- Publication: The King of the Golden RiverPublication Record # 326048
- Author: John Ruskin
- Date: 2005-09-20
- ISBN: 1-894965-15-9 [978-1-894965-15-6]
- Publisher: Simply Read Books
Price: $19.95?$: US dollar. ISO code: USD
- Pages: 65
Format: hc?Hardcover. Used for all hardbacks of any size.
- Cover:
The King of the Golden River by Ясен Гюзелев?Yasen Gyuselev[as by Iassen Ghiuselev]
Notes: Data from Amazon.com as of 2010-07-21.
Chapbook Title:
The King of the Golden River • (1851) • chapbook by John Ruskin
Contents (view Concise Listing)
- The King of the Golden River • (1841) • novelette by John Ruskin
- The King of the Golden River • interior artwork by Ясен Гюзелев?Yasen Gyuselev[as by Iassen Ghiuselev]