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Series: Exodus (magazine)

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Note: There are other series with the same name: Exodus (game), Exodus (Gun Brooke), Exodus (Tidhar), Exodus (Vampir Gothic)

  • Series: Exodus (magazine) Series Record # 39566
  • Webpages:, Wikipedia-DE
  • Note: EXODUS first appeared in 1975 with a »zero issue« planned as a single issue. By 1980, 13 issues and another special volume followed together with the PHALANX editorial team from Freiburg. During these years, the magazine was initially published by René Moreau and Paul Roder. Christian Düster and Rudolf Hansen were later added as co-editors. In 2003, the magazine was continued with issue #14 by René Moreau. From EXODUS #19 (up to #33 and again from #40) Heinz Wipperfürth joined as co-editor. Olaf Kemmler was the third to complete the editorial team since issue #23. Fabian Tomaschek was co-editor from EXODUS #34 (to #39). Hans Jürgen Kugler has been the official co-editor of the magazine since EXODUS #42. [Statement about the magazine's publication history on publisher's web page as of 2022-11-19 (#45)]
  • Series Tags: library (1), Herbert W. Franke (1), mars (1)
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