- Series: Martin Hesselius Series Record # 24020
- Series Tags: fantasy (3), Librivox (3), horror (2), vampires (2), gothic (1), Cthulhu Mythos (1), werewolf (1), pgl (1), 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die (1), doubles (1), into-tv (1), female friendship (1), female point of view (1), Styria (1), first person point of view (1), ghosts (1), monkeys (1), Spirit Animals (1), haunted (1), detective (1) and 3 additional tags. View all tags for Martin Hesselius
- Martin Hesselius
Green Tea (1869) [SF]
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
also appeared as:
- Variant: Green Tea (1872) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Variant: Green Tea (1907) [as by J. S. Le Fanu]
- Translation: Le thé vert [French] (1944) [as by Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Té verde [Spanish] (1958)
- Translation: Thé vert [French] (1960) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Groene thee [Dutch] (1966) [as by J. S. LeFanu]
Translation: Grüner Thee?Gruener Thee[German] (1968) [as by Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Variant: Green Tea (1970) [as by Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Grüner Thee [German] (1973)
- Translation: Ceaiul verde [Romanian] (1975)
- Variant: Green Tea (2016) [as by Joseph Le Fanu]
Translation: Grüner Tee?Gruener Tee[German] (2023) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Serializations:
- Green Tea (Part 1 of 4) (1869) [as by uncredited]
- Green Tea (Part 2 of 4) (1869) [as by uncredited]
- Green Tea (Part 3 of 4) (1869) [as by uncredited]
- Green Tea (Part 4 of 4) (1869) [as by uncredited]
Carmilla (1872) [SF]
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
also appeared as:
- Variant: Carmilla (1872) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Variant: Carmilla (1907) [as by J. S. Le Fanu]
- Translation: Carmilla [French] (1936)
- Variant: Carmilla (1937) [as by Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Variant: Carmilla (1959) [as by Sheridan La Fanu]
- Translation: Carmilla [French] (1960) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Variant: Blood and Roses (1962) [as by Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Carmilla [Dutch] (1966) [as by J. S. LeFanu]
- Translation: Carmilla [German] (1968) [as by Sheridan LeFanu]
- Variant: Vampire Lovers (1970)
- Variant: Carmilla (1970) [as by Sheridan LeFanu]
- Translation: Carmilla [French] (1978)
- Translation: Carmilla, der weibliche Vampir [German] (1979)
- Translation: Carmilla [Hungarian] (1983) [as by John Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Carmilla [Italian] (1988)
- Translation: Carmilla [German] (1988) [as by Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Carmilla [French] (1989) [as by John Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Variant: Carmilla (1993) [as by J. Sheridan LeFanu]
- Variant: Carmilla: A Vampyre Tale (2000) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Variant: Carmilla: A Vampyre Tale (2000)
Translation: Καρμίλλα?Karmilla[Italian] (2008)
- Variant: Carmilla: A Tragic Love Story (2008)
- Variant: Carmilla: The Vampire Lovers (2009)
Translation: カーミラ?Kāmira[Japanese] (2015) [as by
Kamiraジョセフ・シェリダン・レ・ファニュ?Josefu Sheridan Re Fanyu] - Translation: Carmilla [French] (2019)
- Translation: Carmilla [Spanish] (2020) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Carmilla [German] (2023) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Carmilla [Italian] (2024)
- Serializations:
- Carmilla (Part 1 of 4) (1871)
- Carmilla (Part 2 of 4) (1872)
- Carmilla (Part 3 of 4) (1872)
- Carmilla (Part 4 of 4) (1872)
In a Glass Darkly (1872) [O]
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
also appeared as:
- Variant: In a Glass Darkly (1872) [O] [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Variant: In a Glass Darkly (2014) [O] [as by Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: In einem dunklen Spiegel [German] (2023) [O] [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
The Familiar (1872) [SF]
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Familiar (1872) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Variant: The Familiar (1907) [as by J. S. Le Fanu]
- Variant: The Familiar (1947) [as by Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Le familier [French] (1960) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Le familier [French] (1967)
- Translation: Le familier [French] (1999)
- Variant: The Familiar (2016) [as by Joseph Le Fanu]
- Translation: Der Plagegeist [German] (2023) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
The Room in the Dragon Volant (1872)
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Room in the Dragon Volant (1872) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Variant: The Inn of the Flying Dragon (1959) [as by Sheridan La Fanu]
- Variant: The Room in the Dragon Volant (1975) [as by J. S. Le Fanu]
- Variant: The Room in the Dragon Volant (2000) [as by J. Sheridan LeFanu]
- Variant: The Room in Le Dragon Volant (2005) [as by Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Variant: The Room in the Dragon Volant (2014) [as by Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Das Zimmer im Dragon Volant [German] (2023) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Serializations:
- The Room in the Dragon Volant (Part 1 of 4) (1905) [as by Sheridan Le Fanu]
- The Room in the Dragon Volant (Part 1 of 2) (2011) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- The Room in the Dragon Volant (Part 2 of 2) (2011) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Excerpts from "Carmilla" (1872) [SF] by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu [only as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
Mr. Justice Harbottle (1872) [SF]
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
also appeared as:
- Variant: Mr. Justice Harbottle (1872) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Variant: The Haunted House in Westminster (1872) [as by J. S. Le Fanu]
- Variant: Mr. Justice Harbottle (1907) [as by J. S. Le Fanu]
- Translation: Mr Justice Harbottle [French] (1960) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Variant: Mr. Justice Harbottle (abridged) (1973) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Richter Harbottle [German] (1974)
- Translation: Monsieur le Juge Harbottle [French] (1977)
- Variant: Mr. Justice Harbottle (1986) [as by Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Il giudice Harbottle [Italian] (1991)
- Variant: Mr Justice Harbottle (1993) [as by Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Variant: Mr Justice Harbottle (2005)
- Variant: Mr Justice Harbottle (2014) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Il guidice Harbottle [Italian] (2019)
- Variant: Mr Justice Harbottle (2019) [as by J. S. Le Fanu]
- Variant: The Haunted House in Westminster (2020) [as by Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Richter Harbottle [German] (2023) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
Dickon the Devil (1872) [SF]
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dickon the Devil (1872) [as by uncredited]
- Variant: Dickon the Devil (1936) [as by J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- Translation: Dickon der Teufel [German] (1975)
- Variant: Dickon the Devil (1975) [as by J. S. Le Fanu]
- Variant: Dickon the Devil (1992) [as by J. S. LeFanu]
- Variant: Dickon the Devil (2005) [as by Sheridan Le Fanu]
Le cauchemar mandchou (2005)
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
- Carmilla (excerpt) (2006) [SF] by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- Carmilla: The Wolves of Styria (2013) by David Brian (I) and Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
Green Tea (1869) [SF]
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
also appeared as: