- Publication: The Book of Sea MonstersPublication Record # 303593
- Authors: Bob Eggleton, Nigel Suckling
- Date: 1998-10-00
- ISBN: 0-87951-860-X [978-0-87951-860-8]
- Publisher: The Overlook Press
Price: $24.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
- Pages: 112
Format: tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
- Cover: The Book of Sea Monsters (1998) • by Bob Eggleton
External IDs:
- OCLC/WorldCat: 38206843
Nonfiction Title:
The Book of Sea Monsters • (1998) • nonfiction by Bob Eggleton and Nigel Suckling
Contents (view Concise Listing)
- The Book of Sea Monsters • (1998) • interior artwork by Bob Eggleton
Secondary Verifications
Source | Status | Verifier | Date |
Locus1 | Verified | Bluesman | 2009-12-01 04:18:23 |
OCLC/Worldcat | Verified | Rtrace | 2017-07-18 21:09:48 |