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Publication: Carnival of Feminist SF

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  • Publication: Carnival of Feminist SFPublication Record # 325975
  • Author: Liz Henry
  • Date: 2009-00-00
  • ISBN: 978-1-933500-30-0 [1-933500-30-1]
  • Publisher: Aqueduct Press
  • Price:
    $18.00?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
  • Pages: xv+249
  • Format:
    tp?Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.
  • Cover: The WisCon Chronicles Volume 3: Carnival of Feminist SF by L. A.
  • Webpages:
  • Notes:
    • Data from Internet Archive scan
    • "First Edition: 2009"
    • Record had an unsourced date of "2009-07-01" while has "2009-08-01" as of 2023-11-23.
    • First printing per number line
    • Cover artist credit per copyright page
    • Interior artist credit ("Cartoons of authors") per copyright page
    • Essays are followed, on last page of essay, with a brief biographic blurb of the author(s) and some have a cartoon drawing of author(s)
    • "Women and Hard SF", "Fanfic and Slash 201", "Elves and Dwarves", and "Can Internet Drama Change the World?" are transcripts of panel discussions where transcriber is not credited
    • "It's Not About Identity" is a panel transcript that is credited as "Transcript notes by Josh Lukin with additions in italics by Liz Henry"
Cover art supplied by Open Library
Nonfiction Title: Carnival of Feminist SF • [The WisCon Chronicles • 3] • nonfiction by Liz Henry

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