Note: There are other series with the same name: Images
- Series: Images (Fiction) Series Record # 37606
- Images (Fiction)
Images (Fiction #313) (1980) [ES]
Jean-Daniel Brèque?Jean-Daniel Brequeand Bruno Lecigne and Pierre Pelot and Michel Ruf andFrancis Valéry?Francis Valeryand Jean-Pierre Vernay [only as by Daniel Brèque and Bruno Lecigne and Pierre Pelot and Michel Ruf andFrancis Valéry?Francis Valeryand Jean-Pierre Vernay]
- Images (Fiction #319) (1981) [ES] by Claude Ecken and Bruno Lecigne
- Images (Fiction #325) (1982) [ES] by Jean-Pierre Andrevon and Bruno Lecigne
- Images (Fiction #326) (1982) [ES] by Claude Ecken and Bruno Lecigne and Jean-Pierre Vernay
- Images (Fiction #334) (1982) [ES] by Jean-Pierre Andrevon
- Images (Fiction #335) (1982) [ES] by Jean-Pierre Andrevon
Images (Fiction #313) (1980) [ES]