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Series: Armata

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  • Series: Armata Series Record # 43594
  • Webpages:
  • Note: A two-volume satire "whose protagonist is driven into the Antarctic by a great storm, discovering an Island there which turns out to be another planet which much resembles Britain. The tale focuses from this point on various issues directly transposed from Britain to Armata. Erskine's literary eloquence and his general cast of mind – which includes a passionate advocacy of animal rights – make his text far more congenial than many of its fellows." --SFE3: "Erskine, Thomas" entry by John Clute HathiTrust Digital Library (catalog record another another) provides full interior views of four books as bound, some evidently miscatalogued, as of 2016-11-13: The first three show London: John Murray, 1817 on all five title pages and may all be copies of 1st eds./printings, judging only by the interior material they include.   The last states "second edition, with additions" on the title page; the novel spans p[3]-210 rather than p[1]-209; and it ends with unnumbered one-page Note evidently for the American edition
    • from Duke U, parts 1 and 2 with two title pages and page-number series; missing part 2 p.ii-iii (also at Internet Archive, linked above)
    • from NYPL, parts 1 and 2 with two title pages and page-number series; intact copy of apparently same eds./printings
    • from U Minnesota, part 1 only; apparently same ed./printing
    • from Indiana U, part 1 only; New York: J. Eastburn & Co., 1817; 2nd ed.
    The Scotsman 1817-09-06 p264 observes that "Lord Erskine, in his Armata, after censuring the immense expense of law proceedings ...", followed by perhaps 200-word quotation from the story, concerning law proceedings in Armata. (No other hit found 2016-11-17 in automated search of newspapers 1816 to 1818; The Scotsman only?)
  • Series Tags: Google Books (2), Internet Archive (2)
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