- Series: Thiotimoline Series Record # 24318
- Webpages: Wikipedia-EN
- Series Tags: time distortion (2), interstellar travel (1), time travel (1), fantasy (1), SF (1), self-reference (1), chemistry (1), spoof (1), research (1), academic publication (1), physical chemistry (1), science fiction (1), pseudo-psychiatry (1), parody, imitation of scientific research (1)
- Thiotimoline
- 1
The Endochronic Properties of Resublimated Thiotimoline (1948) [SF]
Isaac Asimov
also appeared as:
- Translation: Proprieta' endocroniche della tiotimolina risublimata [Italian] (1973)
Translation: Les propriétés endochroniques de la thoatimoline resublimée?Les proprietes endochroniques de la thoatimoline resublimee[French] (1975)
- Translation: De endochronische eigenschappen van geresublimeerd thiotimoline [Dutch] (1977)
- 2 The Micropsychiatric Applications of Thiotimoline (1953) [SF] by Isaac Asimov
- 3
Thiotimoline and the Space Age (1960) [SF]
Isaac Asimov
also appeared as:
- Translation: Thiotimoline und das Raumfahrtzeitalter [German] (1991)
- 4
Thiotimoline to the Stars (1973) [SF]
Isaac Asimov
also appeared as:
- Translation: La tiotimolina fra le stelle [Italian] (1976)
Translation: Thiotimoline vers les étoiles?Thiotimoline vers les etoiles[French] (1977)
- Translation: Der endochronische Effekt [German] (1977)
- Translation: Met Thiotimoline naar de sterren [Dutch] (1981)
Translation: Tiotimolina către stele?Tiotimolina catre stele[Romanian] (1998)
The Marvellous Properties of Thiotimoline (1957) [SF]
Isaac Asimov
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le meravigliose proprietà della tiotimolina [Italian] (1966)
- And Silently Vanish Away (1971) [SF] by Glen M. Bever [only as by Glen Bever]
- Antithiotimoline (1977) [SF] by Topi H. Barr
The Asenion Solution (1989) [SF]
Robert Silverberg
also appeared as:
Translation: Soluția Asenion?Solutia Asenion[Romanian] (1995)
- Translation: La solution d'asenion [French] (1999)
- 1
The Endochronic Properties of Resublimated Thiotimoline (1948) [SF]
Isaac Asimov
also appeared as: