- Series: Sookie's World Series Record # 32891
- Sub-series of: Charlaine Harris Metaverse
- Webpages: Wikipedia-EN
- Series Tags: vampires (19), urban fantasy (17), into-tv (5), ofearna-2024 (4), werewolf (2), paranormal romance (2), vampire (1), mystery (1), fantasy (1), dark fantasy (1), horror (1), HumbleBundle (1)
- Sookie's World
- Dead But Not Forgotten (2014) [A] by Charlaine Harris and Toni L. P. Kelner
- Knit a Sweater Out of Sky (2014) [SF] by Seanan McGuire
- Nobody's Business (2014) [SF] by Rachel Caine
- Introduction (Dead But Not Forgotten) (2014) [ES] by Charlaine Harris
- Tyger, Tyger (2014) [SF] by Christopher Golden
- Taproot (2014) [SF] by Jeff Mariotte [only as by Jeffrey J. Mariotte]
- The Real Santa Claus (2014) [SF] by Toni L. P. Kelner [only as by Leigh Perry]
- Sookie Stackhouse
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Dead Until Dark (2001)
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vorübergehend tot [German] (2004)
- Translation: Finché non cala il buio [Italian] (2007)
Translation: Miręs iki sutemų?Mires iki sutemu[Lithuanian] (2009)
Translation: Morți până la apus?Morti pana la apus[Romanian] (2009)
- Translation: Sangue Fresco [Portuguese] (2009)
- Translation: Date met de Dood [Dutch] (2011)
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Living Dead in Dallas (2002)
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Translation: Untot in Dallas [German] (2004)
- Translation: Morti viventi [Italian] (2008)
- Translation: Dívida de Sangue [Portuguese] (2009)
- Translation: Mirusios širdys [Lithuanian] (2009)
- Translation: Vampiros em Dallas [Portuguese] (2009)
- Translation: Morti viventi a Dallas [Italian] (2009)
- Translation: Levend Dood in Dallas [Dutch] (2011)
- Translation: Moartea la Dallas [Romanian] (2011)
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Club Dead (2003)
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Translation: Club Dead [German] (2005)
Translation: Clubul morților?Clubul mortilor[Romanian] (2007)
- Translation: Il club dei morti [Italian] (2008)
Translation: Murusiųjų klubas?Murusiuju klubas[Lithuanian] (2009)
- Translation: Clube de Sangue [Portuguese] (2009)
- Translation: Clube dos Vampiros [Portuguese] (2010)
- Translation: Club Dood [Dutch] (2011)
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Dead to the World (2004)
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Vampir, der mich liebte [German] (2005)
- Translation: Zo goed als dood [Dutch] (2008)
- Translation: Morto per il mondo [Italian] (2009)
Translation: Miręs pasauliui?Mires pasauliui[Lithuanian] (2010)
- Translation: Sangue Oculto [Portuguese] (2010)
Translation: Moartă pentru toți?Moarta pentru toti[Romanian] (2011)
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Dead As a Doornail (2005)
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vampire bevorzugt [German] (2006)
- Translation: Dood als een vampier [Dutch] (2009)
- Translation: Mort de-a binelea [Romanian] (2009)
- Translation: Morto stecchito [Italian] (2009)
Translation: Mirtis už durų?Mirtis uz duru[Lithuanian] (2010)
- Translation: Sangue Furtivo [Portuguese] (2010)
- Translation: Mas muerto que nunca [Spanish] (2010)
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Definitely Dead (2006)
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ball der Vampire [German] (2007)
- Translation: Decisamente morto [Italian] (2009)
Translation: Categoric moartă?Categoric moarta[Romanian] (2011)
Translation: Neabejotinai miręs?Neabejotinai mires[Lithuanian] (2011)
- Translation: Vampiros Para Sempre [Portuguese] (2011)
- Translation: Echt Dood [Dutch] (2012)
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All Together Dead (2006)
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vampire schlafen fest [German] (2008)
- Translation: Morti tutti insieme [Italian] (2010)
Translation: Morți cu toții?Morti cu totii[Romanian] (2011)
- Translation: Allemaal Dood [Dutch] (2012)
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From Dead to Worse (2008)
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ein Vampir für alle Fälle [German] (2009)
- Translation: Di morto in peggio [Italian] (2010)
Translation: Mai rău decât moartea?Mai rau decat moartea[Romanian] (2011)
Mai rau decit moartea
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Dead and Gone (2009)
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vampirgeflüster [German] (2010)
- Translation: Morto e spacciato [Italian] (2010)
Translation: Mort și-ngropat?Mort si-ngropat[Romanian] (2011)
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Dead in the Family (2010)
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
Translation: Moarte în familie?Moarte in familie[Romanian] (2011)
- Translation: Vor Vampiren wird gewarnt [German] (2011)
- Translation: Morto in famiglia [Italian] (2011)
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Dead Reckoning (2011)
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Translation: Resa dei conti mortale [Italian] (2011)
- Translation: Vampir mit Vergangenheit [German] (2012)
