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Publication: The Trouble with Aliens

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  • Publication: The Trouble with AliensPublication Record # 281687
  • Author: Christopher Anvil
  • Date: 2006-08-08
  • ISBN: 1-4165-2077-5 [978-1-4165-2077-1]
  • Publisher: Baen Books
  • Price:
    $5.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
  • Format:
    ebook?Used for all electronic formats, including but not limited to EPUB, eReader, HTML, iBook, Mobipocket, and PDF.
  • Cover: The Trouble with Aliens by Bob Eggleton
  • Notes: This unpaginated ebook is available from in multiple formats: Rocket eBook (.rb), Mobipocket/Kindle (.prc), Microsoft (.lit), Sony (.lrf), Rich Text Format (.rtf) and HTML (.html) Added Note: The ISBN of this ebook is duplicated by Webscriptions from the original Baen hardcover edition. Placeholder page numbers have been entered to retain the correct order. Cover design, Jennie Rafies Edited by Eric Flint.
Cover art supplied by
The displayed Amazon image is based on the publication's ISBN. It may no longer reflect the actual cover of this particular edition.
Collection Title: The Trouble with Aliens • (2006) • collection by Christopher Anvil

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