (1), psychiatrist (1), alien invasion (1), assassination (1), telepathy (1), virtual reality (1), memory erasure (1), mars (1), New York City (1), precognition (1), mutants (1), into-tv (1), police (1), parallel universes (1), into-video game (1), moon (1), robots (1), postapocalyptic (1) and 2 additional tags. View all tags for The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick
- 1
Beyond Lies the Wub (1987) [C]
Philip K. Dick
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford (1990)
Translation: Und jenseits — das Wobb?Und jenseits - das Wobb[German] (1998)
- Translation: Kolonie [German] (1999)
- Variant: Paycheck and Other Classic Stories by Philip K. Dick (2003)
Translation: Und jenseits — das Wobb?Und jenseits - das Wobb[German] (2008)
- Variant: The King of the Elves (2011)
Translation: Krótki szczęśliwy żywot brązowego oksforda?Krotki szczesliwy zywot brazowego oksforda[Polish] (2014)
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Second Variety (1987) [C]
Philip K. Dick
also appeared as:
- Variant: We Can Remember It for You Wholesale (1990)
- Translation: Variante zwei [German] (1995)
- Translation: Menschlich ist ... [German] (1996)
- Translation: Variante zwei [German] (2008)
- Variant: Adjustment Team (2011)
- Variant: We Can Remember It for You Wholesale and Other Classic Stories (2012)
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The Father-Thing (1987) [C]
Philip K. Dick
also appeared as:
- Variant: Second Variety (1991)
- Translation: Das Vater-Ding [German] (2000)
- Translation: Foster, du bist tot [German] (2001)
- Translation: Das Vater-Ding [German] (2008)
- Variant: Upon the Dull Earth (2012)
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The Days of Perky Pat (1987) [C]
Philip K. Dick
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Minority Report (1991)
- Translation: Autofab [German] (1993)
- Translation: Zur Zeit der Perky Pat [German] (1994)
- Variant: Minority Report (2000)
- Translation: Zur Zeit der Perky Pat [German] (2008)
- Variant: The Minority Report and Other Classic Stories By Philip K. Dick (2016)
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The Little Black Box (1987) [C]
Philip K. Dick
also appeared as:
- Variant: We Can Remember It for You Wholesale (1991)
- Variant: The Eye of the Sibyl (1992)
- Translation: Black Box [German] (1994)
- Translation: Der Fall Rautavaara [German] (2000)
- Translation: Black Box [German] (2008)
- Variant: Total Recall (2012)
- Variant: The Eye of the Sibyl and Other Classic Stories (2016)
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, Volumes I-V (1987) [C] by Philip K. Dick
- Le presenze invisibili. Volume primo (1994) [C] by Philip K. Dick
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick (2022) [C] by Philip K. Dick
- The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick (4 volumes)
- 1 The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick: Volume One (2023) [C] by Philip K. Dick
- 2 The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick: Volume Two (2023) [C] by Philip K. Dick
- 3 The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick: Volume Three (2023) [C] by Philip K. Dick
- 4 The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick: Volume Four (2023) [C] by Philip K. Dick
- 1
Beyond Lies the Wub (1987) [C]
Philip K. Dick
also appeared as: