Note: There are other series with the same name: Future History (Caldon Mull)
- Series: Future History Series Record # 24708
- Series Tags: science fiction (30), NESFA Core Reading List (11), moon (9), X Minus 1 (6), Dimension X (5), time travel (3), incest (3), longevity (3), interplanetary travel (3), into-radio (2), music (2), United States (2), parallel universe (2), hard sf (2), into-tv (2), strong female protagonist (2), slavery (2), breeding (2), polyamory (2), invention (1) and 65 additional tags. View all tags for Future History
- Future History
Life-Line (1939) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: Life-Line (1939) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Variant: Lifeline (1939) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: La línea de la vida [Spanish] (1955)
- Translation: Ligne de vie [French] (1967)
Translation: Linha de salvação?Linha de salvacao[Portuguese] (1971)
- Translation: Lebenslinie [German] (1972)
- Translation: Levenslijn [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: La linea della vita [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: Die Lebenslinie [German] (1982)
- Translation: La línea de la vida [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: La linea della vita [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Lebenslinie [German] (1988)
Translation: Tok života?Tok zivota[Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Translation: Ligne de vie [French] (2005) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Misfit (1939) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: Misfit (1939) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Translation: 不適格?Futekikaku[Japanese] (1963) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: Raumstation E-M 3 [German] (1964)
Translation: Neprilagođen?Neprilagoden[Croatian] (1965)
Neprilagodjen - Translation: O desajustado [Portuguese] (1968)
- Translation: L'inadapté [French] (1969)
- Translation: Spostati [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Buitenbeentje [Dutch] (1972) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: O Desajustado [Portuguese] (1977)
- Translation: Disadattato [Italian] (1980)
- Translation: Missanpassad [Swedish] (1984)
- Translation: Inadaptado [Spanish] (1986)
Translation: Außenseiter?Aussenseiter[German] (1988)
- Translation: Disadattato [Italian] (1988)
Translation: Neprilagođeni?Neprilagodjeni[Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
"If This Goes On —"?"If This Goes On -"(1940) by Robert A. Heinlein also appeared as:
- Translation: Revolte im Jahre 2100 [German] (1964)
- Translation: Se isto continuar [Portuguese] (1968)
- Translation: Si ça arrivait [French] (1969)
Translation: もしこのまま続けば?Moshi Kono Mama Tsuzukeba[Japanese] (1969) [as by
Moshi Kono Mama Tsudukeba
Moshi Kono Mama Tsudzukebaロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: 'Als dit zo doorgaat' [Dutch] (1972) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Variant: "If This Goes On —"?"If This Goes On -"(1972) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Se isso continuar [Portuguese] (1977)
- Translation: Si ça arrivait... [French] (1980)
- Variant: If This Goes On (1981)
Translation: "Om detta fortsätter..."?"Om detta fortsaetter..."[Swedish] (1984)
- Translation: Si esto continúa ... [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: »Wenn das so weitergeht ...« [German] (1988)
- Translation: "Se continua così..." [Italian] (1988)
- Translation: 'Ako se ovo nastavi' [Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
Variant: 'If This Goes On —'?'If This Goes On -'(2014)
- Serializations:
- If This Goes On ... (Part 1 of 2) (1940)
- If This Goes On ... (Part 2 of 2) (1940)
- Translation: Rivolta 2100 (Part 1 of 7) [Italian] (1959)
- Translation: Rivolta 2100 (Part 2 of 7) [Italian] (1959)
- Translation: Rivolta 2100 (Part 3 of 7) [Italian] (1959)
- Translation: Rivolta 2100 (Part 4 of 7) [Italian] (1959)
- Translation: Rivolta 2100 (Part 5 of 7) [Italian] (1959)
- Translation: Rivolta 2100 (Part 6 of 7) [Italian] (1959)
- Translation: Rivolta 2100 (Part 7 of 7) [Italian] (1959)
- Translation: Rivolta 2100 (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1971)
Let There Be Light (1940) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: Let There Be Light (1940) [as by Lyle Monroe]
- Variant: "Let There Be Light" (1950)
- Variant: "Let There Be Light" (1953) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Varde ljus! [Swedish] (1954)
- Variant: 'Let There Be Light' (1955) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Hágase la luz [Spanish] (1955)
- Translation: " Que la lumière soit ! " [French] (1967)
- Translation: Es werde Licht [German] (1971)
- Translation: "Que la lumière soit" [French] (1978)
- Variant: 'Let There Be Light' (2014)
The Roads Must Roll (1940) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Roads Must Roll (1940) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Translation: Vägarna måste rulla?Vaegarna maste rulla[Swedish] (1954)
- Translation: Las carreteras deben correr [Spanish] (1955)
- Translation: Rotostrada n. 20 [Italian] (1966)
- Translation: Les routes doivent rouler [French] (1967)
Translation: Die Straßen müssen rollen?Die Strassen muessen rollen[German] (1971)
- Translation: De weg zal rollen [Dutch] (1976)
Translation: Die Straßen müssen rollen?Die Strassen muessen rollen[German] (1977)
- Translation: La carreteras deben rodar [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: Le strade devono correre [Italian] (1987)
Translation: Die Straßen müssen rollen?Die Strassen muessen rollen[German] (1988)
Translation: Ceste moraju ići?Ceste moraju ici[Croatian] (1988) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Putevi se moraju kretati [Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Translation: Les routes doivent rouler [French] (2005) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Coventry (1940) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: Coventry (1940) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Coventry [German] (1958)
- Translation: Ritorno alla vita [Italian] (1959)
- Translation: Die Barriere [German] (1964)
- Translation: Coventry [Portuguese] (1968)
- Translation: La réserve [French] (1969)
Translation: 疎外地?Sogaichi[Japanese] (1969) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: Coventry [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Barbarije [Dutch] (1972) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Coventry [Portuguese] (1977)
- Translation: Coventry [Swedish] (1984)
- Translation: Coventry [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: Coventry [German] (1988)
- Translation: Confino [Italian] (1988)
- Translation: Izgnanstvo [Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
Blowups Happen (1940) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: Blow-Ups Happen (1953) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Ocurren explosiones [Spanish] (1956)
- Variant: Blowups Happen (1956) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: 't kán exploderen [Dutch] (1964) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Translation: Il arrive que ça saute?Il arrive que ca saute[French] (1965) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Il arrive que ça saute [French] (1967)
- Translation: Esplosioni che capitano [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Katastrophen kommen vor [German] (1972)
- Translation: Het kan misgaan [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Ocurren explosiones [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: A volte esplodono [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Katastrophen kommen vor [German] (1988)
Translation: Do 'pucanja' može doći?Do 'pucanja' moze doci[Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
Logic of Empire (1941) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: Logic of Empire (1941) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Lógica del imperio [Spanish] (1955)
Translation: 金星植民地?Kanaboshi shokuminchi[Japanese] (1957) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain -
Translation: 帝国の論理?Teikoku no Ronri[Japanese] (1962) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: Slavernij op Venus [Dutch] (1964) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Auktion auf der Venus [German] (1964)
- Translation: La logique de l'empire [French] (1967)
- Translation: Wie eenmaal macht heeft ... [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Lógica del imperio [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: Imperialistische Logik [German] (1988)
- Translation: Logica dell'impero [Italian] (1988)
- Translation: Imperijalna logika [Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Translation: La logique de l'empire [French] (2005) [as by Robert Heinlein]
"—We Also Walk Dogs"?"-We Also Walk Dogs"(1941) [SF] by Robert A. Heinlein also appeared as:
- Variant: We Also Walk Dogs (1941) [as by Anson MacDonald]
- Translation: ...también paseamos perros [Spanish] (1955)
Variant: "—We Also Walk Dogs"?"-We Also Walk Dogs"(1956) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Variant: We Also Walk Dogs (1958)
Translation: 犬の散歩も引き受けます?Inu no Sanpo mo Hikiukemasu[Japanese] (1960) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain -
Translation: 犬の散歩も引受けます?いぬのさんぽもひきうけます[Japanese] (1960) [as by
Inu no Sanpo mo Hikiukemasuロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: Alldienst macht alles [German] (1964)
- Translation: Nous promenons aussi les chiens [French] (1967)
- Variant: "... We Also Walk Dogs" (1968)
- Translation: '... We laten ook honden uit' [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: ... También paseamos perros [Spanish] (1986)
Translation: »... Wir führen auch Hunde spazieren«?»... Wir fuehren auch Hunde spazieren«[German] (1988)
- Translation: "Portiamo anche a spasso i cani" [Italian] (1988)
Translation: 'Takođe šetamo pse'?'Takodje setamo pse'[Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Translation: Nous promenons aussi les chiens [French] (2005) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Variant: '— We Also Walk Dogs'?'- We Also Walk Dogs'(2014)
The Green Hills of Earth (1947) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Green Hills of Earth (1947) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Translation: 地球の山々は緑?ちきゅうのやまやまはみどり[Japanese] (1954) [as by
Chikyuu no Yamayama ha Midori
Chikyū no Yamayama ha Midori
Chikyuu no Yamayama wa Midori
Chikyū no Yamayama wa Midoriロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: Las verdes colinas de la Tierra [Spanish] (1955)
Translation: 地球の緑の丘?Chikyū no Midori no Oka[Japanese] (1957) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain -
Translation: 地球の緑の丘?Chikyū no Midori no Oka[Japanese] (1962) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain -
Translation: Die grünen Hügel der Erde?Die gruenen Huegel der Erde[German] (1964)
Translation: Zöld dombok a Földön?Zold dombok a Foldon[Hungarian] (1965)
Zoeld dombok a Foeldoen -
Translation: Зеленые холмы Земли?Zelenye kholmy Zemli[Russian] (1966) [as byРоберт А. Хайнлайн?Robert A. Khaynlayn]
- Translation: Les vertes collines de la Terre [French] (1967)
- Translation: De groene heuvels van de aarde [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Las verdes colinas de la tierra [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: Zeleni brežuljci Zemlje [Croatian] (1987) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Translation: Die grünen Hügel der Erde?Die gruenen Huegel der Erde[German] (1988)
- Translation: Le verdi colline della Terra [Italian] (1988)
Translation: Dealurile verzi ale Pământului?Dealurile verzi ale Pamantului[Romanian] (1990)
Translation: Zeleni brežuljci Zemlje?Zeleni brezuljci Zemlje[Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Translation: Les vertes collines de la Terre [French] (2005) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Space Jockey (1947) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Translation: Jockey del espacio [Spanish] (1955)
- Variant: Space Jockey (1956) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Translation: 宇宙パイロット?Uchū pairotto[Japanese] (1957) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain -
Translation: 宇宙パイロット?Uchū Pairotto[Japanese] (1962) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: Ruimtejockey [Dutch] (1964) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Translation: Ein gefährlicher Beruf?Ein gefaehrlicher Beruf[German] (1964)
- Translation: Jockey de l'espace [French] (1967)
- Translation: Ruimtejockey [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Jockey del espacio [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: Autista spaziale [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Raum-Jockey [German] (1988)
Translation: Svemirski džokej?Svemirski dzokej[Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Translation: Jockey de l'espace [French] (2005) [as by Robert Heinlein]
"It's Great to Be Back!" (1947) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: It's Great to Be Back (1947)
- Translation: ¡Qué magnífico es estar de vuelta! [Spanish] (1955)
- Variant: "It's Great to Be Back!" (1956) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Variant: 'It's Great to Be Back!' (1956) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Translation: 故郷?Furusato[Japanese] (1957) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain -
Translation: 故郷?Furusato[Japanese] (1962) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: Heerlijk weer terug te zijn! [Dutch] (1964) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Translation: Die Mondsüchtigen?Die Mondsuechtigen[German] (1964)
- Translation: Qu'il est bon de revenir ! [French] (1967)
- Variant: 'It's Great to Be Back!' (1977)
- Translation: 'Het is geweldig weer thuis te zijn!' [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: ¡Qué grande es estar de vuelta! [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: «È bello tornare a casa!» [Italian] (1987)
Translation: »Wie schön, wieder zu Hause zu sein!«?»Wie schoen, wieder zu Hause zu sein!«[German] (1988)
- Translation: 'Divno je vratiti se' [Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Translation: "È bello tornare a casa!" [Italian] (1998)
Translation: C'est bon d'être de retour !?C'est bon d'etre de retour ![French] (2005) [as by Robert Heinlein]
The Black Pits of Luna (1948) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le caverne di Luna City [Italian] (1953)
- Translation: Los negros fosos de la Luna [Spanish] (1955)
- Variant: The Black Pits of Luna (1956) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Translation: Die schwarzen Höhlen des Mondes?Die schwarzen Hoehlen des Mondes[German] (1956)
Translation: 適格者?Tekikaku-sha[Japanese] (1957) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain -
Translation: 黒い孔?Kuroi Ana[Japanese] (1962) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: De donkere holen van Luna [Dutch] (1964) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Das Versteckspiel [German] (1964)
- Translation: Les puits noirs de la Lune [French] (1967)
- Translation: De donkere holen van Luna [Dutch] (1969)
- Translation: De donkere holen van luna [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Los negros fosos de la luna [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: I neri pozzi della Luna [Italian] (1987)
Translation: Die schwarzen Klüfte Lunas?Die schwarzen Kluefte Lunas[German] (1988)
- Translation: Crne jame Meseca [Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Translation: Les puits noirs de la Lune [French] (2005) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Gentlemen, Be Seated! (1948) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: Gentlemen, Be Seated (1948) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Variant: Gentlemen, Be Seated (1948)
- Translation: Caballeros, permanezcan sentados [Spanish] (1955)
Translation: お席へどうぞ、諸君!?Oseki he Douzo, Shokun![Japanese] (1960) [as by
Oseki he Dōzo, Shokun!