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Deadlocked (2012)
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Translation: A un punto morto [Italian] (2012)
- Translation: Cocktail für einen Vampir [German] (2013)
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Dead Ever After (2013)
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Translation: Morti per sempre [Italian] (2013)
- Translation: Vampirmelodie [German] (2014)
- Dead As a Doornail (excerpt) (unknown) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- Club Dead (excerpt) (unknown) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- Living Dead in Dallas (unknown) [INTERIORART] by uncredited
- Dead to the World (excerpt) (2004) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- Dead As a Doornail (excerpt) (2005) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- Definitely Dead (excerpt) (2006) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- All Together Dead (excerpt) (2007) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- From Dead to Worse (excerpt) (2008) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- Dead in the Family (excerpt) (2010) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- Dead Reckoning (excerpt) (2011) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- The Sookie Stackhouse Companion (2011) [NF] by Charlaine Harris
- Deadlocked (excerpt) (2012) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- After Dead: What Came Next in the World of Sookie Stackhouse (2013) [NF] by Charlaine Harris
- Sookie Stackhouse Omnibus
Dead in Dixie (2003) [O/1-3]
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Translation: La prima trilogia di Sookie Stackhouse [Italian] (2013) [O/1-3]
- Dead by Day (2005) [O/4-5] by Charlaine Harris
- Sookie Stackhouse Box Set (2008) [O/1-7] by Charlaine Harris
- True Blood Boxed Set (2009) [O/1-8] by Charlaine Harris
- True Blood Boxed Set 2 (2010) [O/1-9, C] by Charlaine Harris
- The Sookie Stackhouse Novels (2011) [O/1-10] by Charlaine Harris
- True Blood Omnibus
- 1 True Blood Omnibus (2009) [O/1,2,3] by Charlaine Harris
- 2 True Blood Omnibus II (2010) [O/4,5,6] by Charlaine Harris
- 3 True Blood Omnibus III (2011) [O/7,8,9] by Charlaine Harris
Dead in Dixie (2003) [O/1-3]
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Sookie Stackhouse short fiction
- Fairy Dust (2004) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- One Word Answer (2005) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
Dracula Night (2007) [SF]
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Translation: Draculas Geburtstag [German] (2008)
- Gift Wrap (2008) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- Lucky (2008) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- A Touch of Dead (2009) [C] by Charlaine Harris
- Two Blondes (2010) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- If I Had a Hammer (2011) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- Small-Town Wedding (2011) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- Vampires, Two-Natured, and Fairies, Oh My!: Sookie Discusses the Creatures She's Met (2011) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- Playing Possum (2012) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- Borderline Dead (2014) [SF] by Nicole Peeler
- Widower's Walk (2014) [SF] by MaryJanice Davidson
- The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars (2014) [SF] by Dana Cameron
- The Bat-Signal (2014) [SF] by Suzanne McLeod
- Another Dead Fairy (2014) [SF] by Miranda James
- What a Dream I Had (2014) [SF] by Nancy Holder
- Don't Be Cruel (2014) [SF] by Bill Crider
- Extreme Makeover Vamp Edition (2014) [SF] by Leigh Evans
- The Million-Dollar Hunt (2014) [SF] by Jonathan Maberry
- Love Story (2014) [SF] by Jeanne C. Stein
- The Complete Sookie Stackhouse Stories (2017) [C] by Charlaine Harris
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Dead Until Dark (2001)
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Sookie's World short fiction
- The Britlingens Go to Hell (2009) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- The Return of the Mage (2022) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- Dahlia Lynley-Chivers
- Tacky (2006) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- Bacon (2009) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- Dahlia Underground (2010) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
- A Very Vampire Christmas (2010) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
Death by Dahlia (2011) [SF]
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
Translation: Moarte de mâna Daliei?Moarte de mana Daliei[Romanian] (2015)
- Layla
Dancers in the Dark (2004) [SF]
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dansers na donker [Dutch] (2011)
Dancers in the Dark / Layla Steps Up (2017) [C]
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dancers in the Dark & Layla Steps Up (2020)
- Layla Steps Up (2017) [SF] by Charlaine Harris
Dancers in the Dark (2004) [SF]
Charlaine Harris
also appeared as:
- True Blood (TV Series)