- Publication: Reino da Muralha, 1º volumePublication Record # 378671
- Author: Robert Silverberg
- Date: 1996-00-00
- ISBN: 972-1-04162-9 [978-972-1-04162-2]
Publisher: Publicações Europa-América?Publicacoes Europa-America
- Pub. Series: Livros de Bolso, série Ficção Científica
- Pub. Series #: 221
- Pages: 144
Format: unknown?The publication record was created from a secondary source and the publication format is unknown.
- Type: NOVEL
- Data from Bibliowiki of Fantastic Literature in Portuguese
- Translated by Maria Mello
- Original title: Kingdoms of the Wall
Contents (view Concise Listing)
- Reino da Muralha, 1º volume • novel by Robert Silverberg (trans. of Kingdoms of the Wall 1992)