- Series: The Elric Saga Series Record # 644
- Webpages: Wikipedia-EN
- Series Tags: fantasy (24), sword and sorcery (6), wizards (4), into-comics (3), The Seven-League Shelf (2), science fiction (2), quest (2), dragons (2), sword fighting (2), curses (2), chaos (1), magic sword (1), revenge (1), war (1), betrayal (1), magic (1), gods (1), philosophy (1), underground (1), elementals (1) and 20 additional tags. View all tags for The Elric Saga
- The Elric Saga
- 1
Elric of Melniboné (1972)
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Dreaming City (1972)
- Translation: Storm over Melniboné [Dutch] (1976)
- Translation: Elric von Melniboné [German] (1979)
- Translation: La jeunesse d'Elric 1 [French] (1983)
- Translation: La jeunesse d'Elric 2 [French] (1983)
Translation: メルニボネの皇子?メルニボネのみこ[Japanese] (1984) [as by
Merunibone no Mikoマイケル・ムアコック?Maikeru Muakokku] - Translation: Elric des dragons [French] (1987)
- Translation: Elric av Melniboné [Swedish] (1988)
- Translation: Melibonéi Elric [Hungarian] (1993)
- Translation: Elric di Melniboné [Italian] (1997)
- Translation: Príncipe dos Dragőes [Portuguese] (2005)
- Translation: Elric van Melniboné [Dutch] (2007)
- Translation: Elric von Melniboné [German] (2016)
- Translation: Elric von Melniboné [German] (2023)
- 2
The Fortress of the Pearl (1989)
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Translation: La forteresse de la perle [French] (1990)
Translation: 真珠の砦?しんじゅのとりで[Japanese] (1990) [as by
Shinju no Torideマイケル・ムアコック?Maikeru Muakokku] - Translation: Die Festung der Perle [German] (1993)
Translation: Az igazgyöngy erődje?Az igazgyongy erodje[Hungarian] (1996)
Az igazgyoengy erooedje - Translation: La fortezza della perla [Italian] (1998)
- Translation: A Fortaleza da Pérola [Portuguese] (2006)
- Variant: Elric: The Fortress of the Pearl (2013)
- Translation: Die Festung der Perle [German] (2023)
- 3
The Sailor on the Seas of Fate (1976)
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die See des Schicksals [German] (1979)
Translation: この世の彼方の海?このよのあちらのうみ[Japanese] (1984) [as by
Kono Yo no Achira no Umiマイケル・ムアコック?Maikeru Muakokku] - Translation: Le navigateur sur les mers du destin [French] (1988)
Translation: Elric pĺ ödets hav?Elric pa oedets hav[Swedish] (1989)
- Translation: Sui mari del fato [Italian] (1997)
Translation: この世の彼方の海?このよのあちらのうみ[Japanese] (2006) [as by
Kono Yo no Achira no Umiマイクル・ムアコック?Maikeru Muakokku] - Translation: Os mares do destino [Portuguese] (2009)
- Translation: Auf der See des Schicksals [German] (2023)
- 4
The Weird of the White Wolf (1977) [C]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
Translation: Der Zauber des weißen Wolfs?Der Zauber des weissen Wolfs[German] (1980)
Translation: Elric le nécromancien?Elric le necromancien[French] (1981)
Translation: 白き狼の宿命?しろきおおかみのしゅくめい[Japanese] (1985) [as by
Shiroki Ōkami no Shukumei
Shiroki Ookami no Shukumeiマイケル・ムアコック?Maikeru Muakokku] - Translation: Vita vargens öde [Swedish] (1989)
- Translation: Il fato del lupo bianco [Italian] (1997)
Translation: Der Zauber des weißen Wolfs?Der Zauber des weissen Wolfs[German] (2023)
- 5 The Citadel of Forgotten Myths (2022) by Michael Moorcock
- 6
The Sleeping Sorceress (1971)
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Translation: Storm over Tanelorn [Dutch] (1976)
- Variant: The Vanishing Tower (1977)
- Translation: Der verzauberte Turm [German] (1980)
- Translation: La sorcičre dormante [French] (1982)
Translation: 暁の女王マイシェラ?あかつきのじょおうマイシェラ[Japanese] (1985) [as by
Akatsuki no Joō Maishera
Akatsuki no Joou Maisheraマイケル・ムアコック?Maikeru Muakokku] -
Translation: Slottet vid världens kant?Slottet vid vaerldens kant[Swedish] (1990)
- Translation: La torre che svaniva [Italian] (1997)
- Translation: Die schlafende Magierin [German] (2023)
- 7
The Revenge of the Rose (1991)
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Translation: La revanche de la rose [French] (1994)
Translation: 薔薇の復讐?ばらのふくしゅう[Japanese] (1994) [as by
Bara no Fukushū
Bara no Fukushuuマイケル・ムアコック?Maikeru Muakokku] - Translation: Die Rache der Rose [German] (1995)
- Translation: Elric: La vendetta della rosa [Italian] (1998)
- Translation: Die Rache der Rose [German] (2023)
- 8
The Bane of the Black Sword (1977)
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Translation: Im Banne des schwarzen Schwertes [German] (1980)
Translation: L'épée noire?L'epee noire[French] (1982)
Translation: 黒き剣の呪い?くろきつるぎののろい[Japanese] (1985) [as by
Kuroki Tsurugi no Noroiマイケル・ムアコック?Maikeru Muakokku] -
Translation: Det svarta svärdets bane?Det svarta svaerdets bane[Swedish] (1990)
- Translation: La maledizione della spada nera [Italian] (1997)
- Translation: Der Fluch des schwarzen Schwertes [German] (2023)
- 9
Stormbringer (1965)
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Translation: A espada diabólica [Portuguese] (1975)
- Translation: Sturmbringer [German] (1981)
- Translation: Stormbringer [French] (1982)
- Variant: Storm Bringer (1984)
Translation: ストームブリンガー?Sutōmuburingā[Japanese] (1985) [as by
Sutoomuburingaaマイケル・ムアコック?Maikeru Muakokku] - Translation: Elrics sista strid [Swedish] (1991)
- Translation: Tempestosa [Italian] (1997)
- Variant: Elric: Stormbringer! (2014)
- Translation: Sturmbringer [German] (2023)
The Dreaming City (1961) [SF]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
Translation: Die träumende Stadt?Die traeumende Stadt[German] (1980)
- Translation: La cité qui ręve [French] (1981)
Translation: 夢見る都?ゆめみるみやこ[Japanese] (1985) [as by
Yumemiru Miyakoマイケル・ムアコック?Maikeru Muakokku] - Translation: Den drömmande staden [Swedish] (1989)
- Translation: A cidade do sonhar [Portuguese] (2013)
- Variant: Dreaming City (2020)
Translation: Die träumende Stadt?Die traeumende Stadt[German] (2023)
While the Gods Laugh (1961) [SF]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
Translation: Während die Götter lachen?Waehrend die Goetter lachen[German] (1980)
- Translation: Tandis que rient les dieux [French] (1981)
Translation: 神々の笑うとき?かみがみのわらうとき[Japanese] (1985) [as by
Kamigami no Warau Tokiマイケル・ムアコック?Maikeru Muakokku] - Translation: Medan gudarna ler [Swedish] (1989)
Translation: Während die Götter lachen ...?Waehrend die Goetter lachen ...[German] (2023)
- The Stealer of Souls (1962) [SF] by Michael Moorcock
Kings in Darkness (1962) [SF]
James Cawthorn
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Variant: Kings in Darkness (1962) [as by Michael Moorcock]
Translation: Könige in Dunkelheit?Koenige in Dunkelheit[German] (2001) [as by Michael Moorcock]
The Flame Bringers (1962) [SF]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Caravan of Forgotten Dreams (1962)
- The Stealer of Souls and Other Stories (1963) [C] by Michael Moorcock
Dead God's Homecoming (1963) [SF]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le retour du dieu mort [French] (1979)
- Black Sword's Brothers (1963) [SF] by Michael Moorcock
- Sad Giant's Shield (1964) [SF] by Michael Moorcock
- Doomed Lord's Passing (1964) [SF] by Michael Moorcock
Master of Chaos (1964) [SF]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Dream of Earl Aubec (1964)
- Variant: Master of Chaos (Earl Aubec) (1964)
- Translation: An der Grenze zum Chaos [German] (1974)
- Translation: Der Traum des Grafen Aubec [German] (1980)
- Translation: Meester van de chaos [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: Le songe du comte Aubec [French] (1981)
Translation: オーベック伯の夢?オーベックはくのゆめ[Japanese] (1985) [as by
Ōbekku Haku no Yume
Oobekku Haku no Yumeマイケル・ムアコック?Maikeru Muakokku] - Translation: Greve Aubecs dröm [Swedish] (1989)
- Translation: Herr des Chaos [German] (2016)
- Translation: Der Herr des Chaos [German] (2017)
The Singing Citadel (1967) [SF]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die singende Zitadelle [German] (1973)
- Translation: Die Singende Zitadelle [German] (1980)
- Translation: La citadelle qui chante [French] (1981)
Translation: 歌う城砦?うたうじょうさい[Japanese] (1985) [as by
Utau Jōsai
Utau Jousaiマイケル・ムアコック?Maikeru Muakokku] - Translation: Den sjungande fästningen [Swedish] (1989)
- Translation: Die singende Zitadelle [German] (2023)
- The Singing Citadel (1970) [C] by Michael Moorcock
- The Sleeping Sorceress (1971) [SF] by Michael Moorcock
- Elric: The Return to Melniboné (1973) [SF] [graphic format] by Michael Moorcock
The Jade Man's Eyes (1973) [SF]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Jademann [German] (1975)
- Translation: Les yeux de l'homme de jade [French] (1983)
The Lands Beyond the World (1977) [SF]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gefangen im Jenseits [German] (1979)
- Translation: De Landen Achter de Wereld [Dutch] (1981)
The Last Enchantment (1978) [SF]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Last Enchantment (Jesting with Chaos) (1978)
- Translation: Le dernier enchantement [French] (1997)
- Translation: Die letzte Verzauberung [German] (1998)
Elric (1979) [graphic format]
Frank Brunner
Michael Moorcock
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Elric (Part 1 of 2) (1979)
- Elric (Part 2 of 2) (1979)
Elric at the End of Time (1984) [C]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
Translation: Elric ŕ la fin des temps?Elric a la fin des temps[French] (1997)
- Elrics sista strid (synopsis) (1991) [SF] by Michael Moorcock
The White Wolf's Song (1994) [SF]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Black Blade's Summoning (1995)
- Translation: Le chant du loup blanc [French] (1996)
- Variant: The Black Blade's Song (The White Wolf's Song) (2008)
- Translation: A cançăo do lobo branco [Portuguese] (2009)
- Variant: The Black Blade's Song (2019)
- Elric: Stormbringer (1998) [SF] by P. Craig Russell
And So the Great Emperor Received His Education ... (2003) [SF]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
Translation: Und so lernte der große Herrscher?Und so lernte der grosse Herrscher[German] (2016)
- Le cycle d'Elric (2006) [O] by Michael Moorcock
- Elric et la porte des mondes (2006) [A] by Richard Comballot
- A Portrait in Ivory (2007) [SF] by Michael Moorcock
Black Petals (2008) [SF]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Black Petals (Part 1 of 3) (2011)
- Black Petals (Part 2 of 3) (2011)
- Black Petals (Part 3 of 3) (2011)
- Red Pearls: An Elric Story (2010) [SF] by Michael Moorcock
Elric of Melniboné and Other Stories (2013) [C]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Translation: Elric: Der Blutthron [German] (2016)
- Elric: The Sailor on the Seas of Fate (2013) [C] by Michael Moorcock
- Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress (2013) [C] by Michael Moorcock
- Elric: The Revenge of the Rose (2014) [C] by Michael Moorcock
- Elric of Melniboné (2019) [C] by Michael Moorcock
- The Fortress of the Pearl (2019) [C] by Michael Moorcock
- The Sailor on the Seas of Fate (2019) [C] by Michael Moorcock
- The Sleeping Sorceress (2020) [C] by Michael Moorcock
- The Folk of the Forest (2023) [SF] by Michael Moorcock
- Chronicles of the Last Emperor of Melnibone
- 1 Elric: The Stealer of Souls (2008) [C] by Michael Moorcock
- 2 Elric: To Rescue Tanelorn (2008) [C] by Michael Moorcock
- 3 Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress (2008) [O/6+SF] by Michael Moorcock
- 4 Duke Elric (2009) [O] by Michael Moorcock
- 5 Elric: In the Dream Realms (2009) [O] by Michael Moorcock
- 6 Elric: Swords and Roses (2010) [O] by Michael Moorcock
- Elric (homage stories)
The Dragon's Heart (1994) [SF]
Nancy A. Collins
also appeared as:
Translation: Le cur du dragon?Le coeur du dragon[French] (1997)
Too Few Years of Solitude (1994) [SF]
Stewart Wieck
only appeared as:
- Variant: Too Few Years of Solitude (1994) [as by Stewart von Allmen]
- Translation: Une trop courte solitude [French] (1996) [as by Stewart von Allmen]
The Song of Shaarilla (1994) [POEM]
James S. Dorr
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le chant de Shaarilla [French] (1996)
Beyond the Balance (1994) [SF]
Nancy Holder
also appeared as:
Translation: Au-delŕ de la balance?Au-dela de la balance[French] (1997)
The Trembler on the Axis (1994) [SF]
Peter Crowther
James Lovegrove
also appeared as:
- Translation: Funambule sur l'axe [French] (1997)
Arioch's Gift (1994) [SF]
Charles Partington
also appeared as:
Translation: Le présent d'Arioch?Le present d'Arioch[French] (1997)
The Other Sword (1994) [SF]
Robert Weinberg
also appeared as:
Translation: L'autre épée?L'autre epee[French] (1997)
Temptations of Iron (1994) [SF]
Colin Greenland
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tentations de fer [French] (1997)
The White Child (1994) [SF]
Jody Lynn Nye
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'enfant blanche [French] (1997)
The Soul of an Old Machine (1994) [SF]
Thomas E. Fuller
also appeared as:
Translation: L'âme d'une vieille machine?L'ame d'une vieille machine[French] (1997)
A Woman's Power (1994) [SF]
Doug Murray
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le pouvoir d'une femme [French] (1997)
White Wolf's Awakening (1994) [SF]
Paul W. Cashman
also appeared as:
Translation: L'éveil du loup blanc?L'eveil du loup blanc[French] (1997)
Celebration of Celene (1994) [SF]
Gary Gygax
also appeared as:
Translation: Célébration de Célčne?Celebration de Celene[French] (1996)
The Guardian at the Gate (1994) [SF]
Scott Ciencin
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le gardien de la porte [French] (1996)
Providence (1994) [SF]
Kevin T. Stein
also appeared as:
- Translation: Providence [French] (1996)
The Littlest Stormbringer (1994) [SF]
Brad Linaweaver
William Alan Ritch
also appeared as:
- Translation: Stormbringer et les enfants [French] (1996)
The Gate of Dreaming (1994) [SF]
Brad Strickland
also appeared as:
Translation: La porte des ręves?La porte des reves[French] (1996)
Kingsfire (1994) [SF]
Richard Lee Byers
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kingsfire [French] (1996)
A Devil Unknown (1994) [SF]
Roland J. Green
Frieda A. Murray
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un diable inconnu [French] (1996)
Go Ask Elric (1994) [SF]
Tad Williams
also appeared as:
Translation: Demande ça ŕ Elric?Demande ca a Elric[French] (1996)
Now Cracks a Noble Heart (1994) [SF]
David M. Honigsberg
also appeared as:
Translation: Voici que se brise un noble cur?Voici que se brise un noble coeur[French] (1996)
Michael Moorcock's Elric: Tales of the White Wolf (1994) [A]
Richard Gilliam
Edward E. Kramer
also appeared as:
Translation: Par-delŕ le Multivers?Par-dela le Multivers[French] (1996)
- Translation: La gloire d'Elric [French] (1997)
The Dragon's Heart (1994) [SF]
Nancy A. Collins
also appeared as:
- Oona Von Bek
- 1
The Dreamthief's Daughter (2001)
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Translation: La fille de la voleuse de ręves [French] (2002)
- Translation: Tochter der Traumdiebe [German] (2002)
- Variant: Daughter of Dreams (2013)
- 2
The Skrayling Tree (2003)
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Variant: Destiny's Brother (2013)
- 3
The White Wolf's Son (2005)
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Variant: Son of the Wolf (2013)
The Elric Saga: Part IV (2005) [O/1-3]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Variant: Elric: The Moonbeam Roads (2014) [O]
- Variant: The White Wolf (2022) [O]
- 1
The Dreamthief's Daughter (2001)
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- The Elric Saga Omnibus
- The Elric Saga: Part One (1984) [O/1,3,4] by Michael Moorcock
- The Elric Saga: Part Two (1984) [O/4,5,6] by Michael Moorcock
Elric von Melniboné: Die Sage vom Ende der Zeit (1984) [O/1,3,4,6,8,9]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Translation: La saga di Elric di Melnibonč [Italian] (1997) [O/1-6]
Elric of Melniboné (1993) [O/1-3+3SF]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Variant: Elric: Song of the Black Sword (1995) [O]
Stormbringer (1993) [O/6,7,9+3SF]
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as:
- Variant: Elric: The Stealer of Souls (1998) [O]
- Elric (2001) [O/6+SF] by Michael Moorcock
- The Elric Saga: Part III (2003) [O/2,7] by Michael Moorcock
- Elric of Melniboné (2022) [O/1-4] by Michael Moorcock
- Stormbringer (2022) [O/6-9] by Michael Moorcock
- Elric (2023) [O/1-8] by Michael Moorcock
- 1
Elric of Melniboné (1972)
Michael Moorcock
also appeared as: