- Series: Carnacki Universe Series Record # 26003
- Webpages: SFE
- Series Tags: horror (7), fantasy (4), ghosts (3), paranormal mystery (1), Horror: Another 100 Best Books (1), first person point of view (1), dreams (1), psychic pigs (1), supernatural properties of light (1), outer circle (1), detective (1)
- Carnacki Universe
- A Gaslight Horror (2013) [SF] by P. V. Ross
- Carnacki and the President's Vampire (2013) [SF] by Robert Pohle
- The Spar: A Story of Carnacki (2013) [SF] by Fred Blosser
- The Braes of the Blackstarr (2013) [SF] by Robert E. Jefferson
- The Magician's Study (2013) [SF] by Buck Weiss
- The Haunting of Tranquil House (2013) [SF] by Jim Beard
- The Ghosts of Kuskulana (2013) [SF] by Amy K. Marshall
- Audience with the Ghost-Finder (2013) [SF] by M. J. Starling
- The Silent Garden (2016) [SF] by Jason C. Eckhardt
- The Shadow Suns (2016) [SF] by John Howard
- The Moving Fur Case (2016) [SF] by Paul R. McNamee
- The Delphic Bee (2016) [SF] by Josh Reynolds
- A Hideous Communion (2016) [SF] by James Gracey
- The Yellow Finger Experiments (2016) [SF] by James Bojaciuk
- Carnacki (Brandon Barrows)
- The Arcana of the Alleys (2016) [SF] by Brandon Barrows
- The Castle-Town Tragedy and Other Tales of Carnacki, the Ghost-Finder (2016) [C] by Brandon Barrows
- The Castle-Town Tragedy (2016) [SF] by Brandon Barrows
- The Madness of Arthur Malbrey (2016) [SF] by Brandon Barrows
- The Lurker in the Roadhouse (2016) [SF] by Brandon Barrows
- Carnacki (Charles R. Rutledge)
- How They Met Themselves (2013) [SF] by Charles R. Rutledge
- A Beautiful Lady Without Pity: A Carnacki the Ghost-Finder Adventure (2014) [SF] by Charles R. Rutledge
- The Steeple Monster Case (2016) [SF] by Charles R. Rutledge
- Carnacki (Gérard Dôle)
Les spectres de Cheyne Walk (2005) [C]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
Avant-propos (Les spectres de Cheyne Walk) (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
Le presbytère hanté (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
En guise d'épilogue... (Le presbytère hanté) (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
Cauchemar d'un mangeur de darioles (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
Horreur nocturne (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
Le géant de Thulé (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
En guise d'épilogue... (Le géant de Thulé) (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
Gymnopédie macabre (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
En guise d'épilogue... (Gymnopédie macabre) (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
Le pèlerin maudit (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
En guise d'épilogue... (Le pèlerin maudit) (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
Le secret du capitaine (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
En guise d'épilogue... (Le secret du capitaine) (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
Le chien gris (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
En guise d'épilogue... (Le chien gris) (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
Berserker (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
En guise d'épilogue... (Berserker) (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
Postface (Les spectres de Cheyne Walk) (2005) [SF]
Gérard Dôle?Gerard Dole
Les spectres de Cheyne Walk (2005) [C]
- Carnacki (Hodgson)
The Thing Invisible (1909) [SF]
William Hope Hodgson
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Onzichtbare Doder [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: La chose invisible [French] (1979)
Translation: Der unsichtbare Wächter?Der unsichtbare Waechter[German] (2017)
- Translation: A coisa invisível [Portuguese] (2021)
Carnacki, the Ghost Finder (condensed version) (1910) [SF]
William Hope Hodgson
also appeared as:
- Translation: Carnacki, le chasseur de fantômes [French] (1988)
- Translation: Carnacki, le chasseur de fantôme [French] (2008)
The Gateway of the Monster (1910) [SF]
William Hope Hodgson
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Gateway of the Monster (1910) [as by W. H. Hodgson]
- Translation: La porte du monstre [French] (1924)
Translation: Par là entrait le monstre...?Par la entrait le monstre...[French] (1969)
- Translation: Por allí entraba el monstruo [Spanish] (1972)
- Translation: Der Schicksalsring der Anderson-Familie [German] (1973)
- Translation: De Poort van het Monster [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: I den ondes makt [Swedish] (1977)
- Translation: La porte [French] (1977)
- Translation: Das graue Zimmer [German] (1978)
- Translation: La Porte du monstre [French] (2014)
- Translation: Die Tür nach drüben [German] (2017)
- Translation: A passagem do monstro [Portuguese] (2021)
The House Among the Laurels (1910) [SF]
William Hope Hodgson
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het Huis Tussen de Laurierheesters [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: La maison parmi les lauriers [French] (1977)
- Variant: Carnacki, the Ghost Finder (1992)
- Variant: Carnacki the Ghost Finder (2002)
- Translation: Das Haus im Lorbeerdickicht [German] (2017)
- Translation: A casa entre os loureiros [Portuguese] (2021)
The Whistling Room (1910) [SF]
William Hope Hodgson
also appeared as:
Translation: Det fløjtende værelse?Det floejtende vaerelse[Danish] (1965)
- Translation: De fluitende kamer [Dutch] (1966)
- Translation: La habitación que silba [Spanish] (1967)
- Translation: Das pfeifende Zimmer [German] (1973)
- Translation: De Gierende Kamer [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: La chambre qui sifflait [French] (1977)
Translation: Свистящая комната?Svistyashchaya komnata[Russian] (1992) [as byУильям Хоуп Ходжсон?Uil'yam Khoup Khodzhson]
William Hope Hodgson - Translation: Das pfeifende Zimmer [German] (2017)
- Translation: O quarto sibilante [Portuguese] (2021)
The Horse of the Invisible (1910) [SF]
William Hope Hodgson
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het Paard van de Onzichtbare [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Le cheval de l'invisible [French] (1977)
- Translation: Il cavallo dell'invisibile [Italian] (1991)
- Translation: Das Geisterpferd [German] (2017)
- Translation: O cavalo do invisível [Portuguese] (2021)
The Searcher of the End House (1910) [SF]
William Hope Hodgson
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het Geheim van de Raadselachtige Bezoeker [Dutch] (1977)
Translation: Le mystère de la maison hantée?Le mystere de la maison hantee[French] (1977)
- Translation: Unerwünschter Besuch [German] (2017)
- Translation: O investigador da última casa [Portuguese] (2021)
Carnacki, the Ghost-Finder (1913) [C]
William Hope Hodgson
also appeared as:
Translation: Carnacki et les fantômes?Carnacki et les fantomes[French] (1977)
- Translation: Carnacki, de Spokenjager [Dutch] (1977)
- Variant: Carnacki, The Ghost Finder (2001)
- Variant: Carnacki, the Ghost Finder (2004)
- Variant: Carnacki: The Ghost-Finder (2006)
- Translation: Carnacki le chasseur de fantômes [French] (2008)
- Variant: Carnacki: Ghost Finder (2011)
- Translation: Carnacki, der Geisterdetektiv [German] (2017)
- Translation: Carnacki - Detetive do oculto [Portuguese] (2021)
The Haunted Jarvee (1929) [SF]
William Hope Hodgson
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Haunted "Jarvee" (1929)
- Translation: Het Spookschip Jarvee [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Le Jarvee [French] (1977)
- Translation: Der Spuk auf der Jarvee [German] (2007)
The Find (1947) [SF]
William Hope Hodgson
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Vondst [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Bibliophilie [French] (1979)
- Translation: Ein Fund [German] (2017)
The Hog (1947) [SF]
William Hope Hodgson
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le verrat [French] (1966)
- Translation: Der grunzende Mann [German] (1973)
- Translation: Het Vreselijke Varken [Dutch] (1977)
- Translation: Le verrat [French] (1977)
- Translation: Der Schweinefürst [German] (2017)
- The Whistling Room (excerpt) (1965) [SF] by William Hope Hodgson
The Thing Invisible (1909) [SF]
William Hope Hodgson
also appeared as:
- Carnacki (John Linwood Grant)
- The Meeting (2016) [SF] by John Linwood Grant
- The Dark Trade (2016) [SF] by John Linwood Grant
Grey Dog (2016) [SF]
John Linwood Grant
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Gray Dog (2016)
- Carnacki (John Peel)
The Gutter God (2018) [SF]
John Peel
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le dieu des bas-fonds [French] (2019)
The Gutter God (2018) [SF]
John Peel
also appeared as:
- Carnacki (Kidd + Kennett)
- The Silent Garden (1992) [SF] by Rick Kennett
- The Darkness (1992) [SF] by Chico Kidd [only as by A. F. Kidd]
- Matheson's Inheritance (1992) [SF] by Chico Kidd [only as by A. F. Kidd]
- The Steeple Monster (1992) [SF] by Rick Kennett and Chico Kidd [only as by Rick Kennett and A. F. Kidd]
- No. 472 Cheyne Walk: Carnacki: The Untold Stories (1992) [C] by Rick Kennett and Chico Kidd [only as by Rick Kennett and A. F. Kidd]
- The Witch's Room (1994) [SF] by Chico Kidd [only as by A. F. Kidd]
- The Case of the Grey Dog (1995) [SF] by Chico Kidd [only as by A. F. Kidd]
- The Roaring Paddocks (2002) [SF] by Rick Kennett
- The Keeper of the Minter Light (2002) [SF] by Rick Kennett
- The Gnarly Ship (2002) [SF] by Rick Kennett
- The Psychic Doorway (2002) [SF] by Chico Kidd [only as by A. F. Kidd]
- The Sigsand Codex (2002) [SF] by Chico Kidd [only as by A. F. Kidd]
- Arkright's Tale (2002) [SF] by Chico Kidd [only as by A. F. Kidd]
- No. 472 Cheyne Walk: Carnacki: The Untold Stories (2002) [C] by Rick Kennett and Chico Kidd [only as by Rick Kennett and A. F. Kidd]
- Carnacki (Robert M. Price)
- A Job for Carnacki (2013) [SF] by Robert M. Price
- The Dark Light (2016) [SF] by Robert M. Price
- Carnacki (Sam Gafford)
- Carnacki: The New Adventures (2013) [A] by Sam Gafford
- Carnacki: The Lost Cases (2016) [A] by Sam Gafford
- Carnacki (William Meikle)
- 1 Carnacki: Heaven and Hell (2011) [C] by William Meikle
- 2 The Watcher at the Gate and Other Stories (2016) [C] by William Meikle
- 3 Carnacki: Starry Wisdom and Other Stories (2021) [C] by William Meikle
- The Dark Island (2000) [SF] by William Meikle
- The Blooded Iklwa (2011) [SF] by William Meikle
- The Larkhill Barrow (2011) [SF] by William Meikle
The Sisters of Mercy (2011) [SF]
William Meikle
also appeared as:
Translation: 慈悲の尼僧?じひのにそう[Japanese] (2012) [as by
Jihi no Nisō
Jihi no Nisouウィリアム・ミークル?Uiriamu Mīkuru]
Uiriamu Miikuru
- The Hellfire Mirror (2011) [SF] by William Meikle
- The Beast of Glamis (2011) [SF] by William Meikle
- The Tomb of Pygea (2011) [SF] by William Meikle
- The Lusitania (2011) [SF] by William Meikle
- The Haunted Oak (2011) [SF] by William Meikle
- The Shoreditch Worm (2011) [SF] by William Meikle
- Treason and Plot (2011) [SF] by William Meikle
Carnacki: The Parliament of Owls (2012) [SF]
William Meikle
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Parliament of Owls (2015)
- Carnacki: The Parliament of Owls (afterword) (2012) [ES] by William Meikle
Carnacki: A Cold Christmas in Chelsea (2012) [SF]
William Meikle
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Cold Christmas in Chelsea (2023)
- Carnacki: Captain Gault's Nemesis (2013) [SF] by William Meikle
Carnacki—The Island of Doctor Munroe (2014) [SF]
William Meikle
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Island of Doctor Munroe (2023)
- The Grunting Man (2016) [SF] by William Meikle
- The Edinburgh Townhouse and Other Stories (2017) [C] by William Meikle
- The Photographer's Friend (2017) [SF] by William Meikle
- Fins in the Fog (2017) [SF] by William Meikle
- The Cheyne Walk Infestation (2017) [SF] by William Meikle
- An Unexpected Delivery (2017) [SF] by William Meikle
- A Sticky Wicket (2017) [SF] by William Meikle
- The King's Treasure (2017) [SF] by William Meikle
- Mr. Churchill's Surprise (2017) [SF] by William Meikle
- The Edinburgh Townhouse (2017) [SF] by William Meikle
- A Night in the Storeroom (2017) [SF] by William Meikle
- Into the Light (2017) [SF] by William Meikle
- The Larkhill Barrow (2019) [C] by William Meikle
- Carnacki: Crossover (2020) [C] by William Meikle
- The Gray Boats (2020) [SF] by William Meikle
- The Blue Egg (2020) [SF] by William Meikle
- Into the Light: Three Carnacki Stories (2020) [C] by William Meikle
- Mr. Churchill's Dilemma (2020) [SF] by William Meikle
- The China Dolls (2023) [C] by William Meikle
- The China Dolls (2023) [SF] by William Meikle
- Lusitania (2023) [C] by William Meikle
- Nemesis (2023) [C] by William Meikle
- The Black Swan (2023) [SF] by William Meikle
- The Watcher at the Gate (2023) [SF] by William Meikle
- The Chislehurst Conundrum (2023) [SF] by William Meikle
- Captain Gault's Nemesis (2023) [SF] by William Meikle
- Carnacki: Photographs: Three Carnacki Ghostfinder Stories (2023) [C] by William Meikle