- Series: Fucking Scumbags Burn in Hell Series Record # 66739
- Fucking Scumbags Burn in Hell
- Call Me Hoop: Season 1 (2022) [A] by Lucy Leitner and C. S. Mendes
- A Little Bit County (2022) [SF] by Drew Stepek
- The Skid Row Slugger (2022) [SF] by Drew Stepek
- The Poser (2022) [SF] by Drew Stepek
- Karen (2022) [SF] by Lucy Leitner
- Skin Deep (2022) [SF] by Lucas Milliron
- Pink (2022) [SF] by John Shupeck, Jr.
- Hell Week (2022) [SF] by Lewis Kelly
- Freak Fuck (2022) [SF] by Peter Caffrey
- The Scratching Post (2022) [SF] by Dani Brown
- The Trap House (2022) [SF] by Drew Stepek
- The Profile (2022) [SF] by Ryan Harding
- The Diner (2022) [SF] by Drew Stepek