- Series: KHM (Kinder- und Hausmärchen)?KHM (Kinder- und Hausmaerchen)Series Record # 34744
- Webpages: Wikipedia-EN
Note: 211 stories numbered 1 to 210. The sequence is interrupted by 151.1 and 151.2 at ISFDB, or 151 and 151a at Wikipedia "Grimms' Fairy Tales", above. KHM 1 to 210 are all the stories in the two-volume 7th edition of Kinder- und Hausmärchen, (Berlin: Duncker, 1857).
- Series Tags: fairy tale (1), through the looking glass (1)
- KHM (Kinder- und Hausmärchen)?KHM (Kinder- und Hausmaerchen)
- 1
Der Froschkönig oder der eiserne Heinrich (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Frog Prince [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Der Froschkönig oder der eiserne Heinrich (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Frog-Prince [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Frog Prince [English] (1863) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Frog-King, or Iron Henry [English] (1884)
- Translation: The Frog-King, or Iron Henry [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Frog Prince [English] (1907)
- Translation: The Frog King, or Iron Harry [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Frog-Prince [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Frog Prince [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Frog Prince [English] (1947) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Frog King [English] (1968)
- Translation: The Frog Prince [English] (1998) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Frog King, or Iron Heinrich [English] (1999)
- Translation: The Frog King, or Iron Harry [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Frog King or Iron Henry (1812 version) [English] (2013)
- Translation: The Frog King, or Iron Henry [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: O Príncipe sapo [Portuguese] (2019)
- Translation: O príncipe sapo [Portuguese] (2020)
- 2
Katze und Maus in Gesellschaft (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Katz und Maus in Gesellschaft (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Katze und Maus in Gesellschaft (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Cat and the Mouse in Partnership [English] (1853)
- Translation: The Cat and the Mouse in Partnership [English] (1894) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Cat and Mouse in Partnership [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Cat and Mouse in Partnership [English] (1897) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Cat and Mouse Keep House [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Cat and Mouse in Partnership [English] (2013) [as by Andrew Lang]
- Translation: The Companionship of the Cat and Mouse [English] (2014)
- Translation: Cat and Mouse in Partnership [English] (2015)
- Translation: Cat and Mouse in Partnership [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Katz und Maus in Gesellschaft (1812)
[as by
- 3
Marienkind (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Marienkind (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Wood-Cutter's Child [English] (1853) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Our Lady's Child [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Our Lady's Child [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Our Lady's Child [English] (1964)
- Translation: The Virgin Mary's Child [English] (2014)
- Translation: Our Lady's Child [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Marienkind (1812)
[as by
- 4
Von einem der auszog, das Fürchten zu lernen?Von einem der auszog, das Fuerchten zu lernen(1812) [SF] by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm only appeared as:
Variant: Gut Kegel- und Kartenspiel (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Märchen von einem, der auszog, das Fürchten zu lernen?Maerchen von einem, der auszog, das Fuerchten zu lernen(1819) [as byBrüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Von einem der auszog, das Fürchten zu lernen?Von einem der auszog, das Fuerchten zu lernen(1819) [as byBrüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Märchen von einem, der auszog das Fürchten zu lernen?Maerchen von einem, der auszog das Fuerchten zu lernen(1837) [as byBrüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Mährchen von einem, der auszog das Fürchten zu lernen?Maehrchen von einem, der auszog das Fuerchten zu lernen(1857) [as byBrüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was [English] (1884) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Tale of a Youth Who Set Out to Learn What Fear Was [English] (1889) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was [English] (1944) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: Shiver and Shake [English] (1959) [as by Grimm Brothers and Amabel Williams-Ellis]
- Translation: A Tale of a Boy Who Set Out to Learn Fear [English] (1960)
- Translation: The Boy Who Left Home to Learn Fear [English] (1970) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: De celui qui partit en quête de la peur [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: A Tale about the Boy Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was [English] (1987)
- Translation: Good Bowling and Card Playing [English] (2003)
- Translation: A Fairy Tale About a Boy Who Left Home to Learn About Fear [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Boy Who Went in Search of Fear [English] (2006) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Tale of a Youth Who Set Out to Learn What Fear Was [English] (2007) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was [English] (2015)
- Translation: The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Gut Kegel- und Kartenspiel (1812)
[as by
- 5
Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geislein (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Der Wolf und die sieben junge Geiselein (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geißlein (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Der Wolf und die sieben jungen Geislein (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Wolf and the Seven Kids [English] (1900) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Wolf and the Seven Kids [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids [English] (2015)
- Translation: The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- 6
Der getreue Johannes (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der getreue Johannes (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Faithful John [English] (1823)
Variant: Der treue Johannes (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Trusty John [English] (1889) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Faithful John [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Faithful John, the King's Servant [English] (1906) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Faithful John [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Faithful John [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Faithful John [English] (1944) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: Faithful John [English] (1960)
- Translation: Le fidèle Jean [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Faithful Johannes [English] (1987)
- Translation: Faithful John [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Trusty John [English] (2007) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Faithful John [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der getreue Johannes (1819)
[as by
- 7
Der gute Handel (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der gute Handel (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Good Bargain [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Good Bargain [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der gute Handel (1819)
[as by
- 8
Der wunderliche Spielmann (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der wunderliche Spielmann (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Wonderful Musician [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Marvelous Musician [English] (1890) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Wonderful Musician [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Wonderful Musician [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Wonderful Musician [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Il musicista straordinario [Italian] (2021) [as by Grimm]
Variant: Der wunderliche Spielmann (1819)
[as by
- 9
Die zwölf Brüder (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die zwölf Brüder (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Twelve Brothers [English] (1890) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Twelve Brothers [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Les douzes frères [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Twelve Brothers [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Twelve Brothers [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Twelve Brothers [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Twelve Brothers [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: I dodici fratelli [Italian] (2021) [as by Grimm]
Variant: Die zwölf Brüder (1812)
[as by
- 10
Das Lumpengesindel (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das Lumpengesindel (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Pack of Ragamuffins [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Pack of Ragamuffins [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Riffraff [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Pack of Ragamuffins [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das Lumpengesindel (1812)
[as by
- 11
Brüderchen und Schwesterchen (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Brüderchen und Schwesterchen (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Little Brother and Sister [English] (1853) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Brother and Sister [English] (1890) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Brother and Sister [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Enchanted Fawn [English] (1942) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Little Brother and Little Sister [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Little Brother and Little Sister [English] (2004)
- Translation: Little Brother and Little Sister [English] (2014)
- Translation: Little Brother and Little Sister [English] (2016) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Little Brother and Little Sister [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Irmãozinho e Irmãzinha [Portuguese] (2019)
- Translation: Os dois irmãozinhos [Portuguese] (2020)
- Translation: Fratello e sorella [Italian] (2021) [as by Grimm]
Variant: Brüderchen und Schwesterchen (1812)
[as by
- 12
Rapunzel (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (unknown) [as by Grimm]
Variant: Rapunzel (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (1853) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (1890) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (1900) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (1907)
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (1909)
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (1958) [as by Brothers Grimm and James Reeves]
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (1964)
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (1970) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (1975) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (1987)
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (1998) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (2000)
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (2002)
- Translation: Rapunzel [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Rapunzel (1812 version) [English] (2013)
- Translation: Rapunzel [Portuguese] (2019)
- Translation: Rapunzel [Portuguese] (2020)
- Translation: Rapunzel [Italian] (2021) [as by Grimm]
- 13
Die drei Männlein im Walde (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die drei Männlein im Walde (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Die Männlein im Walde (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Dwarfs [English] (1890) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Little Men in the Wood [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Little Men in the Wood [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Les trois nains de la forêt [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Little Men in the Forest [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Little Men in the Woods [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Three Little Men in the Forest [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Three Little Men in the Wood [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: I tre nani [Italian] (2021) [as by Grimm]
Variant: Die drei Männlein im Walde (1812)
[as by
- 14
Die drei Spinnerinnen (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Von dem bösen Flachsspinnen (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Die drei Spinnerinnen (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Spinners [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Spinners [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Spinners [English] (1987)
- Translation: Nasty Flax Spinning [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Three Spinners [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Von dem bösen Flachsspinnen (1812)
[as by
- 15
Hänsel und Gretel?Haensel und Gretel(1812) [SF] by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm only appeared as:
Variant: Hänsel und Gretel (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Hänsel und Grethel (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel and Gretel [English] (1853) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel and Grethel [English] (1853) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel and Grethel [English] (1889)
- Translation: Hansel and Grettel [English] (1889) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Hänsel and Grethel [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel and Gretel [English] (1909)
- Translation: Hänsel and Grethel [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel and Grethel [English] (1912) [as by Jacob Grimm and William Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel and Gretel [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
Translation: Hansel and Grethel [English] (1933)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel and Gretel [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel and Grethel [English] (1949)
- Translation: Hansel and Gretel [English] (1958) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Haensel and Gretel [English] (1960)
- Translation: Jeannot et Margot [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel and Grethel [English] (1979) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel and Gretel [English] (1987)
- Translation: Hansel and Gretel [English] (1998) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel and Gretel [English] (1999)
- Translation: Hansel and Gretel [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel and Gretel [English] (2005) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel and Gretel [English] (2007) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Hansel and Gretel [English] (2012) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel and Gretel (1812 version) [English] (2013)
- Translation: Hansel and Gretel [English] (2015)
- Translation: Hansel & Gretel [English] (2016) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel and Grethel [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: João e Maria [Portuguese] (2019)
- Translation: Grietje en Hans [Dutch] (2019) [as by Gebroeders Grimm]
- Translation: Hansel e Grethel [Portuguese] (2020)
Variant: Hänsel und Gretel (1812)
[as by
- 16
Die drei Schlangenblätter (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die drei Schlangenblätter (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Snake-leaves [English] (1892) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Snake-Leaves [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Snake-Leaves [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Snake-Leaves [English] (2016) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Snake-Leaves [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die drei Schlangenblätter (1819)
[as by
- 17
Die weiße Schlange?Die weisse Schlange(1812) [SF] by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm only appeared as:
Variant: Die weiße Schlange (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The White Snake [English] (1892) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The White Snake [English] (1892) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The White Snake [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The White Snake [English] (1909) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The White Snake [English] (2004)
- Translation: The White Snake [English] (2014)
- Translation: The White Snake [English] (2015)
- Translation: The White Snake [English] (2016) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The White Snake [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die weiße Schlange (1812)
[as by
- 18
Strohhalm, Kohle und Bohne (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Strohhalm, Kohle und Bohne auf der Reise (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Strohhalm, Kohle und Bohne (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean [English] (1837)
- Translation: The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Journey of the Straw, the Coal, and the Bean [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Strohhalm, Kohle und Bohne auf der Reise (1812)
[as by
- 19
Von dem Fischer un syner Fru (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Van den Fischer un siine Fru (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Von dem Fischer und siine Fru (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Fisherman and His Wife [English] (1823)
Variant: Van den Fischer und siine Fru (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Von dem Fischer un syner Fru (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Fisherman and His Wife [English] (1884)
- Translation: The Story of the Fisherman and his Wife [English] (1892) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Fisherman and His Wife [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Fisherman and His Wife [English] (1900)
- Translation: The Fisherman and His Wife [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Fisherman and His Wife [English] (1909) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Fisherman and His Wife [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Fisherman and His Wife [English] (1960) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Fisher An His Gweedwìfe [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Fisherman and His Wife [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Fisherman and His Wife [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Fisherman and His Wife [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Van den Fischer un siine Fru (1812)
[as by
- 20
Das tapfere Schneiderlein (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: Seven at One Blow [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Gallant Tailor [English] (1812) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Von einem tapfern Schneider (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Das tapfere Schneiderlein (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Valiant Little Tailor [English] (1884)
- Translation: The Brave Little Tailor [English] (1889) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Valiant Little Tailor [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Valiant Little Tailor [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Brave Little Tailor [English] (1958) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Brave Little Tailor [English] (1960)
- Translation: Le vaillant petit tailleur [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Brave Little Tailor [English] (1982) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Brave Little Tailor [English] (2004)
- Translation: A Story about a Brave Tailor [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Valiant Little Tailor [English] (2015)
- Translation: The Brave Little Tailor [English] (2016) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Valiant Little Tailor [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: O alfaiate valente [Portuguese] (2019)
- Translation: O alfaiate valentão [Portuguese] (2020)
- 21
Aschenputtel (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Aschenputtel (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Ashenputtel [English] (1909) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Cinderella [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Cinderella [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Ashputtel [English] (1974)
- Translation: Cendrillon [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Cinderella [English] (1987)
- Translation: Cinderella [English] (2000)
- Translation: Ashiepattle [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Cinderella [English] (2004)
- Translation: Cinderella (1812 version) [English] (2013)
- Translation: Cinderella [English] (2013) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Cinderella [English] (2016) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Cinderella [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Cinderela [Portuguese] (2019)
- Translation: Cinderela [Portuguese] (2020)
Variant: Aschenputtel (1812)
[as by
- 22
Das Räthsel (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das Räthsel (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Das Rätsel (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Riddle [English] (1892) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Riddle [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Riddle [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das Räthsel (1819)
[as by
- 23
Von dem Mäuschen, Vögelchen und der Bratwurst (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Von dem Mäuschen, Vögelchen und der Bratwurst (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Mouse, the Bird and the Sausage [English] (1912) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Mouse, the Bird and the Sausage [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Little Mouse, the Little Bird, and the Sausage [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Mouse, the Bird and the Sausage [English] (2015)
- Translation: The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Von dem Mäuschen, Vögelchen und der Bratwurst (1812)
[as by
- 24
Frau Holle (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Frau Holle (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Mother Holle [English] (1823)
- Translation: Mother Holle [English] (1826) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Mother Holle [English] (1884) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Mother Holle [English] (1890) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Mother Holle [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Mother Holle [English] (1982) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Mother Holle [English] (1987)
- Translation: Mother Snowbed [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Mother Holle [English] (2004)
- Translation: Frau Holle [Italian] (2021) [as by Grimm]
Variant: Frau Holle (1812)
[as by
- 25
Die sieben Raben (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die drei Raben (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Die sieben Raben (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Seven Ravens [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Seven Ravens [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Seven Ravens [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Les sept corbeaux [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Seven Ravens [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Seven Ravens [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Three Ravens [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Seven Ravens [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die drei Raben (1812)
[as by
- 26
Rothkäppchen?Rothkaeppchen(1812) [SF] by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm only appeared as:
Variant: Rothkäppchen (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Rotkäppchen (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Little Red-Cap [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Little Red Riding Hood [English] (1909)
- Translation: Little Red-Cap [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Little Red Riding Hood [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Little Red-Cap [English] (1979) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: Little Red Cap [English] (1983)
- Translation: Little Red-Cap [English] (1997) [as by Grimm's Fairy Tales]
- Translation: Little Red Cap [English] (1998)
- Translation: Little Red Riding Hood (Little Redcap) [English] (1998) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Little Red Riding Hood [English] (2002)
- Translation: Little Redcape [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Little Red Cap (1812 version) [English] (2013)
- Translation: Little Red-Cap [English] (2015)
- Translation: Little Red-Cap [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: A menina da capinha vermelha [Portuguese] (2020)
- Translation: Little Red Riding Hood [English] (2021) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Rothkäppchen (1812)
[as by
- 27
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Bremen Town Musicians [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Musicians of Bremen [English] (unknown) [as by Grimm]
Variant: Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Travelling Musicians [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Musicians of Bremen [English] (1853) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Bremen Town Musicians [English] (1863) [as by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik (in error)]
- Translation: The Bremen Town Musicians [English] (1886) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Bremen Town-Musicians [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Bremen Town-Musicians [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Travelling Musicians [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Musicians of Bremen [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Musicians of Bremen [English] (1958) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Bremen Town Musicians [English] (1964)
- Translation: The Bremen Town Band [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Bremen Town Musicians [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Bremen Town-Musicians [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Os músicos de Bremen [Portuguese] (2020)
- 28
Der singende Knochen (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der singende Knochen (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Singing Bone [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Singing Bone [English] (2012) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Singing Bone [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Singing Bone [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der singende Knochen (1812)
[as by
- 29
Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Devil's Three Golden Hairs [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Von dem Teufel mit drei goldenen Haaren (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Giant with the Three Golden Hairs [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Giant with the Golden Hairs [English] (1889) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Giant with the Three Golden Hairs [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs [English] (1944) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Devil's Three Golden Hairs [English] (1964)
- Translation: Le diable aux trois cheveux d'or [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Devil's Three Golden Hairs [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Devil and His Three Golden Hairs [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- 30
Läuschen und Flöhchen (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Läuschen und Flöhchen (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Spider and the Flea [English] (1853) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Louse and the Flea [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Little Louse and Little Flea [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Louse and the Flea [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Läuschen und Flöhchen (1812)
[as by
- 31
Mädchen ohne Hände (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Mädchen ohne Hände (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Das Mädchen ohne Hände (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Girl Without Hands [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Girl Without Hands [English] (1897)
- Translation: The Girl Without Hands [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: La jeune fille sans mains [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Maiden Without Hands [English] (1987)
- Translation: Maiden Without Hands [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Girl Without Hands [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Mädchen ohne Hände (1812)
[as by
- 32
Der gescheidte Hans (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der gescheidte Hans (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Der gescheite Hans (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Discreet Hans [English] (1853) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Clever Hans [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Clever Hans [English] (2014)
- Translation: Clever Hans [English] (2015)
- Translation: Clever Hans [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der gescheidte Hans (1812)
[as by
- 33
Die drei Sprachen (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die drei Sprachen (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Languages [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Languages [English] (2015)
- Translation: The Three Languages [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die drei Sprachen (1819)
[as by
- 34
Die kluge Else (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die kluge Else (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Clever Alice [English] (1846) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Clever Alice [English] (1863) [as by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik (in error)]
- Translation: Clever Elsie [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Clever Alice [English] (1908)
- Translation: Clever Elsa [English] (1909)
- Translation: Clever Elsie [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Clever Elsie [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Clever Elsie [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Clever Elsie [English] (2015)
- Translation: Clever Elsie [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die kluge Else (1819)
[as by
- 35
Der Schneider im Himmel (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Schneider im Himmel (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Tailor in Heaven [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Tailor in Heaven [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Schneider im Himmel (1819)
[as by
- 36
Von dem Tischgen deck dich, dem Goldesel und dem Knüppel in den Sack?Von dem Tischgen deck dich, dem Goldesel und dem Knueppel in den Sack(1812) [SF] by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm only appeared as:
Variant: Tischchen deck dich, Goldesel und Knüppel aus dem Sack (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Von dem Tischgen deck dich, dem Goldesel und dem Knüppel in den Sack (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Table, the Ass, and the Stick [English] (1906) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Table, the Ass and the Stick [English] (1909) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Magic Table, the Golden Donkey, and the Club in the Sack [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Magical Table, the Gold Donkey, and the Cudgel in the Sack [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Magic Table, the Gold Donkey, and the Club in the Sack [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Little Magic Table, the Golden Donkey, and the Club in the Sack [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: A mesa, o burro e o porrete [Portuguese] (2020)
Variant: Tischchen deck dich, Goldesel und Knüppel aus dem Sack (1812)
[as by
- 37
Daumesdick (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: Tom Thumb [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Daumesdick (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Tom Thumb [English] (1823)
- Translation: Thumbling [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Thumbling [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Thumbling [English] (1912) [as by Jacob Grimm and William Grimm]
- Translation: Tom Thumb [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Tom Thumb [English] (1960)
- Translation: Thickasathumb [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Thumbling [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- 38
Die Hochzeit der Frau Füchsin (1837) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Von der Frau Füchsin (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Mrs Fox [English] (1823)
Variant: Die Hochzeit der Frau Füchsin (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Wedding of Mrs. Fox [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: How Mrs. Fox Married Again [English] (1909) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: Mrs. Fox [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Mrs. Fox [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Wedding of Mrs Fox [English] (2015)
- Translation: The Wedding of Mrs. Fox [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Von der Frau Füchsin (1812)
[as by
- 39
Die Wichtelmänner (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Von den Wichtelmännern (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Die Wichtelmänner (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Elves and the Shoe-Maker [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Shoemaker and the Elves [English] (1857)
- Translation: The Elves [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Elves and the Shoemaker [English] (1900) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Elves and the Shoemaker [English] (1908)
- Translation: The Elves and the Shoemaker [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Elves and the Shoemaker [English] (1958)
- Translation: The Elves and the Shoemaker [English] (1958) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Dwarfie [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Elves [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Elves and the Shoe-Maker [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Elves [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Elves [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Elves and the Shoemaker [English] (2018) [as by Grimm Brothers]
Variant: Von den Wichtelmännern (1812)
[as by
- 40
Der Räuberbräutigam (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Räuberbräutigam (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Robber-Bridegroom [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Robber Bridegroom [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Robber-Bridegroom [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Robber Bridegroom [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Robber Bridegroom [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Robber Bridegroom [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Robber-Bridegroom [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Robber Bridegroom [English] (2015)
- Translation: The Robber Bridegroom [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Räuberbräutigam (1812)
[as by
- 41
Herr Korbes (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Herr Korbes (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Herr Korbes [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Mr. Korbes [English] (1909) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: Herr Korbes [English] (2014)
- Translation: Herr Korbes [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Herr Korbes (1812)
[as by
- 42
Der Herr Gevatter (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Herr Gevatter (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Godfather [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Godfather [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Godfather [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Herr Gevatter (1812)
[as by
- 43
Frau Trude (1837) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Frau Trude (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Frau Trude [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Mother Trudy [English] (2004)
- Translation: Frau Trude [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Frau Trude (1837)
[as by
- 44
Der Gevatter Tod (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Gevatter Tod (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Godfather Death [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Godfather Death [English] (1944) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: La Mort marraine [French] (2003) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Godfather Death [English] (2004)
- Translation: Godfather Death [English] (2014)
- Translation: Godfather Death [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Gevatter Tod (1812)
[as by
- 45
Daumerlings Wanderschaft (1840) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Des Schneiders Daumerling Wanderschaft (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Daumerlings Wanderschaft (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Thumbling As Journeyman [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Thumbling As Journeyman [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Wandering of Thumbling, the Tailor's Son [English] (2014)
- Translation: Thumbling as Journeyman [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Des Schneiders Daumerling Wanderschaft (1812)
[as by
- 46
Fitchers Vogel (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Fitchers Vogel (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Fitcher's Bird [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Fichter's Bird [English] (1987)
- Translation: Fetcher's Fowl [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Fitcher's Bird [English] (2004)
- Translation: Fitcher's Bird (1812 version) [English] (2013)
- Translation: Fitcher's Bird [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Fitchers Vogel (1812)
[as by
- 47
Von dem Machandelboom (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Juniper Tree [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Van den Machandel-Boom (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Juniper Tree [English] (1823)
Variant: Van den Machandelboom (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Von dem Machandelboom (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Juniper-Tree [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Juniper Tree [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Juniper [English] (1960)
- Translation: The Juniper Tree [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Jeniper Tree [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Juniper Tree [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Juniper Tree [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Juniper-Tree [English] (2015)
- Translation: The Juniper-Tree [English] (2016) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Juniper Tree [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- 48
Der alte Sultan (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der alte Sultan (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Old Sultan [English] (1823)
- Translation: Old Sultan [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Old Sultan [English] (1909) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: Old Sultan [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Old Sultan [English] (2014)
- Translation: Old Sultan [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der alte Sultan (1812)
[as by
- 49
Die sechs Schwäne (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Six Swans [English] (unknown)
Variant: Die sechs Schwäne (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Six Swans [English] (1819)
- Translation: The Six Swans [English] (1894) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Six Swans [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Six Swans [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Six Swans [English] (1909) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Six Swans [English] (1912) [as by Jacob Grimm and William Grimm]
- Translation: Les six cygnes [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Six Swans [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Six Swans [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Six Swans [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Six Swans [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- 50
Dornröschen?Dornroeschen(1812) [SF] by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm only appeared as:
Dornroschen- Translation: Sleeping Beauty [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Dornröschen?Dornroeschen(1812) [as byBrüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Rose-Bud [English] (1823)
- Translation: Little Briar-Rose [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Briar Rose [English] (1900) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Little Briar-Rose [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Sleeping Beauty [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Briar Rose [English] (1947) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Sleeping Beauty [English] (1960) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Briar Rose [English] (1964)
- Translation: Dornroschen (Briar-Rose) [English] (1975)
- Translation: La Belle au Bois Dormant [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Sleeping Beauty [English] (1979) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: Brier Rose [English] (1987)
- Translation: Thorn Rose, the Sleeping Beauty [English] (1998) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Sleeping Beauty [English] (2002)
- Translation: Briar-Rose [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Briar Rose [English] (2004)
- Translation: Sleeping Beauty [English] (2005) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Briar Rose (1812 version) [English] (2013)
- Translation: Briar Rose [English] (2015)
- Translation: Little Briar-Rose [English] (2016) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Briar-Rose [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: A bela adormecida [Portuguese] (2019)
- 51
Fundevogel (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Vom Fundevogel (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Fundevogel (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Fundevogel [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Fundevogel [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Fundevogel [English] (1970) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Foundling [English] (2014)
- Translation: Fundevogel [English] (2015)
- Translation: Fundevogel, or Bird-Foundling [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Vom Fundevogel (1812)
[as by
- 52
König Droßelbart (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: König Drosselbart (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: König Droßelbart (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: King Grisly-Beard [English] (1823)
- Translation: King Thrush-Beard [English] (1853) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: King Thrushbeard [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: King Thrushbeard [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: King Grisly-Beard [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: King Thrushbeard [English] (1987)
- Translation: King Thrushbeard (1812 version) [English] (2013)
- Translation: King Thrushbeard [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: König Drosselbart (1812)
[as by
- 53
Sneewittchen (Schneeweißchen)?Sneewittchen (Schneeweisschen)(1812) [SF] by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm only appeared as:
- Translation: Snow-White [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Sneewittchen (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Sneewittchen (Schneeweißchen) (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Snow-White [English] (1812)
- Translation: Snow-Drop [English] (1823)
- Translation: Snow White [English] (1883)
- Translation: Snowdrop [English] (1889) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Snowdrop [English] (1890) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Little Snow-White [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Snowdrop [English] (1908)
- Translation: Little Snow-White [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs [English] (1958) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Snow-White [English] (1960)
- Translation: Snow White [English] (1964)
- Translation: Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs [English] (1966) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Blancheneige [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Little Snowdrop; or, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [English] (1997) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Little Snow-White [English] (1997) [as by Grimm's Fairy Tales]
- Translation: Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs [English] (1998) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Snow White [English] (1999)
- Translation: Snowwhite [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Snow White [English] (2005) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Branca de Neve e os Sete Ananos [Galician] (2009) [as by Irmans Grimm]
- Translation: Snow White (1812 version) [English] (2013)
- Translation: Snow-Drop [English] (2014)
- Translation: Little Snow White [English] (2014)
- Translation: Little Snow-White [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: A branca de Neve [Portuguese] (2019)
- Translation: Little Snow White [English] (2020)
- Translation: Branca de neve [Portuguese] (2020)
- Translation: Biancaneve [Italian] (2021) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Snow White [English] (2021) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Snowdrop [English] (2023)
- 54
Der Ranzen, das Hütlein und das Hörnlein?Der Ranzen, das Huetlein und das Hoernlein(1819) [SF] by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm only appeared as:
Variant: Von der Serviette, dem Tornister, dem Kanonenhütlein und dem Horn (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Der Ranzen, das Hütlein und das Hörnlein (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Knapsack, the Hat, and the Horn [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Knapsack, the Hat and the Horn [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Tablecloth, the Knapsack, the Cannon Hat, and the Horn [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Knapsack, the Hat, and the Horn [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Von der Serviette, dem Tornister, dem Kanonenhütlein und dem Horn (1812)
[as by
- 55
Rumpelstilzchen (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: Rumpelstiltskin [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Rumpelstilzchen (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Rumpel-stilts-kin [English] (1823)
- Translation: Rumpelstilzchen [English] (1863) [as by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik (in error)]
- Translation: Rumpel-Stilts-Ken [English] (1864) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Rumpelstiltzkin [English] (1889) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Rumpelstiltskin [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Rumpelstiltskin [English] (1907)
- Translation: Rumpelstiltskin [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Rumpelstiltzkin [English] (1958) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Rumpelstiltskin [English] (1959) [as by Marjorie Cooper and Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: Rumpelstilzchen [English] (1970) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Rumpelstiltskin [English] (1987)
- Translation: Rumpelstiltskin [English] (1997) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Rumpelstiltskin [English] (1998) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Rumpelstiltskin [English] (2002)
- Translation: Rumpelstiltskin [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Rumpelstiltkin [English] (2007) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Rumpelstiltskin (1812 version) [English] (2013)
- Translation: Rumpelstiltskin [English] (2014)
- Translation: Rumpel-Stilts-Kin [English] (2015)
- Translation: Rumpelstiltskin [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Rumpelstiltskin [Portuguese] (2019)
- Translation: Rumpelstiltskin [Portuguese] (2020)
- 56
Der Liebste Roland (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: Darling Roland [English] (unknown) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Liebste Roland (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Roland [English] (1853)
- Translation: Sweetheart Roland [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Sweetheart Roland [English] (2014)
- Translation: Sweetheart Roland [English] (2015)
- Translation: Sweetheart Roland [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- 57
Vom goldnen Vogel (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Vom goldnen Vogel (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Bird [English] (1823)
Variant: Der goldene Vogel (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Bird [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Bird [English] (1909) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Bird [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Gold Bird [English] (1960)
- Translation: L'oiseau d'or [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Bird [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Bird [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Golden Bird [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Golden Bird [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Vom goldnen Vogel (1812)
[as by
- 58
Der Hund und der Sperling (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Vom treuen Gevatter Sperling (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Der Hund und der Sperling (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Dog and the Sparrow [English] (1823)
- Translation: Spitz and the Sparrow [English] (1889) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Dog and the Sparrow [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Dog and the Sparrow [English] (1909) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Dog and the Sparrow [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Loyal Godfather Sparrow [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Dog and the Sparrow [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Vom treuen Gevatter Sperling (1812)
[as by
- 59
Der Frieder und das Catherlieschen (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Frieder und das Catherlieschen (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Frederick and Catherine [English] (1823)
- Translation: Frederick and Catherine [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Frederick and Catherine [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Freddy and Katy [English] (1987)
- Translation: Frederick and Catherine [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Frieder und das Catherlieschen (1819)
[as by
- 60
Die zwei Brüder?Die zwei Brueder(1819) [SF] by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm only appeared as:
Variant: Die zwei Brüder (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Two Brothers [English] (1884)
- Translation: The Two Brothers [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Les deux frères [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Two Brothers [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Two Brothers [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Two Brothers [English] (2014) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Two Brothers [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die zwei Brüder (1819)
[as by
- 61
Das Bürle (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das Bürle (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Little Peasant [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Little Farmer [English] (1987)
- Translation: Bumpkin [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Little Peasant [English] (2015)
- Translation: The Little Peasant [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das Bürle (1819)
[as by
- 62
Die Bienenkönigin (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Bienenkönigin (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Queen Bee [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Queen Bee [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Queen Bee [English] (1900) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Queen Bee [English] (1909) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Queen Bee [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Queen Bee [English] (1982) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Queen Bee [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Queen Bee [English] (2003) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Bienenkönigin (1819)
[as by
- 63
Die drei Federn (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die drei Federn (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Feathers [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Feathers [English] (1906) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Three Feathers [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Feathers [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Three Feathers [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Three Feathers [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Translation: João bobo e as três plumas?Joao bobo e as tres plumas[Portuguese] (2020)
Variant: Die drei Federn (1819)
[as by
- 64
Die goldene Gans (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Golden Goose [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Die goldene Gans (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Goose [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Golden Goose [English] (1890) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Goose [English] (1890) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Golden Goose [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Goose [English] (1900) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Golden Goose [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Goose [English] (1982) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Goose [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Golden Goose [English] (1994) [as by Brothers Grimm and Sue Kassirer]
- Translation: The Golden Goose [English] (2004)
- Translation: O ganso dourado [Portuguese] (2020)
- Translation: L'oca d'oro [Italian] (2021) [as by Grimm]
- 65
Allerleirauh (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: Thousand-Furs [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Allerlei-Rauh (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Allerleirauh (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Allerleirauh; or, the Many-furred Creature [English] (1892) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Many-Furred Creature [English] (1892) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Allerleirauh [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Allerleirauh [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Cat-Skin [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Many-Furred Creature [English] (1960) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Cat-Skin [English] (1974)
- Translation: Peau-de-Mille-Bêtes [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Manypelts [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Furrypelts [English] (2004)
- Translation: Allerleirauh [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- 66
Häsichenbraut (1840) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Häsichen-Braut (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Häsichenbraut (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Hare's Bride [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Hare's Bride [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Häsichen-Braut (1819)
[as by
- 67
Die zwölf Jäger (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der König mit dem Löwen (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Die zwölf Jäger (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Twelve Huntsmen [English] (1892) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Twelve Huntsmen [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The King with the Lion [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Twelve Huntsmen [English] (2015)
- Translation: The Twelve Huntsmen [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der König mit dem Löwen (1812)
[as by
- 68
De Gaudeif un sien Meester (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: De Gaudeif un sien Meester (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Thief and His Master [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Thief and His Master [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Nimble Thief and His Master [English] (2017)
- Translation: The Thief and His Master [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: De Gaudeif un sien Meester (1819)
[as by
- 69
Jorinde und Joringel (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Jorinde und Joringel (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Jorinda and Jorindel [English] (1823)
- Translation: Jorinde and Joringel [English] (1892) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Jorinda and Joringel [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Jorinda and Jorindel [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Jorinda and Joringel [English] (1970) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Jorinda and Joringel [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Jorinda and Joringel [English] (2004)
- Translation: Jorinda and Joringel [English] (2014)
- Translation: Jorinda and Joringel [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Jorinde und Joringel (1812)
[as by
- 70
Die drei Glückskinder (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die drei Glückskinder (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Children of Fortune [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Three Luck-Children [English] (1853)
- Translation: The Three Sons of Fortune [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Children of Fortune [English] (1900) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Children of Fortune [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Sons of Fortune [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die drei Glückskinder (1819)
[as by
- 71
Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: How Six Men Travelled through the Wide World [English] (1894) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: How Six Men Got on in the World [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Six Who Went Far in the World [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: How Six Made Their Way through the World (1819 version) [English] (2013)
- Translation: How Six Men Got on in the World [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt (1819)
[as by
- 72
Der Wolf und der Mensch (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Wolf und der Mensch (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Wolf and the Man [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Wolf and the Man [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Wolf und der Mensch (1819)
[as by
- 73
Der Wolf und der Fuchs (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Wolf und der Fuchs (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Wolf and the Fox [English] (1853)
- Translation: The Wolf and the Fox [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Wolf and the Fox [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Wolf and the Fox [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Wolf und der Fuchs (1819)
[as by
- 74
Der Fuchs und die Frau Gevatterin (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Fuchs und die Frau Gevatterin (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Gossip Wolf and the Fox [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Fox and His Cousin [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Fuchs und die Frau Gevatterin (1819)
[as by
- 75
Der Fuchs und die Katze (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Fuchs und die Katze (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Fox and the Cat [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Fox and the Cat [English] (1900)
- Translation: The Fox and the Cat [English] (2013) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Fox and the Cat [English] (2015)
Variant: Der Fuchs und die Katze (1819)
[as by
- 76
Die Nelke (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Nelke (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Pink [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Carnation [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Pink [English] (2015)
- Translation: The Pink [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Nelke (1812)
[as by
- 77
Das kluge Grethel (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das kluge Gretel (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Das kluge Grethel (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Clever Grethel [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Hans and His Wife Grettel [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Clever Gretel [English] (1987)
- Translation: Clever Gretel [English] (2015)
- Translation: Clever Grethel [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das kluge Gretel (1819)
[as by
- 78
Der alte Großvater und der Enkel (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der alte Großvater und der Enkel (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Old Man and His Grandson [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Old Man and His Grandson [English] (1944) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Old Man and His Grandson [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Old Grandfather and the Grandson [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Old Man and His Grandson [English] (2015)
- Translation: The Old Man and His Grandson [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der alte Großvater und der Enkel (1812)
[as by
- 79
Die Wassernix (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Wassernix (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Die Wassernixe (1857)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Water-Nix [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Nixie in the Pond [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Nixie in the Well [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Water Nixie [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Water-Nix [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Wassernix (1812)
[as by
- 80
Von dem Tod des Hühnchens (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Von dem Tod des Hühnchens (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Von dem Tode des Hühnchens (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Death of the Little Hen [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Death of Little Hen [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Death of the Little Hen [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Von dem Tod des Hühnchens (1812)
[as by
- 81
Bruder Lustig (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Bruder Lustig (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Brother Lustig [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Brother Lustig or Brother Merry [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Bruder Lustig (1819)
[as by
- 82
De Spielhansl (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: De Spielhansl (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Gambling Hansel [English] (1884) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Gambling Hansel [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Gambling Hansel [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: De Spielhansl (1819)
[as by
- 83
Hans im Glück (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Hans im Glück (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Hans in Luck [English] (1823)
- Translation: Hans in Luck [English] (1853) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Hans in Luck [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Hans in Luck [English] (1900) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Hans in Luck [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Jean le Veinard [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Hans in Luck [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Hans im Glück (1819)
[as by
- 84
Hans heirathet (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Hans heiratet (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Hans heirathet (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Hans Married [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Hans Married [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Hans heiratet (1819)
[as by
- 85
Goldkinder (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Goldkinder (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Goldkinder (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Lads [English] (1892) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Gold-Children [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Children (1812 version) [English] (2013)
- Translation: The Golden Children [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Gold-Children [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Goldkinder (1812)
[as by
- 86
Der Fuchs und die Gänse (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Fuchs und die Gänse (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Fox and the Geese [English] (1884)
- Translation: The Fox and the Geese [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Fox and the Geese [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Fox and the Geese [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Fuchs und die Gänse (1819)
[as by
- 87
Der Arme und der Reiche (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Arme und der Reiche (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Poor Man and the Rich Man [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Poor Man and the Rich Man [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Poor Man and the Rich Man [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Arme und der Reiche (1815)
[as by
- 88
Das singende, springende Löweneckerchen (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das singende springende Löweneckerchen (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Das singende, springende Löweneckerchen (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Lady and the Lion [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Singing, Soaring Lark [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Lady and the Lion [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: L'alouette chanteuse et sauteuse [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Singing, Springing Lark [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Singing, Soaring Lark [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Singing, Springing Lark (1815 version) [English] (2013)
- Translation: Lily and the Lion [English] (2014)
- Translation: Lily and the Lion [English] (2014) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Singing, Springing Lark [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das singende springende Löweneckerchen (1815)
[as by
- 89
Die Gänsemagd?Die Gaensemagd(1815) [SF] by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm only appeared as:
Variant: Die Gänsemagd (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Goose-Girl [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Goose Girl [English] (1864) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Goose-Girl [English] (1889) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Goose-Girl [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Goose-Girl [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Goose-Girl [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Goose Girl [English] (1944) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Goose-Girl [English] (1960)
- Translation: The Goosegirl [English] (1964)
- Translation: La gardeuse d'oies [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Goosegirl [English] (1982) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Goose Girl [English] (1995)
- Translation: The Goose-Girl [English] (1998) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Goose Girl [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Goose-Girl [English] (2007) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Goose-Girl [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Goose Girl [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Goose-Girl [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: A pastorinha de gansos [Portuguese] (2020)
Variant: Die Gänsemagd (1815)
[as by
- 90
Der junge Riese (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Young Giant [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Von einem jungen Riesen (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Der junge Riese (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Young Giant [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Young Giant [English] (1960)
- Translation: The Young Giant [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Young Giant [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Young Giant [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- 91
Dat Erdmänneken (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Dat Erdmänneken (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Goblin [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Gnome [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Gnome [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Dat Erdmänneken (1815)
[as by
- 92
Der König vom goldenen Berg?Der Koenig vom goldenen Berg(1815) [SF] by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm only appeared as:
Variant: Der König vom goldenen Berg (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The King of the Golden Mountain [English] (1823)
- Translation: The King of the Golden Mountain [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The King of the Golden Mountain [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Le roi de la Montagne d'or [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The King of the Golden Mountain [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The King of the Golden Mountain [English] (2014)
- Translation: The King of the Golden Mountain [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: O rei da montanha de ouro [Portuguese] (2020)
Variant: Der König vom goldenen Berg (1815)
[as by
- 93
Die Rabe (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Rabe (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Raven [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Le corbeau [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Raven [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Raven [English] (2015)
- Translation: The Raven [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Rabe (1815)
[as by
- 94
Die kluge Bauerntochter (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die kluge Bauerntochter (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Peasant's Wise Daughter [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Peasant's Wise Daughter [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Clever Farmer's Daughter [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Peasant's Wise Daughter [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die kluge Bauerntochter (1815)
[as by
- 95
Der alte Hildebrand (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der alte Hildebrand (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Old Hildebrand [English] (1884)
- Translation: Old Hildebrand [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Owld Peadair [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Old Hildebrand [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der alte Hildebrand (1819)
[as by
- 96
De drei Vügelkens (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: De drei Vügelkens (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: De drei Vugelkens (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Little Birds [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Little Birds [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Three Birdies [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Little Birds [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: De drei Vügelkens (1815)
[as by
- 97
Das Wasser des Lebens (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das Wasser des Lebens (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Water of Life [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Water of Life [English] (1826) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Water of Life [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Water of Life [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: L'eau de Jouvence [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Water of Life [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Water of Life [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Water of Life [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Water of Life [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: A água da vida [Portuguese] (2020)
Variant: Das Wasser des Lebens (1815)
[as by
- 98
Doctor Allwissend (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Doctor Allwissend (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Doktor Allwissend (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Doctor Know-All [English] (1853) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Doctor Knowall [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Doctor Know-It-All [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Doctor Know-It-All [English] (2014)
- Translation: Doctor Knowall [English] (2015)
- Translation: Doctor Knowall [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Doctor Allwissend (1815)
[as by
- 99
Der Geist im Glas (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Geist im Glas (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Spirit in the Bottle [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Spirit in the Bottle [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Genie in the Glass [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Spirit in the Bottle [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Geist im Glas (1815)
[as by
- 100
Des Teufels rußiger Bruder (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Des Teufels rußiger Bruder (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Des Teufels russiger Bruder (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Devil's Sooty Brother [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Devil's Sooty Brother [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Devil's Sooty Brother [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Des Teufels rußiger Bruder (1815)
[as by
- 101
Der Bärenhäuter?Der Baerenhaeuter(1843) [SF] by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm only appeared as:
Variant: Der Teufel Grünrock (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Green Robe [English] (1836) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Der Bärenhäuter (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Bearskin [English] (1853) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Bearskin [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Bearskin [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Bearskin [English] (1944) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Green Robe [English] (1976) [as by William J. Thoms (in error)]
- Translation: Bearskin [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Devil in the Green Coat [English] (2014)
- Translation: Bearskin [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Pele de urso [Portuguese] (2020)
Variant: Der Teufel Grünrock (1815)
[as by
- 102
Der Zaunkönig und der Bär (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Zaunkönig und der Bär (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Tom-Tit and the Bear [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Wren and the Bear [English] (1855) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Willow-Wren and the Bear [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Willow-Wren and the Bear [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Tom-Tit and the Bear [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Wren and the Bear [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Willow-Wren and the Bear [English] (2015)
- Translation: The Willow-Wren and the Bear [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Zaunkönig und der Bär (1815)
[as by
- 103
Der süße Brei (1840) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Vom süßen Brei (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Der süße Brei (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Sweet Soup [English] (1853) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Sweet Porridge [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Sweet Porridge [English] (2014)
- Translation: Sweet Porridge [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Vom süßen Brei (1815)
[as by
- 104
Die klugen Leute (1857) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die klugen Leute (1857)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Wise Folks [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Wise Folks [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Wise Folks [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die klugen Leute (1857)
[as by
- 105
Märchen von der Unke (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Märchen von der Unke (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Stories About Snakes [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Tales About Toads [English] (2014)
- Translation: Stories About Snakes [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Märchen von der Unke (1815)
[as by
- 106
Der arme Müllerbursch und das Kätzchen (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der arme Müllerbursch und das Kätzchen (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat [English] (1931) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat [English] (1993) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat [English] (2013) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Poor Miller's Apprentice and the Cat [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der arme Müllerbursch und das Kätzchen (1815)
[as by
- 107
Die beiden Wanderer (1843) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die beiden Wanderer (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Two Travellers [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Two Travelers [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die beiden Wanderer (1843)
[as by
- 108
Hans mein Igel (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Hans mein Igel (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Jack my Hedgehog [English] (1892) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Hans the Hedgehog [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Hans My Hedgehog [English] (1987)
- Translation: Jack My Hedgehog [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Hans the Hedgehog [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Hans-My-Hedgehog [English] (2019)
Variant: Hans mein Igel (1815)
[as by
- 109
Das Todtenhemdchen (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das Todtenhemdchen (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Das Totenhemdchen (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Shroud [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Shroud [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Little Shroud [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Shroud [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das Todtenhemdchen (1815)
[as by
- 110
Der Jude im Dorn (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Miser in the Bush [English] (unknown) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Jud' im Dorn (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Der Jude im Dorn (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Miser in the Bush [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Jew Among Thorns [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Jew in the Brambles [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Jew in the Thornbush [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Jew Among Thorns [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- 111
Der gelernte Jäger (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der gelernte Jäger (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Skilful Huntsman [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Le chasseur accompli [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Master Huntsman [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Skillful Huntsman [English] (2005) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Expert Huntsman [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Skilful Huntsman [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der gelernte Jäger (1815)
[as by
- 112
Der Dreschflegel vom Himmel (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Dreschflegel vom Himmel (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Flail Which Came from the Clouds [English] (1855) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Flail from Heaven [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Fleshing Flail from Heaven [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Flail from Heaven [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Dreschflegel vom Himmel (1815)
[as by
- 113
De beiden Künnigeskinner (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: De beiden Künigeskinner (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: De beiden Künnigeskinner (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Two Kings' Children [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Two Kings' Children [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Two Kings' Children [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Twa Royal Bairnies [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Children of the Two Kings [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Two Kings' Children [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: De beiden Künigeskinner (1815)
[as by
- 114
Vom klugen Schneiderlein (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Vom klugen Schneiderlein (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Story of a Clever Tailor [English] (1892) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Cunning Little Tailor [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Clever Tailor [English] (1960) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Clever Little Tailor [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Clever Little Tailor [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Cunning Little Tailor [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Vom klugen Schneiderlein (1815)
[as by
- 115
Die klare Sonne bringt's an den Tag (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die klare Sonne bringt's an den Tag (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Die klare Sonne bringts an den Tag (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Bright Sun Brings It to Light [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Bright Sun Will Bring It to Light [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Bright Sun Brings It to Light [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die klare Sonne bringt's an den Tag (1815)
[as by
- 116
Das blaue Licht (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das blaue Licht (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Blue Light [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Blue Light [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Blue Light [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: La lumière bleue [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Blue Lamp [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Blue Light [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Blue Light [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das blaue Licht (1815)
[as by
- 117
Das eigensinnige Kind (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Von einem eigensinnigen Kinde (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Das eigensinnige Kind (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Wilful Child [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Stubborn Child [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Stubborn Child [English] (2014) [as by Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Wilful Child [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Von einem eigensinnigen Kinde (1815)
[as by
- 118
Die drei Feldscherer (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die drei Feldscherer (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Army-Surgeons [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Army-Surgeons [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Army Surgeons [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Three Army-Surgeons [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die drei Feldscherer (1815)
[as by
- 119
Die sieben Schwaben (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die sieben Schwaben (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Seven Swabians [English] (1853)
- Translation: The Seven Swabians [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Seven Swabians [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Seven Swabians [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die sieben Schwaben (1819)
[as by
- 120
Die drei Handwerksburschen (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die drei Handwerksburschen (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Apprentices [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Journeymen [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Three Apprentices [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die drei Handwerksburschen (1815)
[as by
- 121
Der Königssohn, der sich vor nichts fürchtet (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Königssohn, der sich vor nichts fürchtet (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Der Königssohn der sich vor nichts fürchtet (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The King's Son Who Feared Nothing [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Prince Afraid of Nothing [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The King's Son Who Feared Nothing [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Königssohn, der sich vor nichts fürchtet (1819)
[as by
- 122
Der Krautesel (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Krautesel (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Salad [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Donkey Cabbage [English] (1894) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Donkey Cabbages [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Salad [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Huntsman and the Witch [English] (1968) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Salad-Donkey [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Donkey Cabbages [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Krautesel (1819)
[as by
- 123
Die Alte im Wald (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Alte im Wald (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Old Woman in the Wood [English] (1853)
- Translation: The Old Woman in the Wood [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Old Woman in the Forest [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Old Woman in the Wood [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Alte im Wald (1815)
[as by
- 124
Die drei Brüder (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Three Brothers [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Die drei Brüder (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Brothers [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Brothers [English] (1897) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Brothers [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Brothers [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Brothers [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Three Brothers [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- 125
Der Teufel und seine Großmutter (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Teufel und seine Großmutter (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Dragon's Grandmother [English] (1868) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Dragon and His Grandmother [English] (1894) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Dragon and His Grandmother [English] (1894)
- Translation: The Devil and His Grandmother [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Dragon and His Grandmother [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Devil and His Grandmother [English] (1944) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Dragon and His Grandmother [English] (1964) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Devil and His Grandmother [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Devil and His Grandmother [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Devil and His Grandmother [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Teufel und seine Großmutter (1815)
[as by
- 126
Ferenand getrü un Ferenand ungetrü (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Ferenand getrü un Ferenand ungetrü (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Ferdinand the Faithful [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Faithful Ferdinand and Unfaithful Ferdinand [English] (2014)
- Translation: Ferdinand the Faithful [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Ferenand getrü un Ferenand ungetrü (1815)
[as by
- 127
Der Eisenofen (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Eisen-Ofen (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Der Eisenofen (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Iron Stove [English] (1894) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Iron Stove [English] (1894) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Iron Stove [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Le poêle de fonte [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Iron Stove [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Iron Stove [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Iron Stove [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Eisen-Ofen (1815)
[as by
- 128
Die faule Spinnerin (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die faule Spinnerin (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Lazy Spinner [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Lazy Spinner [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Lazy Spinner [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die faule Spinnerin (1815)
[as by
- 129
Die vier kunstreichen Brüder (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die vier kunstreichen Brüder (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Four Clever Brothers [English] (1826)
- Translation: The Four Skilful Brothers [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Four Clever Brothers [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Four Skillful Brothers [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Four Skilful Brothers [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Four Artful Brothers [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Four Clever Brothers [English] (2014) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Four Skilful Brothers [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die vier kunstreichen Brüder (1819)
[as by
- 130
Einäuglein, Zweiäuglein und Dreiäuglein (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Einäuglein, Zweiäuglein und Dreiäuglein (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Einäuglein Zweiäuglein und Dreiäuglein (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Little One Eye, Little Two Eyes, and Little Three Eyes [English] (1863) [as by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik (in error)]
- Translation: Little One-eye, Little Two-eyes, and Little Three-eyes [English] (1892) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Little One-Eye, Little Two-Eyes, and Little Three-Eyes [English] (1892) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Little One-eye, Little Two-eyes, and Little Three-eyes [English] (1958) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes [English] (1960)
- Translation: One-eye, Two-eyes, and Three-eyes [English] (2000)
- Translation: One-Eye, Two-Eyes and Three-Eyes [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Einäuglein, Zweiäuglein und Dreiäuglein (1819)
[as by
- 131
Die schöne Katrinelje und Pif Paf Poltrie (1840) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die schöne Katrinelje und Pif, Paf, Poltrie (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Die schöne Katrinelje und Pif Paf Poltrie (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Fair Catherine and Pif-Paf Poltrie [English] (1853) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Fair Katrinelje and Pif-Paf-Poltrie [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Pretty Katrinelya and Pif-Paf-Poltree [English] (2014)
- Translation: Fair Katrinelje and Pif-Paf-Poltrie [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die schöne Katrinelje und Pif, Paf, Poltrie (1815)
[as by
- 132
Der Fuchs und das Pferd (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Fuchs und das Pferd (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Fox and the Horse [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Fox and the Horse [English] (1823) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Fox and the Horse [English] (1853)
- Translation: The Fox and the Horse [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Fox and the Horse [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Fox and the Horse [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Fox and the Horse [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Fox and the Horse [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Fuchs und das Pferd (1815)
[as by
- 133
Die zertanzten Schuhe (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die zertanzten Schuhe (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Twelve Dancing Princesses [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Twelve Dancing Princesses [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Twelve Dancing Princesses [English] (1826) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Twelve Dancing Princesses [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Twelve Dancing Princesses [English] (1947) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Twelve Dancing Princesses [English] (1964)
- Translation: The Twelve Dancing Princesses (The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces) [English] (1998) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Worn-Out Dancing-Shoes [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: As doze princesas dançarinas [Portuguese] (2019)
Variant: Die zertanzten Schuhe (1815)
[as by
- 134
Die sechs Diener (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Five Servants [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Die sechs Diener (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Five Servants [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Six Servants [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Five Servants [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Six Servants [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Six Servants [English] (1958) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Six Servants [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Six Servants [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Six Servants [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- 135
Die weiße und die schwarze Braut (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die weiße und schwarze Braut (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Die weiße und die schwarze Braut (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The White Bride and the Black One [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The White Bride and the Black Bride [English] (1987)
- Translation: The White Bride and the Black One [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die weiße und schwarze Braut (1815)
[as by
- 136
Eisenhans (1850) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Eisenhans (1850)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Eisenhans (1850)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Iron John [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Jean-de-Fer [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Iron Hans [English] (1987)
- Translation: Jack of Iron [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Iron Hans [English] (2015)
- Translation: Iron John [English] (2016) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Iron John [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Eisenhans (1850)
[as by
- 137
De drei schwatten Prinzessinnen (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: De drei schwatten Princessinnen (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: De drei schwatten Prinzessinnen (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Black Princesses [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Black Princesses [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Three Black Princesses [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: De drei schwatten Princessinnen (1815)
[as by
- 138
Knoist un sine dre Sühne (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Knoist un sine dre Sühne (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Knoist and His Three Sons [English] (1884)
- Translation: Knoist and His Three Sons [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Knoist and His Three Sons [English] (2014)
- Translation: Knoist and His Three Sons [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Knoist un sine dre Sühne (1815)
[as by
- 139
Dat Mäken von Brakel (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Dat Mäken von Brakel (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Maid of Brakel [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Maiden from Brakel [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Maid of Brakel [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Dat Mäken von Brakel (1815)
[as by
- 140
Das Hausgesinde (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das Hausgesinde (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Family Servants [English] (1855) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Domestic Servants [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Domestic Servants [English] (2014)
- Translation: Domestic Servants [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das Hausgesinde (1815)
[as by
- 141
Das Lämmchen und Fischchen (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das Lämmchen und Fischchen (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Lambkin and the Little Fish [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Little Lamb and Little Fish [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Lambkin and the Little Fish [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das Lämmchen und Fischchen (1815)
[as by
- 142
Simeliberg (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Simeliberg (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Simeli Mountain [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Sesame Mountain [English] (2014)
- Translation: Simeli Mountain [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Simeliberg (1815)
[as by
- 143
Up Reisen gohn (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Up Reisen gohn (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Going a Travelling [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Going a-Traveling [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Up Reisen gohn (1819)
[as by
- 144
Das Eselein (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das Eselein (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Donkey [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Young Donkey [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Little Donkey [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Donkey [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das Eselein (1815)
[as by
- 145
Der undankbare Sohn (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der undankbare Sohn (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Ungrateful Son [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Ungrateful Son [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Ungrateful Son [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der undankbare Sohn (1815)
[as by
- 146
Die Rübe (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Rübe (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Turnip [English] (1823)
- Translation: The Turnip [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Turnip [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Turnip [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Turnip [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Rübe (1815)
[as by
- 147
Das junggeglühte Männlein (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das junggeglühte Männlein (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Old Man Made Young Again [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Rejuvenated Little Old Man [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Old Man Made Young Again [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das junggeglühte Männlein (1815)
[as by
- 148
Des Herrn und des Teufels Gethier (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Des Herrn und des Teufels Gethier (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Des Herrn und des Teufels Getier (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Lord's Animals and the Devil's [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Animals of the Lord and the Devil [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Lord's Animals and the Devil's [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Des Herrn und des Teufels Gethier (1815)
[as by
- 149
Der Hahnenbalken (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Hahnenbalken (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Beam [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Beam [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Beam [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Hahnenbalken (1815)
[as by
- 150
Die alte Bettelfrau (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die alte Bettelfrau (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Old Beggar-Woman [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Old Beggar Woman [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Old Beggar-Woman [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die alte Bettelfrau (1815)
[as by
- 151.1
Die drei Faulen (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die drei Faulen (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Sluggards [English] (1826)
- Translation: The Three Sluggards [English] (1853)
- Translation: The Three Sluggards [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Sluggards [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Sluggards [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Three Lazy Sons [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Three Sluggards [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die drei Faulen (1815)
[as by
- 151.2
Die zwölf faulen Knechte (1857) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die zwölf faulen Knechte (1857)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Twelve Idle Servants [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Twelve Idle Servants [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die zwölf faulen Knechte (1857)
[as by
- 152
Das Hirtenbüblein (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das Hirtenbüblein (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Little Shepherd Boy [English] (1853)
- Translation: The Shepherd Boy [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Shepherd Boy Who Was Wiser Than the King [English] (1969) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Shepherd Boy [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das Hirtenbüblein (1819)
[as by
- 153
Die Sterntaler (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das arme Mädchen (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Die Sterntaler (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Die Sternthaler (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Star-Money [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Star Talers [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Poor Maiden [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Star-Talers [English] (2016) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Star-Money [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das arme Mädchen (1812)
[as by
- 154
Von dem gestohlenen Heller (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Von dem gestohlenen Heller (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Der gestohlene Heller (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Stolen Farthings [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Stolen Pennies [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Stolen Farthings [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Von dem gestohlenen Heller (1812)
[as by
- 155
Die Brautschau (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Brautschau (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Brides on Their Trial [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Brides on Their Trial [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Brautschau (1819)
[as by
- 156
Die Schlickerlinge (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Schlickerlinge (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Shreds [English] (1853)
- Translation: Odds and Ends [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Odds and Ends [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Schlickerlinge (1819)
[as by
- 157
Der Sperling und seine vier Kinder (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Sperling und seine vier Kinder (1812)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Sparrow and His Four Children [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Sparrow and His Four Children [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Sparrow and His Four Children [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Sperling und seine vier Kinder (1812)
[as by
- 158
Das Märchen vom Schlauraffenland (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das Märchen vom Schlauraffenland (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Story of Schlauraffen Land [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Tale About the Land of Cockaigne [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Story of the Schlauraffen-Land [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das Märchen vom Schlauraffenland (1815)
[as by
- 159
Das Dietmarsische Lügenmärchen (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das Dietmarsische Lügen-Märchen (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Das Dietmarsische Lügenmärchen (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Ditmarsch Tale of Wonders [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Tall Tale from Ditmarsh [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Ditmarsch Tale of Wonders [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das Dietmarsische Lügen-Märchen (1815)
[as by
- 160
Räthsel-Märchen (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Räthsel-Märchen (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Räthselmärchen (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Rätselmärchen (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: A Riddling Tale [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: A Tale with a Riddle [English] (2014)
- Translation: A Riddling Tale [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Räthsel-Märchen (1815)
[as by
- 161
Schneeweißchen und Rosenroth?Schneeweisschen und Rosenroth(1837) [SF] by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm only appeared as:
Variant: Schneeweißchen und Rosenroth (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Snow-White and Rose-Red [English] (1889) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Snow-White and Rose-Red [English] (1889) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Snow-white and Rose-red [English] (1889) [as by Grimm Brothers]
- Translation: Snow-White and Rose-Red [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Snow-White and Rose Red [English] (1909) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Snow-White and Rose-Red [English] (1912) [as by Jacob Grimm and William Grimm]
- Translation: Snow White and Rose Red [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Snow-White and Rose-Red [English] (1947) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Blanchette et Rosette [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Snow White and Rose Red [English] (1987) [as by Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: Snow White and Rose Red [English] (1987)
- Translation: Snow White and Rose Red [English] (1994) [as by Rose Dobbs and Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Snow White and Rose Red [English] (2004)
- Translation: Snow White and Rose Red [English] (2007) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Snow-White and Red-Rose [English] (2015)
- Translation: Snow-White and Rose-Red [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Branca de neve e rosa vermelha [Portuguese] (2020)
Variant: Schneeweißchen und Rosenroth (1837)
[as by
- 162
Der kluge Knecht (1837) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der kluge Knecht (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Wise Servant [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Wise Servant [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der kluge Knecht (1837)
[as by
- 163
Der gläserne Sarg (1837) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der gläserne Sarg (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Crystal Coffin [English] (1892) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Glass Coffin [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Le cercueil de verre [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Glass Coffin [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der gläserne Sarg (1837)
[as by
- 164
Der faule Heinz (1837) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der faule Heinz (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Lazy Harry [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Lazy Heinz [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Lazy Harry [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Lazy Harry [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der faule Heinz (1837)
[as by
- 165
Der Vogel Greif (1837) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Vogel Greif (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Old Griffin [English] (1853) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Griffin [English] (1884)
- Translation: The Griffin [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Griffin [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Griffin [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Vogel Greif (1837)
[as by
- 166
Der starke Hans (1837) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der starke Hans (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Strong Hans [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Jack the Strong Man [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Strong Hans [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der starke Hans (1837)
[as by
- 167
Das Bürle im Himmel (1837) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das Bürle im Himmel (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Peasant in Heaven [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Peasant in Heaven [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das Bürle im Himmel (1837)
[as by
- 168
Die hagere Liese (1840) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die hagere Liese (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Lean Lisa [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Lean Liesl and Lanky Lenz [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Lean Lisa [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die hagere Liese (1840)
[as by
- 169
Das Waldhaus (1840) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das Waldhaus (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The House in the Wood [English] (1853) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The House in the Wood [English] (1897) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Hut in the Forest [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The House in the Wood [English] (1947) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Hut in the Forest [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das Waldhaus (1840)
[as by
- 170
Lieb und Leid theilen (1840) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Lieb und Leid teilen (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Lieb und Leid theilen (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Sharing Joy and Sorrow [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Sharing Joy and Sorrow [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Lieb und Leid teilen (1840)
[as by
- 171
Der Zaunkönig (1840) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Zaunkönig (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Willow-Wren [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Willow-Wren [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Zaunkönig (1840)
[as by
- 172
Die Scholle (1840) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Scholle (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Sole [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Sole's Mouth [English] (1908) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Sole [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Scholle (1840)
[as by
- 173
Rohrdommel und Wiedehopf (1840) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Rohrdommel und Wiedehopf (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Bittern and the Hoopoe [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Bittern and the Hoopoe [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Rohrdommel und Wiedehopf (1840)
[as by
- 174
Die Eule (1840) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Eule (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Owl [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Owl [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Eule (1840)
[as by
- 175
Der Mond (1857) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Mond (1857)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Moon [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Moon [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Mond (1857)
[as by
- 176
Die Lebenszeit (1840) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Lebenszeit (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Duration of Life [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Duration of Life [English] (1944) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Duration of Life [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Lebenszeit (1840)
[as by
- 177
Die Boten des Todes (1840) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Boten des Todes (1840)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Death's Messengers [English] (1884)
- Translation: Death's Messengers [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Death's Messengers [English] (2016) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Death's Messengers [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Boten des Todes (1840)
[as by
- 178
Meister Pfriem (1843) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Meister Pfriem (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Master Pfriem [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Master Pfriem or Master Cobbler's Awl [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Meister Pfriem (1843)
[as by
- 179
Die Gänsehirtin am Brunnen (1843) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Gänsehirtin am Brunnen (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Goose-Girl at the Well [English] (1846) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Goose-Girl at the Well [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Emerald Book [English] (1906) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: La gardeuse d'oies à la fontaine [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Goose-Girl at the Well [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Gänsehirtin am Brunnen (1843)
[as by
- 180
Die ungleichen Kinder Evas (1843) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die ungleichen Kinder Evas (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Eve's Various Children [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Eve's Various Children [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die ungleichen Kinder Evas (1843)
[as by
- 181
Die Nixe im Teich (1843) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Nixe im Teich (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Nix of the Mill-Pond [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: L'ondine de l'étang [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Nixie in the Pond [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Nix of the Mill-Pond [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Nixe im Teich (1843)
[as by
- 182
Die Geschenke des kleinen Volkes (1850) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Geschenke des kleinen Volkes (1850)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Little Folks' Presents [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Little Folks' Presents [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Geschenke des kleinen Volkes (1850)
[as by
- 183
Der Riese und der Schneider (1843) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Riese und der Schneider (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Giant and the Tailor [English] (1853)
- Translation: The Giant and the Tailor [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Young Giant and the Tailor [English] (1930) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Giant and the Tailor [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Riese und der Schneider (1843)
[as by
- 184
Der Nagel (1843) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Nagel (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Nail [English] (1853) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Nail [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Nail [English] (2016) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Nail [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Nagel (1843)
[as by
- 185
Der arme Junge im Grab (1843) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der arme Junge im Grab (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Poor Boy in the Grave [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Poor Boy in the Grave [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der arme Junge im Grab (1843)
[as by
- 186
Die wahre Braut (1843) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die wahre Braut (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The True Sweetheart [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: La vraie fiancée [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Rightful Bride [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The True Sweethearts [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die wahre Braut (1843)
[as by
- 187
Der Hase und der Igel (1843) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Race Between Hare and Hedgehog [English] (unknown) [as by uncredited]
Variant: Der Hase und der Igel (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Hare and the Hedgehog [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Hare and the Hedgehog [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- 188
Spindel, Weberschiffchen und Nadel (1843) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Spindel, Weberschiffchen und Nadel (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Spindle, Shuttle, and Needle [English] (1892) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Spindle, Shuttle, and Needle [English] (1892) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Spindle, Shuttle, and Needle [English] (1892) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Spindle, the Shuttle, and the Needle [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Spindle, Shuttle and Needle [English] (1936) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Spindle, the Shuttle, and the Needle [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Spindel, Weberschiffchen und Nadel (1843)
[as by
- 189
Der Bauer und der Teufel (1843) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Bauer und der Teufel (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Peasant and the Devil [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Peasant and the Devil [English] (1944) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Peasant and the Devil [English] (1994) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Peasant and the Devil [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Bauer und der Teufel (1843)
[as by
- 190
Die Brosamen auf dem Tisch (1843) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Brosamen auf dem Tisch (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Crumbs on the Table [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Crumbs on the Table [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Brosamen auf dem Tisch (1843)
[as by
- 191
Das Meerhäschen?Das Meerhaeschen(1857) [SF] by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm only appeared as:
Variant: Das Meerhäschen (1857)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Sea-Hare [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Little Sea Hare [English] (1970) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Sea-Rabbit [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Sea-Hare [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Das Meerhäschen (1857)
[as by
- 192
Der Meisterdieb (1843) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Meisterdieb (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Master-Thief [English] (1884) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Master Thief [English] (1944) [as by Jakob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm]
- Translation: The Master Thief [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Master-Thief [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Meisterdieb (1843)
[as by
- 193
Der Trommler (1843) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Trommler (1843)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Drummer [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Le tambour [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Drummer [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Trommler (1843)
[as by
- 194
Die Kornähre (1850) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Kornähre (1850)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Ear of Corn [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Ear of Corn [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Kornähre (1850)
[as by
- 195
Der Grabhügel (1850) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Grabhügel (1850)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Grave-Mound [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Grave-Mound [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Grabhügel (1850)
[as by
- 196
Oll Rinkrank (1850) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Oll Rinkrank (1850)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Old Rinkrank [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Old Rinkrank [English] (1970) [as by The Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Auld Rinkie [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: Old Rinkrank [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Oll Rinkrank (1850)
[as by
- 197
Die Krystallkugel (1850) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Kristallkugel (1850)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Die Krystallkugel (1850)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Crystal Ball [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: La boule de cristal [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Crystal Ball [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Crystal Ball [English] (2004) [as by Brothers Grimm]
- Translation: The Crystal Ball [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Die Kristallkugel (1850)
[as by
- 198
Jungfrau Maleen (1850) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Jungfrau Maleen (1850)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Jungfrau Maleen [English] (1853) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Maid Maleen [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: Demoiselle Maleen [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: Maid Maleen [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Jungfrau Maleen (1850)
[as by
- 199
Der Stiefel von Büffelleder (1850) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der Stiefel von Büffelleder (1850)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Boots of Buffalo-Leather [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Boots of Buffalo-Leather [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der Stiefel von Büffelleder (1850)
[as by
- 200
Der goldene Schlüssel (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der goldene Schlüssel (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Key [English] (1853) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: The Golden Key [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: La clé d'or [French] (1977) [as by Grimm]
- Translation: The Golden Key [English] (2004)
- Translation: The Golden Key [English] (2014)
- Translation: The Golden Key [English] (2018) [as by Brothers Grimm]
Variant: Der goldene Schlüssel (1815)
[as by
- 201
Der heilige Joseph im Walde (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Der heilige Joseph im Walde (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: St. Joseph in the Forest [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
Variant: Der heilige Joseph im Walde (1819)
[as by
- 202
Die zwölf Apostel (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die zwölf Apostel (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Twelve Apostles [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
Variant: Die zwölf Apostel (1819)
[as by
- 203
Die Rose (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Rose (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Rose [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Rose [English] (2004)
Variant: Die Rose (1819)
[as by
- 204
Armuth und Demuth führen zum Himmel (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Armut und Demut führen zum Himmel (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Armuth und Demuth führen zum Himmel (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Poverty and Humility Lead to Heaven [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
Variant: Armut und Demut führen zum Himmel (1819)
[as by
- 205
Gottes Speise (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Gottes Speise (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Gottes-Speise (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: God's Food [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
Variant: Gottes Speise (1819)
[as by
- 206
Die drei grünen Zweige (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die drei grünen Zweige (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Three Green Twigs [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
Variant: Die drei grünen Zweige (1819)
[as by
- 207
Muttergottesgläschen (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Mutter-Gottes-Gläschen (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Muttergottesgläschen (1837)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: Our Lady's Little Glass [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
Variant: Mutter-Gottes-Gläschen (1819)
[as by
- 208
Das alte Mütterchen (1819) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Das alte Mütterchen (1819)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Aged Mother [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
Variant: Das alte Mütterchen (1819)
[as by
- 209
Die himmlische Hochzeit (1815) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die himmlische Hochzeit (1815)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Heavenly Wedding [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
- Translation: The Heavenly Wedding [English] (2014)
Variant: Die himmlische Hochzeit (1815)
[as by
- 210
Die Haselruthe (1850) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Haselrute (1850)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
Variant: Die Haselruthe (1850)
[as by Brüder Grimm?Brueder Grimm]
- Translation: The Hazel-Branch [English] (1897) [as by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm]
Variant: Die Haselrute (1850)
[as by
- 1
Der Froschkönig oder der eiserne Heinrich (1812) [SF]
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
only appeared as: