8 stories
In October 1910 newspapers, the publisher advertised "The Boy Aviators' Series" as six volumes "now ready"; illustrated; 50 cents each, postpaid.
The boy heroes go to Nicaragua and Africa in the first and third books. From a short review of The Boy Aviators on Secret Service, second in the series: On Secret Service, "In the Golden Eagle II, successor to the Golden Eagle destroyed in South America, Frank and Henry Chester penetrate the Everglades [Florida, USA] in search of a plant for the manufacture of a high explosive, the process for which had been stolen from the Government. ..." In closing, "The boys prepare to go to Africa, where they will have more adventures, to be told of in the next book."
--St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1910-09-17, p. 10
(Another review of the book names the boys "Frank and Harry Rochester, who made great success with Golden Eagle I, till an electrical storm swept it out to sea." --same-day Louisville Courier-Journal, p. 5)
The Boy Aviators in Africa "is a Lost Race tale involving a dying civilization of winged humans".
--SFE3, biographical entry on Goldfrap by John Clute