Oseki e Douzo, Shokun!
Oseki e Dōzo, Shokun!ロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: Nehmen Sie Platz, meine Herren! [German] (1964)
- Translation: Asseyez-vous, messieurs [French] (1967)
- Translation: Heren, neemt U plaats [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Caballeros, permanezcan sentados [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: Signori, seduti [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Nehmen Sie Platz, meine Herren! [German] (1988)
- Translation: Gospodo, izvolite sesti [Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Translation: Asseyez-vous, messieurs ! [French] (2005) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Ordeal in Space (1948) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: Ordeal in Space (1948) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Tortura en el espacio [Spanish] (1955)
Translation: 宇宙に落ちた男?Uchū ni ochita otoko[Japanese] (1957) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain -
Translation: 宇宙での試煉?Uchū de no Shiren[Japanese] (1962) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: Das All hat keinen Boden [German] (1964)
- Translation: Vertige spatial [French] (1967)
- Translation: Beproeving in de ruimte [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Eldprovet [Swedish] (1983)
- Translation: Prueba en el espacio [Spanish] (1986)
Translation: Zerreißprobe im All?Zerreissprobe im All[German] (1988)
- Translation: Mal di spazio [Italian] (1988)
Translation: Iskušenje u svemiru?Iskusenje u svemiru[Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Translation: Vertige spatial [French] (2005) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Ildprøve i rummet [Danish] (2013)
Delilah and the Space-Rigger (1949) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: Delilah and the Space-Rigger (1949) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Dalila y el patrullero del espacio [Spanish] (1955)
Translation: 美女と宇宙駅?Bijo to uchū-eki[Japanese] (1957) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain -
Translation: デリラと宇宙労働者たち?Derira to Uchū Rōdōshatachi[Japanese] (1962) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain -
Translation: Grundsätzliche Erwägungen?Grundsaetzliche Erwaegungen[German] (1964)
- Translation: Dalila et l'homme de l'espace [French] (1967)
- Translation: Delilah en de ruimtemonteur [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Pionjären [Swedish] (1982)
- Translation: Dalila y el montador del espacio [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: Dalila e il costruttore spaziale [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Delila und der Raummonteur [German] (1988)
- Translation: Dilajla i svemiroplovac [Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Translation: Dalila et l'homme de l'espace [French] (2005) [as by Robert Heinlein]
The Long Watch (1949) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: Rebellion on the Moon (1949)
- Variant: The Long Watch (1949) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: La guardia [Spanish] (1955)
- Translation: Die ewige Wacht [German] (1955)
- Translation: Wacht [Dutch] (1957)
Translation: 月世界原爆隊?Gessekai genbaku-tai[Japanese] (1957) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: Långvakten [Swedish] (1957) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Translation: Veghe îndelungată!?Veghe indelungata![Romanian] (1958) [as by Robert Heinlyne]
- Translation: De lange wacht [Dutch] (1961)
Translation: 果しなき看視?Hatashinaki Kanshi[Japanese] (1962) [as by
Hatashi Naki Kanshi
Hatashi-naki Kanshiロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: Die Wache [German] (1964)
- Translation: La longue veille [French] (1967)
- Translation: De lange wacht [Dutch] (1981) [as by Robert Anson Heinlein]
- Translation: La larga guardia [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: La lunga guardia [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Die lange Wache [German] (1988)
- Translation: Dugo bdenje [Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Translation: La Lunga Guardia [Italian] (2001)
- Translation: La longue veille [French] (2005) [as by Robert Heinlein]
The Man Who Sold the Moon (1950) [C]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Translation: De man die de maan verkocht [Dutch] (1953)
- Variant: The Man Who Sold the Moon (1953) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Translation: Mannen som sålde månen?Mannen som salde manen[Swedish] (1954)
- Translation: El hombre que vendió la Luna [Spanish] (1955)
- Translation: L'homme qui vendit la Lune [French] (1958) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: L'homme qui vendit la Lune [French] (1967)
- Translation: De man die de maan verkocht [Dutch] (1970) [as by R. A. Heinlein]
- Translation: Der Mann, der den Mond verkaufte [German] (1971)
The Green Hills of Earth (1951) [C]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Green Hills of Earth: Rhysling and the Adventure of the Entire Solar System! (1952)
- Translation: Los negros fosos de la Luna [Spanish] (1955)
- Variant: The Green Hills of Earth (1956) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Translation: 地球の緑の丘?Chikyū no Midori no Oka[Japanese] (1957) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: As negras crateras da lua [Portuguese] (1960) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Translation: 地球の緑の丘?Chikyū no Midori no Oka[Japanese] (1962) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain -
Translation: Die grünen Hügel der Erde?Die gruenen Huegel der Erde[German] (1964)
- Translation: Les vertes collines de la Terre [French] (1967)
- Translation: Histoire du futur, II [French] (2005) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Revolt in 2100 (1953) [C]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
Translation: 百五十年後の革命?Hyaku Gojūnengo no Kakumei[Japanese] (1956) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Variant: Revolt in 2100 (1964) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Revolte im Jahre 2100 [German] (1964)
- Translation: Revolta em 2100 [Portuguese] (1968)
- Translation: Révolte en 2100 [French] (1969)
Translation: 動乱2100?Dōran 2100[Japanese] (1969) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: Democraten 2100 [Dutch] (1972) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Revolta em 2100 [Portuguese] (1977)
- Translation: Révolte en 2100 [French] (1980) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Translation: Revolt år 2100?Revolt ar 2100[Swedish] (1984)
Translation: Buduća istorija, knjiga treća?Buduca istorija, knjiga treca[Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- The Black Pits of Luna (1954) [INTERIORART] by Brinton Turkle
The Menace from Earth (1957) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Translation: Oiseau de passage [French] (1958)
- Translation: Das Biest von der Erde [German] (1971)
- Variant: The Menace from Earth (1974) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: A Ameaça da Terra [Portuguese] (1977)
- Translation: Napast sa Zemlje [Croatian] (1977)
- Translation: Hotet från Jorden [Swedish] (1978)
- Translation: De bedreiging van de aarde [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: Das Biest von der Erde [German] (1983)
- Translation: La amenaza de la Tierra [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: Das Ekel von der Erde [German] (1988)
- Translation: Minaccia dalla Terra [Italian] (1988)
- Translation: Napasti sa Zemlje [Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
Searchlight (1962) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Translation: Luce nelle tenebre [Italian] (1971)
- Translation: Scheinwerfer [German] (1972)
- Translation: Laser u e-molu [Croatian] (1977) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Zoeklicht [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Rayo de luz [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: Suchscheinwerfer [German] (1988)
- Translation: Luce musicale [Italian] (1988)
- Translation: Potraga [Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Translation: Coup de projecteur [French] (2005) [as by Robert Heinlein]
Orphans of the Sky (1963)
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die lange Reise [German] (1959)
- Translation: Verdwaald tussen sterren [Dutch] (1967)
- Translation: Die lange Reise [German] (1967)
- Translation: Les orphelins du ciel [French] (1969)
- Translation: Die lange Reise [German] (1975)
- Translation: Universo [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: Verdwaald tussen sterren [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: Orfani del cielo [Italian] (1995)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Universo (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1965)
The Past Through Tomorrow (1967) [C]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Past Through Tomorrow: Book One (1977)
- Variant: The Past Through Tomorrow: Book Two (1977)
- Variant: The Past Through Tomorrow: Vol. 1 (1978)
- Variant: The Past Through Tomorrow: Vol. 2 (1979)
- Translation: Historia del futuro I [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: Historia del futuro II [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: Historia del futuro III [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: Historia del futuro IV [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: La storia futura [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Die Vergangenheit der Zukunft [German] (1988)
- Translation: La storia futura: ancora più lontano [Italian] (1988)
- Translation: La storia futura. Vol. 1 [Italian] (1997)
- Translation: La storia futura. Volume 2 [Italian] (1998)
- Translation: La storia futura. Volume 3 [Italian] (1999)
- Translation: La storia futura. Volume 4 [Italian] (1999)
- Translation: Methusalems Kinder [German] (2000)
- Translation: Histoire du futur, I [French] (2005) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Die Geschichte der Zukunft [German] (2015)
- Histoire du Futur: Tome 1 (1967) [O] by Robert A. Heinlein
- Tableau chronologique (Histoire du Futur: Tome 1) (1967) [ES] by Robert A. Heinlein
- Histoire du Futur: Tome 2 (1969) [O] by Robert A. Heinlein
Tableau chronologique (Histoire du Futur: Tome 2) (1969) [ES]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: Histoire du futur (1981) [as by uncredited]
- Green Hills of Earth and Gentlemen Be Seated (1985) [C] by Robert A. Heinlein
- The Future History of Robert Heinlein: Volume I (2010) [C] by Robert A. Heinlein
- The Future History of Robert Heinlein: Volume II (2010) [C] by Robert A. Heinlein
- The Man Who Sold the Moon / Orphans of the Sky (2013) [O] by Robert A. Heinlein
- D. D. Harriman
Requiem (1940) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: Requiem (1940) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Requiem [Dutch] (1953)
- Translation: Requiem [French] (1958) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Requiem [French] (1967)
- Translation: Requiem [Dutch] (1970) [as by R. A. Heinlein]
- Translation: Réquiem [Spanish] (1975)
- Translation: Requiem [Italian] (1976) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Requiem [Dutch] (1979)
- Translation: Requiem [Italian] (1979)
- Translation: Requiem [German] (1988)
- Translation: Rekvijem [Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Translation: Requiem [Italian] (1998)
Translation: 鎮魂歌?ちんこんか[Japanese] (2000) [as by
Chinkonkaロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain - Translation: Requiem [Portuguese] (2009)
The Man Who Sold the Moon (1950) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Man Who Sold the Moon (1950) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: De man die de maan verkocht [Dutch] (1953)
Translation: Mannen som sålde månen?Mannen som salde manen[Swedish] (1954)
- Translation: O homem que vendeu a Lua [Portuguese] (1954) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: El hombre que vendió la Luna [Spanish] (1955)
- Translation: L'homme qui vendit la Lune [French] (1958) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: L'homme qui vendit la Lune [French] (1967)
- Translation: De man die de maan verkocht [Dutch] (1970) [as by R. A. Heinlein]
- Translation: Der Mann, der den Mond verkaufte [German] (1971)
- Translation: El hombre que vendió la luna [Spanish] (1975)
- Translation: L'uomo che vendette la luna [Italian] (1976) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: L'uomo che vendette la Luna [Italian] (1979)
- Translation: De man die de Maan verkocht [Dutch] (1980)
Translation: Čovek koji je prodao mesec?Covek koji je prodao mesec[Serbian] (1988) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
Chovek koji je prodao mesec - Translation: Der Mann, der den Mond verkaufte [German] (1988)
Translation: Čovek koji je prodao Mesec?Covek koji je prodao Mesec[Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Translation: O homem que vendeu a Lua [Portuguese] (2009)
- Excursus (2010) [SF] by Robert A. Heinlein
Requiem (1940) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Lazarus Long
Methuselah's Children (1958)
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
Translation: 地球脱出?Chikyū dasshutsu[Japanese] (1963) [as by
Chikyuu dasshutsu
Chikyu dasshutsuロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain -
Translation: Die Ausgestoßenen der Erde?Die Ausgestossenen der Erde[German] (1963)
- Translation: Los Hijos de Matusalen [Spanish] (1965)
- Translation: Os filhos de Matusalém [Portuguese] (1968)
- Translation: Les enfants de Mathusalem [French] (1969)
- Translation: I figli di Matusalemme [Italian] (1977)
- Translation: Metusalemova deca [Serbian] (1978) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
Translation: Os filhos de Matusalém?Os filhos de Matusalem[Portuguese] (1978)
- Translation: Metusalems arvingar [Swedish] (1981)
- Translation: Les enfants de Mathusalem [French] (1981) [as by Robert Heinlein]
- Translation: Os filhos de Matusalém [Portuguese] (1982)
- Translation: Los hijos de Matusalén [Spanish] (1986)
- Translation: Methusalems Kinder [German] (1988)
- Translation: Matuzsálem gyermekei [Hungarian] (1993)
Translation: Buduća istorija, knjiga četvrta?Buduca istorija, knjiga cetvrta[Serbian] (1995) [as by Robert Hajnlajn]
- Serializations:
- Methuselah's Children (Part 1 of 3) (1941)
- Methuselah's Children (Part 2 of 3) (1941)
- Methuselah's Children (Part 3 of 3) (1941)
- Translation: I figli di Matusalemme (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1961)
- Excerpts from the Notebooks of Lazarus Long (1973) [SF] by Robert A. Heinlein
- More Excerpts from the Notebooks of Lazarus Long (1973) [SF] by Robert A. Heinlein
Time Enough for Love (1973)
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Variant: Time Enough for Love: The Lives of Lazarus Long (1973)
- Translation: Die Leben des Lazarus Long [German] (1976)
- Translation: A história do futuro, 1º volume [Portuguese] (1977)
- Translation: A história do futuro, 2º volume [Portuguese] (1977)
- Translation: A história do futuro, 3º volume [Portuguese] (1977)
- Translation: Tiempo para amar [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Lazarus Long, l'immortale [Italian] (1979)
- Serializations:
Translation: 愛に時間を (Part 1 of 2)?Ai ni Jikan o (Part 1 of 2)[Japanese] (1975) [as byロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain
- Time Enough for Love (excerpt) (1974) [SF] by Robert A. Heinlein
- The Notebooks of Lazarus Long (excerpt) (1979) [SF] by Robert A. Heinlein
The Number of the Beast (1980)
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het getal van het beest [Dutch] (1981)
- Translation: O Número do Monstro, 1º volume [Portuguese] (1981)
- Translation: O Número do Monstro, 2º volume [Portuguese] (1981)
- Translation: O Número do Monstro, 3º volume [Portuguese] (1981)
- Translation: Die Zahl des Tiers [German] (1981)
- Translation: Robert Heinlein presenta El número de la bestia [Spanish] (1987)
- Serializations:
- The Number of the Beast (Part 1 of 2) (1979)
- The Number of the Beast (Part 2 of 2) (1979)
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls (1985)
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Translation: De kat door de muur [Dutch] (1986)
Translation: Die Katze, die durch Wände geht?Die Katze, die durch Waende geht[German] (1987)
- Translation: Le chat passe-muraille [French] (1987)
- Translation: Il gatto che attraversa i muri [Italian] (1988)
- Translation: O Gato que Atravessa as Paredes, 1º volume [Portuguese] (1989)
- Translation: O Gato que Atravessa as Paredes, 2º volume [Portuguese] (1989)
Translation: ウロボロス・サークル?Uroborosu Sākuru[Japanese] (1996) [as by
Uroborosu Saakuruロバート・A・ハインライン?Robāto A. Hainrain]
Robaato A. Hainrain
To Sail Beyond the Sunset (1987)
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
- Translation: Au-delà du crépuscule [French] (1989)
- Translation: Oltre il tramonto [Italian] (1989)
- Translation: Segeln im Sonnenwind [German] (1994)
- Variant: To Sail Beyond the Sunset: The Life and Loves of Maureen Johnson (Being the Memoirs of a Somewhat Irregular Lady) (2011)
- The Pursuit of the Pankera (2020) by Robert A. Heinlein
Methuselah's Children (1958)
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as:
Life-Line (1939) [SF]
Robert A. Heinlein
also appeared as: