- Series: The Society of Time Series Record # 61379
- The Society of Time
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Spoil of Yesterday (1962) [SF]
John Brunner
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tijdsmokkel [Dutch] (1967)
- Translation: Erster Teil (Sturz in die Wirklichkeit) [German] (1967)
- Translation: Erster Teil (Im Chaos der Zeit) [German] (1972)
- Translation: Espólio do Passado [Portuguese] (1973)
- Variant: Part 1: Spoil of Yesterday (1974)
Translation: Le pillage du passé?Le pillage du passe[French] (1984)
- Translation: Siegesbeute von gestern [German] (1985)
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The Word Not Written (1962) [SF]
John Brunner
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het ongeschreven woord [Dutch] (1967)
- Translation: Zweiter Teil (Sturz in die Wirklichkeit) [German] (1967)
- Translation: Zweiter Teil (Im Chaos der Zeit) [German] (1972)
- Translation: A Palavra não Escrita [Portuguese] (1973)
- Variant: Part 2: The Word Not Written (1974)
Translation: Le mot non écrit?Le mot non ecrit[French] (1984)
- Translation: Wie es nicht geschrieben stand [German] (1985)
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The Fullness of Time (1962) [SF]
John Brunner
also appeared as:
- Translation: De volheid der tijden [Dutch] (1967)
- Translation: Dritter Teil (Sturz in die Wirklichkeit) [German] (1967)
- Translation: Dritter Teil (Im Chaos der Zeit) [German] (1972)
- Translation: A Plenitude do Tempo [Portuguese] (1973)
- Variant: Part 3: The Fullness of Time (1974)
Translation: Quand les temps seront révolus?Quand les temps seront revolus[French] (1984)
Translation: Da die Zeit erfüllet ward?Da die Zeit erfuellet ward[German] (1985)
Times Without Number (1962) [C]
John Brunner
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het rijk van de tijd [Dutch] (1967)
- Translation: Sturz in die Wirklichkeit [German] (1967)
- Translation: Im Chaos der Zeit [German] (1972)
- Translation: A História em Perigo [Portuguese] (1973)
Translation: À perte de temps?A perte de temps[French] (1984)
- Translation: Zeiten ohne Zahl [German] (1985)
- Serializations:
- Translation: La società del tempo (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1970)
- The Society of Time (2020) [C] by John Brunner
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Spoil of Yesterday (1962) [SF]
John Brunner
also appeared as: